# Run qdoc from the directory that contains this file. project = qlalr description = qlalr Reference Documentation url = http://qt.nokia.com/doc/ language = Cpp # sourcedirs = $PWD/src sourcedirs = src sources.fileextensions = "*.qdoc" exampledirs = ../examples imagedirs = src/images outputdir = html codeindent = 1 extraimages.HTML = qt-logo \ trolltech-logo macro.key = "\\bold" macro.menu = "\\bold" macro.gui = "\\bold" macro.reg.HTML = "<sup>®</sup>" macro.raisedaster.HTML = "<sup>*</sup>" macro.BR.HTML = "<br />" macro.br.HTML = "<br />" macro.QD = "\\e{Qt Designer}" macro.QA = "\\e{Qt Assistant}" macro.eacute.HTML = "é" macro.aring.HTML = "å" macro.oslash.HTML = "ø" macro.ouml.HTML = "ö" macro.Auml.HTML = "Ä" macro.uuml.HTML = "ü" HTML.stylesheets = src/classic.css HTML.postheader = "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n" \ "<tr>\n" \ "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"32\">" \ "<a href=\"http://qt.nokia.com/\"><img src=\"images/qt-logo.png\" align=\"left\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" border=\"0\" /></a>" \ "</td>\n" \ "<td width=\"1\"> </td>" \ "<td class=\"postheader\" valign=\"center\">" \ "<a href=\"index.html\">" \ "<font color=\"#004faf\">Home</font></a> ·" \ " <a href=\"classes.html\">" \ "<font color=\"#004faf\">All Classes</font></a> ·" \ " <a href=\"mainclasses.html\">" \ "<font color=\"#004faf\">Main Classes</font></a> ·" \ " <a href=\"groups.html\">" \ "<font color=\"#004faf\">Grouped Classes</font></a> ·" \ " <a href=\"modules.html\">" \ "<font color=\"#004faf\">Modules</font></a> ·" \ " <a href=\"functions.html\">" \ "<font color=\"#004faf\">Functions</font></a>" \ "</td>\n" \ "<td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\" width=\"230\"><a href=\"http://qt.nokia.com\"><img src=\"images/trolltech-logo.png\" align=\"right\" width=\"203\" height=\"32\" border=\"0\" /></a></td></tr></table>" HTML.footer = "<p /><address><hr /><div align=\"center\">\n" \ "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr class=\"address\">\n" \ "<td width=\"30%\" align=\"left\">Copyright © 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)</td>\n" \ "<td width=\"40%\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"trademarks.html\">Trademarks</a></td>\n" \ "<td width=\"30%\" align=\"right\"><div align=\"right\">Qt \\version</div></td>\n" \ "</tr></table></div></address>"