TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += windows qt HEADERS = globalinformation.h \ setupwizardimpl.h \ environment.h \ shell.h \ resource.h \ dialogs/folderdlgimpl.h \ pages/pages.h \ pages/sidedecorationimpl.h SOURCES = main.cpp \ globalinformation.cpp \ setupwizardimpl.cpp \ setupwizardimpl_config.cpp \ environment.cpp \ shell.cpp \ resource.cpp \ dialogs/folderdlgimpl.cpp \ pages/pages.cpp \ pages/sidedecorationimpl.cpp INTERFACES = dialogs/folderdlg.ui \ pages/buildpage.ui \ pages/configpage.ui \ pages/finishpage.ui \ pages/folderspage.ui \ pages/licenseagreementpage.ui \ pages/licensepage.ui \ pages/optionspage.ui \ pages/progresspage.ui \ pages/sidedecoration.ui \ pages/winintropage.ui win32 { SOURCES += archive.cpp HEADERS += archive.h } TARGET = install DESTDIR = ../../../dist/win INCLUDEPATH += $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/3rdparty $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/util/install/archive win32:RC_FILE = install.rc # Comment out one of the following lines to build the installer for: # # - a Qt/Windows evaluation version (eval), # - a Qt/Windows evaluation version that can be burned on CD and # distributed on tradeshows (eval-cd) # - the QSA evaluation version (qsa) # - educational version (edu) # - non-commercial version (noncommercial) # #CONFIG += eval #CONFIG += eval-cd #CONFIG += qsa #CONFIG += edu #CONFIG += noncommercial unix:LIBS += -L$$QT_BUILD_TREE/util/install/archive -larq win32:LIBS += ../archive/arq.lib INCLUDEPATH += ../keygen # We have the following dependencies on config: # # qsa -> eval # eval-cd -> eval # eval -> (none) # edu -> (none) # noncommercial -> (none) # # For the code this means that the following defines are defined: # # eval : EVAL # eval-cd : EVAL, EVAL_CD # qsa : EVAL, QSA # edu : EDU # noncommercial: NON_COMMERCIAL # qsa { CONFIG += eval DEFINES += QSA } eval-cd { CONFIG += eval DEFINES += EVAL_CD } eval { !exists($(QTEVAL)/src) { error(You must set the QTEVAL environment variable to the directory where you checked out //depot/qteval/main in order to be able to build the evaluation version of install.) } DEFINES += EVAL qsa { win32:RC_FILE = install-qsa.rc } else { win32:RC_FILE = install-eval.rc } mac:RC_FILE = ../../../tools/designer/app/designer.icns SOURCES += $(QTEVAL)/src/check-and-patch.cpp INCLUDEPATH += $(QTEVAL)/src DESTDIR = ../../../bin } edu { !exists($(QTEVAL)/src) { error(You must set the QTEVAL environment variable to the directory where you checked out //depot/qteval/main in order to be able to build the evaluation version of install.) } DEFINES += EDU win32:RC_FILE = install-edu.rc SOURCES += $(QTEVAL)/src/check-and-patch.cpp INCLUDEPATH += $(QTEVAL)/src DESTDIR = ../../../bin } noncommercial { !exists($(QTEVAL)/src) { error(You must set the QTEVAL environment variable to the directory where you checked out //depot/qteval/main in order to be able to build the evaluation version of install.) } DEFINES += NON_COMMERCIAL win32:RC_FILE = install-noncommercial.rc SOURCES += $(QTEVAL)/src/check-and-patch.cpp INCLUDEPATH += $(QTEVAL)/src DESTDIR = ../../../bin } mystaticconfig { QMAKE_LIBS_QT = QMAKE_LIBS_QT_THREAD = LIBS += ../../../lib/libqt-mt.a -lz -framework Carbon }