path: root/src/script/
diff options
authorSteven Knight <>2001-09-17 04:57:00 (GMT)
committerSteven Knight <>2001-09-17 04:57:00 (GMT)
commit3c81bb2bd0e009c0ee81570e17b0f87ad8d034ab (patch)
tree1a08c189644909cdadc489cce0eaa487e2c6f578 /src/script/
parente2faf9c21bc7712fcdc547b7df0f12a6b2177601 (diff)
Run on the unpacked .tar.gz for testing.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/script/')
1 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/script/ b/src/script/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d433773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/script/
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# SCons
+__revision__ = " __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__"
+import getopt
+import os.path
+import string
+import sys
+import traceback
+import SCons.Node.FS
+import SCons.Job
+from SCons.Errors import *
+# Modules and classes that we don't use directly in this script, but
+# which we want available for use in SConstruct and SConscript files.
+from SCons.Environment import Environment
+from SCons.Builder import Builder
+class Task:
+ "XXX: this is here only until the build engine is implemented"
+ def __init__(self, target):
+ = target
+ def execute(self):
+class Taskmaster:
+ "XXX: this is here only until the build engine is implemented"
+ def __init__(self, targets):
+ self.targets = targets
+ self.num_iterated = 0
+ def next_task(self):
+ if self.num_iterated == len(self.targets):
+ return None
+ else:
+ current = self.num_iterated
+ self.num_iterated = self.num_iterated + 1
+ return Task(self.targets[current])
+ def is_blocked(self):
+ return 0
+ def executed(self, task):
+ pass
+ def failed(self, task):
+ pass
+# Global variables
+local_help = None
+num_jobs = 1
+Scripts = []
+include_dirs = []
+# utility functions
+def _scons_syntax_error(e):
+ """Handle syntax errors. Print out a message and show where the error
+ occurred.
+ """
+ etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ lines = traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)
+ for line in lines:
+ sys.stderr.write(line+'\n')
+def _scons_user_error(e):
+ """Handle user errors. Print out a message and a description of the
+ error, along with the line number and routine where it occured.
+ """
+ print 'user error'
+ etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ while tb.tb_next is not None:
+ tb = tb.tb_next
+ lineno = traceback.tb_lineno(tb)
+ filename = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename
+ routine = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name
+ sys.stderr.write("\nSCons error: %s\n" % value)
+ sys.stderr.write('File "%s", line %d, in %s\n' % (filename, lineno, routine))
+def _scons_other_errors():
+ """Handle all errors but user errors. Print out a message telling
+ the user what to do in this case and print a normal trace.
+ """
+ print 'other errors'
+ traceback.print_exc()
+def Conscript(filename):
+ global Scripts
+ Scripts.append(filename)
+def Help(text):
+ global local_help
+ if local_help:
+ print text
+ print "Use scons -H for help about command-line options."
+ sys.exit(0)
+# After options are initialized, the following variables are
+# filled in:
+option_list = [] # list of Option objects
+short_opts = "" # string of short (single-character) options
+long_opts = [] # array of long (--) options
+opt_func = {} # mapping of option strings to functions
+def options_init():
+ """Initialize command-line options processing.
+ This is in a subroutine mainly so we can easily single-step over
+ it in the debugger.
+ """
+ class Option:
+ """Class for command-line option information.
+ This exists to provide a central location for everything
+ describing a command-line option, so that we can change
+ options without having to update the code to handle the
+ option in one place, the -h help message in another place,
+ etc. There are no methods here, only attributes.
+ You can initialize an Option with the following:
+ func The function that will be called when this
+ option is processed on the command line.
+ Calling sequence is:
+ func(opt, arg)
+ If there is no func, then this Option probably
+ stores an optstring to be printed.
+ helpline
+ The string to be printed in -h output. If no
+ helpline is specified but a help string is
+ specified (the usual case), a helpline will be
+ constructed automatically from the short, long,
+ arg, and help attributes. (In practice, then,
+ setting helpline without setting func allows you
+ to print arbitrary lines of text in the -h
+ output.)
+ short The string for short, single-hyphen
+ command-line options.
+ Do not include the hyphen:
+ 'a' for -a, 'xy' for -x and -y, etc.
+ long An array of strings for long, double-hyphen
+ command-line options. Do not include
+ the hyphens:
+ ['my-option', 'verbose']
+ arg If this option takes an argument, this string
+ specifies how you want it to appear in the
+ -h output ('DIRECTORY', 'FILE', etc.).
+ help The help string that will be printed for
+ this option in the -h output. Must be
+ 49 characters or fewer.
+ future If non-zero, this indicates that this feature
+ will be supported in a future release, not
+ the currently planned one. SCons will
+ recognize the option, but it won't show up
+ in the -h output.
+ The following attribute is derived from the supplied attributes:
+ optstring
+ A string, with hyphens, describing the flags
+ for this option, as constructed from the
+ specified short, long and arg attributes.
+ All Option objects are stored in the global option_list list,
+ in the order in which they're created. This is the list
+ that's used to generate -h output, so the order in which the
+ objects are created is the order in which they're printed.
+ The upshot is that specifying a command-line option and having
+ everything work correctly is a matter of defining a function to
+ process its command-line argument (set the right flag, update
+ the right value), and then creating an appropriate Option object
+ at the correct point in the code below.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, func = None, helpline = None,
+ short = None, long = None, arg = None,
+ help = None, future = None):
+ self.func = func
+ self.short = short
+ self.long = long
+ self.arg = arg
+ = help
+ opts = []
+ if self.short:
+ for c in self.short:
+ if arg:
+ c = c + " " + arg
+ opts = opts + ['-' + c]
+ if self.long:
+ l = self.long
+ if arg:
+ l = map(lambda x,a=arg: x + "=" + a, self.long)
+ opts = opts + map(lambda x: '--' + x, l)
+ self.optstring = string.join(opts, ', ')
+ if helpline:
+ self.helpline = helpline
+ elif help and not future:
+ if len(self.optstring) <= 26:
+ sep = " " * (28 - len(self.optstring))
+ else:
+ sep = self.helpstring = "\n" + " " * 30
+ self.helpline = " " + self.optstring + sep +
+ else:
+ self.helpline = None
+ global option_list
+ option_list.append(self)
+ # Generic routine for to-be-written options, used by multiple
+ # options below.
+ def opt_not_yet(opt, arg):
+ sys.stderr.write("Warning: the %s option is not yet implemented\n"
+ % opt)
+ # In the following instantiations, the help string should be no
+ # longer than 49 characters. Use the following as a guide:
+ # help = "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
+ def opt_ignore(opt, arg):
+ sys.stderr.write("Warning: ignoring %s option\n" % opt)
+ Option(func = opt_ignore,
+ short = 'bmSt', long = ['no-keep-going', 'stop', 'touch'],
+ help = "Ignored for compatibility.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet,
+ short = 'c', long = ['clean', 'remove'],
+ help = "Remove specified targets and dependencies.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['cache-disable', 'no-cache'],
+ help = "Do not retrieve built targets from Cache.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['cache-force', 'cache-populate'],
+ help = "Copy already-built targets into the Cache.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['cache-show'],
+ help = "Print what would have built Cached targets.")
+ def opt_C(opt, arg):
+ try:
+ os.chdir(arg)
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write("Could not change directory to 'arg'\n")
+ Option(func = opt_C,
+ short = 'C', long = ['directory'], arg = 'DIRECTORY',
+ help = "Change to DIRECTORY before doing anything.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet,
+ short = 'd',
+ help = "Print file dependency information.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['debug'], arg = 'FLAGS',
+ help = "Print various types of debugging information.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ short = 'e', long = ['environment-overrides'],
+ help = "Environment variables override makefiles.")
+ def opt_f(opt, arg):
+ global Scripts
+ Scripts.append(arg)
+ Option(func = opt_f,
+ short = 'f', long = ['file', 'makefile', 'sconstruct'], arg = 'FILE',
+ help = "Read FILE as the top-level SConstruct file.")
+ def opt_help(opt, arg):
+ global local_help
+ local_help = 1
+ Option(func = opt_help,
+ short = 'h', long = ['help'],
+ help = "Print defined help message, or this one.")
+ def opt_help_options(opt, arg):
+ PrintUsage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ Option(func = opt_help_options,
+ short = 'H', long = ['help-options'],
+ help = "Print this message and exit.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet,
+ short = 'i', long = ['ignore-errors'],
+ help = "Ignore errors from build actions.")
+ def opt_I(opt, arg):
+ global include_dirs
+ include_dirs = include_dirs + [arg]
+ Option(func = opt_I,
+ short = 'I', long = ['include-dir'], arg = 'DIRECTORY',
+ help = "Search DIRECTORY for imported Python modules.")
+ def opt_j(opt, arg):
+ global num_jobs
+ try:
+ num_jobs = int(arg)
+ except:
+ PrintUsage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if num_jobs <= 0:
+ PrintUsage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ Option(func = opt_j,
+ short = 'j', long = ['jobs'], arg = 'N',
+ help = "Allow N jobs at once.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet,
+ short = 'k', long = ['keep-going'],
+ help = "Keep going when a target can't be made.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ short = 'l', long = ['load-average', 'max-load'], arg = 'N',
+ help = "Don't start multiple jobs unless load is below N.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['list-derived'],
+ help = "Don't build; list files that would be built.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['list-actions'],
+ help = "Don't build; list files and build actions.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['list-where'],
+ help = "Don't build; list files and where defined.")
+ def opt_n(opt, arg):
+ SCons.Builder.execute_actions = None
+ Option(func = opt_n,
+ short = 'n', long = ['no-exec', 'just-print', 'dry-run', 'recon'],
+ help = "Don't build; just print commands.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ short = 'o', long = ['old-file', 'assume-old'], arg = 'FILE',
+ help = "Consider FILE to be old; don't rebuild it.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['override'], arg = 'FILE',
+ help = "Override variables as specified in FILE.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ short = 'p',
+ help = "Print internal environments/objects.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ short = 'q', long = ['question'],
+ help = "Don't build; exit status says if up to date.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ short = 'rR', long = ['no-builtin-rules', 'no-builtin-variables'],
+ help = "Clear default environments and variables.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['random'],
+ help = "Build dependencies in random order.")
+ def opt_s(opt, arg):
+ SCons.Builder.print_actions = None
+ Option(func = opt_s,
+ short = 's', long = ['silent', 'quiet'],
+ help = "Don't print commands.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ short = 'u', long = ['up', 'search-up'],
+ help = "Search up directory tree for SConstruct.")
+ def option_v(opt, arg):
+ print "SCons version __VERSION__, by Steven Knight et al."
+ print "Copyright 2001 Steven Knight"
+ sys.exit(0)
+ Option(func = option_v,
+ short = 'v', long = ['version'],
+ help = "Print the SCons version number and exit.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ short = 'w', long = ['print-directory'],
+ help = "Print the current directory.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['no-print-directory'],
+ help = "Turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['write-filenames'], arg = 'FILE',
+ help = "Write all filenames examined into FILE.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ short = 'W', long = ['what-if', 'new-file', 'assume-new'], arg = 'FILE',
+ help = "Consider FILE to be changed.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ long = ['warn-undefined-variables'],
+ help = "Warn when an undefined variable is referenced.")
+ Option(func = opt_not_yet, future = 1,
+ short = 'Y', long = ['repository'], arg = 'REPOSITORY',
+ help = "Search REPOSITORY for source and target files.")
+ global short_opts
+ global long_opts
+ global opt_func
+ for o in option_list:
+ if o.short:
+ if o.func:
+ for c in o.short:
+ opt_func['-' + c] = o.func
+ short_opts = short_opts + o.short
+ if o.arg:
+ short_opts = short_opts + ":"
+ if o.long:
+ if o.func:
+ for l in o.long:
+ opt_func['--' + l] = o.func
+ if o.arg:
+ long_opts = long_opts + map(lambda a: a + "=", o.long)
+ else:
+ long_opts = long_opts + o.long
+def PrintUsage():
+ print "Usage: scons [OPTION] [TARGET] ..."
+ print "Options:"
+ for o in option_list:
+ if o.helpline:
+ print o.helpline
+def main():
+ global Scripts, local_help, num_jobs
+ try:
+ cmd_opts, targets = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts)
+# except getopt.GetoptError, x:
+ except:
+ #print x
+ PrintUsage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for opt, arg in cmd_opts:
+ opt_func[opt](opt, arg)
+ if not Scripts:
+ for file in ['SConstruct', 'Sconstruct', 'sconstruct']:
+ if os.path.isfile(file):
+ Scripts.append(file)
+ break
+ if local_help and not Scripts:
+ # They specified -h, but there's no SConstruct. Give them
+ # the options usage before we try to read it and fail.
+ PrintUsage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # XXX The commented-out code here adds any "scons" subdirs in anything
+ # along sys.path to sys.path. This was an attempt at setting up things
+ # so we can import "node.FS" instead of "SCons.Node.FS". This doesn't
+ # quite fit our testing methodology, though, so save it for now until
+ # the right solutions pops up.
+ #
+ #dirlist = []
+ #for dir in sys.path:
+ # scons = os.path.join(dir, 'scons')
+ # if os.path.isdir(scons):
+ # dirlist = dirlist + [scons]
+ # dirlist = dirlist + [dir]
+ #
+ #sys.path = dirlist
+ sys.path = include_dirs + sys.path
+ # initialize node factory
+ SCons.Node.FS.init()
+ while Scripts:
+ file, Scripts = Scripts[0], Scripts[1:]
+ if file == "-":
+ exec sys.stdin in globals()
+ else:
+ try:
+ f = open(file, "r")
+ except IOError, s:
+ sys.stderr.write("Ignoring missing script '%s'\n" % file)
+ else:
+ exec f in globals()
+ if local_help:
+ # They specified -h, but there was no Help() inside the
+ # SConscript files. Give them the options usage.
+ PrintUsage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ taskmaster = Taskmaster(map(
+ lambda x: SCons.Node.FS.lookup(SCons.Node.FS.File, x),
+ targets))
+ jobs = SCons.Job.Jobs(num_jobs, taskmaster)
+ jobs.start()
+ jobs.wait()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ main()
+ except SystemExit:
+ pass
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print "Build interrupted."
+ except SyntaxError, e:
+ _scons_syntax_error(e)
+ except UserError, e:
+ _scons_user_error(e)
+ except:
+ _scons_other_errors()