path: root/src/engine
diff options
authorRobert Managan <>2012-09-16 05:29:47 (GMT)
committerRobert Managan <>2012-09-16 05:29:47 (GMT)
commitb5733b97894ecbafab7b6cdb25a61aa56b6f1f14 (patch)
tree29822b53fa8d4379145867db0dce1649b19ef7ef /src/engine
parent71e49a9594f1ece94cc9011647ba81018338259e (diff)
Support auxiliary files created by \newglossary command
Diffstat (limited to 'src/engine')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
index ce0a51f..23492fe 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
@@ -100,6 +100,10 @@ makeglossary_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeglossary", re.MULTILINE)
makeglossaries_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeglossaries", re.MULTILINE)
makeacronyms_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\makeglossaries", re.MULTILINE)
beamer_re = re.compile(r"^[^%\n]*\\documentclass\{beamer\}", re.MULTILINE)
+regex = r'^[^%\n]*\\newglossary\s*\[([^\]]+)\]?\s*\{([^}]*)\}\s*\{([^}]*)\}\s*\{([^}]*)\}\s*\{([^}]*)\}'
+newglossary_re = re.compile(regex, re.MULTILINE)
+newglossary_suffix = []
# search to find all files included by Latex
include_re = re.compile(r'^[^%\n]*\\(?:include|input){([^}]*)}', re.MULTILINE)
@@ -137,6 +141,9 @@ MakeGlossaryAction = None
# An action to run MakeIndex (for acronyms) on a file.
MakeAcronymsAction = None
+# An action to run MakeIndex (for newglossary commands) on a file.
+MakeNewGlossaryAction = None
# Used as a return value of modify_env_var if the variable is not set.
_null = SCons.Scanner.LaTeX._null
@@ -232,7 +239,8 @@ def InternalLaTeXAuxAction(XXXLaTeXAction, target = None, source= None, env=None
saved_hashes = {}
suffix_nodes = {}
- for suffix in all_suffixes:
+ for suffix in all_suffixes+sum(newglossary_suffix, []):
theNode = env.fs.File(targetbase + suffix)
suffix_nodes[suffix] = theNode
saved_hashes[suffix] = theNode.get_csig()
@@ -410,6 +418,21 @@ def InternalLaTeXAuxAction(XXXLaTeXAction, target = None, source= None, env=None
return result
+ # Now decide if latex will need to be run again due to newglossary command.
+ for ig in range(len(newglossary_suffix)):
+ if check_MD5(suffix_nodes[newglossary_suffix[ig][2]],newglossary_suffix[ig][2]) or (count == 1):
+ # We must run makeindex
+ if Verbose:
+ print "Need to run makeindex for newglossary"
+ newglfile = suffix_nodes[newglossary_suffix[ig][2]]
+ MakeNewGlossaryAction = SCons.Action.Action("$MAKENEWGLOSSARY ${SOURCE.filebase}%s -s ${SOURCE.filebase}.ist -t ${SOURCE.filebase}%s -o ${SOURCE.filebase}%s" % (newglossary_suffix[ig][2],newglossary_suffix[ig][0],newglossary_suffix[ig][1]), "$MAKENEWGLOSSARYCOMSTR")
+ result = MakeNewGlossaryAction(newglfile, newglfile, env)
+ if result != 0:
+ check_file_error_message('%s (newglossary)' % env['MAKENEWGLOSSARY'],
+ newglossary_suffix[ig][0])
+ return result
# Now decide if latex needs to be run yet again to resolve warnings.
must_rerun_latex = True
@@ -595,9 +618,27 @@ def ScanFiles(theFile, target, paths, file_tests, file_tests_search, env, graphi
for i in range(len(file_tests_search)):
if file_tests[i][0] is None:
+ if Verbose:
+ print "scan i ",i," files_tests[i] ",file_tests[i], file_tests[i][1]
file_tests[i][0] = file_tests_search[i].search(content)
if Verbose and file_tests[i][0]:
- print " found match for ",file_tests[i][-1][-1]
+ print " found match for ",file_tests[i][1][-1]
+ # for newglossary insert the suffixes in file_tests[i]
+ if file_tests[i][0] and file_tests[i][1][-1] == 'newglossary':
+ findresult = file_tests_search[i].findall(content)
+ for l in range(len(findresult)) :
+ (file_tests[i][1]).insert(0,'.'+findresult[l][3])
+ (file_tests[i][1]).insert(0,'.'+findresult[l][2])
+ (file_tests[i][1]).insert(0,'.'+findresult[l][0])
+ suffix_list = ['.'+findresult[l][0],'.'+findresult[l][2],'.'+findresult[l][3] ]
+ newglossary_suffix.append(suffix_list)
+ #newglossary_suffix.append('.'+findresult[l][0])
+ #newglossary_suffix.append('.'+findresult[l][2])
+ #newglossary_suffix.append('.'+findresult[l][3])
+ #run_newglossary_suffix.append('.'+findresult[l][3])
+ if Verbose:
+ print " new suffixes for newglossary ",newglossary_suffix
incResult =
if incResult:
@@ -676,7 +717,8 @@ def tex_emitter_core(target, source, env, graphics_extensions):
- beamer_re ]
+ beamer_re,
+ newglossary_re ]
# set up list with the file suffixes that need emitting
# when a feature is found
file_tests_suff = [['.aux','aux_file'],
@@ -693,7 +735,9 @@ def tex_emitter_core(target, source, env, graphics_extensions):
['.glo', '.gls', '.glg','glossary'],
['.glo', '.gls', '.glg','glossaries'],
['.acn', '.acr', '.alg','acronyms'],
- ['.nav', '.snm', '.out', '.toc','beamer'] ]
+ ['.nav', '.snm', '.out', '.toc','beamer'],
+ ['newglossary',] ]
+ # for newglossary the suffixes are added as we find the command
# build the list of lists
file_tests = []
for i in range(len(file_tests_search)):
@@ -722,6 +766,7 @@ def tex_emitter_core(target, source, env, graphics_extensions):
if Verbose:
print "search path ",paths
+ # scan all sources for side effect files
aux_files = []
file_tests = ScanFiles(source[0], target, paths, file_tests, file_tests_search, env, graphics_extensions, targetdir, aux_files)
@@ -917,6 +962,9 @@ def generate_common(env):
env['MAKENCLFLAGS'] = '-s ${MAKENCLSTYLE} -t ${SOURCE.filebase}.nlg'
env['MAKENCLCOM'] = CDCOM + '${TARGET.dir} && $MAKENCL ${SOURCE.filebase}.nlo $MAKENCLFLAGS -o ${SOURCE.filebase}.nls'
+ env['MAKENEWGLOSSARY'] = 'makeindex'
def exists(env):
return env.Detect('tex')