diff options
authorEdoardo Bezzeccheri <>2019-10-11 14:53:33 (GMT)
committerEdoardo Bezzeccheri <>2019-10-11 14:53:33 (GMT)
commit722228995b223b4507ebb686b48f94b9f7a8380c (patch)
parentea8729fae7f383c38c24c68bc46b667b4312eab6 (diff)
Added debug option "timestamp", completely overhauled test
Started from scratch, removing copy of test.
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/test/option/ b/test/option/
index c021117..11a4bf5 100644
--- a/test/option/
+++ b/test/option/
@@ -26,209 +26,80 @@ __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__"
import TestSCons
import re
-import time
_python_ = TestSCons._python_
-test = TestSCons.TestSCons()
-test.write('', """\
-import sys
-import time
-with open(sys.argv[2], 'wb') as fp:
- for arg in sys.argv[3:]:
- with open(arg, 'rb') as infp:
- fp.write(
-test.write('SConstruct', """
+def setup_fixtures():
+ test.file_fixture('../fixture/test_main.c', 'main.c')
+ test.write('SConstruct', """
-env = Environment(tools=[],
- PYTHON = r'%(_python_)s',
- SLEEP_CAT = r'',
-f1 = env.Command('f1.out', '', '$CATCOM')
-f2 = env.Command('f2.out', '', '$CATCOM')
-f3 = env.Command('f3.out', '', '$CATCOM')
-f4 = env.Command('f4.out', '', '$CATCOM')
-env.Command('output', [f1, f2, f3, f4], '$CATCOM')
-""" % locals())
-test.write('', "\n")
-test.write('', "\n")
-test.write('', "\n")
-test.write('', "\n")
-expected_targets = ['f1.out', 'f2.out', 'f3.out', 'f4.out', 'output', '.']
-# Before anything else, make sure we get valid --debug=action_timestamps results
-# when just running the help option. = "-h --debug=action_timestamps")
-def num(s, match):
- return float(, s).group(1))
-def within_tolerance(expected, actual, tolerance):
- return abs((expected-actual)/actual) <= tolerance
-def get_total_time(stdout):
- return num(stdout, r'Total build time: (\d+\.\d+) seconds')
-def get_sconscript_time(stdout):
- return num(stdout, r'Total SConscript file execution time: (\d+\.\d+) seconds')
-def get_scons_time(stdout):
- return num(stdout, r'Total SCons execution time: (\d+\.\d+) seconds')
-def get_command_time(stdout):
- return num(stdout, r'Total command execution time: (\d+\.\d+) seconds')
-# Try to make our results a little more accurate and repeatable by
-# measuring Python overhead executing a minimal file, and reading the
-# script itself from disk so that it's already been cached.
-test.write('', "pass\n")
-start_time = time.time(), arguments=test.workpath(''))
-overhead = time.time() - start_time
-start_time = time.time() = "-j1 --debug=action_timestamps . SLEEP=0")
-complete_time = time.time() - start_time
-expected_total_time = complete_time - overhead
-def get_times_and_targets(pattern):
- targets = []
- times = []
- for target, target_time in re.findall(pattern, test.stdout()):
- targets.append(target)
- times.append(float(target_time))
- return targets, times
-duration_targets, durations = get_times_and_targets(r'Command execution time: (.*): (\d+\.\d+) seconds')
-start_targets, start_times = get_times_and_targets(r'Command execution start time: (.*): (\d+\.\d+) seconds')
-stop_targets, stop_times = get_times_and_targets(r'Command execution stop time: (.*): (\d+\.\d+) seconds')
-expected_command_time = 0.0
-for t in durations:
- expected_command_time += t
-stdout = test.stdout()
-total_time = get_total_time(stdout)
-sconscript_time = get_sconscript_time(stdout)
-scons_time = get_scons_time(stdout)
-command_time = get_command_time(stdout)
-failures = []
-warnings = []
-def check_targets(targets):
- if targets != expected_targets:
- failures.append("""\
- Scons reported the targets of timing information as %(targets)s,
- but the actual targets should have been %(expected_targets)s.
- """.format(targets=targets, expected_targets=expected_targets))
-if not within_tolerance(expected_command_time, command_time, 0.01):
- failures.append("""\
-SCons -j1 reported a total command execution time of %(command_time)s,
-but command execution times really totalled %(expected_command_time)s,
-outside of the 1%% tolerance.
-""" % locals())
-added_times = sconscript_time+scons_time+command_time
-if not within_tolerance(total_time, added_times, 0.01):
- failures.append("""\
-SCons -j1 reported a total build time of %(total_time)s,
-but the various execution times actually totalled %(added_times)s,
-outside of the 1%% tolerance.
-""" % locals())
-if not within_tolerance(total_time, expected_total_time, 0.20):
- # This tolerance check seems empirically to work fine if there's
- # a light load on the system, but on a heavily loaded system the
- # timings get screwy and it can fail frequently. Some obvious
- # attempts to work around the problem didn't, so just treat it as
- # a warning for now.
- warnings.append("""\
-Warning: SCons -j1 reported total build time of %(total_time)s,
-but the actual measured build time was %(expected_total_time)s
-(end-to-end time of %(complete_time)s less Python overhead of %(overhead)s),
-outside of the 15%% tolerance.
-""" % locals())
-if failures or warnings:
- print('\n'.join([test.stdout()] + failures + warnings))
-if failures:
- test.fail_test(1)
- = "--debug=action_timestamps . SLEEP=0")
-command_time = get_command_time(test.stdout())
-if command_time != 0.0:
- print("Up-to-date run received non-zero command time of %s" % command_time)
- test.fail_test()
- = "-c")
- = "-j4 --debug=action_timestamps . SLEEP=1")
-stdout = test.stdout()
-total_time = get_total_time(stdout)
-sconscript_time = get_sconscript_time(stdout)
-scons_time = get_scons_time(stdout)
-command_time = get_command_time(stdout)
-failures = []
-added_times = sconscript_time+scons_time+command_time
-if not within_tolerance(total_time, added_times, 0.01):
- failures.append("""\
-SCons -j4 reported a total build time of %(total_time)s,
-but the various execution times actually totalled %(added_times)s,
-outside of the 1%% tolerance.
-""" % locals())
+env = Environment()
+env.Program('main.exe', ['main.c'])
-if failures:
- print('\n'.join([test.stdout()] + failures))
- test.fail_test(1)
+def test_help_function():
+ # Before anything else, make sure we get valid --debug=action_timestamps results
+ # when just running the help option.
+ = "-h --debug=action_timestamps")
+def build():
+ # Execute build
+ build_output = test.stdout()
+ return build_output
+def get_matches_from_output(build_output):
+ return [re.findall(pattern, build_output) for pattern in debug_time_patterns]
+def test_presence_of_debug_time_strings(build_output):
+ # Check presence of duration and timestamps
+ if None in get_matches_from_output(build_output):
+ print("One or more of the time debug strings were not found in the build output")
+ test.fail_test(1)
+def test_equal_number_of_debug_time_strings(build_output):
+ matches = get_matches_from_output(build_output)
+ num_of_matches = [len(match) for match in matches]
+ # Check that the number of matches for each pattern is the same
+ if num_of_matches.count(num_of_matches[0]) != len(num_of_matches):
+ print("Debug time strings differs in quantity")
+ test.fail_test(2)
+def test_correctness_of_timestamps(build_output):
+ # Check if difference between timestamps is equal to duration
+ matches = get_matches_from_output(build_output)
+ def match_to_float(m):
+ return float(m[1][1])
+ execution_time = match_to_float(matches[0])
+ start_time = match_to_float(matches[1])
+ stop_time = match_to_float(matches[2])
+ delta_time = stop_time - start_time
+ def within_tolerance(expected, actual, tolerance):
+ return abs((expected-actual)/actual) <= tolerance
+ if not within_tolerance(execution_time, delta_time, 0.001):
+ print("Difference of timestamps differ from action duration")
+ print("Execution time = {}. Start time = {}. Stop time = {}. Delta time = {}".format(execution_time, start_time, stop_time, delta_time))
+ test.fail_test(3)
+debug_time_patterns = [
+ r'Command execution time: (.*): (\d+\.\d+) seconds',
+ r'Command execution start time: (.*): (\d+\.\d+) seconds',
+ r'Command execution stop time: (.*): (\d+\.\d+) seconds'
+] = "-j4 --debug=action_timestamps . SLEEP=1")
+test = TestSCons.TestSCons()
-command_time = get_command_time(test.stdout())
-if command_time != 0.0:
- print("Up-to-date run received non-zero command time of %s" % command_time)
- test.fail_test()
+build_output = build()
-# Local Variables:
-# tab-width:4
-# indent-tabs-mode:nil
-# End:
-# vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: \ No newline at end of file