/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** This file is part of the QCLucene library and is distributable under ** the terms of the LGPL license as specified in the license.txt file. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qdocument_p.h" #include "qreader_p.h" #include "qclucene_global_p.h" #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QCLuceneDocumentPrivate::QCLuceneDocumentPrivate() : QSharedData() { document = 0; deleteCLuceneDocument = true; } QCLuceneDocumentPrivate::QCLuceneDocumentPrivate(const QCLuceneDocumentPrivate &other) : QSharedData() { document = _CL_POINTER(other.document); } QCLuceneDocumentPrivate::~QCLuceneDocumentPrivate() { if (deleteCLuceneDocument) _CLDECDELETE(document); } QCLuceneDocument::QCLuceneDocument() : d(new QCLuceneDocumentPrivate()) { // nothing todo d->document = new lucene::document::Document(); } QCLuceneDocument::~QCLuceneDocument() { qDeleteAll(fieldList); fieldList.clear(); } void QCLuceneDocument::add(QCLuceneField *field) { field->d->deleteCLuceneField = false; d->document->add(*field->d->field); fieldList.append(field); } QCLuceneField* QCLuceneDocument::getField(const QString &name) const { QCLuceneField* field = 0; foreach (field, fieldList) { if (field->name() == name && field->d->field != 0) return field; } field = 0; TCHAR *fieldName = QStringToTChar(name); lucene::document::Field *f = d->document->getField(fieldName); if (f) { field = new QCLuceneField(); field->d->field = f; fieldList.append(field); field->d->deleteCLuceneField = false; lucene::util::Reader *r = f->readerValue(); if (r) { field->reader->d->reader = r; field->reader->d->deleteCLuceneReader = false; } } delete [] fieldName; return field; } QString QCLuceneDocument::get(const QString &name) const { QCLuceneField* field = getField(name); if (field) return field->stringValue(); return QString(); } QString QCLuceneDocument::toString() const { return TCharToQString(d->document->toString()); } void QCLuceneDocument::setBoost(qreal boost) { d->document->setBoost(qreal(boost)); } qreal QCLuceneDocument::getBoost() const { return qreal(d->document->getBoost()); } void QCLuceneDocument::removeField(const QString &name) { TCHAR *fieldName = QStringToTChar(name); d->document->removeField(fieldName); delete [] fieldName; QList tmp; lucene::document::DocumentFieldEnumeration *dfe = d->document->fields(); while (dfe->hasMoreElements()) { const lucene::document::Field* f = dfe->nextElement(); foreach (QCLuceneField* field, fieldList) { if (f == field->d->field) { tmp.append(field); break; } } } _CLDELETE(dfe); fieldList = tmp; } void QCLuceneDocument::removeFields(const QString &name) { for (qint32 i = fieldList.count() -1; i >= 0; --i) { QCLuceneField* field = fieldList.at(i); if (field->name() == name) delete fieldList.takeAt(i); } TCHAR *fieldName = QStringToTChar(name); d->document->removeFields(fieldName); delete [] fieldName; } QStringList QCLuceneDocument::getValues(const QString &name) const { TCHAR *fieldName = QStringToTChar(name); TCHAR **values = d->document->getValues(fieldName); QStringList retValue; if (values) { for (qint32 i = 0; 0 != values[i]; ++i) { retValue.append(TCharToQString((const TCHAR*)values[i])); delete [] values[i]; values[i] = 0; } delete values; } delete [] fieldName; return retValue; } void QCLuceneDocument::clear() { d->document->clear(); qDeleteAll(fieldList); fieldList.clear(); } QT_END_NAMESPACE