#!/usr/bin/env python # # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Count statistics about SCons test and source files. This must be run # against a fully-populated tree (for example, one that's been freshly # checked out). # # A test file is anything under the src/ directory that begins with # 'test_' or ends in 'Tests.py', or anything under the test/ directory # that ends in '.py'. Note that runtest.py script does *not*, by default, # consider the files that begin with 'test_' to be tests, because they're # tests of SCons packaging and installation, not functional tests of # SCons code. # # A source file is anything under the src/engine/ or src/script/ # directories that ends in '.py' but does NOT begin with 'test_' # or end in 'Tests.py'. # # We report the number of tests and sources, the total number of lines # in each category, the number of non-blank lines, and the number of # non-comment lines. The last figure (non-comment) lines is the most # interesting one for most purposes. # from __future__ import generators ### KEEP FOR COMPATIBILITY FIXERS __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" import os.path fmt = "%-16s %5s %7s %9s %11s %11s" class Collection(object): def __init__(self, name, files=None, pred=None): self._name = name if files is None: files = [] self.files = files if pred is None: pred = lambda x: True self.pred = pred def __call__(self, fname): return self.pred(fname) def __len__(self): return len(self.files) def extend(self, files): self.files.extend(files) def lines(self): try: return self._lines except AttributeError: self._lines = lines = [] for file in self.files: file_lines = open(file).readlines() lines.extend([s.lstrip() for s in file_lines]) return lines def non_blank(self): return [s for s in self.lines() if s != ''] def non_comment(self): return [s for s in self.lines() if s == '' or s[0] != '#'] def non_blank_non_comment(self): return [s for s in self.lines() if s != '' and s[0] != '#'] def printables(self): return (self._name + ':', len(self.files), len(self.lines()), len(self.non_blank()), len(self.non_comment()), len(self.non_blank_non_comment())) def is_Tests_py(x): return x[-8:] == 'Tests.py' def is_test_(x): return x[:5] == 'test_' def is_python(x): return x[-3:] == '.py' def is_source(x): return is_python(x) and not is_Tests_py(x) and not is_test_(x) src_Tests_py_tests = Collection('src/ *Tests.py', pred=is_Tests_py) src_test_tests = Collection('src/ test_*.py', pred=is_test_) test_tests = Collection('test/ tests', pred=is_python) sources = Collection('sources', pred=is_source) def t(arg, dirname, names): try: names.remove('.svn') except ValueError: pass names = list(filter(arg, names)) arg.extend([os.path.join(dirname, n) for n in names]) os.path.walk('src', t, src_Tests_py_tests) os.path.walk('src', t, src_test_tests) os.path.walk('test', t, test_tests) os.path.walk('src/engine', t, sources) os.path.walk('src/script', t, sources) src_tests = Collection('src/ tests', src_Tests_py_tests.files + src_test_tests.files) all_tests = Collection('all tests', src_tests.files + test_tests.files) def ratio(over, under): return "%.2f" % (float(len(over)) / float(len(under))) print fmt % ('', '', '', '', '', 'non-blank') print fmt % ('', 'files', 'lines', 'non-blank', 'non-comment', 'non-comment') print print fmt % src_Tests_py_tests.printables() print fmt % src_test_tests.printables() print print fmt % src_tests.printables() print fmt % test_tests.printables() print print fmt % all_tests.printables() print fmt % sources.printables() print print fmt % ('ratio:', ratio(all_tests, sources), ratio(all_tests.lines(), sources.lines()), ratio(all_tests.non_blank(), sources.non_blank()), ratio(all_tests.non_comment(), sources.non_comment()), ratio(all_tests.non_blank_non_comment(), sources.non_blank_non_comment()) )