#!/usr/bin/perl # # Usage: make_qfeatures_dot_h # # Generates core/base/qfeatures.h from core/base/qfeatures.txt. # # The tools/qfeatures.txt file can contain redundancies, and this program # will show them. # open FL, "$ENV{QTDIR}/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt" or die "Cannot open $ENV{QTDIR}/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt"; while () { if ( /^Feature: (\S*)/ ) { print STDERR "Duplicate: $1\n" if $macro{$1}; $macro{$macro=$1}=1; } elsif ( /^Requires: (.*?)\s*$/ ) { $deps{$macro}=$1; map { $dep{"$macro $_"}=1 } split /\s+/, $1; } elsif ( /^Name: (.*?)\s*$/ ) { $label{$macro}=$1; } } close FL; sub depends { my($x,$y) = @_; return 1 if $dep{"$x $y"}; return 0 if $dep{"$y $x"}; return 0 if $x eq $y; my $d; for $d (split /\s+/, $deps{$x}) { return 1 if depends($d,$y); } return 0; } sub dependants_rec { my($x) = @_; my $n = 0; my $d = 0; $dependants_rec_count++; if ( $dependants_rec_count > $dependants_rec_limit ) { if ( $circularity_start eq $x ) { print STDERR "Circular dependency: $circularity\n"; exit; } $circularity_start=$x if !$circularity_start; $circularity="$x $circularity"; } for $d (split /\s+/, $deps{$x}) { $n += 1 + dependants_rec($d); } $dependants_rec_count--; return $n; } sub dependants { $dependants_rec_limit=keys %macro if !$dependants_rec_limit; $dependants_rec_count=0; return dependants_rec @_; } sub dependencysort { my($x, $y) = @_; my $xd = dependants($x); my $yd = dependants($y); return $xd-$yd if $xd != $yd; return $x cmp $y; } @macros = sort { dependencysort($a,$b) } keys %macro; for $macro ( @macros ) { for $d1 (split /\s+/, $deps{$macro} ) { for $d2 (split /\s+/, $deps{$macro} ) { print STDERR "Redundancy in $macro - $d1 depends on $d2\n" if depends($d1,$d2); } print STDERR "Unknown in $macro - $d1\n" if !$macro{$d1}; } } open OUT, ">$ENV{QTDIR}/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.h" or die "Cannot open $ENV{QTDIR}/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.h for writing"; print OUT "/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-\$THISYEAR\$ \$TROLLTECH\$. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the \$MODULE\$ of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** \$TROLLTECH_DUAL_LICENSE\$ ** ****************************************************************************/ /* * All features and their dependencies. * * This list is generated from \$QTDIR/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt */ "; for $macro ( @macros ) { print OUT "// $label{$macro}\n"; if ( $deps{$macro} ) { print OUT "#if !defined(QT_NO_$macro)"; print OUT " && (", (join " || ", map { "defined(QT_NO_$_)" } split /\s+/, $deps{$macro}), ")"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT "#define QT_NO_$macro\n"; print OUT "#endif\n"; } else { print OUT "//#define QT_NO_$macro\n"; } print OUT "\n"; } close OUT;