/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL$ ** Commercial Usage ** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be ** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com. ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "reportgenerator.h" // Report generator file utility functions QList readLines(const QString &fileName) { QList lines; QFile f(fileName); f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); while(!f.atEnd()) lines.append(f.readLine()); return lines; } void writeLines(const QString &fileName, const QList &lines) { QFile f(fileName); f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); foreach(const QByteArray line, lines) f.write(line); } void writeFile(const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &contents) { QFile f(fileName); f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append); f.write(contents); } // Report generator database utility functions QStringList select(const QString &field, const QString &tableName) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT DISTINCT " + field +" FROM " + tableName); bool ok = query.exec(); Q_UNUSED(ok); // if (!ok) // qDebug() << "select unique ok" << ok; QStringList values; while (query.next()) { values += query.value(0).toString(); } return values; } QStringList selectUnique(const QString &field, const QString &tableName) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT DISTINCT " + field +" FROM " + tableName); bool ok = query.exec(); Q_UNUSED(ok); // if (!ok) // qDebug() << "select unique ok" << ok; QStringList values; while (query.next()) { values += query.value(0).toString(); } return values; } QSqlQuery selectFromSeries(const QString &serie, const QString &column, const QString &tableName, const QString &seriesName) { QSqlQuery query; if (serie == QString()) query.prepare("SELECT " + column + " FROM " + tableName); else query.prepare("SELECT " + column + " FROM " + tableName + " WHERE " + seriesName + "='" + serie + "'"); /*bool ok =*/ query.exec(); // qDebug() << "selectDataFromSeries ok?" << ok << query.size(); return query; } int countDataFromSeries(const QString &serie, const QString &tableName, const QString &seriesName) { // qDebug() << "count" << serie << "in" << tableName; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT COUNT(Result) FROM " + tableName + " WHERE" + seriesName + "='" + serie + "'"); bool ok = query.exec(); if (!ok) { qDebug() << "query fail" << query.lastError(); } qDebug() << "countDataFromSeries ok?" << ok << query.size(); query.next(); return query.value(0).toInt(); } // Report generator output utility functions QList printData(const QString &tableName, const QString &seriesName, const QString &indexName) { QList output; QStringList series = selectUnique(seriesName, tableName); // qDebug() << "series" << series; if (series.isEmpty()) series+=QString(); foreach (QString serie, series) { QSqlQuery data = selectFromSeries(serie, "Result", tableName, seriesName); QSqlQuery labels = selectFromSeries(serie, indexName, tableName, seriesName); QByteArray dataLine = "dataset.push({ data: ["; int i = 0; while (data.next() && labels.next()) { QString label = labels.value(0).toString(); QString labelString; bool ok; label.toInt(&ok); if (ok) labelString = label; // else labelString = QString::number(i); dataLine += ("[" + labelString + ", " + data.value(0).toString() + "]"); ++i; if (data.next()) { dataLine += ", "; data.previous(); } } dataLine += "], label : \"" + serie + "\" });\n"; output.append(dataLine); } return output; } // Determines if a line chart should be used. Returns true if the first label is numerical. bool useLineChart(const QString &tableName, const QString &seriesName, const QString &indexName) { QList output; QStringList series = selectUnique(seriesName, tableName); if (series.isEmpty()) return false; QSqlQuery data = selectFromSeries(series[0], indexName, tableName, seriesName); if (data.next()) { QString label = data.value(0).toString(); bool ok; label.toDouble(&ok); return ok; } return false; } int countLabels(const QString &tableName, const QString &seriesName, const QString &indexName) { QStringList series = selectUnique(seriesName, tableName); if (series.isEmpty()) return 0; QSqlQuery data = selectFromSeries(series[0], indexName, tableName, seriesName); int count = 0; while (data.next()) count++; return count; } QList printLabels(const QString &tableName, const QString &seriesName, const QString &indexName) { QList output; QStringList series = selectUnique(seriesName, tableName); if (series.isEmpty()) return QList(); QSqlQuery data = selectFromSeries(series[0], indexName, tableName, seriesName); int count = 0; while (data.next()) count++; data.first(); data.previous(); const int labelCount = 10; int skip = count / labelCount; QByteArray dataLine; int i = 0; while (data.next()) { dataLine += ("[" + QByteArray::number(i) + ",\"" + data.value(0).toString() + "\"]"); ++i; if (data.next()) { dataLine += ", "; data.previous(); } // skip labels. i += skip; for (int j = 0; j < skip; ++j) data.next(); } dataLine += "\n"; output.append(dataLine); return output; } QByteArray printSeriesLabels(const QString &tableName, const QString &seriesColumnName) { QByteArray output; QStringList series = selectUnique(seriesColumnName, tableName); if (series.isEmpty()) return "[];\n"; output += "["; foreach(const QString &serie, series) { output += "\"" + serie.toLocal8Bit() + "\","; } output.chop(1); //remove last comma output += "]\n"; return output; } void addJavascript(QList *output, const QString &fileName) { output->append("\n"); } void addJavascript(QList *output) { addJavascript(output, ":3rdparty/prototype.js"); addJavascript(output, ":3rdparty/excanvas.js"); addJavascript(output, ":3rdparty/flotr.js"); } TempTable selectRows(const QString &sourceTable, const QString &column, const QString &value) { TempTable tempTable(resultsTable); QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("INSERT INTO " + tempTable.name() + " SELECT * FROM " + sourceTable + " WHERE " + column + "='" + value + "'"); execQuery(query); // displayTable(tempTable.name()); return tempTable; } TempTable mergeVersions(const QString &) { // QtVersion - As series // Result - (free) // Idx - match // TestName - match // CaseName - match // (Series - average) /* TempTable tempTable(resultsTable); QStringlist versions = selectUnique("QtVersions", sourceTable); QSqlQuery oneVersion = select(WHERE QtVersions = versions.at(0)) while (oneVersion.next) { QSqlQuery otherversions = selectMatches(QStringList() << "TestName" << "TestCaseName" << "Idx") while (otherversions.next) { insert(temptable } } */ return TempTable(""); } QStringList fieldPriorityList = QStringList() << "Idx" << "Series" << "QtVersion"; struct IndexSeriesFields { QString index; QString series; }; IndexSeriesFields selectFields(const QString &table) { IndexSeriesFields fields; foreach (QString field, fieldPriorityList) { // qDebug() << "unique" << field << selectUnique(field, table).count(); QStringList rows = selectUnique(field, table); if (rows.count() <= 1 && rows.join("") == QString("")) continue; if (fields.index.isEmpty()) { fields.index = field; continue; } if (fields.series.isEmpty()) { fields.series = field; break; } } return fields; } TempTable selectTestCase(const QString &testCase, const QString &sourceTable) { return selectRows(sourceTable, QLatin1String("TestCaseName"), testCase); } QString field(const QSqlQuery &query, const QString &name) { return query.value(query.record().indexOf(name)).toString(); } QSqlQuery selectAllResults(const QString &tableName) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT * FROM " + tableName); execQuery(query); return query; } void printTestCaseResults(const QString &testCaseName) { // QStringList testCases = selectUnique("TestCaseName", "Results"); qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "Results for benchmark" << testCaseName; TempTable temptable = selectTestCase(testCaseName, "Results"); QSqlQuery query = selectAllResults(temptable.name()); if (query.isActive() == false) { qDebug() << "No results"; return; } query.next(); if (field(query, "Idx") == QString()) { do { qDebug() << "Result:" << field(query, "result"); } while (query.next()); } else if (field(query, "Series") == QString()) { do { qDebug() << field(query, "Idx") << " : " << field(query, "result"); } while (query.next()); } else { do { qDebug() << field(query, "Series") << " - " << field(query, "Idx") << " : " << field(query, "result"); } while (query.next()); } qDebug() << ""; } // ReportGenerator implementation ReportGenerator::ReportGenerator() { m_colorScheme = QList() << "#a03b3c" << "#3ba03a" << "#3a3ba0" << "#3aa09f" << "#39a06b" << "#a09f39"; } void ReportGenerator::writeReport(const QString &tableName, const QString &fileName, bool combineQtVersions) { QStringList testCases = selectUnique("TestCaseName", tableName); QList lines = readLines(":benchmark_template.html"); QList output; foreach(QByteArray line, lines) { if (line.contains("")) { foreach (const QString testCase, testCases) { TempTable testCaseTable = selectTestCase(testCase, tableName); output += writeChart(testCaseTable.name(), combineQtVersions); } } else if (line.contains("")) { QStringList name = selectUnique("TestName", tableName); output += "Test: " + name.join("").toLocal8Bit(); } else if (line.contains("")) { output += selectUnique("TestTitle", tableName).join("").toLocal8Bit(); } else if (line.contains("")){ addJavascript(&output); } else { output.append(line); } } m_fileName = fileName; writeLines(m_fileName, output); qDebug() << "Wrote report to" << m_fileName; } void ReportGenerator::writeReports() { /* QStringList versions = selectUnique("QtVersion", "Results"); // qDebug() << "versions" << versions; foreach (QString version, versions) { QString fileName = "results-" + version + ".html"; TempTable versionTable = selectRows("Results", "QtVersion", version); writeReport(versionTable.name(), fileName, false); } */ writeReport("Results", "results.html", false); } QString ReportGenerator::fileName() { return m_fileName; } QList ReportGenerator::writeChart(const QString &tableName, bool combineQtVersions) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT TestName, Series, Idx, Result, ChartWidth, ChartHeight, Title, TestCaseName, ChartType, QtVersion FROM " + tableName); execQuery(query); QString seriesName; QString indexName; if (combineQtVersions) { IndexSeriesFields fields = selectFields(tableName); seriesName = fields.series; indexName = fields.index; } else { seriesName = "Series"; indexName = "Idx"; } QList data = printData(tableName, seriesName, indexName); QList labels = printLabels(tableName, seriesName, indexName); QByteArray seriesLabels = printSeriesLabels(tableName, seriesName); QByteArray useLineChartString = useLineChart(tableName, seriesName, indexName) ? "true" : "false" ; query.next(); QString testName = query.value(0).toString(); QSize size(query.value(4).toInt(), query.value(5).toInt()); // QString title = "Test Function: " + query.value(7).toString() + " - " + query.value(6).toString(); QString title = "Test Function: " + query.value(7).toString(); QString chartId = "\"" + query.value(7).toString() + "\""; QString formId = "\"" + query.value(7).toString() + "form\""; QString chartTypeFormId = "\"" + query.value(7).toString() + "chartTypeform\""; QString scaleFormId = "\"" + query.value(7).toString() + "scaleform\""; QString type = query.value(8).toString(); // Skip chart generation if there isn't enough data. if (countLabels(tableName, seriesName, indexName) < 2) { qDebug() << title.toAscii() << "No chartable data. (See the \"series\" test function" << "in examples/qtestlib/tutorial5 for an example.) "; return QList() << title.toAscii() << " (no chartable data)"; // TODO: genrate text table here. } // QString qtVersion = query.value(9).toString(); query.previous(); QString sizeString = "height=\"" + QString::number(size.height()) + "\" width=\"" + QString::number(size.width()) + "\""; QString fillString; if (type == "LineChart") fillString = "false"; else fillString = "true"; QByteArray colors = printColors(tableName, seriesName); QList lines = readLines(":chart_template.html"); QList output; foreach(QByteArray line, lines) { if (line.contains("")) { output.append(title.toLocal8Bit()); } else if (line.contains("")) { output += chartId.toLocal8Bit(); } else if (line.contains("")) { output += formId.toLocal8Bit(); } else if (line.contains("")) { output += chartTypeFormId.toLocal8Bit(); } else if (line.contains("")) { output += scaleFormId.toLocal8Bit(); } else if (line.contains("")) { output += sizeString.toLocal8Bit(); } else if (line.contains("")) { output += colors; } else if (line.contains("")) { output += data; } else if (line.contains("")) { output += labels; } else if (line.contains("")) { output += useLineChartString + ";"; } else if (line.contains("")) { output += "\"" + type.toLocal8Bit() + "\""; } else if (line.contains("")) { output += fillString.toLocal8Bit(); } else if (line.contains("")) { output += seriesLabels; } else { output.append(line); } } return output; } QByteArray ReportGenerator::printColors(const QString &tableName, const QString &seriesName) { QByteArray colors; int i = 0; QStringList series = selectUnique(seriesName, tableName); foreach (const QString &serie, series) { colors.append("'" + serie.toLocal8Bit() + "': '" + m_colorScheme.at(i % m_colorScheme.count()) + "',\n"); ++ i; } colors.chop(2); // remove last comma colors.append("\n"); return colors; }