/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL$ ** No Commercial Usage ** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed. ** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions ** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying ** this package. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ /* webxmlgenerator.cpp */ #include "codemarker.h" #include "pagegenerator.h" #include "webxmlgenerator.h" #include "node.h" #include "separator.h" #include "tree.h" #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE #define COMMAND_VERSION Doc::alias("version") WebXMLGenerator::WebXMLGenerator() : PageGenerator() { } WebXMLGenerator::~WebXMLGenerator() { } void WebXMLGenerator::initializeGenerator(const Config &config) { Generator::initializeGenerator(config); project = config.getString(CONFIG_PROJECT); projectDescription = config.getString(CONFIG_DESCRIPTION); if (projectDescription.isEmpty() && !project.isEmpty()) projectDescription = project + " Reference Documentation"; projectUrl = config.getString(CONFIG_URL); generateIndex = config.getBool(CONFIG_GENERATEINDEX); } void WebXMLGenerator::terminateGenerator() { PageGenerator::terminateGenerator(); } QString WebXMLGenerator::format() { return "WebXML"; } QString WebXMLGenerator::fileExtension(const Node * /* node */) const { return "xml"; } void WebXMLGenerator::generateTree(const Tree *tree, CodeMarker *marker) { tre = tree; moduleClassMap.clear(); moduleNamespaceMap.clear(); serviceClasses.clear(); findAllClasses(tree->root()); findAllNamespaces(tree->root()); PageGenerator::generateTree(tree, marker); if (generateIndex) tre->generateIndex(outputDir() + "/" + project.toLower() + ".index", projectUrl, projectDescription, false); } void WebXMLGenerator::startText(const Node *relative, CodeMarker *marker) { inLink = false; inContents = false; inSectionHeading = false; numTableRows = 0; sectionNumber.clear(); PageGenerator::startText(relative, marker); } int WebXMLGenerator::generateAtom(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, const Atom *atom, const Node *relative, CodeMarker *marker) { Q_UNUSED(writer); int skipAhead = 0; switch (atom->type()) { default: PageGenerator::generateAtom(atom, relative, marker); } return skipAhead; } void WebXMLGenerator::generateClassLikeNode(const InnerNode *inner, CodeMarker *marker) { QByteArray data; QXmlStreamWriter writer(&data); writer.setAutoFormatting(true); writer.writeStartDocument(); writer.writeStartElement("WebXML"); writer.writeStartElement("document"); generateIndexSections(writer, inner, marker); writer.writeEndElement(); // document writer.writeEndElement(); // WebXML writer.writeEndDocument(); out() << data; out().flush(); } void WebXMLGenerator::generateFakeNode(const FakeNode *fake, CodeMarker *marker) { QByteArray data; QXmlStreamWriter writer(&data); writer.setAutoFormatting(true); writer.writeStartDocument(); writer.writeStartElement("WebXML"); writer.writeStartElement("document"); generateIndexSections(writer, fake, marker); writer.writeEndElement(); // document writer.writeEndElement(); // WebXML writer.writeEndDocument(); out() << data; out().flush(); } void WebXMLGenerator::generateIndexSections(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, const Node *node, CodeMarker *marker) { if (tre->generateIndexSection(writer, node, true)) { // Add documentation to this node if it exists. writer.writeStartElement("description"); writer.writeAttribute("path", node->doc().location().filePath()); writer.writeAttribute("line", QString::number(node->doc().location().lineNo())); writer.writeAttribute("column", QString::number(node->doc().location().columnNo())); if (node->type() == Node::Fake) { const FakeNode *fake = static_cast(node); generateRelations(writer, node, marker); if (fake->subType() == Node::Module) { writer.writeStartElement("generatedlist"); writer.writeAttribute("contents", "classesbymodule"); if (moduleNamespaceMap.contains(fake->name())) { writer.writeStartElement("section"); writer.writeStartElement("heading"); writer.writeAttribute("level", "1"); writer.writeCharacters("Namespaces"); writer.writeEndElement(); // heading generateAnnotatedList(writer, fake, marker, moduleNamespaceMap[fake->name()]); writer.writeEndElement(); // section } if (moduleClassMap.contains(fake->name())) { writer.writeStartElement("section"); writer.writeStartElement("heading"); writer.writeAttribute("level", "1"); writer.writeCharacters("Classes"); writer.writeEndElement(); // heading generateAnnotatedList(writer, fake, marker, moduleClassMap[fake->name()]); writer.writeEndElement(); // section } writer.writeEndElement(); // generatedlist } } startText(node, marker); const Atom *atom = node->doc().body().firstAtom(); while (atom) atom = addAtomElements(writer, atom, node, marker); QList alsoList = node->doc().alsoList(); supplementAlsoList(node, alsoList); if (!alsoList.isEmpty()) { writer.writeStartElement("see-also"); for (int i = 0; i < alsoList.size(); ++i) { const Atom *atom = alsoList.at(i).firstAtom(); while (atom) atom = addAtomElements(writer, atom, node, marker); } writer.writeEndElement(); // see-also } writer.writeEndElement(); // description if (node->isInnerNode()) { const InnerNode *inner = static_cast(node); // Recurse to generate an element for this child node and all its children. foreach (const Node *child, inner->childNodes()) generateIndexSections(writer, child, marker); writer.writeStartElement("related"); if (inner->relatedNodes().size() > 0) { foreach (const Node *child, inner->relatedNodes()) generateIndexSections(writer, child, marker); } writer.writeEndElement(); // related } writer.writeEndElement(); } } void WebXMLGenerator::generateInnerNode(const InnerNode *node, CodeMarker *marker) { if (!node->url().isNull()) return; if (node->type() == Node::Fake) { const FakeNode *fakeNode = static_cast(node); if (fakeNode->subType() == Node::ExternalPage) return; } if ( node->parent() != 0 ) { beginSubPage( node->location(), fileName(node) ); if ( node->type() == Node::Namespace || node->type() == Node::Class) { generateClassLikeNode(node, marker); } else if ( node->type() == Node::Fake ) { generateFakeNode(static_cast(node), marker); } endSubPage(); } NodeList::ConstIterator c = node->childNodes().begin(); while ( c != node->childNodes().end() ) { if ((*c)->isInnerNode() && ( (*c)->access() != Node::Private || (*c)->status() == Node::Internal)) generateInnerNode( (const InnerNode *) *c, marker ); ++c; } } const Atom *WebXMLGenerator::addAtomElements(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, const Atom *atom, const Node *relative, CodeMarker *marker) { switch (atom->type()) { case Atom::AbstractLeft: case Atom::AbstractRight: break; case Atom::AutoLink: if (!inLink && !inSectionHeading) { const Node *node = findNode(atom, relative, marker); if (node) { startLink(writer, atom, node, relative); if (inLink) { writer.writeCharacters(atom->string()); writer.writeEndElement(); // link inLink = false; } } else writer.writeCharacters(atom->string()); } else writer.writeCharacters(atom->string()); break; case Atom::BaseName: break; case Atom::BriefLeft: writer.writeStartElement("brief"); switch (relative->type()) { case Node::Property: writer.writeCharacters("This property"); break; case Node::Variable: writer.writeCharacters("This variable"); break; default: break; } if (relative->type() == Node::Property || relative->type() == Node::Variable) { QString str; const Atom *a = atom->next(); while (a != 0 && a->type() != Atom::BriefRight) { if (a->type() == Atom::String || a->type() == Atom::AutoLink) str += a->string(); a = a->next(); } str[0] = str[0].toLower(); if (str.right(1) == ".") str.chop(1); QStringList words = str.split(" "); if (!(words.first() == "contains" || words.first() == "specifies" || words.first() == "describes" || words.first() == "defines" || words.first() == "holds" || words.first() == "determines")) writer.writeCharacters(" holds "); else writer.writeCharacters(" "); } break; case Atom::BriefRight: if (relative->type() == Node::Property || relative->type() == Node::Variable) writer.writeCharacters("."); writer.writeEndElement(); // brief break; case Atom::C: writer.writeStartElement("teletype"); if (inLink) writer.writeAttribute("type", "normal"); else writer.writeAttribute("type", "highlighted"); writer.writeCharacters(plainCode(atom->string())); writer.writeEndElement(); // teletype break; case Atom::Code: writer.writeTextElement("code", trimmedTrailing(plainCode(atom->string()))); break; #ifdef QDOC_QML case Atom::Qml: writer.writeTextElement("qml", trimmedTrailing(plainCode(atom->string()))); #endif case Atom::CodeBad: writer.writeTextElement("badcode", trimmedTrailing(plainCode(atom->string()))); break; case Atom::CodeNew: writer.writeTextElement("para", "you can rewrite it as"); writer.writeTextElement("newcode", trimmedTrailing(plainCode(atom->string()))); break; case Atom::CodeOld: writer.writeTextElement("para", "For example, if you have code like"); writer.writeTextElement("oldcode", trimmedTrailing(plainCode(atom->string()))); break; case Atom::CodeQuoteArgument: if (quoteCommand == "dots") { writer.writeAttribute("indent", atom->string()); writer.writeCharacters("..."); } else writer.writeCharacters(atom->string()); writer.writeEndElement(); // code break; case Atom::CodeQuoteCommand: quoteCommand = atom->string(); writer.writeStartElement(quoteCommand); break; case Atom::FootnoteLeft: writer.writeStartElement("footnote"); break; case Atom::FootnoteRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // footnote break; /* case Atom::FormatElse: writer.writeStartElement("else"); writer.writeEndElement(); // else break; */ case Atom::FormatEndif: writer.writeEndElement(); // raw break; case Atom::FormatIf: writer.writeStartElement("raw"); writer.writeAttribute("format", atom->string()); break; case Atom::FormattingLeft: { if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_BOLD) writer.writeStartElement("bold"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_ITALIC) writer.writeStartElement("italic"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_UNDERLINE) writer.writeStartElement("underline"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_SUBSCRIPT) writer.writeStartElement("subscript"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_SUPERSCRIPT) writer.writeStartElement("superscript"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_TELETYPE) writer.writeStartElement("teletype"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_PARAMETER) writer.writeStartElement("argument"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_INDEX) writer.writeStartElement("index"); } break; /* out() << formattingLeftMap()[atom->string()]; if ( atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_PARAMETER ) { if ( atom->next() != 0 && atom->next()->type() == Atom::String ) { QRegExp subscriptRegExp( "([a-z]+)_([0-9n])" ); if ( subscriptRegExp.exactMatch(atom->next()->string()) ) { out() << subscriptRegExp.cap( 1 ) << "" << subscriptRegExp.cap( 2 ) << ""; skipAhead = 1; } } }*/ case Atom::FormattingRight: { if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_BOLD) writer.writeEndElement(); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_ITALIC) writer.writeEndElement(); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_UNDERLINE) writer.writeEndElement(); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_SUBSCRIPT) writer.writeEndElement(); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_SUPERSCRIPT) writer.writeEndElement(); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_TELETYPE) writer.writeEndElement(); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_PARAMETER) writer.writeEndElement(); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_INDEX) writer.writeEndElement(); } if (inLink) { writer.writeEndElement(); // link inLink = false; } break; /* if ( atom->string() == ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK ) { if (inLink) { if ( link.isEmpty() ) { if (showBrokenLinks) out() << ""; } else { out() << ""; } } inLink = false; } else { out() << formattingRightMap()[atom->string()]; }*/ case Atom::GeneratedList: writer.writeStartElement("generatedlist"); writer.writeAttribute("contents", atom->string()); writer.writeEndElement(); // generatedlist /* if (atom->string() == "annotatedclasses") { generateAnnotatedList(relative, marker, nonCompatClasses); } else if (atom->string() == "classes") { generateCompactList(relative, marker, nonCompatClasses); } else if (atom->string().contains("classesbymodule")) { QString arg = atom->string().trimmed(); QString moduleName = atom->string().mid(atom->string().indexOf( "classesbymodule") + 15).trimmed(); if (moduleClassMap.contains(moduleName)) generateAnnotatedList(relative, marker, moduleClassMap[moduleName]); } else if (atom->string().contains("classesbyedition")) { QString arg = atom->string().trimmed(); QString editionName = atom->string().mid(atom->string().indexOf( "classesbyedition") + 16).trimmed(); if (editionModuleMap.contains(editionName)) { QMap editionClasses; foreach (const QString &moduleName, editionModuleMap[editionName]) { if (moduleClassMap.contains(moduleName)) editionClasses.unite(moduleClassMap[moduleName]); } generateAnnotatedList(relative, marker, editionClasses); } } else if (atom->string() == "classhierarchy") { generateClassHierarchy(relative, marker, nonCompatClasses); } else if (atom->string() == "compatclasses") { generateCompactList(relative, marker, compatClasses); } else if (atom->string() == "functionindex") { generateFunctionIndex(relative, marker); } else if (atom->string() == "legalese") { generateLegaleseList(relative, marker); } else if (atom->string() == "mainclasses") { generateCompactList(relative, marker, mainClasses); } else if (atom->string() == "services") { generateCompactList(relative, marker, serviceClasses); } else if (atom->string() == "overviews") { generateOverviewList(relative, marker); } else if (atom->string() == "namespaces") { generateAnnotatedList(relative, marker, namespaceIndex); } else if (atom->string() == "related") { const FakeNode *fake = static_cast(relative); if (fake && !fake->groupMembers().isEmpty()) { QMap groupMembersMap; foreach (Node *node, fake->groupMembers()) { if (node->type() == Node::Fake) groupMembersMap[fullName(node, relative, marker)] = node; } generateAnnotatedList(fake, marker, groupMembersMap); } } else if (atom->string() == "relatedinline") { const FakeNode *fake = static_cast(relative); if (fake && !fake->groupMembers().isEmpty()) { // Reverse the list into the original scan order. // Should be sorted. But on what? It may not be a // regular class or page definition. QList list; foreach (const Node *node, fake->groupMembers()) list.prepend(node); foreach (const Node *node, list) generateBody(node, marker ); } } break; */ break; case Atom::Image: writer.writeStartElement("image"); writer.writeAttribute("href", imageFileName(relative, atom->string())); writer.writeEndElement(); // image break; case Atom::InlineImage: writer.writeStartElement("inlineimage"); writer.writeAttribute("href", imageFileName(relative, atom->string())); writer.writeEndElement(); // inlineimage break; case Atom::ImageText: break; case Atom::LegaleseLeft: writer.writeStartElement("legalese"); break; case Atom::LegaleseRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // legalese break; case Atom::Link: case Atom::LinkNode: if (!inLink) { const Node *node = findNode(atom, relative, marker); if (node) startLink(writer, atom, node, relative); } break; case Atom::ListLeft: writer.writeStartElement("list"); if (atom->string() == ATOM_LIST_BULLET) writer.writeAttribute("type", "bullet"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_LIST_TAG) writer.writeAttribute("type", "definition"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_LIST_VALUE) writer.writeAttribute("type", "enum"); else { writer.writeAttribute("type", "ordered"); if (atom->string() == ATOM_LIST_UPPERALPHA) writer.writeAttribute("start", "A"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_LIST_LOWERALPHA) writer.writeAttribute("start", "a"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_LIST_UPPERROMAN) writer.writeAttribute("start", "I"); else if (atom->string() == ATOM_LIST_LOWERROMAN) writer.writeAttribute("start", "i"); else // (atom->string() == ATOM_LIST_NUMERIC) writer.writeAttribute("start", "1"); } break; case Atom::ListItemNumber: break; case Atom::ListTagLeft: { writer.writeStartElement("definition"); writer.writeTextElement("term", plainCode( marker->markedUpEnumValue(atom->next()->string(), relative))); } break; case Atom::ListTagRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // definition break; case Atom::ListItemLeft: writer.writeStartElement("item"); break; case Atom::ListItemRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // item break; case Atom::ListRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // list break; case Atom::Nop: break; case Atom::ParaLeft: writer.writeStartElement("para"); break; case Atom::ParaRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // para break; case Atom::QuotationLeft: writer.writeStartElement("quote"); break; case Atom::QuotationRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // quote break; case Atom::RawString: writer.writeCharacters(atom->string()); break; case Atom::SectionLeft: writer.writeStartElement("section"); writer.writeAttribute("id", Doc::canonicalTitle(Text::sectionHeading(atom).toString())); break; case Atom::SectionRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // section break; case Atom::SectionHeadingLeft: writer.writeStartElement("heading"); writer.writeAttribute("level", atom->string()); // + hOffset(relative) inSectionHeading = true; break; case Atom::SectionHeadingRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // heading inSectionHeading = false; break; case Atom::SidebarLeft: case Atom::SidebarRight: break; case Atom::SnippetCommand: writer.writeStartElement(atom->string()); break; case Atom::SnippetIdentifier: writer.writeAttribute("identifier", atom->string()); writer.writeEndElement(); // snippet break; case Atom::SnippetLocation: writer.writeAttribute("location", atom->string()); break; case Atom::String: writer.writeCharacters(atom->string()); break; case Atom::TableLeft: writer.writeStartElement("table"); if (atom->string().contains("%")) writer.writeAttribute("width", atom->string()); break; case Atom::TableRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // table break; case Atom::TableHeaderLeft: writer.writeStartElement("header"); break; case Atom::TableHeaderRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // header break; case Atom::TableRowLeft: writer.writeStartElement("row"); break; case Atom::TableRowRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // row break; case Atom::TableItemLeft: { writer.writeStartElement("item"); QStringList spans = atom->string().split(","); if (spans.size() == 2) { if (spans.at(0) != "1") writer.writeAttribute("colspan", spans.at(0).trimmed()); if (spans.at(1) != "1") writer.writeAttribute("rowspan", spans.at(1).trimmed()); } } break; case Atom::TableItemRight: writer.writeEndElement(); // item break; case Atom::TableOfContents: writer.writeStartElement("tableofcontents"); writer.writeAttribute("details", atom->string()); { int numColumns = 1; const Node *node = relative; Doc::SectioningUnit sectioningUnit = Doc::Section4; QStringList params = atom->string().split(","); QString columnText = params.at(0); QStringList pieces = columnText.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (pieces.size() >= 2) { columnText = pieces.at(0); pieces.pop_front(); QString path = pieces.join(" ").trimmed(); node = findNode(path, relative, marker); if (node) writer.writeAttribute("href", fileName(node)); } if (params.size() == 2) { numColumns = qMax(columnText.toInt(), numColumns); sectioningUnit = (Doc::SectioningUnit)params.at(1).toInt(); writer.writeAttribute("columns", QString::number(numColumns)); writer.writeAttribute("unit", QString::number(sectioningUnit)); } if (node) generateTableOfContents(writer, node, sectioningUnit, numColumns, relative); } writer.writeEndElement(); // tableofcontents break; case Atom::Target: writer.writeStartElement("target"); writer.writeAttribute("name", Doc::canonicalTitle(atom->string())); writer.writeEndElement(); // target break; case Atom::UnhandledFormat: case Atom::UnknownCommand: writer.writeCharacters(atom->typeString()); break; default: break; } if (atom) return atom->next(); return 0; } /* QDomElement atomElement = document.createElement(atom->typeString().toLower()); QDomText atomValue = document.createTextNode(atom->string()); atomElement.appendChild(atomValue); descriptionElement.appendChild(atomElement); */ /* ### Warning: findNode() is a modified version of HtmlGenerator::getLink(). */ const Node *WebXMLGenerator::findNode(const Atom *atom, const Node *relative, CodeMarker *marker) { return findNode(atom->string(), relative, marker); } const Node *WebXMLGenerator::findNode(const QString &title, const Node *relative, CodeMarker *marker) { QString link; if (title.contains(":") && (title.startsWith("file:") || title.startsWith("http:") || title.startsWith("https:") || title.startsWith("ftp:") || title.startsWith("mailto:"))) { return 0; } else if (title.count('@') == 1) { return 0; } else { QStringList path; if (title.contains('#')) { path = title.split('#'); } else { path.append(title); } const Node *node = 0; Atom *targetAtom = 0; QString first = path.first().trimmed(); if (first.isEmpty()) { node = relative; } else if (first.endsWith(".html")) { node = tre->root()->findNode(first, Node::Fake); } else { node = marker->resolveTarget(first, tre, relative); if (!node) node = tre->findFakeNodeByTitle(first); if (!node) node = tre->findUnambiguousTarget(first, targetAtom); } if (node) { if (!node->url().isEmpty()) return node; else path.removeFirst(); } else { return 0; } while (!path.isEmpty()) { targetAtom = tre->findTarget(path.first(), node); if (targetAtom == 0) break; path.removeFirst(); } /* We would ideally treat targets as nodes to be consistent. if (targetAtom && node && node->isInnerNode()) { Node *parentNode = const_cast(node); node = new TargetNode(static_cast(parentNode), first); } */ return node; } return 0; } void WebXMLGenerator::startLink(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, const Atom *atom, const Node *node, const Node *relative) { QString location = tre->fullDocumentLocation(node); if (!location.isEmpty()) { writer.writeStartElement("link"); writer.writeAttribute("raw", atom->string()); if (atom->string().contains("#") || node == relative) { QString target = atom->string().split("#").last(); Atom *targetAtom = tre->findTarget(target, node); if (targetAtom) location += "#" + Doc::canonicalTitle(target); } writer.writeAttribute("href", location); QString type = targetType(node); writer.writeAttribute("type", type); switch (node->type()) { case Node::Enum: writer.writeAttribute("enum", tre->fullDocumentName(node)); break; case Node::Fake: writer.writeAttribute("page", tre->fullDocumentName(node)); break; case Node::Property: { const PropertyNode *propertyNode = static_cast(node); if (propertyNode->getters().size() > 0) writer.writeAttribute("getter", tre->fullDocumentName(propertyNode->getters()[0])); } default: ; } inLink = true; } } QString WebXMLGenerator::targetType(const Node *node) { switch (node->type()) { case Node::Namespace: return "namespace"; break; case Node::Class: return "class"; break; case Node::Fake: return "page"; break; case Node::Enum: return "enum"; break; case Node::Typedef: return "typedef"; break; case Node::Property: return "property"; break; case Node::Function: return "function"; break; case Node::Variable: return "variable"; break; case Node::Target: return "target"; break; default: return ""; } return ""; } void WebXMLGenerator::generateRelations(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, const Node *node, CodeMarker *marker) { if (node && !node->links().empty()) { QPair linkPair; QPair anchorPair; const Node *linkNode; foreach (Node::LinkType relation, node->links().keys()) { linkPair = node->links()[relation]; linkNode = findNode(linkPair.first, node, marker); if (!linkNode) linkNode = node; if (linkNode == node) anchorPair = linkPair; else anchorPair = anchorForNode(linkNode); writer.writeStartElement("relation"); writer.writeAttribute("href", anchorPair.first); writer.writeAttribute("type", targetType(linkNode)); switch (relation) { case Node::StartLink: writer.writeAttribute("meta", "start"); break; case Node::NextLink: writer.writeAttribute("meta", "next"); break; case Node::PreviousLink: writer.writeAttribute("meta", "previous"); break; case Node::ContentsLink: writer.writeAttribute("meta", "contents"); break; case Node::IndexLink: writer.writeAttribute("meta", "index"); break; default: writer.writeAttribute("meta", ""); } writer.writeAttribute("description", anchorPair.second); writer.writeEndElement(); // link } } } // Classes adapted from HtmlGenerator. void WebXMLGenerator::generateTableOfContents(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, const Node *node, Doc::SectioningUnit sectioningUnit, int numColumns, const Node *relative) { if (!node->doc().hasTableOfContents()) return; QList toc = node->doc().tableOfContents(); if (toc.isEmpty()) return; QString nodeName = ""; if (node != relative) nodeName = node->name(); QStringList sectionNumber; int columnSize = 0; if (numColumns > 1) { writer.writeStartElement("table"); writer.writeAttribute("width", "100%"); writer.writeStartElement("row"); writer.writeStartElement("item"); writer.writeAttribute("width", QString::number((100 + numColumns - 1) / numColumns) + "%"); } // disable nested links in table of contents inContents = true; inLink = true; for (int i = 0; i < toc.size(); ++i) { Atom *atom = toc.at(i); int nextLevel = atom->string().toInt(); if (nextLevel > (int)sectioningUnit) continue; if (sectionNumber.size() < nextLevel) { do { writer.writeStartElement("list"); sectionNumber.append("1"); } while (sectionNumber.size() < nextLevel); } else { while (sectionNumber.size() > nextLevel) { writer.writeEndElement(); sectionNumber.removeLast(); } sectionNumber.last() = QString::number(sectionNumber.last().toInt() + 1); } Text headingText = Text::sectionHeading(atom); if (sectionNumber.size() == 1 && columnSize > toc.size() / numColumns) { writer.writeEndElement(); // list writer.writeEndElement(); // item writer.writeStartElement("item"); writer.writeAttribute("width", QString::number((100 + numColumns - 1) / numColumns) + "%"); writer.writeStartElement("list"); columnSize = 0; } writer.writeStartElement("item"); writer.writeStartElement("para"); writer.writeStartElement("link"); writer.writeAttribute("href", nodeName + "#" + Doc::canonicalTitle(headingText.toString())); writer.writeAttribute("type", "page"); writer.writeCharacters(headingText.toString()); writer.writeEndElement(); // link writer.writeEndElement(); // para writer.writeEndElement(); // item ++columnSize; } while (!sectionNumber.isEmpty()) { writer.writeEndElement(); // list sectionNumber.removeLast(); } if (numColumns > 1) { writer.writeEndElement(); // item writer.writeEndElement(); // row writer.writeEndElement(); // table } inContents = false; inLink = false; } void WebXMLGenerator::generateAnnotatedList(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, const Node *relative, CodeMarker *marker, const QMap &nodeMap) { writer.writeStartElement("table"); writer.writeAttribute("width", "100%"); foreach (QString name, nodeMap.keys()) { const Node *node = nodeMap[name]; writer.writeStartElement("row"); writer.writeStartElement("heading"); generateFullName(writer, node, relative, marker); writer.writeEndElement(); // heading writer.writeStartElement("item"); writer.writeCharacters(node->doc().briefText().toString()); writer.writeEndElement(); // item writer.writeEndElement(); // row } writer.writeEndElement(); // table } void WebXMLGenerator::generateFullName(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, const Node *apparentNode, const Node *relative, CodeMarker *marker, const Node *actualNode) { if ( actualNode == 0 ) actualNode = apparentNode; writer.writeStartElement("link"); writer.writeAttribute("href", tre->fullDocumentLocation(actualNode)); writer.writeAttribute("type", targetType(actualNode)); writer.writeCharacters(fullName(apparentNode, relative, marker)); writer.writeEndElement(); // link } // Classes copied (and slightly adapted) from the HtmlGenerator. These need // refactoring into a common ancestor class. void WebXMLGenerator::findAllClasses(const InnerNode *node) { NodeList::const_iterator c = node->childNodes().constBegin(); while (c != node->childNodes().constEnd()) { if ((*c)->access() != Node::Private && (*c)->url().isEmpty()) { if ((*c)->type() == Node::Class && !(*c)->doc().isEmpty()) { QString className = (*c)->name(); if ((*c)->parent() && (*c)->parent()->type() == Node::Namespace && !(*c)->parent()->name().isEmpty()) className = (*c)->parent()->name()+"::"+className; QString moduleName = (*c)->moduleName(); if (!moduleName.isEmpty()) moduleClassMap[moduleName].insert((*c)->name(), *c); QString serviceName = (static_cast(*c))->serviceName(); if (!serviceName.isEmpty()) serviceClasses.insert(serviceName, *c); } else if ((*c)->isInnerNode()) { findAllClasses(static_cast(*c)); } } ++c; } } void WebXMLGenerator::findAllNamespaces(const InnerNode *node) { NodeList::ConstIterator c = node->childNodes().begin(); while (c != node->childNodes().end()) { if ((*c)->access() != Node::Private) { if ((*c)->isInnerNode() && (*c)->url().isEmpty()) { findAllNamespaces(static_cast(*c)); if ((*c)->type() == Node::Namespace) { const NamespaceNode *nspace = static_cast(*c); // Ensure that the namespace's name is not empty (the root // namespace has no name). if (!nspace->name().isEmpty()) { namespaceIndex.insert(nspace->name(), *c); QString moduleName = (*c)->moduleName(); if (!moduleName.isEmpty()) moduleNamespaceMap[moduleName].insert((*c)->name(), *c); } } } } ++c; } } const QPair WebXMLGenerator::anchorForNode(const Node *node) { QPair anchorPair; anchorPair.first = PageGenerator::fileName(node); if (node->type() == Node::Fake) { const FakeNode *fakeNode = static_cast(node); anchorPair.second = fakeNode->title(); } return anchorPair; } QT_END_NAMESPACE 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 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7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 7291 7292 7293 7294 7295 7296 7297 7298 7299 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 7308 7309 7310 7311 7312 7313 7314 7315 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7333 7334 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 7340 7341 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 7350 7351 7352 7353 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389 7390 7391 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 7423 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429 7430 7431 7432 7433 7434 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 7440 7441 7442 7443 7444 7445 7446 7447 7448 7449 7450 7451 7452 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 7459 7460 7461 7462 7463 7464 7465 7466 7467 7468 7469 7470 7471 7472 7473 7474 7475 7476 7477 7478 7479 7480 7481 7482 7483 7484 7485 7486 7487 7488 7489 7490 7491 7492 7493 7494 7495 7496 7497 7498 7499 7500 7501 7502 7503 7504 7505 7506 7507 7508 7509 7510 7511 7512 7513 7514 7515 7516 7517 7518 7519 7520 7521 7522 7523 7524 7525 7526 7527 7528 7529 7530 7531 7532 7533 7534 7535 7536 7537 7538 7539 7540 7541 7542 7543 7544 7545 7546 7547 7548 7549 7550 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7558 7559 7560 7561 7562 7563 7564 7565 7566 7567 7568 7569 7570 7571 7572 7573 7574 7575 7576 7577 7578 7579 7580 7581 7582 7583 7584 7585 7586 7587 7588 7589 7590 7591 7592 7593 7594 7595 7596 7597 7598 7599 7600 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 7608 7609 7610 7611 7612 7613 7614 7615 7616 7617 7618 7619 7620 7621 7622 7623 7624 7625 7626 7627 7628 7629 7630 7631 7632 7633 7634 7635 7636 7637 7638 7639 7640 7641 7642 7643 7644 7645 7646 7647 7648 7649 7650 7651 7652 7653 7654 7655 7656 7657 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 7677 7678 7679 7680 7681 7682 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 7688 7689 7690 7691 7692 7693 7694 7695 7696 7697 7698 7699 7700 7701 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 7708 7709 7710 7711 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7720 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7727 7728 7729 7730 7731 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 7741 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 7750 7751 7752 7753 7754 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 7783 7784 7785 7786 7787 7788 7789 7790 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7797 7798 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807 7808 7809 7810 7811 7812 7813 7814 7815 7816 7817 7818 7819 7820 7821 7822 7823 7824 7825 7826 7827 7828 7829 7830 7831 7832 7833 7834 7835 7836 7837 7838 7839 7840 7841 7842 7843 7844 7845 7846 7847 7848 7849 7850 7851 7852 7853 7854 7855 7856 7857 7858 7859 7860 7861 7862 7863 7864 7865 7866 7867 7868 7869 7870 7871 7872 7873 7874 7875 7876 7877 7878 7879 7880 7881 7882 7883 7884 7885 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 7892 7893 7894 7895 7896 7897 7898 7899 7900 7901 7902 7903 7904 7905 7906 7907 7908 7909 7910 7911 7912 7913 7914 7915 7916 7917 7918 7919 7920 7921 7922 7923 7924 7925 7926 7927 7928 7929 7930 7931 7932 7933 7934 7935 7936 7937 7938 7939 7940 7941 7942 7943 7944 7945 7946 7947 7948 7949 7950 7951 7952 7953 7954 7955 7956 7957 7958 7959 7960 7961 7962 7963 7964 7965 7966 7967 7968 7969 7970 7971 7972 7973 7974 7975 7976 7977 7978 7979 7980 7981 7982 7983 7984 7985 7986 7987 7988 7989 7990 7991 7992 7993 7994 7995 7996 7997 7998 7999 8000 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 8009 8010 8011 8012 8013 8014 8015 8016 8017 8018 8019 8020 8021 8022 8023 8024 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 8035 8036 8037 8038 8039 8040 8041 8042 8043 8044 8045 8046 8047 8048 8049 8050 8051 8052 8053 8054 8055 8056 8057 8058 8059 8060 8061 8062 8063 8064 8065 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 8086 8087 8088 8089 8090 8091 8092 8093 8094 8095 8096 8097 8098 8099 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8107 8108 8109 8110 8111 8112 8113 8114 8115 8116 8117 8118 8119 8120 8121 8122 8123 8124 8125 8126 8127 8128 8129 8130 8131 8132 8133 8134 8135 8136 8137 8138 8139 8140 8141 8142 8143 8144 8145 8146 8147 8148 8149 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 8155 8156 8157 8158 8159 8160 8161 8162 8163 8164 8165 8166 8167 8168 8169 8170 8171 8172 8173 8174 8175 8176 8177 8178 8179 8180 8181 8182 8183 8184 8185 8186 8187 8188 8189 8190 8191 8192 8193 8194 8195 8196 8197 8198 8199 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 8216 8217 8218 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 8248 8249 8250 8251 8252 8253 8254 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8260 8261 8262 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8269 8270 8271 8272 8273 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280 8281 8282 8283 8284 8285 8286 8287 8288 8289 8290 8291 8292 8293 8294 8295 8296 8297 8298 8299 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 8340 8341 8342 8343 8344 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 8357 8358 8359 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 8374 8375 8376 8377 8378 8379 8380 8381 8382 8383 8384 8385 8386 8387 8388 8389 8390 8391 8392 8393 8394 8395 8396 8397 8398 8399 8400 8401 8402 8403 8404 8405 8406 8407 8408 8409 8410 8411 8412 8413 8414 8415 8416 8417 8418 8419 8420 8421 8422 8423 8424 8425 8426 8427 8428 8429 8430 8431 8432 8433 8434 8435 8436 8437 8438 8439 8440 8441 8442 8443 8444 8445 8446 8447 8448 8449 8450 8451 8452 8453 8454 8455 8456 8457 8458 8459 8460 8461 8462 8463 8464 8465 8466 8467 8468 8469 8470 8471 8472 8473 8474 8475 8476 8477 8478 8479 8480 8481 8482 8483 8484 8485 8486 8487 8488 8489 8490 8491 8492 8493 8494 8495 8496 8497 8498 8499 8500 8501 8502 8503 8504 8505 8506 8507 8508 8509 8510 8511 8512 8513 8514 8515 8516 8517 8518 8519 8520 8521 8522 8523 8524 8525 8526 8527 8528 8529 8530 8531 8532 8533 8534 8535 8536 8537 8538 8539 8540 8541 8542 8543 8544 8545 8546 8547 8548 8549 8550 8551 8552 8553 8554 8555 8556 8557 8558 8559 8560 8561 8562 8563 8564 8565 8566 8567 8568 8569 8570 8571 8572 8573 8574 8575 8576 8577 8578 8579 8580 8581 8582 8583 8584 8585 8586 8587 8588 8589 8590 8591 8592 8593 8594 8595 8596 8597 8598 8599 8600 8601 8602 8603 8604 8605 8606 8607 8608 8609 8610 8611 8612 8613 8614 8615 8616 8617 8618 8619 8620 8621 8622 8623 8624 8625 8626 8627 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8639 8640 8641 8642 8643 8644 8645 8646 8647 8648 8649 8650 8651 8652 8653 8654 8655 8656 8657 8658 8659 8660 8661 8662 8663 8664 8665 8666 8667 8668 8669 8670 8671 8672 8673 8674 8675 8676 8677 8678 8679 8680 8681 8682 8683 8684 8685 8686 8687 8688 8689 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 8697 8698 8699 8700 8701 8702 8703 8704 8705 8706 8707 8708 8709 8710 8711 8712 8713 8714 8715 8716 8717 8718 8719 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 8725 8726 8727 8728 8729 8730 8731 8732 8733 8734 8735 8736 8737 8738 8739 8740 8741 8742 8743 8744 8745 8746 8747 8748 8749 8750 8751 8752 8753 8754 8755 8756 8757 8758 8759 8760 8761 8762 8763 8764 8765 8766 8767 8768 8769 8770 8771 8772 8773 8774 8775 8776 8777 8778 8779 8780 8781 8782 8783 8784 8785 8786 8787 8788 8789 8790 8791 8792 8793 8794 8795 8796 8797 8798 8799 8800 8801 8802 8803 8804 8805 8806 8807 8808 8809 8810 8811 8812 8813 8814 8815 8816 8817 8818 8819 8820 8821 8822 8823 8824 8825 8826 8827 8828 8829 8830 8831 8832 8833 8834 8835 8836 8837 8838 8839 8840 8841 8842 8843 8844 8845 8846 8847 8848 8849 8850 8851 8852 8853 8854 8855 8856 8857 8858 8859 8860 8861 8862 8863 8864 8865 8866 8867 8868 8869 8870 8871 8872 8873 8874 8875 8876 8877 8878 8879 8880 8881 8882 8883 8884 8885 8886 8887 8888 8889 8890 8891 8892 8893 8894 8895 8896 8897 8898 8899 8900 8901 8902 8903 8904 8905 8906 8907 8908 8909 8910 8911 8912 8913 8914 8915 8916 8917 8918 8919 8920 8921 8922 8923 8924 8925 8926 8927 8928 8929 8930 8931 8932 8933 8934 8935 8936 8937 8938 8939 8940 8941 8942 8943 8944 8945 8946 8947 8948 8949 8950 8951 8952 8953 8954 8955 8956 8957 8958 8959 8960 8961 8962 8963 8964 8965 8966 8967 8968 8969 8970 8971 8972 8973 8974 8975 8976 8977 8978 8979 8980 8981 8982 8983 8984 8985 8986 8987 8988 8989 8990 8991 8992 8993 8994 8995 8996 8997 8998 8999 9000 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 9051 9052 9053 9054 9055 9056 9057 9058 9059 9060 9061 9062 9063 9064 9065 9066 9067 9068 9069 9070 9071 9072 9073 9074 9075 9076 9077 9078 9079 9080 9081 9082 9083 9084 9085 9086 9087 9088 9089 9090 9091 9092 9093 9094 9095 9096 9097 9098 9099 9100 9101 9102 9103 9104 9105 9106 9107 9108 9109 9110 9111 9112 9113 9114 9115 9116 9117 9118 9119 9120 9121 9122 9123 9124 9125 9126 9127 9128 9129 9130 9131 9132 9133 9134 9135 9136 9137 9138 9139 9140 9141 9142 9143 9144 9145 9146 9147 9148 9149 9150 9151 9152 9153 9154 9155 9156 9157 9158 9159 9160 9161 9162 9163 9164 9165 9166 9167 9168 9169 9170 9171 9172 9173 9174 9175 9176 9177 9178 9179 9180 9181 9182 9183 9184 9185 9186 9187 9188 9189 9190 9191 9192 9193 9194 9195 9196 9197 9198 9199 9200 9201 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9207 9208 9209 9210 9211 9212 9213 9214 9215 9216 9217 9218 9219 9220 9221 9222 9223 9224 9225 9226 9227 9228 9229 9230 9231 9232 9233 9234 9235 9236 9237 9238 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 9244 9245 9246 9247 9248 9249 9250 9251 9252 9253 9254 9255 9256 9257 9258 9259 9260 9261 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 9268 9269 9270 9271 9272 9273 9274 9275 9276 9277 9278 9279 9280 9281 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 9287 9288 9289 9290 9291 9292 9293 9294 9295 9296 9297 9298 9299 9300 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 9306 9307 9308 9309 9310 9311 9312 9313 9314 9315 9316 9317 9318 9319 9320 9321 9322 9323 9324 9325 9326 9327 9328 9329 9330 9331 9332 9333 9334 9335 9336 9337 9338 9339 9340 9341 9342 9343 9344 9345 9346 9347 9348 9349 9350 9351 9352 9353 9354 9355 9356 9357 9358 9359 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9368 9369 9370 9371 9372 9373 9374 9375 9376 9377 9378 9379 9380 9381 9382 9383 9384 9385 9386 9387 9388 9389 9390 9391 9392 9393 9394 9395 9396 9397 9398 9399 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 9410 9411 9412 9413 9414 9415 9416 9417 9418 9419 9420 9421 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 9427 9428 9429 9430 9431 9432 9433 9434 9435 9436 9437 9438 9439 9440 9441 9442 9443 9444 9445 9446 9447 9448 9449 9450 9451 9452 9453 9454 9455 9456 9457 9458
2011-05-25  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/msgcat/msgcat.tcl:	Backport improvements to msgcat
	* library/msgcat/pkgIndex.tcl:	package.  Bump to 1.4.4
	* unix/Makefile.in
	* win/Makefile.in

2011-05-24  Venkat Iyer <venkat@comit.com>

	* library/tzdata/Africa/Cairo: Update to Olson tzdata2011g

2011-05-17  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclFixupForwardJump): Tracked down and fixed
	* generic/tclBasic.c (TclArgumentBCEnter): the cause of a violation
	of my assertion that 'ePtr->nline == objc' in TclArgumentBCEnter.
	When a bytecode was grown during jump fixup the pc -> command line
	mapping was not updated. When things aligned just wrong the mapping
	would direct command A to the data for command B, with a different
	number of arguments.

2011-05-10  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:     New internal routines TclScanElement() and
	* generic/tclUtil.c:    TclConvertElement() are rewritten guts of
	machinery to produce string rep of lists.  The new routines avoid
	and correct [Bug 3173086].  See comments for much more detail.

	* generic/tclDictObj.c:         Update all callers.
	* generic/tclIndexObj.c:
	* generic/tclListObj.c:
	* generic/tclUtil.c:
	* tests/list.test:

2011-05-09  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclListObj.c:	Revise empty string tests so that we avoid
	potentially expensive string rep generations, especially for dicts.

2011-05-07  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h: fix USE_TCLALLOC so that it can be enabled
	* unix/Makefile.in: without editing the Makefile

2011-05-05  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclListObj.c:	Stop generating string rep of dict when
	converting to list.  Tolerate NULL interps more completely.

2011-05-03  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclUtil.c:	Tighten Tcl_SplitList().
	* generic/tclListObj.c:	Tighten SetListFromAny().
	* generic/tclDictObj.c:	Tighten SetDictFromAny().

2011-05-02  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:	Revised TclFindElement() interface.  The
	* generic/tclDictObj.c:	final argument had been bracePtr, the address
	* generic/tclListObj.c:	of a boolean var, where the caller can be told
	* generic/tclParse.c:	whether or not the parsed list element was
	* generic/tclUtil.c:	enclosed in braces.  In practice, no callers
	really care about that.  What the callers really want to know is 
	whether the list element value exists as a literal substring of the
	string being parsed, or whether a call to TclCopyAndCollpase() is
	needed to produce the list element value.  Now the final argument
	is changed to do what callers actually need.  This is a better fit
	for the calls in tclParse.c, where now a good deal of post-processing
	checking for "naked backslashes" is no longer necessary.
	For any callers calling in via the internal stubs table who really
	do use the final argument explicitly to check for the enclosing brace
	scenario.  Simply looking for the braces where they must be is the
	revision available to those callers, and it will backport cleanly.

	* tests/parse.test:	Tests for expanded literals quoting detection.

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:	New TclFindElement() is also a better
	fit for the [switch] compiler.

	* generic/tclInt.h:	Replace TclCountSpaceRuns() with
	* generic/tclListObj.c:	TclMaxListLength() which is the function we
	* generic/tclUtil.c:	actually want.
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c: Rewrite of parts of the switch compiler to
	better use the powers of TclFindElement() and do less parsing on
	its own.

2011-04-28  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:	New utility routines:
	* generic/tclParse.c:	TclIsSpaceProc() and
	* generic/tclUtil.c:	TclCountSpaceRuns()

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:	Use new routines to replace calls to
	* generic/tclListObj.c:	isspace() and their /* INTL */ risk.
	* generic/tclStrToD.c:
	* generic/tclUtf.c:
	* unix/tclUnixFile.c:
2011-04-27  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclListObj.c:	FreeListInternalRep() cleanup.

	* generic/tclBinary.c:	Backport fix for [Bug 2857044].
	* generic/tclDictObj.c:	All freeIntRepProcs set typePtr to NULL.
	* generic/tclEncoding.c:
	* generic/tclIndexObj.c:
	* generic/tclListObj.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclObj.c:
	* generic/tclPathObj.c:
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* generic/tclRegexp.c:
	* generic/tclStringObj.c:
	* generic/tclVar.c:

2011-04-21  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:	Use macro to set List intreps.
	* generic/tclListObj.c:

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:	Limits on list length were too strict.
	* generic/tclInt.h:	Revised panics to errors where possible.
	* generic/tclListObj.c:

	* generic/tclCompile.c:	Make sure SetFooFromAny routines react
	* generic/tclIO.c:	reasonably when passed a NULL interp.
	* generic/tclIndexObj.c:
	* generic/tclListObj.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclObj.c:
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* macosx/tclMacOSXFCmd.c:

2011-04-21  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:       fix for [Bug 3288345]: Wrong Tcl_StatBuf
	* generic/tclInt.h:    used on MinGW. Make sure that all _WIN32
	* win/tclWinFile.c:    compilers use exactly the same layout
	* win/configure.in:    for Tcl_StatBuf - the one used by MSVC6 -
	* win/configure:       in all situations.

2011-04-20  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclFCmd.c (TclFileAttrsCmd): Added commands to reset the
	typePtr of the Tcl_Obj* whose int-rep was just purged. Required to
	prevent a dangling IndexRep* to reused, smashing the heap. See
	also the entries at 2011-04-16 and 2011-03-24 for the history of
	the problem.

2011-04-19  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclConfig.c:	Reduce internals access in the implementation
	of [<foo>::pkgconfig list].

2011-04-18  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:	Use ListRepPtr(.) and other cleanup.
	* generic/tclConfig.c:
	* generic/tclListObj.c:

	* generic/tclInt.h:	Define and use macros that test whether
	* generic/tclBasic.c:	a Tcl list value is canonical.
	* generic/tclUtil.c:

2011-04-16  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclFCmd.c (TclFileAttrsCmd): Tidied up the memory management
	a bit to try to ensure that the dynamic and static cases don't get
	confused while still promoting caching where possible. Added a panic
	to trap problems in the case where an extension is misusing the API.

2011-04-13  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclUtil.c:	[Bug 3285375]: Rewrite of Tcl_Concat*()
	routines to prevent segfaults on buffer overflow.  Build them out of
	existing primitives already coded to handle overflow properly.  Uses
	the new TclTrim*() routines.

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:	New internal utility routines TclTrimLeft()
	* generic/tclInt.h:	and TclTrimRight().  Refactor the
	* generic/tclUtil.c:	[string trim*] implementations to use them.

2011-04-13  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c: [Bug 2662380]: Fix crash caused by appending to a
	variable with a write trace that unsets it.

2011-04-12  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	[Bug 3285472]: Repair corruption in
	* tests/string.test:	[string reverse] when string rep invalidation
	failed to also reset the bytes allocated for string rep to zero.

2011-04-12  Venkat Iyer <venkat@comit.com>

	* library/tzdata/Atlantic/Stanley: Update to Olson tzdata2011f

2011-04-06  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclCompEvalObj): Earlier return if Tip280
	gymnastics not needed.

2011-04-05  Venkat Iyer <venkat@comit.com>

	* library/tzdata/Africa/Casablanca: Update to Olson's tzdata2011e
	* library/tzdata/America/Santiago:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Easter:
	* library/tzdata/America/Metlakatla: (new)
	* library/tzdata/America/North_Dakota/Beulah: (new)
	* library/tzdata/America/Sitka: (new)

2011-04-04  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* README:	Updated README files, repairing broken URLs and
	* macosx/README:	removing other bits that were clearly wrong.
	* unix/README:	Still could use more eyeballs on the detailed build
	* win/README:	advice on various plaforms. [Bug 3202030]

2011-04-02  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclStrToD.c (QuickConversion): Replaced another couple of
	'double' declarations with 'volatile double' to work around
	misrounding issues in mingw-gcc 3.4.5.

2011-03-24  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclFCmd.c (TclFileAttrsCmd): Ensure that any reference to
	temporary index tables is squelched immediately rather than hanging
	around to trip us up in the future.

2011-03-21  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tclLoadDl.c:    [Bug #3216070]: Loading extension libraries
	* unix/tclLoadDyld.c:  from embedded Tcl applications.

2011-03-16  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCkalloc.c: [Bug #3197864]: pointer truncation on Win64

2011-03-16  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Some rewrites to eliminate calls to
	* generic/tclParse.c:	isspace() and their /* INTL */ risk.
	* generic/tclProc.c:

2011-03-16  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4:    Make SHLIB_LD_LIBS='${LIBS}' the default and
	* unix/configure: set to "" on per-platform necessary basis.
	Backported from TEA, but kept all original platform code which was
	removed from TEA.

2011-03-14  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* tools/tclZIC.tcl (onDayOfMonth): Allow for leading zeroes
	in month and day so that tzdata2011d parses correctly.
	* library/tzdata/America/Havana:
	* library/tzdata/America/Juneau:
	* library/tzdata/America/Santiago:
	* library/tzdata/Europe/Istanbul:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Apia:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Easter:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Honolulu:  tzdata2011d

	* unix/configure.in  [Bug 3205320]: stack space detection defeated by inlining
	* unix/configure:    (autoconf-2.59)

2011-03-09  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	Tighten the detector of nested [namespace code]
	* tests/namespace.test:	quoting that the quoted scripts function
	properly even in a namespace that contains a custom "namespace"
	command.  [Bug 3202171]

	* doc/tclvars.n:	Formatting fix.  Thanks to Pat Thotys.

2011-03-08  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c: Fix gcc warnings: variable set but not used

2011-03-08  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:	Remove TclMarkList() routine, an experimental
	* generic/tclUtil.c:	dead-end from the 8.5 alpha days.

	* generic/tclResult.c (ResetObjResult):	Correct failure to clear
	invalid intrep.  Thanks to Colin McDonald. [Bug 3202905]

2011-03-06  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	More replacements of Tcl_UtfBackslash() calls
	* generic/tclCompile.c:	with TclParseBackslash() where possible.
	* generic/tclParse.c:
	* generic/tclUtil.c:

	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclFindElement):	Guard escape sequence scans
	to not overrun the string end.  [Bug 3192636]

2011-03-05  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclParse.c (TclParseBackslash): Correct trunction checks in
	* tests/parse.test:	\x and \u substitutions.  [Bug 3200987]

2011-01-26  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/RegExp.3: [Bug 3165108]: Corrected documentation of description
	of subexpression info in Tcl_RegExpInfo structure.

2011-01-25  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCkalloc.c:  [Bug 3129448]: Possible over-allocation on
	* generic/tclHash.c:     64-bit platforms, part 2, backported
	* generic/tclProc.c:     strcpy->memcpy change but not change in any

2011-01-19 Alexandre Ferrieux  <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: [Bug 3138178]: Backport of Miguel's 2010-09-22
	fix on 8.6 branch (decache stack info wherever ::errorInfo may be
	updated, for trace sanity).

2011-01-19  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* tools/genStubs.tcl:       Make sure to use CONST/VOID in stead of
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:    const/void when appropriate. This allows to
	* generic/tclIntPlatDecls.h:use const/void in the *.decls file always,
	* generic/tclTomMathDecls.h:genStubs will do the right thing.

2011-01-18  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:      Various mismatches between Tcl_Panic
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:   format string and its arguments,
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:   discovered thanks to [Bug 3159920]
	* generic/tclPreserve.c:   (Backported)
	* generic/tclTest.c:

2011-01-17  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* win/tcl.m4:         handle --enable-64bit=ia64 for gcc. BACKPORT.
	* win/configure:      (autoconf-2.59)
	* win/tclWin32Dll.c:  [Patch 3059922]: fixes for mingw64 - gcc4.5.1
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c: [Bug 3148192]: Commands "read/puts" incorrectly
	* tests/chanio.test:  interpret parameters. Improved error-message
	* tests/io.test       regarding legacy form.
	* tests/ioCmd.test

2011-01-15  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@users.sf.net>

	* doc/tclvars.n:
	* generic/tclStrToD.c:
	* generic/tclUtil.c (Tcl_PrintDouble):
	* tests/util.test (util-16.*): Restored full Tcl 8.4 compatibility
	for the formatting of floating point numbers when $::tcl_precision
	is not zero. Added compatibility tests to make sure that excess
	trailing zeroes are suppressed for all eight major code paths.
	[Bug 3157475]

2011-01-13  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (GrowEvaluationStack): Off-by-one error in
	sizing the new allocation - was ok in comment but wrong in the code.
	Triggered by [Bug 3142026] which happened to require exactly one more
	than what was in existence. BACKPORT.

2011-01-03  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* tools/genStubs.tcl:  Fix "make genstubs", which was broken
	since 2010-11-30, the TclDoubleDigits backport.

2010-12-31  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclHash.c: [Bug 3007895]: Tcl_(Find|Create)HashEntry
	stub entries can never be called. They still cannot be called
	(no change in functionality), but at least they now do
	exactly the same as the Tcl_(Find|Create)HashEntry macro's,
	so the confusion addressed in this Bug report is gone.
	(Backported from Tcl 8.6)

2010-12-17  Stuart Cassoff  <stwo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in:  Remove unwanted/obsolete 'ddd' target.

2010-12-17  Stuart Cassoff  <stwo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in:  [Bug 2446711]: Remove 'allpatch' target.

2010-12-17  Stuart Cassoff  <stwo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in:  Use 'rpmbuild', not 'rpm' [Bug 2537626].

2010-12-13  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4:    Cross-compile support for Win and UNIX (backported)
	* unix/configure: (autoconf-2.59)
	* win/tcl.m4:
	* win/configure.in:
	* win/configure: (autoconf-2.59)

2010-12-12  Stuart Cassoff  <stwo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4: Better building on OpenBSD.
	* unix/configure: (autoconf-2.59)

2010-12-10 Alexandre Ferrieux  <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c: [backport] Make sure [fcopy -size ... -command ...] always
	* tests/io.test:   calls the callback asynchronously, even for size zero.

2010-12-03  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclReToGlob): add extra check for multiple
	inner *s that leads to poor recursive glob matching, defer to
	original RE instead.  tclbench RE var backtrack.

2010-12-01  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclStrToD.c (SetPrecisionLimits, TclDoubleDigits):
	Added meaningless initialization of 'i', 'ilim' and 'ilim1'
	to silence warnings from the C compiler about possible use of
	uninitialized variables, Added a panic to the 'switch' that
	assigns them, to assert that the 'default' case is impossible.
	[Bug 3124675]

2010-11-30  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclInt.decls: Backport of Kevin B. Kenny's work on
	* generic/tclInt.h: the Tcl Head, with help from Jeff Hobbs.
	* generic/tclStrToD.c:
	* generic/tclTest.c:
	* generic/tclTomMath.decls:
	* generic/tclUtil.c:
	* tests/util.test:
	* unix/Makefile.in:
	* win/Makefile.in:
	* win/makefile.vc: Rewrite of Tcl_PrintDouble and TclDoubleDigits
	that (a) fixes a severe performance problem with floating point
	shimmering reported by Karl Lehenbauer, (b) allows TclDoubleDigits
	to generate the digit strings for 'e' and 'f' format, so that it
	can be used for tcl_precision != 0 (and possibly later for [format]),
	(c) fixes [Bug 3120139] by making TclPrintDouble inherently
	locale-independent, (d) adds test cases to util.test for
	correct rounding in difficult cases of TclDoubleDigits where fixed-
	precision results are requested. (e) adds test cases to util.test for
	the controversial aspects of [Bug 3105247]. As a side effect, two
	more modules from libtommath (bn_mp_set_int.c and bn_mp_init_set_int.c)
	are brought into the build, since the new code uses them.

	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:
	* generic/tclTomMathDecls.h:	Regenerated.

2010-11-30  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclInt.decls, generic/tclInt.h, generic/tclIntDecls.h:
	* generic/tclStubInit.c: TclFormatInt restored at slot 24
	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclFormatInt): restore TclFormatInt func from
	2005-07-05 macro-ization. Benchmarks indicate it is faster, as a
	key int->string routine (e.g. int-indexed arrays).

2010-11-23  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclVar.c (VarHashInvalidateEntry): Removed obsolete
	  patch for AIX defining this macro as function. This is not
	  necessary anymore. See ChangeLog entry 2010-07-28 (Bug 3037525)
	  for the actual bug and fix the patch was a workaround for.

2010-11-19  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInterp.c:  fix gcc warning: passing argument 3 of
	'Tcl_GetIndexFromObj' discards qualifiers from pointer target type
	* generic/tclWinInit.c: fix gcc warning: dereferencing pointer
	'oemId' does break strict-aliasing rules
	* win/tclWin32Dll.c:    fix gcc warnings: unused variable 'registration'
	* win/tclWinChan.c:
	* win/tclWinFCmd.c:
	* win/configure.in:	    Allow cross-compilation by default. (backported)
	* win/tcl.m4:		    Use -pipe for gcc on win32 (backported)
	* win/configure:        (regenerated)

2010-11-18  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/file.n: [Bug 3111298]: Typofix.

2010-11-16  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclPlatDecls.h: [Bug 3110161]: Extensions using TCHAR don't
	compile on VS2005 SP1

2010-11-15  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/interp.n: [Bug 3081184]: TIP #378 backport.
	* doc/tclvars.n: Performance fix for TIP #280.
	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclInterp.c:
	* tests/info.test:
	* tests/interp.test:

2010-11-03  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileCatchCmd):
	* tests/compile.test (compile-3.6): [Bug 3098302]: Reworked the
	compilation of the [catch] command so as to avoid placing any code
	that might throw an exception (specifically, any initial substitutions
	or any stores to result or options variables) between the BEGIN_CATCH
	and END_CATCH but outside the exception range.  Added a test case that
	panics on a stack smash if the change is not made.

2010-11-01  Stuart Cassoff  <stwo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/safe.tcl:	Improved handling of non-standard module
	* tests/safe.test:	path lists, empty path lists in particular.

2010-11-01  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/Asia/Hong_Kong:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Apia:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Fiji:   Olson's tzdata2010o.

2010-10-23  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* tools/uniParse.tcl:   [Bug 3085863]: tclUniData 9 years old
	* tools/uniClass.tcl:   Upgrade everything to Unicode 6.0, except
	* tests/utf.test:       non-BMP characters > 0xFFFF
	* generic/tclUniData.c: (re-generated)
	* generic/regc_locale.c:(re-generated)
	* generic/regcomp.c:    fix comment
	* win/rules.vc          Update for VS10

2010-10-09  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: fix overallocation of exec stack in TEBC
	(mixing numwords and numbytes)

2010-10-01  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (EvalStatsCmd): change 'evalstats' to
	return data to interp by default, or if given an arg, use that as
	filename to output to (accepts 'stdout' and 'stderr').
	Fix output to print used inst count data.
	* generic/tclCkalloc.c: change TclDumpMemoryInfo sig to allow
	* generic/tclInt.decls: objPtr as well as FILE* as output.
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:

2010-09-24  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tclWinsock.c: [Bug 3056775]: Fixed race condition between thread
	and internal co-thread access of a socket's structure because of
	the thread not using the socketListLock in TcpAccept(). Added
	documentation on how the module works to the top.

2010-09-23  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:	Fix cases where value returned by 
	* generic/tclEvent.c:	Tcl_GetReturnOptions() was leaked.
	* generic/tclMain.c:	Thanks to Jeff Hobbs for discovery of the
	anti-pattern to seek and destroy.

2010-09-19  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/file.n (file readlink): [Bug 3070580]: Typofix.

2010-09-10  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/regsub.n: [Bug 3063568]: Fix for gotcha in example due to Tcl's
	special handling of backslash-newline. Makes example slightly less
	pure, but more useful.

2010-09-08  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	*** 8.5.9 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* doc/tm.n: Added underscore to the set of characters accepted in
	module names. This is true for quite some time in the code, this
	change catches up the documentation.

2010-09-08  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.9 release.

	* win/tclWin32Dll.c:	#ifdef protections to permit builds with
	* win/tclWinChan.c:	mingw on amd64 systems. Thanks to "mescalinum"
	* win/tclWinFCmd.c:	for reporting and testing.

2010-09-06  Stuart Cassoff  <stwo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/configure.in, generic/tclIOUtil.c (Tcl_Stat): Updated so that
	we do not assume that all unix systems have the POSIX blkcnt_t type,
	since OpenBSD apparently does not. Backported from HEAD (2010-02-16).
	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59

2010-09-02  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/glob.n: Fixed documentation ambiguity regarding the handling
	of -join.

	* library/safe.tcl (::safe::AliasGlob): Fixed another problem, the
	option -join does not stop option processing in the core builtin,
	so the emulation must not do that either.

2010-09-01  Andreas Kupries  <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/safe.tcl (::safe::AliasGlob): Moved the command
	extending the actual glob command with a -directory flag to when
	we actually have a proper untranslated path,

2010-09-01  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.9 release.

2010-09-01  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: [Bug 3057639]. Applied patch by Jeff to
	* generic/tclVar.c: make the behaviour of lappend in bytecompiled
	* tests/append.test: mode consistent with direct-eval and 'append'
	* tests/appendComp.test: generally. Added tests (append*-9.*)
	showing the difference.

2010-09-01  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl: Improve handling of cross-links for
	options between Ttk manual pages.

	* doc/Tcl.n: Avoid nroff hazards when generating documentation.

2010-08-31  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* win/tcl.m4: Applied patch by Jeff fixing issues with the
	manifest handling on Win64.
	* win/configure: Regenerated.

2010-08-29  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/dict.n: [Bug 3046999]: Corrected cross reference to array
	manpage to refer to (correct) existing subcommand.

2010-08-26  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* unix/configure, unix/tcl.m4: SHLIB_LD_LIBS='${LIBS}' for OSF1-V*.
	Add /usr/lib64 to set of auto-search dirs. [Bug 1230554]
	(SC_PATH_X): Correct syntax error when xincludes not found.

	* win/configure, win/configure.in, win/tcl.m4: SC_EMBED_MANIFEST
	macro and --enable-embedded-manifest configure arg added to
	support manifest embedding where we know the magic.  Help prevents
	DLL hell with MSVC8+.

2010-08-24  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.9 release.

2010-08-23  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/Africa/Cairo:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Gaza: Olson's tzdata2010l.

2010-08-19  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclTrace.c (TraceExecutionObjCmd, TraceCommandObjCmd)
	(TraceVariableObjCmd): [Patch 3048354]: Use memcpy() instead of
	strcpy() to avoid buffer overflow; we have the correct length of data
	to copy anyway since we've just allocated the target buffer.

2010-08-15  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (ProcWrongNumArgs): [Bug 3045010]: Make the
	handling of passing the wrong number of arguments to [apply] somewhat
	less verbose when a lambda term is present.

2010-08-12  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_RegexpObjCmd): [Bug 2826551, Patch 2948425]:
	Backport of updates to make handling of RE line anchors correct.

2010-08-11  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* unix/ldAix: Remove ancient (pre-4.2) AIX support
	* unix/configure: regen with ac-2.59
	* unix/configure.in, unix/tclConfig.sh.in, unix/Makefile.in:
	* unix/tcl.m4 (AIX): Remove the need for ldAIX, replace with
	-bexpall/-brtl.  Remove TCL_EXP_FILE (export file) and other baggage
	that went with it.  Remove pre-4 AIX build support.

2010-08-10  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclByteArrayMatch): Patterns may not be
	null-terminated, so account for that.

2010-08-05  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.9 release.

2010-08-04  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c: Adjust license header as per

	* license.terms: Fix DFARs note for number-adjusted rights clause

	* win/tclWin32Dll.c (asciiProcs, unicodeProcs):
	* win/tclWinLoad.c (TclpDlopen): 'load' use LoadLibraryEx with
	* win/tclWinInt.h (TclWinProcs): LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH to
	prefer dependent DLLs in same dir as loaded DLL.

	* win/Makefile.in (%.${OBJEXT}): better implicit rules support

2010-08-04  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump to 8.5.9 for release.
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.9 release.

2010-08-04  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIORChan.c: [Bug 3034840]: Fixed reference counting
	* tests/ioCmd.test: in InvokeTclMethod and callers.

2010-08-03  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/var.test (var-19.1): [Bug 3037525]: Added test demonstrating
	the local hashtable deletion crash and fix.

	* tests/info.test (info-39.1, test_info_frame): Changed absolute to
	relative frame adressing to handle difference between testing with
	-singleproc 1 vs. the default -singleproc 0. Plus comment fix. The
	test and issue are not relevant to the trunk, forward porting is not

2010-08-03  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.9 release.

2010-08-02  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@users.sf.net>

	* library/tzdata/America/Bahia_Banderas:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Chuuk:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Pohnpei:
	* library/tzdata/Africa/Cairo:
	* library/tzdata/Europe/Helsinki:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Ponape:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Truk:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Yap:			Olson's tzdata2010k.

2010-07-28  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c: [Bug 3037525]: lose fickle optimisation in
	TclDeleteVars (used for runtime-created locals) that caused crashes.

2010-07-25  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h: [Bug 3030870]: Make itcl 3.x built with pre-8.6
	* generic/tclBasic.c: work in 8.6 revert tclInt.h to what it was
	before, and relax the relation between Tcl_CallFrame and CallFrame.

2010-07-17  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tcl.h: [Bug 3030870]: Make itcl 3.x built with pre-8.6
	* generic/tclInt.h:		work in 8.6

2010-07-02  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (IllegalExprOperandType): [Bug 3024379]: Made
	sure that errors caused by an argument to an operator being outside
	the domain of the operator all result in ::errorCode being ARITH
	DOMAIN and not NONE.

2010-07-02  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclIntDecls.h: [Bug 803489]: Tcl_FindNamespace problem in
	the Stubs table.

2010-07-01  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/mathop.n: [Bug 3023165]: Fix typo that was preventing proper
	rendering of the exclusive-or operator.

2010-06-28  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclPosixStr.c: [Bug 3019634]: errno.h and tclWinPort.h have
	conflicting definitions.

2010-06-22  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LsetObjCmd): [Bug 3019351]: Corrected wrong
	args message.

2010-06-18  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* library/init.tcl (auto_execok): [Bug 3017997]: Add .cmd to the
	default list of extensions that we can execute interactively.

2010-06-16  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* tools/loadICU.tcl:   [Bug 3016135]: Traceback using clock format
	* library/msgs/he.msg: with locale of he_IL

2010-06-09  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/platform/platform.tcl: Added OSX Intel 64bit
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl: Package updated to version 1.0.9.
	* unix/Makefile.in:
	* win/Makefile.in:

2010-05-26  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/socket.n: [Bug 3007442]: Server sockets never took a host
	argument, so the list of options must precede the port argument.

2010-05-25  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tclUnixPort.h: [Bug 2991415]: tclport.h #included before
	* win/tclWinPort.h:		     limits.h
	* generic/tclInt.h:

2010-05-21  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* tools/installData.tcl:  Make sure that copyDir only receives
	normalized paths. Backported from trunk.
	* generic/tclPlatDecls.h: Fix <tchar.h> inclusion for CYGWIN.
	Backported from trunk (although for trunk this was moved to
	* generic/tclPathObj.c:   Fix Tcl_SetStringObj usage for CYGWIN. This
	function can only be used with unshared objects. This causes a crash
	on CYGWIN. (backported from trunk)
	* generic/tclFileName.c:  Don't declare cygwin_conv_to_win32_path here
	* win/tclWinChan.c:       Fix various minor other gcc warnings, like
	* win/tclWinConsole.c:    signed<->unsigned mismatch. Backported from
	* win/tclWinDde.c:        trunk.
	* win/tclWinNotify.c:
	* generic/tclStrToD.c:    [Bug 3005233]: fix for build on OpenBSD vax

2010-05-19 Alexandre Ferrieux  <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclDictObj.c: Backport of fix for [Bug 3004007], EIAS
	* tests/dict.test:      violation in list-dict conversions.

2010-05-07  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/platform/platform.tcl: Fix cpu name for Solaris/Intel 64bit.
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl: Package updated to version 1.0.8.
	* unix/Makefile.in:		
	* win/Makefile.in:

2010-04-30  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBinary.c (UpdateStringOfByteArray): [Bug 2994924]: Add
	panic when the generated string representation would grow beyond Tcl's
	size limits.

2010-04-29  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/platform/platform.tcl: Another stab at getting the /lib,
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl: /lib64 difference right for linux.
	* unix/Makefile.in:		 Package updated to version 1.0.7.
	* win/Makefile.in:

2010-04-29  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/Antarctica/Macquarie:
	* library/tzdata/Africa/Casablanca:
	* library/tzdata/Africa/Tunis:
	* library/tzdata/America/Santiago:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/San_Luis:
	* library/tzdata/Antarctica/Casey:
	* library/tzdata/Antarctica/Davis:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Anadyr:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Damascus:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Dhaka:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Gaza:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Kamchatka:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Karachi:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Taipei:
	* library/tzdata/Europe/Samara:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Apia:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Easter:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Fiji:   Olson's tzdata2010i.
2010-04-19  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* win/tclWinPort.h: [Patch 2986105]: Conditionally defining
	* win/tclWinFile.c: strcasecmp/strncasecmp

2010-04-18  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/unset.n: [Bug 2988940]: Fix typo.

2010-04-14  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/platform/platform.tcl: Linux platform identification:
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl: Check /lib64 for existence of
	* unix/Makefile.in: files matching libc* before accepting it as
	* win/Makefile.in: base directory. This can happen on weirdly
	installed 32bit systems which have an empty or partially filled
	/lib64 without an actual libc. Bumped to version 1.0.6.

2010-04-03  Zoran Vasiljevic <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c: (SetStringFromAny): avoid trampling
	over the tclEmptyStringRep as it is thread-shared.

	* generic/tclThreadStorage.c (ThreadStorageGetHashTable):
	avoid accessing shared table index w/o mutex protection
	if VALGRIND defined on compilation time. This rules out
	helgrind complains about potential race-conditions at
	that place.

	Thanks to Gustaf Neumann for the (hard) work.

2010-03-31  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/package.n: [Bug 2980210]: Document the arguments taken by
	the [package present] command correctly.

2010-03-30  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIORChan.c (ReflectClose, ReflectInput, ReflectOutput,
	ReflectSeekWide, ReflectWatch, ReflectBlock, ReflectSetOption,
	ReflectGetOption, ForwardProc): [Bug 2978773]: Preserve
	ReflectedChannel* structures across handler invokations, to avoid
	crashes when the handler implementation induces nested callbacks
	and destruction of the channel deep inside such a nesting.

2010-03-30  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclObj.c (Tcl_GetCommandFromObj):	[Bug 2979402]: Reorder
	the validity tests on internal rep of a "cmdName" value to avoid
	invalid reads reported by valgrind.

2010-03-29  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	Fix array overrun in test format-1.12
	caught by valgrind testing.

2010-03-25  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c (TclUnixCopyFile): [Bug 2976504]: Corrected
	number of arguments to fstatfs() call.

2010-03-24  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclResult.c:	[Bug 2383005]: Revise [return -errorcode] so
	* tests/result.test:	that it rejects illegal non-list values.

2010-03-20  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c (CopyData): Allow the total number of bytes copied
	by [fcopy] to exceed 2GB. Can happen when no -size parameter given.

2010-03-18  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclListObj.c: [Bug 2971669]: Prevent in overflow trouble in
	* generic/tclTestObj.c: ListObjReplace operations.  Thanks to kbk for
	* tests/listObj.test:   fix and test.

2010-03-12  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* win/makefile.vc:      Fix [Bug 2967340]: Static build failure
	* win/.cvsignore

2010-03-09  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIORChan.c: [Bug 2936225]: Thanks to Alexandre Ferrieux
	* doc/refchan.n:	<ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net> for debugging
	* tests/ioCmd.test:	and fixing the problem. It is the write-side
				equivalent to the bug fixed 2009-08-06.

2010-03-09  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/tzdata/America/Matamoros: New locale
	* library/tzdata/America/Ojinaga: New locale
	* library/tzdata/America/Santa_Isabel: New locale
	* library/tzdata/America/Asuncion:
	* library/tzdata/America/Tijuana:
	* library/tzdata/Antarctica/Casey:
	* library/tzdata/Antarctica/Davis:
	* library/tzdata/Antarctica/Mawson:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Dhaka:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Fiji:
	Olson tzdata2010c.

2010-03-01  Alexandre Ferrieux  <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c: [backported] Refrain from a possibly lengthy
	reverse-DNS lookup on when calling [fconfigure -sockname]
	on an universally-bound (default) server socket.

2010-02-27  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (StringFirstCmd, StringLastCmd): [Bug 2960021]:
	Only search for the needle in the haystack when the needle isn't
	larger than the haystack. Prevents an odd crash from sometimes
	happening when things get mixed up (a common programming error).

2010-02-21  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:   Fix [Bug 2954959] expr abs(0.0) is -0.0
	* tests/expr.test

2010-02-19  Stuart Cassoff  <stwo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tcl.m4: Correct compiler/linker flags for threaded builds on OpenBSD
	* configure: (regenerated).

2010-02-19  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* unix/installManPage: [Bug 2954638]: Correct behaviour of manual page
	installer. Also added armouring to check that assumptions about the
	initial state are actually valid (e.g., look for existing input file).

2010-02-11  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclIOCmd.c (Tcl_OpenObjCmd): [Bug 2949740]: Make sure that
	we do not try to put a NULL pipeline channel into binary mode.

2010-02-07  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* tools/genStubs.tcl     Backport various formatting (spacing)
	* generic/tcl*.decls     changes from HEAD, so diffing
	* generic/tcl*Decls.h    between 8.5.x and 8.6 shows the
	* generic/tclStubInit.c  real structural differences again.
	                         (any signature change not backported!)

2010-02-03  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (Tcl_ArrayObjCmd): More corrections for the 'unset'

2010-02-02  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclCompile.c: [Bug 2933089]: A literal sharing problem with
	* generic/tclCompile.h: 'info frame' affects not only 8.6 but 8.5 as
	* generic/tclExecute.h: well. Backported the fix done in 8.6, without
	* tests/info.test: changes. New testcase info-39.1.

2010-02-02  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (Tcl_ArrayObjCmd): [Bug 2939073]: Stop the [array
	unset] command from having dangling pointer problems when an unset
	trace deletes the element that is going to be processed next. Many
	thanks to Alexandre Ferrieux for the bulk of this fix.

2010-02-01  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/regexec.c (ccondissect, crevdissect): [Bug 2942697]: Rework
	these functions so that certain pathological patterns are matched much
	more rapidly. Many thanks to Tom Lane for dianosing this issue and
	providing an initial patch.

2010-02-01  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.decls:		Various CYGWIN-related fixes
	* generic/tclInt.h:		backported from HEAD. Still
	* generic/tclIntPlatDecls.h:	configure script not modified,
	* generic/tclPort.h:		so CYGWIN build is still
	* generic/tclTest.c:		disabled. Reason: although the
	* win/cat.c:			build succeeds with those changes,
	* win/tclWinDde.c:		many tests still fail.
	* win/tclWinError.c:
	* win/tclWinFile.c:
	* win/tclWinPipe.c:
	* win/tclWinPort.h:
	* win/tclWinReg.c:
	* win/tclWinSerial.c:
	* win/tclWinSock.c:
	* win/tclWinTest.c:
	* win/tclWinThrd.c:

2010-01-29  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Use correct TCL_LL_MODIFIER for CYGWIN.
				Formatting (all backported from HEAD)
	* generic/rege_dfa.c:	Fix macro conflict on CYGWIN: don't use
	* generic/tclTest.c:	Fix gcc 4.4 warning: ignoring return value of
	* unix/tclUnixPipe.c:	'write'
	* unix/tclUnixNotify.c:

2010-01-19  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/dict.n: [Bug 2929546]: Clarify just what [dict with] and [dict
	update] are doing with variables.

2010-01-18  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (CreateScriptRecord): [Bug 2918110]: Initialize
	the EventScriptRecord (esPtr) fully before handing it to
	Tcl_CreateChannelHandler for registration. Otherwise a reflected
	channel calling 'chan postevent' (== Tcl_NotifyChannel) in its
	'watchProc' will cause the function 'TclChannelEventScriptInvoker'
	to be run on an uninitialized structure.

2010-01-18  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c (Tcl_AppendFormatToObj): [Bug 2932421]: Stop
	the [format] command from causing argument objects to change their
	internal representation when not needed. Thanks to Alexandre Ferrieux
	for this fix.

2010-01-06  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c: Warning: array subscript has type 'char'
	* generic/tclPkg.c:
	* libtommath/bn_mp_read_radix.c:
	* unix/tclUnixCompat.c:	Fix gcc warning: signed and unsigned type
				in conditional expression.
	* unix/tcl.m4: Add support for Haiku and CYGWIN dynamical loading
	* unix/configure: (regenerated)
	* unix/Makefile.in:
	* unix/.cvsignore:
	* tests/stack.test: Reduced minimum required C-stack size to 2034:
			    CYGWIN has this stack size and the test runs fine!
	* generic/tclEnv.c: Fix environment tests under CYGWIN
	* generic/tclPort.h:
	* tests/env.test:

2010-01-05  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c (TclPathPart):	[Bug 2918610]: Correct
	* tests/fileName.test (filename-14.31):	inconsistency between the
	string rep and the intrep of a path value created by [file rootname].
	Thanks to Vitaly Magerya for reporting.

2010-01-03  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4 (SC_CONFIG_CFLAGS): [Bug 1636685]: Use the configuration
	for modern FreeBSD suggested by the FreeBSD porter.

2009-12-30  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* library/safe.tcl (AliasSource): [Bug 2923613]: Make the safer
	* tests/safe.test (safe-8.9):	  [source] handle a [return] at the
					  end of the file correctly.

2009-12-29  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInterp.c (Tcl_MakeSafe): [Bug 2895741]: Make sure that
	the min() and max() functions are supported in safe interpreters.

2009-12-28  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* unix/configure.in: [Bug 942170]:	Detect the st_blocks field of
	* generic/tclCmdAH.c (StoreStatData):	'struct stat' correctly.
	* generic/tclIOUtil.c (Tcl_Stat, Tcl_FSStat):
	* generic/tclTest.c (PretendTclpStat):

	* generic/tclInterp.c (TimeLimitCallback): [Bug 2891362]: Ensure that
	* tests/interp.test (interp-34.13):	   the granularity ticker is
	reset when we check limits because of the time limit event firing.

2009-12-27  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/namespace.n (SCOPED SCRIPTS): [Bug 2921538]: Updated example to
	not be quite so ancient.

2009-12-23  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* library/safe.tcl (AliasSource, AliasExeName): [Bug 2913625]: Stop
	information about paths from leaking through [info script] and [info

2009-12-16  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* library/safe.tcl (::safe::AliasGlob): Upgrade to correctly support a
	larger fraction of [glob] functionality, while being stricter about
	directory management.

	* doc/tm.n: [Bug 1911342]: Formatting rewrite to avoid bogus crosslink
	to the list manpage when generating HTML.

	* library/msgcat/msgcat.tcl (Init): [Bug 2913616]: Do not use platform
	tests that are not needed and which don't work in safe interpreters.

2009-12-12  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclTest.c (TestconcatobjCmd): [Bug 2895367]: Stop memory
	leak when testing. We don't need extra noise of this sort when
	tracking down real problems!

2009-12-10  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclObj.c (TclContinuationsEnter): [Bug 2895323]: Updated
	comments to describe when the function can be entered for the same
	Tcl_Obj* multiple times. This is a continuation of the 2009-11-10
	entry where a memory leak was plugged, but where not sure if that was
	just a band-aid to paper over some other error. It isn't, this is a
	legal situation.

2009-12-09  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/safe.tcl: Backport of the streamlined safe base from
	* tests/safe.test: head to the 8.5 branch (See head changelog entries
	2009-11-05, 2009-11-06, 2009-12-03).

2009-12-07  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStrToD.c:	[Bug 2902010]: Correct conditional compile
	directives to better detect the toolchain that needs extra work for
	proper underflow treatment instead of merely detecting the MIPS

2009-12-02  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* tools/genStubs.tcl: Add support for win32 CALLBACK functions (needed
	for Tk bugfix).

2009-11-30  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/Tcl.n: [Bug 2901433]: Improved description of expansion to
	mention that it is using list syntax.

2009-11-27  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/BoolObj.3, doc/CrtChannel.3, doc/DictObj.3, doc/DoubleObj.3: 
	* doc/Ensemble.3, doc/Environment.3, doc/FileSystem.3, doc/Hash.3: 
	* doc/IntObj.3, doc/Limit.3, doc/ObjectType.3, doc/PkgRequire.3: 
	* doc/SetChanErr.3, doc/SetResult.3: [Patch 2903921]: Many small
	spelling fixes from Larry Virden.

2009-11-25  Stuart Cassoff  <stwo@users.sf.net>

	* unix/configure.in:	[Patch 2892871]: Remove unneeded
	* unix/tcl.m4:		AC_STRUCT_TIMEZONE and use
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in:	AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct stat.st_blksize])
	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c:	instead of AC_STRUCT_ST_BLKSIZE.
	* unix/configure:	Regenerated with autoconf-2.59.

2009-11-16  Alexandre Ferrieux  <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEncoding.c: Fix [Bug 2891556] and improve test to detect
	* tests/decoding.test:   similar manifestations in the future.
2009-11-12  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5.8 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.8 release.

	* generic/tclClock.c (TclClockInit):	Do not create [clock] support
	commands in safe interps.

	* tests/io.test:	New test io-53.11 to test for [Bug 2895565].

2009-11-12  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (CopyData): [Bug 2895565]: Dropped bogosity which
	used the number of _written_ bytes or character to update the counters
	for the read bytes/characters. See last entry for the test case.

2009-11-11  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/fCmd.test:     Fixed a number of issues for Vista and Win7
	* tests/registry.test: that are due to restricted permissions.
	* tests/winFCmd.test:

2009-11-11  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/http/http.tcl:	[Bug 2891171]: Update the URL syntax
	check to RFC 3986 compliance on the subject of non-encoded question
	mark characters.
	* library/http/pkgIndex.tcl:	Bump to http 2.7.5 to avoid any
	* unix/Makefile.in:		confusion with snapshot "releases"
	* win/Makefile.in:		that might be in ActiveTcl, etc.

2009-11-11  Alexandre Ferrieux  <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c: Backported fix for [Bug 2888099] (close discards
	ENOSPC error) by saving the errno from the first of two
	FlushChannel()s. Uneasy to test; might need specific channel drivers.
	Four-hands with aku.

2009-11-10  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Plug another leak in TCL_EVAL_DIRECT

	* generic/tclObj.c:	Plug memory leak in TclContinuationsEnter().
	[Bug 2895323]

2009-11-09  Stuart Cassoff <stwo@users.sf.net>

	* win/README: [bug 2459744]: Removed outdated Msys + Mingw info.

2009-11-09  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TclEvalObjEx):	Plug memory leak in 
	TCL_EVAL_DIRECT evaluation.

	* tests/info.test:	Resolve ambiguous resolution of variable "res".

2009-11-03  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump to 8.5.8 for release.
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.8 release.

2009-11-03  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/safe.tcl (::safe::InterpSetConfig): [Bug 2854929]: Added
	code to recursively find deeper paths which may contain modules.
	Required to handle modules with names like 'platform::shell', which
	translate into 'platform/shell-X.tm', i.e arbitrarily deep

2009-11-03  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Novokuznetsk: New tzdata locale for Kemerovo
	oblast', which now keeps Novosibirsk time and not Kranoyarsk time.
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Damascus: Syrian DST changes.
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Hong_Kong: Hong Kong historic DST corrections.
	Olson tzdata2009q.

2009-11-03  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/tcltest.test: Backport permissions fix for Win7.

2009-10-31  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (ExprRoundFunc): [Bug 2889593]: Correctly report
	the expected number of arguments when generating an error for round().

2009-10-29  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	[Bug 2800740]: Changed the typedef for the
	mp_digit type from:
		typedef unsigned long mp_digit;
		typedef unsigned int mp_digit;
	For 32-bit builds where "long" and "int" are two names for the same
	thing, this is no change at all. For 64-bit builds, though, this
	causes the dp[] array of an mp_int to be made up of 32-bit elements
	instead of 64-bit elements. This is a huge improvement because details
	elsewhere in the mp_int implementation cause only 28 bits of each
	element to be actually used storing number data. Without this change
	bignums are over 50% wasted space on 64-bit systems.

	For 64-bit builds, callers of routines with (mp_digit) or (mp_digit *)
	arguments *will*, and callers of routines with (mp_int *) arguments
	*may* suffer both binary and stubs incompatibilities with Tcl releases
	8.5.0 - 8.5.7.  Such possibilities should be checked, and if such
	incompatibilities are present, suitable [package require] requirements
	on the Tcl release should be put in place to keep such built code
	[load]-ing only in Tcl interps that are compatible.

2009-10-29  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/clock.tcl (LocalizeFormat):
	* tests/clock.test (clock-67.1): [Bug 2819334]:
	Corrected a problem where '%%' followed by a letter in a format group
	could expand recursively: %%R would turn into %%H:%M:%S.

2009-10-28  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclLiteral.c:	Backport fix for [Bug 2888044].

2009-10-28  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* tests/fileName.test (fileName-20.[78]): Corrected poor test
	hygiene (failure to save and restore the working directory) that
	caused these two tests to fail on Windows (and [Bug 2806250] to be

2009-10-27  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c: [Bug 2884203]: Missing refcount on cached
	normalized path caused crashes.

2009-10-27  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/clock.tcl (ParseClockScanFormat): [Bug 2886852]:
	Corrected a problem where [clock scan] didn't load the timezone soon
	enough when processing a time format that lacked a complete date.
	* tests/clock.test (clock-66.1):
	Added a test case for the above bug.
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Cordoba:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/San_Luis:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Tucuman:
	New DST rules for Argentina. (Olson's tzdata2009p.)

2009-10-24  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/clock.tcl (ProcessPosixTimeZone):
	Corrected a regression in the fix to [Bug 2207436] that caused [clock]
	to apply EU daylight saving time rules in the US. Thanks to Karl
	Lehenbauer for reporting this regression.
	* tests/clock.test (clock-52.4):
	Added a regression test for the above regression.
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Dhaka:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Karachi:
	New DST rules for Bangladesh and Pakistan. (Olson's tzdata2009o.)

2009-10-23  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (FlushChannel): Skip OutputProc for low-level
	0-length writes. When closing pipes which have already been closed not
	skipping leads to spurious SIG_PIPE signals. Reported by Mikhail
	Teterin <mi+thun@aldan.algebra.com>.

2009-10-21  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclPosixStr.c: [Bug 2882561]: Work around oddity on Haiku OS
	where SIGSEGV and SIGBUS are the same value.

2009-10-19  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c:	Revised ReadChars and FilterInputBytes
	routines to permit reads to continue up to the string limits of Tcl
	values. Before revisions, large read attempts could panic when as
	little as half the limiting value length was reached. [Patch 2107634]
	Thanks to Sean Morrison and Bob Parker for their roles in the fix.

2009-10-18  Joe Mistachkin  <joe@mistachkin.com>

	* tests/thread.test (thread-4.[345]): [Bug 1565466]: Correct tests to
	save their error state before the final call to threadReap just in
	case it triggers an "invalid thread id" error.  This error can occur
	if one or more of the target threads has exited prior to the attempt
	to send it an asynchronous exit command.

	* doc/memory.n: [Bug 988703]: Add mechanism for finding what Tcl_Objs
	* generic/tclCkalloc.c (MemoryCmd): are allocated when built for
	* generic/tclInt.decls: memory debugging. This was previously
	* generic/tclInt.h: backported from Tcl 8.6 with the corrections to
	* generic/tclObj.c (ObjData, TclFinalizeThreadObjects): fix [Bug
	2871908]. However, there were key elements missing. These changes make
	things consistent between branches.

2009-10-17  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (TclDeleteCompiledLocalVars, UnsetVarStruct)
	* generic/tclTrace.c (Tcl_UntraceVar2): [Bug 2629338]: Stop traces
	that are deleted part way through (a feature used by tdom) from
	causing freed memory to be accessed.

2009-10-08  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclDictObj.c (DictIncrCmd): [Bug 2874678]: Don't leak any
	bignums when doing [dict incr] with a value.
	* tests/dict.test (dict-19.3): Memory leak detection code.

2009-10-07  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclObj.c: [Bug 2871908]: Plug memory leaks of the
	objThreadMap and lineCLPtr hashtables.  Also make the names of the
	continuation line information initialization and finalization
	functions more consistent. Patch supplied by Joe Mistachkin

	* generic/tclIORChan.c (ErrnoReturn): Replace the hardwired constant
	11 with the proper errno define, EAGAIN. What was I thinking? The
	BSD's have a different errno assignment and break with the hardwired
	number. Reported by emiliano on the chat.

2009-10-06  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclTomMathInt.h (new): Public header tclTomMath.h had
	* generic/tclTomMath.h: dependence on private headers, breaking use
	* generic/tommath.h:    by extensions [Bug 1941434].

2009-10-05  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.8 release.

2009-10-04  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/tclMacOSXBundle.c:	Workaround CF memory managment bug in
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c:		Mac OS X 10.4 & earlier. [Bug 2569449]

2009-10-02  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/Africa/Cairo:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Gaza:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Karachi:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Apia:	Olson's tzdata2009n.

2009-09-29  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclAlloc.c:           Cleaned up various routines in the
	* generic/tclCkalloc.c:         call stacks for memory allocation to
	* generic/tclInt.h:		guarantee that any size values computed
	* generic/tclThreadAlloc.c:     are within the domains of the routines
	they get passed to.  [Bugs 2557696 and 2557796].

2009-09-11  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/http/http.tcl:	Bump to http 2.7.4 to account for
	* library/http/pkgIndex.tcl:	[Bug 2849860] fix.
	* unix/Makefile.in:
	* win/Makefile.in:

2009-09-10  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* library/http/http.tcl (http::Event): [Bug 2849860]: Handle charset
	names in double quotes; some servers like generating them like that.

2009-09-01  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/tcltest/tcltest.tcl:	Bump to tcltest 2.3.2 after revision
	* library/tcltest/pkgIndex.tcl:	to verbose error message.
	* unix/Makefile.in:
	* win/Makefile.in:

2009-08-27  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	[Bug 2845535]: A few more string
	overflow cases in [format].

2009-08-25  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_CreateInterp, Tcl_EvalTokensStandard)
	(EvalTokensStandard, Tcl_EvalEx, EvalEx, TclAdvanceContinuations)
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_SwitchObjCmd, TclListLines):
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (*):
	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclSetByteCodeFromAny, TclInitCompileEnv)
	(TclFreeCompileEnv, TclCompileScript):
	* generic/tclCompile.h (CompileEnv):
	* generic/tclInt.h (ContLineLoc, Interp):
	* generic/tclObj.c (ThreadSpecificData, ContLineLocFree)
	(TclThreadFinalizeObjects, TclInitObjSubsystem, TclContinuationsEnter)
	(TclContinuationsEnterDerived, TclContinuationsCopy)
	(TclContinuationsGet, TclFreeObj):
	* generic/tclParse.c (TclSubstTokens, Tcl_SubstObj):
	* generic/tclProc.c (TclCreateProc):
	* generic/tclVar.c (TclPtrSetVar):
	* tests/info.test (info-30.0-24):

	Extended parser, compiler, and execution with code and attendant data
	structures tracking the positions of continuation lines which are not
	visible in script Tcl_Obj*'s, to properly account for them while
	counting lines for #280.

2009-08-24  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c: Fix multiple issues with nested event
	loops when CoreFoundation notifier is running in embedded mode. (Fixes
	problems in TkAqua Cocoa reported by Youness Alaoui on tcl-mac)

2009-08-21  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclFileName.c: Correct regression in [Bug 2837800] fix.
	* tests/fileName.test:

2009-08-20  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclFileName.c: [Bug 2837800]: Get the correct result from
	[glob */test] when * matches something like ~foo.

	* generic/tclPathObj.c:	[Bug 2806250]: Prevent the storage of strings
	starting with ~ in the "tail" part (normPathPtr field) of the path
	intrep when PATHFLAGS != 0.  This establishes the assumptions relied
	on elsewhere that the name stored there is a relative path.  Also
	refactored to make an AppendPath() routine instead of the cut/paste
	stanzas that were littered throughout.

2009-08-20  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LsortObjCmd): Plug memory leak.

2009-08-18  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c:	[Bug 2837800]: Added NULL check to prevent
	* tests/fileName.test:	crashes during [glob].

2009-08-06  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/refchan.n [Bug 2827000]: Extended the implementation of
	* generic/tclIORChan.c: reflective channels (TIP 219, method 'read'),
	* tests/ioCmd.test: enabling handlers to signal EAGAIN to indicate 'no
	data, but not at EOF either', and other system errors. Updated
	documentation, extended testsuite (New test cases iocmd*-23.{9,10}).

2009-08-02  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c (GetOwnerAttribute, SetOwnerAttribute)
	(GetGroupAttribute, SetGroupAttribute): [Bug 1942222]: Stop calling
	* unix/tclUnixFile.c (TclpGetUserHome): endpwent() and endgrent();
	they've been unnecessary for ages.

2009-07-31  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:       [Bug 2830354]: Corrected failure to
	* tests/format.test:            grow buffer when format spec request
	large width floating point values.  Thanks to Clemens Misch.

2009-07-24  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (Tcl_GetChannelHandle): [Bug 2826248]: Do not crash
	* generic/tclPipe.c (FileForRedirect): for getHandleProc == NULL, this
	is allowed. Provide a nice error message in the bypass area. Updated
	caller to check the bypass for a mesage. Bug reported by Andy
	Sonnenburg <andy22286@users.sourceforge.net>. Backported from CVS

2009-07-23  Joe Mistachkin  <joe@mistachkin.com>

	* generic/tclNotify.c: [Bug 2820349]: Ensure that queued events are
	freed once processed.

2009-07-21  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/Asia/Dhaka:
	* library/tzdata/Indian/Mauritius: Olson's tzdata2009k.

2009-07-20  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (StringIsCmd): Reorganize so that [string is] is
	more efficient when parsing things that are correct, at a cost of
	making the empty string test slightly more costly. With this, the cost
	of doing [string is integer -strict $x] matches [catch {expr {$x+0}}]
	in the successful case, and greatly outstrips it in the failing case.

2009-07-16  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:	Removed unused variables.
	* generic/tclCompile.c:
	* generic/tclVar.c:
	* unix/tclUnixChan.c:

	* generic/tclScan.c:	Typo in ACCEPT_NAN configuration.

	* generic/tclStrToD.c:	[Bug 2819200]: Set floating point control
	register on MIPS systems so that the gradual underflow expected by Tcl
	is in effect.

2009-07-14  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (DeleteInterpProc,TclArgumentBCEnter,
	(TclArgumentBCRelease, TclArgumentGet):
	* generic/tclCompile.c (EnterCmdWordIndex, TclCleanupByteCode,
	(TclInitCompileEnv, TclCompileScript):
	* generic/tclCompile.h (ExtCmdLoc):
	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode):
	* generic/tclInt.h (ExtIndex, CFWordBC):
	* tests/info.test (info-39.0):

	Backport of some changes made to the Tcl head, to handle literal
	sharing better. The code here is much simpler (trimmed down) compared
	to the head as the 8.5 branch is not bytecode compiling whole files,
	and doesn't compile eval'd code either.

	Reworked the handling of literal command arguments in bytecode to be
	saved (compiler) and used (execution) per command (see the
	TCL_INVOKE_STK* instructions), and not per the whole bytecode.  This
	removes the problems with location data caused by literal sharing in
	proc bodies. Simplified the associated datastructures (ExtIndex is
	gone, as is the function EnterCmdWordIndex).

2009-07-01  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinInt.h:   [Bug 2806622]: Handle the GetUserName API call
	* win/tclWin32Dll.c: via the tclWinProcs indirection structure. This
	* win/tclWinInit.c:  fixes a problem obtaining the username when the
	USERNAME environment variable is unset.

2009-06-15  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c: sprintf() -> Tcl_ObjPrintf() conversion.

2009-06-13  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c:	The value stashed in iPtr->compiledProcPtr
	* generic/tclProc.c:	when compiling a proc survives too long.  We
	* tests/execute.test:	only need it there long enough for the right
	TclInitCompileEnv() call to re-stash it into envPtr->procPtr.  Once
	that is done, the CompileEnv controls.  If we let the value of
	iPtr->compiledProcPtr linger, though, then any other bytecode compile
	operation that takes place will also have its CompileEnv initialized
	with it, and that's not correct.  The value is meant to control the
	compile of the proc body only, not other compile tasks that happen
	along.  Thanks to Carlos Tasada for discovering and reporting the
	problem.  [Bug 2802881].

2009-06-10  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	Revised [format] to not overflow the
	integer calculations computing the length of the %ll formats of
	really big integers.  Also added protections so that [format]s that
	would produce results overflowing the maximum string length of Tcl
	values throw a normal Tcl error instead of a panic. [Bug 2801413]

2006-06-09  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclGetDate.y: Fixed a thread safety bug in the generated
	* library/clock.tcl:    Bison parser (needed a %pure-parser
	* tests/clock.test:     declaration to avoid static variables).
				Discovered that the %pure-parser declaration
	                        allowed for returning the Bison error message
	                        to the Tcl caller in the event of a syntax
	                        error, so did so.
	* generic/tclDate.c: bison 2.3

2006-06-08  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/Asia/Dhaka: New DST rule for Bangladesh.
	(Olson's tzdata2009i.)

2009-06-02  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c:	Replace dynamically-initialized table with
	a table of static constants in the lookup table for exponent operator
	computations that fit in a 64 bit integer result.

	* generic/tclExecute.c:	Corrected implementations and selection
	logic of the INST_EXPON instruction to fix [Bug 2798543].

2009-06-01  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/expr.test:	Added many tests demonstrating the broken
	cases of [Bug 2798543].

2009-05-30  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/Africa/Cairo:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Amman: Olson's tzdata2009h.

2009-05-29  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/platform/platform.tcl: Fixed handling of cpu ia64,
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl: taking ia64_32 into account
	* unix/Makefile.in: now. Bumped version to 1.0.5. Updated the
	* win/Makefile.in: installation commands.

2009-05-07  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclObj.c (Tcl_GetCommandFromObj): fix for bug [2785893],
	insure that a command in a deleted namespace cannot be found
	through a cached name.

2009-05-06  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:   Improve overflow error message from
	[string repeat].  [Bug 2582327]

2009-04-28  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* unix/tcl.m4, unix/configure (SC_CONFIG_CFLAGS): harden the check
	to add _r to CC on AIX with threads.

2009-04-27  Alexandre Ferrieux  <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:   Backport fix for [Bug 1028264]: WSACleanup() too early.
	* generic/tclEvent.c: The fix introduces "late exit handlers"
	* win/tclWinSock.c:   for similar late process-wide cleanups.

2009-04-27  Alexandre Ferrieux  <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinSock.c: Backport fix for [Bug 2446662]: resync Win
	behavior on RST with that of unix (EOF).

2009-04-27  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/concat.n (EXAMPLES): [Bug 2780680]: Rewrote so that the spacing
	of result messages is correct. (The exact way they were wrong was
	different when rendered through groff or as HTML, but it was still
	wrong both ways.)

2009-04-24  Stuart Cassoff <stwo@users.sf.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in: [Patch 2769530]: Don't chmod/exec installManPage.

2009-04-15  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5.7 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	AppendUnicodeToUnicodeRep failed
	to set stringPtr->allocated to 0, leading to crashes.

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.7 release.

2009-04-14  Stuart Cassoff  <stwo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4:	Removed -Wno-implicit-int from CFLAGS_WARNING.

2008-04-14  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/Asia/Karachi: Updated rules for Pakistan Summer
				       Time (Olson's tzdata2009f)

2009-04-10  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.7 release.

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump to 8.5.7 for release.
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

	* generic/tclStringObj.c (UpdateStringOfString):  Fix bug detected
	by compiler warning about undefined "dst".

	* tests/httpd:		Backport new tests for http 2.7.3.
	* tests/http.tcl:

2009-04-10  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c:		TclUnixWaitForFile(): use FD_* macros
	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c:	to manipulate select masks (Cassoff).
					[Bug 1960647]

	* unix/tclLoadDyld.c:		use RTLD_GLOBAL instead of RTLD_LOCAL.
					[Bug 1961211]

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c:	revise CoreFoundation notifier to allow
					embedding into applications that
					already have a CFRunLoop running and
					want to run the tcl event loop via

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c:	add CFRunLoop based Tcl_Sleep() and
	* unix/tclUnixChan.c:		TclUnixWaitForFile() implementations
	* unix/tclUnixEvent.c:		and disable select() based ones in
					CoreFoundation builds.

	* unix/tclUnixNotify.c:		simplify, sync with tclMacOSXNotify.c.

	* generic/tclInt.decls: 	add TclMacOSXNotifierAddRunLoopMode()
	* generic/tclIntPlatDecls.h:	internal API, regen.
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

	* unix/configure.in (Darwin):	use Darwin SUSv3 extensions if
					available; remove /Network locations
					from default tcl package search path
					(NFS mounted locations and thus slow).
	* unix/configure:		autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in:		autoheader-2.59

	* macosx/tclMacOSXBundle.c:	on Mac OS X 10.4 and later, replace
					deprecated NSModule API by dlfcn API.

2009-04-09  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* tools/tclZIC.tcl:	Always emit Unix-style line terminators.
	* library/tzdata:	Olson's tzdata2009e.

2009-04-09  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/http/http.tcl:	Backport http 2.7.3 from HEAD for
	* library/http/pkgIndex.tcl:	bundling with the Tcl 8.5.7 release.
	* unix/Makefile.in:
	* win/Makefile.in:

2009-04-08  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/platform/platform.tcl: Extended the darwin sections to
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl: add a kernel version number to
	* unix/Makefile.in: the identifier for anything from Leopard (10.5)
	* win/Makefile.in: on up. Extended patterns for same. Extended cpu
	* doc/platform.n: recognition for 64bit Tcl running on a 32bit
	kernel on a 64bit processor (By Daniel Steffen). Bumped version to
	1.0.4. Updated Makefiles.

2009-04-08  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/tcltest/tcltest.tcl:	Converted [eval]s (some unsafe!) to
	* library/tcltest/pkgIndex.tcl:	{*} in tcltest package.  [Bug 2570363]
	* unix/Makefile.in:	=> tcltest 2.3.1
	* win/Makefile.in:

2009-04-07  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	Completed backports of fixes for
	[Bug 2494093] and [Bug 2553906].

2009-03-30  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/Alloc.3:  Size argument is "unsigned int".  [Bug 2556263]

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:       Added protections from invalid memory
	* generic/tclTestObj.c:         accesses when we append (some part of)
	* tests/stringObj.test:         a Tcl_Obj to itself.  Added the
	appendself and appendself2 subcommands to the [teststringobj] testing
	command and added tests to the test suite.  [Bug 2603158]

2009-03-27  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c (TclPathPart):	TclPathPart() was computing
	* tests/fileName.test:	the wrong results for both [file dirname] and
	[file tail] on "path" arguments with the PATHFLAGS != 0 intrep and
	with an empty string for the "joined-on" part.  [Bug 2710920]

2009-03-20  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:       Test stringObj-6.9 checks that
	* tests/stringObj.test:         Tcl_AppendStringsToObj() no longer
	crashes when operating on a pure unicode value.  [Bug 2597185]

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_CONCAT1):  Panic when appends overflow
	the max length of a Tcl value.  [Bug 2669109]

2009-03-18  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinFile.c (TclpObjNormalizePath):      Corrected Tcl_Obj leak.
	Thanks to Joe Mistachkin for detection and patch.  [Bug 2688184].

2009-03-15  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclPosixStr.c (Tcl_SignalId,Tcl_SignalMsg): [Patch 1513655]:
	Added support for SIGINFO, which is present on BSD platforms.

2009-02-20  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c: Fixed mistaken logic in TclFSGetPathType()
	* tests/fileName.test:  that assumed (not "absolute" => "relative").
	This is a false assumption on Windows, where "volumerelative" is
	another possibility.  [Bug 2571597].

2009-02-17  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* win/tcl.m4, win/configure: Check if cl groks _WIN64 already to
	avoid CC manipulation that can screw up later configure checks.
	Use 'd'ebug runtime in 64-bit builds.

2009-02-05  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c: Added overflow protections to the
	AppendUtfToUtfRep routine to either avoid invalid arguments and
	crashes, or to replace them with controlled panics.  [Bug 2561794]

2009-02-04  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c (SetUnicodeObj):       Corrected failure of
	Tcl_SetUnicodeObj() to panic on a shared object.  [Bug 2561488].  Also
	factored out common code to reduce duplication.

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:   Prevent crashes due to int overflow of the
	length of the result of [string repeat].  [Bug 2561746]

2009-01-29  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (Tcl_FindCommand): [Bug 2519474]: Ensure that
	the path is not searched when the TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY flag is given.

2009-01-22  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* unix/tcl.m4: Corrected a typo ($(SHLIB_VERSION) should be
	* unix/configure: Autoconf 2.59

2009-01-21  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIORChan.c (ReflectClose): Fix for [Bug 2458202].
	Closing a channel may supply NULL for the 'interp'. Test for
	finalization needs to be different, and one place has to pull the
	interp out of the channel instead.

2009-01-19  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* unix/Makefile.in: Added a CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR parameter so that
	* unix/tcl.m4:      distributors can control where tclConfig.sh goes.
	Made the installation of 'ldAix' conditional
	upon actually being on an AIX system.  Allowed for downstream
	packagers to customize SHLIB_VERSION on BSD-derived systems.
	Thanks to Stuart Cassoff for [Patch 907924].
	* unix/configure: Autoconf 2.59

2009-01-09  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c (STRING_SIZE):	Corrected failure to limit
	memory allocation requests to the sizes that can be supported by
	Tcl's memory allocation routines.  [Bug 2494093].

2009-01-08  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c (STRING_UALLOC):  Added missing parens
	required to get correct results out of things like
	STRING_UALLOC(num + append).  [Bug 2494093].

2009-01-06  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclDictObj.c (DictIncrCmd): Corrected twiddling in internals
	of dictionaries so that literals can't get destroyed.

	* tests/expr.test, tests/string.test: Eliminate non-ASCII characters.
	[Bugs 2006884, 2006879]

2009-01-03  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>:

	* library/clock.tcl (tcl::clock::add): Fixed error message formatting
	in the case where [clock add] is presented with a bad switch.
	* tests/clock.test (clock-65.1) Added a test case for the above
	problem [Bug 2481670].

2008-12-21  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5.6 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump to 8.5.6 for release.
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.6 release.

	* library/tclIndex: Removed reference to no-longer-extant procedure
	* doc/library.n: Corrected mention of 'auto_exec' to 'auto_execok'.
	[Patch 2114900] thanks to Stu Cassoff <stwo@users.sf.net>
	Backport of 2008-11-26 commit from Kevin Kenny.

	* win/tclWinThrd.c (TclpThreadCreate): We need to initialize the
	thread id variable to 0 as on 64 bit windows this is a pointer sized
	field while windows only fills it with a 32 bit value. The result is
	an inability to join the threads as the ids cannot be matched.
	Backport of 2008-10-13 commit from Pat Thoyts.

2008-12-15  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TEBC:INST_DICT_GET): Make sure that the result
	is empty when generating an error message. [Bug 2431847]

2008-12-12  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* library/clock.tcl (ProcessPosixTimeZone): Fix time change in Eastern
	Europe (not 3:00 but 4:00 local time) [Bug 2207436]

2008-12-11  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (SetChannelFromAny and related): Modified the
	* tests/io.test: internal representation of the tclChannelType to
	contain not only the ChannelState pointer, but also a reference to the
	interpreter it was made in. Invalidate and recompute the internal
	representation when it is used in a different interpreter (like
	cmdName intrep's). Added testcase. [Bug 2407783]

2008-12-11  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* library/clock.tcl (ProcessPosixTimeZone): Fallback to European time
	zone DST rules, when the timezone is between 0 and -12. [Bug 2207436]
	* tests/clock.test (clock-52.[23]): Test cases.

2008-12-10  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/*: Update from Olson's tzdata2008i.

2008-12-04  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c (Tcl_FSGetNormalizedPath):	Added another
	flag value TCLPATH_NEEDNORM to mark those intreps which need more
	complete normalization attention for correct results. [Bug 2385549]

2008-12-03  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclFileName.c (DoGlob): One of the Tcl_FSMatchInDirectory
	calls did not have its return code checked. This caused error messages
	returned by some Tcl_Filesystem drivers to be swallowed.

2008-12-02  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (TclFinalizeIOSubsystem): Replaced Alexandre
	Ferrieux's first patch for [Bug 2270477] with a gentler version, also
	supplied by him.

2008-12-01  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclParse.c:	Backport fix for [Bug 2251175].

2008-11-30  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/clock.tcl (format, ParseClockScanFormat): Added a [string
	map] to get rid of namespace delimiters before caching a scan or
	format procedure. [Bug 2362156]
	* tests/clock.test (clock-64.[12]): Added test cases for the bug that
	was tickled by a namespace delimiter inside a format string.

2008-11-25  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (TclFinalizeIOSubsystem): Applied Alexandre
	Ferrieux's patch for [Bug 2270477] to prevent infinite looping during
	finalization of channels not bound to interpreters.

2008-08-23  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c: Backport of fix for [Bug 2333466].

2008-11-18  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tcl.decls:	Fix signature and implementation of
	* generic/tclDecls.h:	Tcl_HashStats, such that it conforms
	* generic/tclHash.c:	to the documentation. [Bug 2308236]
	* doc/Hash.3:

2008-11-13  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:	Rename static function FSUnloadTempFile to
	* generic/tclIOUtil.c:	TclFSUnloadTempFile, needed in tclLoad.c

	* generic/tclLoad.c:	Fixed [Bug 2269431]: load of shared
	                        objects leaves temporary files on windows

2008-11-10  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/platform_shell.n: Fixed [Bug 2255235], reported by Ulrich
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl: Ring <uring@users.sourceforge.net>.
	* library/platform/shell.tcl: Updated the LOCATE command in the
	* library/tm.tcl: package 'platform::shell' to handle the new form
	* unix/Makefile.in: of 'provide' commands generated by tm.tcl. Bumped
	* win/Makefile.in: package to version 1.1.4. Added cross-references
	to the relevant parts of the code to avoid future desynchronization.

2008-11-04  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclPort.h: remove the ../win/ header dir as the build system
	already has it, and it confuses builds when used with private headers

2008-10-24  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/http/http.tcl: Backported a fix for reading HTTP-like
	protocols that used to work and were broken with http 2.7. Now http

2008-10-23  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump version number to 8.5.6b1 to distinguish
	* library/init.tcl:	CVS development snapshots from the 8.5.5 and
	* unix/configure.in:	8.5.6 releases.
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf (2.59)
	* win/configure:

2008-10-19  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c:	Reset -level and -code values to defaults
	after they are used. [Bug 2152286]

2008-10-16  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/init.tcl:	Revised [unknown] so that it carefully
	preserves the state of the ::errorInfo and ::errorCode variables at
	the start of auto-loading and restores that state before the
	autoloaded command is evaluated. [Bug 2140628]

2008-10-10  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5.5 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump to 8.5.5 for release.
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.5 release.

2008-10-08  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclTrace.c:   Corrected handling of errors returned by
	variable traces so that the errorInfo value contains the original
	error message. [Bug 2151707]

	* generic/tclVar.c:     Revised implementation of TclObjVarErrMsg so
	that error message construction does not disturb an existing
	iPtr->errorInfo that may be in progress.

2008-10-06  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* tclWinTest.c: Fix compiler warning when compiling this file with
	mingw gcc:
	    tclWinTest.c:706: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will
	    break strict-aliasing rules
	* generic/tclLoad.c: Make sure that any library which doesn't have an
	unloadproc is only really unloaded when no library code is executed
	yet. [Bug 2059262]

2008-10-06  Joe Mistachkin  <joe@mistachkin.com>

	* tools/man2tcl.c: Added missing line from patch by Harald Oehlmann.
	[Bug 1934200]

2008-10-05  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* libtommath/bn_mp_sqrt.c (bn_mp_sqrt): Handle the case where a
	* tests/expr.test (expr-47.13):         number's square root is
	between n<<DIGIT_BIT and n<<DIGIT_BIT+1. [Bug 2143288]
	Thanks to Malcolm Boffey (malcolm.boffey@virgin.net) for the patch.

2008-10-02  Joe Mistachkin  <joe@mistachkin.com>

	* tools/man2help2.tcl: Integrated patches from Harald Oehlmann.
	* tools/man2tcl.c: [Bug 1934200, 1934272]

2008-09-27  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LrepeatObjCmd): Improve the handling of the
	case where the combination of number of elements and repeat count
	causes the resulting list to be too large. [Bug 2130992]

2008-09-25  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/global.n:	Correct false claim about [info locals].

2008-09-17  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:     Correct the TclGetLongFromObj,
	TclGetIntFromObj, and TclGetIntForIndexM macros so that they
	retrieve the internalRep.longValue field instead of casting the
	internalRep.otherValuePtr field to type long.

2008-09-17  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* library/init.tcl: export min and max commands from the mathfunc
	namespace [Bug 2116053]

2008-09-10  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclListObj.c (Tcl_ListObjGetElements): Make this list->dict
	transformation - encountered when using [foreach] with dicts - not as
	expensive as it was before. Spotted by Kieran Elby and reported on

2008-09-07  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* doc/namespace.n: fix [Bug 2098441]

2008-08-28  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump version number to 8.5.5b1 to distinguish
	* library/init.tcl:	CVS development snapshots from the 8.5.4 and
	* unix/configure.in:	8.5.5 releases.
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf (2.59)
	* win/configure:

2008-08-22  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclReToGlob):	Added missing set of the
	*exactPtr value to really fix [Bug 2065115]. Also avoid possible
	DString overflow.
	* tests/regexpComp.test:	Correct duplicate test names.

2008-08-21  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* tests/regexp.test, tests/regexpComp.test: correct re2glob ***=
	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclReToGlob):          translation from exact
	to anywhere-in-string match. [Bug 2065115]

2008-08-20  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclTest.c (TestconcatobjCmd):	fix use of internal-only
						TclInvalidateStringRep macro.
						[Bug 2057479]

2008-08-17  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclTest.c (TestconcatobjCmd):
	* generic/tclUtil.c (Tcl_ConcatObj):
	* tests/util.test (util-4.7):
	fix [Bug 1447328]; the original "fix" turned Tcl_ConcatObj() into
	a hairy monster. This was exposed by [Bug 2055782]. Additionally,
	Tcl_ConcatObj could corrupt its input under certain conditions!


2008-08-14  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5.4 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* tests/fileName.test:  Revise new tests for portability to case
	insensitive filesystems.

2008-08-14  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.h:		Add support for debug logging of DTrace
	* generic/tclBasic.c:		'proc', 'cmd' and 'inst' probes (does
					_not_ require a platform with DTrace).

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (TclInfoFrame):	Check fPtr->line before
						dereferencing as line info may
						not exists when TclInfoFrame()
						is called from a DTrace probe.

	* tests/msgcat.test:		Fix for ::tcl::mac::locale with
					@modifier (HEAD backport 2008-06-01).

	* tests/fCmd.test (fCmd-6.23):	Made result matching robust when test
					workdir and /tmp are not on same FS.

	* unix/Makefile.in:		Ensure Makefile shell is /bin/bash for
	* unix/configure.in (SunOS):	DTrace-enabled build on Solaris.
					(followup to 2008-06-12) [Bug 2016584]

	* unix/tcl.m4 (SC_PATH_X):	Check for libX11.dylib in addition to
					libX11.so et al.

	* unix/configure: 		autoconf-2.59

2008-08-13  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclFileName.c:        Fix for errors handling -types {}
	* tests/fileName.test:          option to [glob]. [Bug 1750300]
	Thanks to Matthias Kraft and George Peter Staplin.

2008-08-12  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.4 release.

2008-08-11  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/http/http.tcl: Remove 8.5 requirement.
	* library/http/pkgIndex.tcl:
	* unix/Makefile.in:
	* win/Makefile.in:
	* win/makefile.vc:

2008-08-11  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/tm.tcl: Added a 'package provide' command to the generated
	ifneeded scripts of Tcl Modules, for early detection of conflicts
	between the version specified through the file name and a 'provide'
	command in the module implementation, if any. Note that this change
	also now allows Tcl Modules to not provide a 'provide' command at all,
	and declaring their version only through their filename.

	* generic/tclProc.c (Tcl_ProcObjCmd): Fixed memory leak triggered
	* tests/proc.test: by procbody::test::proc. See [Bug 2043636]. Added a
	test case demonstrating the leak before the fix. Fixed a few spelling
	errors in test descriptions as well.

2008-08-11  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/http/http.tcl:	Bump http version to 2.7.1 to account
	* library/http/pkgIndex.tcl:	for [Bug 2046486] bug fix.  This
	* unix/Makefile.in:		release of http now requires a
	* win/Makefile.in:		dependency on Tcl 8.5 to be able to
	* win/makefile.bc:		use the unsigned formats in the
	* win/makefile.vc:		[binary scan] command.

2008-08-11  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/http/http.tcl: crc field from zlib data should be treated as
	unsigned for 64bit support [Bug 2046846]

2008-08-08  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump to 8.5.4 for release.
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.4 release.

2008-08-08  Kevin Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/CET:
	* library/tzdata/MET:
	* library/tzdata/Africa/Casablanca:
	* library/tzdata/America/Eirunepe:
	* library/tzdata/America/Santarem:
	* library/tzdata/America/Rio_Branco:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/San_Luis:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Karachi:
	* library/tzdata/Europe/Belgrade:
	* library/tzdata/Europe/Berlin:
	* library/tzdata/Europe/Budapest:
	* library/tzdata/Europe/Sofia:
	* library/tzdata/Indian/Mauritius:  Olson's tzdata2008e.

2008-08-06  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (TclLookupSimpleVar):  Retrieve the number of
	locals in the localCache from the CallFrame and not from the Proc
	which may have been mangled by a (broken?) recompile. Backport from
	the HEAD.

2008-08-04  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c:	Stopped faulty double-logging of errors to
	* tests/execute.test:	stack trace when a compile epoch bump triggers
	fallback to direct evaluation of commands in a compiled script.
	[Bug 2037338]

2008-07-30  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Corrected the timing of when the flag

2008-07-29  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c:  fix [Bug 2030670] that cause
	TclStackRealloc to panic on rare corner cases. Thx ajpasadyn for
	diagnose and patch.

2008-07-28  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclBasic.c: Added missing ref count when creating an empty
	string as path (TclEvalEx). In 8.4 the missing code caused panics in
	the testsuite. It doesn't in 8.5. I am guessing that the code path
	with the missing the incr-refcount is not invoked any longer. Because
	the bug in itself is certainly the same.

2008-07-25  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/info.test (info-37.0): Add !singleTestInterp constraint;
	(info-22.8, info-23.0): switch to glob matching to avoid sensitivity
	to tcltest.tcl line number changes, remove knownBug constraint, fix
	expected result. [Bug 1605269]

2008-07-25  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/info.test: Tests 38.* added, exactly testing the tracking of
	location for uplevel scripts.

	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclInitCompileEnv): Reorganized the
	initialization of the #280 location information to match the flow in
	TclEvalObjEx to get more absolute contexts.

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TclEvalObjEx): Moved the pure-list optimization
	out of the eval-direct code path to be done always, i.e. even when a
	compile is requested. This way we do not loose the association between
	#280 location information and the list elements, if any.

2008-07-23  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/info.test: Reordered the tests to have monotonously
	increasing numbers.

	* generic/tclBasic.c: Modified TclArgumentGet to reject pure lists
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c: immediately, without search. Reworked setup
	* generic/tclCompile.c: of eoFramePtr, doesn't need the line
	* tests/info.test: information, more sensible to have everything on
	line 1 when eval'ing a pure list. Updated the users of the line
	information to special case this based on the frame type (i.e.
	TCL_LOCATION_EVAL_LIST). Added a testcase demonstrating the new

2008-07-22  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclBasic.c: Added missing function comments.

	* generic/tclCompile.c: Made the new TclEnterCmdWordIndex
	* generic/tclCompile.h: static, and ansified.

	* generic/tclBasic.c: Reworked the handling of bytecode literals
	* generic/tclCompile.c: for #280 to fix the abysmal performance
	* generic/tclCompile.h: for deep recursion, replaced the linear
	* generic/tclExecute.c: search through the whole stack with another
	* generic/tclInt.h: hashtable and simplified the data structure used
	by the compiler (array instead of hashtable). Incidentially this also
	fixes the memory leak reported via [Bug 2024937].

2008-07-21  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/encoding.test:  Make failing tests pass again. [Bug 1972867]

2008-07-21  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclBasic.c: Extended the existing TIP #280 system (info
	* generic/tclCmdAH.c: frame), added the ability to track the
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c: absolute location of literal procedure
	* generic/tclCompile.c: arguments, and making this information
	* generic/tclCompile.h: available to uplevel, eval, and
	* generic/tclInterp.c: siblings. This allows proper tracking of
	* generic/tclInt.h: absolute location through custom (Tcl-coded)
	* generic/tclNamesp.c: control structures based on uplevel, etc.
	* generic/tclProc.c:

2008-07-21  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclFCmd.c: Inodes on windows are unreliable [Bug 2015723]

2008-07-20  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclDictObj.c (SetDictFromAny): Make the list->dict
	transformation a bit more efficient; modern dicts are ordered and so
	we can round-trip through lists without needing the string rep at all.
	* generic/tclListObj.c (SetListFromAny): Make the dict->list
	transformation not lossy of internal representations and hence more
	efficient. [Bug 2008248] (ajpasadyn) but using a more efficient patch.

2008-07-15  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* doc/DictObj.3: Fix error in example. [Bug 2016740]

2008-07-08  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclGet.c:	Corrected out of date comments.

2008-07-07  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (InfoFrameCmd): Fixed unsafe idiom of setting the
	interp result found by Don Porter.

2008-07-07  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* doc/regexp.n, doc/regsub.n: Correct examples. [Bug 1982642]

2008-07-04  Joe English  <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEncoding.c(UtfToUtfProc): Avoid unwanted sign extension
	when converting incomplete UTF-8 sequences. See [Bug 1908443] for

2008-07-03  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIORChan.c (InvokeTclMethod): Fixed the memory leak
	reported in [Bug 1987821]. Thanks to Miguel for the rpeort and Don
	Porter for tracking the cause down.

2008-07-03  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/package.tcl:  Removed [file readable] testing from
	[tclPkgUnknown] and friends. We find out soon enough whether a file is
	readable when we try to [source] it, and not testing before allows us
	to workaround the bugs on some common filesystems where [file
	readable] lies to us. [Patch 1969717]

2008-06-29  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5.3 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump to 8.5.3 for release.
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

	* doc/ObjectType.3:	Updated documentation of the Tcl_ObjType
	struct to match expectations of Tcl 8.5 [Bug 1917650].

	* generic/tclPathObj.c:  Plug memory leak in [Bug 1999176] fix. Thanks
	Rolf Ade for detecting.

2008-06-28  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c:  Plug memory leak in [Bug 1972879] fix. Thanks
	Rolf Ade for detecting and Dan Steffen for the fix [Bug 2004654].

2008-06-26  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* unix/Makefile.in: Followup to my change of 2008-06-25, make code
	generated by the Makefile and put into the installd tm.tcl conditional
	on interpreter safeness as well. Thanks to Daniel Steffen for
	reminding me of that code.

2008-06-25  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.3 release.

2008-06-25  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/tm.tcl:	Modified the handling of Tcl Modules and of the
	* library/safe.tcl:	Safe Base to interact nicely with each other,
	* library/init.tcl:	enabling requiring Tcl Modules in safe
	* tests/safe.test:	interpreters. Fixes [Bug 1999119].

2008-06-25  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/rules.vc:    Backported fix for dde/registry versions and
	* win/makefile.vc: the staticpkg build option

2008-06-24  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c: Fixed some internals management in the "path"
	Tcl_ObjType for the empty string value. Problem led to a crash in the
	command [glob -dir {} a]. [Bug 1999176].

2008-06-23  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c: Fixed bug in Tcl_GetTranslatedPath() when
	operating on the "Special path" variant of the "path" Tcl_ObjType
	intrep. A full normalization was getting done, in particular, coercing
	relative paths to absolute, contrary to what the function of
	producing the "translated path" is supposed to do. [Bug 1972879]

2008-06-19  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update for 8.5.3 release.

	* generic/tclInterp.c:	Fixed completely boneheaded mistake that
	* tests/interp.test:	[interp bgerror $slave] and [$slave bgerror]
	would always act like [interp bgerror {}]. [Bug 1999035]

	* tests/chanio.test:	Corrected flawed tests revealed by a -debug 1
	* tests/event.test:	-singleproc 1 test suite run.
	* tests/io.test:

2008-06-19  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Updates for 8.5.3 release.

2008-06-17  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclClock.c (ClockConvertlocaltoutcObjCmd): Removed left
	over debug output.

2008-06-17  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/tm.n: Followup to changelog entry 2008-03-18 regarding
	::tcl::tm::Defaults. Updated the documentation to not only mention
	the new (underscored) form of environment variable names, but make
	it the encouraged form as well. See [Bug 1914604].

2008-06-17  Kevin Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclClock.c (ConvertLocalToUTC):
	* tests/clock.test (clock-63.1): Fixed a bug where the
	internal ConvertLocalToUTC command segfaulted if passed a
	dictionary without the 'localSeconds' key.  To the best of
	my knowledge, the bug was not observable in the [clock]
	command itself.

2008-06-16  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (TclInfoFrame): Backport of fix made on the
	* tests/info.test: head branch :: Moved the code looking up the
	information for key 'proc' out of the TCL_LOCATION_BC branch to
	after the switch, this is common to all frame types. Updated the
	testsuite to match. This was exposed by the 2008-06-08 commit
	(Miguel), switching uplevel from direct eval to compilation. Fixes
	[Bug 1987851].

2008-06-12  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in:		add complete deps on tclDTrace.h.

	* unix/Makefile.in:		clean generated tclDTrace.h file.
	* unix/configure.in (SunOS): 	fix static DTrace-enabled build.

	* unix/tcl.m4 (SunOS-5.11): fix 64bit amd64 support with gcc & Sun cc.
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:	add debug configs with gcov,
	and with corefoundation disabled; updates and cleanup for Xcode 3.1 and
	for Leopard.
	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/project.pbxproj:	sync Tcl.xcodeproj changes.
	* macosx/README:			document new build configs.

2008-05-26  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* tests/io.test (io-53.9): need to close chan before removing file.

2008-05-23  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* win/tclWinChan.c (FileWideSeekProc): Accepted a patch by
	Alexandre Ferrieux <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net> to fix the
	[Bug 1965787]. 'tell' now works for locations > 2 GB as well
	instead of going negative.

	* generic/tclIO.c (Tcl_SetChannelBufferSize): Accepted a patch by
	* tests/io.test: Alexandre Ferrieux <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>
	* tests/chanio.test: to fix the [Bug 1969953]. Buffersize outside
	of the supported range are now clipped to nearest boundary instead
	of ignored.

2008-05-22  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (Tcl_LogCommandInfo):	Restored ability to
	handle the argument value length = -1.  Thanks to Chris Darroch for
	discovering the bug and providing the fix.  [Bug 1968245].

2008-05-21  Don Porter  <dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclParse.c (ParseComment):    The new TclParseAllWhiteSpace
	* tests/parse.test (parse-15.60):       routine has no mechanism to
	return the "incomplete" status of "\\\n" so calling this routine
	anywhere that can be reached within a Tcl_ParseCommand call is a
	mistake. In particular, ParseComment must not use it. [Bug 1968882]

2008-05-21  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (Tcl_SetNamespaceUnknownHandler): Corrected odd
	logic for handling installation of namespace unknown handlers which
	could lead too very strange things happening in the error case.

2008-05-16  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c: Fix crash with tcl_traceExec. Found and
	fixed by Alexander Pasadyn [Bug 1964803].

2008-05-07  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileDictAppendCmd): Fix silly
	off-by-one error that caused a crash every time a compiled 'dict
	append' with more than one value argument was used. Found by Colin

2008-04-26  Zoran Vasiljevic <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclAsync.c: Tcl_AsyncDelete(): panic if attempt to locate
	handler token fails. Happens when some other thread attempts to delete
	somebody else's token.

	Also, panic early if we find out the wrong thread attempting to delete
	the async handler (common trap). As, only the one that created the
	handler is allowed to delete it.

2008-04-24  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/ioCmd.test: Extended testsuite for reflected channel
	implementation. Added test cases about how it handles if the rug is
	pulled out from under a channel (= killing threads, interpreters
	containing the tcl command for a channel, and channel sitting in a
	different interpreter/thread.)

	* generic/tclIORChan.c: Fixed the bugs exposed by the new testcases,
	redone most of the cleanup and exit handling.

2008-04-15  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (CopyData): Applied another patch by Alexandre
	* io.test (io-53.8a): Ferrieux <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>,
	* chanio.test (chan-io-53.8a): to shift EOF handling to the async
	part of the command if a callback is specified, should the channel
	be at EOF already when fcopy is called. Testcase by myself.

2008-04-14  Kevin B. Kenny <kennykb@acm.org>

	* unix/tclUnixTime.c (NativeGetTime): Removed obsolete use of
	'struct timezone' in the call to 'gettimeofday'. [Bug 1942197].
	* tests/clock.test (clock-33.5, clock-33.5a, clock-33.8, clock-33.8a):
	Added comments to the test that it can fail on a heavily loaded

2008-04-11  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump version number to 8.5.3b1 to distinguish
	* library/init.tcl:	CVS development snapshots from the 8.5.2 and
	* unix/configure.in:	8.5.3 releases.
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf (2.59)
	* win/configure:

2008-04-10  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIOCmd.c (Tcl_FcopyObjCmd): Keeping check for negative
	values, changed to not be an error, but behave like the special
	value -1 (copy all, default).

	* tests/iocmd.test (iocmd-15.{12,13}): Removed.

	* tests/io.test (io-52.5{,a,b}): Reverted last change, added
	* tests/chanio.test (chan-io-52.5{,a,b}): comment regarding the
	meaning of -1, added two more testcases for other negative values,
	and input wrapped to negative.

2008-04-09  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/chanio.test (chan-io-52.5): Removed '-size -1' from test,
	* tests/io.test (io-52.5): does not seem to have any bearing, and
	  was an illegal value.

	* generic/tclIOCmd.c (Tcl_FcopyObjCmd): Added checking of -size
	* tests/ioCmd.test (iocmd-15.{13,14}): value to reject negative
	values, and values overflowing 32-bit signed. [Bug 1557855]. Basic
	patch by Alexandre Ferrieux <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net>, with
	modifications from me to separate overflow from true negative
	value. Extended testsuite.

2008-04-08  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/io.test (io-53.8): Fixed ordering of vwait and after
	cancel. cancel has to be done after the vwait completes.

2008-04-09  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/chanio.test (chan-io-53.8,53.9,53.10):	fix typo & quoting for
	* tests/io.test (io-53.8,53.9,53.10):		spaces in builddir path

2008-04-07  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/io.test (io-53.10): Testcase for bi-directionaly fcopy.
	* tests/chanio.test:
	* generic/tclIO.c: Additional changes to data structures for fcopy
	* generic/tclIO.h: and channels to perform proper cleanup in case
	of a channel having two background copy operations running as is
	now possible.

	* tests/io.test (io-53.10): Testcase for bi-directionaly fcopy.
	* generic/tclIO.c: Additional changes to data structures for fcopy
	and channels to perform proper cleanup in case of a channel having
	two background copy operations running as is now possible.

2008-04-07  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (BUSY_STATE, CheckChannelErrors,
	TclCopyChannel): New macro, and the places using it. This change
	allows for bi-directional fcopy on channels. [Bug 1350564]. Thanks
	to Alexandre Ferrieux <ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net> for the

2008-04-07  Reinhard Max  <max@suse.de>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c (Tcl_AppendFormatToObj): Fix [format {% d}]
	so that it behaves the same way as in 8.4 and as C's printf().
	* tests/format.test: Add a test for '% d' and '%+d'.

2008-04-05  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* tests/chanio.test (chan-io-53.9):
	* tests/io.test (io-53.9): Made test cleanup robust against the
	possibility of slow process shutdown on Windows.

	* win/tcl.m4: Added -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE and
	-DCRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE to the MSVC compilation flags so that
	the compilation doesn't barf on perfectly reasonable Posix system
	* win/configure: Manually patched (don't have the right autoconf
	to hand).

	* win/tclWinFile.c: (WinSymLinkDirectory): Fixed a problem that
	Tcl was creating an NTFS junction point (IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT)
	but filling in the union member for a Vista symbolic link. We had
	gotten away with this error because the union member
	(SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer) was misdefined in this file and in the
	'winnt.h' in early versions of MinGW. MinGW 3.4.2 has the correct
	definition of SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer, exposing the mismatch,
	and making tests cmdAH-19.4.1, fCmd-28.*, and filename-11.* fail.

2008-04-04  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/io.test (io-53.9): Added testcase for [Bug 780533], based
	* tests/chanio.test: on Alexandre's test script. Also fixed
	problem with timer in preceding test, was not canceled properly in
	the ok case.

2008-04-04  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIORChan.c (ReflectOutput): Allow zero return from
	write when input was zero-length anyway. Otherwise keept it an
	error, and separate the message from 'written too much'.

	* tests/ioCmd.test (iocmd-24.6): Testcase updated for changed

	* generic/tclIORChan.c (ReflectClose): Added missing removal of
	the now closed channel from the reflection map. Before we could
	crash the system by invoking 'chan postevent' on a closed
	reflected channel, dereferencing the dangling pointer in the map.

	* tests/ioCmd.test (iocmd-31.8): Testcase for the above.

2008-04-03  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (CopyData): Applied patch [Bug 1932639] to
	* tests/io.test: prevent fcopy from calling -command synchronously
	* tests/chanio.test: the first time. Thanks to Alexandre Ferrieux
	<ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net> for report and patch.

2008-04-02  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (CopyData): Applied patch for the fcopy problem
	[Bug 780533], with many thanks to Alexandre Ferrieux
	<ferrieux@users.sourceforge.net> for tracking it down and
	providing a solution. Still have to convert his test script into a
	proper test case.

2008-04-01  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclStrToD.c: Applied patch for [Bug 1839067] (fp
	* unix/tcl.m4: rounding setup on solaris x86, native cc), provided
	* unix/configure: by Michael Schlenker. configure regen'd.

2008-04-01  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStubLib.c (Tcl_InitStubs):	Added missing error message.
	* generic/tclPkg.c (Tcl_PkgInitStubsCheck):

2008-03-30  Kevin Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclInt.h (TclIsNaN):
	* unix/configure.in: Added code to the configurator to check for
	                     a standard isnan() macro and use it if one
	                     is found.  This change avoids bugs where
	                     the test of ((d) != (d)) is optimized away
			     by an overaggressive compiler. [Bug 1783544]
	* generic/tclObj.c: Added missing #include <math.h> needed to
			    locate isnan() after the above change.

	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.61

	* tests/mathop.test (mathop-25.9, mathop-25.14): Modified tests
	to deal with (slightly buggy) math libraries in which pow()
	returns an incorrectly rounded result. [Bug 1808174]

2008-03-26  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5.2 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump to 8.5.2 for release.
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5.2 release.

2008-03-28  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* tests/fCmd.test: Substantial rewrite to use many more tcltest
	features. Great reduction in quantity of [catch] gymnastics. Several
	buggy tests fixed, including one where the result of the previous test
	was being checked!

2008-03-27  Kevin B. Kenny <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/America/Marigot:
	* library/tztata/America/St_Barthelemy:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/San_Luis:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Kolkata:  (new files)
	* library/tzdata/America/Caracas:
	* library/tzdata/America/Havana:
	* library/tzdata/America/Santiago:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Catamarca:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Cordoba:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Jujuy:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/La_Rioja:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Mendoza:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/San_Juan:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Tucuman:
	* library/tzdata/America/Argentina/Ushuaia:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Baghdad:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Calcutta:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Damascus:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Saigon:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Easter:
		Changes up to and including Olson's tzdata2008b.

2008-03-27  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4 (SunOS-5.1x): fix 64bit support for Sun cc. [Bug 1921166]

	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

2008-03-26  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5.2 release.

2008-03-24  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBinary.c: [Bug 1923966] - crash in binary format
	* tests/binary.test:   Added tests for the above crash condition.

2008-03-21  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/switch.n: Clarified documentation in respect of two-argument
	invokation. [Bug 1899962]

	* tests/switch.test: Added more tests of regexp-mode compilation of
	the [switch] command. [Bug 1854435]

2008-03-20  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tcl.h, generic/tclThreadAlloc.c: Tidied up the declarations
	of Tcl_GetMemoryInfo so that it is always defined. Will panic when
	called against a Tcl that was previously built without it at all,
	which is OK because that also indicates a serious mismatch between
	memory configuration options.

2008-03-19  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tcl.h, generic/tclThreadAlloc.c (Tcl_GetMemoryInfo): Make
	sure this function is available when direct linking. [Bug 1868171]

	* tests/reg.test (reg-33.14): Marked nonPortable because some
	environments have small default stack sizes. [Bug 1905562]

2008-03-18  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/tm.tcl (::tcl::tm::UnknownHandler): Changed 'source' to
	'source -encoding utf-8'. This fixes a portability problem of Tcl
	Modules pointed out by Don Porter. By using plain 'source' we were at
	the mercy of 'encoding system', making modules less portable than they
	could be. The exact scenario: A writes a TM in some weird encoding
	which is A's system encoding, distributes it, and somewhere else it
	cannot be read/used because the system encoding is different. Forcing
	the use of utf-8 makes the module portable.

	***INCOMPATIBILITY*** for all Tcl Modules already written in non-utf-8
	compatible encodings.

2008-03-18  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c:	Patch from Miguel Sofer to correct the
	alignment of memory allocated by GrowEvaluationStack(). [Bug 1914503]

2008-03-18  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/tm.tcl (::tcl::tm::Defaults): Modified handling of
	environment variables. See [Bug 1914604]. Solution slightly different
	than proposed in the report. Using the underscored form TCLX_y_TM_PATH
	even if TCLX.y_TM_PATH exists. Also using a loop to cut prevent code

2008-03-16  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileDictForCmd): Correct the handling
	of stack space calculation (the jump pattern used was confusing the
	simple-minded code doing the calculations). [Bug 1903325]

	* doc/lreplace.n: Clarified documentation of what happens with
	negative indices. [Bug 1905809] Added example, tidied up formatting.

2008-03-14  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (OldMathFuncProc):	Same workaround protection
	from bad TclStackAlloc() alignment. Thanks George Peter Staplin.

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LsortObjCmd):	Use ckalloc() to allocate
	SortElement arrays instead of TclStackAlloc() which isn't getting
	alignment right. Workaround for [Bug 1914503].

2008-03-14  Reinhard Max  <max@suse.de>

	* generic/tclTest.c:  Ignore the return value of write() when we are
	* unix/tclUnixPipe.c: about to exit anyways.

2008-03-13  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/configure.in:	Use backslash-quoting instead of double-quoting
	* unix/tcl.m4:		for lib paths in tclConfig.sh. [Bug 1913622]
	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59

2008-03-13  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5.2 release.

	* generic/tclStrToD.c:	Resolve identifier conflict over "pow10" with
	libm in Cygwin and DJGPP. Thanks to Gordon Schumacher and Philip
	Moore. [Patch 1800636]

2008-03-12  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:	Add support for Xcode 3.1
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser:	CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY and
	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig:		'xcodebuild install'.

2008-03-12  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/info.n: Replaced {expand} with {*}.

2008-03-12  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* unix/Makefile.in (install-libraries):	Bump http to 2.7
	* win/Makefile.in (install-libraries):	Added -myaddr option to allow
	* library/http/http.tcl (http::geturl):	control of selected socket
	* library/http/pkgIndex.tcl:		interface. [Bug 559898]
	* doc/http.n, tests/http.test:		Added -keepalive and
	-protocol 1.1 with chunked transfer encoding support. [Bug 1063703,
	1470377, 219225] (default keepalive is 0)
	Added ability to override Host in -headers. [Bug 928154]
	Added -strict option to control URL validation on per-call basis.
	[Bug 1560506]

2008-03-11  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* library/http/http.tcl (http::geturl): Add -method option to support
	* tests/http.test (http-3.1):		http PUT and DELETE requests.
	* doc/http.n:				[Bug 1599901, 862554]

	* library/http/http.tcl: Whitespace changes, code cleanup. Allow http
	to be re-sourced without overwriting http state.

2008-03-11  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEncoding.c (LoadEscapeEncoding): Avoid leaking escape
	sub-encodings, fixes encoding-11.1 failing after iso2022-jp loaded.
	[Bug 1893053]

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c: Avoid using CoreFoundation after fork() on
	Darwin 9 even when TclpCreateProcess() uses vfork().

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:	Add support for Xcode 3.1 and
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser:	configs for building with
	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig:		gcc-4.2 and llvm-gcc-4.2.

	* unix/tclUnixPort.h:			Workaround vfork() problems
						in llvm-gcc-4.2.1 -O4 build.

	* unix/tclUnixPort.h:			Move MODULE_SCOPE compat define
						to top [Bug 1911102].

	* macosx/GNUmakefile:			Fix quoting to allow paths to
	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig:		${builddir} and ${INSTALL_ROOT}
	* unix/Makefile.in:			to contain spaces.
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/install-sh:
	* unix/tcl.m4:
	* tests/ioCmd.test:

	* unix/configure:			autoconf-2.59

	* unix/Makefile.in (install-strip):	Strip non-global symbols from
						dynamic library.

	* unix/tclUnixNotfy.c:			Fix warning.

	* tests/exec.test (exec-9.7):		Reduce timing sensitivity
	* tests/socket.test (socket-2.11):	(esp. on multi-proc machines).

	* tests/fCmd.test (fCmd-9.4):		Skip on Darwin 9 (xfail).

2008-03-11  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (TclDeleteNamespaceVars):
	* tests/var.test (var-8.2): Unset traces on vars should be called with
	a FQ named during namespace deletion. This was causing infinite loops
	when unset traces recreated the var, as reported by Julian Noble. [Bug

2008-03-10  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5.2 release.

	* doc/http.n:	Revised to indicate that [package require http 2.5.5]
	is needed to get all the documented commands ([http::meta]).

	* generic/tclEvent.c (TclDefaultBgErrorHandlerObjCmd):  Added error
	* tests/event.test (event-5.*):	checking to protect against callers
	passing invalid return options dictionaries. [Bug 1901113]

	* generic/tclBasic.c (ExprAbsFunc):	Revised so that the abs()
	* tests/expr.test:	function and the [::tcl::mathfunc::abs]
	command do not return the value of -0, or equivalent values with more
	alarming string reps like -1e-350. [Bug 1893815]

2008-03-07  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclResult.c (ReleaseKeys): Workaround for [Bug 1904907].
	Reset the return option keys to NULL to allow full re-initialization
	by GetKeys(). This introduces a memory leak for the key objects, but
	gets us around a crash in the finalization of reflected channels when
	handling returns, either at compile- or runtime. In both cases we
	access the keys after they have been released by their thread exit
	handler. A proper fix is entangled with the untangling of the
	finalization ordering and attendant issues. For now we choose the
	lesser evil.

2008-03-07  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (Tcl_ExprObj):	Revised expression bytecode
	compiling so that bytecodes invalid due to changing context or due to
	the difference between expressions and scripts are not reused. [Bug

	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:	Revised direct evaluation implementation of
	[expr] so that [expr $e] caches compiled bytecodes for the expression
	as the intrep of $e.

	* tests/execute.test (execute-6.*):	More tests checking that
	script bytecode is invalidated in the right situations.

2008-03-07  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* win/configure.in: Add AC_HEADER_STDC to support msys/win64.

2008-03-06  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/namespace.n: Minor tidying up. [Bug 1909019]

2008-03-04  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/execute.test (6.3,4):	Added tests for [Bug 1899164].

2008-03-03  Reinhard Max  <max@suse.de>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c: Fix mark and space parity on Linux, which uses
	CMSPAR instead of PAREXT.

2008-03-02  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (GetNamespaceFromObj):
	* tests/interp.test (interp-28.2): Spoil the intrep of an nsNameType
	obj when the reference crosses interpreter boundaries.

2008-02-29  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclResult.c (Tcl_SetReturnOptions):	Revised the refcount
	management of Tcl_SetReturnOptions to become that of a conventional
	Consumer routine.  Thanks to Peter Spjuth for pointing out the
	difficulties calling Tcl_SetReturnOptions with non-0-count value for
	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_RETURN_STK): Revised the one caller
	within Tcl itself which passes a non-0-count value to

	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_AppendObjToErrorInfo):	Revised the
	refcount management of Tcl_AppendObjToErrorInfo to become that of a
	conventional Consumer routine. This preserves the ease of use for the
	overwhelming common callers who pass in a 0-count value, but makes the
	proper call with a non-0-count value less surprising.
	* generic/tclEvent.c (TclDefaultBgErrorHandlerObjCmd):	Revised the
	one caller within Tcl itself which passes a non-0-count value to

2008-02-28  Joe English  <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclPort.h, unix/tclCompat.h, unix/tclUnixChan.h: Reduce scope
	of <sys/filio.h> and <sys/ioctl.h> #includes. [Patch 1903339]

2008-02-28  Joe English  <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c, unix/tclUnixNotfy.c, unix/tclUnixPipe.c:
	Consolidate all code conditionalized on -DUSE_FIONBIO into one place.
	* unix/tclUnixPort.h, unix/tclUnixCompat.c: New routine
	TclUnixSetBlockingMode() [Patch 1903339].

2008-02-28  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TclEvalObjvInternal):	Plug memory leak when
	an enter trace deletes or changes the command, prompting a reparsing.
	Don't let the second pass lose commandPtr value allocated during the
	first pass.

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c (ParseExpr):	Plug memory leak in error
	message generation.

	* generic/tclStringObj.c (Tcl_AppendFormatToObj): [format %llx $big]
	leaked an mp_int.

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileReturnCmd):	The 2007-10-18 commit
	to optimize compiled [return -level 0 $x] [RFE 1794073] introduced a
	memory leak of the return options dictionary. Fixing that.

2008-02-27  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/http/http.tcl: [Bug 705956] - fix inverted logic when
	cleaning up socket error in geturl.

2008-02-27  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* doc/clock.n: Corrected minor indentation gaffe in the penultimate
	paragraph. [Bug 1898025]
	* generic/tclClock.c (ParseClockFormatArgs): Changed to check that the
	clock value is in the range of a 64-bit integer. [Bug 1862555]
	* library/clock.tcl (::tcl::clock::format, ::tcl::clock::scan,
	(::tcl::clock::add, ::tcl::clock::LocalizeFormat): Fixed bugs in
	caching of localized strings that caused weird results when localized
	date/time formats were used. [Bug 1902423]
	* tests/clock.test (clock-61.*, clock-62.1): Regression tests for [Bug
	1862555] and [Bug 1902423].

2008-02-26  Joe English  <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c, unix/tclUnixPort.h, unix/tclUnixChan.c:
	Remove dead/unused portability-related #defines and unused conditional
	code.  See [Patch 1901828] for discussion.

2008-02-26  Joe English  <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIORChan.c (enum MethodName),
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c (enum Marks): More stray trailing ","s

2008-02-26  Joe English  <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/configure.in(socklen_t test): Define socklen_t as "int" if
	missing, not "unsigned". Use AC_TRY_COMPILE instead of
	* unix/configure: regenerated.

2008-02-26  Joe English  <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.h: Remove stray trailing "," from enum
	InstOperandType definition (C99ism).

2008-02-26  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclReToGlob): Fix the handling of the last star
	* tests/regexpComp.test:	   possibly being escaped in
	determining right anchor. [Bug 1902436]

2008-02-26  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/http/pkgIndex.tcl: Set version 2.5.5
	* library/http/http.tcl:     It is better to do the [eof] check after
	trying to read from the socket. No clashes found in testing. Added
	http::meta command to access the http headers. [Bug 1868845]

2008-02-22  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/http/pkgIndex.tcl: Set version 2.5.4
	* library/http/http.tcl:     Always check that the state array exists
	in the http::status command. [Bug 1818565]

2008-02-13  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump version number to 8.5.2b1 to distinguish
	* library/init.tcl:	CVS development snapshots from the 8.5.1 and
	* unix/configure.in:	8.5.2 releases.
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf (2.59)
	* win/configure:

2008-02-12  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileSwitchCmd): Corrected logic for
	* tests/switch.test (switch-10.15): handling -nocase compilation; the
	-exact -nocase option cannot be compiled currently. [Bug 1891827]

	* unix/README: Documented missing configure flags. [Bug 1799011]

2008-02-06  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* doc/clock.n (%N): Corrected an error in the explanation of the %N
	format group.
	* generic/tclClock.c (ClockParseformatargsObjCmd):
	* library/clock.tcl (::tcl::clock::format):
	* tests/clock.test (clock-1.0, clock-1.4):
	Performance enhancements in [clock format] (moving the analysis of
	$args into C code, holding on to Tcl_Objs with resolved command names,
	[lassign] in place of [foreach], avoiding [namespace which] for
	command resolution).

2008-02-04  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5.1 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5.1 release.

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump to 8.5.1 for release.
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

2008-02-04  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_CONCAT1): Fix optimisation for in-place
	concatenation (was going over String type)

2008-02-02  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/configure.in (Darwin):	Correct Info.plist year substitution in
					non-framework builds.

	* unix/configure:		autoconf-2.59

2008-01-30  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInterp.c (Tcl_GetAlias): Fix for [Bug 1882373], thanks go
	to an00na.

2008-01-30  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl: Reworked manual page scraper to do a
	proper job of handling references to Ttk options. [Tk Bug 1876493]

2008-01-29  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* doc/man.macros (SO, SE): Adjusted macros so that it is possible for
	Ttk to have its "standard options" on a manual page that is not called
	"options". [Tk Bug 1876493]

2008-01-25  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5.1 release.

2008-01-23  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:		New macro TclGrowParseTokenArray() to
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:	simplify code that might need to grow
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	an array of Tcl_Tokens in the parsePtr
	* generic/tclParse.c:		field of a Tcl_Parse. Replaces the
	TclExpandTokenArray() routine via replacing:
		int needed = parsePtr->numTokens + growth;
		while (needed > parsePtr->tokensAvailable) {
		TclGrowParseTokenArray(parsePtr, growth);
	This revision merged over from dgp-refactor branch.

	* generic/tclCompile.h:	Demote TclCompEvalObj() from internal stubs to
	* generic/tclInt.decls:	a MODULE_SCOPE routine declared in

	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:	make genstubs
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

2008-01-22  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclTimer.c (AfterProc):	Replace Tcl_EvalEx() with
	Tcl_EvalObjEx() to evaluate [after] callbacks. Part of trend to favor
	compiled execution over direct evaluation.

2008-01-22  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIl.c (Tcl_LreverseObjCmd):
	* tests/cmdIL.test (cmdIL-7.7): Fix crash on reversing an empty list.
	[Bug 1876793]

2008-01-20  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* unix/README: Minor typo fixes [Bug 1853072]

	* generic/tclIO.c (TclGetsObjBinary): Operate on topmost channel.
	[Bug 1869405] (Ficicchia)

2008-01-17  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Revision to preserve parsed intreps of
	numeric and boolean literals when compiling expressions with (optimize
	== 1).

2008-01-15  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c: Add an 'optimize' argument to
	* generic/tclCompile.c:  TclCompileExpr() to profit from better
	* generic/tclCompile.h:  literal management according to usage.
	* generic/tclExecute.c:

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c: Fix literal leak in exprs [Bug 1869989] (dgp)
	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* tests/compExpr.test:

	* doc/proc.n: Changed wording for access to non-local variables; added
	mention to [namespace upvar]. Lame attempt at dealing with
	documentation. [Bug 1872708]

2008-01-15  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:    Replacing 'operator' by 'op' in the def of
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c: struct TclOpCmdClientData to accommodate C++
	* generic/tclCompile.h:  compilers. [Bug 1855644]

2008-01-13  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* win/tclWinSerial.c (SerialCloseProc, TclWinOpenSerialChannel): Use
	critical section for read & write side. [Bug 1353846] (newman)

2008-01-11  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tclUnixThrd.c (TclpThreadGetStackSize): Restore stack checking
	functionality in freebsd. [Bug 1850424]

	* unix/tclUnixThrd.c (TclpThreadGetStackSize): Fix for crash in
	freebsd. [Bug 1860425]

2008-01-10  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c (Tcl_AppendFormatToObj):  Correct failure to
	* tests/format.test:	account for big.used == 0 corner case in the
	%ll(idox) format directives. [Bug 1867855]

2008-01-09  George Peter Staplin <georgeps@xmission.com>

	* doc/vwait.n: Add a missing be to fix a typo.

2008-01-04  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl (make-man-pages): Make man page title use
	more specific info on lhs to improve tabbed browser view titles.

2008-01-02  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/binary.n: Fixed documentation bug reported on tcl-core, and
	reordered documentation to discourage people from using the hex
	formatter that is hardly ever useful.

2008-01-02  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump version number to 8.5.1b1 to distinguish
	* library/init.tcl:	CVS development snapshots from the 8.5.0 and
	* unix/configure.in:	8.5.1 releases.
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf (2.59)
	* win/configure:

2007-12-31  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/dict.n: Clarified meaning of dictionary values following
	discussion on comp.lang.tcl.

2007-12-26  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c: More [lsort] data handling streamlines. The
	function MergeSort is gone, essentially inlined into Tcl_LsortObjCmd.
	It is not a straight inlining, two loops over all lists elements where
	merged in the process: the linked list elements are now built and
	merged into the temporary sublists in the same pass.

2007-12-25  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c: More [lsort] data handling streamlines. Extra
	mem reqs of latest patches removed, restored to previous mem profile.
	Improved -unique handling, now eliminating repeated elems immediately
	instead of marking them to avoid reinsertion at the end.

2007-12-23  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileRegexpCmd):  TCL_REG_NOSUB cannot
	* tests/regexp.test (regexp-22.2):		be used because it
	* tests/regexpComp.test:	[Bug 1857126]	disallows backrefs.

2007-12-21  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c: Speed patch for lsort [Patch 1856994].

2007-12-21  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LsortObjCmd, Tcl_LsearchObjCmd): Avoid
	calling SelectObjFromSublist when there are no sublists.

2007-12-21  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LsortObjCmd): Preallocate a listObj of
	sufficient length for the sorted list instead of growing it. Second
	commit replaces calls to Tcl_ListObjAppenElement with direct access to
	the internal rep.

2007-12-19  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5.0 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5.0 release.

2007-12-19  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileSwitchCmd):	update switch -regexp
	* tests/switch.test-14.*:			compilation to pass
	the cflags to INST_REGEXP (changed on 12-07).  Added tests for
	switch -regexp compilation (need more). [Bug 1854399]

2007-12-18  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5.0 release.

2007-12-18  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/regguts.h, generic/regc_color.c, generic/regc_nfa.c:
	Fixes for problems created when processing regular expressions that
	generate very large automata. An enormous number of thanks to Will
	Drewry <wad_at_google.com>, Tavis Ormandy <taviso_at_google.com>,
	and Tom Lane <tgl_at_sss.pgh.pa.us> from the Postgresql crowd for
	their help in tracking these problems down. [Bug 1810264]

2007-12-17  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5.0 release.

2007-12-17  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclAlloc.c:
	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclThreadAlloc.c: Fix alignment for memory returned by
	TclStackAlloc; insure that all memory allocators align to 16-byte
	boundaries on 64 bit platforms [Bug 1851832, 1851524]

2007-12-14  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c (FsAddMountsToGlobResult): fix the tail
	conversion of vfs mounts. [Bug 1602539]

	* win/README: updated notes

2007-12-14  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/winFile.test: Fixed tests for win2k with long machine name

2007-12-14  Pat Thoyts <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/nmakehlp.c:  Support compilation with MSVC9 for AMD64.
	* win/makefile.vc:

2007-12-13  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* doc/trace.n: Clarified documentation of enterstep and leavestep
	traces, including adding example. [Bug 614282, 1701540, 1755984]

2007-12-12  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/IntObj.3:	Update docs for the Tcl_GetBignumAndClearObj() ->
	Tcl_TakeBignumFromObj() revision [TIP 298].  Added docs for the
	Tcl_InitBignumFromDouble() routine. [Bug 1446971].

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5.0 release.

2007-12-10  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclReToGlob): reduce escapes in conversion
	when not necessary

	* generic/tclInt.decls:  move TclByteArrayMatch and TclReToGlob
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h: to tclInt.h from stubs.
	* generic/tclStubInit.c: Add flags var to TclByteArrayMatch for
	* generic/tclInt.h:      future extensibility
	* generic/tcl.h:  define TCL_MATCH_EXACT doc for Tcl_StringCaseMatch.
	* doc/StrMatch.3: It is compatible with existing usage.
	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_STR_MATCH): flag for TclByteArrayMatch
	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclByteArrayMatch, TclStringMatchObj):
	* generic/tclRegexp.c (Tcl_RegExpExecObj):
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (StringMatchCmd): Use TclStringMatchObj
	* tests/string.test (11.9.* 11.10.*): more tests

2007-12-10  Joe English  <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/string.n, doc/UniCharIsAlpha.3: Fix markup errors.
	* doc/CrtCommand.3, doc/CrtMathFnc.3, doc/FileSystem.3,
	* doc/GetStdChan.3, doc/OpenFileChnl.3, doc/SetChanErr.3,
	* doc/eval.n, doc/filename.n: Consistency: Move "KEYWORDS" section
	after "SEE ALSO".

2007-12-10  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tools/genStubs.tcl:		fix numerous issues handling 'macosx',
					'aqua' or 'x11' entries interleaved
					with 'unix' entries [Bug 1834288]; add
					genStubs::export command
					[Tk FR 1716117]; cleanup formatting.

	* generic/tcl.decls:		use new genstubs 'export' command to
	* generic/tclInt.decls:		mark exported symbols not in stubs
	* generic/tclTomMath.decls:	table [Tk FR 1716117]; cleanup

	* generic/tclDecls.h:		regen with new genStubs.tcl.
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:	[Bug 1834288]
	* generic/tclIntPlatDecls.h:
	* generic/tclPlatDecls.h:
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

2007-12-09  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* tests/io.test, tests/chanio.test (io-73.1): Make sure to invalidate
	* generic/tclIO.c (SetChannelFromAny):        internal rep only after
	validating channel rep. [Bug 1847044]

2007-12-08  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/expr.n, doc/mathop.n: Improved the documentation of the
	operators. [Bug 1823622]

	* generic/tclBasic.c (builtInCmds): Corrected list of hidden and
	* doc/interp.n (SAFE INTERPRETERS): exposed commands so that the
	documentation and reality now match. [Bug 1662436]

2007-12-07  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode INST_REGEXP):
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileRegexpCmd): Pass correct RE
	compile flags at compile time, and use TCL_REG_NOSUB.

	* generic/tclIOCmd.c (FinalizeIOCmdTSD, Tcl_PutsObjCmd): cache
	stdout channel object for [puts $str] calls.

2007-12-06  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* README:	Remove mention of dead comp.lang.tcl.announce
	newsgroup.  [Bug 1846433].

	* unix/README:	Mention the stub library created by `make` and warn
	about the effect of embedded paths in the installed binaries.
	Thanks to Larry Virden.  [Bug 1794084]

	* doc/AddErrInfo.3:	Documentation for the new routines in TIP 270.
	* doc/Interp.3:
	* doc/StringObj.3:

2007-12-06  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/namespace.n:	Documentation for zero-argument form of
	[namespace import] (TIP 261) [Bug 1596416]

2007-12-06  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclInt.h: add TclGetChannelFromObj decl
	(TclMatchIsTrivial): simplify TclMatchIsTrivial to remove ] check.

2007-12-06  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_CreateInterp): Simplify the setting up of
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c (TclInitChanCmd):	 the [chan] ensemble. This
	* library/init.tcl:			 gets rid of quite a bit of
	code and makes it possible to understand the whole with less effort.

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileEnsemble): Ensure that the right
	number of tokens are copied. [Bug 1845320]

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (TclMakeEnsemble): Added missing release of a
	DString. [Bug 1845397]

2007-12-05  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclIO.h:    Create Tcl_Obj for Tcl channels to reduce
	* generic/tclIO.c:    overhead in lookup by Tcl_GetChannel.  New
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c: TclGetChannelFromObj for internal use.
	* generic/tclIO.c (WriteBytes, WriteChars): add opt check to avoid
	EOL translation when not linebuffered or using lf. [Bug 1845092]

2007-12-05  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* tests/stack.test: made the tests for stack overflow not care
	about which mechanism caused the error (interp's recursion limit
	or C-stack depth detector).

2007-12-05  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* win/configure, win/tcl.m4 (LIBS_GUI): mingw needs -lole32
	-loleaut32 but not msvc for Tk's [send]. [Bug 1844749]

2007-12-05  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LsearchObjCmd): Prevent shimmering crash
	when -exact and -integer/-real are mixed. [Bug 1844789]

2007-12-03  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c (CreateSocketAddress): Add extra #ifdef-fery to
	make code compile on BSD 5. [Bug 1618235, again]

2007-12-03  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/tcltest/tcltest.tcl:	Bump tcltest to version 2.3.0 so that
	* library/tcltest/pkgIndex.tcl: we release a stable tcltest with a
	* unix/Makefile.in:	stable Tcl.
	* win/Makefile.in:

2007-12-03  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* win/configure, win/tcl.m4 (LIBS_GUI): remove ole32.lib oleaut32.lib

2007-12-03  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileSwitchCmd): Adjusted the [switch]
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_SwitchObjCmd):       command so that when
	passed two arguments, no check for options are performed. This is OK
	since in the two-arg case, detecting an option would definitely lead
	to a syntax error. [Patch 1836519]

2007-11-29  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* win/makefile.vc: add ws2_32.lib to baselibs
	* win/configure, win/tcl.m4: add ws2_32.lib / -lws2_32 to build.
	* win/tclWinSock.c: remove dyn loading of winsock, assume that it is
	always available now.

2007-11-29  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclWinSock.c (InitializeHostName):	Correct error in
	buffer length tracking. After gethostname() writes into a buffer,
	convert only the written string to internal encoding, not the whole

2007-11-28  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclConfig.c:	Corrected failure of the [::foo::pkgconfig]
	command to clean up registered configuration data when the query
	command is deleted from the interp. [Bug 983501]

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (Tcl_SetEnsembleMappingDict):	Added checks
	that the dict value passed in is in the format required to make the
	internals of ensembles work. [Bug 1436096]

	* generic/tclIO.c:	Simplify test and improve accuracy of error
	message in latest changes.

2007-11-28  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c: -eofchar must support no eofchar.

2007-11-27  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c: remove unneeded call in Tcl_CreateInterp, add

2007-11-27  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinSock.c:	Add mising encoding conversion of the [info
	hostname] value from the system encoding to Tcl's internal encoding.

	* doc/chan.n:		"Fix" the limitation on channel -eofchar
	* doc/fconfigure.n:	values to single byte characters by documenting
	* generic/tclIO.c:	it and making it fail loudly. Thanks to Stuart
	* tests/chan.test:	Cassoff for contributing the fix. [Bug 800753]

2007-11-26  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c:
	* unix/tclUnixThrd.c: Fix stack checking via workaround for bug in
	glibc's pthread_attr_get_np, patch from [Bug 1815573]. Many thanks to
	Sergei Golovan (aka Teo) for detecting the bug and helping diagnose
	and develop the fix.

2007-11-24  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileDictAppendCmd): Fix bug in [dict
	append] compiler which caused strange stack corruption. [Bug 1837392]

2007-11-23  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIORChan.c: Fixed a problem with reflected channels. 'chan
	postevent' is defined to work only from within the interpreter
	containing the handler command. Sensible, we want only handler
	commands to use it. It identifies the channel by handle. The channel
	moves to a different interpreter or thread. The interpreter containing
	the handler command doesn't know the channel any longer. 'chan
	postevent' fails, not finding the channel any longer. Uhm.

	Fixed by creating a second per-interpreter channel table, just for
	reflected channels, where each interpreter remembers for which
	reflected channels it has the handler command. This info does not move
	with the channel itself. The table is updated by 'chan create', and
	used by 'chan postevent'.

	* tests/ioCmd.test: Updated the testsuite.

2007-11-23  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclVar.c (Tcl_ArrayObjCmd): handle the right data for
	* tests/var.test (var-14.2):          [array names $var -glob $ptn]

2007-11-23  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (String*Cmd, TclInitStringCmd): Rebuilt [string]
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileString*Cmd): as an ensemble.

2007-11-22  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclDictObj.c (Dict*Cmd,TclInitDictCmd): Rebuilt the [dict]
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileDict*Cmd): command as an ensemble.

2007-11-22  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_StringObjCmd): Rewrote the [string] and
	* generic/tclDictObj.c (Tcl_DictObjCmd): [dict] implementations to be
	ready for conversion to ensembles.

	* tests/string.test (string-12.22): Flag shimmering bug found in
	[string range].

2007-11-21  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileEnsemble): Rewrote the ensemble
	compiler to remove many of the limitations. Can now compile scripts
	that use unique prefixes of subcommands, and which have mappings of a
	command to multiple words (provided the first is a compilable command
	of course).

2007-11-21  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (TclMakeEnsemble): Factor out the code to set up
	a core ensemble from a table of information about subcommands, ready
	for reuse within the core.

	* generic/various: Start to return more useful Error codes, currently
	mainly on assorted lookup failures.

2007-11-20  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclDictObj.c: Changed the underlying implementation of the
	hash table used in dictionaries to additionally keep all entries in
	the hash table in a linked list, which is only ever added to at the
	end. This makes iteration over all entries in the dictionary in
	key insertion order a trivial operation, and so cleans up a great deal
	of complexity relating to dictionary representation and stability of
	iteration order.

	For any code that depended on the (strange) old iteration order.

	* generic/tclConfig.c (QueryConfigObjCmd): Correct usage of

2007-11-19  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5b3 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* README:		Bump version number to 8.5b3.
	* generic/tcl.h:
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf (2.59)
	* win/configure:

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5b3 release.

2007-11-19  Kevin Kenny  <kennykb@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/tzdata/Africa/Cairo:
	* library/tzdata/America/Campo_Grande:
	* library/tzdata/America/Caracas:
	* library/tzdata/America/Cuiaba:
	* library/tzdata/America/Havana:
	* library/tzdata/America/Sao_Paulo:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Damascus:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Gaza:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Tehran:  Olson's tzdata2007i imported.

2007-11-18  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode:INST_EXIST_*): Fix read
	traces not firing on non-existent array elements. [Bug 1833522]

2007-11-16  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (TclInitInfoCmd): Rename the implementation
	commands for [info] to be something more "expected".

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileInfoExistsCmd): Compiler for the
	[info exists] subcommand.
	(TclCompileEnsemble): Cleaned up version of ensemble compiler that was
	in TclCompileInfoCmd, but which is now much more generally applicable.

	* generic/tclInt.h (ENSEMBLE_COMPILE): Added flag to allow for cleaner
	turning on and off of ensemble bytecode compilation.

	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclCompileScript): Add the cmdPtr to the list
	of arguments passed to command compilers.

2007-11-15  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/regc_nfa.c:	Fixed infinite loop in the regexp compiler.
	[Bug 1810038]

	* generic/regc_nfa.c:	Corrected looping logic in fixempties() to
	avoid wasting time walking a list of dead states. [Bug 1832612]

2007-11-15  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (NamespaceEnsembleCmd): Must pass a non-NULL
	interp to Tcl_SetEnsemble* functions.

	* doc/re_syntax.n: Try to make this easier to read. It's still a very
	difficult manual page!

	* unix/tcl.m4 (SC_CONFIG_CFLAGS): Allow people to turn off the -rpath
	option to their linker if they so desire. This is a configuration only
	recommended for (some) vendors. Relates to [Patch 1231022].

2007-11-15  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWin32Dll.c: Prefer UINT_PTR to DWORD_PTR when casting pointers
	to integer types for greater portability. [Bug 1831253]

2007-11-15  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: add new chanio.test.
	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/project.pbxproj:

2007-11-14  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclCompileScript): Ensure that we get our count
	in our INST_START_CMD calls right, even when there's a failure to
	compile a command directly.

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (Tcl_SetEnsembleSubcommandList)
	(Tcl_SetEnsembleMappingDict):		Special code to make sure that
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (TclInitInfoCmd):	[info exists] is compiled right
	while not allowing changes to the ensemble to cause havok.

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileInfoCmd): Simple compiler for the
	[info] command that only handles [info exists].

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode:INST_EXIST_*): New
	instructions to allow the testing of whether a variable exists.

2007-11-14  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/chanio.test: New file. This is essentially a duplicate of
	'io.test', with all channel commands converted to their 'chan xxx'
	* tests/io.test: Fixed typo in test description.

2007-11-14  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/regc*.c: Eliminate multi-char collating element code
	completely. Simplifies the code quite a bit. If people still want the
	full code, it will remain on the 8.4 branch. [Bug 1831425]

2007-11-13  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileRegexpCmd): clean up comments, only
	free dstring on OK from TclReToGlob.
	(TclCompileSwitchCmd): simplify TclReToGlob usage.

2007-11-14  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/regc*.c: #ifdef/comment out the code that deals with
	multi-character collating elements, which have never been supported.
	Cuts the memory consumption of the RE compiler. [Bug 1831425]

2007-11-13  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileSwitchCmd, TclCompileRegexpCmd):
	Extend [switch] compiler to handle regular expressions as long as
	things are not too complex. Fix [regexp] compiler so that non-trivial
	literal regexps get fed to INST_REGEXP.

	* doc/mathop.n: Clarify definitions of some operations.

2007-11-13  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tclUnixInit.c: the TCL_NO_STACK_CHECK was being incorrectly
	undefined here; this should be set (or not) in the compile options, it
	is used elsewhere and needs to be consistent.

2007-11-13  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4:		Added autoconf goo to detect and make use of
	* unix/configure.in:	getaddrinfo and friends.
	* unix/configure:	(regenerated)

2007-11-13  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* unix/tclUnixCompat.c (TclpGetHostByName): The six-argument form of
	getaddressbyname_r() uses the fifth argument to indicate whether the
	lookup succeeded or not on at least one platform. [Bug 1618235]

2007-11-13  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/regcomp.c:	Convert optst() from expensive no-op to a
	cheap no-op.

2007-11-13  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c (CreateSocketAddress): Rewrote to use the
	thread-safe version of gethostbyname() by forward-porting the code used
	in 8.4, and added rudimentary support for getaddrinfo() (not enabled by
	default, as no autoconf-ery written). Part of fix for [Bug 1618235].

2007-11-12  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclGet.c (Tcl_Get, Tcl_GetInt): revert use of TclGet* macros
	due to compiler warning. These cases won't save time either.

	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclReToGlob): add more comments, set interp result
	if specified on error.

2007-11-12  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:		New macro TclResetResult, new iPtr flag
	* generic/tclExecute.c:		bit INTERP_RESULT_UNCLEAN: shortcut for
	* generic/tclInt.h:		Tcl_ResetResult for the "normal" case:
	* generic/tclProc.c:		TCL_OK, no return options, no errorCode
	* generic/tclResult.c:		nor errorInfo, return at normal level.
	* generic/tclStubLib.c:		[Patch 1830184]
	* generic/tclUtil.c:

	THIS PATCH WAS REVERTED: initial (mis)measurements overstated the
	perfomance wins, which turn out to be tiny. Not worth the complication.

2007-11-11  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c, generic/tclCompile.c, generic/tclCompile.h:
	* generic/tclExecute.c, generic/tclInt.decls, generic/tclIntDecls.h:
	* generic/tclRegexp.c, generic/tclRegexp.h: Add INST_REGEXP and fully
	* generic/tclStubInit.c, generic/tclUtil.c: compiled [regexp] for the
	* tests/regexpComp.test:     [Bug 1830166]  simple cases. Also added
	TclReToGlob function to convert RE to glob patterns and use these in
	the possible cases.

2007-11-11  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclResult.c (ResetObjResult): clarify the logic.

	* generic/tclBasic.c:		Increased usage of macros to detect
	* generic/tclBinary.c:		and take advantage of objTypes. Added
	* generic/tclClock.c:		macros TclGet(Int|Long)FromObj,
	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:		TclGetIntForIndexM & TclListObjLength,
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:		modified TclListObjGetElements.
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:	The TclGetInt* macros are only a
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	shortcut on platforms where 'long' is
	* generic/tclCompile.c:		'int'; it may be worthwhile to extend
	* generic/tclDictObj.c:		their functionality to other cases.
	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* generic/tclGet.c:		As this patch touches many files it has
	* generic/tclIO.c:		been recorded as [Patch 1830038] in
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c:		order to facilitate reviewing.
	* generic/tclIOGT.c:
	* generic/tclIndexObj.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclInterp.c:
	* generic/tclListObj.c:
	* generic/tclLiteral.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclObj.c:
	* generic/tclParse.c:
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* generic/tclRegexp.c:
	* generic/tclResult.c:
	* generic/tclScan.c:
	* generic/tclStringObj.c:
	* generic/tclUtil.c:
	* generic/tclVar.c:

2007-11-11  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixTime.c (TclpWideClicksToNanoseconds): Fix issues with
	* generic/tclInt.h:				    int64_t overflow.

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Fix stack check failure case if stack grows up
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c:	Simplify non-crosscompiled case.

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in:	autoheader-2.59

2007-11-10  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Fast path for INST_LIST_INDEX when the index is
	not a list.

	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c: Detect stack grwoth direction at compile time,
	only fall to runtime detection when crosscompiling.

	* unix/configure: autoconf 2.61

	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* tests/interp.test:
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c:
	* win/tclWin32Dll.c: Restore simpler behaviour for stack checking, not
	adaptive to stack size changes after a thread is launched. Consensus is
	that "nobody does that", and so it is not worth the cost. Improved
	failure comments (mistachkin).

2007-11-10  Kevin Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* win/tclWin32Dll.c: Rewrote the Windows stack checking algorithm to
	use information from VirtualQuery to determine the bound of the stack.
	This change fixes a bug where the guard page of the stack was never
	restored after an overflow. It also eliminates a nasty piece of
	assembly code for structured exception handling on mingw. It introduces
	an assumption that the stack is a single memory arena returned from
	VirtualAlloc, but the code in MSVCRT makes the same assumption, so it
	should be fairly safe.

2007-11-10  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c:
	* unix/tclUnixPort.h:
	* win/tclWin32Dll.c: Modify the stack checking algorithm to recheck in
	case of failure. The working assumptions are now that (a) a thread's
	stack is never moved, and (b) a thread's stack can grow but not shrink.
	Port to windows - could be more efficient, but is already cheaper than
	it was.

2007-11-09  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclResult.c (ResetObjResult): new shortcut.

	* generic/tclAsync.c:
	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclUnixInit.c:
	* generic/tclUnixPort.h: New fields in interp (ekeko!) to cache TSD
	data that is accessed at each command invocation, access macros to
	replace Tcl_AsyncReady and TclpCheckStackSpace by much faster variants.
	[Patch 1829248]

2007-11-09  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclInt.decls, generic/tclIntDecls.h: Use unsigned char for
	* generic/tclExecute.c, generic/tclUtil.c:     TclByteArrayMatch and
	don't allow a nocase option. [Bug 1828296]
	For INST_STR_MATCH, ignore pattern type for TclByteArrayMatch case.

	* generic/tclBinary.c (Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj): check type before
	func jump (perf).

2007-11-07  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclStubInit.c:			Added TclByteArrayMatch
	* generic/tclInt.decls:				for efficient glob
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:			matching of ByteArray
	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclByteArrayMatch):	Tcl_Objs, used in
	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode):	INST_STR_MATCH. [Bug

	* generic/tclIO.c (TclGetsObjBinary): Add an efficient binary path for
	(DoWriteChars): Special case for 1-byte channel write.

2007-11-06  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclEncoding.c: Version of the embedded iso8859-1 encoding
	handler that is faster (functions to do the encoding know exactly what
	they're doing instead of pulling it from a table, though the table
	itself has to be retained for use by shift encodings that depend on
	iso8859-1). [Patch 1826906], committing for dkf.

2007-11-05  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclConfig.c (Tcl_RegisterConfig): Modified to not extend the
	config database if the encoding provided by the user is not found
	(venc == NULL). Scripts expecting the data will error out, however we
	neither crash nor provide bogus information. See [Bug 983509] for more

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c (TtyGetOptionProc): Accepted [Patch 1823576]
	provided by Stuart Cassof <stwo@users.sourceforge.net>. The patch adds
	the necessary utf/external conversions to the handling of the arguments
	of option -xchar which will allow the use of \0 and similar characters.

2007-11-03  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclTest.c (TestSetCmd2):
	* generic/tclVar.c (TclObjLookupVarEx):
	* tests/set.test (set-5.1): Fix error branch when array name looks
	like array element (code not normally exercised).

2007-11-01  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl (output-directive): Convert .DS/.DE pairs
	into tables since that is now all that they are used for.

	* doc/RegExp.3: Clarified documentation of RE flags. [Bug 1167840]

	* doc/refchan.n: Adjust internal name to be consistent with the file
	name for reduced user confusion. After comment by Dan Steffen.

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_StringObjCmd, UniCharIsAscii): Remember, the
	NUL character is in ASCII too. [Bug 1808258]

	* doc/file.n: Clarified use of [file normalize]. [Bug 1185154]

2007-10-30  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Bump version number to 8.5b2.1 to distinguish
	* library/init.tcl:	CVS development snapshots from the 8.5b2
	* unix/configure.in:	release.
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf (2.59)
	* win/configure:

2007-10-30  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* doc/expr.n, doc/mathfunc.n: Improve documentation to try to make
	clearer what is going on.

	* doc/interp.n: Shorten the basic descriptive text for some interp
	subcommands so Solaris nroff doesn't truncate them. [Bug 1822268]

2007-10-30  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl (output-widget-options): Enhance the HTML
	generator so that it can produce multi-line option descriptions.

2007-10-28  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclUtil.c (Tcl_ConcatObj): optimise for some of the
	concatenees being empty objs. [Bug 1447328]

2007-10-28  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclEncoding.c (TclInitEncodingSubsystem): Hard code the
	iso8859-1 encoding, as it's needed for more than just text (especially
	binary encodings...) Note that other encodings rely on the encoding
	being a table encoding (!) so we can't use more efficient encoding
	mapping functions.

2007-10-27  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/regc_lex.c (lexescape): Close off one of the problems
	mentioned in [Bug 1810264].

2007-10-27  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (Tcl_FindCommand): insure that FQ command names
	are searched from the global namespace, ie, bypassing resolvers of the
	current namespace. [Bug 1114355]

	* doc/apply.n: fixed example [Bug 1811791]
	* doc/namespace.n: improved example [Bug 1788984]
	* doc/AddErrInfo.3: typo [Bug 1715087]
	* doc/CrtMathFnc.3: fixed Tcl_ListMathFuncs entry [Bug 1672219]

	* generic/tclCompile.h:
	* generic/tclInt.h: moved declaration of TclSetCmdNameObj from
	tclCompile.h to tclInt.h, reverting linker [Bug 1821159] caused by
	commit of 2007-10-11 (both I and gcc missed one dep).

	* generic/tclVar.c: try to preserve Tcl_Objs when doing variable
	lookups by name, partially addressing [Bug 1793601].

2007-10-27  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl (make-man-pages, htmlize-text)
	(process-text): Make the man->HTML scraper work better.

2007-10-26  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5b2 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* changes:		Updated for 8.5b2 release.

	* doc/*.1:		Revert doc changes that broke
	* doc/*.3:		`make html` so we can get the release
	* doc/*.n:		out the door.

	* README:		Bump version number to 8.5b2.
	* generic/tcl.h:
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf (2.59)
	* win/configure:

2007-10-26  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* tools/man2help2.tcl, tools/man2tcl.c: Made some of the tooling code
	to do man->other formats work better with current manpage set. Long
	way still to go.

2007-10-25  Zoran Vasiljevic <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclThread.c: Added TclpMasterLock/Unlock arround calls to
	ForgetSyncObject in Tcl_MutexFinalize and Tcl_ConditionFinalize to
	prevent from garbling the internal lists that track sync objects. [Bug

2007-10-24  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* tools/man2html2.tcl (macro): Added support for converting the new
	macros into HTML.

	* doc/man.macros (QW,PQ,QR,MT): New macros that hide the ugly mess
	needed to get proper GOOBE quoting in the manual pages.
	* doc/*.n, doc/*.3, doc/*.1: Lots of changes to take advantage of the
	new macros.

2007-10-20  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c:   Fix comments.
	* generic/tclExecute.c:

2007-10-18  David Gravereaux <davygrvy@pobox.com>

	* tools/mkdepend.tcl: sort the dep list for a more humanly readable

2007-10-18  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclResult.c (TclMergeReturnOptions):	Make sure any -code
	values get pulled out of the dictionary, even if they are integer

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileReturnCmd):	Added code to more
	optimally compile [return -level 0 $x] to "push $x". [RFE 1794073]

	* compat/tmpnam.c (removed):	The routine tmpnam() is no longer
	* unix/Makefile.in:	called by Tcl source code. Remove autogoo the
	* unix/configure.in:	supplied a replacement version on systems
	* win/tcl.dsp:		where the routine was not available. [RFE

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59

	* generic/tcl.h:	Remove TCL_LL_MODIFIER_SIZE. [RFE 1811837]

2007-10-17  David Gravereaux <davygrvy@pobox.com>

	* tools/mkdepend.tcl:	Improved defense from malformed object list

2007-10-17  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* tools/man2html2.tcl: Convert .DS/.DE into HTML tables, not
	preformatted text.

2007-10-17  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c: Moved a misplaced declaration that blocked
				 compilation on VC++.
	* generic/tclExecute.c: Silenced several VC++ compiler warnings about
				converting 'long' to 'unsigned short'.

2007-10-16  David Gravereaux <davygrvy@pobox.com>

	* win/makefile.vc: removed old dependency cruft that is no longer

2007-10-15  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIOCmd.c:	Revise [open] so that it interprets leading
	zero strings passed as the "permissions" argument as octal numbers,
	even if Tcl itself no longer parses integers in that way.

	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c:	Revise the "-permissions" [file attribute] so
	that it interprets leading zero strings as octal numbers, even if Tcl
	itself no longer parses integers in that way.

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Corrections to code that produces
	* generic/tclUtil.c:		extended "bad octal" error messages.

	* tests/cmdAH.test:	Test revisions so that tests pass whether or
	* tests/cmdIL.test:	not Tcl parses leading zero strings as octal.
	* tests/compExpr-old.test:
	* tests/compExpr.test:
	* tests/compile.test:
	* tests/expr-old.test:
	* tests/expr.test:
	* tests/incr.test:
	* tests/io.test:
	* tests/lindex.test:
	* tests/link.test:
	* tests/mathop.test:
	* tests/parseExpr.test:
	* tests/set.test:
	* tests/string.test:
	* tests/stringComp.test:

2007-10-15  David Gravereaux <davygrvy@pobox.com>

	* tools/mkdepend.tcl:	Produces usable output. Include path problem
	* win/makefile.vc:	fixed. Never fight city hall when it comes to
	levels of quoting issues.

2007-10-15  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclParse.c (Tcl_ParseBraces): fix for possible read after
	the end of buffer. [Bug 1813528] (Joe Mistachkin)

2007-10-14  David Gravereaux <davygrvy@pobox.com>

	* tools/mkdepend.tcl (new):  Initial stab at generating automatic
	* win/makefile.vc:           dependencies.

2007-10-12  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/makefile.vc:  Mine all version information from headers.
	* win/rules.vc:     Sync tcl and tk and bring extension versions
	* win/nmakehlp.c:   closer together. Try and avoid using tclsh to do
			    substitutions as we may cross compile.
	* win/coffbase.txt: Added offsets for snack dlls.

2007-10-11  David Gravereaux <davygrvy@pobox.com>

	* win/makefile.vc:  Fixed my bad spelling mistakes from years back.
	Dedependency, duh!  Rather funny.

2007-10-11  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:	Correct [string is (wide)integer] failure
	* tests/string.test:	to report correct failindex values for
	non-decimal integer strings. [Bug 1805887]

	* compat/strtoll.c (removed):	The routines strtoll() and strtoull()
	* compat/strtoull.c (removed):	are no longer called by the Tcl source
	* generic/tcl.h:	code. (Their functionality has been replaced
	* unix/Makefile.in:	by TclParseNumber().) Remove outdated comments
	* unix/configure.in:	and mountains of configury autogoo that
	* unix/tclUnixPort.h:	allegedly support the mythical systems where
	* win/Makefile.in:	these routines might not have been available.
	* win/makefile.bc:
	* win/makefile.vc:
	* win/tclWinPort.h:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59

2007-10-11  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclObj.c: remove superfluous #include of tclCompile.h

2007-10-08  George Peter Staplin <georgeps@xmission.com>

	* doc/Hash.3: Correct the valid usage of the flags member for the
	Tcl_HashKeyType. It should be 0 or more of the flags mentioned.

2007-10-02  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tcl.h (Tcl_DecrRefCount): Update change from 2006-05-29 to
	make macro more warning-robust in unbraced if code.

2007-10-02  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>


	* README:               Bump version number to 8.5.0
	* generic/tcl.h:
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf (2.59)
	* win/configure:

2007-10-02  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/tclIndex: Added 'tcl::tm::path' to the tclIndex. This fixes
	[Bug 1806422] reported by Don Porter.

2007-09-25  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclProc.c (Tcl_DisassembleObjCmd): Define a command,
	::tcl::unsupported::disassemble, which can disassemble procedures,
	lambdas and general scripts.
	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclDisassembleByteCodeObj): Split apart the
	code to print disassemblies of bytecode so that there is reusable code
	that spits it out in a Tcl_Obj and then that code is used when doing

2007-09-20  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5b1 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* changes: updates for 8.5b1 release.

2007-09-19  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* README:		Bump version number to 8.5b1
	* generic/tcl.h:	Merge from core-stabilizer-branch.
	* library/init.tcl:	Stabilizing toward 8.5b1 release now done on
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:	the HEAD. core-stabilizer-branch is now
	* unix/configure.in:	suspended.
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

2007-09-19  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStubLib.: Replaced isdigit with internal implementation.

2007-09-18  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStubLib.c:	Remove C library calls from Tcl_InitStubs() so
	* win/makefile.vc:	that we don't need the C library linked in to

2007-09-17  Pat Thoyts  <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/makefile.vc: Add crt flags for tclStubLib now it uses C-library

2007-09-17  Joe English	 <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tcl.m4: use '${CC} -shared' instead of 'ld -Bshareable' to build
	shared libraries on current NetBSDs. [Bug 1749251]
	* unix/configure: regenerated (autoconf-2.59).

2007-09-17  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in:	Update `make dist` so that tclDTrace.d is
	included in the source code distribution.

	* generic/tcl.h:	Revised Tcl_InitStubs() to restore Tcl 8.4
	* generic/tclPkg.c:	source compatibility with callers of
	* generic/tclStubLib.c:	Tcl_InitStubs(interp, TCL_VERSION, 1). [Bug

2007-09-17  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclTrace.c (Tcl_TraceObjCmd, TraceExecutionObjCmd)
	(TraceCommandObjCmd, TraceVariableObjCmd):   Generate literal values
	* generic/tclNamesp.c (NamespaceCodeCmd):    more efficiently using
	* generic/tclFCmd.c (CopyRenameOneFile):     TclNewLiteralStringObj
	* generic/tclEvent.c (TclSetBgErrorHandler): macro.

2007-09-15  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4:	replace all direct references to compiler by ${CC} to
			enable CC overriding at configure & make time; run
			check for visibility "hidden" with all compilers;
			quoting fixes from TEA tcl.m4.
	(SunOS-5.1x):	replace direct use of '/usr/ccs/bin/ld' in SHLIB_LD by
			'cc' compiler driver.
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

2007-09-14  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_CreateObjCommand): Only invalidate along the
	namespace path once; that is enough. [Bug 1519940]

2007-09-14  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclDTrace.d (new file): Add DTrace provider for Tcl; allows
	* generic/tclCompile.h:		  tracing of proc and command entry &
	* generic/tclBasic.c:		  return, bytecode execution, object
	* generic/tclExecute.c:		  allocation and more; with
	* generic/tclInt.h:		  essentially zero cost when tracing
	* generic/tclObj.c:		  is inactive; enable with
	* generic/tclProc.c:		  --enable-dtrace configure arg
	* unix/Makefile.in:		  (disabled by default, will only
	* unix/configure.in:		  enable if DTrace is present). [Patch

	* macosx/GNUmakefile:		  Enable DTrace support.
	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig:
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:	Factor out core of InfoFrameCmd() into
				internal TclInfoFrame() for use by DTrace

	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

2007-09-12  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in:	Perform missing updates of the tcltest Tcl
	* win/Makefile.in:	Module installed filename that should have
	been part of the bump to tcltest 2.3b1. Thanks Larry Virden.

2007-09-12  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/makefile.vc, win/rules.vc, win/nmakehlp.c: Use nmakehlp to
	substitute values for tclConfig.sh (helps cross-compiling).

2007-09-11  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/tcltest/tcltest.tcl:	Accept underscores and colons in
	* library/tcltest/pkgIndex.tcl: constraint names. Properly handle
	constraint expressions that return non-numeric boolean results like
	"false". Bump to tcltest 2.3b1. [Bug 1772989; RFE 1071322]
	* tests/info.test:	Disable fragile tests.

	* doc/package.n:	Restored the functioning of [package require
	* generic/tclPkg.c:	-exact] to be compatible with Tcl 8.4. [Bug
	* tests/pkg.test:	1578344]

2007-09-11  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileDictCmd-update):
	* generic/tclCompile.c (tclInstructionTable):
	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_DICT_UPDATE_END): fix stack management in
	compiled [dict update]. [Bug 1786481]

	Scripts that were precompiled on earlier versions of 8.5 and use [dict
	update] will crash. Workaround: recompile.

2007-09-11  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Corrected an off-by-one error in the setting
	of MaxBaseWide for certain powers. [Bug 1767293 - problem reported in
	comments when bug was reopened]

2007-09-10  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclLink.c (Tcl_UpdateLinkedVar): guard against var being
	unlinked. [Bug 1740631] (maros)

2007-09-10  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c: fix tclInstructionTable entry for

	* generic/tclExecute.c: remove unneeded setting of 'cleanup' variable
	before jumping to checkForCatch.

2007-09-10  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/package.n:	Restored the document parallel syntax of the
	* generic/tclPkg.c:	[package present] and [package require]
	* tests/pkg.test:	commands. [Bug 1723675]

2007-09-09  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:	Removed the "nsName" Tcl_ObjType from the
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	registered set. Revised the management of the
	* generic/tclObj.c:	intrep of that Tcl_ObjType. Revised the
	* tests/obj.test:	TclGetNamespaceFromObj() routine to return
	TCL_ERROR and write a consistent error message when a namespace is not
	found. [Bug 1588842. Patch 1686862]

	For callers of Tcl_GetObjType() on the name "nsName".

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Update TclGetNamespaceFromObj() callers.
	* generic/tclProc.c:

	* tests/apply.test:		Updated tests to expect new consistent
	* tests/namespace-old.test:	error message when a namespace is not
	* tests/namespace.test:		found.
	* tests/upvar.test:

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:	Use the new INST_REVERSE instruction
	* tests/mathop.test:	to correct the compiled versions of math
	operator commands. [Bug 1724437]

	* generic/tclCompile.c: New bytecode instruction INST_REVERSE to
	* generic/tclCompile.h: reverse the order of N items at the top of
	* generic/tclExecute.c: stack.

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompilePowOpCmd):	Make a separate
	routine to compile ** to account for its different associativity.

2007-09-08  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (Tcl_SetVar2, TclPtrSetVar): [Bug 1710710] fixed
	correctly, reverted fix of 2007-05-01.

2007-09-08  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclDictObj.c (DictUpdateCmd, DictWithCmd): Plug a hole that
	* generic/tclExecute.c (TEBC,INST_DICT_UPDATE_END): allowed a careful
	* tests/dict.test (dict-21.16,21.17,22.11): attacker to craft a dict
	containing a recursive link to itself, violating one of Tcl's
	fundamental datatype assumptions and causing a stack crash when the
	dict was converted to a string. [Bug 1786481]

2007-09-07  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEvent.c ([::tcl::Bgerror]):	Corrections to Tcl's
	* tests/event.test:	default [interp bgerror] handler so that when
	it falls back to a hidden [bgerror] in a safe interp, it gets the
	right error context data. [Bug 1790274]

2007-09-07  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (TclInitCompiledLocals): the refCount of resolved
	variables was being managed without checking if they were Var or
	VarInHash: itcl [Bug 1790184]

2007-09-06  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclResult.c (Tcl_GetReturnOptions):	Take care that a
	* tests/init.test:	non-TCL_ERROR code doesn't cause existing
	-errorinfo, -errorcode, and -errorline entries to be omitted.
	* generic/tclEvent.c:	With -errorInfo no longer lost, generate more
	complete ::errorInfo when calling [bgerror] after a non-TCL_ERROR
	background exception.

2007-09-06  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInterp.c (Tcl_Init):	Removed constraint on ability
	to define a custom [tclInit] before calling Tcl_Init(). Until now the
	custom command had to be a proc. Now it can be any command.

	* generic/tclInt.decls: New internal routine TclBackgroundException()
	* generic/tclEvent.c:	that for the first time permits non-TCL_ERROR
	exceptions to trigger [interp bgerror] handling. Closes a gap in TIP
	221. When falling back to [bgerror] (which is designed only to handle
	TCL_ERROR), convert exceptions into errors complaining about the

	* generic/tclInterp.c:	Convert Tcl_BackgroundError() callers to call
	* generic/tclIO.c:	TclBackgroundException().
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c:
	* generic/tclTimer.c:

	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:	make genstubs
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

2007-09-06  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/project.pbxproj: discontinue unmaintained support
	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/default.pbxuser: for Xcode 1.5; replace by Xcode2
	project for use on Tiger (with Tcl.xcodeproj to be used on Leopard).

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: updates for Xcode 2.5 and 3.0.
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser:
	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/project.pbxproj:
	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/default.pbxuser:
	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig:

	* macosx/README: document project changes.

2007-09-05  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Removed support for the unmaintained
	* generic/tclExecute.c: -DTCL_GENERIC_ONLY configuration. [Bug
	* unix/Makefile.in:	1264623]

2007-09-04  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in:	It's unreliable to count on the release
	manager to remember to `make genstubs` before `make dist`. Let the
	Makefile remember the dependency for us.

	* unix/Makefile.in:	Corrections to `make dist` dependencies to be
	sure that macosx/configure gets generated whenever it does not exist.

2007-09-03  Kevin B, Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/Africa/Cairo:
	* library/tzdata/America/Grand_Turk:
	* library/tzdata/America/Port-au-Prince:
	* library/tzdata/America/Indiana/Petersburg:
	* library/tzdata/America/Indiana/Tell_City:
	* library/tzdata/America/Indiana/Vincennes:
	* library/tzdata/Antarctica/McMurdo:
	* library/tzdata/Australia/Adelaide:
	* library/tzdata/Australia/Broken_Hill:
	* library/tzdata/Australia/Currie:
	* library/tzdata/Australia/Hobart:
	* library/tzdata/Australia/Lord_Howe:
	* library/tzdata/Australia/Melbourne:
	* library/tzdata/Australia/Sydney:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Auckland:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Chatham: Olson's tzdata2007g.

	* generic/tclListObj.c (TclLindexFlat):
	* tests/lindex.test (lindex-17.[01]):	Added code to detect the error
	when a script does [lindex {} end foo]; an overaggressive optimisation
	caused this call to return an empty object rather than an error.

2007-09-03  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclObj.c (TclInitObjSubsystem): restore registration of the
	"wideInt" Tcl_ObjType for compatibility with 8.4 extensions that
	access the tclWideIntType Tcl_ObjType; add setFromAnyProc for

2007-09-02  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/lsearch.n: Added note that order of results with the -all option
	is that of the input list. It always was, but this makes it crystal.

2007-08-30  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c: Added fflush() calls following all callers of
	* generic/tclExecute.c: TclPrintByteCodeObj() so that tcl_traceCompile
	output is less likely to get mangled when writes to stdout interleave
	with other code.

2007-08-28  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Use a table lookup in ParseLexeme() to
	determine lexemes with single-byte representations.

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Used unions to better clarify overloading of
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	the fields of the OpCmdInfo and
	* generic/tclCompile.h:		TclOpCmdClientData structs.

2007-08-27  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Call TclCompileSyntaxError() when
	expression syntax errors are found when compiling expressions. With
	this in place, convert TclCompileExpr to return void, since there's no
	longer any need to report TCL_ERROR.
	* generic/tclCompile.c: Update callers.
	* generic/tclExecute.c:

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:	New routine TclCompileSyntaxError()
	* generic/tclCompile.h: to directly compile bytecodes that report a
	* generic/tclCompile.c: syntax error, rather than (ab)use a call to
	TclCompileReturnCmd. Also, undo the most recent commit that papered
	over some issues with that (ab)use. New routine produces a new opcode
	INST_SYNTAX, which is a minor variation of INST_RETURN_IMM. Also a bit
	of constification.

	* generic/tclCompile.c: Move the deallocation of local LiteralTable
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	entries into TclFreeCompileEnv().
	* generic/tclExecute.c: Update callers.

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Force numeric and boolean literals in
	expressions to register with their intreps intact, even if that means
	overwriting existing intreps in already registered literals.

2007-08-25  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode): Added code to handle
	* tests/expr.test (expr-23.48-53)	     integer exponentiation
	that results in 32- and 64-bit integer results, avoiding calls to wide
	integer exponentiation routines in this common case. [Bug 1767293]

	* library/clock.tcl (ParseClockScanFormat): Modified code to allow
	* tests/clock.test (clock-60.*):	    case-insensitive matching
	of time zone and month names. [Bug 1781282]

2007-08-24  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Register literals found in expressions
	* tests/compExpr.test:	to restore literal sharing. Preserve numeric
	intreps when literals are created for the first time. Correct memleak
	in ExecConstantExprTree() and add test for the leak.

2007-08-24  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c: replaced copy loop that tripped some compilers
	with memmove. [Bug 1780870]

2007-08-23  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/init.tcl ([auto_load_index]): Delete stray "]" that created
	an expr syntax error (masked by a [catch]).

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileReturnCmd):	Added crash protection
	to handle callers other than TclCompileScript() failing to meet the
	initialization assumptions of the TIP 280 code in CompileWord().

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Suppress the attempt to convert to
	numeric when pre-compiling a constant expresion indicates an error.

2007-08-22  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TEBC): disable the new shortcut to frequent
	INSTs for debug builds. REVERTED (collision with alternative fix)

2007-08-21  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclMain.c:	Corrected the logic of dropping the last
	* tests/main.test:	newline from an interactively typed command.
	[Bug 1775878]

2007-08-21  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/thread.test: thread-4.4: clear ::errorInfo in the thread as a
	message is left here from init.tcl on windows due to no tcl_pkgPath.

2007-08-20  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_SUB): fix usage of the new macro for
	overflow detection in sums, adapt to subtraction. Lengthy comment

2007-08-19  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (Overflowing, TclIncrObj, TclExecuteByteCode):
	Encapsulate Miguel's last change in a more mnemonic macro.

2007-08-19  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: changed the check for overflow in sums,
	reducing objsize, number of branches and cache misses (according to
	cachegrind). Non-overflow for s=a+b:
	  ((a >= 0 || b >= 0 || s < 0) && (s >= 0 || b < 0 || a < 0))
	  (((a^s) >= 0) || ((a^b) < 0))
	This expresses: "a and s have the same sign or else a and b have
	different sign".

2007-08-19  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/interp.n (RESOURCE LIMITS): Added text to better explain why
	time limits are described using absolute times. [Bug 1752148]

2007-08-16  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c: improved localVarNameType caching to leverage
	the new availability of Tcl_Obj in variable names, avoiding string
	comparisons to verify that the cached value is usable.

	* generic/tclExecute.c: check the two most frequent instructions
	before the switch. Reduces both runtime and obj size a tiny bit.

2007-08-16  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Added a "constant" field to the OpNode
	struct (again "free" due to alignment requirements) to mark those
	subexpressions that are completely known at compile time. Enhanced
	CompileExprTree() and its callers to precompute these constant
	subexpressions at compile time. This resolves the issue raised in [Bug

2007-08-15  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c (TclGetOpenModeEx): Only set the O_APPEND flag
	* tests/ioUtil.test (ioUtil-4.1):	  on a channel for the 'a'
	mode and not for 'a+'. [Bug 1773127]

2007-08-14  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_INVOKE*): peephole opt, do not get the
	interp's result if it will be pushed/popped.

2007-08-14  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Use fully qualified variable names for
	* tests/thread.test:	::errorInfo and ::errorCode so that string
	* tests/trace.test:	reported to variable traces are fully
	qualified in agreement with Tcl 8.4 operations.

2007-08-14  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclLoadDyld.c: use dlfcn API on Mac OS X 10.4 and later; fix
	issues with loading from memory on intel and 64bit; add debug messages

	* tests/load.test: add test load-10.1 for loading from vfs.

	* unix/dltest/pkga.c:		whitespace & comment cleanup, remove
	* unix/dltest/pkgb.c:		unused pkgf.c.
	* unix/dltest/pkgc.c:
	* unix/dltest/pkge.c:
	* unix/dltest/pkgf.c (removed):
	* unix/dltest/pkgua.c:
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:

2007-08-13  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Provide DECACHE/CACHE protection to the
	* tests/trace.test:	Tcl_LogCommandInfo() call. [Bug 1773040]

2007-08-12  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_SplitObjCmd): use TclNewStringObj macro
	instead of calling the function.

	* generic/tcl_Obj.c (TclAllocateFreeObjects): remove unneeded memset
	to 0 of all allocated objects.

2007-08-10  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h: remove redundant ops in TclNewStringObj macro.

2007-08-10  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h: fix the TclSetVarNamespaceVar macro, was causing a

2007-08-10  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Revise CompileExprTree() to use the
	OpNode mark field scheme of tree traversal. This eliminates the need
	to use magic values in the left and right fields for that purpose.
	Also stop abusing the left field within ParseExpr() to store the
	number of arguments in a parsed function call. CompileExprTree() now
	determines that for itself at compile time. Then reorder code to
	eliminate duplication.

2007-08-09  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (TclCreateProc): better comments on the required
	varflag values when loading precompiled procs.

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_STORE_ARRAY):
	* tests/trace.test (trace-2.6): whole array write traces on compiled
	local variables were not firing. [Bug 1770591]

2007-08-08  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclProc.c (InitLocalCache): reference firstLocalPtr via
	procPtr. codePtr->procPtr == NULL exposed by tbcload.

2007-08-08  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Corrected failure to compile/link in the
	-DNO_WIDE_TYPE configuration.

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Corrected improper use of bignum arguments to
	* tests/expr.test:	*SHIFT operations. [Bug 1770224]

2007-08-07  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h: remove comments refering to VAR_SCALAR, as that
	flag bit does not exist any longer.
	* generic/tclProc.c (InitCompiledLocals): removed optimisation for
	non-resolved case, as the function is never called in that case.
	Renamed the function to InitResolvedLocals to calrify the point.

	* generic/tclInt.decls:	  Exporting via stubs to help xotcl adapt to
	* generic/tclInt.h:	  VarReform.
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

2007-08-07  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEnv.c:	improve environ handling on Mac OS X (adapted
	* unix/tclUnixPort.h:	from Apple changes in Darwin tcl-64).

	* unix/Makefile.in:	add support for compile flags specific to
				object files linked directly into executables.

	* unix/configure.in (Darwin): only use -seg1addr flag when prebinding;
	use -mdynamic-no-pic flag for object files linked directly into exes;
	support overriding TCL_PACKAGE_PATH/TCL_MODULE_PATH in environment.

	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

2007-08-06  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/parseExpr.test: Update source file name of expr parser code.

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Added a "mark" field to the OpNode
	struct, which is used to guide tree traversal. This field costs
	nothing since alignement requirements used the memory already.
	Rewrote ConvertTreeToTokens() to use the new field, which permitted
	consolidation of utility routines CopyTokens() and

2007-08-06  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclGetDate.y: Added a cast to the definition of YYFREE to
				silence compiler warnings.
	* generic/tclDate.c:	Regenerated
	* win/tclWinTest.c:	Added a cast to GetSecurityDescriptorDacl call
				to silence compiler warnings.

2007-08-04  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.decls:	  Exporting via stubs to help itcl adapt to
	* generic/tclInt.h:	  VarReform. Added localCache initialization
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:  to TclInitCompiledLocals (which only exists
	* generic/tclProc.c:	  for itcl).
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:
	* generic/tclVar.c:

2007-08-01  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* library/word.tcl: Rewrote for greater efficiency. [Bug 1764318]

2007-08-01  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:	Added a TclOffset macro ala Tk_Offset to
	* generic/tclVar.c:	abstract out 'offsetof' which may not be
	* generic/tclExceute.c: defined (eg: msvc6).

2007-08-01  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (TclCleanupVar): fix [Bug 1765225], thx Larry

2007-07-31  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* doc/Hash.3:
	* generic/tclHash.c:
	* generic/tclObj.c:
	* generic/tclThreadStorage.c: (changes part of the patch below)
	Stop Tcl_CreateHashVar from resetting hPtr->clientData to NULL after
	calling the allocEntryProc for a custom table.

	* generic/tcl.h:
	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:
	* generic/tclCompile.c:
	* generic/tclCompile.h:
	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* generic/tclHash.c:
	* generic/tclInt.decls:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:
	* generic/tclLiteral.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclObj.c:
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* generic/tclThreadStorage.c:
	* generic/tclTrace.c:
	* generic/tclVar.c: VarReform [Patch 1750051]

	*** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** (tclInt.h and tclCompile.h)
	Extensions that access internals defined in tclInt.h and/or
	tclCompile.h may lose both binary and source compatibility. The
	relevant changes are:
	1. 'struct Var' is completely changed, all acceses to its internals
	   (either direct or via the TclSetVar* and TclIsVar* macros) will
	   malfunction. Var flag values and semantics changed too.
	2. 'struct Bytecode' has an additional field that has to be
	   initialised to NULL
	3. 'struct Namespace' is larger, as the varTable is now one pointer
	   larger than a Tcl_HashTable. Direct access to its fields will
	4. 'struct CallFrame' grew one more field (the second such growth with
	   respect to Tcl8.4).
	5. API change for the functions TclFindCompiledLocal, TclDeleteVars
	   and many internal functions in tclVar.c

	Additionally, direct access to variable hash tables via the standard
	Tcl_Hash* interface is to be considered as deprecated. It still works
	in the present version, but will be broken by further specialisation
	of these hash tables. This concerns especially the table of array
	elements in an array, as well as the varTable field in the Namespace

2007-07-31  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* unix/configure.in: allow use of 'inline' in Tcl sources. [Patch
	* win/configure.in:  1754128]
	* win/makefile.vc:   Regen with autoconf 2.61

2007-07-31  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* unix/tclUnixInit.c (TclpSetVariables): Use the thread-safe getpwuid
	replacement to fill the tcl_platform(user) field as it is not subject
	to spoofing. [Bug 681877]

	* unix/tclUnixCompat.c: Simplify the #ifdef logic.

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c (FileWatchProc): Fix test failures.

2007-07-30  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c (SET_BITS, CLEAR_BITS): Added macros to make this
	file clearer.

2007-07-24  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TEOvI, GetCommandSource):
	* generic/tclExecute.c (TEBC, TclGetSrcInfoForCmd):
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclTrace.c (TclCheck(Interp|Execution)Traces):
	Removed the need for TEBC to inspect the command before calling TEOvI,
	leveraging the TIP 280 infrastructure. Moved the generation of a
	correct nul-terminated command string away from the trace code, back
	into TEOvI/GetCommandSource.

2007-07-20  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/platform/platform.tcl: Fixed bug in 'platform::patterns'
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl: where identifiers not matching
	* unix/Makefile.in: the special linux and solaris forms would not
	* win/Makefile.in: get 'tcl' as an acceptable platform added to
	* doc/platform.n: the result. Bumped package to version 1.0.3 and
	* doc/platform_shell.n: updated documentation and Makefiles. Also
	fixed bad version info in the documentation of platform::shell.

2007-07-19  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclParse.c:	In contexts where interp and parsePtr->interp
	might be different, be sure to use the latter for error reporting.
	Also pulled the interp argument back out of ParseTokens() since we
	already had a parsePtr->interp to work with.

2007-07-18  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Removed unused arguments and variables

2007-07-17  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c (ParseExpr):	While adding comments to
	explain the operations of ParseExpr(), made significant revisions to
	the code so it would be easier to explain, and in the process made the
	code simpler and clearer as well.

2007-07-15  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	More commentary.
	* tests/parseExpr.test:		Several tests of syntax error messages
	to check that when expression substrings are truncated they leave
	visible the context relevant to the reported error.

2007-07-12  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Factored out, corrected, and commented
	common code for reporting syntax errors in LEAF elements.

2007-07-11  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileWhileCmd):
	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclCompileScript):
	Corrected faulty avoidance of INST_START_CMD when the first opcode in
	a script is within a loop (as produced by 'while 1'), so that the
	corresponding command is properly counted. [Bug 1752146]

2007-07-11  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Added a "parseOnly" flag argument to
	ParseExpr() to indicate whether the caller is Tcl_ParseExpr(), with an
	end goal of filling a Tcl_Parse with Tcl_Tokens representing the
	parsed expression, or TclCompileExpr() with the goal of compiling and
	executing the expression. In the latter case, more aggressive
	conversion of QUOTED and BRACED lexeme to literals is done. In the
	former case, all such conversion is avoided, since Tcl_Token
	production would revert it anyway. This enables simplifications to the
	GenerateTokensForLiteral() routine as well.

2007-07-10  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Added a field for operator precedence
	to be stored directly in the parse tree. There's no memory cost to
	this addition, since that memory would have been lost to alignment
	issues anyway. Also, converted precedence definitions and lookup
	tables to use symbolic constants instead of raw number for improved
	readability, and continued extending/improving/correcting comments.
	Removed some unused counter variables. Renamed some variables for
	clarity and replaced some cryptic logic with more readable macros.

2007-07-09  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Revision so that the END lexeme never
	gets inserted into the parse tree. Later tree traversal never reaches
	it since its location in the tree is not variable. Starting and
	stopping with the START lexeme (node 0) is sufficient. Also finished
	lexeme code commentary.

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Added missing creation and return of
	the Tcl_Parse fields that indicate error conditions. [Bug 1749987]

2007-07-05  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/init.tcl (unknown):	Corrected inconsistent error message
	in interactive [unknown] when empty command is invoked. [Bug 1743676]

2007-07-05  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (SetNsNameFromAny):
	* generic/tclObj.c (SetCmdNameFromAny): Avoid unnecessary
	ckfree/ckalloc when the old structs can be reused.

2007-07-04  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c: Fix case where a FQ cmd or ns was being cached
	* generic/tclObj.c:    in a different interp, tkcon. [Bug 1747512]

2007-07-03  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Revised #define values so that there
	is now more expansion room to define more BINARY operators.

2007-07-02  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclHash.c (CompareStringKeys): Always use the strcmp()
	version; the operation is functionally equivalent, the speed is
	identical (up to measurement limitations), and yet the code is
	simpler. [FRQ 951168]

2007-07-02  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	Removed TCL_PRESERVE_BINARY_COMPATIBILITY and
	* generic/tclHash.c:	any code enabled when it is set to 0. We will
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:	always want to preserve binary compat
	of the structs that appear in the interface through the 8.* series of
	releases, so it's pointless to drag around this never-enabled

	* generic/tclIO.c:	Removed dead code.
	* unix/tclUnixChan.c:

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Removed dead code, old implementations
	* generic/tclEvent.c:	of expr parsing and compiling, including the
	* generic/tclInt.h:	routine TclFinalizeCompilation().

2007-06-30  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LsortObjCmd): Plug a memory leak caused by a
	missing Tcl_DecrRefCount on an error path. [Bug 1717186]

2007-06-30  Zoran Vasiljevic <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclThread.c: Prevent RemeberSyncObj() from growing the sync
	object lists by reusing already free'd slots, if possible. See
	discussion on Bug 1726873 for more information.

2007-06-29  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/DictObj.3 (Tcl_DictObjDone): Improved documentation of this
	function to make it clearer how to use it. [Bug 1710795]

2007-06-29  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclAlloc.c:		on Darwin, ensure memory allocated by
	* generic/tclThreadAlloc.c:	the custom TclpAlloc()s is aligned to
	16 byte boundaries (as is the case with the Darwin system malloc).

	* generic/tclGetDate.y: use ckalloc/ckfree instead of malloc/free.
	* generic/tclDate.c:	bison 1.875e

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TclEvalEx): fix warnings.

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: better support for renamed tcl
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser: source dir; add 10.5 SDK build
	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig:		config; remove tclMathOp.c.

	* macosx/README: document Tcl.xcodeproj changes.

2007-06-28  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:		Removed dead code, including the
	* generic/tclExecute.c:		entire file tclMathOp.c.
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclMathOp.c (removed):
	* generic/tclTestObj.c:
	* win/tclWinFile.c:

	* unix/Makefile.in:	Updated to reflect deletion of tclMathOp.c.
	* win/Makefile.in:
	* win/makefile.bc:
	* win/makefile.vc:

2007-06-28  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	  Silence constness warnings for TclStackFree
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:  when building with msvc.
	* generic/tclFCmd.c:
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c:
	* generic/tclTrace.c:

2007-06-28  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (UnsetVarStruct): fix possible segfault.

2007-06-27  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclTrace.c:	Corrected broken trace reversal logic in
	* generic/tclTest.c:	TclCheckInterpTraces that led to infinite loop
	* tests/trace.test:	when multiple Tcl_CreateTrace traces were set
	and one of them did not fire due to level restrictions. [Bug 1743931]

2007-06-26  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TclEvalEx):	Moved some arrays from the C
	stack to the Tcl stack.

2007-06-26  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (UnsetVarStruct): more streamlining.

2007-06-25  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Safety checks to avoid crashes in the
	TclStack* routines when called with an incompletely initialized
	interp. [Bug 1743302]

2007-06-25  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (UnsetVarStruct): fixing incomplete change, more

2007-06-24  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (TclDeleteCompiledLocalVars): removed inlining that
	ended up not really optimising (limited benchmarks). Now calling
	UnsetVarStruct (streamlined old code is #ifdef'ed out, in case better
	benchmarks do show a difference).

	* generic/tclVar.c (UnsetVarStruct): fixed a leak introduced in last

2007-06-23  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (UnsetVarStruct, TclDeleteVars): made the logic
	slightly clearer, eliminated some duplicated code.

	*** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** (tclInt.h and Var struct users)
	The core never builds VAR_LINK variable to have traces. Such a
	"monster", should one exist, will now have its unset traces called
	*before* it is unlinked.

2007-06-23  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c (AtForkChild): don't call CoreFoundation
	APIs after fork() on systems where that would lead to an abort().

2007-06-22  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Revised TclStackRealloc() signature to better
	* generic/tclInt.h:	parallel (and fall back on) Tcl_Realloc.

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (TclResetShadowesCmdRefs):	Replaced
	ckrealloc based allocations with TclStackRealloc allocations.

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:	More conversions to use TclStackAlloc.
	* generic/tclScan.c:

2007-06-21  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	 Move most instances of the Tcl_Parse struct
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c: off the C stack and onto the Tcl stack. This
	* generic/tclCompile.c:	 is a rather large struct (> 3kB).
	* generic/tclParse.c:

2007-06-21  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TEOvI):		Made sure that leave traces
	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_INVOKE):	that were created during
	* tests/trace.test (trace-36.2):	execution of an originally
	untraced command do not fire [Bug 1740962], partial fix.

2007-06-21  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tcl.h, generic/tclCompile.h, generic/tclCompile.c: Remove
	references in comments to obsolete {expand} notation. [Bug 1740859]

2007-06-20  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c: streamline namespace vars deletion: only compute
	the variable's full name if the variable is traced.

2007-06-20  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.decls: Revised the interfaces of the routines
	* generic/tclExecute.c: TclStackAlloc and TclStackFree to make them
	easier for callers to use (or more precisely, harder to misuse).
	TclStackFree now takes a (void *) argument which is the pointer
	intended to be freed. TclStackFree will panic if that's not actually
	the memory the call will free. TSA/TSF also now tolerate receiving
	(interp == NULL), in which case they simply fall back to be calls to

	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:	make genstubs

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Updated callers
	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:
	* generic/tclCompile.c:
	* generic/tclFCmd.c:
	* generic/tclFileName.c:
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c:
	* generic/tclIndexObj.c:
	* generic/tclInterp.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* generic/tclTrace.c:
	* unix/tclUnixPipe.c:

2007-06-20  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl: revamp of html doc output to use CSS,
	standardized headers, subheaders, dictionary sorting of names.

2007-06-18  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl: clean up copyright merging and output.
	clean up coding constructs.

2007-06-18  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (InfoFrameCmd):
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_SwitchObjCmd):
	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclInitCompileEnv):
	* generic/tclProc.c (Tcl_ProcObjCmd, SetLambdaFromAny): Moved the
	CmdFrame off the C stack and onto the Tcl stack.

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TEBC):	Moved the CmdFrame off the C stack and
	onto the Tcl stack, between the catch and the execution stacks

2007-06-18  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TclEvalEx,TclEvalObjEx):	Moved the CmdFrame off
	the C stack and onto the Tcl stack.

2007-06-17  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (TclObjInterpProcCore): Minor fixes to make
	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode): compilation debugging
	builds work again. [Bug 1738542]

2007-06-16  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (TclObjInterpProcCore): Use switch instead of a
	chain of if's for a modest performance gain and a little more clarity.

2007-06-15  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:  Simplified [variable] compiler and executor.
	* generic/tclExecute.c:	  Missed updates to "there is always a valid

	* generic/tclCompile.c: reverted TclEvalObjvInternal and INST_INVOKE
	* generic/tclExecute.c: to essentially what they were previous to the
	* generic/tclBasic.c:	commit of 2007-04-03 [Patch 1693802] and the
	subsequent optimisations, as they break the new trace tests described

	* generic/trace.test: added tests 36 to 38 for dynamic trace creation
	and addition. These tests expose a change in dynamics due to a recent
	round of optimisations. The "correct" behaviour is not described in
	docs nor TIP 62.

2007-06-14  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.decls:	  Modif to the internals of TclObjInterpProc
	* generic/tclInt.h:	  to reduce stack consumption and improve task
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:  separation. Changes the interface of
	* generic/tclProc.c:	  TclObjInterpProcCore (patching TclOO

	* generic/tclProc.c (TclObjInterpProcCore): simplified obj management
	in wrongNumArgs calls.

2007-06-14  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c: SetByteCodeFromAny() can no longer return any
	* generic/tclExecute.c: code other than TCL_OK, so remove code that
	* generic/tclProc.c:	formerly handled exceptional codes.

2007-06-13  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclCompEvalObj): missed update to "there is
	always a valid frame".

	* generic/tclProc.c (TclObjInterpProcCore): call TEBC directly instead
	of going through TclCompEvalObj - no need to check the compilation's
	freshness, this has already been done. This improves speed and should
	also provide some relief to [Bug 1066755].

2007-06-12  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_CreateInterp): Turn the [info] command into
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (TclInitInfoCmd):	 an ensemble, making it easier
	for third-party code to plug into.

	* generic/tclIndexObj.c (Tcl_WrongNumArgs):
	* generic/tclNamesp.c, generic/tclInt.h (tclEnsembleCmdType): Make
	Tcl_WrongNumArgs do replacement correctly with ensembles and other
	sorts of complex replacement strategies.

2007-06-11  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c:	 comments added to explain iPtr->numLevels

	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	 tweaks to Tcl_GetCommandFromObj and
	* generic/tclObj.c:	 TclGetNamespaceFromObj; modified the usage of
	structs ResolvedCmdName and ResolvedNsname so that the field refNsPtr
	is NULL for fully qualified names.

2007-06-10  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	 Further TEOvI split, creating a new
	* generic/tclCompile.h:	 TclEvalObjvKnownCommand() function to handle
	* generic/tclExecute.c:	 commands that are already known and are not
	traced. INST_INVOKE now calls into this function instead of inlining
	parts of TEOvI. Same perf, better isolation.

	***POTENTIAL INCOMPAT*** There is a subtle issue with the timing of
	execution traces that is changed here - first change appeared in my
	commit of 2007-04-03 [Patch 1693802], which caused some divergence
	between compiled and non-compiled code.

2007-06-10  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* README: updated links. [Bug 1715081]

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode): restore support for
	INST_CALL_BUILTIN_FUNC1 and INST_CALL_FUNC1 bytecodes to support 8.4-
	precompiled sources (math functions). [Bug 1720895]

2007-06-10  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclObj.c:
	* generic/tclvar.c: new macros TclGetCurrentNamespace() and
	TclGetGlobalNamespace(); Tcl_GetCommandFromObj and
	TclGetNamespaceFromObj rewritten to make the logic clearer; slightly
	faster too.

2007-06-09  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_INVOKE): isolated two vars to the small
	block where they are actually used.

	* generic/tclObj.c (Tcl_GetCommandFromObj): rewritten to make the
	logic clearer; slightly faster too.

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Split TEOv in two, by separating a processor
	for non-TCL_OK returns. Also split TEOvI in a full version that
	handles non-existing and traced commands, and a separate shorter
	version for the regular case.

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Moved the generation of command strings for
	* generic/tclTrace.c:	traces: previously in Tcl_EvalObjv(), now in
	TclCheck[Interp|Execution]Traces(). Also insured that the strings are
	properly NUL terminated at the correct length. [Bug 1693986]

	The functions TclCheckInterpTraces() and TclCheckExecutionTraces() (in
	internal stubs) used to be noops if the command string was NULL, this
	is not true anymore: if the command string is NULL, they generate an
	appropriate string from (objc,objv) and use it to call the traces. The
	caller might as well not call them with a NULL string if he was
	expecting a noop.

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Extend usage of TclLimitReady() and
	* generic/tclExecute.c: (new) TclLimitExceeded() macros.
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclInterp.c:

	* generic/tclInt.h:	New TclCleanupCommandMacro for core usage.
	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* generic/tclObj.c:

2007-06-09 Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: add new Tclsh-Info.plist.in.

2007-06-08  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_StringObjCmd): Changed [string first] and
	* doc/string.n: [string last] so that they have clearer descriptions
	for those people who know the adage about needles and haystacks. This
	follows suggestions on comp.lang.tcl...

2007-06-06  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclParse.c: fix for uninit read. [Bug 1732414]

2007-06-06  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: add settings for Fix&Continue.

	* unix/configure.in (Darwin):		add plist for tclsh; link the
	* unix/Makefile.in  (Darwin):		Tcl and tclsh plists into
	* macosx/Tclsh-Info.plist.in (new):	their binaries in all cases.
	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig:

	* unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): fix CF checks in fat 32&64bit builds.
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

2007-06-05  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Added interp flag value ERR_LEGACY_COPY to
	* generic/tclInt.h:	control the timing with which the global
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	variables ::errorCode and ::errorInfo get
	* generic/tclProc.c:	updated after an error. This keeps more
	* generic/tclResult.c:	precise compatibility with Tcl 8.4.
	* tests/result.test (result-6.2):	[Bug 1649062]

2007-06-05  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclExecute.c: Tcl-stack reform, [Patch 1701202]

2007-06-03  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in: add datarootdir to silence autoconf-2.6x warning.

2007-05-30  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Removed code that dealt with
	* generic/tclCompile.c: TCL_TOKEN_EXPAND_WORD tokens representing
	* generic/tclCompile.h: expanded literal words. These sections were
	mostly in place to enable [info frame] to discover line information in
	expanded literals. Since the parser now generates a token for each
	post-expansion word referring to the right location in the original
	script string, [info frame] gets all the data it needs.

	* generic/tclInt.h:	Revised the parser so that it never produces
	* generic/tclParse.c:	TCL_TOKEN_EXPAND_WORD tokens when parsing an
	* tests/parse.test:	expanded literal word; that is, something like
	{*}{x y z}. Instead, generate the series of TCL_TOKEN_SIMPLE_WORD
	tokens to represent the words that expansion of the literal string
	produces. [RFE 1725186]

2007-05-29  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* unix/tclUnixThrd.c (Tcl_JoinThread): fix for 64-bit handling of
	pthread_join exit return code storage. [Bug 1712723]

2007-05-22  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>


	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59 (FC6 fork)
	* win/configure:

	* README:		Bump version number to 8.5b1
	* generic/tcl.h:
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

2007-05-18  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59 (FC6 fork)
	* win/configure:

	* README:		Bump version number to 8.5a7
	* generic/tcl.h:
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/configure.in:

	* generic/tclParse.c:	Disable and remove the ALLOW_EXPAND sections
	* tests/info.test:	that continued to support the deprecated
	* tests/mathop.test:	{expand} syntax. Updated the few remaining
	users of that syntax in the test suite.

2007-05-17  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclLimitReady): Created a macro version of
	Tcl_LimitReady just for TEBC, to reduce the amount of times that the
	bytecode engine calls out to external functions on the critical path.
	* generic/tclInterp.c (Tcl_LimitReady): Added note to remind anyone
	doing maintenance that there is a macro version to update.

2007-05-17  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.decls: workaround 'make checkstubs' failures from
	tclStubLib.c MODULE_SCOPE revert. [Bug 1716117]

2007-05-16  Joe English	 <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStubLib.c:	 Change Tcl_InitStubs(), tclStubsPtr, and the
	auxilliary stubs table pointers back to public visibility.

	These symbols need to be exported so that stub-enabled extensions may
	be statically linked into an extended tclsh or Big Wish with a
	dynamically-linked libtcl. [Bug 1716117]

2007-05-15  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/configure:	autoconf-2.59 (FC6 fork)

	* library/reg/pkgIndex.tcl:	Bump to registry 1.2.1 to account for
	* win/configure.in:		[Bug 1682211] fix.
	* win/makefile.bc:
	* win/tclWinReg.c:

2007-05-11  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h: Removed TclEvalObjEx and TclGetSrcInfoForPc from
	tclInt.h now they are in the internal stubs table.

2007-05-09  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h:	TclFinalizeThreadAlloc() is always defined, so
	make sure it is also always declared (with MODULE_SCOPE).

2007-05-09  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h: fix warning when building threaded with -DPURIFY.

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: add 'DebugUnthreaded' &
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser: 'DebugLeaks' configs and env
	var settings needed to run the 'leaks' tool.

2007-05-07  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	[Tcl Bug 1706140]

	* generic/tclLink.c (LinkTraceProc):	Update Tcl_VarTraceProcs so
	* generic/tclNamesp.c (Error*Read):	they call Tcl_InterpDeleted()
	* generic/tclTrace.c (Trace*Proc):	for themselves, and do not
	* generic/tclUtil.c (TclPrecTraceProc): rely on (frequently buggy)
	setting of the TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED flag by the trace core.

	* generic/tclVar.c:	Update callers of TclCallVarTraces to not pass
	in the TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED flag. Also apply filters so that public
	routines only pass documented flag values down to lower level routines

	* generic/tclTrace.c (TclCallVarTraces):	The setting of the
	TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED flag is now done entirely within the
	TclCallVarTraces routine, the only place it can be done right.

2007-05-06  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h (ExtraFrameInfo): Create a new mechanism for
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (InfoFrameCmd): conveying what information needs
	to be added to the results of [info frame] to replace the hack that
	was there before.
	* generic/tclProc.c (Tcl_ApplyObjCmd): Use the new mechanism for the
	[apply] command, the only part of Tcl itself that needs it (so far).

	* generic/tclInt.decls (TclEvalObjEx, TclGetSrcInfoForPc): Expose
	these two functions through the internal stubs table, necessary for
	extensions that need to integrate deeply with TIP#280.

2007-05-05  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* win/tclWinFile.c (TclpGetUserHome):	Squelch type-pun warnings in
	* win/tclWinInit.c (TclpSetVariables):	Win-specific code not found
	* win/tclWinReg.c (AppendSystemError):	during earlier work on Unix.

2007-05-04  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclIO.c (TclFinalizeIOSubsystem): Added an initializer to
	silence a spurious gcc warning about use of an uninitialized
	* tests/encoding.test: Modified so that encoding tests happen in a
	private namespace, to avoid polluting the global one. This problem was
	discovered when running the test suite '-singleproc 1 -skip exec.test'
	because the 'path' variable in encoding.test conflicted with the one
	in io.test.
	* tests/io.test: Made more of the working variables private to the

2007-05-02  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclTest.c (SimpleMatchInDirectory): Corrected a refcount
	imbalance that affected the filesystem-[147]* tests in the test suite.
	Thanks to Don Porter for the patch. [Bug 1710707]
	* generic/tclPathObj.c (Tcl_FSJoinPath, Tcl_FSGetNormalizedPath):
	Corrected several memory leaks that caused refcount imbalances
	resulting in memory leaks on Windows. Thanks to Joe Mistachkin for the

2007-05-01  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (TclPtrSetVar): fixed leak whenever newvaluePtr had
	refCount 0 and was used for appending (but not lappending). Thanks to
	mistachkin and kbk. [Bug 1710710]

2007-05-01  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclIO.c (DeleteChannelTable): Made changes so that
	DeleteChannelTable tries to close all open channels, not just the
	first. [Bug 1710285]
	* generic/tclThread.c (TclFinalizeSynchronization): Make sure that TSD
	blocks get freed on non-threaded builds. [Bug 1710825]
	* tests/utf.test (utf-25.1--utf-25.4): Modified tests to clean up
	after the 'testobj' extension to avoid spurious reports of memory

2007-05-01  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (STR_MAP): When [string map] has a pure dict map,
	a missing Tcl_DictObjDone() call led to a memleak. [Bug 1710709]

2007-04-30  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in: add 'tclsh' dependency to install targets that
	rely on tclsh, fixes parallel 'make install' from empty build dir.

2007-04-30  Andreas Kupries <andreask@gactivestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (FixLevelCode): Corrected reference count
	mismanagement of newlevel, newcode. Changed to allocate the Tcl_Obj's
	as late as possible, and only when actually needed. [Bug 1705778, leak

2007-04-30  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclProc.c (Tcl_ProcObjCmd, SetLambdaFromAny): Corrected
	reference count mismanagement on the name of the source file in the
	TIP 280 code. [Bug 1705778, leak K02 among other manifestations]

2007-04-25  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	*** 8.5a6 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* generic/tclProc.c (TclObjInterpProcCore): Only allocate objects for
	error message generation when associated with argument names that are
	really used. [Bug 1705778, leak K15]

2007-04-25  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c (Tcl_FSChdir): Changed the memory management so
	that the path returned from Tcl_FSGetNativePath is not duplicated
	before being stored as the current directory, to avoid a memory leak.
	[Bug 1705778, leak K01 among other manifestations]

2007-04-25  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c (ParseExpr):	Revised to be sure that an
	error return doesn't prevent all literals getting placed on the
	litList to be returned to the caller for freeing. Corrects some
	memleaks. [Bug 1705778, leak K23]

2007-04-25  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/Makefile.in (dist): add macosx/*.xcconfig files to src dist;
	copy license.terms to dist macosx dir; fix autoheader bits.

2007-04-24  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclListObj.c: reverting [Patch 738900] (committed on
	2007-04-20). Causes some Tk test breakage of unknown importance, but
	the impact of the patch itself is likely to be so small that it does
	not warrant investigation at this time.

2007-04-24  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclDictObj.c (DictKeysCmd): Rewrote so that the lock on the
	internal representation of a dict is only set when necessary. [Bug
	1705778, leak K04]
	(DictFilterCmd): Added code to drop the lock in the trivial match
	case. [Bug 1705778, leak K05]

2007-04-24  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclBinary.c: Addressed several code paths where the error
	return from the 'binary format' command leaked the result buffer.
	* generic/tclListObj.c (TclLsetFlat): Fixed a bug where the new list
	under construction was leaked in the error case. [Bug 1705778, leaks
	K13 and K14]

2007-04-24  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* unix/Makefile.in (dist): add platform library package to src dist

2007-04-24  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c (ParseExpr): Memory leak in error case; the
	literal Tcl_Obj was not getting freed. [Bug 1705778, leak #1 (new)]

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (Tcl_DeleteNamespace):	Corrected flaw in the
	flag marking scheme to be sure that global namespaces are freed when
	their interp is deleted. [Bug 1705778]

2007-04-24  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode): Plugged six memory leaks
	in bignum arithmetic.
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c (Tcl_ReadObjCmd): Plugged a leak of the buffer
	object if the physical read returned an error and the bypass area had
	no message.
	* generic/tclIORChan.c (TclChanCreateObjCmd): Plugged a leak of the
	return value from the "initialize" method of a channel handler.
	(All of the above under [Bug 1705778])

2007-04-23  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCkalloc.c: fix warnings from gcc build configured with
	* generic/tclCompile.c: --enable-64bit --enable-symbols=all.
	* generic/tclExecute.c:

	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c: add workaround for crashing bug in fts_open()
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c: without FTS_NOSTAT on 64bit Darwin 8 or earlier.

	* unix/tclLoadDyld.c (TclpLoadMemory): fix (void*) arithmetic.

	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig: enable more warnings.

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: add 'DebugMemCompile' build
	configuration that calls configure with --enable-symbols=all; override
	configure check for __attribute__((__visibility__("hidden"))) in Debug
	configuration to restore availability of ZeroLink.

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c: fix warnings.

	* macosx/tclMacOSXFCmd.c: const fixes.

	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig:	fix whitespace.
	* macosx/Tcl-Debug.xcconfig:
	* macosx/Tcl-Release.xcconfig:
	* macosx/README:

	* macosx/GNUmakefile:		fix/add copyright and license refs.
	* macosx/tclMacOSXBundle.c:
	* macosx/Tcl-Info.plist.in:
	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/project.pbxproj:
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:

	* unix/configure.in: install license.terms into Tcl.framework.
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

2007-04-23  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (UnsetVarStruct):	Make sure the
	TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED flags gets passed to unset trace routines so they
	can respond appropriately. [Bug 1705778, leak #9]

2007-04-23  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclFreeCompileEnv): Tip 280's new field
	extCmdMapPtr was not being freed. [Bug 1705778, leak #1]

2007-04-23  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileUpvarCmd): Plugged a memory leak in
	'upvar' when compiling (a) upvar outside a proc, (b) upvar with a
	syntax error, or (c) upvar where the frame index is not known at
	compile time.
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c (ParseExpr): Plugged a memory leak when
	parsing expressions that contain syntax errors.
	* generic/tclEnv.c (ReplaceString): Clear memory correctly when
	growing the cache to avoid reads of uninitialised data.
	* generic/tclIORChan.c (TclChanCreateObjCmd, FreeReflectedChannel):
	Plugged two memory leaks.
	* generic/tclStrToD.c (AccumulateDecimalDigit): Fixed a mistake where
	we'd run beyond the end of the 'pow10_wide' array if a number begins
	with a string of more than 'maxpow10_wide' zeroes.
	* generic/tclTest.c (Testregexpobjcmd): Removed an invalid access
	beyond the end of 'objv' in 'testregexp -about'.
	All of these issues reported under [Bug 1705778] - detected with the
	existing test suite, no new regression tests required.

2007-04-22  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (TclDeleteNamespaceVars): fixed access to freed
	memory detected by valgrind: Tcl_GetCurrentNamespace was being
	called after freeing root CallFrame (on interp deletion).

2007-04-20  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclListObj.c (SetListFromAny): avoid discarding internal
	reps of objects converted to singleton lists. [Patch 738900]

2007-04-20  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* doc/clock.n: Corrected a silly error (transposed 'uppercase' and
	'lowercase' in clock.n. [Bug 1656002]
	Clarified that [clock scan] does not recognize a locale's alternative
	Deleted an entirely superfluous (and also incorrect) remark about the
	effect of Daylight Saving Time on relative times in [clock scan]. [Bug
	* library/clock.tcl: Corrected an error in skipping over the %Ey field
	on input.
	* library/msgs/ja.msg:
	* tools/loadICU.tcl: Corrected several localisation faults in the
	Japanese locale (most notably, incorrect dates for the Emperors'
	eras). [Bug 1637471]. Many thanks to SourceForge user 'nyademo' for
	pointing this out and developing a fix.
	* generic/tclPathObj.c: Corrected a 'const'ness fault that caused
	bitter complaints from MSVC.
	* tests/clock.test (clock-40.1, clock-58.1, clock-59.1): Corrected a
	test case that depended on ":localtime" being able to handle dates
	prior to the Posix epoch. [Bug 1618445] Added a test case for the
	dates of the Japanese emperors. [Bug 1637471] Added a regression test
	for military time zone input conversion. [Bug 1586828]
	* generic/tclGetDate.y (MilitaryTable): Fixed an ancient bug where the
	military NZA time zones had the signs reversed. [Bug 1586828]
	* generic/tclDate.c: Regenerated.
	* doc/Notifier.3: Documented Tcl_SetNotifier and Tcl_ServiceModeHook.
	Quite against my better judgment. [Bug 414933]
	* generic/tclBasic.c, generic/tclCkalloc.c, generic/tclClock.c:
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c, generic/tclCmdMZ.c, generic/tclFCmd.c:
	* generic/tclFileName.c, generic/tclInterp.c, generic/tclIO.c:
	* generic/tclIOUtil.c, generic/tclNamesp.c, generic/tclObj.c:
	* generic/tclPathObj.c, generic/tclPipe.c, generic/tclPkg.c:
	* generic/tclResult.c, generic/tclTest.c, generic/tclTestObj.c:
	* generic/tclVar.c, unix/tclUnixChan.c, unix/tclUnixTest.c:
	* win/tclWinLoad.c, win/tclWinSerial.c: Replaced commas in varargs
	with string concatenation where possible. [Patch 1515234]
	* library/tzdata/America/Tegucigalpa:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Damascus: Olson's tzdata 2007e.

2007-04-19  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/regcomp.c, generic/regc_cvec.c, generic/regc_lex.c,
	* generic/regc_locale.c: Improve the const-correctness of the RE

2007-04-18  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_LSHIFT): fixed a mistake introduced in
	version 1.266 ('=' became '=='), which effectively turned the block
	that handles native shifts into dead code. This explains why the
	testsuite did not pick this mistake. Rewrote to make the intention

	* generic/tclInt.h (TclDecrRefCount): change the order of the
	branches, use empty 'if ; else' to handle use in unbraced outer
	if/else conditions (as already done in tcl.h)

	* generic/tclExecute.c: slight changes in Tcl_Obj management.

2007-04-17  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/clock.tcl: Fixed the naming of
	::tcl::clock::ReadZoneinfoFile because (yoicks!) it was in the global
	* doc/clock.n: Clarified the cases in which legacy time zone is
	recognized. [Bug 1656002]

2007-04-17  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: fixed checkInterp logic [Bug 1702212]

2007-04-16  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* various (including generic/tclTest.c): Complete the purge of K&R
	function definitions from manually-written code.

2007-04-15  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c: added a cast to silence a compiler error on
	* library/clock.tcl: Restored unique-prefix matching of keywords on
	the [clock] command. [Bug 1690041]
	* tests/clock.test: Added rudimentary test cases for unique-prefix
	matching of keywords.

2007-04-14  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: removed some code at INST_EXPAND_SKTOP that
	duplicates functionality already present at checkForCatch.

2007-04-12  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: new macros OBJ_AT_TOS, OBJ_UNDER_TOS,
	OBJ_AT_DEPTH(n) and CURR_DEPTH that remove all direct references to
	tosPtr from TEBC (after initialisation and the code at the label

2007-04-11  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c: moved all exceptDepth management to the
	macros - the decreasing half was managed by hand.

2007-04-10  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclInt.h (TclNewLiteralStringObj): New macro to make
	allocating literal string objects (i.e. objects whose value is a
	constant string) easier and more efficient, by allowing the omission
	of the length argument. Based on [Patch 1529526] (afredd)
	* generic/*.c: Make use of this (in many files).

2007-04-08  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompile (tclInstructionTable): Fixed bugs in description
	of dict instructions.

2007-04-07  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompile (tclInstructionTable): Fixed bug in description

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TEBC): Small code reduction.

2007-04-06  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TEBC):
	* generic/tclNamespace.c (NsEnsembleImplementationCmd):
	* generic/tclProc.c (InitCompiledLocals, ObjInterpProcEx)
	(TclObjInterpProcCore, ProcCompileProc): Code reordering to reduce
	branching and improve branch prediction (assume that forward branches
	are typically not taken).

2007-04-03  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: INST_INVOKE optimisation. [Patch 1693802]

2007-04-03  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	Revised ErrorCodeRead and ErrorInfoRead trace
	routines so they guarantee the ::errorCode and ::errorInfo variable
	always appear to exist. [Bug 1693252]

2007-04-03  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.decls:	 Moved TclGetNamespaceFromObj() to the
	* generic/tclInt.h:	 internal stubs table; regen.
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

2007-04-02  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	  Added bytecode compilers for the variable
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:  linking commands: 'global', 'variable',
	* generic/tclCompile.h:	  'upvar', 'namespace upvar' [Patch 1688593]
	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclVar.c:

2007-04-02  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Replace arrays on the C stack and ckalloc
	* generic/tclExecute.c: calls with TclStackAlloc calls to use memory
	* generic/tclFCmd.c:	on Tcl's evaluation stack.
	* generic/tclFileName.c:
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c:
	* generic/tclIndexObj.c:
	* generic/tclInterp.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclTrace.c:
	* unix/tclUnixPipe.c:

2007-04-01  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclCompileScript, TclPrintInstruction):
	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode): Changed the definition of
	INST_START_CMD so that it knows how many commands start at the current
	location. This makes the interpreter command counter correct without
	requiring a large number of instructions to be issued. (See my change
	from 2007-01-19 for what triggered this.)

2007-03-30  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c:
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:	Replace arrays on the C stack and
	ckalloc calls with TclStackAlloc calls to use memory on Tcl's
	evaluation stack.

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:	Revised [string to* $s $first $last]
	implementation to reduce number of allocs/copies.

	* tests/string.test:  More [string reverse] tests.

2007-03-30  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: optimise the lookup of elements of indexed

2007-03-29  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (Tcl_ApplyObjCmd):
	* tests/apply.test (9.3): Fixed Tcl_Obj leak on error return; an
	unneeded ref to lambdaPtr was being set and not released on an error
	return path.

2007-03-28  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (STR_REVERSE):	Implement the actual [string
	reverse] command in terms of the new TclStringObjReverse() routine.

	* generic/tclInt.h (TclStringObjReverse):	New internal routine
	* generic/tclStringObj.c (TclStringObjReverse): that implements the
	[string reverse] operation, making use of knowledge/surgery of the
	String intrep to minimize the number of allocs and copies needed to do
	the job.

2007-03-27  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (STR_MAP): Replace ckalloc calls with
	TclStackAlloc calls.

2007-03-24  Zoran Vasiljevic <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinThrd.c: Thread exit handler marks the current thread as
	un-initialized. This allows exit handlers that are registered later to
	re-initialize this subsystem in case they need to use some sync
	primitives (cond variables) from this file again.

2007-03-23  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (DeleteInterpProc): pop the root frame pointer
	before deleting the global namespace [Bug 1658572]

2007-03-23  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* win/Makefile.in: Added code to keep a Cygwin path name from leaking
	into LIBRARY_DIR when doing 'make test' or 'make runtest'.

2007-03-22  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdAH.c (Tcl_ForeachObjCmd):	Replaced arrays on the
	C stack and ckalloc calls with TclStackAlloc calls to use memory on
	Tcl's evaluation stack.

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Revised GrowEvaluationStack to take an
	argument specifying the growth required by the caller, so that a
	single reallocation / copy is the most that will ever be needed even
	when required growth is large.

2007-03-21  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: More ckalloc -> ckrealloc conversions.
	* generic/tclLiteral.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclParse.c:
	* generic/tclPreserve.c:
	* generic/tclStringObj.c:
	* generic/tclUtil.c:

2007-03-20  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEnv.c:	Some more ckalloc -> ckrealloc replacements.
	* generic/tclLink.c:

2007-03-20  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclDate.c: Rebuilt, despite Donal Fellows's comment when
	committing it that no rebuild was required.
	* generic/tclGetDate.y: According to Donal Fellows, "Introduce modern
	formatting standards; no need for rebuild of tclDate.c."

	* library/tzdata/America/Cambridge_Bay:
	* library/tzdata/America/Havana:
	* library/tzdata/America/Inuvik:
	* library/tzdata/America/Iqaluit:
	* library/tzdata/America/Pangnirtung:
	* library/tzdata/America/Rankin_Inlet:
	* library/tzdata/America/Resolute:
	* library/tzdata/America/Yellowknife:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Choibalsan:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Dili:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Hovd:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Jakarta:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Jayapura:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Makassar:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Pontianak:
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Ulaanbaatar:
	* library/tzdata/Europe/Istanbul: Upgraded to Olson's tzdata2007d.

	* generic/tclListObj.c (TclLsetList, TclLsetFlat):
	* tests/lset.test: Changes to deal with shared internal representation
	for lists passed to the [lset] command. Thanks to Don Porter for
	fixing this issue. [Bug 1677512]

2007-03-19  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c: Revise the various expansion routines for
	CompileEnv fields to use ckrealloc() where appropriate.

	* generic/tclBinary.c (Tcl_SetByteArrayLength): Replaced ckalloc() /
	memcpy() sequence with ckrealloc() call.

	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_CreateMathFunc):	Replaced some calls to
	* generic/tclEvent.c (Tcl_CreateThread):	Tcl_Alloc() with calls
	* generic/tclObj.c (UpdateStringOfBignum):	to ckalloc(), which
	* unix/tclUnixTime.c (SetTZIfNecessary):	better supports memory
	* win/tclAppInit.c (setargv):			debugging.

2007-03-19  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* doc/regsub.n: Corrected example so that it doesn't recommend
	potentially unsafe practice. Many thanks to Konstantin Kushnir
	<chpock@gmail.com> for reporting this.

2007-03-17  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* win/tclWinReg.c (GetKeyNames): Size the buffer for enumerating key
	names correctly, so that Unicode names exceeding 127 chars can be
	retrieved without crashing. [Bug 1682211]
	* tests/registry.test (registry-4.9): Added test case for the above

2007-03-15  Mo DeJong  <mdejong@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c (Tcl_Stat): Reimplement workaround to avoid gcc
	warning by using local variables. When the macro argument is of type
	long long instead of long, the incorrect warning is not generated.

2007-03-15  Mo DeJong  <mdejong@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/Makefile.in: Fully qualify LIBRARY_DIR so that `make test` does
	not depend on working dir.

2007-03-15  Mo DeJong  <mdejong@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/parse.test: Add two backslash newline parse tests.

2007-03-12  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_FOREACH_STEP4):	Make private copy of
	* tests/foreach.test (foreach-10.1):	value list to be assigned to
	variables so that shimmering of that list doesn't lead to invalid
	pointers. [Bug 1671087]

	* generic/tclEvent.c (HandleBgErrors):	Make efficient private copy
	* tests/event.test (event-5.3): of the command prefix for the interp's
	background error handling command to avoid panics due to pointers to
	memory invalid after shimmering. [Bug 1670155]

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (NsEnsembleImplementationCmd):	Make efficient
	* tests/namespace.test (namespace-42.8):	private copy of the
	command prefix as we invoke the command appropriate to a particular
	subcommand of a particular ensemble to avoid panic due to shimmering
	of the List intrep. [Bug 1670091]

	* generic/tclVar.c (TclArraySet):	Make efficient private copy of
	* tests/var.test (var-17.1):	the "list" argument to [array set] to
	avoid crash due to shimmering invalidating pointers. [Bug 1669489]

2007-03-12  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LsortObjCmd): Fix problems with declaration
	positioning and memory leaks. [Bug 1679072]

2007-03-11  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LreverseObjCmd): Ensure that a list is
	correctly reversed even if its internal representation is shared
	without the object itself being shared. [Bug 1675044]

2007-03-10  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL (Tcl_LsortObjCmd): changed fix to [Bug 1675116] to
	use the cheaper TclListObjCopy() instead of Tcl_DuplicateObj().

2007-03-09  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/platform/shell.tcl: Made more robust if an older platform
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl: package is present in the inspected
	* unix/Makefile.in: shell. Package forget it to prevent errors. Bumped
	* win/Makefile.in: package version to 1.1.3, and updated the Makefiles
	installing it as Tcl Module.

2007-03-09  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LsortObjCmd): Handle tricky case with loss
	* tests/cmdIL.test (cmdIL-1.29):	of list rep during sorting due
	to shimmering. [Bug 1675116]

2007-03-09  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/clock.tcl (ReadZoneinfoFile): Added Y2038 compliance to the
	code for version-2 'zoneinfo' files.
	* tests/clock.test (clock-56.3): Added a test case for Y2038 and
	'zoneinfo'. Modified test initialisation to use the
	'loadTestedCommands' function of tcltest to bring in the correct path
	for the registry library.

2007-03-08  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclListObj.c (TclLsetList):	Rewrite so that the routine
	itself does not do any direct intrep surgery. Better isolates those
	things into the implementation of the "list" Tcl_ObjType.

2007-03-08  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclListObj.c (TclLindexList, TclLindexFlat): Moved these
	functions to tclListObj.c from tclCmdIL.c to mirror the way that the
	equivalent functions for [lset]'s guts are arranged.

2007-03-08  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/clock.tcl: Further tweaks to the Windows time zone table
	(restoring missing Mexican time zones). Added rudimentary handling of
	version-2 'zoneinfo' files. Update US DST rules so that zones such as
	'EST5EDT' get the correct transition dates.
	* tests/clock.test: Added rudimentary test cases for 'zoneinfo'
	parsing. Adjusted several tests that depended on obsolete US DST
	transition rules.

2007-03-07  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c: add spinlock debugging and sanity checks.

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: ensure gcc version used by
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser: Xcode and configure/make are
	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig:		consistent and independent of
	gcc_select default and CC env var; fixes for Xcode 3.0.

	* unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): s/CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/ in macosx-version-min check
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

2007-03-07  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (TclLindex*):	Rewrites to make efficient
	private copies of the list and indexlist arguments, so we can operate
	on the list elements directly with no fear of shimmering effects.
	Replaces defensive coding schemes that are otherwise required. End
	result is that TclLindexList is entirely a wrapper around
	TclLindexFlat, which is now the core engine of all [lindex]

	* generic/tclObj.c (Tcl_AppendAllObjTypes):	Converted to simpler
	list validity test.

2007-03-07  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclRegexp.c (TclRegAbout): Generate information about a
	regexp as a Tcl_Obj instead of as a string, which is more efficient.

2007-03-07  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/clock.tcl: Adjusted Windows time zone table to handle new US
	DST rules by locale rather than as Posix time zone spec.
	* tests/clock.test (clock-39.6, clock-49.2, testclock::registry):
	Adjusted tests to simulate new US rules.
	* library/tzdata/America/Indiana/Winamac:
	* library/tzdata/Europe/Istanbul:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Easter:
	Olson's tzdata2007c.

2007-03-05  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/platform/shell.tcl (::platform::shell::RUN): In the case of
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl: a failure put the captured stderr
	* unix/Makefile.in: into the error message to aid in debugging. Bumped
	* win/Makefile.in: package version to 1.1.2, and updated the makefiles
	installing it as Tcl Module.

2007-03-03  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclLink.c (LinkedVar): Added macro to conceal at least some
	of the pointer hackery.

2007-03-02  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LreverseObjCmd):	Added missing
	TclInvalidateStringRep() call when we directly manipulate the intrep
	of an unshared "list" Tcl_Obj. [Bug 1672585]

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_JoinObjCmd):	Revised [join] implementation
	to append Tcl_Obj's instead of strings. [RFE 1669420]

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Info*Cmd):	Code simplifications and

2007-03-02  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclPrintInstruction): Added a scheme to allow
	* generic/tclCompile.h (AuxDataPrintProc):    aux-data to be printed
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (Print*Info):	      out for debugging. For
	this to work, immediate operands referring to aux-data must be
	identified as such in the instruction descriptor table using
	OPERAND_AUX4 (all are always 4 bytes).

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode): Rewrote the compiled
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileDictCmd): [dict update] so that it
	* generic/tclCompile.h (DictUpdateInfo):     stores critical
	* tests/dict.test (dict-21.{14,15}):	     non-varying data in an
	aux-data value instead of a (shimmerable) literal. [Bug 1671001]

2007-03-01  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LinsertObjCmd):	Code simplifications
	and optimizations.

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LreplaceObjCmd):	Code simplifications
	and optimizations.

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LrangeObjCmd):	Rewrite in the same
	spirit; avoid shimmer effects rather than react to them.

	* generic/tclCmdAH.c (Tcl_ForeachObjCmd):	Stop throwing away
	* tests/foreach.test (foreach-1.14):	useful error information when
	loop variable sets fail.

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LassignObjCmd):	Rewrite to make an
	efficient private copy of the list argument, so we can operate on the
	list elements directly with no fear of shimmering effects. Replaces
	defensive coding schemes that are otherwise required.

	* generic/tclCmdAH.c (Tcl_ForeachObjCmd):	Rewrite to make
	efficient private copies of the variable and value lists, so we can
	operate on them without any special shimmer defense coding schemes.

2007-03-01  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileForeachCmd): Prevent an unexpected
	* tests/foreach.test (foreach-9.1):		infinite loop when the
	variable list is empty and the foreach is compiled. [Bug 1671138]

2007-02-26  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIORChan.c (FreeReflectedChannel): Added the missing
	refcount release between NewRC and FreeRC for the channel handle
	object, spotted by Don Porter. [Bug 1667990]

2007-02-26  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdAH.c (Tcl_ForeachObjCmd):	Removed surplus
	copying of the objv array that used to be a workaround for [Bug
	404865]. That bug is long fixed.

2007-02-24  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Use new interface in Tcl_EvalObjEx so that the
	recounting logic of the List internal rep need not be repeated there.
	Better encapsulation of internal details.

	* generic/tclInt.h:	New internal routine TclListObjCopy() used
	* generic/tclListObj.c: to efficiently do the equivalent of [lrange
	$list 0 end]. After some experience with this, might be a good
	candidate for exposure as a public interface. It's useful for callers
	of Tcl_ListObjGetElements() who want to control the ongoing validity
	of the returned objv pointer.

2007-02-22  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/pkg.test: Added tests for the case of an alpha package
	satisfying a require for the regular package, demonstrating a corner
	case specified in TIP#280. More notes in the comments to the test.

2007-02-20  Jan Nijtmans  <nijtmans@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.decls: Added "const" specifiers in TclSockGetPort
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h: regenerated
	* generic/*.c:
	* unix/tclUnixChan.c
	* unix/tclUnixPipe.c
	* win/tclWinPipe.c
	* win/tclWinSock.c: Added many "const" specifiers in implementation.

2007-02-20  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/tcltest.n:	Typo fix. [Bug 1663539]

2007-02-20  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclFileName.c:  Handle extended paths on Windows NT and
	* generic/tclPathObj.c:	  above. These have a \\?\ prefix. [Bug
	* win/tclWinFile.c:	  1479814]
	* tests/winFCmd.test:	  Tests for extended path handling.

2007-02-19  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* unix/tcl.m4: use SHLIB_SUFFIX=".so" on HP-UX ia64 arch.
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c (Tcl_FSEvalFileEx): safe incr of objPtr ref.

2007-02-18  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/chan.n, doc/clock.n, doc/eval.n, doc/exit.n, doc/expr.n:
	* doc/interp.n, doc/open.n, doc/platform_shell.n, doc/pwd.n:
	* doc/refchan.n, doc/regsub.n, doc/scan.n, doc/tclvars.n, doc/tm.n:
	* doc/unload.n: Apply [Bug 1610310] to fix typos. Thanks to Larry
	Virden for spotting them.

	* doc/interp.n: Partial fix of [Bug 1662436]; rest requires some
	policy decisions on what should and shouldn't be safe commands from
	the "new in 8.5" set.

2007-02-13  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* tools/fix_tommath_h.tcl: Further tweaking for the x86-64. The change
	is to make 'mp_digit' be an 'unsigned int' on that platform; since
	we're using only 32 bits of it, there's no reason to make it a 64-bit
	'unsigned long.'
	* generic/tclTomMath.h: Regenerated.

2007-02-13  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* doc/re_syntax.n: Corrected description of 'print' class [Bug
	1614687] and enhanced description of 'graph' class.

2007-02-12  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* tools/fix_tommath_h.tcl: Added code to patch out a check for
	__x86_64__ that caused Tommath to use __attributes(TI)__ for the
	mp_word type. Tetra-int's simply fail on too many gcc-glibc-OS
	combinations to be ready for shipment today, even if they work for
	some of us. This change allows reversion of das's change of 2006-08-18
	that accomplised the same thing on Darwin. [Bugs 1601380, 1603737,
	1609936, 1656265]
	* generic/tclTomMath.h: Regenerated.
	* library/tzdata/Africa/Asmara:
	* library/tzdata/Africa/Asmera:
	* library/tzdata/America/Nassau:
	* library/tzdata/Atlantic/Faeroe:
	* library/tzdata/Atlantic/Faroe:
	* library/tzdata/Australia/Eucla:
	* library/tzdata/Pacific/Easter: Rebuilt from Olson's tzdata2007b.

2007-02-09  Joe Mistachkin  <joe@mistachkin.com>

	* win/nmakehlp.c: Properly cleanup after nmakehlp, including the
	* win/makefile.vc: vcX0.pch file.

2007-02-08  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* unix/tclUnixInit.c (TclpCheckStackSpace): do stack size checks with
	unsigned size_t to correctly validate stackSize in the 2^31+ range.
	[Bug 1654104]

2007-02-08  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	Corrected broken logic in Tcl_DeleteNamespace
	* tests/namespace.test: introduced in Patch 1577278 that caused
	[namespace delete ::] to be effective only at level #0. New test
	namespace-7.7 should prevent similar error in the future [Bug 1655305]

2007-02-06  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	Corrected broken implementation of the
	* tests/namespace.test: TclMatchIsTrivial optimization on [namespace
	children $namespace $pattern].

2007-02-04  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4: use gcc4's __attribute__((__visibility__("hidden"))) if
	available to define MODULE_SCOPE effective on all platforms.
	* unix/configure.in: add caching to -pipe and zoneinfo checks.
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

2007-02-03  Joe Mistachkin  <joe@mistachkin.com>

	* win/rules.vc: Fix platform specific file copy macros for downlevel

2007-01-29  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclResult.c: Added optimization case to TclTransferResult to
	cover common case where there's big savings over the fully general
	path. Thanks to Peter MacDonald. [Bug 1626518]

	* generic/tclLink.c:	Broken linked float logic corrected. Thanks to
	Andy Goth. [Bug 1602538]

	* doc/fcopy.n:	Typo fix. [Bug 1630627]

2007-01-28  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:	  extract build settings that
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser:	  were common to multiple
	* macosx/Tcl-Common.xcconfig (new file):  configurations into external
	* macosx/Tcl-Debug.xcconfig (new file):	  xcconfig files; add extra
	* macosx/Tcl-Release.xcconfig (new file): configurations for building
	with SDKs and 64bit; convert legacy jam-based 'Tcl' target to native
	target with single script phase; correct syntax of build setting
	references to use $() throughout.

	* macosx/README: document new Tcl.xcodeproj configurations; other
	minor updates/corrections.

	* generic/tcl.h: update location of version numbers in macosx files.

	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/project.pbxproj: restore 'tcltest' target to
	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/default.pbxuser: working order by replicating
	applicable changes to Tcl.xcodeproj since 2006-07-20.

2007-01-25  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4: integrate CPPFLAGS into CFLAGS as late as possible and
	move (rather than duplicate) -isysroot flags from CFLAGS to CPPFLAGS
	to avoid errors about multiple -isysroot flags from some older gcc

	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

2007-01-22  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* compat/memcmp.c (memcmp): Reworked so that arithmetic is never
	performed upon void pointers, since that is illegal. [Bug 1631017]

2007-01-19  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclCompileScript): Reduce the frequency with
	which we issue INST_START_CMD, making bytecode both more compact and
	somewhat faster. The optimized case is where we would otherwise be
	issuing a sequence of those instructions; in those cases, it is only
	ever the first one encountered that could possibly trigger.

2007-01-19  Joe Mistachkin  <joe@mistachkin.com>

	* tools/man2tcl.c: Include stdlib.h for exit() and improve comment
	* win/nmakehlp.c: Update usage.
	* win/makefile.vc: Properly build man2tcl.c for MSVC8.

2007-01-19  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/tclMacOSXFCmd.c (TclMacOSXSetFileAttribute): on some versions
	of Mac OS X, truncate() fails on resource forks, in that case use
	open() with O_TRUNC instead.

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c: accommodate changes to prototypes of
	OSSpinLock(Un)Lock API.

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: ensure HOME and USER env vars
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser: are defined when running
						testsuite from Xcode.

	* tests/env.test: add extra system env vars that need to be preserved
	on some Mac OS X versions for testsuite to work.

	* unix/Makefile.in:  Move libtommath defines into configure.in to
	* unix/configure.in: avoid replicating them across multiple
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: buildsystems.

	* unix/tcl.m4: ensure CPPFLAGS env var is used when set. [Bug 1586861]
	(Darwin): add -isysroot and -mmacosx-version-min flags to CPPFLAGS
	when present in CFLAGS to avoid discrepancies between what headers
	configure sees during preprocessing tests and compiling tests.

	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

2007-01-18  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCompile.c (TclCompileScript): Make sure that when parsing
	an expanded literal fails, a correct bytecode sequence is still
	issued. [Bug 1638414]. Also make sure that the start of the expansion
	bytecode sequence falls inside the span of bytecodes for a command.
	* tests/compile.test (compile-16.24): Added test for [Bug 1638414]

2007-01-17  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c: Added macros to make usage of ChannelBuffers

2007-01-11  Joe English	 <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tcl.m4(CFLAGS_WARNING): Remove "-Wconversion". This was removed
	from unix/tcl.m4 2004-07-16 but not from here.
	* win/configure: Regenerated.

2007-01-11  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/makefile.vc: Fixes to work better on Win98. Read version numbers
	* win/nmakehlp.c:  from package index file to avoid keeping numbers in
	* win/rules.vc:	   the makefile where they may become de-synchronized.

2007-01-10  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/regcomp.c (compile, freev):	     Define a strategy for
	* generic/regexec.c (exec):		     managing the internal
	* generic/regguts.h (AllocVars, FreeVars):   vars of the RE engine to
	* generic/regcustom.h (AllocVars, FreeVars): reduce C stack usage.
	This will make Tcl as a whole much less likely to run out of stack

2007-01-09  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (TclCompileLindexCmd):
	* tests/lindex.test (lindex-9.2): Fix silly bug that ended up
	sometimes compiling list arguments in the wrong order. [Bug 1631364]

2007-01-03  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclDate.c: Regenerated to recover a lost fix from patthoyts.
	[Bug 1618523]

2006-12-26  Mo DeJong  <mdejong@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c (Tcl_GetsObj): Avoid checking for for the LF in a
	possible CRLF sequence when EOF has already been found.

2006-12-26  Mo DeJong  <mdejong@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEncoding.c (EscapeFromUtfProc): Clear the
	TCL_ENCODING_END flag when end bytes are written. This fix keep this
	method from writing escape bytes for an encoding like iso2022-jp
	multiple times when the escape byte overlap with the end of the IO
	* tests/io.test: Add test for escape byte overlap issue.

2006-12-19  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* unix/tclUnixThrd.c (Tcl_GetAllocMutex, TclpNewAllocMutex): Add
	intermediate variables to shut up unwanted warnings. [Bug 1618838]

2006-12-19  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixThrd.c (TclpInetNtoa): fix for 64 bit.

	* unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): --enable-64bit: verify linking with 64bit
	-arch flag succeeds before enabling 64bit build.
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

2006-12-17  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/macOSXLoad.test (new file): add testing of .bundle loading and
	* tests/load.test:		    unloading on Darwin (in addition
	* tests/unload.test:		    to existing tests of .dylib
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: add building of dltest
	binaries so that testsuite run from Xcode can use them; fix testsuite
	run script
	* unix/configure.in:	   add support for building dltest binaries as
	* unix/dltest/Makefile.in: .bundle (in addition to .dylib) on Darwin.
	* unix/Makefile.in: add stub lib dependency to dltest target.
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

	* tests/append.test: fix cleanup failure when all tests are skipped.

	* tests/chan.test (chan-16.9): cleanup chan event handler to avoid
	causing error in event.test when running testsuite with -singleproc 1.

	* tests/info.test: add !singleTestInterp constraint to tests that fail
	when running testsuite with -singleproc 1. [Bug 1605269]

2006-12-14  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* doc/string.n: Fix example. [Bug 1615277]

2006-12-12  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Now that the new internal structs are
	in use to support operator commands, might as well make them the
	default for [expr] as well and avoid passing every parsed expression
	through the inefficient Tcl_Token array format. This addresses most
	issues in [RFE 1517602]. Assuming no performance disasters result from
	this, much dead code supporting the other implementation might now be

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Final step routing all direct evaluation forms
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c: of the operator commands through TEBC,
	* generic/tclCompile.h: dropping all the routines in tclMathOp.c.
	* generic/tclMathOp.c:	Still needs Engineering Manual attention.

2006-12-11  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Another step with all sorting operator
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c: commands now routing through TEBC via
	* generic/tclCompile.h: TclSortingOpCmd().

2006-12-08  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	 Another step down the path of re-using
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c: TclExecuteByteCode to implement the TIP 174
	* generic/tclCompile.h: commands instead of using a mass of code
	* generic/tclMathOp.c:	duplication. Now all operator commands that
	* tests/mathop.test:	demand exactly one operation are implemented
	via TclSingleOpCmd and a call to TEBC.

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c: Revised implementation of TclInvertOpCmd to
	* generic/tclMathOp.c:	perform a bytecode compile / execute sequence.
	This demonstrates a path toward avoiding mountains of code duplication
	in tclMathOp.c and tclExecute.c.

	* generic/tclCompile.h: Change TclExecuteByteCode() from static to
	* generic/tclExecute.c: MODULE_SCOPE so all files including
	tclCompile.h may call it.

	* generic/tclMathOp.c:	More revisions to make tests pass.
	* tests/mathop.test:

2006-12-08  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (TclTeardownNamespace): Ensure that dying
	namespaces unstitch themselves from their referents. [Bug 1571056]
	(NsEnsembleImplementationCmd): Silence GCC warning.

	* tests/mathop.test: Full tests for & | and ^ operators

2006-12-08  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/tcltest/tcltest.tcl: use [info frame] for "-verbose line".

2006-12-07  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:	Additional commits correct most
	* generic/tclExecute.c:		failing tests illustrating bugs
	* generic/tclMathOp.c:		uncovered in [Patch 1578137].

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Biggest source of TIP 174 failures was that
	the commands were not [namespace export]ed from the ::tcl::mathop
	namespace. More bits from [Patch 1578137] correct that.

	* tests/mathop.test:	Commmitted several new tests from Peter Spjuth
	found in [Patch 1578137]. Many failures now demonstrate issues to fix
	in the TIP 174 implementation.

2006-12-07  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* tests/mathop.test: Added tests for ! ~ eq operators.
	* generic/tclMathOp.c (TclInvertOpCmd): Add in check for non-integral
	numeric values.
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (CompileCompareOpCmd): Factor out the code
	generation for the chained comparison operators.

2006-12-07  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/exec.test: Fixed line endings (caused win32 problems).

2006-12-06  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:	Revised and consolidated into utility
	* tests/mathop.test:		routines some of routines that compile
	the new TIP 174 commands. This corrects some known bugs. More to come.

2006-12-06  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* tests/expr.test (expr-47.12): Improved error reporting in hopes of
	having more information to pursue [Bug 1609936].

2006-12-05  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>


	* generic/tclBasic.c: Define tcl_platform element for pointerSize.
	* doc/tclvars.n:

	* win/Makefile.in: Added installation instructions for the platform
	* win/makefile.vc: package. Added the platform package.
	* win/makefile.bc:
	* unix/Makefile.in:

	* tests/platform.test:
	* tests/safe.test:

	* library/platform/platform.tcl:
	* library/platform/shell.tcl:
	* library/platform/pkgIndex.tcl:

	* doc/platform.n:
	* doc/platform_shell.n:

2006-12-05  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPkg.c:	When no requirements are supplied to a
	* tests/pkg.test:	[package require $pkg] and [package unknown]
	is invoked to find a satisfying package, pass the requirement argument
	"0-" (which means all versions are acceptable). This permits a
	registered [package unknown] command to call [package vsatisfies
	$testVersion {*}$args] without any special handling of the empty $args
	case. This fixes/avoids a bug in [::tcl::tm::UnknownHandler] that was
	causing old TM versions to be provided in preference to newer TM
	versions. Thanks to Julian Noble for discovering the issue.

2006-12-04  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>


	* generic/tclIOCmd.c (Tcl_ExecObjCmd): Added -ignorestderr option,
	* tests/exec.test, doc/exec.n:	       loosely from [Patch 1476191]

2006-12-04  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Added implementation for the
	CompileExprTree() routine that can produce expression bytecode
	directly from internal structures with no need to pass through the
	Tcl_Token array representation. Still disabled by default. #undef
	USE_EXPR_TOKENS to try it out.

2006-12-03  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Added expr parsing routines that
	produce a different set of internal structures representing the parsed
	expression, as well as routines that go on to convert those structures
	into the traditional Tcl_Token array format. Use of these routines is
	currently disabled. #undef PARSE_DIRECT_EXPR_TOKENS to enable them.
	These routines will only become really useful when more routines that
	compile directly from the new internal structures are completed.

2006-12-02  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/file.n: Clarification of [file pathtype] docs. [Bug 1606454]

2006-12-01  Kevin B. Kenny	 <kennykb@acm.org>

	* libtommath/bn_mp_add.c:	Corrected the effects of a
	* libtommath/bn_mp_div.c:	bollixed 'cvs merge' operation
	* libtommath/bncore.c:		that inadvertently committed some
	* libtommath/tommath_class.h:	half-developed code.


	* doc/mathfunc.n:	Added isqrt() function to docs
	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Added isqrt() math function (ExprIsqrtFunc)
	* tests/expr.test (expr-47.*): Added tests for isqrt()
	* tests/info.test (info-20.2): Added isqrt() to expected math funcs.

2006-12-01  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/chan.test:	Correct timing sensitivity in new test. [Bug


	* doc/chan.n:		New subcommand [chan pending].
	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Thanks to Michael Cleverly for proposal
	* generic/tclInt.h:	and implementation.
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c:
	* library/init.tcl:
	* tests/chan.test:
	* tests/ioCmd.test:


	* generic/tcl.decls: Tcl_GetBignumAndClearObj -> Tcl_TakeBignumFromObj
	* generic/tclObj.c:

	* generic/tclDecls.h:	make genstubs
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Update callers.
	* generic/tclMathOp.c:

2006-11-30  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata: Olson's tzdata2006p.
	* libtommath/bn_mp_sqrt.c: Fixed a bug where the initial approximation
	to the square root could be on the wrong side, causing failure of

2006-11-29  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_AppendObjToErrorInfo):  Added
	Tcl_DecrRefCount() on the objPtr argument to plug memory leaks. This
	makes the routine a consumer, which makes it easiest to use.

2006-11-28  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclBasic.c: TIP #280 implementation.
	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:
	* generic/tclCompCmds.c:
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:
	* generic/tclCompile.c:
	* generic/tclCompile.h:
	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* generic/tclIOUtil.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclInterp.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclObj.c:
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* tests/compile.test:
	* tests/info.test:
	* tests/platform.test:
	* tests/safe.test:

2006-11-27  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c (TclUnixWaitForFile):
	* tests/event.test (event-14.*): Corrected a bug where
	TclUnixWaitForFile would present select() with the wrong mask on an
	LP64 machine if a fd number exceeds 32. Thanks to Jean-Luc Fontaine
	for reporting and diagnosing [Bug 1602208].

2006-11-27  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclIncrObj):	Correct failure to detect
	floating-point increment values. Thanks to William Coleda [Bug

2006-11-26  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* tests/mathop.test, doc/mathop.n: More bits and pieces of the TIP#174
	implementation. Note that the test suite is not yet complete.

2006-11-26  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4 (Linux): --enable-64bit support.	[Patch 1597389]
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59			[Bug 1230558]

2006-11-25  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>


	* generic/tclMathOp.c (new file): Completed the implementation of the
	interpreted versions of all the tcl::mathop commands. Moved to a new
	file to make tclCompCmds.c more focused in purpose.

2006-11-23  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclCompCmds.c (Tcl*OpCmd, TclCompile*OpCmd):
	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_CreateInterp): Partial implementation of
	TIP#174; the commands are compiled, but (mostly) not interpreted yet.

2006-11-22  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>


	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_StringObjCmd): Implementation of the [string
	* tests/string.test (string-25.*):	 is list] command, based on
	* doc/string.n:				 work by Joe Mistachkin, with
	enhancements by Donal Fellows for better failindex behaviour.

2006-11-22  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tools/genWinImage.tcl (removed):	Removed two files used in
	* win/README.binary (removed):	production of binary distributions
	for Windows, a task we no longer perform. [Bug 1476980]
	* generic/tcl.h:	Remove mention of win/README.binary in comment

	* generic/tcl.h:	Moved TCL_REG_BOSONLY #define from tcl.h to
	* generic/tclInt.h:	tclInt.h. Only know user is Expect, which
	already #include's tclInt.h. No need to continue greater exposure.
	[Bug 926500]

2006-11-20  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_CreateInterp, TclHideUnsafeCommands):
	* library/init.tcl: Refactored the [chan] command's guts so that it
	does not use aliases to global commands, making the code more robust.

2006-11-17  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_EXPON):	Corrected crash on
	[expr 2**(1<<63)]. Was operating on cleared bignum Tcl_Obj.

2006-11-16  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/apply.n, doc/chan.n: Added examples.

2006-11-15  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>


	* generic/tcl.decls:		New public routines Tcl_ObjPrintf,
	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	Tcl_AppendObjToErrorInfo, Tcl_Format,
	* generic/tclInt.h:		Tcl_AppendLimitedToObj,
	Tcl_AppendFormatToObj and Tcl_AppendPrintfToObj. Former internal
	versions removed.

	* generic/tclDecls.h:		make genstubs
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

	* generic/tclBasic.c:		Updated callers.
	* generic/tclCkalloc.c:
	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:
	* generic/tclCompile.c:
	* generic/tclDictObj.c:
	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* generic/tclIORChan.c:
	* generic/tclIOUtil.c:
	* generic/tclMain.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclObj.c:
	* generic/tclPkg.c:
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* generic/tclStrToD.c:
	* generic/tclTimer.c:
	* generic/tclUtil.c:
	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c:

	* tools/genStubs.tcl:	Updated script to no longer produce the
	_ANSI_ARGS_ wrapper in generated declarations. Also revised to accept
	variadic prototypes with more than one fixed argument. (This is
	possible since TCL_VARARGS and its limitations are no longer in use).
	* generic/tcl.h:	Some reordering so that macro definitions do
	not interfere with the now _ANSI_ARGS_-less stub declarations.

	* generic/tclDecls.h:		make genstubs
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:
	* generic/tclIntPlatDecls.h:
	* generic/tclPlatDecls.h:
	* generic/tclTomMathDecls.h:

2006-11-15  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/ChnlStack.3, doc/CrtObjCmd.3, doc/GetIndex.3, doc/OpenTcp.3:
	* doc/chan.n, doc/fconfigure.n, doc/fcopy.n, doc/foreach.n:
	* doc/history.n, doc/http.n, doc/library.n, doc/lindex.n:
	* doc/lrepeat.n, doc/lreverse.n, doc/pkgMkIndex.n, doc/re_syntax.n:
	Convert \fP to \fR so that man-page scrapers have an easier time.

2006-11-14  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>


	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	[namespace import] with 0 arguments
	introspects the list of imported commands.

2006-11-13  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclThreadStorage.c (Tcl_InitThreadStorage):
	(Tcl_FinalizeThreadStorage): Silence a compiler warning about
	presenting a volatile pointer to 'memset'.

2006-11-13  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c:	When [gets] on a binary channel needs to use
	the "iso8859-1" encoding, save a copy of that encoding per-thread to
	avoid repeated freeing and re-loading of it from the file system. This
	replaces the cached copy of this encoding that the platform
	initialization code used to keep in pre-8.5 releases.

2006-11-13  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Fix gcc warnings about 'cast to/from
	* generic/tclEncoding.c:	pointer from/to integer of different
	* generic/tclEvent.c:		size' on 64-bit platforms by casting
	* generic/tclExecute.c:		to intermediate types
	* generic/tclHash.c:		intptr_t/uintptr_t via new PTR2INT(),
	* generic/tclIO.c:		INT2PTR(), PTR2UINT() and UINT2PTR()
	* generic/tclInt.h:		macros. [Patch 1592791]
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* generic/tclTest.c:
	* generic/tclThreadStorage.c:
	* generic/tclTimer.c:
	* generic/tclUtil.c:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tclUnixChan.c:
	* unix/tclUnixPipe.c:
	* unix/tclUnixPort.h:
	* unix/tclUnixTest.c:
	* unix/tclUnixThrd.c:

	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

2006-11-12  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInt.h, generic/tclInt.decls: Transfer TclPtrMakeUpvar and
	TclObjLookupVar to the internal stubs table.

2006-11-10  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* tests/fCmd.test (fCmd-6.26): fix failure when env(HOME) path
	contains symlinks.

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: remove tclParseExpr.c; when
	running testsuite from inside Xcdoe, skip stack-3.1 (it only fails
	under those circumstances).

	* unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): suppress linker arch warnings when building
	universal for both 32 & 64 bit and no 64bit CoreFoundation is
	available; sync with tk tcl.m4 change.
	* unix/configure.in: whitespace.
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59

2006-11-09  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclParseExpr.c (removed):	Moved all the code of
	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	tclParseExpr.c into tclCompExpr.c.
	* unix/Makefile.in:	This sets the stage for expr compiling to work
	* win/Makefile.in:	directly with the full parse tree structures,
	* win/makefile.bc:	and not have to pass through the information
	* win/makefile.vc:	lossy format of an array of Tcl_Tokens.
	* win/tcl.dsp:

2006-11-09  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>


	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_StringObjCmd):    Implementation of the
	* tests/string.test, tests/stringComp.test: [string reverse] command
	* doc/string.n:				    from TIP#272.

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LreverseObjCmd): Implementation of the
	* generic/tclBasic.c, generic/tclInt.h:	   [lreverse] command from
	* tests/cmdIL.test (cmdIL-7.*):		   TIP#272.
	* doc/lreverse.n:

2006-11-08  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c, generic/tclPkg.c: Style & clarity rewrites.

2006-11-07  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c (CopyFile): Added code to fall back to a
	hardwired default block size should the filesystem report a bogus
	value. [Bug 1586470]

2006-11-04  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	Changed Tcl_ObjPrintf() response to an
	invalid format specifier string. No longer panics; now produces an
	error message as output.


	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:	Exponentiation operator is now right
	* tests/expr.test:		associative. [Patch 1556802]

2006-11-03  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TEOVI): fix por possible leak of a Command in
	the presence of execution traces that delete it.

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TEOVI):
	* tests/trace.test (trace-21.11): fix for [Bug 1590232], execution
	traces may cause a second command resolution in the wrong namespace.

2006-11-03  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* tests/event.test (event-11.5):	Rewrote tests to stop Tcl from
	* tests/io.test (multiple tests):	opening sockets that are
	* tests/ioCmd.test (iocmd-15.1,16,17):	reachable from outside hosts
	* tests/iogt.test (__echo_srv__.tcl):	where not necessary. This is
	* tests/socket.test (multiple tests):	noticably annoying on some
	* tests/unixInit.test (unixInit-1.2):	systems (e.g., Windows).

2006-11-02  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: check autoconf/autoheader exit
	status and stop build if they fail.

2006-11-02  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* doc/ParseCmd.3, doc/Tcl.n, doc/eval.n, doc/exec.n:
	* doc/fconfigure.n, doc/interp.n, doc/unknown.n:
	* library/auto.tcl, library/init.tcl, library/package.tcl:
	* library/safe.tcl, library/tm.tcl, library/msgcat/msgcat.tcl:
	* tests/all.tcl, tests/basic.test, tests/cmdInfo.test:
	* tests/compile.test, tests/encoding.test, tests/execute.test:
	* tests/fCmd.test, tests/http.test, tests/init.test:
	* tests/interp.test, tests/io.test, tests/ioUtil.test:
	* tests/iogt.test, tests/namespace-old.test, tests/namespace.test:
	* tests/parse.test, tests/pkg.test, tests/pkgMkIndex.test:
	* tests/proc.test, tests/reg.test, tests/trace.test:
	* tests/upvar.test, tests/winConsole.test, tests/winFCmd.test:
	* tools/tclZIC.tcl:
	* generic/tclParse.c (Tcl_ParseCommand): Replace {expand} with {*}
	officially (TIP #293). Leave -DALLOW_EXPAND=0|1 option to keep
	{expand} syntax for transition users. [Bug 1589629]

2006-11-02  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclBasic.c, generic/tclInterp.c, generic/tclProc.c: Silence
	warnings from gcc over signed/unsigned and TclStackAlloc().
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c: Update to more compact and clearer coding style.

2006-11-02  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:	Further revisions to produce the routines
	* generic/tclInt.h:	TclFormat() and TclAppendFormatToObj() that
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	accept (objc, objv) arguments rather than
	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	any varargs stuff.

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Further revised TclAppendPrintToObj() and
	* generic/tclCkalloc.c: TclObjPrintf() routines to panic when unable
	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:	to complete their formatting operations,
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:	rather than report an error message. This
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:	means an interp argument for error message
	* generic/tclDictObj.c: recording is no longer needed, further
	* generic/tclExecute.c: simplifying the interface for callers.
	* generic/tclIORChan.c:
	* generic/tclIOUtil.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclMain.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:
	* generic/tclPkg.c:
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* generic/tclStringObj.c:
	* generic/tclTimer.c:
	* generic/tclUtil.c:
	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c:

2006-11-02  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* tests/winPipe.test (winpipe-4.[2345]): Made robust when run in
	directory with spaces in its name.

	* generic/tclCmdAH.c: Clean up uses of cast NULLs.

	* generic/tclInterp.c (AliasObjCmd): Added more explanatory comments.

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TclEvalObjvInternal): Rewrote so that comments
	are relevant and informative once more. Also made the unknown handler
	processing use the Tcl execution stack for working space, and not the
	general heap.

2006-11-01  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixPort.h: ensure MODULE_SCOPE is defined before use, so
	that tclPort.h can once again be included without tclInt.h.

	* generic/tclEnv.c (Darwin): mark _environ symbol as unexported even
	when MODULE_SCOPE != __private_extern__.

2006-10-31  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Refactored and renamed the routines
	* generic/tclCkalloc.c: TclObjPrintf, TclFormatObj, and
	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:	TclFormatToErrorInfo to a new set of routines
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:	TclAppendPrintfToObj, TclAppendFormatToObj,
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c:	TclObjPrintf, and TclObjFormat, with the
	* generic/tclDictObj.c: intent of making the latter list, plus
	* generic/tclExecute.c: TclAppendLimitedToObj and
	* generic/tclIORChan.c: TclAppendObjToErrorInfo, public via a revised
	* generic/tclIOUtil.c:	TIP 270.
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclMain.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:
	* generic/tclPkg.c:
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* generic/tclStringObj.c:
	* generic/tclTimer.c:
	* generic/tclUtil.c:
	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c:

2006-10-31  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c, generic/tcl.h, generic/tclInterp.c:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c: removing the flag bit TCL_EVAL_NOREWRITE, the
	last remnant of the callObjc/v fiasco. It is not needed, as it is now
	always set and checked or'ed with TCL_EVAL_INVOKE.

2006-10-31  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/rules.vc: Fix for [Bug 1582769] - options conflict with VC2003.

2006-10-31  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c, generic/tclNamesp.c, generic/tclProc.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h: Removed the callObjc and callObjv fields from the
	Interp structure. They did not function correctly and made other parts
	of the core amazingly complex, resulting in a substantive change to
	[info level] behaviour. [Bug 1587618]
	* library/clock.tcl: Removed use of [info level 0] for calculating the
	command name as used by the user and replace with a literal. What's
	there now is sucky, but at least appears to be right to most users.
	* tests/namespace.test (namespace-42.7,namespace-47.1): Reverted
	changes to these tests.
	* tests/info.test (info-9.11,info-9.12): Added knownBug constraint
	since these tests require a different behaviour of [info level] than
	is possible because of other dependencies.

2006-10-30  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl (option-toc): handle any kind of options
	defined toc section (needed for ttk docs)

2006-10-30  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TEOVI): insured that the interp's callObjc/v
	fields are restored after traces run, as they be spoiled. This was
	causing a segfault in tcllib's profiler tests.

2006-10-30  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_MOD): Corrected improper testing of the
	* tests/expr.test:		   sign of bignums when applying Tcl's
	division rules. Thanks to Peter Spjuth. [Bug 1585704]

2006-10-29  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (EnsembleImplementationCmd):
	* tests/namespace.test (47.7-8): reverted a wrong "optimisation" that
	completely broke snit; added two tests.

2006-10-28  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (ObjInterpProcEx, TclObjInterpProcCore): Split the
	core of procedures to make it easier to build procedure-like code
	without going through horrible contortions. This is the last critical
	component to make advanced OO systems workable as simple loadable
	extensions. TOIPC is now in the internal stub table.
	(MakeProcError, MakeLambdaError): Refactored ProcessProcResultCode to
	be simpler, some of which goes to TclObjInterpProcCore, and the rest
	of which is now in these far simpler routines which just do errorInfo
	stack generation for different types of procedure-like entity.
	* tests/apply.test (apply-5.1): Updated to expect the more informative
	form of message.

2006-10-27  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (HasLocalVars): New macro to make various bits and
	pieces cleaner.

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (TclSetNsPath): Expose SetNsPath() through
	internal stubs table with semi-external name.

	* generic/tclInt.h (CallFrame): Add a field for handling context data
	for extensions (like object systems) that should be tied to a call
	frame (and not a command or interpreter).

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TclRenameCommand): Change to take CONST args;
	they were only ever used in a constant way anyway, so this appears to
	be a spot that was missed during TIP#27 work.

2006-10-26  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (SetLambdaFromAny): minor change, eliminate
	redundant call to Tcl_GetString (thanks aku).

	* generic/tclInterp.c (ApplyObjCmd):
	* generic/tclNamesp.c (EnsembleImplementationCmd): replaced ckalloc
	(heap) with TclStackAlloc (execution stack).

2006-10-24  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* tests/info.test (info-9.11-12): tests for [Bug 1577492]
	* tests/apply.test (apply-4.3-5): tests for [Bug 1574835]

	* generic/tclProc.c (ObjInterpProcEx): disable itcl hacks for calls
	from ApplyObjCmd (islambda==1), as they mess apply's error messages
	[Bug 1583266]

2006-10-23  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (ApplyObjCmd): fix wrong#args for apply by using
	the ensemble rewrite engine. [Bug 1574835]
	* generic/tclInterp.c (AliasObjCmd): previous commit missed usage of
	TCL_EVAL_NOREWRITE for aliases.

	* generic/tclBasic.c (TclEvalObjvInternal): removed redundant check
	for ensembles. [Bug 1577628]

	* library/clock.tcl (format, scan): corrected wrong # args messages to
	* tests/clock.test (3.1, 34.1):	    make use of the new rewrite
	capabilities of [info level]

	* generic/tcl.h:	   Lets TEOV update the iPtr->callObj[cv] new
	* generic/tclBasic.c:	   fields, except when the flag bit
	* generic/tclInt.h:	   TCL_EVAL_NOREWRITE is present. These values
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	   are used by Tcl_PushCallFrame to initialise
	* generic/tclProc.c:	   the frame's obj[cv] fields, and allows
	* tests/namespace.test:	   [info level] to know and use ensemble
	rewrites. [Bug 1577492]

	The return value from [info level 0] on interp alias calls is changed:
	previously returned the target command (including curried values), now
	returns the source - what was actually called.

2006-10-23  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	   Modified the Tcl call stack so there is
	* generic/tclBasic.c:	   always a valid CallFrame, even at level 0
	* generic/tclCmdIL.c:	   [Patch 1577278]. Most of the changes
	* generic/tclInt.h:	   involve removing tests for a NULL
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	   iPtr->(var)framePtr. There is now a
	* generic/tclObj.c:	   CallFrame pushed at interp creation with a
	* generic/tclProc.c:	   pointer to it stored in iPtr->rootFramePtr.
	* generic/tclTrace.c:	   A second unused field in Interp is
	* generic/tclVar.c:	   hijacked to enable further functionality,
	currently unused (but with several FRQs depending on it).

	Any user that includes tclInt.h and needs to determine if it is
	running at level 0 should change (iPtr->varFramePtr == NULL) to
	(iPtr->varFramePtr == iPtr->rootFramePtr).

2006-10-23  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* README:		Bump version number to 8.5a6
	* generic/tcl.h:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/README.binary:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

2006-10-21  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tcl.h, generic/tclHash.c: Tcl_FindHashEntry now calls
	Tcl_CreateHashEntry with a newPtr set to NULL: this would have caused
	a segfault previously and eliminates duplicated code. A macro has been
	added to tcl.h (only used when TCL_PRESERVE_BINARY_COMPATABALITY is
	not set - i.e., not by default).

2006-10-20  Reinhard Max  <max@tclers.tk>

	* unix/configure.in: Added autodetection for OS-supplied timezone
	* unix/Makefile.in:  files and configure switches to override the
	* unix/configure:    detected default.

2006-10-20  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5a5 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* tools/tcltk-man2html.tcl: add support for alpha & beta versions to
	useversion glob pattern. [Bug 1579941]

2006-10-18  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:		8.5a5 release date set

	* doc/Encoding.3:	Missing doc updates (mostly Table of
	* doc/Ensemble.3:	Contents) exposed by `make checkdoc`
	* doc/FileSystem.3:
	* doc/GetTime.3:
	* doc/PkgRequire.3:

2006-10-17  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInterp.c (ApplyObjCmd): fixed bad error in 2006-10-12
	commit: interp released too early. Spotted by mistachkin.

2006-10-16  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* tclProc.c (SetLambdaFromAny):
	* tests/apply.test (9.1-9.2): plugged intrep leak [Bug 1578454],
	found by mjanssen.

2006-10-16  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclBasic.c: Moved TIP#219 cleanup to DeleteInterpProc.

2006-10-16  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes: updates for 8.5a5 release.

	* unix/tclUnixThrd.c (TclpThreadGetStackSize): Darwin: fix for main
	thread, where pthread_get_stacksize_np() returns incorrect info.

	* macosx/GNUmakefile: don't redo prebinding of non-prebound binaires.

2006-10-16  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPkg.c (ExactRequirement):	Plugged memory leak. Also
	changed Tcl_Alloc()/Tcl_Free() calls to ckalloc()/ckfree() for easier
	memory debugging in the future. [Bug 1568373]

	* library/tcltest/tcltest.tcl:	Revise tcltest bump to 2.3a1.
	* library/tcltest/pkgIndex.tcl: This permits more features to be
	* unix/Makefile.in:	added to tcltest before we reach version 2.3.0
	* win/Makefile.in:	best timed to match the release of Tcl 8.5.0.
	* win/makefile.vc:	This also serves as a demo of TIP 268 features

2006-10-13  Colin McCormack <coldstore@users.sf.net>

	* win/tclWinFile.c: corrected erroneous attempt to protect against
	NULL return from Tcl_FSGetNormalizedPath per [Bug 1548263] causing
	[Bug 1575837].
	* win/tclWinFile.c: alfredd supplied patch to fix [Bug 1575837]

2006-10-13  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixThrd.c (TclpThreadGetStackSize): on Darwin, use
	* unix/tcl.m4: pthread_get_stacksize_np() API to get thread stack size
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

2006-10-12  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclInterp.c (ApplyObjCmd):
	* tests/interp.test (interp-14.5-10): made [interp alias] use the
	ensemble rewrite machinery to produce better error messages [Bug

2006-10-12  David Gravereaux <davygrvy@pobox.com>

	* win/nmakehlp.c: Replaced all wnsprintf() calls with snprintf().
	wnsprintf was not in my shwlapi header file (VC++6)

2006-10-11  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPkg.c (Tcl_PackageRequireEx):	Corrected crash when
	argument version=NULL passed in.

2006-10-10  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Updates for 8.5a5 release.

	* generic/tclNamespace.c (TclTeardownNamespace):  After the
	commandPathSourceList of a namespace is cleared, set the
	commandPathSourceList to NULL so we don't try to walk the list a
	second time, possibly after it is freed. [Bug 1566526]
	* tests/namespace.test (namespace-51.16):	Added test.

2006-10-09  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* doc/UpVar.3: brough the docs in accordance to the code. Ever since
	8.0, Tcl_UpVar(2)? accepts TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY as a flag value, and
	var-3.4 tests for proper behaviour. The docs only allowed 0 and
	TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY. [Bug 1574099]

2006-10-09  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* tests/*.test: updated all tests to refer explicitly to the global
	variables ::errorInfo, ::errorCode, ::env and ::tcl_platform: many
	were relying on the alternative lookup in the global namespace, that
	feature is tested specifically in namespace and variable tests.

	The modified testfiles are: apply.test, basic.test, case.test,
	cmdIL.test, cmdMZ.test, compExpr-old.test, error.test, eval.test,
	event.test, expr.test, fileSystem.test, for.test, http.test, if.test,
	incr-old.test, incr.test, interp.test, io.test, ioCmd.test, load.test,
	misc.test, namespace.test, parse.test, parseOld.test, pkg.test,
	proc-old.test, set.test, switch.test, tcltest.test, thread.test,
	var.test, while-old.test, while.test.

2006-10-06  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/rules.vc: [Bug 1571954] avoid /RTCc flag with MSVC8

2006-10-06  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/binary.n:	       TIP #275: Support unsigned values in binary
	* generic/tclBinary.c: command. Tests and documentation updated.
	* tests/binary.test:

2006-10-05  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/tm.tcl: Fixed bug in TIP #189 implementation, now allowing
	'_' in module names.

2006-10-05  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* library/http/http.tcl (http::geturl): only do geturl url rfc 3986
	validity checking if $::http::strict is true (default true for 8.5).
	[Bug 1560506]

	* generic/tcl.h: note limitation on changing Tcl_UniChar size
	* generic/tclEncoding.c (UtfToUnicodeProc, UnicodeToUtfProc):
	* tests/encoding.test (encoding-16.1): fix alignment issues in
	unicode <> utf conversion procs. [Bug 1122671]

2006-10-05  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclVar.c (Tcl_LappendObjCmd):
	* tests/append.test(4.21-22): fix for longstanding [Bug 1570718],
	lappending nothing to non-list. Reported by lvirden

2006-10-04  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* tzdata/: Olson's tzdata2006m.

2006-10-01  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* tests/clock.test (clock-49.2): Removed a locale dependency that
	caused a spurious failure in the German locale. [Bug 1567956]

2006-10-01  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* doc/Eval.3 (TclEvalObjv): added note on refCount management for the
	elements of objv. [Bug 730244]

2006-10-01  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinFile.c: Handle possible missing define.

	* win/tclWinFile.c (TclpUtime): [Bug 1420432] file mtime fails for
	* tests/cmdAH.test:		directories on windows

	* tests/winFile.test: Handle Msys environment a little differently in
	getuser function. [Bug 1567956]

2006-09-30  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclUtil.c (Tcl_SplitList): optimisation, [Patch 1344747] by

	* generic/tclInt.decls:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:
	* generic/tclObj.c:
	* generic/tclStubInit.c: added an internal function TclObjBeingDeleted
	to provide info as to the reason for the loss of an internal rep. [FR

	* generic/tclCompile.c:
	* generic/tclHistory.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclProc.c: made Tcl_RecordAndEvalObj not call "history" if
	it has been redefined to an empty proc, in order to reduce the noise
	when debugging [FR 1190441]. Moved TclCompileNoOp from tclProc.c to

2006-09-28  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclPkg.c (CompareVersions): Bugfix. Check string lengths
	* tests/pkg.test: before comparison. The shorter string is the smaller
	number. Added testcases as well. Interestingly all existing test cases
	for vcompare compared numbers of the same length with each other. [Bug

2006-09-28  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c (Tcl_GetsObj): added two test'n'panic guards for
	possible NULL derefs, [Bug 1566382] and coverity #33.

2006-09-27  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Corrected error in INST_LSHIFT in the
	* tests/expr.test:	calculation done to determine whether a shift
	in the (long int) type is possible. The calculation had literal value
	"1" where it needed a value "1L" to compute the correct result. Error
	detected via testing with the math::bigfloat package [Bug 1567222]

	* generic/tclPkg.c (CompareVersion):	Flatten strcmp() results to
	{-1, 0, 1} to match expectations of CompareVersion() callers.

2006-09-27  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/regc_color.c (singleton):
	* generic/regc_cvec.c (addmcce):
	* generic/regcomp.c (compile, dovec): the static function addmcce does
	nothing when called with two NULL pointers; the only call is by
	compile with two NULL pointers (regcomp.c #includes regc_cvec.c).
	Large parts (all?) the code for mcce (multi character collating
	element) that we do not use is ifdef'ed out with the macro
	This silences coverity bugs 7, 16, 80

	* generic/regc_color.c (uncolorchain):
	* generic/regc_nfa.c (freearc): changed tests and asserts to
	equivalent formulation, designed to avoid an explicit comparison to
	NULL and satisfy coverity that 6 and 9 are not bugs.

2006-09-27  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/pkg.test: Added test for version comparison at the 32bit
	boundary. [Bug 1563836]

	* generic/tclPkg.c: Rewrote CompareVersion to perform string
	comparison instead of numeric. This breaks through the 32bit limit on
	version numbers. See code for details (handling of leading zeros,
	signs, etc.). un-CONSTed some arguments of CompareVersions,
	RequirementSatisfied, and AllRequirementsSatisfied. The new compare
	modifies the string (temporary string terminators). All callers use
	heap-allocated ver-intreps, so we are good with that. [Bug 1563836]

2006-09-27  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclFileName.c (TclGlob): added a panic for a call with
	TCL_GLOBMODE_TAILS and pathPrefix==NULL. This would cause a segfault,
	as found by coverity #26.

2006-09-26  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* doc/Encoding.3:	 Added covariant 'const' qualifier for the
	* generic/tcl.decls:	 Tcl_EncodingType argument to
	* generic/tclEncoding.c: Tcl_CreateEncoding. [Further TIP#27 work.]
	* generic/tclDecls.h:	 Reran 'make genstubs'.

2006-09-26  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/makefile.vc:  Additional compiler flags and amd64 support.
	* win/nmakehlp.c:
	* win/rules.vc:

2006-09-26  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	As 2006-09-22 commit from Donal K. Fellows
	demonstrates, "#define NULL 0" is just wrong, and as a quotable chat
	figure observed, "If NULL isn't defined, we're not using a C compiler"
	Improper fallback definition of NULL removed.

2006-09-25  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tcl.h:	More fixing which struct stat to refer to.
	* generic/tclGetDate.y: Some casts from time_t to int required.
	* generic/tclTimer.c:	Tcl_Time structure members are longs.
	* win/makefile.vc:	Support for varying compiler options
	* win/rules.vc:		and build to platform-specific subdirs.

2006-09-25  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (Tcl_StackChannel): Fixed [Bug 1564642], aka
	coverity #51. Extended loop condition, added checking for NULL to
	prevent seg.fault.

2006-09-25  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/package.n: Fixed nits reported by Daniel Steffen in the TIP#268

2006-09-25  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclNotify.c (Tcl_DeleteEvents): Simplified the code in hopes
	of making the invariants clearer and proving to Coverity that the
	event queue memory is managed correctly.

2006-09-25  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclNotify.c (Tcl_DeleteEvents): Make it clear what happens
	when the event queue is mismanaged. [Bug 1564677], coverity bug #10.

2006-09-24  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclParse.c (Tcl_ParseCommand): also return an error if
	start==NULL and numBytes<0. This is coverity's bug #20

	* generic/tclStringObj.c (STRING_SIZE): fix allocation for 0-length
	strings. This is coverity's bugs #54-5

2006-09-22  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclInt.h: Moved TIP#268's field 'packagePrefer' to the end
	of the structure, for better backward compatibility.

2006-09-22  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>


	* generic/tclDecls.h:	 Regenerated from tcl.decls.
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

	* doc/PkgRequire.3: Documentation of extended API, extended testsuite.
	* doc/package.n:
	* tests/pkg.test:

	* generic/tcl.decls: Implementation.
	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* generic/tclConfig.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclPkg.c:
	* generic/tclTest.c:
	* generic/tclTomMathInterface.c:
	* library/init.tcl:
	* library/package.tcl:
	* library/tm.tcl:

2006-09-22  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclThreadTest.c (TclCreateThread): Use NULL instead of 0 as
	end-of-strings marker to Tcl_AppendResult; the difference matters on
	64-bit machines. [Bug 1562528]

2006-09-21  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclUtil.c:	Dropped ParseInteger() routine. TclParseNumber
	covers the task just fine.

2006-09-19  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclEvent.c (Tcl_VwaitObjCmd): Rewrite so that an exceeded
	limit trapped in a vwait cannot cause a dangerous dangling trace.

2006-09-19  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (INST_EXPON):	Native type overflow detection
	* tests/expr.test:	was completely broken. Falling back on use of
	bignums for all non-trivial ** calculations until
	native-type-constrained special cases can be done carefully and
	correctly. [Bug 1561260]

2006-09-15  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* library/http/http.tcl:      Change " " -> "+" url encoding mapping
	* library/http/pkgIndex.tcl:  to " " -> "%20" as per RFC 3986.
	* tests/http.test (http-5.1): bump http to 2.5.3
	* unix/Makefile.in:
	* win/Makefile.in:

2006-09-12  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* unix/configure.in (HAVE_MTSAFE_GETHOST*): Modified to recognize
	HP-UX 11.00 and beyond as having mt-safe implementations of the
	gethost functions.
	* unix/configure: Regenerated, using autoconf 2.59

	* unix/tclUnixCompat.c (PadBuffer): Fixed bug in calculation of the
	increment needed to align the pointer, and added documentation
	explaining why the macro is implemented as it is.

2006-09-11  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/rules.vc:	   Updated to install http, tcltest and msgcat as
	* win/makefile.vc: Tcl Modules (as per Makefile.in).
	* win/makefile.vc: Added tommath_(super)class headers.

2006-09-11  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* unix/Makefile.in (install-libraries): Fixed typo tcltest 2.3.9 ->

2006-09-11  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixCompat.c: make compatLock static and only declare it
	when it will actually be used; #ifdef parts of TSD that are not always
	needed; adjust #ifdefs to cover all possible cases; fix whitespace.

2006-09-11  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/msgcat.test: Bumped version in auxiliary files as well.
	* doc/msgcat.n:

2006-09-11  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* unix/Makefile.in:	Bumped msgcat version to 1.4.2 to be
	* win/Makefile.in:	consistent with dgp's commits of 2006-09-10.

2006-09-11  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/msgcat/msgcat.tcl:	Removed some unneeded [uplevel]s.

2006-09-10  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c:		Corrected INST_EXPON flaw that treated
	* tests/expr.test:		$x**1 as $x**3. [Bug 1555371]

	* doc/tcltest.n:		Bump to version tcltest 2.3.0 to
	* library/tcltest/pkgIndex.tcl: account for new "-verbose line"
	* library/tcltest/tcltest.tcl:	feature.
	* unix/Makefile.in:
	* win/Makefile.in:
	* win/makefile.bc:
	* win/makefile.vc:

	* library/msgcat/msgcat.tcl:	Bump to version msgcat 1.4.2 to
	* library/msgcat/pkgIndex.tcl:	account for modifications.

2006-09-10  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* library/msgcat/msgcat.tcl (msgcat::Init): on Darwin, add fallback of
	* tests/msgcat.test:			    default msgcat locale to
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c (TclpSetVariables):    current CFLocale
	identifier if available (via private ::tcl::mac::locale global, set at
	interp init when on Mac OS X 10.3 or later with CoreFoundation).

	* library/tcltest/tcltest.tcl: add 'line' verbose level: prints source
	* doc/tcltest.n:	       file line information of failing tests.

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: add new tclUnixCompat.c file;
	revise tests target to use new tcltest 'line' verbose level.

	* unix/configure.in: add descriptions to new AC_DEFINEs for MT-safe.
	* unix/tcl.m4: add caching to new SC_TCL_* macros for MT-safe wrappers
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

2006-09-08  Zoran Vasiljevic <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixCompat.c: Added fallback to gethostbyname() and
	gethostbyaddr() if the implementation is known to be MT-safe
	(currently for Darwin 6 or later only).

	* unix/configure.in: Assume gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr() are
	MT-safe starting with Darwin 6 (Mac OSX 10.2).

	* unix/configure: Regenerated with autoconf V2.59

2006-09-08  Andreas Kupries  <andreask@activestate.com>

	* unix/tclUnixCompat.c: Fixed conditions for CopyArray/CopyString, and
	CopyHostent. Also fixed bad var names in TclpGetHostByName.

2006-09-07  Zoran Vasiljevic <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixCompat.c: Added fallback to MT-unsafe library calls if
	TCL_THREADS is not defined.
	Fixed alignment of arrays copied by CopyArray() to be on the
	sizeof(char *) boundary.

2006-09-07  Zoran Vasiljevic <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c:	Rewritten MT-safe wrappers to return ptrs to
	* unix/tclUnixCompat.c: TSD storage making them all look like their
	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c:	MT-unsafe pendants API-wise.
	* unix/tclUnixPort.h:
	* unix/tclUnixSock.c:

2006-09-06  Zoran Vasiljevic <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c: Added TCL_THREADS ifdef'ed usage of MT-safe
	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c: calls like: getpwuid, getpwnam, getgrgid,
	* unix/tclUnixSock.c: getgrnam, gethostbyname and gethostbyaddr.
	* unix/tclUnixPort.h: See [Bug 999544]
	* unix/Makefile.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.m4:
	* unix/configure: Regenerated.

	* unix/tclUnixCompat.c: New file containing MT-safe implementation of
	some library calls.

2006-09-04  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Removed much complexity that is no
	longer needed.

	* tests/main.text (Tcl_Main-4.4):	Test corrected to not be
	timing sensitive to the Bug 1481986 fix. [Bug 1550858]

2006-09-04  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* doc/package.n: correct package example

2006-08-31  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompExpr.c:	Corrected flawed logic for disabling
	the INST_TRY_CVT_TO_NUMERIC instruction at the end of an expression
	when function arguments contain operators. [Bug 1541274]

	* tests/expr-old.test:	The remaining failing tests reported in
	* tests/expr.test:	[Bug 1381715] are all new in Tcl 8.5, so
	there's really no issue of compatibility with Tcl 8.4 result to deal
	with. Fixed by updating tests to expect 8.5 results.

2006-08-29  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:	Dropped the old expr parser.

2006-08-30  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_CreateInterp): init iPtr->threadId

	* win/tclWinChan.c [Bug 819667] Improve logic for identifying COM

	* generic/tclIOGT.c (ExecuteCallback):
	* generic/tclPkg.c (Tcl_PkgRequireEx): replace Tcl_GlobalEval(Obj)
	with more efficient Tcl_Eval(Obj)Ex

	* unix/Makefile.in (valgrindshell): add valgrindshell target and
	update default VALGRINDARGS. User can override, or add to it with

	* generic/tclFileName.c (DoGlob): match incrs with decrs.

2006-08-29  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:	Use the "parent" field of orphan
	ExprNodes to store the closure of left pointers. This lets us avoid
	repeated re-scanning leftward for the left boundary of subexpressions,
	which in worst case led to near O(N^2) runtime.

2006-08-29  Joe Mistachkin  <joe@mistachkin.com>

	* unix/tclUnixInit.c: Fixed the issue (typo) that was causing
	* unix/tclUnixThrd.c (TclpThreadGetStackSize): stack.test to fail on
	FreeBSD (and possibly other Unix platforms).

2006-08-29  Colin McCormack  <coldstore@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c:	Added test for NULL return from
	* generic/tclPathObj.c: Tcl_FSGetNormalizedPath which was causing
	* unix/tclUnixFile.c:	segv's per [Bug 1548263]
	* win/tclWinFCmd.c:
	* win/tclWinFile.c:

2006-08-28  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata/America/Havana:      Regenerated from Olson's
	* library/tzdata/America/Tegucigalpa: tzdata2006k.
	* library/tzdata/Asia/Gaza:

2006-08-28  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	Revised ObjPrintfVA to take care to
	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:	copy only whole characters when doing
	%s formatting. This relieves callers of TclObjPrintf() and
	TclFormatToErrorInfo() from needing to fix arguments to character
	boundaries. Tcl_ParseExpr() simplified by taking advantage. [Bug

	* generic/tclStringObj.c:	Corrected TclFormatObj's failure to
	count up the number of arguments required by examining the format
	string. [Bug 1547681]

2006-08-27  Joe Mistachkin  <joe@mistachkin.com>

	* generic/tclClock.c (ClockClicksObjCmd): Fix nested macro breakage
	with TCL_MEM_DEBUG enabled. [Bug 1547662]

2006-08-26  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* doc/namespace.n:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* tests/upvar.test: bugfix, docs clarification and new tests for
	[namespace upvar] as follow up to [Bug 1546833], reported by Will

2006-08-24  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* library/tzdata: Regenerated, including several new files, from
	Olson's tzdata2006j.
	* library/clock.tcl:
	* tests/clock.test: Removed an early testing hack that allowed loading
	'registry' from the build tree rather than an installed one. This is a
	workaround for [Bug 15232730], which remains open because it's a
	symptom of a deeper underlying problem.

2006-08-23  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:	Minimal collection of new tests
	* tests/parseExpr.test:		testing the error messages of the new
	expr parser. Several bug fixes and code simplifications that appeared
	during that effort.

2006-08-21  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c:	Revisions to complete the thread finalization
	of the cwdPathPtr. [Bug 1536142]

	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:	Revised mistaken call to
	TclCheckBadOctal(), so both [expr 08] and [expr 08z] have same
	additional info in error message.

	* tests/compExpr-old.test:	Update existing tests to not fail with
	* tests/compExpr.test:		the new expr parser.
	* tests/compile.test:
	* tests/expr-old.test:
	* tests/expr.test:
	* tests/for.test:
	* tests/if.test:
	* tests/parseExpr.test:
	* tests/while.test:

2006-08-21  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* win/Makefile.in (gdb): Make this target work so that debugging an
	msys build is possible.

2006-08-21  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c (Tcl_WaitForEvent): if the run loop is
	already running (e.g. if Tcl_WaitForEvent was called recursively),
	re-run it in a custom run loop mode containing only the source for the
	notifier thread, otherwise wakeups from other sources added to the
	common run loop modes might get lost.

	* unix/tclUnixNotfy.c (Tcl_WaitForEvent): on 64-bit Darwin,
	pthread_cond_timedwait() appears to have a bug that causes it to wait
	forever when passed an absolute time which has already been exceeded
	by the system time; as a workaround, when given a very brief timeout,
	just do a poll on that platform. [Bug 1457797]

	* generic/tclClock.c (ClockClicksObjCmd): add support for Darwin
	* generic/tclCmdMZ.c (Tcl_TimeObjCmd):	  nanosecond resolution timer
	* generic/tclInt.h:			  to [clock clicks] and [time]
	* unix/configure.in (Darwin):		  when TCL_WIDE_CLICKS defined
	* unix/tclUnixTime.c (TclpGetWideClicks, TclpWideClicksToNanoseconds):
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

	* unix/tclUnixPort.h (Darwin): override potentially faulty configure
	detection of termios availability in all cases, since termios is known
	to be present on all Mac OS X releases since 10.0. [Bug 497147]

2006-08-18  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): add support for --enable-64bit on x86_64, for
	universal builds including x86_64, for 64-bit CoreFoundation on
	Leopard and for use of -mmacosx-version-min instead of
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

	* generic/tcl.h:	  add fixes for building on Leopard and
	* unix/tclUnixPort.h:	  support for 64-bit CoreFoundation on Leopard
	* macosx/tclMacOSXFCmd.c:

	* unix/tclUnixPort.h: on Darwin x86_64, disable use of vfork as it
	causes execve to fail intermittently. (rdar://4685553)

	* generic/tclTomMath.h: on Darwin 64-bit, for now disable use of
	128-bit arithmetic through __attribute__ ((mode(TI))), as it leads to
	link errors due to missing fallbacks. (rdar://4685527)

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: add x86_64 to universal build,
	switch native release targets to use DWARF with dSYM, Xcode 3.0
	* macosx/README: updates for x86_64 and Xcode 2.4.

	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser: add test suite target that
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: runs the tcl test suite at
	build time and shows clickable test suite errors in the GUI build

	* tests/macOSXFCmd.test: fix use of deprecated resource fork paths.

	* unix/tclUnixInit.c (TclpInitLibraryPath): move code that is only
	needed when TCL_LIBRARY is defined to run only in that case.

	* generic/tclLink.c (LinkTraceProc): fix 64-bit signed-with-unsigned
	comparison warning from gcc4 -Wextra.

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c (TclUnixWaitForFile): with timeout < 0, if
	select() returns early (e.g. due to a signal), call it again instead
	of returning a timeout result. Fixes intermittent event-13.8 failures.

2006-08-17  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclCompile.c:		Revised the new set of expression
	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:	parse error messages.

2006-08-16  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:	Replace PrecedenceOf() function with
	prec[] static array.

2006-08-14  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* library/clock.tcl (::tcl::clock::add): Added missing braces to
	clockval validation code. Pointed out on comp.lang.tcl.

2006-08-11  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c: Improvements in buffer management to make
	namespace creation faster. Plus selected other minor improvements to
	code quality. [Patch 1352382]

2006-08-10  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	Misc patches to make code more efficient. [Bug 1530474] (afredd)
	* generic/*.c, macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c, unix/tclUnixNotfy.c,
	* win/tclWinThrd.c: Tidy up invokations of Tcl_Panic() to promote
	string constant sharing and consistent style.
	* generic/tclBasic.c (Tcl_CreateInterp): More efficient handling of
	* generic/tclClock.c (TclClockInit):	 registration of commands not
						 in global namespace.
	* generic/tclVar.c (Tcl_UnsetObjCmd): Remove unreachable clause.

2006-08-09  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEncoding.c:	Replace buffer copy in for loop with
	call to memcpy(). Thanks to afredd. [Patch 1530262]

2006-08-09  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclCmdIL.c (Tcl_LassignObjCmd): Make the wrong#args message
	a bit more consistent with those used elsewhere. [Bug 1534628]

	* generic/tclDictObj.c (DictForCmd): Stop crash when attempting to
	iterate over an invalid dictionary. [Bug 1531184]

	* doc/ParseCmd.3, doc/expr.n, doc/set.n, doc/subst.n, doc/switch.n:
	* doc/tclvars.n: Ensure that uses of [expr] in documentation examples
	are also good style (with braces) unless otherwise necessary. [Bug

2006-08-03  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixPipe.c (TclpCreateProcess): for USE_VFORK: ensure
	standard channels are initialized before vfork() so that the child
	doesn't potentially corrupt global state in the parent's address space

	* tests/compExpr-old.test: add 'oldExprParser' constraint to all tests
	* tests/compExpr.test:	   that depend on the exact format of the
	* tests/compile.test:	   error messages of the pre-2006-07-05
	* tests/expr-old.test:	   expression parser. The constraint is on by
	* tests/expr.test:	   default (i.e those tests still fail), but
	* tests/for.test:	   can be turned off by passing '-constraints
	* tests/if.test:	   newExprParser' to tcltest, which will skip
	* tests/parseExpr.test:	   the 196 failing tests in the testsuite that
	* tests/while.test:	   are caused by the new expression parser
	error messages.

2006-07-31  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclClock.c (ConvertLocalToUTCUsingC): Corrected a regression
	that caused dates before 1969 to be one day off in the :localtime time
	zone if TZ is not set. [Bug 1531530]

2006-07-30  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclClock.c (GetJulianDayFromEraYearMonthDay): Corrected
	several errors in converting dates before the Common Era [Bug 1426279]
	* library/clock.tcl: Corrected syntax errors in generated code for %EC
	%Ey, and %W format groups [Bug 1505383]. Corrected a bug in cache
	management for format strings containing [glob] metacharacters [Bug
	1494664]. Corrected several errors in formatting/scanning of years
	prior to the Common Era, and added the missing %EE format group to
	indicate the era.
	* tools/makeTestCases.tcl: Added code to make sure that %U and %V
	format groups are included in the tests. (The code depends on %U and
	%V formatting working correctly when 'makeTestCases.tcl' is run,
	rather than making a completely independent check.) Added tests for
	[glob] metacharacters in strings. Added tests for years prior to the
	Common Era.
	* tests/clock.test: Rebuilt with new test cases for all the above.

2006-07-30  Joe English	 <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/AppInit.3: Fix typo [Bug 1496886]

2006-07-26  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Corrected flawed overflow detection in
	* tests/expr.test:	INST_EXPON that caused [expr 2**64] to return
	0 instead of the same value as [expr 1<<64].

2006-07-24  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinSock.c:	Correct un-initialized Tcl_DString. Thanks to
	afredd. [Bug 1518166]

2006-07-21  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c:
	* tests/execute.test (execute-9.1): dgp's fix for [Bug 1522803].

2006-07-20  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c (Tcl_InitNotifier, Tcl_WaitForEvent):
	create notifier thread lazily upon first call to Tcl_WaitForEvent()
	rather than in Tcl_InitNotifier(). Allows calling exeve() in processes
	where the event loop has not yet been run (Darwin's execve() fails in
	processes with more than one thread), in particular allows embedders
	to call fork() followed by execve(), previously the pthread_atfork()
	child handler's call to Tcl_InitNotifier() would immediately recreate
	the notifier thread in the child after a fork.

	* macosx/tclMacOSXFCmd.c (TclMacOSXCopyFileAttributes):	   add support
	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c (Tcl_InitNotifier):		   for weakly
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c (Tcl_GetEncodingNameFromEnvironment): importing
	symbols not available on OSX 10.2 or 10.3, enables binaires built on
	later OSX versions to run on earlier ones.
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: enable weak-linking; turn on
						extra warnings.
	* macosx/README: document how to enable weak-linking; cleanup.
	* unix/tclUnixPort.h: add support for weak-linking; conditionalize
	AvailabilityMacros.h inclusion; only disable realpath on 10.2 or
	earlier when threads are enabled.
	* unix/tclLoadDyld.c (TclpLoadMemoryGetBuffer): change runtime Darwin
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c (TclpInitPlatform):	release check to use
							global initialized
	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c (DoRenameFile, TclpObjNormalizePath): add runtime
	Darwin release check to determine if realpath is threadsafe.
	* unix/configure.in: add check on Darwin for compiler support of weak
	* unix/tcl.m4:	     import and for AvailabilityMacros.h header; move
	Darwin specific checks & defines that are only relevant to the tcl
	build out of tcl.m4; restrict framework option to Darwin; clean up
	quoting and help messages.
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

	* generic/regc_locale.c (cclass):
	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode):
	* generic/tclIOCmd.c (Tcl_ExecObjCmd):
	* generic/tclListObj.c (NewListIntRep):
	* generic/tclObj.c (Tcl_GetLongFromObj, Tcl_GetWideIntFromObj)
	(FreeBignum, Tcl_SetBignumObj):
	* generic/tclParseExpr.c (Tcl_ParseExpr):
	* generic/tclStrToD.c (TclParseNumber):
	* generic/tclStringObj.c (TclAppendFormattedObjs):
	* unix/tclLoadDyld.c (TclpLoadMemory):
	* unix/tclUnixPipe.c (TclpCreateProcess): fix signed-with-unsigned
	comparison and other warnings from gcc4 -Wextra.

2006-07-13  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* unix/tclUnixPort.h: Added the inclusion of <AvailabilityMacros.h>.
	The missing header caused the upcoming #if conditions to wrongly
	exclude realpath, causing file normalize to ignore symbolic links in
	the path.

2006-07-11  Zoran Vasiljevic <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclAsync.c: Made Tcl_AsyncDelete() more tolerant when called
	after all thread TSD has been garbage-collected.

2006-07-05  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:	Completely new expression parser that
	builds a parse tree instead of operating with deep recursion. This
	corrects reports of stack-blowing crashes parsing long expressions
	[Bug 906201] and replaces a fundamentally O(N^2) algorithm with an
	O(N) one [RFE 903765]. The new parser is better able to generate error
	messages that clearly report both the nature and context of the syntax
	error [Bugs 1029267, 1381715]. For now, the code for the old parser is
	still present and can be activated with a "#define OLD_EXPR_PARSER
	1". This is for the sake of a clean implementation patch, and for ease
	of benchmarking. The new parser is non-recursive, so much lighter in
	stack consumption, but it does use more heap, so there may be cases
	where parsing of long expressions that succeeded with the old parser
	will lead to out of memory panics with the new one. There are still
	more improvements possible on that point, though significant progress
	may require changes to the Tcl_Token specifications documented for the
	public Tcl_Parse*() routines.
	***POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY*** for any callers that rely on the exact
	(usually terrible) error messages generated by the old parser. This
	includes a large number of tests in the test suite.

	* generic/tclInt.h:		Replaced TclParseWhiteSpace() with
	* generic/tclParse.c:		TclParseAllWhiteSpace() which is what
	* generic/tclParseExpr.c:	all the callers really needed.
	Breaking whitespace runs at newlines is useful only to the command
	parsing function, and it can call the file scoped routine
	ParseWhiteSpace() to do that.

	* tests/expr-old.test:	Removed knownBug constraints that masked
	* tests/expr.test:	failures due to revised error messages.
	* tests/parseExpr.test:

2006-06-20  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c:	Changed default configuration to
	* generic/tclInt.decls: #undef USE_OBSOLETE_FS_HOOKS which disables
	* generic/tclTest.c:	access to the Tcl 8.3 internal routines for
	hooking into filesystem operations. Everyone ought to have migrated to
	Tcl_Filesystems by now.
	***POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY*** for any code still stuck in the
	pre-Tcl_Filesystem era.

	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:	make genstubs
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

	* generic/tclStrToD.c:	Removed dead code that permitted disabling of
	recognition of the new 0b and 0o numeric formats.

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Removed dead code that implemented alternative
	* generic/tclObj.c:	design where numeric values did not
	automatically narrow to the smallest Tcl_ObjType required to hold them

	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:	Removed dead code that was old implementation
	of [format].

2006-06-14  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tclUnixPort.h (Darwin): support MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED
	define from AvailabilityMacros.h: override configure detection and
	only use API available in the indicated OS version or earlier.

2006-06-14  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* doc/format.n, doc/scan.n: Added examples for converting between
	characters and their numeric interpretations following user prompting.

2006-06-13  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tclLoadDl.c (TclpDlopen): Workaround for a compiler bug in Sun
	Forte 6. [Bug 1503729]

2006-06-06  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/GetStdChan.3:	Added recommendation that each call to
	Tcl_SetStdChannel() be accompanied by a call to Tcl_RegisterChannel().

2006-06-05  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* doc/Alloc.3: Added documentation of promise that Tcl_Realloc(NULL,x)
	is the same as Tcl_Alloc(x), as discussed in comp.lang.tcl. Also fixed
	nonsense sentence to say something meaningful.

2006-05-29  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tcl.h (Tcl_DecrRefCount): use if/else construct to allow
	placement in unbraced outer if/else conditions. (jcw)

2006-05-27  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/tclMacOSXNotify.c: implemented pthread_atfork() handler that
	* unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin):	    recreates CoreFoundation state and
	notifier thread in the child after a fork(). Note that pthread_atfork
	is available starting with Tiger only. Because vfork() is used by the
	core on Darwin, [exec]/[open] are not affected by this fix, only
	extensions or embedders that call fork() directly (such as TclX).
	However, this only makes fork() safe from corefoundation tcl with
	--disable-threads; as on all platforms, forked children may deadlock
	in threaded tcl due to the potential for stale locked mutexes in the
	child. [Patch 923072]

	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

2006-05-24  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* unix/tcl.m4 (SC_CONFIG_SYSTEM): Fixed quoting of command script to
	awk; it was a rarely used branch, but it was wrong. [Bug 1494160]

2006-05-23  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* doc/chan.n, doc/refchan.n: Tighten up the documentation to follow a
	slightly more consistent style with regard to argument capitalization.

2006-05-13  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (ProcCompileProc): When a bump of the compile
	epoch forces the re-compile of a proc body, take care not to overwrite
	any Proc struct that may be referred to on the active call stack. This
	fixes [Bug 1482718]. Note that the fix will not be effective for code
	that calls the private routine TclProcCompileProc() directly.

2006-05-13  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEvent.c (HandleBgErrors): fix leak. [Coverity issue 86]

2006-05-05  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclMain.c (Tcl_Main):		Corrected flaw that required
	* tests/main.test: (Tcl_Main-4.5):	processing of one interactive
	command before passing control to the loop routine registered with
	Tcl_SetMainLoop(). [Bug 1481986]

2006-05-04  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* README:		Bump version number to 8.5a5
	* generic/tcl.h:
	* tools/tcl.wse.in:
	* unix/configure.in:
	* unix/tcl.spec:
	* win/README.binary:
	* win/configure.in:

	* unix/configure:	autoconf-2.59
	* win/configure:

	* generic/tclBasic.c (ExprSrandFunc): Restore acceptance of wide/big
	* doc/mathfunc.n: integer values by srand(). [Bug 1480509]

2006-04-26  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	*** 8.5a4 TAGGED FOR RELEASE ***

	* changes:	Updates for another RC.

	* generic/tclBinary.c:	Revised the handling of the Q and q format
	* generic/tclInt.h:	specifiers for [binary] to account for the
	* generic/tclStrToD.c:	"middle endian" floating point format used in
	Nokia N770.

2006-04-25  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/DoubleObj.3:	More doc updates for TIP 237.
	* doc/expr.n:
	* doc/format.n:
	* doc/mathfunc.n:
	* doc/scan.n:
	* doc/string.n:

	* generic/tclScan.c:	[scan $s %u] is documented to accept only
	* tests/scan.test:	decimal formatted integers. Fixed to match.

2006-04-19  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclStrToD.c: Added code to support the "middle endian"
	floating point format used in the Nokia N770's software-based floating
	point. Thanks to Bruce Johnson for reporting this bug, originally on
	* library/clock.tcl: Fixed a bug with Daylight Saving Time and Posix
	time zone specifiers reported by Martin Lemburg in
	(and not at SourceForge).
	* tests/clock.test: Added test case for the above bug.

2006-04-18  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/IntObj.3: Minor review fixes, including better documentation of
	the behaviour of Tcl_GetBignumAndClearObj.

2006-04-17  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* doc/IntObj.3: Documentation changes to account for TIP 237 changes.
	* doc/Object.3: [Bug 1446971]

2006-04-12  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/regc_locale.c (cclass): Redefined the meaning of [:print:]
	to be exactly UNICODE letters, numbers, punctuation, symbols and
	spaces (*not* whitespace). [Bug 1376892]

2006-04-11  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclTrace.c:	Stop some interference between enter traces
	* tests/trace.test:	and enterstep traces. [Bug 1458266]

2006-04-07  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c: Yet another revised fix for the [Bug 1379287]
	* tests/fileSystem.test:	family of path normalization bugs.

2006-04-06  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* generic/tclRegexp.c (FinalizeRegexp): full reset data to indicate
	readiness for reinitialization.

2006-04-06  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIndexObj.c (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct):	It seems there
	* tests/indexObj.test:	are extensions that rely on the prior behavior
	* doc/GetIndex.3:	that the empty string cannot succeed as a
	unique prefix matcher, so I'm restoring Donal Fellows's solution.
	Added mention of this detail to the documentation. [Bug 1464039]

	* tests/compExpr-old.test:	Updated testmathfunctions constraint
	* tests/compExpr.test:		to post-TIP-232 world.
	* tests/expr-old.test:
	* tests/expr.test:
	* tests/info.test:

	* tests/indexObj.test:	Corrected other test errors revealed by
	* tests/upvar.test:	testing outside the tcltest application.

	* generic/tclPathObj.c: Revised fix for the [Bug 1379287] family of
	path normalization bugs.

2006-04-06  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	define on Darwin. [Bug 1457515]
	* unix/configure: autoconf-2.59
	* unix/tclConfig.h.in: autoheader-2.59

2006-04-05  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinInit.c:	More careful calls to Tcl_DStringSetLength()
	* win/tclWinSock.c:	to avoid creating invalid DString states. Bump
	* win/tclWinDde.c:	to version 1.3.2. [RFE 1366195]
	* library/dde/pkgIndex.tcl:

	* library/reg/pkgIndex.tcl:	Bump to registry 1.2 because
	* win/tclWinReg.c:	Registry_Unload() is a new public routine
	* win/Makefile.in:	compared to the 1.1.* releases.

	* win/configure.in:	Bump package version numbers.
	* win/configure:	autoconf 2.59

2006-04-05  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclIndexObj.c (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct): Allow empty
	strings to be matched by the Tcl_GetIndexFromObj machinery, in the
	same manner as any other key. [Bug 1464039]

2006-04-03  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclIO.c (ReadChars): Added check, panic and commentary to a
	piece of code which relies on BUFFER_PADDING to create enough space at
	the beginning of each buffer for the insertion of partial multibyte
	data at the beginning of a buffer. Commentary explains why this code
	is OK, and the panic is as a precaution if someone twiddled the
	BUFFER_PADDING into uselessness.

	* generic/tclIO.c (ReadChars): Temporarily suppress the use of
	TCL_ENCODING_END set when EOF was reached while the buffer we are
	converting is not truly the last buffer in the queue. Together with
	the Utf bug below it was possible to completely wreck the buffer data
	structures, eventually crashing Tcl. [Bug 1462248]

	* generic/tclEncoding.c (UtfToUtfProc): Stop accessing memory beyond
	the end of the input buffer when TCL_ENCODING_END is set and the last
	bytes of the buffer start a multi-byte sequence. This bug contributed
	to [Bug 1462248].

2006-03-30  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: remove unused var and silence gcc warning

2006-03-29  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* win/Makefile.in: convert _NATIVE paths to use / to avoid ".\"
	path-as-escape issue.

2006-03-29  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Updates for another RC.

	* generic/tclPathObj.c:	 More fixes for path normalization when /../
	* tests/fileSystem.test: tries to go beyond root.[Bug 1379287]

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Revised INST_MOD implementation to do
	calculations in native types as much as possible, moving to mp_ints
	only when necessary.

2006-03-28  Jeff Hobbs	<jeffh@ActiveState.com>

	* win/tclWinPipe.c (TclpCreateProcess): change panics to Tcl errors
	and do proper refcounting of noe objPtr. [Bug 1194429]

	* unix/tcl.m4, win/tcl.m4: []-quote AC_DEFUN functions.

2006-03-28  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/default.pbxuser:	add '-singleproc 1' cli arg to
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser: tcltest to ease test debugging

	* macosx/Tcl.xcode/project.pbxproj:	removed $prefix/share from
	* macosx/Tcl.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: TCL_PACKAGE_PATH as per change
	to unix/configure.in of 2006-03-13.

	* unix/tclUnixFCmd.c (TclpObjNormalizePath): deal with *BSD/Darwin
	realpath() converting relative paths into absolute paths [Bug 1064247]

2006-03-28  Vince Darley  <vincentdarley@sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c: fix to nativeFilesystemRecord comparisons
	(lesser part of [Bug 1064247])

2006-03-27  Pat Thoyts	<patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinTest.c:	Fixes for [Bug 1456373] (mingw-gcc issue)

2006-03-27  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/CrtChannel.3:    Added TCL_CHANNEL_VERSION_5, made it the
	* generic/tcl.h:       version where the "truncateProc" is defined at,
	* generic/tclIO.c:     and moved all channel drivers of Tcl to v5.
	* generic/tclIOGT.c, generic/tclIORChan.c, unix/tclUnixChan.c:
	* unix/tclUnixPipe.c, win/tclWinChan.c, win/tclWinConsole.c:
	* win/tclWinPipe.c, win/tclWinSerial.c, win/tclWinSock.c:

2006-03-27  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Merge INST_MOD computation in with the
	INST_?SHIFT instructions, which also operate only on two integral
	values. Also corrected flaw that made INST_BITNOT of wide values
	require mp_int calculations. Also corrected type that missed optimized
	handling of the tclBooleanType by the TclGetBooleanFromObj macro.

	* changes:	Updates for another RC.

2006-03-25  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Corrections to INST_EXPON detection of
	overflow to use mp_int calculations.

2006-03-24  Kevin B. Kenny  <kennykb@acm.org>

	* generic/tclExecute.c (TclExecuteByteCode): Added a couple of missing
	casts to 'int' that were affecting compilablity on VC6.

2006-03-24  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEncoding.c: Reverted latest change [Bug 506653] since it
	reportedly killed test performance on Windows.

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Revised INST_EXPON implementation to do
	calculations in native types as much as possible, moving to mp_ints
	only when necessary.

2006-03-23  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Merged INST_EXPON handling in with the other
	binary operators that operate on all number types (INST_ADD, etc.).

	* tests/env.test: With case preserved (see 2006-03-21 commit) be sure
	to do case-insensitive filtering. [Bug 1457065]

2006-03-23  Reinhard Max  <max@suse.de>

	* unix/tcl.spec: Cleaned up and completed the spec file. An RPM can
	now be built from the tcl source distribution with "rpmbuild -tb

2006-03-22  Reinhard Max  <max@suse.de>

	* tests/stack.test: Run the stack tests in subshells, so that they are
	reported as failed tests rather than bugs in the test suite if the
	recursion causes a segfault.

2006-03-21  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Updates for another RC.

	* generic/tclStrToD.c:	One of the branches of AccumulateDecimalDigit
	* tests/parseExpr.test: did not. [Bug 1451233]

	* tests/env.test:	Preserve case of saved env vars. [Bug 1409272]

2006-03-21  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclInt.decls:	 implement globbing for HFS creator & type
	* macosx/tclMacOSXFCmd.c:codes and 'hidden' flag, as documented in
	* tests/macOSXFCmd.test: glob.n; objectified OSType handling in [glob]
	* unix/tclUnixFile.c:	 and [file attributes]; fix globbing for
	hidden files with pattern==NULL arg. [Bug 823329]
	* generic/tclIntPlatDecls.h:
	* generic/tclStubInit.c: make genstubs

2006-03-20  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* win/Makefile.in (install-libraries): Generate tcl8/8.4 directory
	under Windows as well (cygwin Makefile). Related entry: 2006-03-07,
	dgp. This moved the installation of http from 8.2 to 8.4, partially. A
	fix of the required directory creation was done for unix on Mar 10,
	without entry in the Changelog. This entry is for the fix of the
	directory creation under Windows.

	* unix/installManPage: There is always one even more broken "sed".
	Moved the # comment starting character in the sed script to the
	beginning of their respective lines. The AIX sed will not recognize
	them as comments otherwise :( The actual text stays indented for
	better association with the commands they belong to.

2006-03-20  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* tests/cmdAH.test, tests/fCmd.test, tests/unixFCmd.test:
	* tests/winFCmd.test: Cleanup of some test constraint handling, and a
	few other minor issues.

2006-03-18  Vince Darley  <vincentdarley@sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclFileName.c:
	* doc/FileSystem.3:
	* tests/fileName.test: Fix to [Bug 1084705] so that 'glob -nocomplain'
	finally agrees with its documentation and doesn't swallow genuine

	***POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY*** for scripts that assumed '-nocomplain'
	removes the need for 'catch' to deal with non-understood path names.

	Small optimisation to implementation of pattern==NULL case of TclGlob,
	and clarification to the documentation. [Tclvfs bug 1405317]

2006-03-18  Vince Darley  <vincentdarley@sourceforge.net>

	* tests/fCmd.test: added knownBug test case for [Bug 1394972]

	* tests/winFCmd.test:
	* tests/tcltest.test: corrected tests to better account for behaviour
	of writable/non-writable directories on Windows 2000/XP. This, with
	the previous patches, closes [Bug 1193497]

2006-03-17  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/chan.n: Updated with documentation for the commands 'chan
	create' and 'chan postevent' (TIP #219).

	* doc/refchan.n: New file. Documentation of the command handler API
	for reflected channels (TIP #219).

2006-03-17  Joe Mistachkin <joe@mistachkin.com>

	* unix/tclUnixPort.h: Include pthread.h prior to pthread_np.h [Bug

	* win/tclWinTest.c: Corrected typo of 'initializeMutex' that prevented
	successful compilation.

2006-03-16  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/open.n: Documented the changed behaviour of 'a'ppend mode.

	* tests/io.test (io-43.1 io-44.[1234]): Rewritten to be self-contained
	with regard to setup and cleanup. [Bug 681793]

	* generic/tclIOUtil.c (TclGetOpenMode): Added the flag O_APPEND to the
	list of POSIX modes used when opening a file for 'a'ppend. This
	enables the proper automatic seek-to-end-on-write by the OS. See [Bug
	680143] for longer discussion.

	* tests/ioCmd.test (iocmd-13.7.*): Extended the testsuite to check the
	new handling of 'a'.

2006-03-15  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* tests/socket.test: Extended the timeout in socket-11.11 from 10 to
	40 seconds to allow for really slow machines. Also extended
	actual/expected results with value of variable 'done' to make it
	clearer when a test fails due to a timeout. [Bug 792159]

2006-03-15  Vince Darley  <vincentdarley@sourceforge.net>

	* win/fCmd.test: add proper test constraints so the new tests don't
	run on Unix.

2006-03-14  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* generic/tclPipe.c (TclCreatePipeline): Modified the processing of
	pipebars to fail if the last bar is followed only by redirections.
	[Bug 768659]

2006-03-14  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/fconfigure.n: Clarified that -translation is binary is reported
	as lf when queried, because it is identical to lf, except for the
	special additional behaviour when setting it. [Bug 666770]

2006-03-14  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* doc/clock.n: Removed double-quotes around section title NAME; not
	* unix/installManpage: Reverted part to handle double-quotes in
	section NAME, chokes older sed installations.

2006-03-14  Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>

	* library/tm.tcl (::tcl::tm::Defaults): Fixed handling of environment
	variable TCLX.y_TM_PATH, bad variable reference. Thanks to Julian
	Noble. [Bug 1448251]

2006-03-14  Vince Darley  <vincentdarley@sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinFile.c: updated patch to deal with 'file writable' issues
	on Windows XP/2000.
	* generic/tclTest.c:
	* unix/tclUnixTest.c:
	* win/tclWinTest.c:
	* tests/fCmd.test: updated test suite to deal with correct permissions
	setting and differences between XP/2000 and 95/98 3 tests still fail;
	to be dealt with shortly

2006-03-13  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclEncoding.c: Report error when an escape encoding is
	missing one of its sub-encodings. [Bug 506653]

	* unix/configure.in:	Revert change from 2005-07-26 that sometimes
	* unix/configure:	added $prefix/share to the tcl_pkgPath. See
	[Patch 1231015]. autoconf-2.59.

2006-03-10  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c (ObjInterpProcEx):
	* tests/apply.test (apply-5.1): Fix [apply] error messages so that
	they quote the lambda expression. [Bug 1447355]

2006-03-10  Zoran Vasiljevic  <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	-- Summary of changes fixing [Bug 1437595] --

	* generic/tclEvent.c: Cosmetic touches and identation
	* generic/tclInt.h: Added TclpFinalizeSockets() call.

	* generic/tclIO.c: Calls TclpFinalizeSockets() as part of the

	* unix/tclUnixSock.c: Added no-op TclpFinalizeSockets().

	* win/tclWinPipe.c, win/tclWinSock.c: Finalization of sockets/pipes is
	now solely done in TclpFinalizeSockets() and TclpFinalizePipes() and
	not over the thread-exit handler, because the order of actions the Tcl
	generic core will impose may result in cores/hangs if the thread exit
	handler tears down corresponding subsystem(s) too early.

2006-03-10  Vince Darley  <vincentdarley@sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinFile.c: previous patch breaks tests, so removed.

2006-03-09  Vince Darley  <vincentdarley@sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinFile.c: fix to 'file writable' in certain XP directories.
	Thanks to fvogel and jfg. [Patch 1344540] Modified patch to make use
	of existing use of getSecurityProc.

2006-03-08  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclExecute.c: Complete missing bit of TIP 215 implementation
	* tests/incr.test:

2006-03-07  Joe English	 <jenglish@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/tcl.m4: Set SHLIB_LD_FLAGS='${LIBS}' on NetBSD, as per the
	other *BSD variants. [Bug 1334613]
	* unix/configure: Regenerated.

2006-03-07  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* changes:	Update in prep. for 8.5a4 release.

	* unix/Makefile.in:	Package http 2.5.2 requires Tcl 8.4, so the
	* win/Makefile.in:	*.tm installation has to be placed in an "8.4"
	directory, not an "8.2" directory.

2006-03-06  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Revised handling of TCL_EVAL_* flags to
	* tests/parse.test:	simplify TclEvalObjvInternal and to correct
	the auto-loading of alias targets (parse-8.12). [Bug 1444291]

2006-03-03  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c: Revised yesterday's fix for [Bug 1379287] to
	work on Windows.

	* generic/tclObj.c:	Compatibility support for existing code that
	calls Tcl_GetObjType("boolean").

2006-03-02  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c:		Fix for failed normalization of paths
	* tests/fileSystem.test:	with /../ that lead back to the root
	of the filesystem, like /foo/.. [Bug 1379287]

2006-03-01  Reinhard Max  <max@suse.de>

	* unix/installManPage: Fix the script for manpages that have quotes
	around the .SH arguments, as doctools produces them. [Bug 1292145]
	Some minor cleanups and improvements.

2006-02-28  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Corrections to be sure that TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL
	* tests/namespace.test: evaluations act the same as [uplevel #0]
	* tests/parse.test:	evaluations, even when execution traces or
	* tests/trace.test:	invocations of [::unknown] are present. [Bug

2006-02-22  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Corrected a few bugs in how [namespace
	* tests/namespace.test: unknown] interacts with TCL_EVAL_* flags.
	[Patch 958222]

2006-02-17  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIORChan.c: Revised error message generation and handling
	* tests/ioCmd.test:	of exceptional return codes in the channel
	reflection layer. [Bug 1372348]

2006-02-16  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIndexObj.c:	Disallow the "ambiguous" error message
	* tests/indexObj.test:		when TCL_EXACT matching is requested.
	* tests/ioCmd.test:

2006-02-15  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclIO.c:	Made several routines tolerant of
	* generic/tclIORChan.c: interp == NULL arguments. [Bug 1380662]
	* generic/tclIOUtil.c:

2006-02-09  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>


	* doc/incr.n:		Revised [incr] to auto-initialize when varName
	* generic/tclExecute.c: argument is unset. [Patch 1413115]
	* generic/tclVar.c:
	* tests/compile.test:
	* tests/incr-old.test:
	* tests/incr.test:
	* tests/set.test:

	* tests/main.test (Tcl_Main-6.7):	Improved robustness of
	command auto-completion test. [Bug 1422736]

2006-02-08  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/Encoding.3, doc/encoding.n: Updates due to review at request of
	Don Porter. Mostly minor changes.

2006-02-08  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>


	* doc/Encoding.3:	New subcommand [encoding dirs].
	* doc/encoding.n:	New routine Tcl_GetEncodingNameFromEnvironment
	* generic/tcl.decls:	Made public:
	* generic/tclBasic.c:	TclGetEncodingFromObj
	* generic/tclCmdAH.c:		-> Tcl_GetEncodingFromObj
	* generic/tclEncoding.c:TclGetEncodingSearchPath
	* generic/tclInt.decls:		-> Tcl_GetEncodingSearchPath
	* generic/tclInt.h:	TclSetEncodingSearchPath
	* generic/tclTest.c:		-> Tcl_SetEncodingSearchPath
	* library/init.tcl:	Removed commands:
	* tests/cmdAH.test:		[tcl::unsupported::EncodingDirs]
	* tests/encoding.test:		[testencoding path] (Tcltest)
	* unix/tclUnixInit.c:	[Patch 1413934]
	* win/tclWinInit.c:

	* generic/tclDecls.h:	make genstubs
	* generic/tclIntDecls.h:
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:

2006-02-01  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclProc.c: minor improvements to [apply]
	* tests/apply.test: new tests; apply-5.1 currently fails to indicate
	missing work in error reporting

2006-02-01  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>


	* doc/apply.n:	(New file)	New command [apply]. [Patch 944803]
	* doc/uplevel.n:
	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclProc.c:
	* tests/apply.test: (New file)
	* tests/proc-old.test:
	* tests/proc.test:


	* doc/Namespace.3:	New command [namespace unknown]. New public C
	* doc/namespace.n:	routines Tcl_(Get|Set)NamespaceUnknownHandler.
	* doc/unknown.n:	[Patch 958222]
	* generic/tcl.decls:
	* generic/tclBasic.c:
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* tests/namespace.test:

	* generic/tclDecls.h:	make genstubs
	* generic/tclStubInit.c:


	* doc/namespace.n:	New command [namespace upvar]. [Patch 1275435]
	* generic/tclInt.h:
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:
	* generic/tclVar.c:
	* tests/namespace.test:
	* tests/upvar.test:

2006-01-26  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* doc/dict.n: Fixed silly bug in example. Thanks to Heiner Marxen
	<heiner.marxen@unsel.de> for catching this! [Bug 1415725]

2006-01-26  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* unix/tclUnixChan.c (TclpOpenFileChannel): Tidy up and comment the
	mess to do with setting up serial channels. This (deliberately) breaks
	a broken FreeBSD port, indicates what we're really doing, and reduces
	the amount of conditional compilation sections for better maintenance.

2006-01-25  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* unix/tclUnixInit.c (TclpInitPlatform): Improved conditions on when
	to update the FP rounding mode on FreeBSD, taken from FreeBSD port.

2006-01-23  Donal K. Fellows  <dkf@users.sf.net>

	* tests/string.test (string-12.21): Added test for [Bug 1410553] based
	on original bug report.

2006-01-23  Miguel Sofer  <msofer@users.sf.net>

	* generic/tclStringObj.c: fixed incorrect handling of internal rep in
	Tcl_GetRange. Thanks to twylite and Peter Spjuth. [Bug 1410553]

	* generic/tclProc.c: fixed args handling for precompiled bodies [Bug
	1412695]; thanks to Uwe Traum.

2006-01-16  Reinhard Max  <max@suse.de>

	* generic/tclPipe.c (FileForRedirect): Prevent nameString from being
	freed without having been initialized.
	* tests/exec.test: Added a test for the above.

2006-01-12  Zoran Vasiljevic  <vasiljevic@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclPathObj.c (Tcl_FSGetInternalRep): backported patch from
	core-8-4-branch. A freed pointer has been overwritten causing all
	sorts of coredumps.

2006-01-12  Vince Darley  <vincentdarley@sourceforge.net>

	* win/tclWinFile.c: fix to sharing violation [Bug 1366227]

2006-01-11  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclBasic.c:	Moved Tcl_LogCommandInfo from tclBasic.c to
	* generic/tclNamesp.c:	tclNamesp.c to get access to identifier with
	* tests/error.test (error-7.0): file scope. Added check for traces on
	::errorInfo, and when present fall back to contruction of the stack
	trace in the variable so that write trace notification timings are
	compatible with earlier Tcl releases. This reduces, but does not
	completely eliminate the ***POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY*** created by
	the 2004-10-15 commit. [Bug 1397843]

2006-01-10  Daniel Steffen  <das@users.sourceforge.net>

	* unix/configure:    add caching, use AC_CACHE_CHECK instead of
	* unix/configure.in: AC_CACHE_VAL where possible, consistent message
	* unix/tcl.m4:	     quoting, sync relevant tclconfig/tcl.m4 changes
	and gratuitous formatting differences, fix SC_CONFIG_MANPAGES with
	default argument, Darwin improvements to SC_LOAD_*CONFIG.

2006-01-09  Don Porter	<dgp@users.sourceforge.net>

	* generic/tclNamesp.c (NamespaceInscopeCmd):	[namespace inscope]
	* tests/namespace.test: commands were not reported by [info level].
	[Bug 1400572]

2006-01-09  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* generic/tclTrace.c: Stop exporting the guts of the trace command;
	nothing outside this file needs to see it. [Bug 971336]

2006-01-05  Donal K. Fellows  <donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk>

	* unix/tcl.m4 (TCL_CONFIG_SYSTEM): Factor out the code to determine
	the operating system version number, as it was replicated in several

2006-01-04  David Gravereaux  <davygrvy@pobox.com>

	* win/tclAppInit.c: WIN32 native console signal handler removed. This
	was found to be interfering with TWAPI extension one. IMO, special
	services such as signal handlers should best be done with extensions
	to the core after discussions on c.l.t. about Roy Terry's tclsh
	children of a real windows service shell.

	*** CHANGELOG ENTRIES FOR 2005 IN "ChangeLog.2005"	       ***
	*** CHANGELOG ENTRIES FOR 2004 IN "ChangeLog.2004"	       ***
	*** CHANGELOG ENTRIES FOR 2003 IN "ChangeLog.2003"	       ***
	*** CHANGELOG ENTRIES FOR 2002 IN "ChangeLog.2002"	       ***
	*** CHANGELOG ENTRIES FOR 2001 IN "ChangeLog.2001"	       ***
	*** CHANGELOG ENTRIES FOR 2000 IN "ChangeLog.2000"	       ***
	*** CHANGELOG ENTRIES FOR 1999 AND EARLIER IN "ChangeLog.1999" ***