** Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#ifndef PatternistSDK_TestSuiteHandler_H
#define PatternistSDK_TestSuiteHandler_H

#include <QStack>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QXmlDefaultHandler>

#include "ExternalSourceLoader.h"
#include "TestSuite.h"
#include "XQTSTestCase.h"



namespace QPatternistSDK
    class TestBaseLine;

     * @short Creates a TestSuite from the XQuery Test Suite catalog,
     * represented as a SAX stream.
     * The created TestSuite can be retrieved via testSuite().
     * @note TestSuiteHandler assumes the XML is valid by having been validated
     * against the W3C XML Schema. It have no safety checks for that the XML format
     * is correct but is hard coded for it. Thus, the behavior is undefined if
     * the XML is invalid.
     * @ingroup PatternistSDK
     * @author Frans Englich <frans.englich@nokia.com>
    class Q_PATTERNISTSDK_EXPORT TestSuiteHandler : public QXmlDefaultHandler
         * @param catalogFile the URI for the catalog file being parsed. This
         * URI is used for creating absolute URIs for files mentioned in
         * the catalog with relative URIs.
         * @param useExclusionList whether excludeTestGroups.txt should be used to ignore
         * test groups when loading
        TestSuiteHandler(const QUrl &catalogFile,
                         const bool useExclusionList);
        virtual bool characters(const QString &ch);

        virtual bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI,
                                const QString &localName,
                                const QString &qName);
        virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI,
                                  const QString &localName,
                                  const QString &qName,
                                  const QXmlAttributes &atts);

        virtual TestSuite *testSuite() const;

        QStringList readExclusionList(const bool useExclusionList) const;

        TestSuite *                         m_ts;
        TestContainer *                     m_container;
        XQTSTestCase *                      m_tc;
        TestBaseLine *                      m_baseLine;
        QString                             m_ch;
        const QUrl                          m_catalogFile;

         * The extension of XQuery files. For example, ".xq"
        QString                             m_xqueryFileExtension;

         * The base URI for where the XQuery query files are found.
         * It is absolute, resolved against catalogFile.
        QUrl                                m_queryOffset;

        QUrl                                m_baselineOffset;
        QUrl                                m_sourceOffset;
        QUrl                                m_currentQueryPath;
        QUrl                                m_currentBaselinePath;

         * In the XQTSCatalog.xml, each source file in each test is referred to
         * by a key, which can be fully looked up in the @c sources element. This QHash
         * maps the keys to absolute URIs pointing to the source files.
        ExternalSourceLoader::SourceMap     m_sourceMap;

        ExternalSourceLoader::VariableMap   m_tcSourceInputs;

        QPatternist::ResourceLoader::Ptr     m_resourceLoader;

         * The current value of <tt>input-file/\@variable/</tt>.
        QString                             m_currentInputVariable;

         * The names of the test groups we're excluding.
        const QStringList                   m_exclusionList;

         * This is set when we're inside a test-group that we're excluding.
        bool                                m_isExcluding;

         * The names of the test groups.
        QStack<QString>                     m_testGroupName;

         * Holds the content of the current <tt>input-URI</tt> element.
        QString                             m_inputURI;
        QString                             m_contextItemSource;



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