Test of generating several .pdfs from a list of .ps (new single_source setting)
Based on second half of LATEX. generate all .pdf's at once by giving a list of .tex files
test of single_source
Add test of changing an included file.
Add test of included file having no extension
Add lists of acceptable graphics extensions,
In the furture make this user configurable??
Scan for files in the paths stored in env['TEXINPUTS'] and env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS']
for people who may just input their environment...
Add function findENVPatDirs for this purpose
add epstopdf action
Have to add it after the pdftex action so it is not the default.
Make builder single_source since each input produces one output
use tex_eps_emitter
call pdf.generate2 to add epstopdf action after the PDFLaTeXAction
simplify coding that adds the source directory to the search path TEXPICTS
Add single_source option since each ps file comes from one dvi file
add .tex as a valid extension and switch emitters to tex_pdf_emitter
fix regular expressions ^[^%]* to ^[^%\n]* for multiline environment
add REs for \input or \include and \includegraphics
get graphics extensions from Scanner.LaTeX so they are defined in one place
move modify_env_var to Scanner.LaTeX since it is used there and easier to import it here
add FindFile routine to find a file given name, list of suffixes, paths, env
returns a node for the file.
add tex_eps_emitter and tex_pdf_emitter that call a core routine with
a different list of graphics extensions that can be handled by the
tool used (latex vs. pdflatex)
revamp feature test/suffix list into two lists and build the list used
to create sideeffects for each input file...
These tests now get applied to each included file so the whole source
tree is tested.
Get list of paths from env['ENV']['TEXINPUTS'] and env['TEXINPUTS']
if find we need a .pdf file and only have .eps or .ps set up the
.pdf as a target with the .eps as source...
change emitter to tex_eps_emitter
add .tex as a valid extension and switch emitters to tex_eps_emitter