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** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#ifdef Q_OS_WINCE_WM

#include <Ddraw.h>
#include <QDebug>

static LPDIRECTDRAW                g_pDD = NULL;            // DirectDraw object
static LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE         g_pDDSSurface = NULL;    // DirectDraw primary surface

static DDSCAPS ddsCaps;
static DDSURFACEDESC ddsSurfaceDesc;
static void *buffer = NULL;

static int width = 0;
static int height = 0;
static int pitch = 0;
static int bitCount = 0;
static int windowId = 0;

static bool initialized = false;
static bool locked = false;

void q_lock()
    if (locked) {
        qWarning("Direct Painter already locked (QDirectPainter::lock())");
    locked = true;

    memset(&ddsSurfaceDesc, 0, sizeof(ddsSurfaceDesc));
    ddsSurfaceDesc.dwSize = sizeof(ddsSurfaceDesc);

    HRESULT h = g_pDDSSurface->Lock(0, &ddsSurfaceDesc, DDLOCK_WRITEONLY, 0);
    if (h != DD_OK)
        qDebug() << "GetSurfaceDesc failed!";

    width = ddsSurfaceDesc.dwWidth;
    height = ddsSurfaceDesc.dwHeight;
    bitCount = ddsSurfaceDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount;
    pitch = ddsSurfaceDesc.lPitch;
    buffer = ddsSurfaceDesc.lpSurface;

void q_unlock()
    if( !locked) {
        qWarning("Direct Painter not locked (QDirectPainter::unlock()");
    locked = false;

void q_initDD()
    if (initialized)

    DirectDrawCreate(NULL, &g_pDD, NULL);

    HRESULT h;
    h = g_pDD->SetCooperativeLevel(0, DDSCL_NORMAL);

    if (h != DD_OK)
        qDebug() << "cooperation level failed";

    h = g_pDD->TestCooperativeLevel();
    if (h != DD_OK)
        qDebug() << "cooperation level failed test";

    memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd));
    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);

    ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS;

    ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE;

    h = g_pDD->CreateSurface(&ddsd, &g_pDDSSurface, NULL);

    if (h != DD_OK)
        qDebug() << "CreateSurface failed!";

    if (g_pDDSSurface->GetCaps(&ddsCaps) != DD_OK)
        qDebug() << "GetCaps failed";

    initialized = true;

uchar* q_frameBuffer()
    return (uchar*) buffer;

int q_screenDepth()
    return bitCount;

int q_screenWidth()
    return width;

int q_screenHeight()
    return height;

int q_linestep()
    return pitch;

#endif //Q_OS_WINCE_WM