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#include <qstack.h>
#include <qstring.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include "location.h"


  Here come the C++ tokens we support.  The first part contains
  all-purpose tokens; then come keywords.
  If you add a keyword, make sure to modify the keyword array in
  tokenizer.cpp as well, and possibly adjust Tok_FirstKeyword and
enum { Tok_Eoi, Tok_Ampersand, Tok_Aster, Tok_Caret, Tok_LeftParen, 
       Tok_RightParen, Tok_LeftParenAster, Tok_Equal, Tok_LeftBrace, 
       Tok_RightBrace, Tok_Semicolon, Tok_Colon, Tok_LeftAngle,
       Tok_RightAngle, Tok_Comma, Tok_Ellipsis, Tok_Gulbrandsen,
       Tok_LeftBracket, Tok_RightBracket, Tok_Tilde, Tok_SomeOperator,
       Tok_Number, Tok_String, Tok_Doc, Tok_Comment, Tok_Ident, Tok_At,
       Tok_char, Tok_class, Tok_const, Tok_double, Tok_enum, 
       Tok_explicit, Tok_friend, Tok_inline, Tok_int, Tok_long, 
       Tok_namespace, Tok_operator, Tok_private, Tok_protected,
       Tok_public, Tok_short, Tok_signals, Tok_signed, Tok_slots,
       Tok_static, Tok_struct, Tok_template, Tok_typedef, 
       Tok_typename, Tok_union, Tok_unsigned, Tok_using, Tok_virtual,
       Tok_void, Tok_volatile, Tok_int64, Tok_Q_OBJECT, Tok_Q_OVERRIDE, 
       Tok_FirstKeyword = Tok_char, Tok_LastKeyword = Tok_QDOC_PROPERTY };

  The Tokenizer class implements lexical analysis of C++ source

  Not every operator or keyword of C++ is recognized; only those
  that are interesting to us. Some Qt keywords or macros are also

class Tokenizer
    Tokenizer(const Location& loc, const QByteArray &in);
    Tokenizer(const Location& loc, FILE *in);


    int getToken();
    void setParsingFnOrMacro(bool macro) { parsingMacro = macro; }
    bool parsingFnOrMacro() const { return parsingMacro; }

    const Location &location() const { return yyTokLoc; }
    QString previousLexeme() const { return QString(yyPrevLex); }
    QString lexeme() const { return QString(yyLex); }
    QString version() const { return yyVersion; }
    int braceDepth() const { return yyBraceDepth; }
    int parenDepth() const { return yyParenDepth; }
    int bracketDepth() const { return yyBracketDepth; }

    static void initialize(const Config &config);
    static void terminate();
    static bool isTrue(const QString &condition);

    void init();
    void start(const Location& loc);
      This limit on the length of a lexeme seems fairly high, but a
      doc comment can be arbitrarily long. The previous 65,536 limit
      was reached by Mark Summerfield.
    enum { yyLexBufSize = 524288 };

    int getch()
        return yyPos == yyIn.size() ? EOF : yyIn[yyPos++];

    inline int getChar()
        if (yyCh == EOF)
            return EOF;
        if (yyLexLen < yyLexBufSize - 1) {
            yyLex[yyLexLen++] = (char) yyCh;
            yyLex[yyLexLen] = '\0';
        int ch = getch();
        if (ch == EOF)
            return EOF;
        // cast explicitely to make sure the value of ch 
        // is in range [0..255] to avoid assert messages 
        // when using debug CRT that checks its input.
        return int(uint(uchar(ch))); 

    int getTokenAfterPreprocessor();
    void pushSkipping(bool skip);
    bool popSkipping();

    Location yyTokLoc;
    Location yyCurLoc;
    char *yyLexBuf1;
    char *yyLexBuf2;
    char *yyPrevLex;
    char *yyLex;
    size_t yyLexLen;
    QStack<bool> yyPreprocessorSkipping;
    int yyNumPreprocessorSkipping;
    int yyBraceDepth;
    int yyParenDepth;
    int yyBracketDepth;
    int yyCh;

    QString yyVersion;
    bool parsingMacro;

    QByteArray yyIn;
    int yyPos;

