path: root/SConstruct
diff options
authorWilliam Deegan <>2020-03-23 04:01:46 (GMT)
committerWilliam Deegan <>2020-04-09 20:54:51 (GMT)
commit559a661338b1c6988107de4a3caf8c49d2ee708d (patch)
tree73c7a022e5f4ae371d085937faeaea6dab48bdb7 /SConstruct
parente836436961ed13cf430452bfe81016aea243dbe3 (diff)
add logic to not include * in wheel
Diffstat (limited to 'SConstruct')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 640 deletions
diff --git a/SConstruct b/SConstruct
index 97fda1d..a76471f 100644
--- a/SConstruct
+++ b/SConstruct
@@ -184,470 +184,6 @@ env = Environment(
Version_values = [Value(command_line.version), Value(command_line.build_id)]
-# Define SCons packages.
-# In the original, more complicated packaging scheme, we were going
-# to have separate packages for:
-# python-scons only the build engine
-# scons-script only the script
-# scons the script plus the build engine
-# We're now only delivering a single "scons" package, but this is still
-# "built" as two sub-packages (the build engine and the script), so
-# the definitions remain here, even though we're not using them for
-# separate packages.
-# from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
-# python_scons = {
-# 'pkg': 'python-' + project,
-# 'src_subdir': 'engine',
-# 'inst_subdir': get_python_lib(),
-# 'files': ['LICENSE.txt',
-# 'README.txt',
-# 'setup.cfg',
-# '',
-# ],
-# 'filemap': {
-# 'LICENSE.txt': '../LICENSE.txt'
-# },
-# 'buildermap': {},
-# 'explicit_deps': {
-# 'SCons/': Version_values,
-# },
-# }
-# scons_script = {
-# 'pkg': project + '-script',
-# 'src_subdir': 'script',
-# 'inst_subdir': 'bin',
-# 'files': [
-# 'LICENSE.txt',
-# 'README.txt',
-# 'setup.cfg',
-# '',
-# ],
-# 'filemap': {
-# 'LICENSE.txt': '../LICENSE.txt',
-# 'scons': '',
-# 'sconsign': '',
-# 'scons-time': '',
-# 'scons-configure-cache': '',
-# },
-# 'buildermap': {},
-# 'explicit_deps': {
-# 'scons': Version_values,
-# 'sconsign': Version_values,
-# },
-# }
-# scons = {
-# 'pkg': project,
-# 'files': [
-# 'CHANGES.txt',
-# 'LICENSE.txt',
-# 'README.txt',
-# 'RELEASE.txt',
-# 'scons.1',
-# 'sconsign.1',
-# 'scons-time.1',
-# # 'script/scons.bat',
-# 'setup.cfg',
-# '',
-# ],
-# 'filemap': {
-# 'scons.1': '$BUILDDIR/doc/man/scons.1',
-# 'sconsign.1': '$BUILDDIR/doc/man/sconsign.1',
-# 'scons-time.1': '$BUILDDIR/doc/man/scons-time.1',
-# },
-# 'buildermap': {
-# 'scons.1': env.SOElim,
-# 'sconsign.1': env.SOElim,
-# 'scons-time.1': env.SOElim,
-# },
-# 'subpkgs': [python_scons],
-# 'subinst_dirs': {
-# 'python-' + project: python_project_subinst_dir,
-# project + '-script': project_script_subinst_dir,
-# },
-# }
-# scripts = ['scons', 'sconsign', 'scons-time', 'scons-configure-cache']
-# src_deps = []
-# src_files = []
-# for p in [scons]:
-# #
-# # Initialize variables with the right directories for this package.
-# #
-# pkg = p['pkg']
-# pkg_version = "%s-%s" % (pkg, command_line.version)
-# src = 'src'
-# if 'src_subdir' in p:
-# src = os.path.join(src, p['src_subdir'])
-# build = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, pkg)
-# tar_gz = os.path.join(build, 'dist', "%s.tar.gz" % pkg_version)
-# platform_tar_gz = os.path.join(build,
-# 'dist',
-# "%s.%s.tar.gz" % (pkg_version, platform))
-# zip = os.path.join(build, 'dist', "" % pkg_version)
-# platform_zip = os.path.join(build,
-# 'dist',
-# "" % (pkg_version, platform))
-# #
-# # Update the environment with the relevant information
-# # for this package.
-# #
-# # We can get away with calling using a directory path
-# # like this because we put a preamble in it that will chdir()
-# # to the directory in which exists.
-# #
-# setup_py = os.path.join(build, '')
-# env.Replace(PKG=pkg,
-# PKG_VERSION=pkg_version,
-# SETUP_PY='"%s"' % setup_py)
-# Local(setup_py)
-# #
-# # Read up the list of source files from our
-# # This list should *not* include LICENSE.txt, MANIFEST,
-# # README.txt, or Make a copy of the list for the
-# # destination files.
-# #
-# manifest_in = File(os.path.join(src, '')).rstr()
-# src_files = bootstrap.parseManifestLines(src, manifest_in)
-# raw_files = src_files[:]
-# dst_files = src_files[:]
-# MANIFEST_in_list = []
-# if 'subpkgs' in p:
-# #
-# # This package includes some sub-packages. Read up their
-# # files, and add them to our source and destination
-# # file lists, modifying them as appropriate to add the
-# # specified subdirs.
-# #
-# for sp in p['subpkgs']:
-# ssubdir = sp['src_subdir']
-# isubdir = p['subinst_dirs'][sp['pkg']]
-# MANIFEST_in = File(os.path.join(src, ssubdir, '')).rstr()
-# MANIFEST_in_list.append(MANIFEST_in)
-# files = bootstrap.parseManifestLines(os.path.join(src, ssubdir), MANIFEST_in)
-# raw_files.extend(files)
-# src_files.extend([os.path.join(ssubdir, x) for x in files])
-# files = [os.path.join(isubdir, x) for x in files]
-# dst_files.extend(files)
-# for k, f in sp['filemap'].items():
-# if f:
-# k = os.path.join(ssubdir, k)
-# p['filemap'][k] = os.path.join(ssubdir, f)
-# for f, deps in sp['explicit_deps'].items():
-# f = os.path.join(build, ssubdir, f)
-# env.Depends(f, deps)
-# #
-# # Now that we have the "normal" source files, add those files
-# # that are standard for each distribution. Note that we don't
-# # add these to dst_files, because they don't get installed.
-# # And we still have the MANIFEST to add.
-# #
-# src_files.extend(p['files'])
-# #
-# # Now run everything in src_file through the sed command we
-# # concocted to expand __FILE__, __VERSION__, etc.
-# #
-# for b in src_files:
-# s = p['filemap'].get(b, b)
-# if not s[0] == '$' and not os.path.isabs(s):
-# s = os.path.join(src, s)
-# builder = p['buildermap'].get(b, env.SCons_revision)
-# x = builder(os.path.join(build, b), s)
-# Local(x)
-# #
-# # NOW, finally, we can create the MANIFEST, which we do
-# # by having Python spit out the contents of the src_files
-# # array we've carefully created. After we've added
-# # MANIFEST itself to the array, of course.
-# #
-# src_files.append("MANIFEST")
-# MANIFEST_in_list.append(os.path.join(src, ''))
-# def write_src_files(target, source, **kw):
-# global src_files
-# src_files.sort()
-# with open(str(target[0]), 'w') as f:
-# for file in src_files:
-# f.write(file + "\n")
-# return 0
-# env.Command(os.path.join(build, 'MANIFEST'),
-# MANIFEST_in_list,
-# write_src_files)
-# #
-# # Now go through and arrange to create whatever packages we can.
-# #
-# build_src_files = [os.path.join(build, x) for x in src_files]
-# Local(*build_src_files)
-# distutils_formats = []
-# distutils_targets = []
-# dist_distutils_targets = []
-# for target in distutils_targets:
-# dist_target = env.Install('$DISTDIR', target)
-# AddPostAction(dist_target, Chmod(dist_target, 0o644))
-# dist_distutils_targets += dist_target
-# if not gzip:
-# print("gzip not found in %s; skipping .tar.gz package for %s." % (os.environ['PATH'], pkg))
-# else:
-# distutils_formats.append('gztar')
-# src_deps.append(tar_gz)
-# distutils_targets.extend([tar_gz, platform_tar_gz])
-# dist_tar_gz = env.Install('$DISTDIR', tar_gz)
-# dist_platform_tar_gz = env.Install('$DISTDIR', platform_tar_gz)
-# Local(dist_tar_gz, dist_platform_tar_gz)
-# AddPostAction(dist_tar_gz, Chmod(dist_tar_gz, 0o644))
-# AddPostAction(dist_platform_tar_gz, Chmod(dist_platform_tar_gz, 0o644))
-# #
-# # Unpack the tar.gz archive created by the distutils into
-# # build/unpack-tar-gz/scons-{version}.
-# #
-# # We'd like to replace the last three lines with the following:
-# #
-# #
-# # but that gives heartburn to Cygwin's tar, so work around it
-# # with separate zcat-tar-rm commands.
-# #
-# unpack_tar_gz_files = [os.path.join(unpack_tar_gz_dir, pkg_version, x)
-# for x in src_files]
-# env.Command(unpack_tar_gz_files, dist_tar_gz, [
-# Delete(os.path.join(unpack_tar_gz_dir, pkg_version)),
-# "$ZCAT $SOURCES > .temp",
-# "tar xf .temp -C $UNPACK_TAR_GZ_DIR",
-# Delete(".temp"),
-# ])
-# #
-# # Run in the unpacked subdirectory to "install" everything
-# # into our build/test subdirectory. The script will set
-# # PYTHONPATH so that the tests only look under build/test-{package},
-# # and under testing/framework (for the testing modules,,
-# # etc.). This makes sure that our tests pass with what
-# # we really packaged, not because of something hanging around in
-# # the development directory.
-# #
-# # We can get away with calling using a directory path
-# # like this because we put a preamble in it that will chdir()
-# # to the directory in which exists.
-# #
-# dfiles = [os.path.join(test_tar_gz_dir, x) for x in dst_files]
-# env.Command(dfiles, unpack_tar_gz_files, [
-# Delete(os.path.join(unpack_tar_gz_dir, pkg_version, 'build')),
-# Delete("$TEST_TAR_GZ_DIR"),
-# '$PYTHON $PYTHONFLAGS "%s" install "--prefix=$TEST_TAR_GZ_DIR" --standalone-lib' % \
-# os.path.join(unpack_tar_gz_dir, pkg_version, ''),
-# ])
-# def Digestify(target, source, env):
-# import hashlib
-# src = source[0].rfile()
-# with open(str(src), 'rb') as f:
-# contents =
-# m = hashlib.md5()
-# m.update(contents)
-# sig = m.hexdigest()
-# bytes = os.stat(str(src))[6]
-# with open(str(target[0]), 'w') as f:
-# f.write("MD5 %s %s %d\n" % (sig,, bytes))
-# env.Command(digest, tar_gz, Digestify)
-# if not zipit:
-# print("zip not found; skipping .zip package for %s." % pkg)
-# else:
-# distutils_formats.append('zip')
-# src_deps.append(zip)
-# distutils_targets.extend([zip, platform_zip])
-# dist_zip = env.Install('$DISTDIR', zip)
-# dist_platform_zip = env.Install('$DISTDIR', platform_zip)
-# Local(dist_zip, dist_platform_zip)
-# AddPostAction(dist_zip, Chmod(dist_zip, 0o644))
-# AddPostAction(dist_platform_zip, Chmod(dist_platform_zip, 0o644))
-# #
-# # Unpack the zip archive created by the distutils into
-# # build/unpack-zip/scons-{version}.
-# #
-# unpack_zip_files = [os.path.join(unpack_zip_dir, pkg_version, x)
-# for x in src_files]
-# env.Command(unpack_zip_files, dist_zip, [
-# Delete(os.path.join(unpack_zip_dir, pkg_version)),
-# unzipit,
-# ])
-# #
-# # Run in the unpacked subdirectory to "install" everything
-# # into our build/test subdirectory. The script will set
-# # PYTHONPATH so that the tests only look under build/test-{package},
-# # and under testing/framework (for the testing modules,,
-# # etc.). This makes sure that our tests pass with what
-# # we really packaged, not because of something hanging around in
-# # the development directory.
-# #
-# # We can get away with calling using a directory path
-# # like this because we put a preamble in it that will chdir()
-# # to the directory in which exists.
-# #
-# dfiles = [os.path.join(test_zip_dir, x) for x in dst_files]
-# env.Command(dfiles, unpack_zip_files, [
-# Delete(os.path.join(unpack_zip_dir, pkg_version, 'build')),
-# Delete("$TEST_ZIP_DIR"),
-# '$PYTHON $PYTHONFLAGS "%s" install "--prefix=$TEST_ZIP_DIR" --standalone-lib' % \
-# os.path.join(unpack_zip_dir, pkg_version, ''),
-# ])
-# #
-# # Use the Python distutils to generate the appropriate packages.
-# #
-# commands = [
-# Delete(os.path.join(build, 'build', 'lib')),
-# Delete(os.path.join(build, 'build', 'scripts')),
-# ]
-# if distutils_formats:
-# commands.append(Delete(os.path.join(build,
-# 'build',
-# 'bdist.' + platform,
-# 'dumb')))
-# for format in distutils_formats:
-# commands.append("$PYTHON $PYTHONFLAGS $SETUP_PY bdist_dumb -f %s" % format)
-# commands.append("$PYTHON $PYTHONFLAGS $SETUP_PY sdist --formats=%s" % \
-# ','.join(distutils_formats))
-# env.Command(distutils_targets, build_src_files, commands)
-# #
-# # Now create local packages for people who want to let people
-# # build their SCons-buildable packages without having to
-# # install SCons.
-# #
-# s_l_v = '%s-local-%s' % (pkg, command_line.version)
-# local = pkg + '-local'
-# build_dir_local = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, local)
-# build_dir_local_slv = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, local, s_l_v)
-# dist_local_tar_gz = os.path.join("$DISTDIR/%s.tar.gz" % s_l_v)
-# dist_local_zip = os.path.join("$DISTDIR/" % s_l_v)
-# AddPostAction(dist_local_tar_gz, Chmod(dist_local_tar_gz, 0o644))
-# AddPostAction(dist_local_zip, Chmod(dist_local_zip, 0o644))
-# commands = [
-# Delete(build_dir_local),
-# '$PYTHON $PYTHONFLAGS $SETUP_PY install "--install-script=%s" "--install-lib=%s" --no-install-man --no-compile --standalone-lib --no-version-script' % \
-# (build_dir_local, build_dir_local_slv),
-# ]
-# for script in scripts:
-# # add .py extension for scons-local scripts on non-windows platforms
-# if is_windows():
-# break
-# local_script = os.path.join(build_dir_local, script)
-# commands.append(Move(local_script + '.py', local_script))
-# rf = [x for x in raw_files if not x in scripts]
-# rf = [os.path.join(s_l_v, x) for x in rf]
-# for script in scripts:
-# rf.append("" % script)
-# local_targets = [os.path.join(build_dir_local, x) for x in rf]
-# env.Command(local_targets, build_src_files, commands)
-# scons_LICENSE = os.path.join(build_dir_local, 'scons-LICENSE')
-# l = env.SCons_revision(scons_LICENSE, 'LICENSE-local')
-# local_targets.append(l)
-# Local(l)
-# scons_README = os.path.join(build_dir_local, 'scons-README')
-# l = env.SCons_revision(scons_README, 'README-local')
-# local_targets.append(l)
-# Local(l)
-# if gzip:
-# if is_windows():
-# # avoid problem with tar interpreting c:/ as a remote machine
-# tar_cargs = '-cz --force-local -f'
-# else:
-# tar_cargs = '-czf'
-# env.Command(dist_local_tar_gz,
-# local_targets,
-# "cd %s && tar %s $( ${TARGET.abspath} $) *" % (build_dir_local, tar_cargs))
-# unpack_targets = [os.path.join(test_local_tar_gz_dir, x) for x in rf]
-# commands = [Delete(test_local_tar_gz_dir),
-# Mkdir(test_local_tar_gz_dir),
-# "cd %s && tar xzf $( ${SOURCE.abspath} $)" % test_local_tar_gz_dir]
-# env.Command(unpack_targets, dist_local_tar_gz, commands)
-# if zipit:
-# env.Command(dist_local_zip, local_targets, zipit,
-# CD=build_dir_local, PSV='.')
-# unpack_targets = [os.path.join(test_local_zip_dir, x) for x in rf]
-# commands = [Delete(test_local_zip_dir),
-# Mkdir(test_local_zip_dir),
-# unzipit]
-# env.Command(unpack_targets, dist_local_zip, unzipit,
-# UNPACK_ZIP_DIR=test_local_zip_dir)
@@ -659,179 +195,3 @@ Export('command_line', 'env', 'whereis', 'revaction')
-# #
-# # If we're running in a Git working directory, pack up a complete
-# # source archive from the project files and files in the change.
-# #
-# sfiles = [l.split()[-1] for l in command_line.git_status_lines]
-# if command_line.git_status_lines:
-# # slines = [l for l in git_status_lines if 'modified:' in l]
-# # sfiles = [l.split()[-1] for l in slines]
-# pass
-# else:
-# print("Not building in a Git tree; skipping building src package.")
-# if sfiles:
-# remove_patterns = [
-# '*.gitignore',
-# '*.hgignore',
-# 'www/*',
-# ]
-# for p in remove_patterns:
-# sfiles = [s for s in sfiles if not fnmatch.fnmatch(s, p)]
-# if sfiles:
-# ps = "%s-src" % project
-# psv = "%s-%s" % (ps, command_line.version)
-# b_ps = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, ps)
-# b_psv = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, psv)
-# b_psv_stamp = b_psv + '-stamp'
-# src_tar_gz = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, 'dist', '%s.tar.gz' % psv)
-# src_zip = os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, 'dist', '' % psv)
-# Local(src_tar_gz, src_zip)
-# for file in sfiles:
-# if file.endswith('jpg') or file.endswith('png'):
-# # don't revision binary files.
-# env.Install(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(b_ps, file)), file)
-# else:
-# env.SCons_revision(os.path.join(b_ps, file), file)
-# b_ps_files = [os.path.join(b_ps, x) for x in sfiles]
-# cmds = [
-# Delete(b_psv),
-# Copy(b_psv, b_ps),
-# Touch("$TARGET"),
-# ]
-# env.Command(b_psv_stamp, src_deps + b_ps_files, cmds)
-# Local(*b_ps_files)
-# if gzip:
-# env.Command(src_tar_gz, b_psv_stamp,
-# "tar cz${TAR_HFLAG} -f $TARGET -C build %s" % psv)
-# #
-# # Unpack the archive into build/unpack/scons-{version}.
-# #
-# unpack_tar_gz_files = [os.path.join(unpack_tar_gz_dir, psv, x)
-# for x in sfiles]
-# #
-# # We'd like to replace the last three lines with the following:
-# #
-# #
-# # but that gives heartburn to Cygwin's tar, so work around it
-# # with separate zcat-tar-rm commands.
-# env.Command(unpack_tar_gz_files, src_tar_gz, [
-# Delete(os.path.join(unpack_tar_gz_dir, psv)),
-# "$ZCAT $SOURCES > .temp",
-# "tar xf .temp -C $UNPACK_TAR_GZ_DIR",
-# Delete(".temp"),
-# ])
-# #
-# # Run in the unpacked subdirectory to "install" everything
-# # into our build/test subdirectory. The script will set
-# # PYTHONPATH so that the tests only look under build/test-{package},
-# # and under testing/framework (for the testing modules,
-# #, etc.). This makes sure that our tests pass with
-# # what we really packaged, not because of something hanging around
-# # in the development directory.
-# #
-# # We can get away with calling using a directory path
-# # like this because we put a preamble in it that will chdir()
-# # to the directory in which exists.
-# #
-# dfiles = [os.path.join(test_src_tar_gz_dir, x) for x in dst_files]
-# scons_lib_dir = os.path.join(unpack_tar_gz_dir, psv, 'src', 'engine')
-# ENV = env.Dictionary('ENV').copy()
-# ENV['SCONS_LIB_DIR'] = scons_lib_dir
-# ENV['USERNAME'] = command_line.developer
-# env.Command(dfiles, unpack_tar_gz_files,
-# [
-# Delete(os.path.join(unpack_tar_gz_dir,
-# psv,
-# 'build',
-# 'scons',
-# 'build')),
-# Delete("$TEST_SRC_TAR_GZ_DIR"),
-# 'cd "%s" && $PYTHON $PYTHONFLAGS "%s" "%s" VERSION="$VERSION"' % \
-# (os.path.join(unpack_tar_gz_dir, psv),
-# os.path.join('src', 'script', ''),
-# os.path.join('build', 'scons')),
-# '$PYTHON $PYTHONFLAGS "%s" install "--prefix=$TEST_SRC_TAR_GZ_DIR" --standalone-lib' % \
-# os.path.join(unpack_tar_gz_dir,
-# psv,
-# 'build',
-# 'scons',
-# ''),
-# ],
-# if zipit:
-# env.Command(src_zip, b_psv_stamp, zipit, CD='build', PSV=psv)
-# #
-# # Unpack the archive into build/unpack/scons-{version}.
-# #
-# unpack_zip_files = [os.path.join(unpack_zip_dir, psv, x)
-# for x in sfiles]
-# env.Command(unpack_zip_files, src_zip, [
-# Delete(os.path.join(unpack_zip_dir, psv)),
-# unzipit
-# ])
-# #
-# # Run in the unpacked subdirectory to "install" everything
-# # into our build/test subdirectory. The script will set
-# # PYTHONPATH so that the tests only look under build/test-{package},
-# # and under testing/framework (for the testing modules,
-# #, etc.). This makes sure that our tests pass with
-# # what we really packaged, not because of something hanging
-# # around in the development directory.
-# #
-# # We can get away with calling using a directory path
-# # like this because we put a preamble in it that will chdir()
-# # to the directory in which exists.
-# #
-# dfiles = [os.path.join(test_src_zip_dir, x) for x in dst_files]
-# scons_lib_dir = os.path.join(unpack_zip_dir, psv, 'src', 'engine')
-# ENV = env.Dictionary('ENV').copy()
-# ENV['SCONS_LIB_DIR'] = scons_lib_dir
-# ENV['USERNAME'] = command_line.developer
-# env.Command(dfiles, unpack_zip_files,
-# [
-# Delete(os.path.join(unpack_zip_dir,
-# psv,
-# 'build',
-# 'scons',
-# 'build')),
-# Delete("$TEST_SRC_ZIP_DIR"),
-# 'cd "%s" && $PYTHON $PYTHONFLAGS "%s" "%s" VERSION="$VERSION"' % \
-# (os.path.join(unpack_zip_dir, psv),
-# os.path.join('src', 'script', ''),
-# os.path.join('build', 'scons')),
-# '$PYTHON $PYTHONFLAGS "%s" install "--prefix=$TEST_SRC_ZIP_DIR" --standalone-lib' % \
-# os.path.join(unpack_zip_dir,
-# psv,
-# 'build',
-# 'scons',
-# ''),
-# ],
-# for pf, help_text in packaging_flavors:
-# Alias(pf, [
-# os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, 'test-' + pf),
-# os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, 'testing/framework'),
-# os.path.join(command_line.build_dir, ''),
-# ])