<?xml version='1.0'?> <!DOCTYPE sconsdoc [ <!ENTITY % scons SYSTEM "../scons.mod"> %scons; <!ENTITY % builders-mod SYSTEM "../generated/builders.mod"> %builders-mod; <!ENTITY % functions-mod SYSTEM "../generated/functions.mod"> %functions-mod; <!ENTITY % tools-mod SYSTEM "../generated/tools.mod"> %tools-mod; <!ENTITY % variables-mod SYSTEM "../generated/variables.mod"> %variables-mod; ]> <chapter id="chap-simple" xmlns="http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0 http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0/scons.xsd"> <title>Simple Builds</title> <!-- __COPYRIGHT__ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --> <para> In this chapter, you will see several examples of very simple build configurations using &SCons;, which will demonstrate how easy it is to use &SCons; to build programs from several different programming languages on different types of systems. </para> <section> <title>Building Simple C / C++ Programs</title> <para> Here's the famous "Hello, World!" program in C: </para> <programlisting> int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); } </programlisting> <para> And here's how to build it using &SCons;. Enter the following into a file named &SConstruct;: </para> <scons_example name="simple_ex1"> <file name="SConstruct" printme="1"> Program('hello.c') </file> <file name="hello.c"> int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); } </file> </scons_example> <para> This minimal configuration file gives &SCons; two pieces of information: what you want to build (an executable program), and the input file from which you want it built (the <filename>hello.c</filename> file). &b-link-Program; is a <firstterm>builder_method</firstterm>, a Python call that tells &SCons; that you want to build an executable program. </para> <para> That's it. Now run the &scons; command to build the program. On a POSIX-compliant system like Linux or UNIX, you'll see something like: </para> <scons_output example="simple_ex1" os="posix" suffix="1"> <scons_output_command>scons</scons_output_command> </scons_output> <para> On a Windows system with the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, you'll see something like: </para> <scons_output example="simple_ex1" os="win32" suffix="2"> <scons_output_command>scons</scons_output_command> </scons_output> <para> First, notice that you only need to specify the name of the source file, and that &SCons; correctly deduces the names of the object and executable files to be built from the base of the source file name. </para> <para> Second, notice that the same input &SConstruct; file, without any changes, generates the correct output file names on both systems: <filename>hello.o</filename> and <filename>hello</filename> on POSIX systems, <filename>hello.obj</filename> and <filename>hello.exe</filename> on Windows systems. This is a simple example of how &SCons; makes it extremely easy to write portable software builds. </para> <para> (Note that we won't provide duplicate side-by-side POSIX and Windows output for all of the examples in this guide; just keep in mind that, unless otherwise specified, any of the examples should work equally well on both types of systems.) </para> </section> <section> <title>Building Object Files</title> <para> The &b-link-Program; builder method is only one of many builder methods that &SCons; provides to build different types of files. Another is the &b-link-Object; builder method, which tells &SCons; to build an object file from the specified source file: </para> <scons_example name="simple_Object"> <file name="SConstruct" printme="1"> Object('hello.c') </file> <file name="hello.c"> int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); } </file> </scons_example> <para> Now when you run the &scons; command to build the program, it will build just the &hello_o; object file on a POSIX system: </para> <scons_output example="simple_Object" os="posix" suffix="1"> <scons_output_command>scons</scons_output_command> </scons_output> <para> And just the &hello_obj; object file on a Windows system (with the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler): </para> <scons_output example="simple_Object" os="win32" suffix="2"> <scons_output_command>scons</scons_output_command> </scons_output> </section> <section> <title>Simple Java Builds</title> <para> &SCons; also makes building with Java extremely easy. Unlike the &b-link-Program; and &b-link-Object; builder methods, however, the &b-link-Java; builder method requires that you specify the name of a destination directory in which you want the class files placed, followed by the source directory in which the <filename>.java</filename> files live: </para> <scons_example name="simple_java"> <file name="SConstruct" printme="1"> Java('classes', 'src') </file> <file name="src/hello.java"> public class Example1 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello Java world!\n"); } } </file> </scons_example> <para> If the <filename>src</filename> directory contains a single <filename>hello.java</filename> file, then the output from running the &scons; command would look something like this (on a POSIX system): </para> <scons_output example="simple_java" os="posix" suffix="1"> <scons_output_command>scons</scons_output_command> </scons_output> <para> We'll cover Java builds in more detail, including building Java archive (<filename>.jar</filename>) and other types of file, in <xref linkend="chap-java"></xref>. </para> </section> <section> <title>Cleaning Up After a Build</title> <para> When using &SCons;, it is unnecessary to add special commands or target names to clean up after a build. Instead, you simply use the <literal>-c</literal> or <literal>--clean</literal> option when you invoke &SCons;, and &SCons; removes the appropriate built files. So if we build our example above and then invoke <literal>scons -c</literal> afterwards, the output on POSIX looks like: </para> <scons_example name="simple_clean"> <file name="SConstruct"> Program('hello.c') </file> <file name="hello.c"> int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); } </file> </scons_example> <scons_output example="simple_clean" os="posix" suffix="1"> <scons_output_command>scons</scons_output_command> <scons_output_command>scons -c</scons_output_command> </scons_output> <para> And the output on Windows looks like: </para> <scons_output example="simple_clean" os="win32" suffix="2"> <scons_output_command>scons</scons_output_command> <scons_output_command>scons -c</scons_output_command> </scons_output> <para> Notice that &SCons; changes its output to tell you that it is <literal>Cleaning targets ...</literal> and <literal>done cleaning targets.</literal> </para> </section> <section> <title>The &SConstruct; File</title> <para> If you're used to build systems like &Make; you've already figured out that the &SConstruct; file is the &SCons; equivalent of a &Makefile;. That is, the &SConstruct; file is the input file that &SCons; reads to control the build. </para> <section> <title>&SConstruct; Files Are Python Scripts</title> <para> There is, however, an important difference between an &SConstruct; file and a &Makefile;: the &SConstruct; file is actually a Python script. If you're not already familiar with Python, don't worry. This User's Guide will introduce you step-by-step to the relatively small amount of Python you'll need to know to be able to use &SCons; effectively. And Python is very easy to learn. </para> <para> One aspect of using Python as the scripting language is that you can put comments in your &SConstruct; file using Python's commenting convention; that is, everything between a '#' and the end of the line will be ignored: </para> <programlisting> # Arrange to build the "hello" program. Program('hello.c') # "hello.c" is the source file. </programlisting> <para> You'll see throughout the remainder of this Guide that being able to use the power of a real scripting language can greatly simplify the solutions to complex requirements of real-world builds. </para> </section> <section> <title>&SCons; Functions Are Order-Independent</title> <para> One important way in which the &SConstruct; file is not exactly like a normal Python script, and is more like a &Makefile;, is that the order in which the &SCons; functions are called in the &SConstruct; file does <emphasis>not</emphasis> affect the order in which &SCons; actually builds the programs and object files you want it to build.<footnote> <para>In programming parlance, the &SConstruct; file is <emphasis>declarative</emphasis>, meaning you tell &SCons; what you want done and let it figure out the order in which to do it, rather than strictly <emphasis>imperative</emphasis>, where you specify explicitly the order in which to do things. </para> </footnote> In other words, when you call the &b-link-Program; builder (or any other builder method), you're not telling &SCons; to build the program at the instant the builder method is called. Instead, you're telling &SCons; to build the program that you want, for example, a program built from a file named &hello_c;, and it's up to &SCons; to build that program (and any other files) whenever it's necessary. (We'll learn more about how &SCons; decides when building or rebuilding a file is necessary in <xref linkend="chap-depends"></xref>, below.) </para> <para> &SCons; reflects this distinction between <emphasis>calling a builder method like</emphasis> &b-Program; and <emphasis>actually building the program</emphasis> by printing the status messages that indicate when it's "just reading" the &SConstruct; file, and when it's actually building the target files. This is to make it clear when &SCons; is executing the Python statements that make up the &SConstruct; file, and when &SCons; is actually executing the commands or other actions to build the necessary files. </para> <para> Let's clarify this with an example. Python has a <literal>print</literal> statement that prints a string of characters to the screen. If we put <literal>print</literal> statements around our calls to the &b-Program; builder method: </para> <scons_example name="simple_declarative"> <file name="SConstruct" printme="1"> print "Calling Program('hello.c')" Program('hello.c') print "Calling Program('goodbye.c')" Program('goodbye.c') print "Finished calling Program()" </file> <file name="hello.c"> int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); } </file> <file name="goodbye.c"> int main() { printf("Goodbye, world!\n"); } </file> </scons_example> <para> Then when we execute &SCons;, we see the output from the <literal>print</literal> statements in between the messages about reading the &SConscript; files, indicating that that is when the Python statements are being executed: </para> <scons_output example="simple_declarative" os="posix" suffix="1"> <scons_output_command>scons</scons_output_command> </scons_output> <para> Notice also that &SCons; built the &goodbye; program first, even though the "reading &SConscript;" output shows that we called <literal>Program('hello.c')</literal> first in the &SConstruct; file. </para> </section> </section> <section> <title>Making the &SCons; Output Less Verbose</title> <para> You've already seen how &SCons; prints some messages about what it's doing, surrounding the actual commands used to build the software: </para> <scons_output example="simple_ex1" os="win32" suffix="3"> <scons_output_command>scons</scons_output_command> </scons_output> <para> These messages emphasize the order in which &SCons; does its work: all of the configuration files (generically referred to as &SConscript; files) are read and executed first, and only then are the target files built. Among other benefits, these messages help to distinguish between errors that occur while the configuration files are read, and errors that occur while targets are being built. </para> <para> One drawback, of course, is that these messages clutter the output. Fortunately, they're easily disabled by using the &Q; option when invoking &SCons;: </para> <scons_output example="simple_ex1" os="win32" suffix="4"> <scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command> </scons_output> <para> Because we want this User's Guide to focus on what &SCons; is actually doing, we're going to use the &Q; option to remove these messages from the output of all the remaining examples in this Guide. </para> </section> </chapter>