In this chapter,
you will see several examples of
very simple build configurations using &SCons;,
which will demonstrate how easy
it is to use &SCons; to
build programs from several different programming languages
on different types of systems.
Specifying the Name of the Target (Output) File
You've seen that when you call the &b-link-Program; builder method,
it builds the resulting program with the same
base name as the source file.
That is, the following call to build an
executable program from the &hello_c; source file
will build an executable program named &hello; on POSIX systems,
and an executable program named &hello_exe; on Windows systems:
If you want to build a program with
a different name than the base of the source file name,
you simply put the target file name
to the left of the source file name:
Program('new_hello', 'hello.c')
(&SCons; requires the target file name first,
followed by the source file name,
so that the order mimics that of an
assignment statement in most programming languages,
including Python:
"program = source files".)
Now &SCons; will build an executable program
named &new_hello; when run on a POSIX system:
% scons -Q
cc -o hello.o -c hello.c
cc -o new_hello hello.o
And &SCons; will build an executable program
named &new_hello_exe; when run on a Windows system:
C:\>scons -Q
cl /nologo /c hello.c /Fohello.obj
link /nologo /OUT:new_hello.exe hello.obj
Compiling Multiple Source Files
You've just seen how to configure &SCons;
to compile a program from a single source file.
It's more common, of course,
that you'll need to build a program from
many input source files, not just one.
To do this, you need to put the
source files in a Python list
(enclosed in square brackets),
like so:
Program(['prog.c', 'file1.c', 'file2.c'])
A build of the above example would look like:
% scons -Q
cc -o file1.o -c file1.c
cc -o file2.o -c file2.c
cc -o prog.o -c prog.c
cc -o prog prog.o file1.o file2.o
Notice that &SCons;
deduces the output program name
from the first source file specified
in the list--that is,
because the first source file was &prog_c;,
&SCons; will name the resulting program &prog;
(or &prog_exe; on a Windows system).
If you want to specify a different program name,
then (as we've seen in the previous section)
you slide the list of source files
over to the right
to make room for the output program file name.
(&SCons; puts the output file name to the left
of the source file names
so that the order mimics that of an
assignment statement: "program = source files".)
This makes our example:
Program('program', ['prog.c', 'file1.c', 'file2.c'])
On Linux, a build of this example would look like:
% scons -Q
cc -o file1.o -c file1.c
cc -o file2.o -c file2.c
cc -o prog.o -c prog.c
cc -o program prog.o file1.o file2.o
Or on Windows:
C:\>scons -Q
cl /nologo /c file1.c /Fofile1.obj
cl /nologo /c file2.c /Fofile2.obj
cl /nologo /c prog.c /Foprog.obj
link /nologo /OUT:program.exe prog.obj file1.obj file2.obj
Making a list of files with Glob()
You can also use the Glob() function to find all files matching a
certain template, using standard the shell pattern matching
characters *, ?, and [abc] to match any of a, b, or c. [!abc] is
also supported, to match any character except
a, b, or c. This makes many multi-source-file builds quite easy:
Program('program', Glob('*.c'))
The SCons man page has more details on using Glob() with Variant
dirs and Repositories and returning strings rather than Nodes.
Specifying Single Files Vs. Lists of Files
We've now shown you two ways to specify
the source for a program,
one with a list of files:
Program('hello', ['file1.c', 'file2.c'])
And one with a single file:
Program('hello', 'hello.c')
You could actually put a single file name in a list, too,
which you might prefer just for the sake of consistency:
Program('hello', ['hello.c'])
&SCons; functions will accept a single file name in either form.
In fact, internally, &SCons; treats all input as lists of files,
but allows you to omit the square brackets
to cut down a little on the typing
when there's only a single file name.
Although &SCons; functions
are forgiving about whether or not you
use a string vs. a list for a single file name,
Python itself is more strict about
treating lists and strings differently.
So where &SCons; allows either
a string or list:
# The following two calls both work correctly:
Program('program1', 'program1.c')
Program('program2', ['program2.c'])
Trying to do "Python things" that mix strings and
lists will cause errors or lead to incorrect results:
common_sources = ['file1.c', 'file2.c']
Program('program1', common_sources + 'program1.c')
# The following works correctly, because it's adding two
# lists together to make another list.
Program('program2', common_sources + ['program2.c'])
Making Lists of Files Easier to Read
One drawback to the use of a Python list
for source files is that
each file name must be enclosed in quotes
(either single quotes or double quotes).
This can get cumbersome and difficult to read
when the list of file names is long.
Fortunately, &SCons; and Python provide a number of ways
to make sure that
the &SConstruct; file stays easy to read.
To make long lists of file names
easier to deal with, &SCons; provides a
&Split; function
that takes a quoted list of file names,
with the names separated by spaces or other white-space characters,
and turns it into a list of separate file names.
Using the &Split; function turns the
previous example into:
Program('program', Split('main.c file1.c file2.c'))
(If you're already familiar with Python,
you'll have realized that this is similar to the
split() method
in the Python standard string module.
Unlike the string.split() method,
however, the &Split; function
does not require a string as input
and will wrap up a single non-string object in a list,
or return its argument untouched if it's already a list.
This comes in handy as a way to make sure
arbitrary values can be passed to &SCons; functions
without having to check the type of the variable by hand.)
Putting the call to the &Split; function
inside the &b-Program; call
can also be a little unwieldy.
A more readable alternative is to
assign the output from the &Split; call
to a variable name,
and then use the variable when calling the
&b-Program; function:
list = Split('main.c file1.c file2.c')
Program('program', list)
Lastly, the &Split; function
doesn't care how much white space separates
the file names in the quoted string.
This allows you to create lists of file
names that span multiple lines,
which often makes for easier editing:
list = Split("""main.c
Program('program', list)
(Note in this example that we used
the Python "triple-quote" syntax,
which allows a string to contain
multiple lines.
The three quotes can be either
single or double quotes.)
Keyword Arguments
&SCons; also allows you to identify
the output file and input source files
using Python keyword arguments.
The output file is known as the
and the source file(s) are known (logically enough) as the
The Python syntax for this is:
list = Split('main.c file1.c file2.c')
Program(target = 'program', source = list)
Because the keywords explicitly identify
what each argument is,
you can actually reverse the order if you prefer:
list = Split('main.c file1.c file2.c')
Program(source = list, target = 'program')
Whether or not you choose to use keyword arguments
to identify the target and source files,
and the order in which you specify them
when using keywords,
are purely personal choices;
&SCons; functions the same regardless.
Compiling Multiple Programs
In order to compile multiple programs
within the same &SConstruct; file,
simply call the &Program; method
multiple times,
once for each program you need to build:
Program('bar', ['bar1.c', 'bar2.c'])
&SCons; would then build the programs as follows:
% scons -Q
cc -o bar1.o -c bar1.c
cc -o bar2.o -c bar2.c
cc -o bar bar1.o bar2.o
cc -o foo.o -c foo.c
cc -o foo foo.o
Notice that &SCons; does not necessarily build the
programs in the same order in which you specify
them in the &SConstruct; file.
&SCons; does, however, recognize that
the individual object files must be built
before the resulting program can be built.
We'll discuss this in greater detail in
the "Dependencies" section, below.
Sharing Source Files Between Multiple Programs
It's common to re-use code by sharing source files
between multiple programs.
One way to do this is to create a library
from the common source files,
which can then be linked into resulting programs.
(Creating libraries is discussed in
, below.)
A more straightforward, but perhaps less convenient,
way to share source files between multiple programs
is simply to include the common files
in the lists of source files for each program:
Program(Split('foo.c common1.c common2.c'))
Program('bar', Split('bar1.c bar2.c common1.c common2.c'))
&SCons; recognizes that the object files for
the &common1_c; and &common2_c; source files
each only need to be built once,
even though the resulting object files are
each linked in to both of the resulting executable programs:
% scons -Q
cc -o bar1.o -c bar1.c
cc -o bar2.o -c bar2.c
cc -o common1.o -c common1.c
cc -o common2.o -c common2.c
cc -o bar bar1.o bar2.o common1.o common2.o
cc -o foo.o -c foo.c
cc -o foo foo.o common1.o common2.o
If two or more programs
share a lot of common source files,
repeating the common files in the list for each program
can be a maintenance problem when you need to change the
list of common files.
You can simplify this by creating a separate Python list
to hold the common file names,
and concatenating it with other lists
using the Python + operator:
common = ['common1.c', 'common2.c']
foo_files = ['foo.c'] + common
bar_files = ['bar1.c', 'bar2.c'] + common
Program('foo', foo_files)
Program('bar', bar_files)
This is functionally equivalent to the previous example.