#!/usr/bin/env python # # sfsum.py: A script for parsing XML data exported from # SourceForge projects. # # Right now, this is hard-coded to generate a summary of open bugs. # # XML data for SourceForge project is available for download by project # administrators. Because it's intended for backup purposes, you have # to slurp the whole set of data, including info about all of the closed # items, the feature requests, etc., so it can get big. # # You can do this by hand (if you're an administrator) with a URL like # this (where 30337 is the group_id for SCons): # # http://sourceforge.net/export/xml_export.php?group_id=30337 # # They also have a Perl script, called xml_export, available as part # of a set of utilities called "adocman" which automate dealing with # SourceForge document management from the command line. "adocman" # is available at: # # https://sourceforge.net/projects/sitedocs/ # import xml.sax import xml.sax.saxutils import sys SFName = { 'Unassigned' : 'nobody', 'Chad Austin' : 'aegis', 'Charle Crain' : 'diewarzau', 'Steven Knight' : 'stevenknight', 'Steve Leblanc' : 'stevenleblanc', 'Jeff Petkau' : 'jpet', 'Anthony Roach' : 'anthonyroach', 'Steven Shaw' : 'steven_shaw', 'Terrel Shumway' : 'terrelshumway', 'Greg Spencer' : 'greg_spencer', 'Christoph Wiedemann' : 'wiedeman', } class Artifact: """Just a place to hold attributes that we find in the XML.""" pass Artifacts = {} def nws(text): """Normalize white space. This will become important if/when we enhance this to search for arbitrary fields.""" return ' '.join(text.split()) class ClassifyArtifacts(xml.sax.saxutils.DefaultHandler): """ Simple SAX subclass to classify the artifacts in SourceForge XML output. This reads up the fields in an XML description and turns the field descriptions into attributes of an Artificat object, on the fly. Artifacts are of the following types: Bugs Feature Requests Patches Support Requests We could, if we choose to, add additional types in the future by creating additional trackers. This class loses some info right now because we don't pay attention to the <messages> tag in the output, which contains a list of items that have <field> tags in them. Right now, these just overwrite each other in the Arifact object we create. We also don't pay attention to any attributes of a <field> tag other than the "name" attribute. We'll need to extend this class if we ever want to pay attention to those attributes. """ def __init__(self): self.artifact = None def startElement(self, name, attrs): self.text = "" if name == 'artifact': self.artifact = Artifact() elif not self.artifact is None and name == 'field': self.fname = attrs.get('name', None) def characters(self, ch): if not self.artifact is None: self.text = self.text + ch def endElement(self, name): global Artifacts if name == 'artifact': type = self.artifact.artifact_type try: list = Artifacts[type] except KeyError: Artifacts[type] = list = [] list.append(self.artifact) self.artifact = None elif not self.artifact is None and name == 'field': setattr(self.artifact, self.fname, self.text) if __name__ == '__main__': # Create a parser. parser = xml.sax.make_parser() # Tell the parser we are not interested in XML namespaces. parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, 0) # Instantiate our handler and tell the parser to use it. parser.setContentHandler(ClassifyArtifacts()) # Parse the input. parser.parse(sys.argv[1]) # Hard-coded search for 'Open' bugs. This should be easily # generalized once we figure out other things for this script to do. bugs = [x for x in Artifacts['Bugs'] if x.status == 'Open'] print list(Artifacts.keys()) print "%d open bugs" % len(bugs) # Sort them into a separate list for each assignee. Assigned = {} for bug in bugs: a = bug.assigned_to try: list = Assigned[a] except KeyError: Assigned[a] = list = [] list.append(bug) for a in SFName.keys(): try: b = Assigned[SFName[a]] except KeyError: pass else: print " %s" % a b.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.artifact_id, y.artifact_id)) for bug in b: print " %-6s %s" % (bug.artifact_id, bug.summary)