** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
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** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
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#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H

#include <QMap>
#include <QSet>
#include <QStringList>

#include "location.h"


typedef QMultiMap<QString, QString> QStringMultiMap;

class Config
    Config(const QString& programName);

    void load(const QString& fileName);
    void unload(const QString& fileName);
    void setStringList(const QString& var, const QStringList& values);

    const QString& programName() const { return prog; }
    const Location& location() const { return loc; }
    const Location& lastLocation() const { return lastLoc; }
    bool getBool(const QString& var) const;
    int getInt(const QString& var) const;
    QString getString(const QString& var) const;
    QSet<QString> getStringSet(const QString& var) const;
    QStringList getStringList(const QString& var) const;
    QRegExp getRegExp(const QString& var) const;
    QList<QRegExp> getRegExpList(const QString& var) const;
    QSet<QString> subVars(const QString& var) const;
    void subVarsAndValues(const QString& var, QStringMultiMap& t) const;
    QStringList getAllFiles(const QString& filesVar, 
                            const QString& dirsVar,
                            const QSet<QString> &excludedDirs = QSet<QString>());

    static QStringList getFilesHere(const QString& dir,
                                    const QString& nameFilter,
                                    const QSet<QString> &excludedDirs = QSet<QString>());
    static QString findFile(const Location& location, 
                            const QStringList &files,
                            const QStringList& dirs, 
                            const QString& fileName,
                            QString& userFriendlyFilePath);
    static QString findFile(const Location &location, 
                            const QStringList &files,
                            const QStringList &dirs, 
                            const QString &fileBase,
                            const QStringList &fileExtensions,
                            QString &userFriendlyFilePath);
    static QString copyFile(const Location& location,
                            const QString& sourceFilePath,
                            const QString& userFriendlySourceFilePath,
                            const QString& targetDirPath);
    static int numParams(const QString& value);
    static bool removeDirContents(const QString& dir);

    QT_STATIC_CONST QString dot;

    static bool isMetaKeyChar(QChar ch);
    void load(Location location, const QString& fileName);

    QString prog;
    Location loc;
    Location lastLoc;
    QMap<QString, Location> locMap;
    QMap<QString, QStringList> stringListValueMap;
    QMap<QString, QString> stringValueMap;

    static QMap<QString, QString> uncompressedFiles;
    static QMap<QString, QString> extractedDirs;
    static int numInstances;

#define CONFIG_ALIAS                    "alias"
#define CONFIG_BASE                     "base"      // ### don't document for now
#define CONFIG_CODEINDENT               "codeindent"
#define CONFIG_DEFINES                  "defines"
#define CONFIG_DESCRIPTION              "description"
#define CONFIG_EDITION                  "edition"
#define CONFIG_ENDHEADER                "endheader"
#define CONFIG_EXAMPLEDIRS              "exampledirs"
#define CONFIG_EXAMPLES                 "examples"
#define CONFIG_EXCLUDEDIRS              "excludedirs"
#define CONFIG_EXTRAIMAGES              "extraimages"
#define CONFIG_FALSEHOODS               "falsehoods"
#define CONFIG_FORMATTING               "formatting"
#define CONFIG_GENERATEINDEX            "generateindex"
#define CONFIG_HEADERDIRS               "headerdirs"
#define CONFIG_HEADERS                  "headers"
#define CONFIG_HEADERSCRIPTS            "headerscripts"
#define CONFIG_HEADERSTYLES             "headerstyles"
#define CONFIG_IGNOREDIRECTIVES         "ignoredirectives"
#define CONFIG_IGNORETOKENS             "ignoretokens"
#define CONFIG_IMAGEDIRS                "imagedirs"
#define CONFIG_IMAGES                   "images"
#define CONFIG_INDEXES                  "indexes"
#define CONFIG_LANGUAGE                 "language"
#define CONFIG_MACRO                    "macro"
#define CONFIG_NATURALLANGUAGE          "naturallanguage"
#define CONFIG_OBSOLETELINKS            "obsoletelinks"
#define CONFIG_OUTPUTDIR                "outputdir"
#define CONFIG_OUTPUTENCODING           "outputencoding"
#define CONFIG_OUTPUTLANGUAGE           "outputlanguage"
#define CONFIG_OUTPUTFORMATS            "outputformats"
#define CONFIG_OUTPUTPREFIXES           "outputprefixes"
#define CONFIG_PROJECT                  "project"
#define CONFIG_QHP                      "qhp"
#define CONFIG_QUOTINGINFORMATION       "quotinginformation"
#define CONFIG_SCRIPTDIRS               "scriptdirs"
#define CONFIG_SCRIPTS                  "scripts"
#define CONFIG_SLOW                     "slow"
#define CONFIG_SHOWINTERNAL             "showinternal"
#define CONFIG_SOURCEDIRS               "sourcedirs"
#define CONFIG_SOURCEENCODING           "sourceencoding"
#define CONFIG_SOURCES                  "sources"
#define CONFIG_SPURIOUS                 "spurious"
#define CONFIG_STYLEDIRS                "styledirs"
#define CONFIG_STYLE                    "style"
#define CONFIG_STYLES                   "styles"
#define CONFIG_STYLESHEETS              "stylesheets"
#define CONFIG_SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTING       "syntaxhighlighting"
#define CONFIG_TEMPLATEDIR              "templatedir"
#define CONFIG_TABSIZE                  "tabsize"
#define CONFIG_TAGFILE                  "tagfile"
#define CONFIG_TRANSLATORS              "translators" // ### don't document for now
#define CONFIG_URL                      "url"
#define CONFIG_VERSION                  "version"
#define CONFIG_VERSIONSYM               "versionsym"

#define CONFIG_FILEEXTENSIONS           "fileextensions"
#define CONFIG_IMAGEEXTENSIONS          "imageextensions"

#ifdef QDOC_QML
#define CONFIG_QMLONLY                  "qmlonly"

