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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd" [ <!ENTITY % version SYSTEM "../version.xml"> %version; <!ENTITY % scons SYSTEM "../scons.mod"> %scons; <!ENTITY % builders-mod SYSTEM "builders.mod"> %builders-mod; <!ENTITY % tools-mod SYSTEM "tools.mod"> %tools-mod; <!ENTITY % variables-mod SYSTEM "variables.mod"> %variables-mod; <!ENTITY actions SYSTEM "actions.xml"> <!ENTITY alias SYSTEM "alias.xml"> <!ENTITY ant SYSTEM "ant.xml"> <!ENTITY build-install SYSTEM "build-install.xml"> <!ENTITY builders SYSTEM "builders.xml"> <!ENTITY builders-built-in SYSTEM "builders-built-in.xml"> <!ENTITY builders-commands SYSTEM "builders-commands.xml"> <!ENTITY builders-writing SYSTEM "builders-writing.xml"> <!ENTITY add-method SYSTEM "add-method.xml"> <!ENTITY caching SYSTEM "caching.xml"> <!ENTITY command-line SYSTEM "command-line.xml"> <!ENTITY copyright SYSTEM "copyright.xml"> <!ENTITY depends SYSTEM "depends.xml"> <!ENTITY environments SYSTEM "environments.xml"> <!ENTITY errors SYSTEM "errors.xml"> <!ENTITY example SYSTEM "example.xml"> <!ENTITY factories SYSTEM "factories.xml"> <!ENTITY file-removal SYSTEM "file-removal.xml"> <!ENTITY hierarchy SYSTEM "hierarchy.xml"> <!ENTITY java SYSTEM "java.xml"> <!ENTITY install SYSTEM "install.xml"> <!ENTITY less-simple SYSTEM "less-simple.xml"> <!ENTITY libraries SYSTEM "libraries.xml"> <!ENTITY make SYSTEM "make.xml"> <!ENTITY mergeflags SYSTEM "mergeflags.xml"> <!ENTITY misc SYSTEM "misc.xml"> <!ENTITY nodes SYSTEM "nodes.xml"> <!ENTITY output SYSTEM "output.xml"> <!ENTITY parseconfig SYSTEM "parseconfig.xml"> <!ENTITY parseflags SYSTEM "parseflags.xml"> <!ENTITY preface SYSTEM "preface.xml"> <!ENTITY python SYSTEM "python.xml"> <!ENTITY repositories SYSTEM "repositories.xml"> <!ENTITY run SYSTEM "run.xml"> <!ENTITY scanners SYSTEM "scanners.xml"> <!ENTITY sconf SYSTEM "sconf.xml"> <!ENTITY separate SYSTEM "separate.xml"> <!ENTITY simple SYSTEM "simple.xml"> <!ENTITY sourcecode SYSTEM "sourcecode.xml"> <!ENTITY tasks SYSTEM "tasks.xml"> <!ENTITY tools SYSTEM "tools.xml"> <!ENTITY troubleshoot SYSTEM "troubleshoot.xml"> <!ENTITY variables-xml SYSTEM "variables.xml"> <!ENTITY variants SYSTEM "variants.xml"> <!ENTITY builders-gen SYSTEM "builders.gen"> <!ENTITY tools-gen SYSTEM "tools.gen"> <!ENTITY variables-gen SYSTEM "variables.gen"> ]> <!-- XXX FindFile() XXX FindPathDirs() XXX GetBuildPath() XXX GetLaunchDir() XXX ParseDepends() XXX Platform() XXX SConsignFile() XXX Tools() XXX GetOption('duplicate') XXX SetOption('duplicate') XXX - - duplicate= XXX CheckTypeSize() XXX - - diskcheck= XXX - - warn= --> <book> <bookinfo> <title>SCons User Guide &buildversion;</title> <author> <firstname>Steven</firstname> <surname>Knight</surname> </author> <edition>Revision &buildrevision; (&builddate;)</edition> <pubdate>2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008</pubdate> <copyright> <year>2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008</year> <holder>Steven Knight</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> ©right; </legalnotice> <releaseinfo>version &buildversion;</releaseinfo> </bookinfo> <preface id="chap-preface"> <title>Preface</title> &preface; </preface> <chapter id="chap-build-install"> <title>Building and Installing &SCons;</title> &build-install; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-simple"> <title>Simple Builds</title> &simple; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-less-simple"> <title>Less Simple Things to Do With Builds</title> &less-simple; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-libraries"> <title>Building and Linking with Libraries</title> &libraries; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-nodes"> <title>Node Objects</title> &nodes; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-depends"> <title>Dependencies</title> &depends; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-environments"> <title>Environments</title> &environments; </chapter> <!-- These next three sections should be combined into one chapter --> <chapter id="chap-mergeflags"> <title>Merging Options into the Environment: the &MergeFlags; Function</title> &mergeflags; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-parseflags"> <title>Separating Compile Arguments into their Variables: the &ParseFlags; Function</title> &parseflags; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-parseconfig"> <title>Finding Installed Library Information: the &ParseConfig; Function</title> &parseconfig; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-output"> <title>Controlling Build Output</title> &output; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-command-line"> <title>Controlling a Build From the Command Line</title> &command-line; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-install"> <title>Installing Files in Other Directories: the &Install; Builder</title> &install; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-factories"> <title>Platform-Independent File System Manipulation</title> &factories; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-file-removal"> <title>Controlling Removal of Targets</title> &file-removal; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-hierarchical"> <title>Hierarchical Builds</title> &hierarchy; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-separate"> <title>Separating Source and Build Directories</title> &separate; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-variants"> <title>Variant Builds</title> &variants; </chapter> <!-- <chapter id="chap-builders-built-in"> <title>Built-In Builders</title> &builders-built-in; </chapter> --> <chapter id="chap-builders-writing"> <title>Writing Your Own Builders</title> &builders-writing; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-builders-commands"> <title>Not Writing a Builder: the &Command; Builder</title> &builders-commands; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-add-method"> <title>Pseudo-Builders: the AddMethod function</title> &add-method; </chapter> <!-- XXX Action() XXX AddPostAction() XXX AddPreAction() <chapter id="chap-actions"> <title>&SCons; Actions</title> &actions; </chapter> --> <chapter id="chap-scanners"> <title>Writing Scanners</title> &scanners; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-repositories"> <title>Building From Code Repositories</title> &repositories; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-sconf"> <title>Multi-Platform Configuration (&Autoconf; Functionality)</title> &sconf; </chapter> <!-- <chapter id="chap-sourcecode"> <title>Fetching Files From Source Code Management Systems</title> &sourcecode; </chapter> --> <chapter id="chap-caching"> <title>Caching Built Files</title> &caching; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-alias"> <title>Alias Targets</title> &alias; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-java"> <title>Java Builds</title> &java; </chapter> <!-- <chapter id="chap-run"> <title>How to Run &SCons;</title> &run; </chapter> --> <chapter id="chap-misc"> <title>Miscellaneous Functionality</title> &misc; </chapter> <chapter id="chap-troubleshooting"> <title>Troubleshooting</title> &troubleshoot; </chapter> <appendix id="app-variables"> <title>Construction Variables</title> &variables-xml; </appendix> <appendix id="app-builders"> <title>Builders</title> &builders; </appendix> <appendix id="app-tools"> <title>Tools</title> &tools; </appendix> <appendix id="app-tasks"> <title>Handling Common Tasks</title> &tasks; </appendix> <!-- <appendix id="app-python"> <title>Python Overview</title> &example; </appendix> <appendix id="app-example"> <title>Complex &SCons; Example</title> &example; </appendix> <appendix id="app-make"> <title>Converting From Make</title> &make; </appendix> <appendix id="app-cons"> <title>Converting From Cons</title> &cons; </appendix> <appendix id="app-ant"> <title>Converting From Ant</title> &ant; </appendix> --> </book>