So far we've seen how &SCons; handles one-time builds.
But the real point of a build tool like &SCons;
is to rebuild only the necessary things
when source files change--or, put another way,
&SCons; should not
waste time rebuilding things that have already been built.
You can see this at work simply be re-invoking &SCons;
after building our simple &hello; example:
env = Environment()
int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); }
The second time it is executed,
&SCons; realizes that the &hello; program
is up-to-date with respect to the current &hello_c; source file,
and avoids rebuilding it.
You can see this more clearly by naming
the &hello; program explicitly on the command line:
scons hello
scons hello
Note that &SCons; reports " up to date"
only for target files named explicitly on the command line,
to avoid cluttering the output.
Source File Signatures
The other side of avoiding unnecessary rebuilds
is the fundamental build tool behavior
of rebuilding
things when a source file changes,
so that the built software is up to date.
&SCons; keeps track of this through a
&signature; for each source file,
and allows you to configure
whether you want to use the source
file contents or the modification time (timestamp)
as the signature.
MD5 Source File Signatures
By default,
&SCons; keeps track of whether a source file has changed
based on the file's contents,
not the modification time.
This means that you may be surprised by the
default &SCons; behavior if you are used to the
&Make; convention of forcing
a rebuild by updating the file's modification time
(using the &touch; command, for example):
scons hello
touch hello.c
scons hello
Even though the file's modification time has changed,
&SCons; realizes that the contents of the
&hello_c; file have not changed,
and therefore that the &hello; program
need not be rebuilt.
This avoids unnecessary rebuilds when,
for example, someone rewrites the
contents of a file without making a change.
But if the contents of the file really do change,
then &SCons; detects the change
and rebuilds the program as required:
scons hello
edit hello.c
scons hello
Note that you can, if you wish,
specify this default behavior
(MD5 signatures) explicitly
using the &SourceSignatures; function as follows:
env = Environment()
Source File Time Stamps
If you prefer, you can
configure &SCons; to use the modification time
of source files,
not the file contents,
when deciding if something needs to be rebuilt.
To do this, call the &SourceSignatures;
function as follows:
env = Environment()
int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); }
This makes &SCons; act like &Make;
when a file's modification time is updated
(using the &touch; command, for example):
scons hello
touch hello.c
scons hello
Target File Signatures
As you've just seen,
&SCons; uses signatures to decide whether a
target file is up to date or must be rebuilt.
When a target file depends on another target file,
&SCons; allows you to separately configure
how the signatures of an "intermediate" target file
is used when deciding if a dependent target file
must be rebuilt.
Build Signatures
Modifying a source file
will cause not only its direct target file to be rebuilt,
but also the target file(s)
that depend on that direct target file.
In our example,
changing the contents of the &hello_c; file causes
the &hello_o; file to be rebuilt,
which in turn causes the
&hello; program to be rebuilt:
scons hello
edit hello.c
scons hello
What's not obvious, though,
is that &SCons; internally handles the signature of
the target file(s)
(&hello_o; in the above example)
differently from the signature of the source file
By default,
&SCons; tracks whether a target file must be rebuilt
by using a &buildsignature;
that consists of the combined
signatures of all the files
that go into making the target file.
This is efficient because
the accumulated signatures
actually give &SCons; all of the
information it needs
to decide if the target file is out of date.
If you wish, you can
specify this default behavior
(build signatures) explicitly
using the &TargetSignatures; function:
env = Environment()
File Contents
Sometimes a source file can be changed
in such a way that the contents of the
rebuilt target file(s)
will be exactly the same as the last time
the file was built.
If so, then any other target files
that depend on such a built-but-not-changed target
file actually need not be rebuilt.
You can have &SCons;
realize that a dependent target file
need not be rebuilt in this situation
using the &TargetSignatures; function as follows:
env = Environment()
int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); }
So if, for example,
a user were to only change a comment in a C file,
then the rebuilt &hello_o; file
would be exactly the same as the one previously built
(assuming the compiler doesn't put any build-specific
information in the object file).
&SCons; would then realize that it would not
need to rebuild the &hello; program as follows:
scons hello
edit hello.c
scons hello
In essence, &SCons; has
"short-circuited" any dependent builds
when it realizes that a target file
has been rebuilt to exactly the same file as the last build.
So configured,
&SCons; does take some extra processing time
to scan the contents of the target (&hello_o;) file,
but this may save time
if the rebuild that was avoided
would have been very time-consuming and expensive.
Implicit Dependencies: The &CPPPATH; Construction Variable
Now suppose that our "Hello, World!" program
actually has a #include line
to include the &hello_h; file in the compilation:
env = Environment(CPPPATH = '.')
hello = env.Program('hello.c')
#include "hello.h"
printf("Hello, %s!\n", string);
#define string "world"
And, for completeness, the &hello_h; file looks like this:
In this case, we want &SCons; to recognize that,
if the contents of the &hello_h; file change,
the &hello; program must be recompiled.
To do this, we need to modify the
&SConstruct; file like so:
The &CPPPATH; assignment in the &Environment; call
tells &SCons; to look in the current directory
for any files included by C source files
(.c or .h files).
With this assignment in the &SConstruct; file:
scons hello
scons hello
edit hello.h
scons hello
First, notice that &SCons;
added the -I. argument
from the &CPPPATH; variable
so that the compilation would find the
&hello_h; file in the local directory.
Second, realize that &SCons; knows that the &hello;
program must be rebuilt
because it scans the contents of
the &hello_c; file
for the #include lines that indicate
another file is being included in the compilation.
&SCons; records these as
implicit dependencies
of the target file,
when the &hello_h; file changes,
&SCons; realizes that the &hello_c; file includes it,
and rebuilds the resulting &hello; program
that depends on both the &hello_c; and &hello_h; files.
Like the &LIBPATH; variable,
the &CPPPATH; variable
may be a list of directories,
or a string separated by
the system-specific path separate character
(':' on POSIX/Linux, ';' on Windows).
Either way, &SCons; creates the
right command-line options
so that the following example:
env = Environment(CPPPATH = ['include', '/home/project/inc'])
hello = env.Program('hello.c')
int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); }
Will look like this on POSIX or Linux:
scons hello
And like this on Windows:
scons hello
Caching Implicit Dependencies
Scanning each file for #include lines
does take some extra processing time.
When you're doing a full build of a large system,
the scanning time is usually a very small percentage
of the overall time spent on the build.
You're most likely to notice the scanning time,
however, when you rebuild
all or part of a large system:
&SCons; will likely take some extra time to "think about"
what must be built before it issues the
first build command
(or decides that everything is up to date
and nothing must be rebuilt).
In practice, having &SCons; scan files saves time
relative to the amount of potential time
lost to tracking down subtle problems
introduced by incorrect dependencies.
Nevertheless, the "waiting time"
while &SCons; scans files can annoy
individual developers waiting for their builds to finish.
Consequently, &SCons; lets you cache
the implicit dependencies
that its scanners find,
for use by later builds.
You do this either by specifying the
&implicit-cache; option on the command line:
scons --implicit-cache hello
scons hello
Or by setting the &implicit_cache; option
in an &SConscript; file:
SetOption('implicit_cache', 1)
&SCons; does not cache implicit dependencies like this by default
because XXX
The &implicit-deps-changed; Option
The &implicit-deps-unchanged; Option
The &Ignore; Method
Sometimes it makes sense
to not rebuild a program,
even if a dependency file changes.
In this case,
you would tell &SCons; specifically
to ignore a dependency as follows:
env = Environment()
hello = env.Program('hello.c')
env.Ignore(hello, 'hello.h')
% scons hello
cc -c hello.c -o hello.o
cc -o hello hello.o
% scons hello
scons: `hello' is up to date.
% edit hello.h
% scons hello
scons: `hello' is up to date.
Now, the above example is a little contrived,
because it's hard to imagine a real-world situation
where you wouldn't to rebuild &hello;
if the &hello_h; file changed.
A more realistic example
might be if the &hello;
program is being built in a
directory that is shared between multiple systems
that have different copies of the
&stdio_h; include file.
In that case,
&SCons; would notice the differences between
the different systems' copies of &stdio_h;
and would rebuild &hello;
each time you change systems.
You could avoid these rebuilds as follows:
env = Environment()
hello = env.Program('hello.c')
env.Ignore(hello, '/usr/include/stdio.h')
The &Depends; Method
On the other hand,
sometimes a file depends on another file
that has no &SCons; scanner will detect.
For this situation,
&SCons; allows you to specific explicitly that one file
depends on another file,
and must be rebuilt whenever that file changes.
This is specified using the &Depends; method:
env = Environment()
hello = env.Program('hello.c')
env.Depends(hello, 'other_file')
% scons hello
cc -c hello.c -o hello.o
cc -o hello hello.o
% scons hello
scons: `hello' is up to date.
% edit other_file
% scons hello
cc -c hello.c -o hello.o
cc -o hello hello.o