<!-- Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Steven Knight Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --> <!-- =head1 More on construction environments As previously mentioned, a B<construction environment> is an object that has a set of keyword/value pairs and a set of methods, and which is used to tell Cons how target files should be built. This section describes how Cons uses and expands construction environment values to control its build behavior. =head2 Construction variable expansion Construction variables from a construction environment are expanded by preceding the keyword with a C<%> (percent sign): Construction variables: XYZZY => 'abracadabra', The string: "The magic word is: %XYZZY!" expands to: "The magic word is: abracadabra!" A construction variable name may be surrounded by C<{> and C<}> (curly braces), which are stripped as part of the expansion. This can sometimes be necessary to separate a variable expansion from trailing alphanumeric characters: Construction variables: OPT => 'value1', OPTION => 'value2', The string: "%OPT %{OPT}ION %OPTION %{OPTION}" expands to: "value1 value1ION value2 value2" Construction variable expansion is recursive, that is, a string containing C<%->expansions after substitution will be re-expanded until no further substitutions can be made: Construction variables: STRING => 'The result is: %FOO', FOO => '%BAR', BAR => 'final value', The string: "The string says: %STRING" expands to: "The string says: The result is: final value" If a construction variable is not defined in an environment, then the null string is substituted: Construction variables: FOO => 'value1', BAR => 'value2', The string: "%FOO <%NO_VARIABLE> %BAR" expands to: "value1 <> value2" A doubled C<%%> will be replaced by a single C<%>: The string: "Here is a percent sign: %%" expands to: "Here is a percent sign: %" =head2 Default construction variables When you specify no arguments when creating a new construction environment: $env = new cons(); Cons creates a reference to a new, default construction environment. This contains a number of construction variables and some methods. At the present writing, the default construction variables on a UNIX system are: CC => 'cc', CFLAGS => '', CCCOM => '%CC %CFLAGS %_IFLAGS -c %< -o %>', CXX => '%CC', CXXFLAGS => '%CFLAGS', CXXCOM => '%CXX %CXXFLAGS %_IFLAGS -c %< -o %>', INCDIRPREFIX => '-I', INCDIRSUFFIX => '', LINK => '%CXX', LINKCOM => '%LINK %LDFLAGS -o %> %< %_LDIRS %LIBS', LINKMODULECOM => '%LD -r -o %> %<', LIBDIRPREFIX => '-L', LIBDIRSUFFIX => '', AR => 'ar', ARFLAGS => 'r', ARCOM => ['%AR %ARFLAGS %> %<', '%RANLIB %>'], RANLIB => 'ranlib', AS => 'as', ASFLAGS => '', ASCOM => '%AS %ASFLAGS %< -o %>', LD => 'ld', LDFLAGS => '', PREFLIB => 'lib', SUFLIB => '.a', SUFLIBS => '.so:.a', SUFOBJ => '.o', SIGNATURE => [ '*' => 'build' ], ENV => { 'PATH' => '/bin:/usr/bin' }, And on a Win32 system (Windows NT), the default construction variables are (unless the default rule style is set using the B<DefaultRules> method): CC => 'cl', CFLAGS => '/nologo', CCCOM => '%CC %CFLAGS %_IFLAGS /c %< /Fo%>', CXXCOM => '%CXX %CXXFLAGS %_IFLAGS /c %< /Fo%>', INCDIRPREFIX => '/I', INCDIRSUFFIX => '', LINK => 'link', LINKCOM => '%LINK %LDFLAGS /out:%> %< %_LDIRS %LIBS', LINKMODULECOM => '%LD /r /o %> %<', LIBDIRPREFIX => '/LIBPATH:', LIBDIRSUFFIX => '', AR => 'lib', ARFLAGS => '/nologo ', ARCOM => "%AR %ARFLAGS /out:%> %<", RANLIB => '', LD => 'link', LDFLAGS => '/nologo ', PREFLIB => '', SUFEXE => '.exe', SUFLIB => '.lib', SUFLIBS => '.dll:.lib', SUFOBJ => '.obj', SIGNATURE => [ '*' => 'build' ], These variables are used by the various methods associated with the environment. In particular, any method that ultimately invokes an external command will substitute these variables into the final command, as appropriate. For example, the C<Objects> method takes a number of source files and arranges to derive, if necessary, the corresponding object files: Objects $env 'foo.c', 'bar.c'; This will arrange to produce, if necessary, F<foo.o> and F<bar.o>. The command invoked is simply C<%CCCOM>, which expands, through substitution, to the appropriate external command required to build each object. The substitution rules will be discussed in detail in the next section. The construction variables are also used for other purposes. For example, C<CPPPATH> is used to specify a colon-separated path of include directories. These are intended to be passed to the C preprocessor and are also used by the C-file scanning machinery to determine the dependencies involved in a C Compilation. Variables beginning with underscore are created by various methods, and should normally be considered ``internal'' variables. For example, when a method is called which calls for the creation of an object from a C source, the variable C<_IFLAGS> is created: this corresponds to the C<-I> switches required by the C compiler to represent the directories specified by C<CPPPATH>. Note that, for any particular environment, the value of a variable is set once, and then never reset (to change a variable, you must create a new environment. Methods are provided for copying existing environments for this purpose). Some internal variables, such as C<_IFLAGS> are created on demand, but once set, they remain fixed for the life of the environment. The C<CFLAGS>, C<LDFLAGS>, and C<ARFLAGS> variables all supply a place for passing options to the compiler, loader, and archiver, respectively. The C<INCDIRPREFIX> and C<INCDIRSUFFIX> variables specify option strings to be appended to the beginning and end, respectively, of each include directory so that the compiler knows where to find F<.h> files. Similarly, the C<LIBDIRPREFIX> and C<LIBDIRSUFFIX> variables specify the option string to be appended to the beginning of and end, respectively, of each directory that the linker should search for libraries. Another variable, C<ENV>, is used to determine the system environment during the execution of an external command. By default, the only environment variable that is set is C<PATH>, which is the execution path for a UNIX command. For the utmost reproducibility, you should really arrange to set your own execution path, in your top-level F<Construct> file (or perhaps by importing an appropriate construction package with the Perl C<use> command). The default variables are intended to get you off the ground. =head2 Expanding variables in construction commands Within a construction command, construction variables will be expanded according to the rules described above. In addition to normal variable expansion from the construction environment, construction commands also expand the following pseudo-variables to insert the specific input and output files in the command line that will be executed: =over 10 =item %> The target file name. In a multi-target command, this expands to the first target mentioned.) =item %0 Same as C<%E<gt>>. =item %1, %2, ..., %9 These refer to the first through ninth input file, respectively. =item %E<lt> The full set of input file names. If any of these have been used anywhere else in the current command line (via C<%1>, C<%2>, etc.), then those will be deleted from the list provided by C<%E<lt>>. Consider the following command found in a F<Conscript> file in the F<test> directory: Command $env 'tgt', qw(foo bar baz), qq( echo %< -i %1 > %> echo %< -i %2 >> %> echo %< -i %3 >> %> ); If F<tgt> needed to be updated, then this would result in the execution of the following commands, assuming that no remapping has been established for the F<test> directory: echo test/bar test/baz -i test/foo > test/tgt echo test/foo test/baz -i test/bar >> test/tgt echo test/foo test/bar -i test/baz >> test/tgt =back Any of the above pseudo-variables may be followed immediately by one of the following suffixes to select a portion of the expanded path name: :a the absolute path to the file name :b the directory plus the file name stripped of any suffix :d the directory :f the file name :s the file name suffix :F the file name stripped of any suffix :S the absolute path path to a Linked source file Continuing with the above example, C<%E<lt>:f> would expand to C<foo bar baz>, and C<%E<gt>:d> would expand to C<test>. There are additional C<%> elements which affect the command line(s): =over 10 =item %[ %] It is possible to programmatically rewrite part of the command by enclosing part of it between C<%[> and C<%]>. This will call the construction variable named as the first word enclosed in the brackets as a Perl code reference; the results of this call will be used to replace the contents of the brackets in the command line. For example, given an existing input file named F<tgt.in>: @keywords = qw(foo bar baz); $env = new cons(X_COMMA => sub { join(",", @_) }); Command $env 'tgt', 'tgt.in', qq( echo '# Keywords: %[X_COMMA @keywords %]' > %> cat %< >> %> ); This will execute: echo '# Keywords: foo,bar,baz' > tgt cat tgt.in >> tgt =item %( %) Cons includes the text of the command line in the MD5 signature for a build, so that targets get rebuilt if you change the command line (to add or remove an option, for example). Command-line text in between C<%(> and C<%)>, however, will be ignored for MD5 signature calculation. Internally, Cons uses C<%(> and C<%)> around include and library directory options (C<-I> and C<-L> on UNIX systems, C</I> and C</LIBPATH> on Windows NT) to avoid rebuilds just because the directory list changes. Rebuilds occur only if the changed directory list causes any included I<files> to change, and a changed include file is detected by the MD5 signature calculation on the actual file contents. =back XXX DESCRIBE THE Literal() FUNCTION, TOO XXX =head2 Expanding construction variables in file names Cons expands construction variables in the source and target file names passed to the various construction methods according to the expansion rules described above: $env = new cons( DESTDIR => 'programs', SRCDIR => 'src', ); Program $env '%DESTDIR/hello', '%SRCDIR/hello.c'; This allows for flexible configuration, through the construction environment, of directory names, suffixes, etc. =head1 Default construction methods The list of default construction methods includes the following: =head2 The C<new> constructor The C<new> method is a Perl object constructor. That is, it is not invoked via a reference to an existing construction environment B<reference>, but, rather statically, using the name of the Perl B<package> where the constructor is defined. The method is invoked like this: $env = new cons(<overrides>); The environment you get back is blessed into the package C<cons>, which means that it will have associated with it the default methods described below. Individual construction variables can be overridden by providing name/value pairs in an override list. Note that to override any command environment variable (i.e. anything under C<ENV>), you will have to override all of them. You can get around this difficulty by using the C<copy> method on an existing construction environment. =head2 The C<clone> method The C<clone> method creates a clone of an existing construction environment, and can be called as in the following example: $env2 = $env1->clone(<overrides>); You can provide overrides in the usual manner to create a different environment from the original. If you just want a new name for the same environment (which may be helpful when exporting environments to existing components), you can just use simple assignment. =head2 The C<copy> method The C<copy> method extracts the externally defined construction variables from an environment and returns them as a list of name/value pairs. Overrides can also be provided, in which case, the overridden values will be returned, as appropriate. The returned list can be assigned to a hash, as shown in the prototype, below, but it can also be manipulated in other ways: %env = $env1->copy(<overrides>); The value of C<ENV>, which is itself a hash, is also copied to a new hash, so this may be changed without fear of affecting the original environment. So, for example, if you really want to override just the C<PATH> variable in the default environment, you could do the following: %cons = new cons()->copy(); $cons{ENV}{PATH} = "<your path here>"; $cons = new cons(%cons); This will leave anything else that might be in the default execution environment undisturbed. --> <para> It is rare that all of the software in a large, complicated system needs to be built the same way. For example, different source files may need different options enabled on the command line, or different executable programs need to be linked with different libraries. &SCons; accomodates these different build requirements by allowing you to create and configure multiple &consenvs; that control how the software is built. Technically, a &consenv; is an object that has a number of associated &consvars;, each with a name and a value. (A construction environment also has an attached set of &Builder; methods, about which we'll learn more later.) </para> <para> A &consenv; is created by the &Environment; method. When you initialize a construction environment you can set the values of the environment's &consvars; to control how a program is built. For example: </para> <programlisting> env = Environment(CC = 'gcc', CCFLAGS = '-O2') env.Program('foo.c') </programlisting> <para> This example, rather than using the default, explicitly specifies use of the GNU C compiler &gcc;, and further specifies that the <literal>-O2</literal> (optimization level two) flag should be used when compiling the object file. So a run from this example would look like: </para> <literallayout> % <userinput>scons -Q</userinput> gcc -O2 -c -o foo.o foo.c gcc -o foo foo.o </literallayout> <section> <title>Multiple &ConsEnvs;</title> <para> The real advantage of construction environments is that you can create as many different construction environments as you need, each tailored to a different way to build some piece of software or other file. If, for example, we need to build one program with the <literal>-O2</literal> flag and another with the <literal>-g</literal> (debug) flag, we would do this like so: </para> <programlisting> opt = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-O2') dbg = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-g') opt.Program('foo', 'foo.c') dbg.Program('bar', 'bar.c') </programlisting> <literallayout> % <userinput>scons -Q</userinput> cc -g -c -o bar.o bar.c cc -o bar bar.o cc -O2 -c -o foo.o foo.c cc -o foo foo.o </literallayout> <para> We can even use multiple construction environments to build multiple versions of a single program. If you do this by simply trying to use the &Program; builder with both environments, though, like this: </para> <programlisting> opt = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-O2') dbg = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-g') opt.Program('foo', 'foo.c') dbg.Program('foo', 'foo.c') </programlisting> <para> Then &SCons; generates the following error: </para> <literallayout> % <userinput>scons -Q</userinput> scons: *** Two different environments were specified for the same target: foo.o File "SConstruct", line 6, in ? </literallayout> <para> This is because the two &Program; calls have each implicitly told &SCons; to generate an object file named <filename>foo.o</filename>, one with a &CCFLAGS; value of <literal>-O2</literal> and one with a &CCFLAGS; value of <literal>-g</literal>. &SCons; can't just decide that one of them should take precedence over the other, so it generates the error. To avoid this problem, we must explicitly specify that each environment compile <filename>foo.c</filename> to a separately-named object file using the &Object; call, like so: </para> <programlisting> </programlisting> <programlisting> opt = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-O2') dbg = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-g') o = opt.Object('foo-opt', 'foo.c') opt.Program(o) d = dbg.Object('foo-dbg', 'foo.c') dbg.Program(d) </programlisting> <para> Notice that each call to the &Object; builder returns a value, an internal &SCons; object that represents the object file that will be built. We then use that object as input to the &Program; builder. This avoids having to specify explicitly the object file name in multiple places, and makes for a compact, readable &SConstruct; file. Our &SCons; output then looks like: </para> <literallayout> % <userinput>scons -Q</userinput> cc -g -c -o foo-dbg.o foo.c cc -o foo-dbg foo-dbg.o cc -O2 -c -o foo-opt.o foo.c cc -o foo-opt foo-opt.o </literallayout> </section> <section> <title>Copying &ConsEnvs;</title> <para> Sometimes you want more than one construction environment to share the same values for one or more variables. Rather than always having to repeat all of the common variables when you create each construction environment, you can use the &Copy; method to create a copy of a construction environment. </para> <para> Like the &Environment; call that creates a construction environment, the &Copy; method takes &consvar; assignments, which will override the values in the copied construction environment. For example, suppose we want to use &gcc; to create three versions of a program, one optimized, one debug, and one with neither. We could do this by creating a "base" construction environment that sets &CC; to &gcc;, and then creating two copies, one which sets &CCFLAGS; for optimization and the other which sets &CCFLAGS; for debugging: </para> <programlisting> env = Environment(CC = 'gcc') opt = env.Copy(CCFLAGS = '-O2') dbg = env.Copy(CCFLAGS = '-g') env.Program('foo', 'foo.c') o = opt.Object('foo-opt', 'foo.c') opt.Program(o) d = dbg.Object('foo-dbg', 'foo.c') dbg.Program(d) </programlisting> <para> Then our output would look like: </para> <literallayout> % <userinput>scons -Q</userinput> gcc -c -o foo.o foo.c gcc -o foo foo.o gcc -g -c -o foo-dbg.o foo.c gcc -o foo-dbg foo-dbg.o gcc -O2 -c -o foo-opt.o foo.c gcc -o foo-opt foo-opt.o </literallayout> </section> <section> <title>Fetching Values From a &ConsEnv;</title> <para> You can fetch individual construction variables using the normal syntax for accessing individual named items in a Python dictionary: </para> <programlisting> env = Environment() print "CC is:", env['CC'] </programlisting> <para> This example &SConstruct; file doesn't build anything, but because it's actually a Python script, it will print the value of &CC; for us: </para> <literallayout> % <userinput>scons -Q</userinput> CC is: cc scons: `.' is up to date. </literallayout> <para> A construction environment, however, is actually a Python object with associated methods, etc. If you want to have direct access to only the dictionary of construction variables, you can fetch this using the &Dictionary; method: </para> <programlisting> env = Environment(FOO = 'foo', BAR = 'bar') dict = env.Dictionary() for key in ['OBJSUFFIX', 'LIBSUFFIX', 'PROGSUFFIX']: print "key = %s, value = %s" % (key, dict[key]) </programlisting> <para> This &SConstruct; file will print the specified dictionary items for us on POSIX systems as follows: </para> <literallayout> % <userinput>scons -Q</userinput> key = OBJSUFFIX, value = .o key = LIBSUFFIX, value = .a key = PROGSUFFIX, value = scons: `.' is up to date. </literallayout> <para> And on Win32: </para> <literallayout> C:\><userinput>scons -Q</userinput> key = OBJSUFFIX, value = .obj key = LIBSUFFIX, value = .lib key = PROGSUFFIX, value = .exe scons: `.' is up to date. </literallayout> </section> <section> <title>Modifying a &ConsEnv;</title> <para> &SCons; provides various methods that support modifying existing values in a construction environment. </para> <section> <title>Replacing Values in a &ConsEnv;</title> <para> You can replace existing construction variable values using the &Replace; method: </para> <programlisting> env = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-DDEFINE1') env.Program('foo.c') env.Replace(CCFLAGS = '-DDEFINE2') env.Program('bar.c') </programlisting> <para> The replaced value completely overwrites </para> <literallayout> % <userinput>scons -Q</userinput> cc -DDEFINE2 -c -o bar.o bar.c cc -o bar bar.o cc -DDEFINE1 -c -o foo.o foo.c cc -o foo foo.o </literallayout> </section> <section> <title>Appending to the End of Values in a &ConsEnv;</title> <para> You can append a value to an existing construction variable using the &Append; method: </para> <programlisting> env = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-DMY_VALUE') env.Append(CCFLAGS = ' -DLAST') env.Program('foo.c') </programlisting> <literallayout> % <userinput>scons -Q</userinput> cc -DMY_VALUE -DLAST -c -o foo.o foo.c cc -o foo foo.o </literallayout> </section> <section> <title>Appending to the Beginning of Values in a &ConsEnv;</title> <para> You can append a value to the beginning an existing construction variable using the &Prepend; method: </para> <programlisting> env = Environment(CCFLAGS = '-DMY_VALUE') env.Prepend(CCFLAGS = '-DFIRST ') env.Program('foo.c') </programlisting> <literallayout> % <userinput>scons -Q</userinput> cc -DFIRST -DMY_VALUE -c -o foo.o foo.c cc -o foo foo.o </literallayout> </section> </section>