OptionsDialog 0 0 371 482 Select Options &Border true true Select different types of borders, or turn the border off. Windows without a border are ignored by the window manager. &Normal Alt+N true A normal border Gives the window a normal, resizable border. The window should have a layout installed to handle the resizing gracefully. &Dialog Alt+D A thin dialog border Gives the window a thin dialog border. Depending on the window manager the window will not be resizable. Use QWidget::setFixedSize() in addition to enforce a static size on all systems. &Titlebar true true Select different controls you want to see in the titlebar, or turn the titlebar off. Popup windows should not have a titlebar. S&ystem Menu Alt+Y true A window system menu. Adds a window system menu. Many window managers require a system menu to be able to provide minimize or maximize controls. A system menu implies a close button. Minimi&ze Alt+Z A minimize button Adds a minimze button. This option requires a system menu on many window managers. Ma&ximize Alt+X A maximize button Adds a maximze button. This option requires a system menu on many window managers. &What's This Alt+W A context help button Adds a context help button. This option requires a system menu on many window managers, and often doesn't work together with minimize and maximize buttons. Behavior true Select different behaviors of the window in runtime. Taskbar &Entry Alt+E Entry in the taskbar Gives the window a separate task bar entry. Stays on T&op Alt+O Stay on top of the desktop Informs the window system that the window should stay on top of all other windows, including windows from other applications. This is not supported on all X11 window managers. false &Popup Alt+P A popup window Indicates that this widget is a popup window. Popup windows are modal, but close automatically when the mouse is clicked. Too&l Alt+L A tool window Makes the window a tool window. Tool windows often have a smaller titlebar and decoration, and don't activate automtically when displayed. Tool windows often cannot have their own taskbar entry. &Modal Alt+M Show modal The window is modal for the application, e.g. input for other windows are blocked by this window. 20 31 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical Properties true Set other properties of the window. Caption Window caption The caption of the window. Icon file Provide an image file. ... Pick an icon Select an image file. 100 10 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksBelow 10 Window transparency Set the transparency of the window. A high value gives a high window transparency, e.g. it is less visible. Note that this attribute is not supported on many windowing systems and will have no effect. Transp&arency: slTransparency false &Icon: leIcon false &Caption: leCaption false 70 21 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal Apply true Creates a new window with the selected flags, or modifies the visible window. Close Closes this dialog and exits the application. qPixmapFromMimeSource qpointer.h q3vbox.h pbClose clicked() OptionsDialog close() pbApply clicked() OptionsDialog apply() bgBorder toggled(bool) bgTitle setEnabled(bool) cbTitleSystem toggled(bool) cbTitleMinimize setEnabled(bool) cbTitleSystem toggled(bool) cbTitleMaximize setEnabled(bool) cbTitleSystem toggled(bool) cbTitleContext setEnabled(bool) bgTitle toggled(bool) cbBehaviorPopup setDisabled(bool) cbBehaviorPopup toggled(bool) bgTitle setDisabled(bool) tbPick clicked() OptionsDialog pickIcon()