# # Construct file to build scons during development. # (Kind of ironic that we're using the classic Perl Cons # to build its Python child...) # # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Steven Knight # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # print <<_EOF_; Using Cons to build the SCons packages is no longer supported, and this Construct file is deprecated. Use SCons to build its own packages instead. See the README file for details. _EOF_ exit 0; $project = 'scons'; Default qw( . ); # # An internal "whereis" routine to figure out if we have a # given program available. Put it in the "cons::" package # so subsidiary Conscript files can get at it easily, too. # use Config; sub cons::whereis { my $file = shift; foreach my $dir (split(/$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH})) { $f = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file); return $f if -x $f && ! -d $f; } return undef } sub cons::read_file { my $file = shift; open(F, "<$file") || die "cannot open $file: $!"; my @lines = ; close(F); return wantarray ? @lines : join('', @lines); } # # We let the presence or absence of various utilities determine # whether or not we bother to build certain pieces of things. # This will allow people to still do SCons work even if they # don't have Aegis or RPM installed, for example. # $aegis = cons::whereis('aegis'); $aesub = cons::whereis('aesub'); $rpm = cons::whereis('rpm'); $dh_builddeb = cons::whereis('dh_builddeb'); $fakeroot = cons::whereis('fakeroot'); # My installation on Red Hat doesn't like any debhelper version # beyond 2, so let's use 2 as the default on any non-Debian build. $DH_COMPAT = (-f "/etc/debian_version") ? 3 : 2; # # Now grab the information that we "build" into the files (using sed). # chomp($date = $ARG{date}); if (! $date) { ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $date = sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); } $developer = $ARG{developer} || $ENV{USERNAME} || $ENV{LOGNAME} || $ENV{USER}; $revision = $ARG{version}; chomp($revision = `$aesub '\$version' 2>/dev/null`) if $aesub && ! $revision; $revision = '0.05' if ! $revision; @arr = split(/\./, $revision); @arr = ($arr[0], map {length($_) == 1 ? "0$_" : $_} @arr[1 .. $#arr]); $revision = join('.', @arr); # Here's how we'd turn the calculated $revision into our package $version. # This makes it difficult to coordinate with other files (debian/changelog # and rpm/scons.spec) that hard-code the version number, so just go with # the flow for now. #pop @arr if $#arr >= 2; #map {s/^[CD]//, s/^0*(\d\d)$/$1/} @arr; #$version = join('.', @arr); $version = '0.05'; $change = $ARG{change}; chomp($change = `$aesub '\$change' 2>/dev/null`) if $aesub && ! $change; chomp($python_ver = `python -c "import sys; print sys.version[0:3]"`); chomp($platform = `python -c "from distutils.util import get_platform; print get_platform()"`); if ($platform eq "win32") { $archsuffix = "zip" } else { $archsuffix = "tar.gz" } use Cwd; $test1_dir = File::Spec->catfile(cwd, "build", "test1"); $test2_dir = File::Spec->catfile(cwd, "build", "test2"); $lib_project = File::Spec->catfile("lib", "$project"); # Originally, we were going to package the build engine in a # private SCons library that contained the version number, so # we could easily have multiple side-by-side versions of SCons # installed. Keep this around in case we ever want to go back # to that scheme. Note that this also requires changes to # runtest.py and src/setup.py. #$lib_project = File::Spec->catfile("lib", "$project-$version"); $test1_lib_dir = File::Spec->catfile($test1_dir, $lib_project); $test2_lib_dir = File::Spec->catfile($test2_dir, "lib", "python${python_ver}", "site-packages"); $unpack_dir = File::Spec->catfile(cwd, "build", "unpack"); $env = new cons( ENV => { AEGIS_PROJECT => $ENV{AEGIS_PROJECT}, PATH => $ENV{PATH}, }, TEST1_LIB_DIR => $test1_lib_dir, TEST2_LIB_DIR => $test2_lib_dir, DATE => $date, DEVELOPER => $developer, REVISION => $revision, VERSION => $version, SED => 'sed', # Use %(-%) around the date so date # changes don't cause rebuilds. SEDFLAGS => " %( -e 's+__DATE__+%DATE+' %)" . " -e 's+__DEVELOPER__+%DEVELOPER+'" . " -e 's+__FILE__+%<+'" . " -e 's+__REVISION__+%REVISION+'" . " -e 's+__VERSION__+%VERSION+'", SEDCOM => "%SED %SEDFLAGS %< > %>", ); # # Define SCons packages. # # In the original, more complicated packaging scheme, we were going # to have separate packages for: # # python-scons only the build engine # scons-script only the script # scons the script plus the build engine # # We're now only delivering a single "scons" package, but this is still # "built" as two sub-packages (the build engine and the script), so # the definitions remain here, even though we're not using them for # separate packages. # $python_scons = { 'pkg' => "python-$project", 'src_subdir' => 'engine', 'inst_subdir' => File::Spec->catfile("lib", "python1.5", "site-packages"), 'prefix' => $test2_dir, 'debian_deps' => [ qw(debian/rules debian/control debian/changelog debian/copyright debian/python-scons.postinst debian/python-scons.prerm) ], 'files' => [ qw(LICENSE.txt README.txt setup.cfg setup.py) ], 'filemap' => { 'LICENSE.txt' => '../LICENSE.txt', } }; # # The original packaging scheme would have have required us to push # the Python version number into the package name (python1.5-scons, # python2.0-scons, etc.), which would have required a definition # like the following. Leave this here in case we ever decide to do # this in the future, but note that this would require some modification # to src/engine/setup.py before it would really work. # #$python2_scons = { # 'pkg' => "python2-$project", # 'src_subdir' => 'engine', # 'inst_subdir' => File::Spec->catfile("lib", # "python2.1", # "site-packages"), # 'prefix' => $test2_dir, # # 'debian_deps' => [ qw(debian/rules debian/control # debian/changelog debian/copyright # debian/python2-scons.postinst # debian/python2-scons.prerm) ], # # 'files' => [ qw(LICENSE.txt README.txt setup.cfg setup.py) ], # 'filemap' => { # 'LICENSE.txt' => '../LICENSE.txt', # } #}; $scons_script = { 'pkg' => "$project-script", 'src_subdir' => 'script', 'inst_subdir' => 'bin', 'prefix' => $test2_dir, 'debian_deps' => [ qw(debian/rules debian/control debian/changelog debian/copyright debian/python-scons.postinst debian/python-scons.prerm) ], 'files' => [ qw(LICENSE.txt README.txt setup.cfg setup.py) ], 'filemap' => { 'LICENSE.txt' => '../LICENSE.txt', 'scons' => 'scons.py', } }; $scons = { 'pkg' => $project, 'inst_subdir' => undef, 'prefix' => $test1_dir, 'debian_deps' => [ qw(debian/rules debian/control debian/changelog debian/copyright debian/scons.postinst debian/scons.prerm) ], 'files' => [ qw(CHANGES.txt LICENSE.txt README.txt RELEASE.txt os_spawnv_fix.diff scons.1 script/scons.bat setup.cfg setup.py) ], 'filemap' => { 'scons.1' => '../doc/man/scons.1', }, 'subpkgs' => [ $python_scons, $scons_script ], 'subinst_dirs' => { "python-$project" => $lib_project, "$project-script" => 'bin', }, }; my @src_deps; for $p ($scons) { # # Initialize variables with the right directories for this package. # my $pkg = $p->{'pkg'}; my $src = 'src'; $src = File::Spec->catfile($src, $p->{'src_subdir'}) if $p->{'src_subdir'}; my $build = File::Spec->catfile('build', $pkg); my $prefix = $p->{'prefix'}; my $install = $prefix; if ($p->{'inst_subdir'}) { $install = File::Spec->catfile($install, $p->{'inst_subdir'}); } # # Read up the list of source files from our MANIFEST.in. # This list should *not* include LICENSE.txt, MANIFEST, # README.txt, or setup.py. Make a copy of the list for the # destination files. # my @src_files = cons::read_file("$src/MANIFEST.in"); chomp(@src_files); my @dst_files = map(File::Spec->catfile($install, $_), @src_files); if ($p->{'subpkgs'}) { # # This package includes some sub-packages. Read up their # MANIFEST.in files, and add them to our source and destination # file lists, modifying them as appropriate to add the # specified subdirs. # foreach $sp (@{$p->{'subpkgs'}}) { my $ssubdir = $sp->{'src_subdir'}; my $isubdir = $p->{'subinst_dirs'}->{$sp->{'pkg'}}; my $manifest = File::Spec->catfile($src, $ssubdir, 'MANIFEST.in'); my @f = cons::read_file($manifest); chomp(@f); push(@src_files, map(File::Spec->catfile($sp->{'src_subdir'}, $_), @f)); push(@dst_files, map(File::Spec->catfile($install, $isubdir, $_), @f)); my $k; foreach $k (keys %{$sp->{'filemap'}}) { my $f = $sp->{'filemap'}->{$k}; next if ! defined $f; $k = File::Spec->catfile($sp->{'src_subdir'}, $k); $p->{'filemap'}->{$k} = File::Spec->catfile($sp->{'src_subdir'}, $f); } } } # # Now that we have the "normal" source files, add those files # that are standard for each distribution. Note that we don't # add these to dst_files, because they don't get installed. # And we still have the MANIFEST to add. # push(@src_files, @{$p->{'files'}}); # # Now run everything in src_file through the sed command we # concocted to expand __FILE__, __VERSION__, etc. # foreach $b (@src_files) { my $s = $p->{'filemap'}->{$b} || $b; $env->Command("$build/$b", "$src/$s", "%SEDCOM"); } # # NOW, finally, we can create the MANIFEST, which we do # by having Perl spit out the contents of the @src_files # array we've carefully created. After we've added # MANIFEST itself to the array, of course. # push(@src_files, "MANIFEST"); $env->Command("$build/MANIFEST", "$src/MANIFEST.in", qq([perl] open(F, ">%>"); print F join("\\n", sort qw(@src_files)), "\\n"; close(F))); # # Use the Python distutils to generate the packages. # my $archive = "$build/dist/$pkg-$version.$archsuffix"; push(@src_deps, $archive); my @build_targets = ( "$build/dist/$pkg-$version.$platform.$archsuffix", $archive, "$build/dist/$pkg-$version.win32.exe", ); my @install_targets = @build_targets; # We can get away with calling setup.py using a directory path # like this because we put a preamble in it that will chdir() # to the directory in which setup.py exists. my @bdist_dirs = ("$build/build/lib", "$build/build/scripts"); my $commands = qq(rm -rf @bdist_dirs && python $build/setup.py bdist python $build/setup.py sdist python $build/setup.py bdist_wininst); if ($rpm) { chomp($cwd = `pwd`); $topdir = "$cwd/$build/build/bdist.$platform/rpm"; $BUILDdir = "$topdir/BUILD/$pkg-$version"; $RPMSdir = "$topdir/RPMS/noarch"; $SOURCESdir = "$topdir/SOURCES"; $SPECSdir = "$topdir/SPECS"; $SRPMSdir = "$topdir/SRPMS"; $specfile = "$SPECSdir/$pkg-$version-1.spec"; $sourcefile = "$SOURCESdir/$pkg-$version.$archsuffix"; $rpm = "$RPMSdir/$pkg-$version-1.noarch.rpm"; $src_rpm = "$SRPMSdir/$pkg-$version-1.src.rpm"; # We'd like to use the following here: # # $env->InstallAs($specfile, "rpm/$pkg.spec"); # $env->InstallAs($sourcefile, $archive); # # but it looks like InstallAs doesn't propogate the # signatures correctly, which means that the RPM file # wouldn't always get rebuilt when it should. Work # around it. use File::Copy; $env->Command($specfile, "rpm/$pkg.spec", "[perl] File::Copy::copy('%<', '%>')"); $env->Command($sourcefile, $archive, "[perl] File::Copy::copy('%<', '%>')"); if (! -d $BUILDdir) { $cmd = "mkdir -p $BUILDdir; "; } my @targets = ( $rpm, $src_rpm ); $env->Command(\@targets, $specfile, "${cmd}rpm --define '_topdir $topdir' -ba %<"); $env->Depends(\@targets, $sourcefile); push(@install_targets, @targets); }; @build_src_files = map("$build/$_", @src_files); if ($dh_builddeb && $fakeroot) { # Debian builds directly into build/dist, so we don't # need to add the .debs to the install_targets. my $deb = "build/dist/${pkg}_$version-1_all.deb"; $env->Command($deb, @build_src_files, qq( fakeroot make -f debian/rules VERSION=%VERSION DH_COMPAT=$DH_COMPAT ENVOKED_BY_CONSTRUCT=1 binary-$pkg env DH_COMPAT=$DH_COMPAT dh_clean)); $env->Depends($deb, @{$p->{'debian_deps'}}); } # # Now set up creation and installation of the packages. # $env->Command([@build_targets], @build_src_files, $commands); $env->Install("build/dist", @install_targets); # # Unpack the archive created by the distutils into build/unpack. # my @unpack_files = map("$unpack_dir/$pkg-$version/$_", @src_files); # We'd like to replace the last three lines with the following: # # tar zxf %< -C $unpack_dir # # but that gives heartburn to Cygwin's tar, so work around it # with separate zcat-tar-rm commands. Command $env [@unpack_files], $archive, qq( rm -rf $unpack_dir/$pkg-$version zcat %< > .temp tar xf .temp -C $unpack_dir rm -f .temp ); # # Run setup.py in the unpacked subdirectory to "install" everything # into our build/test subdirectory. Auxiliary modules that we need # (TestCmd.py, TestSCons.py, unittest.py) will be copied in by # etc/Conscript. The runtest.py script will set PYTHONPATH so that # the tests only look under build/test. This makes sure that our # tests pass with what we really packaged, not because of something # hanging around in the development directory. # # We can get away with calling setup.py using a directory path # like this because we put a preamble in it that will chdir() # to the directory in which setup.py exists. Command $env [@dst_files], @unpack_files, qq( rm -rf $install python $unpack_dir/$pkg-$version/setup.py install --prefix=$prefix ); } # # Arrange for supporting packages to be installed in the test directories. # Export qw( env ); Build "etc/Conscript"; # # Documentation. # Link 'build/doc' => 'doc'; Build 'build/doc/Conscript'; # # If we're running in the actual Aegis project, pack up a complete # source archive from the project files and files in the change, # so we can share it with helpful developers who don't use Aegis. # # First, lie and say that we've seen any files removed by this # change, so they don't get added to the source files list # that goes into the archive. # if ($change) { foreach (`aegis -list -unf -c $change cf 2>/dev/null`) { $seen{"$1\n"}++ if /^(?:source|test) remove(?:\s.*)+\s(\S+)$/; } eval '@src_files = grep(! $seen{$_}++, `aegis -list -terse pf 2>/dev/null`, `aegis -list -terse cf 2>/dev/null`)'; @src_files = grep($_ !~ /(\.aeignore|\.consign)$/, @src_files); if (@src_files) { chomp(@src_files); foreach $file (@src_files) { $env->Command("build/$project-src/$file", $file, qq(%SEDCOM chmod --reference=%< %>) ); } $env->Command("build/dist/$project-src-$version.tar.gz", @src_deps, map("build/$project-src/$_", @src_files), qq( rm -rf build/$project-src-$version cp -rp build/$project-src build/$project-src-$version find build/$project-src-$version -name .consign -exec rm {} \\; tar zcf %> -C build $project-src-$version )); } }