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#include "codeparser.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "config.h"


#define COMMAND_COMPAT                  Doc::alias(QLatin1String("compat"))
#define COMMAND_DEPRECATED              Doc::alias(QLatin1String("deprecated")) // ### don't document
#define COMMAND_INGROUP                 Doc::alias(QLatin1String("ingroup"))
#define COMMAND_INMODULE                Doc::alias(QLatin1String("inmodule"))  // ### don't document
#define COMMAND_INTERNAL                Doc::alias(QLatin1String("internal"))
#define COMMAND_MAINCLASS               Doc::alias(QLatin1String("mainclass"))
#define COMMAND_NONREENTRANT            Doc::alias(QLatin1String("nonreentrant"))
#define COMMAND_OBSOLETE                Doc::alias(QLatin1String("obsolete"))
#define COMMAND_PAGEKEYWORDS            Doc::alias(QLatin1String("pagekeywords"))
#define COMMAND_PRELIMINARY             Doc::alias(QLatin1String("preliminary"))
#define COMMAND_INPUBLICGROUP           Doc::alias(QLatin1String("inpublicgroup"))
#define COMMAND_REENTRANT               Doc::alias(QLatin1String("reentrant"))
#define COMMAND_SINCE                   Doc::alias(QLatin1String("since"))
#define COMMAND_SUBTITLE                Doc::alias(QLatin1String("subtitle"))
#define COMMAND_THREADSAFE              Doc::alias(QLatin1String("threadsafe"))
#define COMMAND_TITLE                   Doc::alias(QLatin1String("title"))

QList<CodeParser *> CodeParser::parsers;
bool CodeParser::showInternal = false;
QMap<QString,QString> CodeParser::nameToTitle;

  The constructor adds this code parser to the static
  list of code parsers.

  The destructor removes this code parser from the static
  list of code parsers.

  Initialize the code parser base class.
void CodeParser::initializeParser(const Config& config)
    showInternal = config.getBool(QLatin1String(CONFIG_SHOWINTERNAL));

  Terminating a code parser is trivial.
void CodeParser::terminateParser()
    // nothing.

QStringList CodeParser::headerFileNameFilter()
    return sourceFileNameFilter();

void CodeParser::parseHeaderFile(const Location& location,
                                 const QString& filePath,
                                 Tree *tree)
    parseSourceFile(location, filePath, tree);

void CodeParser::doneParsingHeaderFiles(Tree *tree)

  All the code parsers in the static list are initialized here,
  after the qdoc configuration variables have been set.
void CodeParser::initialize(const Config& config)
    QList<CodeParser *>::ConstIterator p = parsers.begin();
    while (p != parsers.end()) {

  All the code parsers in the static list are terminated here.
void CodeParser::terminate()
    QList<CodeParser *>::ConstIterator p = parsers.begin();
    while (p != parsers.end()) {

CodeParser *CodeParser::parserForLanguage(const QString& language)
    QList<CodeParser *>::ConstIterator p = parsers.begin();
    while (p != parsers.end()) {
	if ((*p)->language() == language)
	    return *p;
    return 0;

CodeParser *CodeParser::parserForHeaderFile(const QString &filePath)
    QString fileName = QFileInfo(filePath).fileName();

    QList<CodeParser *>::ConstIterator p = parsers.begin();
    while (p != parsers.end()) {

	QStringList headerPatterns = (*p)->headerFileNameFilter();
	foreach (QString pattern, headerPatterns) {
            QRegExp re(pattern, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard);
            if (re.exactMatch(fileName))
                return *p;
    return 0;

CodeParser *CodeParser::parserForSourceFile(const QString &filePath)
    QString fileName = QFileInfo(filePath).fileName();

    QList<CodeParser *>::ConstIterator p = parsers.begin();
    while (p != parsers.end()) {

	QStringList sourcePatterns = (*p)->sourceFileNameFilter();
	foreach (QString pattern, sourcePatterns) {
            QRegExp re(pattern, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard);
            if (re.exactMatch(fileName))
                return *p;
    return 0;

  Returns the set of strings representing the common metacommands.
QSet<QString> CodeParser::commonMetaCommands()
    return QSet<QString>() << COMMAND_COMPAT
                           << COMMAND_DEPRECATED
                           << COMMAND_INGROUP
                           << COMMAND_INMODULE
                           << COMMAND_INTERNAL
                           << COMMAND_MAINCLASS
                           << COMMAND_NONREENTRANT
                           << COMMAND_OBSOLETE
                           << COMMAND_PAGEKEYWORDS
                           << COMMAND_PRELIMINARY
                           << COMMAND_INPUBLICGROUP
                           << COMMAND_REENTRANT
                           << COMMAND_SINCE
                           << COMMAND_SUBTITLE
                           << COMMAND_THREADSAFE
                           << COMMAND_TITLE;

  The topic command has been processed. Now process the other
  metacommands that were found. These are not the text markup
void CodeParser::processCommonMetaCommand(const Location &location,
                                          const QString &command,
					  const QString &arg,
                                          Node *node,
                                          Tree *tree)
    if (command == COMMAND_COMPAT) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_DEPRECATED) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_INGROUP) {
	tree->addToGroup(node, arg);
    else if (command == COMMAND_INPUBLICGROUP) {
        tree->addToPublicGroup(node, arg);
    else if (command == COMMAND_INMODULE) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_MAINCLASS) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_OBSOLETE) {
        if (node->status() != Node::Compat)
    else if (command == COMMAND_NONREENTRANT) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_PRELIMINARY) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_INTERNAL) {
        if (!showInternal) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_REENTRANT) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_SINCE) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_PAGEKEYWORDS) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_SUBTITLE) {
	if (node->type() == Node::Fake) {
	    FakeNode *fake = static_cast<FakeNode *>(node);
            location.warning(tr("Ignored '\\%1'").arg(COMMAND_SUBTITLE));
    else if (command == COMMAND_THREADSAFE) {
    else if (command == COMMAND_TITLE) {
	if (node->type() == Node::Fake) {
	    FakeNode *fake = static_cast<FakeNode *>(node);
            if (fake->subType() == Node::Example) {

	    location.warning(tr("Ignored '\\%1'").arg(COMMAND_TITLE));

  Find the page title given the page \a name and return it.
const QString CodeParser::titleFromName(const QString& name)
    const QString t = nameToTitle.value(name);
    return t;