#!/usr/bin/env python
# Module for handling SCons documentation processing.
__doc__ = """
This module parses home-brew XML files that document various things
in SCons. Right now, it handles Builders, functions, construction
variables, and Tools, but we expect it to get extended in the future.
In general, you can use any DocBook tag in the input, and this module
just adds processing various home-brew tags to try to make life a
little easier.
Builder example:
This is the summary description of an SCons Builder.
It will get placed in the man page,
and in the appropriate User's Guide appendix.
The name of any builder may be interpolated
anywhere in the document by specifying the
element. It need not be on a line by itself.
Unlike normal XML, blank lines are significant in these
descriptions and serve to separate paragraphs.
They'll get replaced in DocBook output with appropriate tags
to indicate a new paragraph.
print "this is example code, it will be offset and indented"
Function example:
(arg1, arg2, key=value)
This is the summary description of an SCons function.
It will get placed in the man page,
and in the appropriate User's Guide appendix.
The name of any builder may be interpolated
anywhere in the document by specifying the
element. It need not be on a line by itself.
Unlike normal XML, blank lines are significant in these
descriptions and serve to separate paragraphs.
They'll get replaced in DocBook output with appropriate tags
to indicate a new paragraph.
print "this is example code, it will be offset and indented"
Construction variable example:
This is the summary description of a construction variable.
It will get placed in the man page,
and in the appropriate User's Guide appendix.
The name of any construction variable may be interpolated
anywhere in the document by specifying the
element. It need not be on a line by itself.
Unlike normal XML, blank lines are significant in these
descriptions and serve to separate paragraphs.
They'll get replaced in DocBook output with appropriate tags
to indicate a new paragraph.
print "this is example code, it will be offset and indented"
Tool example:
This is the summary description of an SCons Tool.
It will get placed in the man page,
and in the appropriate User's Guide appendix.
The name of any tool may be interpolated
anywhere in the document by specifying the
element. It need not be on a line by itself.
Unlike normal XML, blank lines are significant in these
descriptions and serve to separate paragraphs.
They'll get replaced in DocBook output with appropriate tags
to indicate a new paragraph.
print "this is example code, it will be offset and indented"
import imp
import os.path
import re
import sys
# Do we have libxml2/libxslt/lxml?
has_libxml2 = True
has_lxml = True
import libxml2
import libxslt
has_libxml2 = False
import lxml
has_lxml = False
from lxml import etree
except ImportError:
# Python 2.5
import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
except ImportError:
# Python 2.5
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
except ImportError:
# normal cElementTree install
import cElementTree as etree
except ImportError:
# normal ElementTree install
import elementtree.ElementTree as etree
except ImportError:
print("Failed to import ElementTree from any known place")
re_entity = re.compile("\&([^;]+);")
re_entity_header = re.compile("")
# Namespace for the SCons Docbook XSD
# Namespace for schema instances
xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
# Header comment with copyright
copyright_comment = """
This file is processed by the bin/SConsDoc.py module.
See its __doc__ string for a discussion of the format.
# Header comment for automatically generated files
generated_comment = """
def xml_tree(root, comment=generated_comment):
""" Return a XML file tree with the correct namespaces set,
the element root as top entry and the given header comment.
NSMAP = {None: dbxsd,
'xsi' : xsi}
t = etree.Element(root,
nsmap = NSMAP,
attrib = {"{"+xsi+"}schemaLocation" : "%s scons.xsd" % dbxsd})
c = etree.Comment(comment)
# print etree.tostring(t, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8", pretty_print=True)
return t
def remove_entities(content):
# Cut out entity inclusions
content = re_entity_header.sub("", content, re.M)
# Cut out entities themselves
content = re_entity.sub(lambda match: match.group(1), content)
return content
default_xsd = os.path.join('doc','xsd','scons.xsd')
def validate_xml(fpath, xmlschema_context):
if not has_libxml2:
# At the moment we prefer libxml2 over lxml, the latter can lead
# to conflicts when installed together with libxml2.
if has_lxml:
# Use lxml
xmlschema = etree.XMLSchema(xmlschema_context)
doc = etree.parse(fpath)
return False
return True
# Try xmllint as a last fallback
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(['xmllint','--noout','--noent','--schema',default_xsd,fpath],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
sout, serr = p.communicate()
if serr and not 'validates' in serr:
print serr
return False
return True
print "Can't validate %s! Neither lxml/libxml2, nor xmllint found." % fpath
return False
# Read file and resolve entities
doc = libxml2.readFile(fpath, None, libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOENT)
err = xmlschema_context.schemaValidateDoc(doc)
# Cleanup
if err:
# TODO: print error message "Haha",err
return False
return True
def prettyprint_xml(fpath):
if not has_libxml2:
# At the moment we prefer libxml2 over lxml, the latter can lead
# to conflicts when installed together with libxml2.
if has_lxml:
# Use lxml
fin = open(fpath,'r')
tree = etree.parse(fin)
pretty_content = etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)
fout = open(fpath,'w')
# Use xmllint as a last fallback
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(['xmllint', '-o', fpath, '--format', fpath],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
sout, serr = p.communicate()
print "Can't prettyprint %s! Neither lxml/libxml2, nor xmllint found." % fpath
return False
# Read file and resolve entities
doc = libxml2.readFile(fpath, None, libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOENT)
err = xmlschema_context.schemaValidateDoc(doc)
# Cleanup
def validate_all_xml(dpath='src', xsdfile=default_xsd):
xmlschema_context = None
if not has_libxml2:
# At the moment we prefer libxml2 over lxml, the latter can lead
# to conflicts when installed together with libxml2.
if has_lxml:
# Use lxml
xmlschema_context = etree.parse(xsdfile)
# Use libxml2 and prepare the schema validation context
ctxt = libxml2.schemaNewParserCtxt(xsdfile)
schema = ctxt.schemaParse()
del ctxt
xmlschema_context = schema.schemaNewValidCtxt()
fpaths = []
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(dpath):
for f in files:
if f.endswith('.xml'):
fp = os.path.join(path, f)
fails = []
for idx, fp in enumerate(fpaths):
fpath = os.path.join(path, f)
print "%.2f%s (%d/%d) %s" % (float(idx+1)*100.0/float(len(fpaths)),
perc, idx+1, len(fpaths),fp)
if not validate_xml(fp, xmlschema_context):
if has_libxml2:
# Cleanup
del xmlschema_context
del schema
if fails:
return False
return True
class Item(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.sort_name = name.lower()
if self.sort_name[0] == '_':
self.sort_name = self.sort_name[1:]
self.summary = []
self.sets = []
self.uses = []
def cmp_name(self, name):
if name[0] == '_':
name = name[1:]
return name.lower()
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.sort_name, other.sort_name)
class Builder(Item):
class Function(Item):
def __init__(self, name):
super(Function, self).__init__(name)
class Tool(Item):
def __init__(self, name):
Item.__init__(self, name)
self.entity = self.name.replace('+', 'X')
class ConstructionVariable(Item):
class Chunk(object):
def __init__(self, tag, body=None):
self.tag = tag
if not body:
body = []
self.body = body
def __str__(self):
body = ''.join(self.body)
return "<%s>%s%s>\n" % (self.tag, body, self.tag)
def append(self, data):
class Arguments(object):
def __init__(self, signature, body=None):
if not body:
body = []
self.body = body
self.signature = signature
def __str__(self):
s = ''.join(self.body).strip()
result = []
for m in re.findall('([a-zA-Z/_]+|[^a-zA-Z/_]+)', s):
if ' ' in m:
m = '"%s"' % m
return ' '.join(result)
def append(self, data):
class SConsDocHandler(object):
def __init__(self):
self.builders = {}
self.functions = {}
self.tools = {}
self.cvars = {}
def parseText(self, root):
txt = ""
for e in root.childNodes:
if (e.nodeType == e.TEXT_NODE):
txt += e.data
return txt
def parseItems(self, domelem):
items = []
for i in domelem.iterchildren(tag="item"):
return items
def parseUsesSets(self, domelem):
uses = []
sets = []
for u in domelem.iterchildren(tag="uses"):
for s in domelem.iterchildren(tag="sets"):
return sorted(uses), sorted(sets)
def parseInstance(self, domelem, map, Class):
name = domelem.attrib.get('name','unknown')
instance = map[name]
except KeyError:
instance = Class(name)
map[name] = instance
uses, sets = self.parseUsesSets(domelem)
# Parse summary and function arguments
for s in domelem.iterchildren(tag="{%s}summary" % dbxsd):
if not hasattr(instance, 'summary'):
instance.summary = []
for c in s:
for a in domelem.iterchildren(tag="{%s}arguments" % dbxsd):
if not hasattr(instance, 'arguments'):
instance.arguments = []
def parseDomtree(self, root):
# Process Builders
for b in root.iterchildren(tag="{%s}builder" % dbxsd):
self.parseInstance(b, self.builders, Builder)
# Process Functions
for f in root.iterchildren(tag="{%s}scons_function" % dbxsd):
self.parseInstance(f, self.functions, Function)
# Process Tools
for t in root.iterchildren(tag="{%s}tool" % dbxsd):
self.parseInstance(t, self.tools, Tool)
# Process CVars
for c in root.iterchildren(tag="{%s}cvar" % dbxsd):
self.parseInstance(c, self.cvars, ConstructionVariable)
def parseContent(self, content, include_entities=True):
if not include_entities:
content = remove_entities(content)
# Create domtree from given content string
root = etree.fromstring(content)
# Parse it
def parseXmlFile(self, fpath):
# Create domtree from file
domtree = etree.parse(fpath)
# Parse it
def set_file_info(self, filename, preamble_lines):
self.filename = filename
self.preamble_lines = preamble_lines
# lifted from Ka-Ping Yee's way cool pydoc module.
def importfile(path):
"""Import a Python source file or compiled file given its path."""
magic = imp.get_magic()
file = open(path, 'r')
if file.read(len(magic)) == magic:
kind = imp.PY_COMPILED
kind = imp.PY_SOURCE
filename = os.path.basename(path)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
file = open(path, 'r')
module = imp.load_module(name, file, path, (ext, 'r', kind))
except ImportError, e:
sys.stderr.write("Could not import %s: %s\n" % (path, e))
return None
return module
# Local Variables:
# tab-width:4
# indent-tabs-mode:nil
# End:
# vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: