path: root/doc/man/scons.1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/man/scons.1')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/man/scons.1 b/doc/man/scons.1
index c0b91ec..769cfc2 100644
--- a/doc/man/scons.1
+++ b/doc/man/scons.1
@@ -586,7 +586,15 @@ Print how many objects are created
of the various classes used internally by SCons
before and after reading the SConscript files
and before and after building targets.
-This only works when run under Python 2.1 or later.
+This is not supported when run under Python versions earlier than 2.1,
+when SCons is executed with the Python
+.B -O
+(optimized) option,
+or when the SCons modules
+have been compiled with optimization
+(that is, when executing from
+.B *.pyo
@@ -2027,6 +2035,84 @@ env.other_method_name('another arg')
+.RI AddOption( arguments )
+This function adds a new command-line option to be recognized.
+The specified
+.I arguments
+are the same as supported by the standard Python
+.B optparse.add_option
+see the documentation for
+.B optparse
+for a thorough discussion of its option-processing capabities.
+(Note that although the
+.B optparse
+module was not a standard module until Python 2.3,
+.B scons
+contains a compatible version of the module
+that is used to provide identical functionality
+when run by earlier Python versions.)
+If no
+.B default=
+keyword argument is supplied when calling
+.BR AddOption (),
+the option will have a default value of
+.BR None .
+Once a new command-line option has been added with
+.BR AddOption (),
+the option value may be accessed using
+.BR GetOption ()
+.BR env.GetOption ().
+The value may also be set, using
+.BR SetOption ()
+.BR env.SetOption (),
+if conditions in a
+.B SConscript
+require overriding any default value.
+Note, however, that a
+value specified on the command line will
+.I always
+override a value set by any SConscript file.
+Any specified
+.B help=
+strings for the new option(s)
+will be displayed by the
+.B -H
+.B -h
+(the latter only if no other help text is
+specified in the SConscript files).
+The help text for the local options specified by
+.BR AddOption ()
+will appear below the SCons options themselves,
+under a separate
+.B "Local Options"
+The options will appear in the help text
+in the order in which the
+.BR AddOption ()
+calls occur.
+ dest='prefix',
+ nargs=1, type='string',
+ action='store',
+ metavar='DIR',
+ help='installation prefix')
+env = Environment(PREFIX = GetOption('prefix'))
.RI AddPostAction( target ", " action )
@@ -4110,6 +4196,8 @@ which corresponds to -h and --help;
which corresponds to --implicit-cache;
.B max_drift
which corresponds to --max-drift;
+.B no_exec
+which corresponds to -n, --no-exec, --just-print, --dry-run and --recon;
.B num_jobs
which corresponds to -j and --jobs.
.B random