""" TestSCons.py: a testing framework for the SCons software construction tool. A TestSCons environment object is created via the usual invocation: test = TestSCons() TestScons is a subclass of TestCommon, which is in turn is a subclass of TestCmd), and hence has available all of the methods and attributes from those classes, as well as any overridden or additional methods or attributes defined in this subclass. """ # __COPYRIGHT__ __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" import os import os.path import re import string import sys import time import __builtin__ try: __builtin__.zip except AttributeError: def zip(*lists): result = [] for i in xrange(len(lists[0])): result.append(tuple(map(lambda l, i=i: l[i], lists))) return result __builtin__.zip = zip from TestCommon import * from TestCommon import __all__ # Some tests which verify that SCons has been packaged properly need to # look for specific version file names. Replicating the version number # here provides some independent verification that what we packaged # conforms to what we expect. default_version = '1.2.0' copyright_years = '2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009' # In the checked-in source, the value of SConsVersion in the following # line must remain "__ VERSION __" (without the spaces) so the built # version in build/QMTest/TestSCons.py contains the actual version # string of the packages that have been built. SConsVersion = '__VERSION__' if SConsVersion == '__' + 'VERSION' + '__': SConsVersion = default_version __all__.extend([ 'TestSCons', 'machine', 'python', '_exe', '_obj', '_shobj', 'shobj_', 'lib_', '_lib', 'dll_', '_dll' ]) machine_map = { 'i686' : 'i386', 'i586' : 'i386', 'i486' : 'i386', } try: uname = os.uname except AttributeError: # Windows doesn't have a uname() function. We could use something like # sys.platform as a fallback, but that's not really a "machine," so # just leave it as None. machine = None else: machine = uname()[4] machine = machine_map.get(machine, machine) python = python_executable _python_ = '"' + python_executable + '"' _exe = exe_suffix _obj = obj_suffix _shobj = shobj_suffix shobj_ = shobj_prefix _lib = lib_suffix lib_ = lib_prefix _dll = dll_suffix dll_ = dll_prefix def gccFortranLibs(): """Test whether -lfrtbegin is required. This can probably be done in a more reliable way, but using popen3 is relatively efficient.""" libs = ['g2c'] cmd = 'gcc -v' try: import subprocess except ImportError: try: import popen2 stderr = popen2.popen3(cmd)[2] except OSError: return libs else: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = p.stderr for l in stderr.readlines(): list = string.split(l) if len(list) > 3 and list[:2] == ['gcc', 'version']: if list[2][:3] in ('4.1','4.2','4.3'): libs = ['gfortranbegin'] break if list[2][:2] in ('3.', '4.'): libs = ['frtbegin'] + libs break return libs if sys.platform == 'cygwin': # On Cygwin, os.path.normcase() lies, so just report back the # fact that the underlying Win32 OS is case-insensitive. def case_sensitive_suffixes(s1, s2): return 0 else: def case_sensitive_suffixes(s1, s2): return (os.path.normcase(s1) != os.path.normcase(s2)) if sys.platform == 'win32': fortran_lib = gccFortranLibs() elif sys.platform == 'cygwin': fortran_lib = gccFortranLibs() elif string.find(sys.platform, 'irix') != -1: fortran_lib = ['ftn'] else: fortran_lib = gccFortranLibs() file_expr = r"""File "[^"]*", line \d+, in .+ """ # re.escape escapes too much. def re_escape(str): for c in ['.', '[', ']', '(', ')', '*', '+', '?']: # Not an exhaustive list. str = string.replace(str, c, '\\' + c) return str try: sys.version_info except AttributeError: # Pre-1.6 Python has no sys.version_info version_string = string.split(sys.version)[0] version_ints = map(int, string.split(version_string, '.')) sys.version_info = tuple(version_ints + ['final', 0]) def python_version_string(): return string.split(sys.version)[0] def python_minor_version_string(): return sys.version[:3] def unsupported_python_version(version=sys.version_info): return version < (1, 5, 2) def deprecated_python_version(version=sys.version_info): return version < (2, 2, 0) if deprecated_python_version(): msg = r""" scons: warning: Support for pre-2.2 Python (%s) is deprecated. If this will cause hardship, contact dev@scons.tigris.org. """ deprecated_python_expr = re_escape(msg % python_version_string()) + file_expr del msg else: deprecated_python_expr = "" class TestSCons(TestCommon): """Class for testing SCons. This provides a common place for initializing SCons tests, eliminating the need to begin every test with the same repeated initializations. """ scons_version = SConsVersion def __init__(self, **kw): """Initialize an SCons testing object. If they're not overridden by keyword arguments, this initializes the object with the following default values: program = 'scons' if it exists, else 'scons.py' interpreter = 'python' match = match_exact workdir = '' The workdir value means that, by default, a temporary workspace directory is created for a TestSCons environment. In addition, this method changes directory (chdir) to the workspace directory, so an explicit "chdir = '.'" on all of the run() method calls is not necessary. """ self.orig_cwd = os.getcwd() try: script_dir = os.environ['SCONS_SCRIPT_DIR'] except KeyError: pass else: os.chdir(script_dir) if not kw.has_key('program'): kw['program'] = os.environ.get('SCONS') if not kw['program']: if os.path.exists('scons'): kw['program'] = 'scons' else: kw['program'] = 'scons.py' if not kw.has_key('interpreter') and not os.environ.get('SCONS_EXEC'): kw['interpreter'] = [python, '-tt'] if not kw.has_key('match'): kw['match'] = match_exact if not kw.has_key('workdir'): kw['workdir'] = '' # Term causing test failures due to bogus readline init # control character output on FC8 # TERM can cause test failures due to control chars in prompts etc. os.environ['TERM'] = 'dumb' if deprecated_python_version(): sconsflags = os.environ.get('SCONSFLAGS') if sconsflags: sconsflags = [sconsflags] else: sconsflags = [] sconsflags = sconsflags + ['--warn=no-python-version'] os.environ['SCONSFLAGS'] = string.join(sconsflags) apply(TestCommon.__init__, [self], kw) import SCons.Node.FS if SCons.Node.FS.default_fs is None: SCons.Node.FS.default_fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS() def Environment(self, ENV=None, *args, **kw): """ Return a construction Environment that optionally overrides the default external environment with the specified ENV. """ import SCons.Environment import SCons.Errors if not ENV is None: kw['ENV'] = ENV try: return apply(SCons.Environment.Environment, args, kw) except (SCons.Errors.UserError, SCons.Errors.InternalError): return None def detect(self, var, prog=None, ENV=None, norm=None): """ Detect a program named 'prog' by first checking the construction variable named 'var' and finally searching the path used by SCons. If either method fails to detect the program, then false is returned, otherwise the full path to prog is returned. If prog is None, then the value of the environment variable will be used as prog. """ env = self.Environment(ENV) v = env.subst('$'+var) if not v: return None if prog is None: prog = v if v != prog: return None result = env.WhereIs(prog) if norm and os.sep != '/': result = string.replace(result, os.sep, '/') return result def detect_tool(self, tool, prog=None, ENV=None): """ Given a tool (i.e., tool specification that would be passed to the "tools=" parameter of Environment()) and a program that corresponds to that tool, return true if and only if we can find that tool using Environment.Detect(). By default, prog is set to the value passed into the tools parameter. """ if not prog: prog = tool env = self.Environment(ENV, tools=[tool]) if env is None: return None return env.Detect([prog]) def where_is(self, prog, path=None): """ Given a program, search for it in the specified external PATH, or in the actual external PATH is none is specified. """ import SCons.Environment env = SCons.Environment.Environment() if path is None: path = os.environ['PATH'] return env.WhereIs(prog, path) def wrap_stdout(self, build_str = "", read_str = "", error = 0, cleaning = 0): """Wraps standard output string(s) in the normal "Reading ... done" and "Building ... done" strings """ cap,lc = [ ('Build','build'), ('Clean','clean') ][cleaning] if error: term = "scons: %sing terminated because of errors.\n" % lc else: term = "scons: done %sing targets.\n" % lc return "scons: Reading SConscript files ...\n" + \ read_str + \ "scons: done reading SConscript files.\n" + \ "scons: %sing targets ...\n" % cap + \ build_str + \ term def up_to_date(self, options = None, arguments = None, read_str = "", **kw): s = "" for arg in string.split(arguments): s = s + "scons: `%s' is up to date.\n" % arg if options: arguments = options + " " + arguments kw['arguments'] = arguments stdout = self.wrap_stdout(read_str = read_str, build_str = s) kw['stdout'] = re.escape(stdout) kw['match'] = self.match_re_dotall apply(self.run, [], kw) def not_up_to_date(self, options = None, arguments = None, **kw): """Asserts that none of the targets listed in arguments is up to date, but does not make any assumptions on other targets. This function is most useful in conjunction with the -n option. """ s = "" for arg in string.split(arguments): s = s + "(?!scons: `%s' is up to date.)" % re.escape(arg) if options: arguments = options + " " + arguments s = '('+s+'[^\n]*\n)*' kw['arguments'] = arguments stdout = re.escape(self.wrap_stdout(build_str='ARGUMENTSGOHERE')) kw['stdout'] = string.replace(stdout, 'ARGUMENTSGOHERE', s) kw['match'] = self.match_re_dotall apply(self.run, [], kw) def diff_substr(self, expect, actual, prelen=20, postlen=40): i = 0 for x, y in zip(expect, actual): if x != y: return "Actual did not match expect at char %d:\n" \ " Expect: %s\n" \ " Actual: %s\n" \ % (i, repr(expect[i-prelen:i+postlen]), repr(actual[i-prelen:i+postlen])) i = i + 1 return "Actual matched the expected output???" def python_file_line(self, file, line): """ Returns a Python error line for output comparisons. The exec of the traceback line gives us the correct format for this version of Python. Before 2.5, this yielded: File "", line 1, ? Python 2.5 changed this to: File "", line 1, We stick the requested file name and line number in the right places, abstracting out the version difference. """ exec 'import traceback; x = traceback.format_stack()[-1]' x = string.lstrip(x) x = string.replace(x, '', file) x = string.replace(x, 'line 1,', 'line %s,' % line) return x def normalize_pdf(self, s): s = re.sub(r'/(Creation|Mod)Date \(D:[^)]*\)', r'/\1Date (D:XXXX)', s) s = re.sub(r'/ID \[<[0-9a-fA-F]*> <[0-9a-fA-F]*>\]', r'/ID [ ]', s) s = re.sub(r'/(BaseFont|FontName) /[A-Z]{6}', r'/\1 /XXXXXX', s) s = re.sub(r'/Length \d+ *\n/Filter /FlateDecode\n', r'/Length XXXX\n/Filter /FlateDecode\n', s) try: import zlib except ImportError: pass else: begin_marker = '/FlateDecode\n>>\nstream\n' end_marker = 'endstream\nendobj' encoded = [] b = string.find(s, begin_marker, 0) while b != -1: b = b + len(begin_marker) e = string.find(s, end_marker, b) encoded.append((b, e)) b = string.find(s, begin_marker, e + len(end_marker)) x = 0 r = [] for b, e in encoded: r.append(s[x:b]) d = zlib.decompress(s[b:e]) d = re.sub(r'%%CreationDate: [^\n]*\n', r'%%CreationDate: 1970 Jan 01 00:00:00\n', d) d = re.sub(r'%DVIPSSource: TeX output \d\d\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d:\d\d\d\d', r'%DVIPSSource: TeX output 1970.01.01:0000', d) d = re.sub(r'/(BaseFont|FontName) /[A-Z]{6}', r'/\1 /XXXXXX', d) r.append(d) x = e r.append(s[x:]) s = string.join(r, '') return s def paths(self,patterns): import glob result = [] for p in patterns: paths = glob.glob(p) paths.sort() result.extend(paths) return result def java_ENV(self, version=None): """ Initialize with a default external environment that uses a local Java SDK in preference to whatever's found in the default PATH. """ try: return self._java_env[version]['ENV'] except AttributeError: self._java_env = {} except KeyError: pass import SCons.Environment env = SCons.Environment.Environment() self._java_env[version] = env if version: patterns = [ '/usr/java/jdk%s*/bin' % version, '/usr/lib/jvm/*-%s*/bin' % version, '/usr/local/j2sdk%s*/bin' % version, ] java_path = self.paths(patterns) + [env['ENV']['PATH']] else: patterns = [ '/usr/java/latest/bin', '/usr/lib/jvm/*/bin', '/usr/local/j2sdk*/bin', ] java_path = self.paths(patterns) + [env['ENV']['PATH']] env['ENV']['PATH'] = string.join(java_path, os.pathsep) return env['ENV'] def java_where_includes(self,version=None): """ Return java include paths compiling java jni code """ import glob import sys if not version: version='' frame = '/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers/jni.h' else: frame = '/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/%s*/Headers/jni.h'%version jni_dirs = ['/usr/lib/jvm/java-*-sun-%s*/include/jni.h'%version, '/usr/java/jdk%s*/include/jni.h'%version, frame, ] dirs = self.paths(jni_dirs) if not dirs: return None d=os.path.dirname(self.paths(jni_dirs)[0]) result=[d] if sys.platform == 'win32': result.append(os.path.join(d,'win32')) elif sys.platform == 'linux2': result.append(os.path.join(d,'linux')) return result def java_where_java_home(self,version=None): import os.path jar=self.java_where_jar(version) home=os.path.normpath('%s/..'%jar) return home def java_where_jar(self, version=None): ENV = self.java_ENV(version) if self.detect_tool('jar', ENV=ENV): where_jar = self.detect('JAR', 'jar', ENV=ENV) else: where_jar = self.where_is('jar', ENV['PATH']) if not where_jar: self.skip_test("Could not find Java jar, skipping test(s).\n") return where_jar def java_where_java(self, version=None): """ Return a path to the java executable. """ ENV = self.java_ENV(version) where_java = self.where_is('java', ENV['PATH']) if not where_java: self.skip_test("Could not find Java java, skipping test(s).\n") return where_java def java_where_javac(self, version=None): """ Return a path to the javac compiler. """ ENV = self.java_ENV(version) if self.detect_tool('javac'): where_javac = self.detect('JAVAC', 'javac', ENV=ENV) else: where_javac = self.where_is('javac', ENV['PATH']) if not where_javac: self.skip_test("Could not find Java javac, skipping test(s).\n") self.run(program = where_javac, arguments = '-version', stderr=None, status=None) if version: if string.find(self.stderr(), 'javac %s' % version) == -1: fmt = "Could not find javac for Java version %s, skipping test(s).\n" self.skip_test(fmt % version) else: m = re.search(r'javac (\d\.\d)', self.stderr()) if m: version = m.group(1) else: version = None return where_javac, version def java_where_javah(self, version=None): ENV = self.java_ENV(version) if self.detect_tool('javah'): where_javah = self.detect('JAVAH', 'javah', ENV=ENV) else: where_javah = self.where_is('javah', ENV['PATH']) if not where_javah: self.skip_test("Could not find Java javah, skipping test(s).\n") return where_javah def java_where_rmic(self, version=None): ENV = self.java_ENV(version) if self.detect_tool('rmic'): where_rmic = self.detect('RMIC', 'rmic', ENV=ENV) else: where_rmic = self.where_is('rmic', ENV['PATH']) if not where_rmic: self.skip_test("Could not find Java rmic, skipping non-simulated test(s).\n") return where_rmic def Qt_dummy_installation(self, dir='qt'): # create a dummy qt installation self.subdir( dir, [dir, 'bin'], [dir, 'include'], [dir, 'lib'] ) self.write([dir, 'bin', 'mymoc.py'], """\ import getopt import sys import string import re cmd_opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'io:', []) output = None impl = 0 opt_string = '' for opt, arg in cmd_opts: if opt == '-o': output = open(arg, 'wb') elif opt == '-i': impl = 1 else: opt_string = opt_string + ' ' + opt for a in args: contents = open(a, 'rb').read() a = string.replace(a, '\\\\', '\\\\\\\\') subst = r'{ my_qt_symbol( "' + a + '\\\\n" ); }' if impl: contents = re.sub( r'#include.*', '', contents ) output.write(string.replace(contents, 'Q_OBJECT', subst)) output.close() sys.exit(0) """) self.write([dir, 'bin', 'myuic.py'], """\ import os.path import re import sys import string output_arg = 0 impl_arg = 0 impl = None source = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if output_arg: output = open(arg, 'wb') output_arg = 0 elif impl_arg: impl = arg impl_arg = 0 elif arg == "-o": output_arg = 1 elif arg == "-impl": impl_arg = 1 else: if source: sys.exit(1) source = open(arg, 'rb') sourceFile = arg if impl: output.write( '#include "' + impl + '"\\n' ) includes = re.findall('(.*?)', source.read()) for incFile in includes: # this is valid for ui.h files, at least if os.path.exists(incFile): output.write('#include "' + incFile + '"\\n') else: output.write( '#include "my_qobject.h"\\n' + source.read() + " Q_OBJECT \\n" ) output.close() sys.exit(0) """ ) self.write([dir, 'include', 'my_qobject.h'], r""" #define Q_OBJECT ; void my_qt_symbol(const char *arg); """) self.write([dir, 'lib', 'my_qobject.cpp'], r""" #include "../include/my_qobject.h" #include void my_qt_symbol(const char *arg) { printf( arg ); } """) self.write([dir, 'lib', 'SConstruct'], r""" env = Environment() import sys if sys.platform == 'win32': env.StaticLibrary( 'myqt', 'my_qobject.cpp' ) else: env.SharedLibrary( 'myqt', 'my_qobject.cpp' ) """) self.run(chdir = self.workpath(dir, 'lib'), arguments = '.', stderr = noisy_ar, match = self.match_re_dotall) self.QT = self.workpath(dir) self.QT_LIB = 'myqt' self.QT_MOC = '%s %s' % (_python_, self.workpath(dir, 'bin', 'mymoc.py')) self.QT_UIC = '%s %s' % (_python_, self.workpath(dir, 'bin', 'myuic.py')) self.QT_LIB_DIR = self.workpath(dir, 'lib') def Qt_create_SConstruct(self, place): if type(place) is type([]): place = apply(test.workpath, place) self.write(place, """\ if ARGUMENTS.get('noqtdir', 0): QTDIR=None else: QTDIR=r'%s' env = Environment(QTDIR = QTDIR, QT_LIB = r'%s', QT_MOC = r'%s', QT_UIC = r'%s', tools=['default','qt']) dup = 1 if ARGUMENTS.get('variant_dir', 0): if ARGUMENTS.get('chdir', 0): SConscriptChdir(1) else: SConscriptChdir(0) dup=int(ARGUMENTS.get('dup', 1)) if dup == 0: builddir = 'build_dup0' env['QT_DEBUG'] = 1 else: builddir = 'build' VariantDir(builddir, '.', duplicate=dup) print builddir, dup sconscript = Dir(builddir).File('SConscript') else: sconscript = File('SConscript') Export("env dup") SConscript( sconscript ) """ % (self.QT, self.QT_LIB, self.QT_MOC, self.QT_UIC)) NCR = 0 # non-cached rebuild CR = 1 # cached rebuild (up to date) NCF = 2 # non-cached build failure CF = 3 # cached build failure if sys.platform == 'win32': Configure_lib = 'msvcrt' else: Configure_lib = 'm' # to use cygwin compilers on cmd.exe -> uncomment following line #Configure_lib = 'm' def checkLogAndStdout(self, checks, results, cached, logfile, sconf_dir, sconstruct, doCheckLog=1, doCheckStdout=1): class NoMatch: def __init__(self, p): self.pos = p def matchPart(log, logfile, lastEnd, NoMatch=NoMatch): m = re.match(log, logfile[lastEnd:]) if not m: raise NoMatch, lastEnd return m.end() + lastEnd try: #print len(os.linesep) ls = os.linesep nols = "(" for i in range(len(ls)): nols = nols + "(" for j in range(i): nols = nols + ls[j] nols = nols + "[^" + ls[i] + "])" if i < len(ls)-1: nols = nols + "|" nols = nols + ")" lastEnd = 0 logfile = self.read(self.workpath(logfile)) if (doCheckLog and string.find( logfile, "scons: warning: The stored build " "information has an unexpected class." ) >= 0): self.fail_test() sconf_dir = sconf_dir sconstruct = sconstruct log = r'file\ \S*%s\,line \d+:' % re.escape(sconstruct) + ls if doCheckLog: lastEnd = matchPart(log, logfile, lastEnd) log = "\t" + re.escape("Configure(confdir = %s)" % sconf_dir) + ls if doCheckLog: lastEnd = matchPart(log, logfile, lastEnd) rdstr = "" cnt = 0 for check,result,cache_desc in zip(checks, results, cached): log = re.escape("scons: Configure: " + check) + ls if doCheckLog: lastEnd = matchPart(log, logfile, lastEnd) log = "" result_cached = 1 for bld_desc in cache_desc: # each TryXXX for ext, flag in bld_desc: # each file in TryBuild file = os.path.join(sconf_dir,"conftest_%d%s" % (cnt, ext)) if flag == self.NCR: # rebuild will pass if ext in ['.c', '.cpp']: log=log + re.escape(file + " <-") + ls log=log + r"( \|" + nols + "*" + ls + ")+?" else: log=log + "(" + nols + "*" + ls +")*?" result_cached = 0 if flag == self.CR: # up to date log=log + \ re.escape("scons: Configure: \"%s\" is up to date." % file) + ls log=log+re.escape("scons: Configure: The original builder " "output was:") + ls log=log+r"( \|.*"+ls+")+" if flag == self.NCF: # non-cached rebuild failure log=log + "(" + nols + "*" + ls + ")*?" result_cached = 0 if flag == self.CF: # cached rebuild failure log=log + \ re.escape("scons: Configure: Building \"%s\" failed " "in a previous run and all its sources are" " up to date." % file) + ls log=log+re.escape("scons: Configure: The original builder " "output was:") + ls log=log+r"( \|.*"+ls+")+" cnt = cnt + 1 if result_cached: result = "(cached) " + result rdstr = rdstr + re.escape(check) + re.escape(result) + "\n" log=log + re.escape("scons: Configure: " + result) + ls + ls if doCheckLog: lastEnd = matchPart(log, logfile, lastEnd) log = "" if doCheckLog: lastEnd = matchPart(ls, logfile, lastEnd) if doCheckLog and lastEnd != len(logfile): raise NoMatch, lastEnd except NoMatch, m: print "Cannot match log file against log regexp." print "log file: " print "------------------------------------------------------" print logfile[m.pos:] print "------------------------------------------------------" print "log regexp: " print "------------------------------------------------------" print log print "------------------------------------------------------" self.fail_test() if doCheckStdout: exp_stdout = self.wrap_stdout(".*", rdstr) if not self.match_re_dotall(self.stdout(), exp_stdout): print "Unexpected stdout: " print "-----------------------------------------------------" print repr(self.stdout()) print "-----------------------------------------------------" print repr(exp_stdout) print "-----------------------------------------------------" self.fail_test() def get_python_version(self): """ Returns the Python version (just so everyone doesn't have to hand-code slicing the right number of characters). """ # see also sys.prefix documentation return python_minor_version_string() def get_platform_python(self): """ Returns a path to a Python executable suitable for testing on this platform. Mac OS X has no static libpython for SWIG to link against, so we have to link against Apple's framwork version. However, testing must use the executable version that corresponds to the framework we link against, or else we get interpreter errors. """ if sys.platform[:6] == 'darwin': return sys.prefix + '/bin/python' else: global python return python def get_quoted_platform_python(self): """ Returns a quoted path to a Python executable suitable for testing on this platform. Mac OS X has no static libpython for SWIG to link against, so we have to link against Apple's framwork version. However, testing must use the executable version that corresponds to the framework we link against, or else we get interpreter errors. """ if sys.platform[:6] == 'darwin': return '"' + self.get_platform_python() + '"' else: global _python_ return _python_ # def get_platform_sys_prefix(self): # """ # Returns a "sys.prefix" value suitable for linking on this platform. # # Mac OS X has a built-in Python but no static libpython, # so we must link to it using Apple's 'framework' scheme. # """ # if sys.platform[:6] == 'darwin': # fmt = '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/%s/' # return fmt % self.get_python_version() # else: # return sys.prefix def get_python_frameworks_flags(self): """ Returns a FRAMEWORKS value for linking with Python. Mac OS X has a built-in Python but no static libpython, so we must link to it using Apple's 'framework' scheme. """ if sys.platform[:6] == 'darwin': return 'Python' else: return '' def get_python_inc(self): """ Returns a path to the Python include directory. Mac OS X has a built-in Python but no static libpython, so we must link to it using Apple's 'framework' scheme. """ if sys.platform[:6] == 'darwin': return sys.prefix + '/Headers' try: import distutils.sysconfig except ImportError: return os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'include', 'python' + self.get_python_version()) else: return distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc() def get_python_library_path(self): """ Returns the full path of the Python static library (libpython*.a) """ if sys.platform[:6] == 'darwin': # Use the framework version (or try to) since that matches # the executable and headers we return elsewhere. python_lib = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Python') if os.path.exists(python_lib): return python_lib python_version = self.get_python_version() python_lib = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib', 'python%s' % python_version, 'config', 'libpython%s.a' % python_version) if os.path.exists(python_lib): return python_lib # We can't find it, so maybe it's in the standard path return '' def wait_for(self, fname, timeout=10.0, popen=None): """ Waits for the specified file name to exist. """ waited = 0.0 while not os.path.exists(fname): if timeout and waited >= timeout: sys.stderr.write('timed out waiting for %s to exist\n' % fname) if popen: popen.stdin.close() self.status = 1 self.finish(popen) self.fail_test() time.sleep(1.0) waited = waited + 1.0 def get_alt_cpp_suffix(self): """ Many CXX tests have this same logic. They all needed to determine if the current os supports files with .C and .c as different files or not in which case they are instructed to use .cpp instead of .C """ if not case_sensitive_suffixes('.c','.C'): alt_cpp_suffix = '.cpp' else: alt_cpp_suffix = '.C' return alt_cpp_suffix # In some environments, $AR will generate a warning message to stderr # if the library doesn't previously exist and is being created. One # way to fix this is to tell AR to be quiet (sometimes the 'c' flag), # but this is difficult to do in a platform-/implementation-specific # method. Instead, we will use the following as a stderr match for # tests that use AR so that we will view zero or more "ar: creating # " messages to be successful executions of the test (see # test/AR.py for sample usage). noisy_ar=r'(ar: creating( archive)? \S+\n?)*' # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: