dist: trusty language: python notifications: irc: "chat.freenode.net#scons" addons: apt: update: true os: - linux install: - ./.travis/install.sh # pypy is not passing atm, but still report build success for now # allow coverage to fail, so we can still do testing for all platforms matrix: allow_failures: - python: pypy - stage: Coverage # run coverage first as its still useful to collect stages: - Coverage - Test jobs: include: - &test_job stage: Test script: python runtest.py -a || if [[ $? == 2 ]]; then true; else false; fi before_script: skip after_success: skip python: 2.7 env: - PYVER=27 - PYTHON=2.7 sudo: required - <<: *test_job python: 3.5 env: - PYVER=35 - PYTHON=3.5 sudo: required - <<: *test_job python: 3.6 env: - PYVER=36 - PYTHON=3.6 sudo: required - <<: *test_job python: 3.7 env: - PYVER=37 - PYTHON=3.7 sudo: required dist: xenial # required for Python 3.7 (travis-ci/travis-ci#9069) - <<: *test_job python: pypy env: - PYVER=pypy - PYTHON=pypy sudo: required - &coverage_jobs stage: Coverage python: 2.7 before_script: # install our own python so we can modify usercustomize.py - deactivate - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa - sudo apt-get update || true - sudo apt-get -y install python$PYTHON - wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py - sudo -H python$PYTHON get-pip.py - which python$PYTHON - python$PYTHON --version - python$PYTHON -m pip install --user -U coverage codecov # set this ensure user sites are available - export PYTHONNOUSERSITE= # attempt to get a location where we can store the usercustomize.py file - python$PYTHON -m site - export PYSITEDIR=$(python$PYTHON -m site --user-site) - sudo mkdir -p $PYSITEDIR - sudo touch ${PYSITEDIR}/usercustomize.py - export COVERAGE_FILE=$PWD/.coverage # write the usercustomize.py file so all python processes use coverage and know where the config file is - echo "import os" | sudo tee --append ${PYSITEDIR}/usercustomize.py - echo "os.environ['COVERAGE_PROCESS_START'] = '$PWD/.coveragerc'" | sudo tee --append ${PYSITEDIR}/usercustomize.py - echo "import coverage" | sudo tee --append ${PYSITEDIR}/usercustomize.py - echo "coverage.process_startup()" | sudo tee --append ${PYSITEDIR}/usercustomize.py script: - export TOTAL_BUILD_JOBS=4 # write the coverage config file - export COVERAGE_PROCESS_START=$PWD/.coveragerc - echo "[run]" >> .coveragerc - echo "source = $PWD/src" >> .coveragerc - echo "parallel = True" >> .coveragerc - printf "omit =\n\t*Tests.py\n\tsrc/test_*\n\tsrc/setup.py\n\n" >> .coveragerc - echo "[path]" >> .coveragerc - echo "source = $PWD" >> .coveragerc - echo "[report]" >> .coveragerc - printf "omit =\n\t*Tests.py\n\tsrc/test_*\n\tsrc/setup.py\n\n" >> .coveragerc # get a list of all the tests to split them up - python$PYTHON runtest.py -l -a > all_tests - let "start = ($(wc -l < all_tests) / ${TOTAL_BUILD_JOBS}) * (${BUILD_JOB_NUM} - 1)"; true; - let "end = ($(wc -l < all_tests) / ${TOTAL_BUILD_JOBS}) * ${BUILD_JOB_NUM}" - if (( ${BUILD_JOB_NUM} == ${TOTAL_BUILD_JOBS} )); then end=$(wc -l < all_tests); fi - if (( ${start} == 0 )); then start=1; fi - sed -n ${start},${end}p all_tests > build_tests - coverage run -p --rcfile=$PWD/.coveragerc runtest.py -f build_tests || if [[ $? == 2 ]]; then true; else false; fi after_script: - coverage combine - coverage report - coverage xml -o coverage_xml.xml - codecov -X gcov --file coverage_xml.xml # not using coveralls but leaving it commented to # make it easy to re-enable #- python$PYTHON -m pip install --user -U coveralls #- coveralls --rcfile=$PWD/.coveragerc env: - PYVER=27 - PYTHON=2.7 - BUILD_JOB_NUM=1 - <<: *coverage_jobs env: - PYVER=27 - PYTHON=2.7 - BUILD_JOB_NUM=2 - <<: *coverage_jobs env: - PYVER=27 - PYTHON=2.7 - BUILD_JOB_NUM=3 - <<: *coverage_jobs env: - PYVER=27 - PYTHON=2.7 - BUILD_JOB_NUM=4 - <<: *coverage_jobs python: 3.6 env: - PYVER=36 - PYTHON=3.6 - BUILD_JOB_NUM=1 - <<: *coverage_jobs python: 3.6 env: - PYVER=36 - PYTHON=3.6 - BUILD_JOB_NUM=2 - <<: *coverage_jobs python: 3.6 env: - PYVER=36 - PYTHON=3.6 - BUILD_JOB_NUM=3 - <<: *coverage_jobs python: 3.6 env: - PYVER=36 - PYTHON=3.6 - BUILD_JOB_NUM=4