path: root/doc/user/
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authorSteven Knight <>2003-02-06 05:17:25 (GMT)
committerSteven Knight <>2003-02-06 05:17:25 (GMT)
commit4f6a2c926304ee3ea444b6854991489702252c0e (patch)
treea00f3bdda7160f30f6b0838a9ebca57b8ad0c49f /doc/user/
parentc07047f3cfdb2eb3c7f29a96afb2accdfed69184 (diff)
Checkin of in-progress work on the User Guide.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/user/')
1 files changed, 720 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/user/ b/doc/user/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8afbfec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+=head1 Introduction
+B<Cons> is a system for constructing, primarily, software, but is quite
+different from previous software construction systems. Cons was designed
+from the ground up to deal easily with the construction of software spread
+over multiple source directories. Cons makes it easy to create build scripts
+that are simple, understandable and maintainable. Cons ensures that complex
+software is easily and accurately reproducible.
+Cons uses a number of techniques to accomplish all of this. Construction
+scripts are just Perl scripts, making them both easy to comprehend and very
+flexible. Global scoping of variables is replaced with an import/export
+mechanism for sharing information between scripts, significantly improving
+the readability and maintainability of each script. B<Construction
+environments> are introduced: these are Perl objects that capture the
+information required for controlling the build process. Multiple
+environments are used when different semantics are required for generating
+products in the build tree. Cons implements automatic dependency analysis
+and uses this to globally sequence the entire build. Variant builds are
+easily produced from a single source tree. Intelligent build subsetting is
+possible, when working on localized changes. Overrides can be setup to
+easily override build instructions without modifying any scripts. MD5
+cryptographic B<signatures> are associated with derived files, and are used
+to accurately determine whether a given file needs to be rebuilt.
+While offering all of the above, and more, Cons remains simple and easy to
+use. This will, hopefully, become clear as you read the remainder of this
+=head2 Automatic global build sequencing
+Because Cons does full and accurate dependency analysis, and does this
+globally, for the entire build, Cons is able to use this information to take
+full control of the B<sequencing> of the build. This sequencing is evident
+in the above examples, and is equivalent to what you would expect for make,
+given a full set of dependencies. With Cons, this extends trivially to
+larger, multi-directory builds. As a result, all of the complexity involved
+in making sure that a build is organized correctly--including multi-pass
+hierarchical builds--is eliminated. We'll discuss this further in the next
+=head1 A Model for sharing files
+=head2 Some simple conventions
+In any complex software system, a method for sharing build products needs to
+be established. We propose a simple set of conventions which are trivial to
+implement with Cons, but very effective.
+The basic rule is to require that all build products which need to be shared
+between directories are shared via an intermediate directory. We have
+typically called this F<export>, and, in a C environment, provided
+conventional sub-directories of this directory, such as F<include>, F<lib>,
+F<bin>, etc.
+These directories are defined by the top-level F<Construct> file. A simple
+F<Construct> file for a B<Hello, World!> application, organized using
+multiple directories, might look like this:
+ # Construct file for Hello, World!
+ # Where to put all our shared products.
+ $EXPORT = '#export';
+ Export qw( CONS INCLUDE LIB BIN );
+ # Standard directories for sharing products.
+ $INCLUDE = "$EXPORT/include";
+ $LIB = "$EXPORT/lib";
+ $BIN = "$EXPORT/bin";
+ # A standard construction environment.
+ $CONS = new cons (
+ CPPPATH => $INCLUDE, # Include path for C Compilations
+ LIBPATH => $LIB, # Library path for linking programs
+ LIBS => '-lworld', # List of standard libraries
+ );
+ Build qw(
+ hello/Conscript
+ world/Conscript
+ );
+The F<world> directory's F<Conscript> file looks like this:
+ # Conscript file for directory world
+ Import qw( CONS INCLUDE LIB );
+ # Install the products of this directory
+ Install $CONS $LIB, 'libworld.a';
+ Install $CONS $INCLUDE, 'world.h';
+ # Internal products
+ Library $CONS 'libworld.a', 'world.c';
+and the F<hello> directory's F<Conscript> file looks like this:
+ # Conscript file for directory hello
+ Import qw( CONS BIN );
+ # Exported products
+ Install $CONS $BIN, 'hello';
+ # Internal products
+ Program $CONS 'hello', 'hello.c';
+To construct a B<Hello, World!> program with this directory structure, go to
+the top-level directory, and invoke C<cons> with the appropriate
+arguments. In the following example, we tell Cons to build the directory
+F<export>. To build a directory, Cons recursively builds all known products
+within that directory (only if they need rebuilding, of course). If any of
+those products depend upon other products in other directories, then those
+will be built, too.
+ % cons export
+ Install world/world.h as export/include/world.h
+ cc -Iexport/include -c hello/hello.c -o hello/hello.o
+ cc -Iexport/include -c world/world.c -o world/world.o
+ ar r world/libworld.a world/world.o
+ ar: creating world/libworld.a
+ ranlib world/libworld.a
+ Install world/libworld.a as export/lib/libworld.a
+ cc -o hello/hello hello/hello.o -Lexport/lib -lworld
+ Install hello/hello as export/bin/hello
+=head2 Clean, understandable, location-independent scripts
+You'll note that the two F<Conscript> files are very clean and
+to-the-point. They simply specify products of the directory and how to build
+those products. The build instructions are minimal: they specify which
+construction environment to use, the name of the product, and the name of
+the inputs. Note also that the scripts are location-independent: if you wish
+to reorganize your source tree, you are free to do so: you only have to
+change the F<Construct> file (in this example), to specify the new locations
+of the F<Conscript> files. The use of an export tree makes this goal easy.
+Note, too, how Cons takes care of little details for you. All the F<export>
+directories, for example, were made automatically. And the installed files
+were really hard-linked into the respective export directories, to save
+space and time. This attention to detail saves considerable work, and makes
+it even easier to produce simple, maintainable scripts.
+=head1 Signatures
+Cons uses file B<signatures> to decide if a derived file is out-of-date
+and needs rebuilding. In essence, if the contents of a file change,
+or the manner in which the file is built changes, the file's signature
+changes as well. This allows Cons to decide with certainty when a file
+needs rebuilding, because Cons can detect, quickly and reliably, whether
+any of its dependency files have been changed.
+=head2 MD5 content and build signatures
+Cons uses the B<MD5> (B<Message Digest 5>) algorithm to compute file
+signatures. The MD5 algorithm computes a strong cryptographic checksum
+for any given input string. Cons can, based on configuration, use two
+different MD5 signatures for a given file:
+The B<content signature> of a file is an MD5 checksum of the file's
+contents. Consequently, when the contents of a file change, its content
+signature changes as well.
+The B<build signature> of a file is a combined MD5 checksum of:
+=over 4
+the signatures of all the input files used to build the file
+the signatures of all dependency files discovered by source scanners
+(for example, C<.h> files)
+the signatures of all dependency files specified explicitly via the
+C<Depends> method)
+the command-line string used to build the file
+The build signature is, in effect, a digest of all the dependency
+information for the specified file. Consequently, a file's build
+signature changes whenever any part of its dependency information
+changes: a new file is added, the contents of a file on which it depends
+change, there's a change to the command line used to build the file (or
+any of its dependency files), etc.
+For example, in the previous section, the build signature of the
+F<world.o> file will include:
+=over 4
+the signature of the F<world.c> file
+the signatures of any header files that Cons detects are included,
+directly or indirectly, by F<world.c>
+the text of the actual command line was used to generate F<world.o>
+Similarly, the build signature of the F<libworld.a> file will include
+all the signatures of its constituents (and hence, transitively, the
+signatures of B<their> constituents), as well as the command line that
+created the file.
+Note that there is no need for a derived file to depend upon any
+particular F<Construct> or F<Conscript> file. If changes to these files
+affect a file, then this will be automatically reflected in its build
+signature, since relevant parts of the command line are included in the
+signature. Unrelated F<Construct> or F<Conscript> changes will have no
+=head2 Storing signatures in .consign files
+Before Cons exits, it stores the calculated signatures for all of the
+files it built or examined in F<.consign> files, one per directory.
+Cons uses this stored information on later invocations to decide if
+derived files need to be rebuilt.
+After the previous example was compiled, the F<.consign> file in the
+F<build/peach/world> directory looked like this:
+ world.h:985533370 - d181712f2fdc07c1f05d97b16bfad904
+ world.o:985533372 2a0f71e0766927c0532977b0d2158981
+ world.c:985533370 - c712f77189307907f4189b5a7ab62ff3
+ libworld.a:985533374 69e568fc5241d7d25be86d581e1fb6aa
+After the file name and colon, the first number is a timestamp of the
+file's modification time (on UNIX systems, this is typically the number
+of seconds since January 1st, 1970). The second value is the build
+signature of the file (or ``-'' in the case of files with no build
+signature--that is, source files). The third value, if any, is the
+content signature of the file.
+=head2 Using build signatures to decide when to rebuild files
+When Cons is deciding whether to build or rebuild a derived file, it
+first computes the file's current build signature. If the file doesn't
+exist, it must obviously be built.
+If, however, the file already exists, Cons next compares the
+modification timestamp of the file against the timestamp value in
+the F<.consign> file. If the timestamps match, Cons compares the
+newly-computed build signature against the build signature in the
+F<.consign> file. If the timestamps do not match or the build
+signatures do not match, the derived file is rebuilt.
+After the file is built or rebuilt, Cons arranges to store the
+newly-computed build signature in the F<.consign> file when it exits.
+=head2 Signature example
+The use of these signatures is an extremely simple, efficient, and
+effective method of improving--dramatically--the reproducibility of a
+We'll demonstrate this with a simple example:
+ # Simple "Hello, World!" Construct file
+ $CFLAGS = '-g' if $ARG{DEBUG} eq 'on';
+ $CONS = new cons(CFLAGS => $CFLAGS);
+ Program $CONS 'hello', 'hello.c';
+Notice how Cons recompiles at the appropriate times:
+ % cons hello
+ cc -c hello.c -o hello.o
+ cc -o hello hello.o
+ % cons hello
+ cons: "hello" is up-to-date.
+ % cons DEBUG=on hello
+ cc -g -c hello.c -o hello.o
+ cc -o hello hello.o
+ % cons DEBUG=on hello
+ cons: "hello" is up-to-date.
+ % cons hello
+ cc -c hello.c -o hello.o
+ cc -o hello hello.o
+=head2 Source-file signature configuration
+Cons provides a C<SourceSignature> method that allows you to configure
+how the signature should be calculated for any source file when its
+signature is being used to decide if a dependent file is up-to-date.
+The arguments to the C<SourceSignature> method consist of one or more
+pairs of strings:
+ SourceSignature 'auto/*.c' => 'content',
+ '*' => 'stored-content';
+The first string in each pair is a pattern to match against derived file
+path names. The pattern is a file-globbing pattern, not a Perl regular
+expression; the pattern <*.l> will match all Lex source files. The C<*>
+wildcard will match across directory separators; the pattern C<foo/*.c>
+would match all C source files in any subdirectory underneath the C<foo>
+The second string in each pair contains one of the following keywords to
+specify how signatures should be calculated for source files that match
+the pattern. The available keywords are:
+=over 4
+=item content
+Use the content signature of the source file when calculating signatures
+of files that depend on it. This guarantees correct calculation of the
+file's signature for all builds, by telling Cons to read the contents of
+a source file to calculate its content signature each time it is run.
+=item stored-content
+Use the source file's content signature as stored in the F<.consign>
+file, provided the file's timestamp matches the cached timestamp value
+in the F<.consign> file. This optimizes performance, with the slight
+risk of an incorrect build if a source file's contents have been changed
+so quickly after its previous update that the timestamp still matches
+the stored timestamp in the F<.consign> file even though the contents
+have changed.
+The Cons default behavior of always calculating a source file's
+signature from the file's contents is equivalent to specifying:
+ SourceSignature '*' => 'content';
+The C<*> will match all source files. The C<content> keyword
+specifies that Cons will read the contents of a source file to calculate
+its signature each time it is run.
+A useful global performance optimization is:
+ SourceSignature '*' => 'stored-content';
+This specifies that Cons will use pre-computed content signatures
+from F<.consign> files, when available, rather than re-calculating a
+signature from the the source file's contents each time Cons is run. In
+practice, this is safe for most build situations, and only a problem
+when source files are changed automatically (by scripts, for example).
+The Cons default, however, errs on the side of guaranteeing a correct
+build in all situations.
+Cons tries to match source file path names against the patterns in the
+order they are specified in the C<SourceSignature> arguments:
+ SourceSignature '/usr/repository/objects/*' => 'stored-content',
+ '/usr/repository/*' => 'content',
+ '*.y' => 'content',
+ '*' => 'stored-content';
+In this example, all source files under the F</usr/repository/objects>
+directory will use F<.consign> file content signatures, source files
+anywhere else underneath F</usr/repository> will not use F<.consign>
+signature values, all Yacc source files (C<*.y>) anywhere else will not
+use F<.consign> signature values, and any other source file will use
+F<.consign> signature values.
+=head2 Derived-file signature configuration
+Cons provides a C<SIGNATURE> construction variable that allows you to
+configure how signatures are calculated for any derived file when its
+signature is being used to decide if a dependent file is up-to-date.
+The value of the C<SIGNATURE> construction variable is a Perl array
+reference that holds one or more pairs of strings, like the arguments to
+the C<SourceSignature> method.
+The first string in each pair is a pattern to match against derived file
+path names. The pattern is a file-globbing pattern, not a Perl regular
+expression; the pattern `*.obj' will match all (Win32) object files.
+The C<*> wildcard will match across directory separators; the pattern
+`foo/*.a' would match all (UNIX) library archives in any subdirectory
+underneath the foo subdirectory.
+The second string in each pair contains one of the following keywords
+to specify how signatures should be calculated for derived files that
+match the pattern. The available keywords are the same as for the
+C<SourceSignature> method, with an additional keyword:
+=over 4
+=item build
+Use the build signature of the derived file when calculating signatures
+of files that depend on it. This guarantees correct builds by forcing
+Cons to rebuild any and all files that depend on the derived file.
+=item content
+Use the content signature of the derived file when calculating signatures
+of files that depend on it. This guarantees correct calculation of the
+file's signature for all builds, by telling Cons to read the contents of
+a derived file to calculate its content signature each time it is run.
+=item stored-content
+Use the derived file's content signature as stored in the F<.consign>
+file, provided the file's timestamp matches the cached timestamp value
+in the F<.consign> file. This optimizes performance, with the slight
+risk of an incorrect build if a derived file's contents have been
+changed so quickly after a Cons build that the file's timestamp still
+matches the stored timestamp in the F<.consign> file.
+The Cons default behavior (as previously described) for using
+derived-file signatures is equivalent to:
+ $env = new cons(SIGNATURE => ['*' => 'build']);
+The C<*> will match all derived files. The C<build> keyword specifies
+that all derived files' build signatures will be used when calculating
+whether a dependent file is up-to-date.
+A useful alternative default C<SIGNATURE> configuration for many sites:
+ $env = new cons(SIGNATURE => ['*' => 'content']);
+In this configuration, derived files have their signatures calculated
+from the file contents. This adds slightly to Cons' workload, but has
+the useful effect of "stopping" further rebuilds if a derived file is
+rebuilt to exactly the same file contents as before, which usually
+outweighs the additional computation Cons must perform.
+For example, changing a comment in a C file and recompiling should
+generate the exact same object file (assuming the compiler doesn't
+insert a timestamp in the object file's header). In that case,
+specifying C<content> or C<stored-content> for the signature calculation
+will cause Cons to recognize that the object file did not actually
+change as a result of being rebuilt, and libraries or programs that
+include the object file will not be rebuilt. When C<build> is
+specified, however, Cons will only "know" that the object file was
+rebuilt, and proceed to rebuild any additional files that include the
+object file.
+Note that Cons tries to match derived file path names against the
+patterns in the order they are specified in the C<SIGNATURE> array
+ $env = new cons(SIGNATURE => ['foo/*.o' => 'build',
+ '*.o' => 'content',
+ '*.a' => 'stored-content',
+ '*' => 'content']);
+In this example, all object files underneath the F<foo> subdirectory
+will use build signatures, all other object files (including object
+files underneath other subdirectories!) will use F<.consign> file
+content signatures, libraries will use F<.consign> file build
+signatures, and all other derived files will use content signatures.
+=head2 Debugging signature calculation
+Cons provides a C<-S> option that can be used to specify what internal
+Perl package Cons should use to calculate signatures. The default Cons
+behavior is equivalent to specifying C<-S md5> on the command line.
+The only other package (currently) available is an C<md5::debug>
+package that prints out detailed information about the MD5 signature
+calculations performed by Cons:
+ % cons -S md5::debug hello
+ sig::md5::srcsig(hello.c)
+ => |52d891204c62fe93ecb95281e1571938|
+ sig::md5::collect(52d891204c62fe93ecb95281e1571938)
+ => |fb0660af4002c40461a2f01fbb5ffd03|
+ sig::md5::collect(52d891204c62fe93ecb95281e1571938,
+ fb0660af4002c40461a2f01fbb5ffd03,
+ cc -c %< -o %>)
+ => |f7128da6c3fe3c377dc22ade70647b39|
+ sig::md5::current(||
+ eq |f7128da6c3fe3c377dc22ade70647b39|)
+ cc -c hello.c -o hello.o
+ sig::md5::collect()
+ => |d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e|
+ sig::md5::collect(f7128da6c3fe3c377dc22ade70647b39,
+ d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e,
+ cc -o %> %< )
+ => |a0bdce7fd09e0350e7efbbdb043a00b0|
+ sig::md5::current(||
+ eq |a0bdce7fd09e0350e7efbbdb043a00b0|)
+ cc -o hello, hello.o
+=head1 Temporary overrides
+Cons provides a very simple mechanism for overriding aspects of a build. The
+essence is that you write an override file containing one or more
+C<Override> commands, and you specify this on the command line, when you run
+ % cons -o over export
+will build the F<export> directory, with all derived files subject to the
+overrides present in the F<over> file. If you leave out the C<-o> option,
+then everything necessary to remove all overrides will be rebuilt.
+=head2 Overriding environment variables
+The override file can contain two types of overrides. The first is incoming
+environment variables. These are normally accessible by the F<Construct>
+file from the C<%ENV> hash variable. These can trivially be overridden in
+the override file by setting the appropriate elements of C<%ENV> (these
+could also be overridden in the user's environment, of course).
+=head2 The Override command
+The second type of override is accomplished with the C<Override> command,
+which looks like this:
+ Override <regexp>, <var1> => <value1>, <var2> => <value2>, ...;
+The regular expression I<regexp> is matched against every derived file that
+is a candidate for the build. If the derived file matches, then the
+variable/value pairs are used to override the values in the construction
+environment associated with the derived file.
+Let's suppose that we have a construction environment like this:
+ $CONS = new cons(
+ COPT => '',
+ CDBG => '-g',
+ );
+Then if we have an override file F<over> containing this command:
+ Override '\.o$', COPT => '-O', CDBG => '';
+then any C<cons> invocation with C<-o over> that creates F<.o> files via
+this environment will cause them to be compiled with C<-O >and no C<-g>. The
+override could, of course, be restricted to a single directory by the
+appropriate selection of a regular expression.
+Here's the original version of the Hello, World! program, built with this
+environment. Note that Cons rebuilds the appropriate pieces when the
+override is applied or removed:
+ % cons hello
+ cc -g -c hello.c -o hello.o
+ cc -o hello hello.o
+ % cons -o over hello
+ cc -O -c hello.c -o hello.o
+ cc -o hello hello.o
+ % cons -o over hello
+ cons: "hello" is up-to-date.
+ % cons hello
+ cc -g -c hello.c -o hello.o
+ cc -o hello hello.o
+It's important that the C<Override> command only be used for temporary,
+on-the-fly overrides necessary for development because the overrides are not
+platform independent and because they rely too much on intimate knowledge of
+the workings of the scripts. For temporary use, however, they are exactly
+what you want.
+Note that it is still useful to provide, say, the ability to create a fully
+optimized version of a system for production use--from the F<Construct> and
+F<Conscript> files. This way you can tailor the optimized system to the
+platform. Where optimizer trade-offs need to be made (particular files may
+not be compiled with full optimization, for example), then these can be
+recorded for posterity (and reproducibility) directly in the scripts.
+=head2 The C<Module> method
+The C<Module> method is a combination of the C<Program> and C<Command>
+methods. Rather than generating an executable program directly, this command
+allows you to specify your own command to actually generate a module. The
+method is invoked as follows:
+ Module $env <module name>, <source or object files>, <construction command>;
+This command is useful in instances where you wish to create, for example,
+dynamically loaded modules, or statically linked code libraries.
+=head2 The C<RuleSet> method
+The C<RuleSet> method returns the construction variables for building
+various components with one of the rule sets supported by Cons. The
+currently supported rule sets are:
+=over 4
+=item msvc
+Rules for the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler suite.
+=item unix
+Generic rules for most UNIX-like compiler suites.
+On systems with more than one available compiler suite, this allows you
+to easily create side-by-side environments for building software with
+multiple tools:
+ $msvcenv = new cons(RuleSet("msvc"));
+ $cygnusenv = new cons(RuleSet("unix"));
+In the future, this could also be extended to other platforms that
+have different default rule sets.
+=head2 The C<DefaultRules> method
+The C<DefaultRules> method sets the default construction variables that
+will be returned by the C<new> method to the specified arguments:
+ DefaultRules(CC => 'gcc',
+ CFLAGS => '',
+ CCCOM => '%CC %CFLAGS %_IFLAGS -c %< -o %>');
+ $env = new cons();
+ # $env now contains *only* the CC, CFLAGS,
+ # and CCCOM construction variables
+Combined with the C<RuleSet> method, this also provides an easy way
+to set explicitly the default build environment to use some supported
+toolset other than the Cons defaults:
+ # use a UNIX-like tool suite (like cygwin) on Win32
+ DefaultRules(RuleSet('unix'));
+ $env = new cons();
+Note that the C<DefaultRules> method completely replaces the default
+construction environment with the specified arguments, it does not
+simply override the existing defaults. To override one or more
+variables in a supported C<RuleSet>, append the variables and values:
+ DefaultRules(RuleSet('unix'), CFLAGS => '-O3');
+ $env1 = new cons();
+ $env2 = new cons();
+ # both $env1 and $env2 have 'unix' defaults
+ # with CFLAGS set to '-O3'
+=head2 The C<SourcePath> method
+The C<SourcePath> mathod returns the real source path name of a file,
+as opposed to the path name within a build directory. It is invoked
+as follows:
+ $path = SourcePath <buildpath>;
+=head2 The C<ConsPath> method
+The C<ConsPath> method returns true if the supplied path is a derivable
+file, and returns undef (false) otherwise.
+It is invoked as follows:
+ $result = ConsPath <path>;
+=head2 The C<SplitPath> method
+The C<SplitPath> method looks up multiple path names in a string separated
+by the default path separator for the operating system (':' on UNIX
+systems, ';' on Windows NT), and returns the fully-qualified names.
+It is invoked as follows:
+ @paths = SplitPath <pathlist>;
+The C<SplitPath> method will convert names prefixed '#' to the
+appropriate top-level build name (without the '#') and will convert
+relative names to top-level names.
+=head2 The C<DirPath> method
+The C<DirPath> method returns the build path name(s) of a directory or
+list of directories. It is invoked as follows:
+ $cwd = DirPath <paths>;
+The most common use for the C<DirPath> method is:
+ $cwd = DirPath '.';
+to fetch the path to the current directory of a subsidiary F<Conscript>
+=head2 The C<FilePath> method
+The C<FilePath> method returns the build path name(s) of a file or
+list of files. It is invoked as follows:
+ $file = FilePath <path>;