diff options
authorGreg Noel <>2009-05-10 20:02:08 (GMT)
committerGreg Noel <>2009-05-10 20:02:08 (GMT)
commit6cab1d1b6453171260e46f9cf0aab09cad62c34c (patch)
parent8c2d6900c2e4a7b8917e1fb70efb0c18a1b385cd (diff)
Remove unused file
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/www/branching.html b/www/branching.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 84aaa07..0000000
--- a/www/branching.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-<title>SCons Branching and Merging</title>
-<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url="/>
-<div id="apphead">
-<h1><small>scons</small><br />SCons Branching and Merging</h1>
-This page covers how we handle branching and merging
-in the SCons development tree.
-We'll use
-<a href="">svnmerge</a>
-to keep track of what changes haven't been merged in each direction.
-Some of the concepts and steps below have been
-swiped from a pretty decent
-<a href="">svnmerge howto</a>
-created by Ken Kinder,
-with liberal help from our Gary Oberbrunner.
-<div class="h2 app" style="border-left: 0px" id="branches">
-These are the SCons development branches and their intended uses.
-The main development branch for changes to
-the SCons infrastructure.
-This branch is thelatest-and-greatest checked-in source,
-where SK checks in most of the stuff he's working on
-and which gets sent for review to the scons-dev mailing list.
-This is also where we check in
-web site changes into the <tt>www/</tt> subdirectory
-for the <a href=""></a>
-web site.
-The branch from which we release checkpoints and release candidates.
-These are considered beta releases to be reviewed by the community.
-This branch lags patches that the mailing list
-discussions describe as "checked in to Subversion."
-This branch's parent is <tt>trunk</tt>.
-The main code line from which SCons gets released.
-Once a release candidate in the <tt>checkpoint</tt> branch
-has achieved sufficient stability,
-it is promoted into this branch.
-This branch's parent is <tt>checkpoint</tt>.
-Development branch for the packaging work
-that Philipp Scholl is working on
-as a Google Summer of Code project.
-Development branch for the Big Signature Refactoring
-that SK has been working on since the last ice age.
-This branch's parent is <tt>branches/core</tt>.
-A branch for work on the SCons testing infrastructure.
-This branch's parent is <tt>branches/core</tt>.
-Not very active at the moment,
-because most of that work is just going in right in
-The branch intended for people to check in new features to Tool modules.
-If you want to contribute a change here,
-go see the
-<a href="tools-changes.html">step-by-step instructions</a>
-for doing so.
-This branch's parent is <tt>trunk</tt>.
-<h2 id="rebase">How to create a branch off the trunk and initialize it for bi-directional merging</h2>
-This should take place between any branch and its parent
-to set up to <tt>svnmerge</tt> to handle the
-tracking as we go forward.
-$ export SVN=
-$ cd my_working_directory/trunk
-$ svn cp $SVN/trunk $SVN/branches/new_branch
-$ svn commit
-$ cd ..
-$ svn co $SVN/branches/new_branch
-$ cd new_branch
-$ svnmerge init -f commit.txt $SVN/trunk
-$ cd ../../trunk
-$ svnmerge init -f commit.txt $SVN/branches/new_branch
-$ svn commit -F commit.txt && rm commit.txt
-$ cd ../branches/new_branch
-$ svn commit -F commit.txt && rm commit.txt
-You can actually do both the <tt>svnmerge init</tt>
-and <tt>svn commit</tt> on one branch (in one directory)
-and then do both on the other branch,
-but doing it this way makes both of them end up with
-the same revision number in the <tt>svnmerge</tt> property,
-which is nice and symmetric.
-<h2>How to merge changes from the trunk to a development branch</h2>
-This brings a branch in sync with the latest changes that
-have made it into the trunk for release
-(usually by being promoted from other branches,
-we typically don't do work directly on the trunk).
-$ export SVN=
-$ cd my_working_directory/new_branch
-$ svn up
-$ svnmerge avail -b -S $SVN/trunk -l
-$ svnmerge merge -b -S $SVN/trunk -f commit.txt
-$ svn resolved .
-$ svn diff
-$ python -a
-$ svn commit -F commit.txt && rm commit.txt
-The <tt>svn resolved .</tt> is there because there may be a
-conflict on the <tt>svnmerge-integrated</tt>property
-that's attached to the directory to track what changes
-have or have not already been merged from the trunk.
-<h2>How to merge changes from a development branch to the trunk</h2>
-This promotes the branch changes into the trunk.
-Note that you should <emphasis>really</emphasis>
-first make sure that your branch has already
-merged any changes from the trunk
-(see previous section) before doing this,
-or else you're likely to overwrite any work
-that's already been submitted up.
-$ export SVN=
-$ cd my_working_directory/trunk
-$ svn up
-$ svnmerge avail -b -S $SVN/branches/new_branch -l
-$ svnmerge merge -b -S $SVN/branches/new_branch -f commit.txt
-$ svn resolved .
-$ svn diff
-$ python -a
-$ svn commit -F commit.txt && rm commit.txt
-The <tt>svn resolved .</tt> is there because there may be a
-conflict on the <tt>svnmerge-integrated</tt>property
-that's attached to the directory to track what changes
-have or have not already been merged from the development branch.
diff --git a/www/project_tools.html b/www/project_tools.html
index 1dfe875..8d4b963 100644
--- a/www/project_tools.html
+++ b/www/project_tools.html
@@ -18,10 +18,9 @@ The main changes are:
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