AudioOutput <html>The audio playback device <b>%1</b> does not work.<br/>Falling back to <b>%2</b>.</html> <html>Switching to the audio playback device <b>%1</b><br/>which just became available and has higher preference.</html> Revert back to device '%1' CloseButton Close Tab PPDOptionsModel Name الإسم Phonon:: Notifications Music Video Communication Games Accessibility Phonon::Gstreamer::Backend Warning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed. Some video features have been disabled. Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed. All audio and video support has been disabled Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject Cannot start playback. Check your Gstreamer installation and make sure you have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed. A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0 Could not open media source. Invalid source type. Could not locate media source. Could not open audio device. The device is already in use. Could not decode media source. Phonon::VolumeSlider Volume: %1% Use this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%, the rightmost is %1% Q3Accel %1, %2 not defined Ambiguous %1 not handled Q3DataTable True صحيح False خاطئ Insert إدراج Update تحديث Delete حذف Q3FileDialog Copy or Move a File نسخ أو تحريك ملفّ Read: %1 قراءة: %1 Write: %1 كتابة: %1 Cancel إلغاء All Files (*) جميع الملفّات (*) Name الإسم Size السّعة Type الطّراز Date التّاريخ Attributes الخاصّيات &OK &موافقة Look &in: بحث &في: File &name: إ&سم الملفّ: File &type: &طراز الملفّ: Back رجوع One directory up دليل للأعلى Create New Folder صنع دليل جديد List View معاينة بالقائمة Detail View معاينة مفصّلة Preview File Info عرض مقدّم لمعلومات الملفّ Preview File Contents عرض مقدّم لمحتويات الملفّ Read-write قراءة-كتابة Read-only قراءة فقط Write-only كتابة فقط Inaccessible مستحيل التّوصّل إليه Symlink to File وصل رمزي لملفّ Symlink to Directory وصل رمزي لدليل Symlink to Special وصل رمزي لملفّ خاصّ File ملفّ Dir دليل Special ملفّ خاصّ Open فتح Save As حفظ تحت &Open &فتح &Save &حفظ &Rename ت&غيير الإسم &Delete ح&ذف R&eload إ&عادة التّحميل Sort by &Name فرز بال&إسم Sort by &Size فرز بالسّ&عة Sort by &Date فرز بالتّا&ريخ &Unsorted غير &مفروز Sort فرز Show &hidden files ع&رض الملفّات المخفية the file الملفّ the directory الدّليل the symlink الوصل الرّمزي Delete %1 حذف %1 <qt>Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"?</qt> <qt>هل تريد فعلا حذف %1 "%2"؟</qt> &Yes &نعم &No &لا New Folder 1 دليل جديد 1 New Folder دليل جديد New Folder %1 دليل جديد %1 Find Directory إيجاد الدّليل Directories دلائل Directory: دليل: Error خطأ %1 File not found. Check path and filename. %1 لم يتمّ إيجاد الملفّ. تحقّق من المسار و إسم الملفّ. All Files (*.*) جميع الملفّات (*.*) Open فتح Select a Directory انتقاء دليل Q3LocalFs Could not read directory %1 لم أستطع قراءة الدّليل %1 Could not create directory %1 لم أستطع صنع الدّليل %1 Could not remove file or directory %1 لم أستطع نزع الملفّ أو الدّليل %1 Could not rename %1 to %2 لم أستطع إعادة تسمية %1 إلى %2 Could not open %1 لم أستطع فتح %1 Could not write %1 لم أستطع كتابة %1 Q3MainWindow Line up تصفيف Customize... تخصيص... Q3NetworkProtocol Operation stopped by the user أوقفت العمليّة من طرف المستعمل Q3ProgressDialog Cancel إلغاء Q3TabDialog OK موافقة Apply تطبيق Help مساعدة Defaults افتراضيات Cancel إلغاء Q3TextEdit &Undo &تراجع &Redo إ&عادة Cu&t &قصّ &Copy &نسخ &Paste ت&لصيق Clear محو Select All انتقاء الجميع Q3TitleBar System Restore up Minimize تصغير Restore down Maximize تكبير Close إغلاق Contains commands to manipulate the window Puts a minimized back to normal Moves the window out of the way Puts a maximized window back to normal Makes the window full screen Closes the window Displays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it Q3ToolBar More... أكثر... Q3UrlOperator The protocol `%1' is not supported المراسم '%1' غير مدعومة The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories المراسم '%1' لا تدعم وضع قوائم الدّلائل The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories المراسم '%1' لا تدعم صنع دلائل جديدة The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories المراسم '%1' لا تدعم نزع الملفّات أو الدّلائل The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories المراسم '%1' لا تدعم إعادة تسمية الملفّات أو الدّلائل The protocol `%1' does not support getting files المراسم '%1' لا تدعم استخلاص الملفّات The protocol `%1' does not support putting files المراسم '%1' لا تدعم وضع الملفّات The protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories المراسم '%1' لا تدعم نسخ أو تحريك الملفّات أو الدّلائل (unknown) (مجهول) Q3Wizard &Cancel &إلغاء < &Back < &رجوع &Next > ال&تّالي > &Finish إ&نهاء &Help &مساعدة QAbstractSocket Host not found Connection refused رفض الوصل Connection timed out Operation on socket is not supported Socket operation timed out Socket is not connected Network unreachable QAbstractSpinBox &Step up Step &down &Select All QApplication QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout. RTL Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3. البرنامج '%1' يتطلّب Qt %2، تمّ إيجاد Qt %3. Incompatible Qt Library Error خطأ: مكتبة Qt غير موافقة Activate Activates the program's main window QAxSelect Select ActiveX Control OK موافقة &Cancel &إلغاء COM &Object: QCheckBox Uncheck Check Toggle QColorDialog Hu&e: ال&صّبغة: &Sat: التّ&شبّع: &Val: ال&قيمة: &Red: أ&حمر: &Green: أ&خضر: Bl&ue: أ&زرق: A&lpha channel: قناة أ&لفا: Select Color &Basic colors الألوان القا&عديّة &Custom colors الأل&وان المخصّصة &Define Custom Colors >> تع&ريف الألوان المخصّصة >> OK موافقة Cancel إلغاء &Add to Custom Colors الإ&ضافة إلى الألوان المخصّصة Select color إنتقاء اللّون QComboBox Open فتح False خاطئ True صحيح Close إغلاق QCoreApplication %1: key is empty QSystemSemaphore %1: unable to make key QSystemSemaphore %1: ftok failed QSystemSemaphore QDB2Driver Unable to connect Unable to commit transaction Unable to rollback transaction Unable to set autocommit QDB2Result Unable to execute statement Unable to prepare statement Unable to bind variable Unable to fetch record %1 Unable to fetch next Unable to fetch first QDateTimeEdit AM am PM pm QDial QDial SpeedoMeter SliderHandle QDialog What's This? ما هذا؟ Done QDialogButtonBox OK موافقة Save حفظ &Save &حفظ Open فتح Cancel إلغاء &Cancel &إلغاء Close إغلاق &Close إ&غلاق Apply تطبيق Reset Help مساعدة Don't Save Discard &Yes &نعم Yes to &All &No &لا N&o to All Save All Abort Retry Ignore Restore Defaults Close without Saving &OK &موافقة QDirModel Name الإسم Size السّعة Kind Match OS X Finder Type All other platforms الطّراز Date Modified QDockWidget Close إغلاق Dock Float QDoubleSpinBox More Less QErrorMessage &Show this message again أ&عرض مجدّداهذاالبلاغ &OK &موافقة Debug Message: بلاغ تصحيح الأخطاء: Warning: إنذار: Fatal Error: خطأ قاتل: QFile Destination file exists Cannot remove source file Cannot open %1 for input Cannot open for output Failure to write block Cannot create %1 for output QFileDialog All Files (*) جميع الملفّات (*) Back رجوع List View معاينة بالقائمة Detail View معاينة مفصّلة File ملفّ Open فتح Save As حفظ تحت &Open &فتح &Save &حفظ Recent Places &Rename ت&غيير الإسم &Delete ح&ذف Show &hidden files ع&رض الملفّات المخفية New Folder دليل جديد Find Directory إيجاد الدّليل Directories دلائل All Files (*.*) جميع الملفّات (*.*) Directory: دليل: %1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? %1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. My Computer Parent Directory Files of type: %1 Directory not found. Please verify the correct directory name was given. '%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? Are sure you want to delete '%1'? Could not delete directory. Drive Unknown Show Forward للأمام &New Folder &Choose Remove File &name: إ&سم الملفّ: Look in: Create New Folder صنع دليل جديد QFileSystemModel %1 TB %1 GB %1 MB %1 KB %1 bytes Invalid filename <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks. Name الإسم Size السّعة Kind Match OS X Finder Type All other platforms الطّراز Date Modified My Computer Computer QFontDatabase Normal Bold Demi Bold Black Demi Light Italic Oblique Any Latin Greek Cyrillic Armenian Hebrew Arabic Syriac Thaana Devanagari Bengali Gurmukhi Gujarati Oriya Tamil Telugu Kannada Malayalam Sinhala Thai Lao Tibetan Myanmar Georgian Khmer Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Japanese Korean Vietnamese Symbol Ogham Runic QFontDialog &Font ال&خطّ Font st&yle &طراز الخطّ &Size ال&حجم Effects تأثيرات Stri&keout ت&شطيب &Underline ت&سطير Sample عيّنة Select Font انتقاء الخطّ Wr&iting System QFtp Host %1 found تمّ إيجاد المضيف %1 Host found تمّ إيجاد المضيف Connected to host %1 تمّ وصل المضيف %1 Connected to host تمّ وصل المضيف Connection to %1 closed تمّ إغلاق الوصل بالمضيف %1 Connection closed وصل مغلق Host %1 not found لم يتمّ إيجاد المضيف %1 Connection refused to host %1 رفض الوصل بالمضيف %1 Connection timed out to host %1 Unknown error خطأ مجهول Connecting to host failed: %1 فشل وصل المضيف: %1 Login failed: %1 فشل التّسجيل: %1 Listing directory failed: %1 فشلت عمليّة وضع قائمة للدّليل: %1 Changing directory failed: %1 فشلت عمليّة تغيير الدّليل: %1 Downloading file failed: %1 فشلت عمليّة تحميل الملفّ: %1 Uploading file failed: %1 فشلت عمليّة تحميل (بعث) الملفّ: %1 Removing file failed: %1 فشلت عمليّة نزع الملفّ: %1 Creating directory failed: %1 فشلت عمليّة صنع الدّليل: %1 Removing directory failed: %1 فشلت عمليّة نزع الدّليل: %1 Not connected غير متصّل Connection refused for data connection رفض وصل المعطيات QHostInfo Unknown error خطأ مجهول QHostInfoAgent Host not found Unknown address type Unknown error خطأ مجهول QHttp Connection refused رفض الوصل Host %1 not found لم يتمّ إيجاد المضيف %1 Wrong content length طول المحتوى خاطئ HTTPS connection requested but SSL support not compiled in HTTP request failed فشل طلب الHTTP Host %1 found تمّ إيجاد المضيف %1 Host found تمّ إيجاد المضيف Connected to host %1 تمّ وصل المضيف %1 Connected to host تمّ وصل المضيف Connection to %1 closed تمّ إغلاق الوصل بالمضيف %1 Connection closed وصل مغلق Unknown error خطأ مجهول Request aborted تمّ إبطال الطّلب No server set to connect to ليس هناك أيّ خادم للوصل Server closed connection unexpectedly الخادم أغلق الوصل بصفة غير متوقّعة Invalid HTTP response header صديرة استجابة الHTTP غير صالحة Unknown authentication method Invalid HTTP chunked body مقطع HTTP غير صالح Error writing response to device Proxy authentication required Authentication required Connection refused (or timed out) Proxy requires authentication Host requires authentication Data corrupted Unknown protocol specified SSL handshake failed QHttpSocketEngine Did not receive HTTP response from proxy Error parsing authentication request from proxy Authentication required Proxy denied connection Error communicating with HTTP proxy Proxy server not found Proxy connection refused Proxy server connection timed out Proxy connection closed prematurely QIBaseDriver Error opening database Could not start transaction Unable to commit transaction Unable to rollback transaction QIBaseResult Unable to create BLOB Unable to write BLOB Unable to open BLOB Unable to read BLOB Could not find array Could not get array data Could not get query info Could not start transaction Unable to commit transaction Could not allocate statement Could not prepare statement Could not describe input statement Could not describe statement Unable to close statement Unable to execute query Could not fetch next item Could not get statement info QIODevice Permission denied Too many open files No such file or directory No space left on device Unknown error خطأ مجهول QInputContext XIM XIM input method Windows input method Mac OS X input method QInputDialog Enter a value: QLibrary Could not mmap '%1': %2 Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1' Could not unmap '%1': %2 The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5] The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3" Unknown error خطأ مجهول The shared library was not found. The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin. The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.) Cannot load library %1: %2 Cannot unload library %1: %2 Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3 QLineEdit &Undo &تراجع &Redo إ&عادة Cu&t &قصّ &Copy &نسخ &Paste ت&لصيق Select All انتقاء الجميع Delete حذف QLocalServer %1: Name error %1: Permission denied %1: Address in use %1: Unknown error %2 QLocalSocket %1: Connection refused %1: Remote closed %1: Invalid name %1: Socket access error %1: Socket resource error %1: Socket operation timed out %1: Datagram too large %1: Connection error %1: The socket operation is not supported %1: Unknown error %1: Unknown error %2 QMYSQLDriver Unable to open database ' Unable to connect Unable to begin transaction Unable to commit transaction Unable to rollback transaction QMYSQLResult Unable to fetch data Unable to execute query Unable to store result Unable to prepare statement Unable to reset statement Unable to bind value Unable to execute statement Unable to bind outvalues Unable to store statement results Unable to execute next query Unable to store next result QMdiArea (Untitled) QMdiSubWindow %1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] Close إغلاق Minimize تصغير Restore Down استعاد في الأسفل &Restore ا&ستعاد &Move &تحريك &Size ال&حجم Mi&nimize ت&صغير Ma&ximize ت&كبير Stay on &Top ال&بقاء في الأمام &Close إ&غلاق - [%1] Maximize تكبير Unshade Shade Restore Help مساعدة Menu قائمة الخيارات QMenu Close إغلاق Open فتح Execute QMenuBar About حول Config تشكيل Preference تفضيل Options خيارات Setting ضبط Setup إعداد Quit إنتهاء Exit خروج QMessageBox OK موافقة About Qt Help مساعدة Show Details... Hide Details... .nokiassage> <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p><p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS&nbsp;Windows, Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qt for Embedded Linux and Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 2.1 or GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications (proprietary or open source) provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications where you wish to use such applications in combination with software subject to the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0 or where you are otherwise willing to comply with the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Please see <a href=""></a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).</p><p>Qt is a Nokia product. See <a href=""></a> for more information.</p> QMultiInputContext Select IM QMultiInputContextPlugin Multiple input method switcher Multiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgets QNativeSocketEngine The remote host closed the connection Network operation timed out Out of resources Unsupported socket operation Protocol type not supported Invalid socket descriptor Network unreachable Permission denied Connection timed out Connection refused رفض الوصل The bound address is already in use The address is not available The address is protected Unable to send a message Unable to receive a message Unable to write Network error Another socket is already listening on the same port Unable to initialize non-blocking socket Unable to initialize broadcast socket Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support Host unreachable Datagram was too large to send Operation on non-socket Unknown error خطأ مجهول The proxy type is invalid for this operation QNetworkAccessCacheBackend Error opening %1 QNetworkAccessFileBackend Request for opening non-local file %1 Error opening %1: %2 Write error writing to %1: %2 Cannot open %1: Path is a directory Read error reading from %1: %2 QNetworkAccessFtpBackend No suitable proxy found Cannot open %1: is a directory Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required Error while downloading %1: %2 Error while uploading %1: %2 QNetworkAccessHttpBackend No suitable proxy found QNetworkReply Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2 Protocol "%1" is unknown QNetworkReplyImpl Operation canceled QOCIDriver Unable to logon Unable to initialize QOCIDriver Unable to begin transaction Unable to commit transaction Unable to rollback transaction QOCIResult Unable to bind column for batch execute Unable to execute batch statement Unable to goto next Unable to alloc statement Unable to prepare statement Unable to bind value Unable to execute statement QODBCDriver Unable to connect Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all needed functionality Unable to disable autocommit Unable to commit transaction Unable to rollback transaction Unable to enable autocommit QODBCResult QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration Unable to execute statement Unable to fetch next Unable to prepare statement Unable to bind variable Unable to fetch last Unable to fetch Unable to fetch first Unable to fetch previous QObject Home منزل Operation not supported on %1 Invalid URI: %1 Write error writing to %1: %2 Read error reading from %1: %2 Socket error on %1: %2 Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1 Protocol error: packet of size 0 received No host name given QPPDOptionsModel Name الإسم Value QPSQLDriver Unable to connect Could not begin transaction Could not commit transaction Could not rollback transaction Unable to subscribe Unable to unsubscribe QPSQLResult Unable to create query Unable to prepare statement QPageSetupWidget Centimeters (cm) Millimeters (mm) Inches (in) Points (pt) Form Paper Page size: Width: Height: Paper source: Orientation Portrait صورة Landscape منظر Reverse landscape Reverse portrait Margins top margin left margin right margin bottom margin QPluginLoader Unknown error خطأ مجهول The plugin was not loaded. QPrintDialog locally connected موصل محليّا Aliases: %1 بدائل: %1 unknown مجهول OK موافقة Cancel إلغاء Print in color if available طباعة بالألوان إن توفّرت Printer الطّابعة Print all طباعة الجميع Print range مدى الطّباعة Print last page first طباعة الصّفحة الخيرة أوّلا Number of copies: عدد النّسخ: Paper format مقاييس الورق Portrait صورة Landscape منظر A0 (841 x 1189 mm) أ0 (841 × 1189 مم) A1 (594 x 841 mm) أ1 (594 × 841 مم) A2 (420 x 594 mm) أ2 (420 × 594 مم) A3 (297 x 420 mm) أ3 (297 × 420 مم) A5 (148 x 210 mm) أ5 (148 × 210 مم) A6 (105 x 148 mm) أ6 (105 × 148 مم) A7 (74 x 105 mm) أ7 (74 × 105 مم) A8 (52 x 74 mm) أ8 (52 × 74 مم) A9 (37 x 52 mm) أ9 (37 × 52 مم) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) ب0 (1000 × 1414 مم) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) ب1 (707 × 1000 مم) B2 (500 x 707 mm) ب2 (500 × 707 مم) B3 (353 x 500 mm) ب3 (353 × 500 مم) B4 (250 x 353 mm) ب4 (250 × 353 مم) B6 (125 x 176 mm) ب6 (125 × 176 مم) B7 (88 x 125 mm) ب7 (88 × 125 مم) B8 (62 x 88 mm) ب4 (62 × 88 مم) B9 (44 x 62 mm) ب9 (44 × 62 مم) B10 (31 x 44 mm) ب10 (31 × 44 مم) C5E (163 x 229 mm) سي5إي (163 × 229 مم) DLE (110 x 220 mm) دي أل إي (110 × 220 مم) Folio (210 x 330 mm) ملفّ (210 × 330 مم) Ledger (432 x 279 mm) دفتر (432 × 279 مم) Tabloid (279 x 432 mm) جريدة (279 × 432 مم) US Common #10 Envelope (105 x 241 mm) غلاف رسالة أمريكية متداولة رقم 10 (105 × 241 مم) A4 (210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.7 inches) B5 (176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 inches) Executive (7.5 x 10 inches, 191 x 254 mm) Legal (8.5 x 14 inches, 216 x 356 mm) Letter (8.5 x 11 inches, 216 x 279 mm) Print طباعة File ملفّ Print To File ... File %1 is not writable. Please choose a different file name. %1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? File exists <qt>Do you want to overwrite it?</qt> Print selection %1 is a directory. Please choose a different file name. A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 C5E DLE Executive Folio Ledger Legal Letter Tabloid US Common #10 Envelope Custom &Options >> &Print &Options << Print to File (PDF) Print to File (Postscript) Local file Write %1 file The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value. QPrintPreviewDialog Page Setup %1% Print Preview Next page Previous page First page Last page Fit width Fit page Zoom in Zoom out Portrait صورة Landscape منظر Show single page Show facing pages Show overview of all pages Print طباعة Page setup Close إغلاق Export to PDF Export to PostScript QPrintPropertiesDialog Save حفظ OK موافقة QPrintPropertiesWidget Form Page Advanced QPrintSettingsOutput Form Copies Print range مدى الطّباعة Print all طباعة الجميع Pages from to Selection Output Settings Copies: Collate Reverse Options خيارات Color Mode Color Grayscale Duplex Printing None Long side Short side QPrintWidget Form Printer الطّابعة &Name: P&roperties Location: Preview Type: Output &file: ... QProcess Could not open input redirection for reading Could not open output redirection for writing Resource error (fork failure): %1 Process operation timed out Error reading from process Error writing to process Process crashed No program defined Process failed to start QProgressDialog Cancel إلغاء QPushButton Open فتح QRadioButton Check QRegExp no error occurred لم يحدث هناك أيّ خطأ disabled feature used تمّ استعمال خاصيّة التّوقيف bad char class syntax خطأ نركيبي: صنف الرّمز bad lookahead syntax خطأ تركيبي: النّظر إلى الأمام bad repetition syntax خطأ نركيبي: تكرار invalid octal value قيمة ثمانية غبر صالحة missing left delim الفاصل الأيسر ناقص unexpected end نهاية غير متوقّعة met internal limit تمّ الوصول إلى الحدّ الدّاخلي QSQLite2Driver Error to open database Unable to begin transaction Unable to commit transaction Unable to rollback Transaction QSQLite2Result Unable to fetch results Unable to execute statement QSQLiteDriver Error opening database Error closing database Unable to begin transaction Unable to commit transaction Unable to rollback transaction QSQLiteResult Unable to fetch row Unable to execute statement Unable to reset statement Unable to bind parameters Parameter count mismatch No query QScrollBar Scroll here Left edge Top Right edge Bottom Page left Page up Page right Page down Scroll left Scroll up Scroll right Scroll down Line up تصفيف Position Line down QSharedMemory %1: unable to set key on lock %1: create size is less then 0 %1: unable to lock %1: unable to unlock %1: permission denied %1: already exists %1: doesn't exists %1: out of resources %1: unknown error %2 %1: key is empty %1: unix key file doesn't exists %1: ftok failed %1: unable to make key %1: system-imposed size restrictions %1: not attached %1: invalid size %1: key error %1: size query failed QShortcut Space فراغ Esc إفلات Tab جدولة Backtab جدولة للوراء Backspace فراغ للوراء Return عودة Enter إدخال Ins إدراج Del حذف Pause وقف Print طباعة SysReq نظام Home منزل End نهاية Left يسار Up فوق Right يمين Down تحت PgUp صفحة للفوق PgDown صفحة للتحت CapsLock إقفال الحروف الكبيرة NumLock إقفال الأعداد ScrollLock إقفال التّحريك Menu قائمة الخيارات Help مساعدة Back رجوع Forward للأمام Stop توقّف Refresh إنعاش Volume Down تنقيص الصّوت Volume Mute إغلاق الصّوت Volume Up زيادة الصّوت Bass Boost إنعاش الأصوات الجهورية Bass Up زيادة الأصوات الجهورية Bass Down تنقيص الأصوات الجهورية Treble Up زيادة الأصوات الحادّة Treble Down تنقيص الأصوات الحادّة Media Play لعب الوسط Media Stop توقيف الوسط Media Previous الوسط الأسبق Media Next الوسط التّالي Media Record تسجيل الوسط Favorites المفضّلات Search بحث Standby إنتظار Open URL فتح الوصلة Launch Mail بدأ البريد Launch Media بدأ الوسط Launch (0) بدأ (0) Launch (1) بدأ (1) Launch (2) بدأ (2) Launch (3) بدأ (3) Launch (4) بدأ (4) Launch (5) بدأ (5) Launch (6) بدأ (6) Launch (7) بدأ (7) Launch (8) بدأ (8) Launch (9) بدأ (9) Launch (A) بدأ (A) Launch (B) بدأ (B) Launch (C) بدأ (C) Launch (D) بدأ (D) Launch (E) بدأ (E) Launch (F) بدأ (F) Print Screen Page Up Page Down Caps Lock Num Lock Number Lock Scroll Lock Insert إدراج Delete حذف Escape System Request Select Yes نعم No لا Context1 Context2 Context3 Context4 Call Hangup Flip Ctrl تحكّم Shift إزاحة Alt تناوب Meta ما فوق + + F%1 F%1 Home Page QSlider Page left Page up Position Page right Page down QSocks5SocketEngine Connection to proxy refused Connection to proxy closed prematurely Proxy host not found Connection to proxy timed out Proxy authentication failed Proxy authentication failed: %1 SOCKS version 5 protocol error General SOCKSv5 server failure Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server TTL expired SOCKSv5 command not supported Address type not supported Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1 Network operation timed out QSpinBox More Less QSql Delete حذف Delete this record? حذف هذاالتّسجيل؟ Yes نعم No لا Insert إدراج Update تحديث Save edits? حفظ التّغييرات؟ Cancel إلغاء Confirm تأكيد Cancel your edits? إلغاء التّغييرات؟ QSslSocket Unable to write data: %1 Error while reading: %1 Error during SSL handshake: %1 Error creating SSL context (%1) Invalid or empty cipher list (%1) Error creating SSL session, %1 Error creating SSL session: %1 Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1 Error loading local certificate, %1 Error loading private key, %1 Private key does not certificate public key, %1 QSystemSemaphore %1: out of resources %1: permission denied %1: already exists %1: does not exist %1: unknown error %2 QTDSDriver Unable to open connection Unable to use database QTabBar Scroll Left Scroll Right QTcpServer Operation on socket is not supported QTextControl &Undo &تراجع &Redo إ&عادة Cu&t &قصّ &Copy &نسخ Copy &Link Location &Paste ت&لصيق Delete حذف Select All انتقاء الجميع QToolButton Press Open فتح QUdpSocket This platform does not support IPv6 QUndoGroup Undo تراجع Redo إعادة QUndoModel <empty> QUndoStack Undo تراجع Redo إعادة QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu LRM Left-to-right mark RLM Right-to-left mark ZWJ Zero width joiner ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner ZWSP Zero width space LRE Start of left-to-right embedding RLE Start of right-to-left embedding LRO Start of left-to-right override RLO Start of right-to-left override PDF Pop directional formatting Insert Unicode control character QWebFrame Request cancelled Request blocked Cannot show URL Frame load interruped by policy change Cannot show mimetype File does not exist QWebPage Bad HTTP request Submit default label for Submit buttons in forms on web pages Submit Submit (input element) alt text for <input> elements with no alt, title, or value Reset default label for Reset buttons in forms on web pages This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: text that appears at the start of nearly-obsolete web pages in the form of a 'searchable index' Choose File title for file button used in HTML forms No file selected text to display in file button used in HTML forms when no file is selected Open in New Window Open in New Window context menu item Save Link... Download Linked File context menu item Copy Link Copy Link context menu item Open Image Open Image in New Window context menu item Save Image Download Image context menu item Copy Image Copy Link context menu item Open Frame Open Frame in New Window context menu item Copy Copy context menu item Go Back Back context menu item Go Forward Forward context menu item Stop Stop context menu item توقّف Reload Reload context menu item Cut Cut context menu item Paste Paste context menu item No Guesses Found No Guesses Found context menu item Ignore Ignore Spelling context menu item Add To Dictionary Learn Spelling context menu item Search The Web Search The Web context menu item Look Up In Dictionary Look Up in Dictionary context menu item Open Link Open Link context menu item Ignore Ignore Grammar context menu item Spelling Spelling and Grammar context sub-menu item Show Spelling and Grammar menu item title Hide Spelling and Grammar menu item title Check Spelling Check spelling context menu item Check Spelling While Typing Check spelling while typing context menu item Check Grammar With Spelling Check grammar with spelling context menu item Fonts Font context sub-menu item Bold Bold context menu item Italic Italic context menu item Underline Underline context menu item Outline Outline context menu item Direction Writing direction context sub-menu item Text Direction Text direction context sub-menu item Default Default writing direction context menu item LTR Left to Right context menu item RTL Right to Left context menu item Inspect Inspect Element context menu item No recent searches Label for only item in menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, when no searches have been performed Recent searches label for first item in the menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, used as embedded menu title Clear recent searches menu item in Recent Searches menu that empties menu's contents Unknown Unknown filesize FTP directory listing item %1 (%2x%3 pixels) Title string for images Web Inspector - %2 Scroll here Left edge Top Right edge Bottom Page left Page up Page right Page down Scroll left Scroll up Scroll right Scroll down %n file(s) number of chosen file JavaScript Alert - %1 JavaScript Confirm - %1 JavaScript Prompt - %1 Move the cursor to the next character Move the cursor to the previous character Move the cursor to the next word Move the cursor to the previous word Move the cursor to the next line Move the cursor to the previous line Move the cursor to the start of the line Move the cursor to the end of the line Move the cursor to the start of the block Move the cursor to the end of the block Move the cursor to the start of the document Move the cursor to the end of the document Select all Select to the next character Select to the previous character Select to the next word Select to the previous word Select to the next line Select to the previous line Select to the start of the line Select to the end of the line Select to the start of the block Select to the end of the block Select to the start of the document Select to the end of the document Delete to the start of the word Delete to the end of the word Insert a new paragraph Insert a new line QWhatsThisAction What's This? ما هذا؟ QWidget * QWizard < &Back < &رجوع &Finish إ&نهاء &Help &مساعدة Go Back Continue Commit Done Quit إنتهاء Help مساعدة Cancel إلغاء &Next &Next > ال&تّالي > QWorkspace &Restore ا&ستعاد &Move &تحريك &Size &حجم Mi&nimize ت&صغير Ma&ximize ت&كبير &Close إ&غلاق Stay on &Top ال&بقاء في الأمام Sh&ade ت&ظليل %1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] Minimize تصغير Restore Down استعاد في الأسفل Close إغلاق &Unshade إ&لغاء التّظليل QXml no error occurred لم يحدث هناك أيّ خطأ error triggered by consumer أطلق الخطأ من طرف المستهلك unexpected end of file نهاية غير متوقّعة للملفّ more than one document type definition أكثر من تعريف لطراز الوثيقة error occurred while parsing element حدث خطأ عند تحليل تركيب العنصر tag mismatch عدم تطابق العلامة error occurred while parsing content حدث خطأ عند تحليل تركيب المحتوى unexpected character رمز غير متوقّع invalid name for processing instruction إسم غير صالح لتعليمة المعالجة version expected while reading the XML declaration الإصدار متوقّع عند قراءة إعلان الXML wrong value for standalone declaration قيمة خاطئة لإعلان مستقلّ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration إعلان التّرميز أو إعلان مستقلّ متوقّع عند قراءة إعلان الXML standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration إعلان مستقلّ متوقّع عند قراءة إعلان الXML error occurred while parsing document type definition حدث خطأ عند تحليل تركيب تعريف طراز الوثيقة letter is expected حرف متوقّع error occurred while parsing comment حدث خطأ عند تحليل تركيب التّعليق error occurred while parsing reference حدث خطأ عند تحليل تركيب المرجع internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD المرجع إلى كيان داخلي عامّ غير مسموح به في الDTD external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value المرجع إلى كيان خارجي عامّ معرب غير مسموح به في قيمة الخاصّية external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD المرجع إلى كيان خارجي عامّ معرب غير مسموح به في الDTD unparsed entity reference in wrong context مرجع إلى كيان غير معرب في سياق خاطئ recursive entities كيانات معاودة error in the text declaration of an external entity خطأ في التّعريف النّصّي لكيان خارجي QXmlStream Extra content at end of document. Invalid entity value. Invalid XML character. Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content. Namespace prefix '%1' not declared Attribute redefined. Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal. Invalid XML version string. Unsupported XML version. %1 is an invalid encoding name. Encoding %1 is unsupported Standalone accepts only yes or no. Invalid attribute in XML declaration. Premature end of document. Invalid document. Expected , but got ' Unexpected ' Expected character data. Recursive entity detected. Start tag expected. XML declaration not at start of document. NDATA in parameter entity declaration. %1 is an invalid processing instruction name. Invalid processing instruction name. Illegal namespace declaration. Invalid XML name. Opening and ending tag mismatch. Reference to unparsed entity '%1'. Entity '%1' not declared. Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value. Invalid character reference. Encountered incorrectly encoded content. The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding. %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier. QtXmlPatterns An %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared. An %1-attribute must have a valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't. Network timeout. Element %1 can't be serialized because it appears outside the document element. Attribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level. Year %1 is invalid because it begins with %2. Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3. Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3. Overflow: Can't represent date %1. Day %1 is invalid for month %2. Time 24:%1:%2.%3 is invalid. Hour is 24, but minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are not all 0; Time %1:%2:%3.%4 is invalid. Overflow: Date can't be represented. At least one component must be present. At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter. No operand in an integer division, %1, can be %2. The first operand in an integer division, %1, cannot be infinity (%2). The second operand in a division, %1, cannot be zero (%2). %1 is not a valid value of type %2. When casting to %1 from %2, the source value cannot be %3. Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. Division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 (not-a-number) is not allowed. Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus zero) is not allowed. Multiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed. A value of type %1 cannot have an Effective Boolean Value. Effective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values. Value %1 of type %2 exceeds maximum (%3). Value %1 of type %2 is below minimum (%3). A value of type %1 must contain an even number of digits. The value %2 does not. %1 is not valid as a value of type %2. Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2. Operator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3. The namespace URI in the name for a computed attribute cannot be %1. The name for a computed attribute cannot have the namespace URI %1 with the local name %2. Type error in cast, expected %1, received %2. When casting to %1 or types derived from it, the source value must be of the same type, or it must be a string literal. Type %2 is not allowed. No casting is possible with %1 as the target type. It is not possible to cast from %1 to %2. Casting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated. It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3 Failure when casting from %1 to %2: %3 A comment cannot contain %1 A comment cannot end with a %1. No comparisons can be done involving the type %1. Operator %1 is not available between atomic values of type %2 and %3. An attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place. A library module cannot be evaluated directly. It must be imported from a main module. No template by name %1 exists. A value of type %1 cannot be a predicate. A predicate must have either a numeric type or an Effective Boolean Value type. A positional predicate must evaluate to a single numeric value. The target name in a processing instruction cannot be %1 in any combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, is %2 invalid. %1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3. The last step in a path must contain either nodes or atomic values. It cannot be a mixture between the two. The data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1 No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2 %1 is an invalid %2 %1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. %1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration. The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5. The second argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5. %1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character. The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. If both values have zone offsets, they must have the same zone offset. %1 and %2 are not the same. %1 was called. %1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string. In the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped. In the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3 %1 matches newline characters %1 and %2 match the start and end of a line. Matches are case insensitive Whitespace characters are removed, except when they appear in character classes %1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2 %1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are: If the first argument is the empty sequence or a zero-length string (no namespace), a prefix cannot be specified. Prefix %1 was specified. It will not be possible to retrieve %1. The root node of the second argument to function %1 must be a document node. %2 is not a document node. The default collection is undefined %1 cannot be retrieved The normalization form %1 is unsupported. The supported forms are %2, %3, %4, and %5, and none, i.e. the empty string (no normalization). A zone offset must be in the range %1..%2 inclusive. %3 is out of range. %1 is not a whole number of minutes. Required cardinality is %1; got cardinality %2. The item %1 did not match the required type %2. %1 is an unknown schema type. Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog. The initialization of variable %1 depends on itself No variable by name %1 exists The variable %1 is unused Version %1 is not supported. The supported XQuery version is 1.0. The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2. No function with signature %1 is available A default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. Namespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. Module imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1. Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog. The name of an option must have a prefix. There is no default namespace for options. The Schema Import feature is not supported, and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur. The target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty. The module import feature is not supported No value is available for the external variable by name %1. A construct was encountered which only is allowed in XQuery. A template by name %1 has already been declared. The keyword %1 cannot occur with any other mode name. The value of attribute %1 must of type %2, which %3 isn't. The prefix %1 can not be bound. By default, it is already bound to the namespace %2. A variable by name %1 has already been declared. A stylesheet function must have a prefixed name. The namespace for a user defined function cannot be empty (try the predefined prefix %1 which exists for cases like this) The namespace %1 is reserved; therefore user defined functions may not use it. Try the predefined prefix %2, which exists for these cases. The namespace of a user defined function in a library module must be equivalent to the module namespace. In other words, it should be %1 instead of %2 A function already exists with the signature %1. No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as external An argument by name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique. When function %1 is used for matching inside a pattern, the argument must be a variable reference or a string literal. In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a string literal, when used for matching. In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching. In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument. In an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 and %2, not %3, can be used for matching. In an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, only axis %2 or %3 can. %1 is an invalid template mode name. The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide. The Schema Validation Feature is not supported. Hence, %1-expressions may not be used. None of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be present Each name of a template parameter must be unique; %1 is duplicated. The %1-axis is unsupported in XQuery %1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction. %1 is not a valid numeric literal. No function by name %1 is available. The namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1. %1 is an invalid namespace URI. It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1 Namespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared). Prefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared). Two namespace declaration attributes have the same name: %1. The namespace URI must be a constant and cannot use enclosed expressions. An attribute by name %1 has already appeared on this element. A direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2. The name %1 does not refer to any schema type. %1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works. %1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types. %1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported. The name of an extension expression must be in a namespace. empty zero or one exactly one one or more zero or more Required type is %1, but %2 was found. Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision. The focus is undefined. It's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node. An attribute by name %1 has already been created. Only the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported. %1 is an unsupported encoding. %1 contains octets which are disallowed in the requested encoding %2. The codepoint %1, occurring in %2 using encoding %3, is an invalid XML character. Ambiguous rule match. In a namespace constructor, the value for a namespace cannot be an empty string. The prefix must be a valid %1, which %2 is not. The prefix %1 cannot be bound. Only the prefix %1 can be bound to %2 and vice versa. Circularity detected The parameter %1 is required, but no corresponding %2 is supplied. The parameter %1 is passed, but no corresponding %2 exists. The URI cannot have a fragment Element %1 is not allowed at this location. Text nodes are not allowed at this location. Parse error: %1 The value of the XSL-T version attribute must be a value of type %1, which %2 isn't. Running an XSL-T 1.0 stylesheet with a 2.0 processor. Unknown XSL-T attribute %1. Attribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive. In a simplified stylesheet module, attribute %1 must be present. If element %1 has no attribute %2, it cannot have attribute %3 or %4. Element %1 must have at least one of the attributes %2 or %3. At least one mode must be specified in the %1-attribute on element %2. Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only the standard attributes can appear. Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only %3 is allowed, and the standard attributes. Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, %4, and the standard attributes. Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, and the standard attributes. XSL-T attributes on XSL-T elements must be in the null namespace, not in the XSL-T namespace which %1 is. The attribute %1 must appear on element %2. The element with local name %1 does not exist in XSL-T. Element %1 must come last. At least one %1-element must occur before %2. Only one %1-element can appear. At least one %1-element must occur inside %2. When attribute %1 is present on %2, a sequence constructor cannot be used. Element %1 must have either a %2-attribute or a sequence constructor. When a parameter is required, a default value cannot be supplied through a %1-attribute or a sequence constructor. Element %1 cannot have children. Element %1 cannot have a sequence constructor. The attribute %1 cannot appear on %2, when it is a child of %3. A parameter in a function cannot be declared to be a tunnel. This processor is not Schema-aware and therefore %1 cannot be used. Top level stylesheet elements must be in a non-null namespace, which %1 isn't. The value for attribute %1 on element %2 must either be %3 or %4, not %5. Attribute %1 cannot have the value %2. The attribute %1 can only appear on the first %2 element. At least one %1 element must appear as child of %2. VolumeSlider Muted Volume: %1%