#! /usr/bin/env perl

$revision = "src/ae2cvs.pl 0.04.D001 2005/08/14 15:13:36 knight";

$copyright = "Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Steven Knight.";

# All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can
# redistribute and/or modify under the same terms as Perl itself.

use strict;
use File::Find;
use File::Spec;
use Pod::Usage ();

use vars qw( @add_list @args @cleanup @copy_list @libraries
	     @mkdir_list @remove_list
	     $ae_copy $aedir $aedist
	     $cnum $comment $commit $common $copyright
	     $cvs_command $cvsmod $cvsroot
	     $delta $description $exec $help $indent $infile
	     $proj $pwd $quiet $revision
	     $summary $usedir $usepath );

$aedist = 1;
$cvsroot = undef;
$exec = undef;
$indent = "";

sub version {
   	print "ae2cvs: $revision\n";
   	print "$copyright\n";
	exit 0;

    use Getopt::Long;


    my $ret = GetOptions (
	"aedist" => sub { $aedist = 1 },
	"aegis" => sub { $aedist = 0 },
	"change=i" => \$cnum,
	"d=s" => \$cvsroot,
	"file=s" => \$infile,
	"help|?" => \$help,
	"library=s" => \@libraries,
	"module=s" => \$cvsmod,
	"noexecute" => sub { $exec = 0 },
	"project=s" => \$proj,
	"quiet" => \$quiet,
	"usedir=s" => \$usedir,
	"v|version" => \&version,
	"x|execute" => sub { $exec++ if ! defined $exec || $exec != 0 },
	"X|EXECUTE" => sub { $exec = 2 if ! defined $exec || $exec != 0 },

    Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-verbose => 0) if $help || ! $ret;

    $exec = 0 if ! defined $exec;

$cvs_command = $cvsroot ? "cvs -d $cvsroot -Q" : "cvs -Q";

# Wrap up the $quiet logic in one place.
sub printit {
    return if $quiet;
    my $string = join('', @_);
    $string =~ s/^/$indent/msg if $indent;
    print $string;

# Wrappers for executing various builtin Perl functions in
# accordance with the -n, -q and -x options.
sub execute {
    my $cmd = shift;
    printit "$cmd\n";
    if (! $exec) {
	return 1;
    ! system($cmd);

sub _copy {
    my ($source, $dest) = @_;
    printit "cp $source $dest\n";
    if ($exec) {
	use File::Copy;
	copy($source, $dest);

sub _chdir {
    my $dir = shift;
    printit "cd $dir\n";
    if ($exec) {
	chdir($dir) || die "ae2cvs:  could not chdir($dir): $!";

sub _mkdir {
    my $dir = shift;
    printit "mkdir $dir\n";
    if ($exec) {

# Put some input data through an external filter and capture the output.
sub filter {
    my ($cmd, $input) = @_;

    use FileHandle;
    use IPC::Open2;

    my $pid = open2(*READ, *WRITE, $cmd) || die "Cannot exec '$cmd':  $!\n";
    print WRITE $input;
    my $output = join('', <READ>);
    return $output;

# Parse a change description, in both 'aegis -l cd" and "aedist" formats.
# Returns an array containing the project name, the change number
# (if any), the delta number (if any), the SUMMARY, the DESCRIPTION
# and the lines describing the files in the change.
sub parse_change {
    my $output = shift;

    my ($p, $c, $d, $c_or_d, $sum, $desc, $filesection, @flines);

    # The project name line comes after NAME in "aegis -l cd" format,
    # and PROJECT in "aedist" format.  In both cases, the project name
    # and the change/delta name are separated a comma.
    ($p = $output) =~ s/(?:NAME|PROJECT)\n([^\n]*)\n.*/$1/ms;
    ($p, $c_or_d) = (split(/,/, $p));

    # In "aegis -l cd" format, the project name actually comes after
    # the string "Project" and is itself enclosed in double quotes.
    $p =~ s/Project "([^"]*)"/$1/;

    # The change or delta string was the right-hand side of the comma.
    # "aegis -l cd" format spells it "Change 123." or "Delta 123." while
    # "aedist" format spells it "change 123."
    if ($c_or_d =~ /\s*[Cc]hange (\d+).*/) { $c = $1 };
    if ($c_or_d =~ /\s*[Dd]elta (\d+).*/) { $d = $1 };

    # The SUMMARY line is always followed the DESCRIPTION section.
    # It seems to always be a single line, but we grab everything in
    # between just in case.
    ($sum = $output) =~ s/.*\nSUMMARY\n//ms;
    $sum =~ s/\nDESCRIPTION\n.*//ms;

    # The DESCRIPTION section is followed ARCHITECTURE in "aegis -l cd"
    # format and by CAUSE in "aedist" format.  Explicitly under it if the
    # string is only "none," which means they didn't supply a description.
    ($desc = $output) =~ s/.*\nDESCRIPTION\n//ms;
    $desc =~ s/\n(ARCHITECTURE|CAUSE)\n.*//ms;
    if ($desc eq "none" || $desc eq "none\n") { $desc = undef }

    # The FILES section is followed by HISTORY in "aegis -l cd" format.
    # It seems to be the last section in "aedist" format, but stripping
    # a non-existent HISTORY section doesn't hurt.
    ($filesection = $output) =~ s/.*\nFILES\n//ms;
    $filesection =~ s/\nHISTORY\n.*//ms;

    @flines = split(/\n/, $filesection);

    ($p, $c, $d, $sum, $desc, \@flines)

$pwd = Cwd::cwd();

# Fetch the file list either from our aedist input
# or directly from the project itself.
my @filelines;
if ($aedist) {
    local ($/);
    undef $/;
    my $infile_redir = "";
    my $contents;
    if (! $infile || $infile eq "-") {
	$contents = join('', <STDIN>);
    } else {
	open(FILE, "<$infile") || die "Cannot open '$infile': $!\n";
	$contents = join('', <FILE>);
	if (! File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($infile)) {
	    $infile = File::Spec->catfile($pwd, $infile);
	$infile_redir = " < $infile";

    my $output = filter("aedist -l -unf", $contents);
    my ($p, $c, $d, $s, $desc, $fl) = parse_change($output);

    $proj = $p if ! defined $proj;
    $summary = $s;
    $description = $desc;
    @filelines = @$fl;

    if (! $exec) {
	printit qq(MYTMP="/tmp/ae2cvs-ae.\$\$"\n),
		qq(mkdir \$MYTMP\n),
		qq(cd \$MYTMP\n);
	printit q(perl -MMIME::Base64 -e 'undef $/; ($c = <>) =~ s/.*\n\n//ms; print decode_base64($c)'),
		qq( | zcat),
		qq( | cpio -i -d --quiet\n);
	$aedir = '$MYTMP';
	push(@cleanup, $aedir);
    } else {
	$aedir = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir, "ae2cvs-ae.$$");
	push(@cleanup, $aedir);

	use MIME::Base64;

	$contents =~ s/.*\n\n//ms;
	$contents = filter("zcat", decode_base64($contents));

	open(CPIO, "|cpio -i -d --quiet");
	print CPIO $contents;

    $ae_copy = sub {
	foreach my $dest (@_) {
	    my $source = File::Spec->catfile($aedir, "src", $dest);
	    execute(qq(cp $source $dest));
} else {
    $cnum = $ENV{AEGIS_CHANGE} if ! defined $cnum;
    $proj = $ENV{AEGIS_PROJECT} if ! defined $proj;

    $common = "-lib " . join(" -lib ", @libraries) if @libraries;
    $common = "$common -proj $proj" if $proj;

    my $output = `aegis -l cd $cnum -unf $common`;
    my ($p, $c, $d, $s, $desc, $fl) = parse_change($output);

    $delta = $d;
    $summary = $s;
    $description = $desc;
    @filelines = @$fl;

    if (! $delta) {
        print STDERR "ae2cvs:  No delta number, exiting.\n";
        exit 1;

    $ae_copy = sub {
	execute(qq(aegis -cp -ind -delta $delta $common @_));

if (! $usedir) {
    $usedir = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir, "ae2cvs.$$");
    push(@cleanup, $usedir);


$usepath = $usedir;
if (! File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($usepath)) {
    $usepath = File::Spec->catfile($pwd, $usepath);

if (! -d File::Spec->catfile($usedir, "CVS")) {
    $cvsmod = (split(/\./, $proj))[0] if ! defined $cvsmod;

    execute(qq($cvs_command co $cvsmod));


    $usepath = File::Spec->catfile($usepath, $cvsmod);

# Figure out what we have to do to accomplish everything.
foreach (@filelines) {
    my @arr = split(/\s+/, $_);
    my $type = shift @arr;	# source / test
    my $act = shift @arr;	# modify / create
    my $file = pop @arr;

    if ($act eq "create" or $act eq "modify") {
	# XXX Do we really only need to do this for
	#     ($act eq "create") files?
	my (undef, $dirs, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath($file);
	my $absdir = $usepath;
	my $reldir;
	my $d;
	foreach $d (File::Spec->splitdir($dirs)) {
	    next if ! $d;
	    $absdir = File::Spec->catdir($absdir, $d);
	    $reldir = $reldir ? File::Spec->catdir($reldir, $d) : $d;
	    if (! -d $absdir && ! $seen_dir{$reldir}) {
		$seen_dir{$reldir} = 1;
		push(@mkdir_list, $reldir);

	push(@copy_list, $file);

	if ($act eq "create") {
	    push(@add_list, $file);
    } elsif ($act eq "remove") {
	push(@remove_list, $file);
    } else {
	print STDERR "Unsure how to '$act' the '$file' file.\n";

# Now go through and mkdir() the directories,
# adding them to the CVS tree as we do.
if (@mkdir_list) {
    if (! $exec) {
	printit qq(# The following "mkdir" and "cvs -Q add" calls are not\n),
		qq(# necessary for any directories that already exist in the\n),
		qq(# CVS tree but which aren't present locally.\n);
    foreach (@mkdir_list) {
	if (! $exec) {
	    printit qq(if test ! -d $_; then\n);
	    $indent = "  ";
	execute(qq($cvs_command add $_));
	if (! $exec) {
	    $indent = "";
	    printit qq(fi\n);
    if (! $exec) {
	printit qq(# End of directory creation.\n);

# Copy in any files in the change, before we try to "cvs add" them.
$ae_copy->(@copy_list) if @copy_list;

if (@add_list) {
    execute(qq($cvs_command add @add_list));

if (@remove_list) {
    execute(qq(rm -f @remove_list));
    execute(qq($cvs_command remove @remove_list));

# Last, commit the whole bunch.
$comment = $summary;
$comment .= "\n" . $description if $description;
$commit = qq($cvs_command commit -m '$comment' .);
if ($exec == 1) {
    printit qq(# Execute the following to commit the changes:\n),
	    qq(# $commit\n);
} else {


# Directory cleanup.
sub END {
    my $dir;
    foreach $dir (@cleanup) {
	printit "rm -rf $dir\n";
	if ($exec) {
	    finddepth(sub {
		# print STDERR "unlink($_)\n" if (!-d $_);
		# print STDERR "rmdir($_)\n" if (-d $_ && $_ ne ".");
		unlink($_) if (!-d $_);
		rmdir($_) if (-d $_ && $_ ne ".");
	    }, $dir);
	    rmdir($dir) || print STDERR "Could not remove $dir:  $!\n";


=head1 NAME

ae2cvs - convert an Aegis change set to CVS commands


ae2cvs [-aedist|-aegis] [-c change] [-d cvs_root] [-f file] [-l lib]
	[-m module] [-n] [-p proj] [-q] [-u dir] [-v] [-x] [-X]

	-aedist		use aedist format from input (default)
	-aegis		query aegis repository directly
	-c change	change number
	-d cvs_root	CVS root directory
	-f file		read aedist from file ('-' == stdin)
	-l lib		Aegis library directory
	-m module	CVS module
	-n		no execute
	-p proj		project name
	-q		quiet, don't print commands
	-u dir		use dir for CVS checkin
	-v		print version string and exit
	-x		execute the commands, but don't commit;
			two or more -x options commit changes
	-X		execute the commands and commit changes


The C<ae2cvs> utility can convert an Aegis change into a set of CVS (and
other) commands to make the corresponding change(s) to a carbon-copy CVS
repository.  This can be used to keep a front-end CVS repository in sync
with changes made to an Aegis project, either manually or automatically
using the C<integrate_pass_notify_command> attribute of the Aegis

By default, C<ae2cvs> makes no changes to any software, and only prints
out the necessary commands.  These commands can be examined first for
safety, and then fed to any Bourne shell variant (sh, ksh, or bash) to
make the actual CVS changes.

An option exists to have C<ae2cvs> execute the commands directly.

=head1 OPTIONS

The C<ae2cvs> utility supports the following options:

=over 4

=item -aedist

Reads an aedist change set.
By default, the change set is read from standard input,
or a file specified with the C<-f> option.

=item -aegis

Reads the change directly from the Aegis repository
by executing the proper C<aegis> commands.

=item -c change

Specify the Aegis change number to be used.
The value of the C<AEGIS_CHANGE> environment variable
is used by default.

=item -d cvsroot

Specify the CVS root directory to be used.
This option is passed explicitly to each executed C<cvs> command.
The default behavior is to omit any C<-d> options
and let the executed C<cvs> commands use the
C<CVSROOT> environment variable as they normally would.

=item -f file

Reads the aedist change set from the specified C<file>,
or from standard input if C<file> is C<'-'>.

=item -l lib

Specifies an Aegis library directory to be searched for global states
files and user state files.

=item -m module

Specifies the name of the CVS module to be brought up-to-date.
The default is to use the Aegis project name,
minus any branch numbers;
for example, given an Aegis project name of C<foo-cmd.0.1>,
the default CVS module name is C<foo-cmd>.

=item -n

No execute.  Commands are printed (including a command for a final
commit of changes), but not executed.  This is the default.

=item -p proj

Specifies the name of the Aegis project from which this change is taken.
The value of the C<AEGIS_PROJECT> environment variable
is used by default.

=item -q

Quiet.  Commands are not printed.

=item -u dir

Use the already checked-out CVS tree that exists at C<dir>
for the checkins and commits.
The default is to use a separately-created temporary directory.

=item -v

Print the version string and exit.

=item -x

Execute the commands to bring the CVS repository up to date,
except for the final commit of the changes.  Two or more
C<-x> options will cause the change to be committed.

=item -X

Execute the commands to bring the CVS repository up to date,
including the final commit of the changes.



=over 4


Specifies any options to be used to initialize
the C<ae2cvs> utility.
Options on the command line override these values.


=head1 AUTHOR

Steven Knight (knight at baldmt dot com)

=head1 BUGS

If errors occur during the execution of the Aegis or CVS commands, and
the -X option is used, a partial change (consisting of those files for
which the command(s) succeeded) will be committed.  It would be safer to
generate code to detect the error and print a warning.

When a file has been deleted in Aegis, the standard whiteout file can
cause a regex failure in this script.  It doesn't necessarily happen all
the time, though, so this needs more investigation.

=head1 TODO

Add an explicit test for using ae2cvs in the Aegis
integrate_pass_notify_command field to support fully keeping a
repository in sync automatically.


Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Steven Knight.

=head1 SEE ALSO

aegis(1), cvs(1)