""" TestCmd.py: a testing framework for commands and scripts. The TestCmd module provides a framework for portable automated testing of executable commands and scripts (in any language, not just Python), especially commands and scripts that require file system interaction. In addition to running tests and evaluating conditions, the TestCmd module manages and cleans up one or more temporary workspace directories, and provides methods for creating files and directories in those workspace directories from in-line data, here-documents), allowing tests to be completely self-contained. A TestCmd environment object is created via the usual invocation: import TestCmd test = TestCmd.TestCmd() There are a bunch of keyword arguments available at instantiation: test = TestCmd.TestCmd(description = 'string', program = 'program_or_script_to_test', interpreter = 'script_interpreter', workdir = 'prefix', subdir = 'subdir', verbose = Boolean, match = default_match_function, diff = default_diff_function, combine = Boolean) There are a bunch of methods that let you do different things: test.verbose_set(1) test.description_set('string') test.program_set('program_or_script_to_test') test.interpreter_set('script_interpreter') test.interpreter_set(['script_interpreter', 'arg']) test.workdir_set('prefix') test.workdir_set('') test.workpath('file') test.workpath('subdir', 'file') test.subdir('subdir', ...) test.rmdir('subdir', ...) test.write('file', "contents\n") test.write(['subdir', 'file'], "contents\n") test.read('file') test.read(['subdir', 'file']) test.read('file', mode) test.read(['subdir', 'file'], mode) test.writable('dir', 1) test.writable('dir', None) test.preserve(condition, ...) test.cleanup(condition) test.command_args(program = 'program_or_script_to_run', interpreter = 'script_interpreter', arguments = 'arguments to pass to program') test.run(program = 'program_or_script_to_run', interpreter = 'script_interpreter', arguments = 'arguments to pass to program', chdir = 'directory_to_chdir_to', stdin = 'input to feed to the program\n') universal_newlines = True) p = test.start(program = 'program_or_script_to_run', interpreter = 'script_interpreter', arguments = 'arguments to pass to program', universal_newlines = None) test.finish(self, p) test.pass_test() test.pass_test(condition) test.pass_test(condition, function) test.fail_test() test.fail_test(condition) test.fail_test(condition, function) test.fail_test(condition, function, skip) test.no_result() test.no_result(condition) test.no_result(condition, function) test.no_result(condition, function, skip) test.stdout() test.stdout(run) test.stderr() test.stderr(run) test.symlink(target, link) test.banner(string) test.banner(string, width) test.diff(actual, expected) test.match(actual, expected) test.match_exact("actual 1\nactual 2\n", "expected 1\nexpected 2\n") test.match_exact(["actual 1\n", "actual 2\n"], ["expected 1\n", "expected 2\n"]) test.match_re("actual 1\nactual 2\n", regex_string) test.match_re(["actual 1\n", "actual 2\n"], list_of_regexes) test.match_re_dotall("actual 1\nactual 2\n", regex_string) test.match_re_dotall(["actual 1\n", "actual 2\n"], list_of_regexes) test.tempdir() test.tempdir('temporary-directory') test.sleep() test.sleep(seconds) test.where_is('foo') test.where_is('foo', 'PATH1:PATH2') test.where_is('foo', 'PATH1;PATH2', '.suffix3;.suffix4') test.unlink('file') test.unlink('subdir', 'file') The TestCmd module provides pass_test(), fail_test(), and no_result() unbound functions that report test results for use with the Aegis change management system. These methods terminate the test immediately, reporting PASSED, FAILED, or NO RESULT respectively, and exiting with status 0 (success), 1 or 2 respectively. This allows for a distinction between an actual failed test and a test that could not be properly evaluated because of an external condition (such as a full file system or incorrect permissions). import TestCmd TestCmd.pass_test() TestCmd.pass_test(condition) TestCmd.pass_test(condition, function) TestCmd.fail_test() TestCmd.fail_test(condition) TestCmd.fail_test(condition, function) TestCmd.fail_test(condition, function, skip) TestCmd.no_result() TestCmd.no_result(condition) TestCmd.no_result(condition, function) TestCmd.no_result(condition, function, skip) The TestCmd module also provides unbound functions that handle matching in the same way as the match_*() methods described above. import TestCmd test = TestCmd.TestCmd(match = TestCmd.match_exact) test = TestCmd.TestCmd(match = TestCmd.match_re) test = TestCmd.TestCmd(match = TestCmd.match_re_dotall) The TestCmd module provides unbound functions that can be used for the "diff" argument to TestCmd.TestCmd instantiation: import TestCmd test = TestCmd.TestCmd(match = TestCmd.match_re, diff = TestCmd.diff_re) test = TestCmd.TestCmd(diff = TestCmd.simple_diff) The "diff" argument can also be used with standard difflib functions: import difflib test = TestCmd.TestCmd(diff = difflib.context_diff) test = TestCmd.TestCmd(diff = difflib.unified_diff) Lastly, the where_is() method also exists in an unbound function version. import TestCmd TestCmd.where_is('foo') TestCmd.where_is('foo', 'PATH1:PATH2') TestCmd.where_is('foo', 'PATH1;PATH2', '.suffix3;.suffix4') """ # Copyright 2000-2010 Steven Knight # This module is free software, and you may redistribute it and/or modify # it under the same terms as Python itself, so long as this copyright message # and disclaimer are retained in their original form. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, # SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS CODE, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH # DAMAGE. # # THE AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE CODE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # AND THERE IS NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, # SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. from __future__ import division __author__ = "Steven Knight " __revision__ = "TestCmd.py 0.37.D001 2010/01/11 16:55:50 knight" __version__ = "0.37" import errno import os import re import shutil import stat import sys import tempfile import time import traceback try: from collections import UserList, UserString except ImportError: # no 'collections' module or no UserFoo in collections exec('from UserList import UserList') exec('from UserString import UserString') try: # pre-2.7 doesn't have the memoryview() built-in memoryview except NameError: class memoryview: def __init__(self, obj): # wrapping buffer in () keeps the fixer from changing it self.obj = (buffer)(obj) def __getitem__(self, indx): if isinstance(indx, slice): return self.obj[indx.start:indx.stop] else: return self.obj[indx] __all__ = [ 'diff_re', 'fail_test', 'no_result', 'pass_test', 'match_exact', 'match_re', 'match_re_dotall', 'python', '_python_', 'TestCmd' ] try: import difflib except ImportError: __all__.append('simple_diff') def is_List(e): return isinstance(e, (list,UserList)) try: eval('unicode') except NameError: def is_String(e): return isinstance(e, (str,UserString)) else: def is_String(e): return isinstance(e, (str,unicode,UserString)) tempfile.template = 'testcmd.' if os.name in ('posix', 'nt'): tempfile.template = 'testcmd.' + str(os.getpid()) + '.' else: tempfile.template = 'testcmd.' re_space = re.compile('\s') _Cleanup = [] def _clean(): global _Cleanup cleanlist = [_f for _f in _Cleanup if _f] del _Cleanup[:] cleanlist.reverse() for test in cleanlist: test.cleanup() import atexit atexit.register(_clean) def _caller(tblist, skip): string = "" arr = [] for file, line, name, text in tblist: if file[-10:] == "TestCmd.py": break arr = [(file, line, name, text)] + arr atfrom = "at" for file, line, name, text in arr[skip:]: if name in ("?", ""): name = "" else: name = " (" + name + ")" string = string + ("%s line %d of %s%s\n" % (atfrom, line, file, name)) atfrom = "\tfrom" return string def fail_test(self = None, condition = 1, function = None, skip = 0): """Cause the test to fail. By default, the fail_test() method reports that the test FAILED and exits with a status of 1. If a condition argument is supplied, the test fails only if the condition is true. """ if not condition: return if not function is None: function() of = "" desc = "" sep = " " if not self is None: if self.program: of = " of " + self.program sep = "\n\t" if self.description: desc = " [" + self.description + "]" sep = "\n\t" at = _caller(traceback.extract_stack(), skip) sys.stderr.write("FAILED test" + of + desc + sep + at) sys.exit(1) def no_result(self = None, condition = 1, function = None, skip = 0): """Causes a test to exit with no valid result. By default, the no_result() method reports NO RESULT for the test and exits with a status of 2. If a condition argument is supplied, the test fails only if the condition is true. """ if not condition: return if not function is None: function() of = "" desc = "" sep = " " if not self is None: if self.program: of = " of " + self.program sep = "\n\t" if self.description: desc = " [" + self.description + "]" sep = "\n\t" at = _caller(traceback.extract_stack(), skip) sys.stderr.write("NO RESULT for test" + of + desc + sep + at) sys.exit(2) def pass_test(self = None, condition = 1, function = None): """Causes a test to pass. By default, the pass_test() method reports PASSED for the test and exits with a status of 0. If a condition argument is supplied, the test passes only if the condition is true. """ if not condition: return if not function is None: function() sys.stderr.write("PASSED\n") sys.exit(0) def match_exact(lines = None, matches = None): """ """ if not is_List(lines): lines = lines.split("\n") if not is_List(matches): matches = matches.split("\n") if len(lines) != len(matches): return for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i] != matches[i]: return return 1 def match_re(lines = None, res = None): """ """ if not is_List(lines): lines = lines.split("\n") if not is_List(res): res = res.split("\n") if len(lines) != len(res): return for i in range(len(lines)): s = "^" + res[i] + "$" try: expr = re.compile(s) except re.error, e: msg = "Regular expression error in %s: %s" raise re.error(msg % (repr(s), e[0])) if not expr.search(lines[i]): return return 1 def match_re_dotall(lines = None, res = None): """ """ if not isinstance(lines, str): lines = "\n".join(lines) if not isinstance(res, str): res = "\n".join(res) s = "^" + res + "$" try: expr = re.compile(s, re.DOTALL) except re.error, e: msg = "Regular expression error in %s: %s" raise re.error(msg % (repr(s), e[0])) if expr.match(lines): return 1 try: import difflib except ImportError: pass else: def simple_diff(a, b, fromfile='', tofile='', fromfiledate='', tofiledate='', n=3, lineterm='\n'): """ A function with the same calling signature as difflib.context_diff (diff -c) and difflib.unified_diff (diff -u) but which prints output like the simple, unadorned 'diff" command. """ sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b) def comma(x1, x2): return x1+1 == x2 and str(x2) or '%s,%s' % (x1+1, x2) result = [] for op, a1, a2, b1, b2 in sm.get_opcodes(): if op == 'delete': result.append("%sd%d" % (comma(a1, a2), b1)) result.extend(['< ' + l for l in a[a1:a2]]) elif op == 'insert': result.append("%da%s" % (a1, comma(b1, b2))) result.extend(['> ' + l for l in b[b1:b2]]) elif op == 'replace': result.append("%sc%s" % (comma(a1, a2), comma(b1, b2))) result.extend(['< ' + l for l in a[a1:a2]]) result.append('---') result.extend(['> ' + l for l in b[b1:b2]]) return result def diff_re(a, b, fromfile='', tofile='', fromfiledate='', tofiledate='', n=3, lineterm='\n'): """ A simple "diff" of two sets of lines when the expected lines are regular expressions. This is a really dumb thing that just compares each line in turn, so it doesn't look for chunks of matching lines and the like--but at least it lets you know exactly which line first didn't compare correctl... """ result = [] diff = len(a) - len(b) if diff < 0: a = a + ['']*(-diff) elif diff > 0: b = b + ['']*diff i = 0 for aline, bline in zip(a, b): s = "^" + aline + "$" try: expr = re.compile(s) except re.error, e: msg = "Regular expression error in %s: %s" raise re.error(msg % (repr(s), e[0])) if not expr.search(bline): result.append("%sc%s" % (i+1, i+1)) result.append('< ' + repr(a[i])) result.append('---') result.append('> ' + repr(b[i])) i = i+1 return result if os.name == 'posix': def escape(arg): "escape shell special characters" slash = '\\' special = '"$' arg = arg.replace(slash, slash+slash) for c in special: arg = arg.replace(c, slash+c) if re_space.search(arg): arg = '"' + arg + '"' return arg else: # Windows does not allow special characters in file names # anyway, so no need for an escape function, we will just quote # the arg. def escape(arg): if re_space.search(arg): arg = '"' + arg + '"' return arg if os.name == 'java': python = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'jython') else: python = os.environ.get("python_executable", sys.executable) _python_ = escape(python) if sys.platform == 'win32': default_sleep_seconds = 2 def where_is(file, path=None, pathext=None): if path is None: path = os.environ['PATH'] if is_String(path): path = path.split(os.pathsep) if pathext is None: pathext = os.environ['PATHEXT'] if is_String(pathext): pathext = pathext.split(os.pathsep) for ext in pathext: if ext.lower() == file[-len(ext):].lower(): pathext = [''] break for dir in path: f = os.path.join(dir, file) for ext in pathext: fext = f + ext if os.path.isfile(fext): return fext return None else: def where_is(file, path=None, pathext=None): if path is None: path = os.environ['PATH'] if is_String(path): path = path.split(os.pathsep) for dir in path: f = os.path.join(dir, file) if os.path.isfile(f): try: st = os.stat(f) except OSError: continue if stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]) & 0111: return f return None default_sleep_seconds = 1 try: import subprocess except ImportError: # The subprocess module doesn't exist in this version of Python, # so we're going to cobble up something that looks just enough # like its API for our purposes below. from types import ModuleType subprocess = ModuleType('subprocess') subprocess.PIPE = 'PIPE' subprocess.STDOUT = 'STDOUT' subprocess.mswindows = (sys.platform == 'win32') try: import popen2 popen2.Popen3 except AttributeError: class Popen3: universal_newlines = 1 def __init__(self, command, **kw): if sys.platform == 'win32' and command[0] == '"': command = '"' + command + '"' (stdin, stdout, stderr) = os.popen3(' ' + command) self.stdin = stdin self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr def close_output(self): self.stdout.close() self.resultcode = self.stderr.close() def wait(self): resultcode = self.resultcode if os.WIFEXITED(resultcode): return os.WEXITSTATUS(resultcode) elif os.WIFSIGNALED(resultcode): return os.WTERMSIG(resultcode) else: return None else: try: popen2.Popen4 except AttributeError: # A cribbed Popen4 class, with some retrofitted code from # the Python 1.5 Popen3 class methods to do certain things # by hand. class Popen4(popen2.Popen3): childerr = None def __init__(self, cmd, bufsize=-1): p2cread, p2cwrite = os.pipe() c2pread, c2pwrite = os.pipe() self.pid = os.fork() if self.pid == 0: # Child os.dup2(p2cread, 0) os.dup2(c2pwrite, 1) os.dup2(c2pwrite, 2) for i in range(3, popen2.MAXFD): try: os.close(i) except: pass try: os.execvp(cmd[0], cmd) finally: os._exit(1) # Shouldn't come here, I guess os._exit(1) os.close(p2cread) self.tochild = os.fdopen(p2cwrite, 'w', bufsize) os.close(c2pwrite) self.fromchild = os.fdopen(c2pread, 'r', bufsize) popen2._active.append(self) popen2.Popen4 = Popen4 class Popen3(popen2.Popen3, popen2.Popen4): universal_newlines = 1 def __init__(self, command, **kw): if kw.get('stderr') == 'STDOUT': popen2.Popen4.__init__(self, command, 1) else: popen2.Popen3.__init__(self, command, 1) self.stdin = self.tochild self.stdout = self.fromchild self.stderr = self.childerr def wait(self, *args, **kw): resultcode = popen2.Popen3.wait(self, *args, **kw) if os.WIFEXITED(resultcode): return os.WEXITSTATUS(resultcode) elif os.WIFSIGNALED(resultcode): return os.WTERMSIG(resultcode) else: return None subprocess.Popen = Popen3 # From Josiah Carlson, # ASPN : Python Cookbook : Module to allow Asynchronous subprocess use on Windows and Posix platforms # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/440554 PIPE = subprocess.PIPE if subprocess.mswindows: from win32file import ReadFile, WriteFile from win32pipe import PeekNamedPipe import msvcrt else: import select import fcntl try: fcntl.F_GETFL except AttributeError: fcntl.F_GETFL = 3 try: fcntl.F_SETFL except AttributeError: fcntl.F_SETFL = 4 class Popen(subprocess.Popen): def recv(self, maxsize=None): return self._recv('stdout', maxsize) def recv_err(self, maxsize=None): return self._recv('stderr', maxsize) def send_recv(self, input='', maxsize=None): return self.send(input), self.recv(maxsize), self.recv_err(maxsize) def get_conn_maxsize(self, which, maxsize): if maxsize is None: maxsize = 1024 elif maxsize < 1: maxsize = 1 return getattr(self, which), maxsize def _close(self, which): getattr(self, which).close() setattr(self, which, None) if subprocess.mswindows: def send(self, input): if not self.stdin: return None try: x = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(self.stdin.fileno()) (errCode, written) = WriteFile(x, input) except ValueError: return self._close('stdin') except (subprocess.pywintypes.error, Exception), why: if why[0] in (109, errno.ESHUTDOWN): return self._close('stdin') raise return written def _recv(self, which, maxsize): conn, maxsize = self.get_conn_maxsize(which, maxsize) if conn is None: return None try: x = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(conn.fileno()) (read, nAvail, nMessage) = PeekNamedPipe(x, 0) if maxsize < nAvail: nAvail = maxsize if nAvail > 0: (errCode, read) = ReadFile(x, nAvail, None) except ValueError: return self._close(which) except (subprocess.pywintypes.error, Exception), why: if why[0] in (109, errno.ESHUTDOWN): return self._close(which) raise #if self.universal_newlines: # read = self._translate_newlines(read) return read else: def send(self, input): if not self.stdin: return None if not select.select([], [self.stdin], [], 0)[1]: return 0 try: written = os.write(self.stdin.fileno(), input) except OSError, why: if why.args[0] == errno.EPIPE: #broken pipe return self._close('stdin') raise return written def _recv(self, which, maxsize): conn, maxsize = self.get_conn_maxsize(which, maxsize) if conn is None: return None try: flags = fcntl.fcntl(conn, fcntl.F_GETFL) except TypeError: flags = None else: if not conn.closed: fcntl.fcntl(conn, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags| os.O_NONBLOCK) try: if not select.select([conn], [], [], 0)[0]: return '' r = conn.read(maxsize) if not r: return self._close(which) #if self.universal_newlines: # r = self._translate_newlines(r) return r finally: if not conn.closed and not flags is None: fcntl.fcntl(conn, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags) disconnect_message = "Other end disconnected!" def recv_some(p, t=.1, e=1, tr=5, stderr=0): if tr < 1: tr = 1 x = time.time()+t y = [] r = '' pr = p.recv if stderr: pr = p.recv_err while time.time() < x or r: r = pr() if r is None: if e: raise Exception(disconnect_message) else: break elif r: y.append(r) else: time.sleep(max((x-time.time())/tr, 0)) return ''.join(y) def send_all(p, data): while len(data): sent = p.send(data) if sent is None: raise Exception(disconnect_message) data = memoryview(data)[sent:] try: object except NameError: class object: pass class TestCmd(object): """Class TestCmd """ def __init__(self, description = None, program = None, interpreter = None, workdir = None, subdir = None, verbose = None, match = None, diff = None, combine = 0, universal_newlines = 1): self._cwd = os.getcwd() self.description_set(description) self.program_set(program) self.interpreter_set(interpreter) if verbose is None: try: verbose = max( 0, int(os.environ.get('TESTCMD_VERBOSE', 0)) ) except ValueError: verbose = 0 self.verbose_set(verbose) self.combine = combine self.universal_newlines = universal_newlines if not match is None: self.match_function = match else: self.match_function = match_re if not diff is None: self.diff_function = diff else: try: difflib except NameError: pass else: self.diff_function = simple_diff #self.diff_function = difflib.context_diff #self.diff_function = difflib.unified_diff self._dirlist = [] self._preserve = {'pass_test': 0, 'fail_test': 0, 'no_result': 0} if 'PRESERVE' in os.environ and not os.environ['PRESERVE'] is '': self._preserve['pass_test'] = os.environ['PRESERVE'] self._preserve['fail_test'] = os.environ['PRESERVE'] self._preserve['no_result'] = os.environ['PRESERVE'] else: try: self._preserve['pass_test'] = os.environ['PRESERVE_PASS'] except KeyError: pass try: self._preserve['fail_test'] = os.environ['PRESERVE_FAIL'] except KeyError: pass try: self._preserve['no_result'] = os.environ['PRESERVE_NO_RESULT'] except KeyError: pass self._stdout = [] self._stderr = [] self.status = None self.condition = 'no_result' self.workdir_set(workdir) self.subdir(subdir) def __del__(self): self.cleanup() def __repr__(self): return "%x" % id(self) banner_char = '=' banner_width = 80 def banner(self, s, width=None): if width is None: width = self.banner_width return s + self.banner_char * (width - len(s)) escape = staticmethod(escape) def canonicalize(self, path): if is_List(path): path = os.path.join(*tuple(path)) if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.join(self.workdir, path) return path def chmod(self, path, mode): """Changes permissions on the specified file or directory path name.""" path = self.canonicalize(path) os.chmod(path, mode) def cleanup(self, condition = None): """Removes any temporary working directories for the specified TestCmd environment. If the environment variable PRESERVE was set when the TestCmd environment was created, temporary working directories are not removed. If any of the environment variables PRESERVE_PASS, PRESERVE_FAIL, or PRESERVE_NO_RESULT were set when the TestCmd environment was created, then temporary working directories are not removed if the test passed, failed, or had no result, respectively. Temporary working directories are also preserved for conditions specified via the preserve method. Typically, this method is not called directly, but is used when the script exits to clean up temporary working directories as appropriate for the exit status. """ if not self._dirlist: return os.chdir(self._cwd) self.workdir = None if condition is None: condition = self.condition if self._preserve[condition]: for dir in self._dirlist: print "Preserved directory", dir else: list = self._dirlist[:] list.reverse() for dir in list: self.writable(dir, 1) shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors = 1) self._dirlist = [] try: global _Cleanup _Cleanup.remove(self) except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass def command_args(self, program = None, interpreter = None, arguments = None): if program: if isinstance(program, str) and not os.path.isabs(program): program = os.path.join(self._cwd, program) else: program = self.program if not interpreter: interpreter = self.interpreter if not type(program) in [list, tuple]: program = [program] cmd = list(program) if interpreter: if not type(interpreter) in [list, tuple]: interpreter = [interpreter] cmd = list(interpreter) + cmd if arguments: if isinstance(arguments, str): arguments = arguments.split() cmd.extend(arguments) return cmd def description_set(self, description): """Set the description of the functionality being tested. """ self.description = description try: difflib except NameError: def diff(self, a, b, name, *args, **kw): print self.banner('Expected %s' % name) print a print self.banner('Actual %s' % name) print b else: def diff(self, a, b, name, *args, **kw): print self.banner(name) args = (a.splitlines(), b.splitlines()) + args lines = self.diff_function(*args, **kw) for l in lines: print l def fail_test(self, condition = 1, function = None, skip = 0): """Cause the test to fail. """ if not condition: return self.condition = 'fail_test' fail_test(self = self, condition = condition, function = function, skip = skip) def interpreter_set(self, interpreter): """Set the program to be used to interpret the program under test as a script. """ self.interpreter = interpreter def match(self, lines, matches): """Compare actual and expected file contents. """ return self.match_function(lines, matches) def match_exact(self, lines, matches): """Compare actual and expected file contents. """ return match_exact(lines, matches) def match_re(self, lines, res): """Compare actual and expected file contents. """ return match_re(lines, res) def match_re_dotall(self, lines, res): """Compare actual and expected file contents. """ return match_re_dotall(lines, res) def no_result(self, condition = 1, function = None, skip = 0): """Report that the test could not be run. """ if not condition: return self.condition = 'no_result' no_result(self = self, condition = condition, function = function, skip = skip) def pass_test(self, condition = 1, function = None): """Cause the test to pass. """ if not condition: return self.condition = 'pass_test' pass_test(self = self, condition = condition, function = function) def preserve(self, *conditions): """Arrange for the temporary working directories for the specified TestCmd environment to be preserved for one or more conditions. If no conditions are specified, arranges for the temporary working directories to be preserved for all conditions. """ if conditions is (): conditions = ('pass_test', 'fail_test', 'no_result') for cond in conditions: self._preserve[cond] = 1 def program_set(self, program): """Set the executable program or script to be tested. """ if program and not os.path.isabs(program): program = os.path.join(self._cwd, program) self.program = program def read(self, file, mode = 'rb'): """Reads and returns the contents of the specified file name. The file name may be a list, in which case the elements are concatenated with the os.path.join() method. The file is assumed to be under the temporary working directory unless it is an absolute path name. The I/O mode for the file may be specified; it must begin with an 'r'. The default is 'rb' (binary read). """ file = self.canonicalize(file) if mode[0] != 'r': raise ValueError("mode must begin with 'r'") return open(file, mode).read() def rmdir(self, dir): """Removes the specified dir name. The dir name may be a list, in which case the elements are concatenated with the os.path.join() method. The dir is assumed to be under the temporary working directory unless it is an absolute path name. The dir must be empty. """ dir = self.canonicalize(dir) os.rmdir(dir) def start(self, program = None, interpreter = None, arguments = None, universal_newlines = None, **kw): """ Starts a program or script for the test environment. The specified program will have the original directory prepended unless it is enclosed in a [list]. """ cmd = self.command_args(program, interpreter, arguments) cmd_string = ' '.join(map(self.escape, cmd)) if self.verbose: sys.stderr.write(cmd_string + "\n") if universal_newlines is None: universal_newlines = self.universal_newlines # On Windows, if we make stdin a pipe when we plan to send # no input, and the test program exits before # Popen calls msvcrt.open_osfhandle, that call will fail. # So don't use a pipe for stdin if we don't need one. stdin = kw.get('stdin', None) if stdin is not None: stdin = subprocess.PIPE combine = kw.get('combine', self.combine) if combine: stderr_value = subprocess.STDOUT else: stderr_value = subprocess.PIPE return Popen(cmd, stdin=stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr_value, universal_newlines=universal_newlines) def finish(self, popen, **kw): """ Finishes and waits for the process being run under control of the specified popen argument, recording the exit status, standard output and error output. """ popen.stdin.close() self.status = popen.wait() if not self.status: self.status = 0 self._stdout.append(popen.stdout.read()) if popen.stderr: stderr = popen.stderr.read() else: stderr = '' self._stderr.append(stderr) def run(self, program = None, interpreter = None, arguments = None, chdir = None, stdin = None, universal_newlines = None): """Runs a test of the program or script for the test environment. Standard output and error output are saved for future retrieval via the stdout() and stderr() methods. The specified program will have the original directory prepended unless it is enclosed in a [list]. """ if chdir: oldcwd = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isabs(chdir): chdir = os.path.join(self.workpath(chdir)) if self.verbose: sys.stderr.write("chdir(" + chdir + ")\n") os.chdir(chdir) p = self.start(program, interpreter, arguments, universal_newlines, stdin=stdin) if stdin: if is_List(stdin): for line in stdin: p.stdin.write(line) else: p.stdin.write(stdin) p.stdin.close() out = p.stdout.read() if p.stderr is None: err = '' else: err = p.stderr.read() try: close_output = p.close_output except AttributeError: p.stdout.close() if not p.stderr is None: p.stderr.close() else: close_output() self._stdout.append(out) self._stderr.append(err) self.status = p.wait() if not self.status: self.status = 0 if chdir: os.chdir(oldcwd) if self.verbose >= 2: write = sys.stdout.write write('============ STATUS: %d\n' % self.status) out = self.stdout() if out or self.verbose >= 3: write('============ BEGIN STDOUT (len=%d):\n' % len(out)) write(out) write('============ END STDOUT\n') err = self.stderr() if err or self.verbose >= 3: write('============ BEGIN STDERR (len=%d)\n' % len(err)) write(err) write('============ END STDERR\n') def sleep(self, seconds = default_sleep_seconds): """Sleeps at least the specified number of seconds. If no number is specified, sleeps at least the minimum number of seconds necessary to advance file time stamps on the current system. Sleeping more seconds is all right. """ time.sleep(seconds) def stderr(self, run = None): """Returns the error output from the specified run number. If there is no specified run number, then returns the error output of the last run. If the run number is less than zero, then returns the error output from that many runs back from the current run. """ if not run: run = len(self._stderr) elif run < 0: run = len(self._stderr) + run run = run - 1 return self._stderr[run] def stdout(self, run = None): """Returns the standard output from the specified run number. If there is no specified run number, then returns the standard output of the last run. If the run number is less than zero, then returns the standard output from that many runs back from the current run. """ if not run: run = len(self._stdout) elif run < 0: run = len(self._stdout) + run run = run - 1 return self._stdout[run] def subdir(self, *subdirs): """Create new subdirectories under the temporary working directory, one for each argument. An argument may be a list, in which case the list elements are concatenated using the os.path.join() method. Subdirectories multiple levels deep must be created using a separate argument for each level: test.subdir('sub', ['sub', 'dir'], ['sub', 'dir', 'ectory']) Returns the number of subdirectories actually created. """ count = 0 for sub in subdirs: if sub is None: continue if is_List(sub): sub = os.path.join(*tuple(sub)) new = os.path.join(self.workdir, sub) try: os.mkdir(new) except OSError: pass else: count = count + 1 return count def symlink(self, target, link): """Creates a symlink to the specified target. The link name may be a list, in which case the elements are concatenated with the os.path.join() method. The link is assumed to be under the temporary working directory unless it is an absolute path name. The target is *not* assumed to be under the temporary working directory. """ link = self.canonicalize(link) os.symlink(target, link) def tempdir(self, path=None): """Creates a temporary directory. A unique directory name is generated if no path name is specified. The directory is created, and will be removed when the TestCmd object is destroyed. """ if path is None: try: path = tempfile.mktemp(prefix=tempfile.template) except TypeError: path = tempfile.mktemp() os.mkdir(path) # Symlinks in the path will report things # differently from os.getcwd(), so chdir there # and back to fetch the canonical path. cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(path) path = os.getcwd() finally: os.chdir(cwd) # Uppercase the drive letter since the case of drive # letters is pretty much random on win32: drive,rest = os.path.splitdrive(path) if drive: path = drive.upper() + rest # self._dirlist.append(path) global _Cleanup try: _Cleanup.index(self) except ValueError: _Cleanup.append(self) return path def touch(self, path, mtime=None): """Updates the modification time on the specified file or directory path name. The default is to update to the current time if no explicit modification time is specified. """ path = self.canonicalize(path) atime = os.path.getatime(path) if mtime is None: mtime = time.time() os.utime(path, (atime, mtime)) def unlink(self, file): """Unlinks the specified file name. The file name may be a list, in which case the elements are concatenated with the os.path.join() method. The file is assumed to be under the temporary working directory unless it is an absolute path name. """ file = self.canonicalize(file) os.unlink(file) def verbose_set(self, verbose): """Set the verbose level. """ self.verbose = verbose def where_is(self, file, path=None, pathext=None): """Find an executable file. """ if is_List(file): file = os.path.join(*tuple(file)) if not os.path.isabs(file): file = where_is(file, path, pathext) return file def workdir_set(self, path): """Creates a temporary working directory with the specified path name. If the path is a null string (''), a unique directory name is created. """ if (path != None): if path == '': path = None path = self.tempdir(path) self.workdir = path def workpath(self, *args): """Returns the absolute path name to a subdirectory or file within the current temporary working directory. Concatenates the temporary working directory name with the specified arguments using the os.path.join() method. """ return os.path.join(self.workdir, *tuple(args)) def readable(self, top, read=1): """Make the specified directory tree readable (read == 1) or not (read == None). This method has no effect on Windows systems, which use a completely different mechanism to control file readability. """ if sys.platform == 'win32': return if read: def do_chmod(fname): try: st = os.stat(fname) except OSError: pass else: os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]|stat.S_IREAD)) else: def do_chmod(fname): try: st = os.stat(fname) except OSError: pass else: os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]&~stat.S_IREAD)) if os.path.isfile(top): # If it's a file, that's easy, just chmod it. do_chmod(top) elif read: # It's a directory and we're trying to turn on read # permission, so it's also pretty easy, just chmod the # directory and then chmod every entry on our walk down the # tree. for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top): do_chmod(dirpath) for fn in filenames: do_chmod(os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) else: # It's a directory and we're trying to turn off read # permission, which means we have to chmod the directories # in the tree bottom-up, lest disabling read permission from # the top down get in the way of being able to get at lower # parts of the tree. for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top, topdown=0): for fn in filenames: do_chmod(os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) do_chmod(dirpath) def writable(self, top, write=1): """Make the specified directory tree writable (write == 1) or not (write == None). """ if sys.platform == 'win32': if write: def do_chmod(fname): try: os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IWRITE) except OSError: pass else: def do_chmod(fname): try: os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IREAD) except OSError: pass else: if write: def do_chmod(fname): try: st = os.stat(fname) except OSError: pass else: os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]|0200)) else: def do_chmod(fname): try: st = os.stat(fname) except OSError: pass else: os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]&~0200)) if os.path.isfile(top): do_chmod(top) else: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top, topdown=0): for fn in filenames: do_chmod(os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) do_chmod(dirpath) def executable(self, top, execute=1): """Make the specified directory tree executable (execute == 1) or not (execute == None). This method has no effect on Windows systems, which use a completely different mechanism to control file executability. """ if sys.platform == 'win32': return if execute: def do_chmod(fname): try: st = os.stat(fname) except OSError: pass else: os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]|stat.S_IEXEC)) else: def do_chmod(fname): try: st = os.stat(fname) except OSError: pass else: os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]&~stat.S_IEXEC)) if os.path.isfile(top): # If it's a file, that's easy, just chmod it. do_chmod(top) elif execute: # It's a directory and we're trying to turn on execute # permission, so it's also pretty easy, just chmod the # directory and then chmod every entry on our walk down the # tree. for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top): do_chmod(dirpath) for fn in filenames: do_chmod(os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) else: # It's a directory and we're trying to turn off execute # permission, which means we have to chmod the directories # in the tree bottom-up, lest disabling execute permission from # the top down get in the way of being able to get at lower # parts of the tree. for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top, topdown=0): for fn in filenames: do_chmod(os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) do_chmod(dirpath) def write(self, file, content, mode = 'wb'): """Writes the specified content text (second argument) to the specified file name (first argument). The file name may be a list, in which case the elements are concatenated with the os.path.join() method. The file is created under the temporary working directory. Any subdirectories in the path must already exist. The I/O mode for the file may be specified; it must begin with a 'w'. The default is 'wb' (binary write). """ file = self.canonicalize(file) if mode[0] != 'w': raise ValueError("mode must begin with 'w'") open(file, mode).write(content) # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: