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#include "declarativeparser/qdeclarativejsast_p.h"
#include "declarativeparser/qdeclarativejsastfwd_p.h"
#include "declarativeparser/qdeclarativejsengine_p.h"
#include "declarativeparser/qdeclarativejslexer_p.h"
#include "declarativeparser/qdeclarativejsnodepool_p.h"
#include "declarativeparser/qdeclarativejsparser_p.h"

#include "atom.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "qmlcodemarker.h"
#include "qmlmarkupvisitor.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "tree.h"




  Returns true if the \a code is recognized by the parser.
bool QmlCodeMarker::recognizeCode(const QString &code)
    QDeclarativeJS::Engine engine;
    QDeclarativeJS::Lexer lexer(&engine);
    QDeclarativeJS::Parser parser(&engine);
    QDeclarativeJS::NodePool m_nodePool("<QmlCodeMarker::recognizeCode>", &engine);

    QString newCode = code;
    lexer.setCode(newCode, 1);

    return parser.parse();

  Returns true if \a ext is any of a list of file extensions
  for the QML language.
bool QmlCodeMarker::recognizeExtension(const QString &ext)
    return ext == "qml";

  Returns true if the \a language is recognized. Only "QML" is
  recognized by this marker.
bool QmlCodeMarker::recognizeLanguage(const QString &language)
    return language == "QML";

  Returns the type of atom used to represent QML code in the documentation.
Atom::Type QmlCodeMarker::atomType() const
    return Atom::Qml;

  Returns the name of the \a node. Method names include are returned with a
  trailing set of parentheses.
QString QmlCodeMarker::plainName(const Node *node)
    QString name = node->name();
    if (node->type() == Node::QmlMethod)
        name += "()";
    return name;

QString QmlCodeMarker::plainFullName(const Node *node, const Node *relative)
    if (node->name().isEmpty()) {
        return "global";
    else {
        QString fullName;
        while (node) {
            if (node->parent() == relative || node->parent()->name().isEmpty())
            node = node->parent();
        return fullName;

QString QmlCodeMarker::markedUpCode(const QString &code,
                                    const Node *relative,
                                    const Location &location)
    return addMarkUp(code, relative, location);

QString QmlCodeMarker::markedUpName(const Node *node)
    QString name = linkTag(node, taggedNode(node));
    if (node->type() == Node::QmlMethod)
        name += "()";
    return name;

QString QmlCodeMarker::markedUpFullName(const Node *node, const Node *relative)
    if (node->name().isEmpty()) {
        return "global";
    else {
        QString fullName;
        for (;;) {
            if (node->parent() == relative || node->parent()->name().isEmpty())
            node = node->parent();
        return fullName;

QString QmlCodeMarker::markedUpIncludes(const QStringList& includes)
    QString code;

    QStringList::ConstIterator inc = includes.begin();
    while (inc != includes.end()) {
        code += "import " + *inc + "\n";
    Location location;
    return addMarkUp(code, 0, location);

QString QmlCodeMarker::functionBeginRegExp(const QString& funcName)
    return "^" + QRegExp::escape("function " + funcName) + "$";


QString QmlCodeMarker::functionEndRegExp(const QString& /* funcName */)
    return "^\\}$";

QString QmlCodeMarker::addMarkUp(const QString &code,
                                 const Node * /* relative */,
                                 const Location &location)
    QDeclarativeJS::Engine engine;
    QDeclarativeJS::Lexer lexer(&engine);

    QString newCode = code;
    QList<QDeclarativeJS::AST::SourceLocation> pragmas = extractPragmas(newCode);
    lexer.setCode(newCode, 1);

    QDeclarativeJS::Parser parser(&engine);
    QDeclarativeJS::NodePool m_nodePool("<QmlCodeMarker::addMarkUp>", &engine);
    QString output;

    if (parser.parse()) {
        QDeclarativeJS::AST::UiProgram *ast = parser.ast();
        // Pass the unmodified code to the visitor so that pragmas and other
        // unhandled source text can be output.
        QmlMarkupVisitor visitor(code, pragmas, &engine);
        QDeclarativeJS::AST::Node::accept(ast, &visitor);
        output = visitor.markedUpCode();
    } else {
        location.warning(tr("Unable to parse QML: \"%1\" at line %2, column %3").arg(
        output = protect(code);

    return output;

Copied and pasted from src/declarative/qml/qdeclarativescriptparser.cpp.
static void replaceWithSpace(QString &str, int idx, int n)
    QChar *data = str.data() + idx;
    const QChar space(QLatin1Char(' '));
    for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ++ii)
        *data++ = space;

Copied and pasted from src/declarative/qml/qdeclarativescriptparser.cpp then
modified to return a list of removed pragmas.

Searches for ".pragma <value>" declarations within \a script.  Currently supported pragmas
QList<QDeclarativeJS::AST::SourceLocation> QmlCodeMarker::extractPragmas(QString &script)
    const QString pragma(QLatin1String("pragma"));
    const QString library(QLatin1String("library"));
    QList<QDeclarativeJS::AST::SourceLocation> removed;

    QDeclarativeJS::Lexer l(0);
    l.setCode(script, 0);

    int token = l.lex();

    while (true) {
        if (token != QDeclarativeJSGrammar::T_DOT)
            return removed;

        int startOffset = l.tokenOffset();
        int startLine = l.currentLineNo();
        int startColumn = l.currentColumnNo();

        token = l.lex();

        if (token != QDeclarativeJSGrammar::T_IDENTIFIER ||
            l.currentLineNo() != startLine ||
            script.mid(l.tokenOffset(), l.tokenLength()) != pragma)
            return removed;

        token = l.lex();

        if (token != QDeclarativeJSGrammar::T_IDENTIFIER ||
            l.currentLineNo() != startLine)
            return removed;

        QString pragmaValue = script.mid(l.tokenOffset(), l.tokenLength());
        int endOffset = l.tokenLength() + l.tokenOffset();

        token = l.lex();
        if (l.currentLineNo() == startLine)
            return removed;

        if (pragmaValue == QLatin1String("library")) {
            replaceWithSpace(script, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset);
                    startOffset, endOffset - startOffset,
                    startLine, startColumn));
        } else
            return removed;
    return removed;