#!/usr/bin/env python # # __COPYRIGHT__ # # runtest.py - wrapper script for running SCons tests # # This script mainly exists to set PYTHONPATH to the right list of # directories to test the SCons modules. # # By default, it directly uses the modules in the local tree: # ./src/ (source files we ship) and ./QMTest/ (other modules we don't). # # HOWEVER, now that SCons has Repository support, we don't have # Aegis copy all of the files into the local tree. So if you're # using Aegis and want to run tests by hand using this script, you # must "aecp ." the entire source tree into your local directory # structure. When you're done with your change, you can then # "aecpu -unch ." to un-copy any files that you haven't changed. # # When any -p option is specified, this script assumes it's in a # directory in which a build has been performed, and sets PYTHONPATH # so that it *only* references the modules that have unpacked from # the specified built package, to test whether the packages are good. # # Options: # # -3 Run with the python -3 option, # # -a Run all tests; does a virtual 'find' for # all SCons tests under the current directory. # # --aegis Print test results to an output file (specified # by the -o option) in the format expected by # aetest(5). This is intended for use in the # batch_test_command field in the Aegis project # config file. # # -d Debug. Runs the script under the Python # debugger (pdb.py) so you don't have to # muck with PYTHONPATH yourself. # # -f file Only execute the tests listed in the specified # file. # # -h Print the help and exit. # # -l List available tests and exit. # # -n No execute, just print command lines. # # -o file Print test results to the specified file. # The --aegis and --xml options specify the # output format. # # -P Python Use the specified Python interpreter. # # -p package Test against the specified package. # # --passed In the final summary, also report which tests # passed. The default is to only report tests # which failed or returned NO RESULT. # # -q Quiet. By default, runtest.py prints the # command line it will execute before # executing it. This suppresses that print. # # --sp The Aegis search path. # # --spe The Aegis executable search path. # # -t Print the execution time of each test. # # -X The scons "script" is an executable; don't # feed it to Python. # # -x scons The scons script to use for tests. # # --xml Print test results to an output file (specified # by the -o option) in an SCons-specific XML format. # This is (will be) used for reporting results back # to a central SCons test monitoring infrastructure. # # (Note: There used to be a -v option that specified the SCons # version to be tested, when we were installing in a version-specific # library directory. If we ever resurrect that as the default, then # you can find the appropriate code in the 0.04 version of this script, # rather than reinventing that wheel.) import getopt import glob import os import re import stat import sys import time try: sorted except NameError: # Pre-2.4 Python has no sorted() function. # # The pre-2.4 Python list.sort() method does not support # list.sort(key=) nor list.sort(reverse=) keyword arguments, so # we must implement the functionality of those keyword arguments # by hand instead of passing them to list.sort(). def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=0): if key is not None: result = [(key(x), x) for x in iterable] else: result = iterable[:] if cmp is None: # Pre-2.3 Python does not support list.sort(None). result.sort() else: result.sort(cmp) if key is not None: result = [t1 for t0,t1 in result] if reverse: result.reverse() return result cwd = os.getcwd() all = 0 baseline = 0 builddir = os.path.join(cwd, 'build') debug = '' execute_tests = 1 format = None list_only = None printcommand = 1 package = None print_passed_summary = None python3incompatibilities = None scons = None scons_exec = None outputfile = None testlistfile = None version = '' print_times = None python = None sp = None spe = None helpstr = """\ Usage: runtest.py [OPTIONS] [TEST ...] Options: -3 Warn about Python 3.x incompatibilities. -a, --all Run all tests. --aegis Print results in Aegis format. -b BASE, --baseline BASE Run test scripts against baseline BASE. --builddir DIR Directory in which packages were built. -d, --debug Run test scripts under the Python debugger. -f FILE, --file FILE Run tests in specified FILE. -h, --help Print this message and exit. -l, --list List available tests and exit. -n, --no-exec No execute, just print command lines. --noqmtest Execute tests directly, not using QMTest. -o FILE, --output FILE Print test results to FILE. -P Python Use the specified Python interpreter. -p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE Test against the specified PACKAGE: deb Debian local-tar-gz .tar.gz standalone package local-zip .zip standalone package rpm Red Hat src-tar-gz .tar.gz source package src-zip .zip source package tar-gz .tar.gz distribution zip .zip distribution --passed Summarize which tests passed. --qmtest Run using the QMTest harness. -q, --quiet Don't print the test being executed. --sp PATH The Aegis search path. --spe PATH The Aegis executable search path. -t, --time Print test execution time. -v version Specify the SCons version. --verbose=LEVEL Set verbose level: 1 = print executed commands, 2 = print commands and non-zero output, 3 = print commands and all output. -X Test script is executable, don't feed to Python. -x SCRIPT, --exec SCRIPT Test SCRIPT. --xml Print results in SCons XML format. """ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "3ab:df:hlno:P:p:qv:Xx:t", ['all', 'aegis', 'baseline=', 'builddir=', 'debug', 'file=', 'help', 'list', 'no-exec', 'noqmtest', 'output=', 'package=', 'passed', 'python=', 'qmtest', 'quiet', 'sp=', 'spe=', 'time', 'version=', 'exec=', 'verbose=', 'xml']) for o, a in opts: if o in ['-3']: python3incompatibilities = 1 elif o in ['-a', '--all']: all = 1 elif o in ['-b', '--baseline']: baseline = a elif o in ['--builddir']: builddir = a if not os.path.isabs(builddir): builddir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, builddir)) elif o in ['-d', '--debug']: for dir in sys.path: pdb = os.path.join(dir, 'pdb.py') if os.path.exists(pdb): debug = pdb break elif o in ['-f', '--file']: if not os.path.isabs(a): a = os.path.join(cwd, a) testlistfile = a elif o in ['-h', '--help']: print helpstr sys.exit(0) elif o in ['-l', '--list']: list_only = 1 elif o in ['-n', '--no-exec']: execute_tests = None elif o in ['--noqmtest']: qmtest = None elif o in ['-o', '--output']: if a != '-' and not os.path.isabs(a): a = os.path.join(cwd, a) outputfile = a elif o in ['-p', '--package']: package = a elif o in ['--passed']: print_passed_summary = 1 elif o in ['-P', '--python']: python = a elif o in ['--qmtest']: if sys.platform == 'win32': # typically in c:/PythonXX/Scripts qmtest = 'qmtest.py' else: qmtest = 'qmtest' elif o in ['-q', '--quiet']: printcommand = 0 elif o in ['--sp']: sp = a.split(os.pathsep) elif o in ['--spe']: spe = a.split(os.pathsep) elif o in ['-t', '--time']: print_times = 1 elif o in ['--verbose']: os.environ['TESTCMD_VERBOSE'] = a elif o in ['-v', '--version']: version = a elif o in ['-X']: scons_exec = 1 elif o in ['-x', '--exec']: scons = a elif o in ['--aegis', '--xml']: format = o if not args and not all and not testlistfile: sys.stderr.write("""\ runtest.py: No tests were specified. List one or more tests on the command line, use the -f option to specify a file containing a list of tests, or use the -a option to find and run all tests. """) sys.exit(1) if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'): def whereis(file): pathext = [''] + os.environ['PATHEXT'].split(os.pathsep) for dir in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): f = os.path.join(dir, file) for ext in pathext: fext = f + ext if os.path.isfile(fext): return fext return None else: def whereis(file): for dir in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): f = os.path.join(dir, file) if os.path.isfile(f): try: st = os.stat(f) except OSError: continue if stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]) & 0111: return f return None # See if --qmtest or --noqmtest specified try: qmtest except NameError: qmtest = None # Old code for using QMTest by default if it's installed. # We now default to not using QMTest unless explicitly asked for. #for q in ['qmtest', 'qmtest.py']: # path = whereis(q) # if path: # # The name was found on $PATH; just execute the found name so # # we don't have to worry about paths containing white space. # qmtest = q # break #if not qmtest: # msg = ('Warning: found neither qmtest nor qmtest.py on $PATH;\n' + # '\tassuming --noqmtest option.\n') # sys.stderr.write(msg) # sys.stderr.flush() aegis = whereis('aegis') if format == '--aegis' and aegis: change = os.popen("aesub '$c' 2>/dev/null", "r").read() if change: if sp is None: paths = os.popen("aesub '$sp' 2>/dev/null", "r").read()[:-1] sp = paths.split(os.pathsep) if spe is None: spe = os.popen("aesub '$spe' 2>/dev/null", "r").read()[:-1] spe = spe.split(os.pathsep) else: aegis = None if sp is None: sp = [] if spe is None: spe = [] sp.append(builddir) sp.append(cwd) # _ws = re.compile('\s') def escape(s): if _ws.search(s): s = '"' + s + '"' s = s.replace('\\', '\\\\') return s class Base(object): def __init__(self, path, spe=None): self.path = path self.abspath = os.path.abspath(path) if spe: for dir in spe: f = os.path.join(dir, path) if os.path.isfile(f): self.abspath = f break self.status = None class SystemExecutor(Base): def execute(self): command = self.command_args[0] command_args = [escape(arg) for arg in self.command_args] s = self.status = os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, command, command_args) if s < 0 or s > 2: sys.stdout.write("Unexpected exit status %d\n" % s) try: import subprocess except ImportError: import popen2 try: popen2.Popen3 except AttributeError: class PopenExecutor(Base): def execute(self): (tochild, fromchild, childerr) = os.popen3(self.command_str) tochild.close() self.stderr = childerr.read() self.stdout = fromchild.read() fromchild.close() self.status = childerr.close() if not self.status: self.status = 0 else: self.status = self.status >> 8 else: class PopenExecutor(Base): def execute(self): p = popen2.Popen3(self.command_str, 1) p.tochild.close() self.stdout = p.fromchild.read() self.stderr = p.childerr.read() self.status = p.wait() self.status = self.status >> 8 else: class PopenExecutor(Base): def execute(self): p = subprocess.Popen(self.command_str, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) self.stdout = p.stdout.read() self.stderr = p.stderr.read() self.status = p.wait() class Aegis(SystemExecutor): def header(self, f): f.write('test_result = [\n') def write(self, f): f.write(' { file_name = "%s";\n' % self.path) f.write(' exit_status = %d; },\n' % self.status) def footer(self, f): f.write('];\n') class XML(PopenExecutor): def header(self, f): f.write(' \n') def write(self, f): f.write(' \n') f.write(' %s\n' % self.path) f.write(' %s\n' % self.command_str) f.write(' %s\n' % self.status) f.write(' %s\n' % self.stdout) f.write(' %s\n' % self.stderr) f.write(' \n' % self.test_time) f.write(' \n') def footer(self, f): f.write(' \n' % self.total_time) f.write(' \n') format_class = { None : SystemExecutor, '--aegis' : Aegis, '--xml' : XML, } Test = format_class[format] if package: dir = { 'deb' : 'usr', 'local-tar-gz' : None, 'local-zip' : None, 'rpm' : 'usr', 'src-tar-gz' : '', 'src-zip' : '', 'tar-gz' : '', 'zip' : '', } # The hard-coded "python2.1" here is the library directory # name on Debian systems, not an executable, so it's all right. lib = { 'deb' : os.path.join('python2.1', 'site-packages') } if package not in dir: sys.stderr.write("Unknown package '%s'\n" % package) sys.exit(2) test_dir = os.path.join(builddir, 'test-%s' % package) if dir[package] is None: scons_script_dir = test_dir globs = glob.glob(os.path.join(test_dir, 'scons-local-*')) if not globs: sys.stderr.write("No `scons-local-*' dir in `%s'\n" % test_dir) sys.exit(2) scons_lib_dir = None pythonpath_dir = globs[len(globs)-1] elif sys.platform == 'win32': scons_script_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, dir[package], 'Scripts') scons_lib_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, dir[package]) pythonpath_dir = scons_lib_dir else: scons_script_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, dir[package], 'bin') l = lib.get(package, 'scons') scons_lib_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, dir[package], 'lib', l) pythonpath_dir = scons_lib_dir scons_runtest_dir = builddir else: sd = None ld = None # XXX: Logic like the following will be necessary once # we fix runtest.py to run tests within an Aegis change # without symlinks back to the baseline(s). # #if spe: # if not scons: # for dir in spe: # d = os.path.join(dir, 'src', 'script') # f = os.path.join(d, 'scons.py') # if os.path.isfile(f): # sd = d # scons = f # spe = map(lambda x: os.path.join(x, 'src', 'engine'), spe) # ld = os.pathsep.join(spe) if not baseline or baseline == '.': base = cwd elif baseline == '-': # Tentative code for fetching information directly from the # QMTest context file. # #import qm.common #import qm.test.context #qm.rc.Load("test") #context = qm.test.context.Context() #context.Read('context') url = None svn_info = os.popen("svn info 2>&1", "r").read() match = re.search('URL: (.*)', svn_info) if match: url = match.group(1) if not url: sys.stderr.write('runtest.py: could not find a URL:\n') sys.stderr.write(svn_info) sys.exit(1) import tempfile base = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='runtest-tmp-') command = 'cd %s && svn co -q %s' % (base, url) base = os.path.join(base, os.path.split(url)[1]) if printcommand: print command if execute_tests: os.system(command) else: base = baseline scons_runtest_dir = base scons_script_dir = sd or os.path.join(base, 'src', 'script') scons_lib_dir = ld or os.path.join(base, 'src', 'engine') pythonpath_dir = scons_lib_dir if scons: # Let the version of SCons that the -x option pointed to find # its own modules. os.environ['SCONS'] = scons elif scons_lib_dir: # Because SCons is really aggressive about finding its modules, # it sometimes finds SCons modules elsewhere on the system. # This forces SCons to use the modules that are being tested. os.environ['SCONS_LIB_DIR'] = scons_lib_dir if scons_exec: os.environ['SCONS_EXEC'] = '1' os.environ['SCONS_RUNTEST_DIR'] = scons_runtest_dir os.environ['SCONS_SCRIPT_DIR'] = scons_script_dir os.environ['SCONS_CWD'] = cwd os.environ['SCONS_VERSION'] = version old_pythonpath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH') # FIXME: the following is necessary to pull in half of the testing # harness from $srcdir/etc. Those modules should be transfered # to QMTest/ once we completely cut over to using that as # the harness, in which case this manipulation of PYTHONPATH # should be able to go away. pythonpaths = [ pythonpath_dir ] for dir in sp: if format == '--aegis': q = os.path.join(dir, 'build', 'QMTest') else: q = os.path.join(dir, 'QMTest') pythonpaths.append(q) os.environ['SCONS_SOURCE_PATH_EXECUTABLE'] = os.pathsep.join(spe) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(pythonpaths) if old_pythonpath: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] + \ os.pathsep + \ old_pythonpath if python3incompatibilities: os.environ['SCONS_HORRIBLE_REGRESSION_TEST_HACK'] = '1' tests = [] def find_Tests_py(directory): result = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for fname in filenames: if fname.endswith("Tests.py"): result.append(os.path.join(dirpath, fname)) return sorted(result) def find_py(directory): result = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): try: exclude_fp = open(os.path.join(dirpath, ".exclude_tests")) except EnvironmentError: excludes = [] else: excludes = [ e.split('#', 1)[0].strip() for e in exclude_fp.readlines() ] for fname in filenames: if fname.endswith(".py") and fname not in excludes: result.append(os.path.join(dirpath, fname)) return sorted(result) if args: if spe: for a in args: if os.path.isabs(a): tests.extend(glob.glob(a)) else: for dir in spe: x = os.path.join(dir, a) globs = glob.glob(x) if globs: tests.extend(globs) break else: for a in args: for path in glob.glob(a): if os.path.isdir(path): if path[:3] == 'src': tests.extend(find_Tests_py(path)) elif path[:4] == 'test': tests.extend(find_py(path)) else: tests.append(path) elif testlistfile: tests = open(testlistfile, 'r').readlines() tests = [x for x in tests if x[0] != '#'] tests = [x[:-1] for x in tests] tests = [x.strip() for x in tests] elif all and not qmtest: # Find all of the SCons functional tests in the local directory # tree. This is anything under the 'src' subdirectory that ends # with 'Tests.py', or any Python script (*.py) under the 'test' # subdirectory. # # Note that there are some tests under 'src' that *begin* with # 'test_', but they're packaging and installation tests, not # functional tests, so we don't execute them by default. (They can # still be executed by hand, though, and are routinely executed # by the Aegis packaging build to make sure that we're building # things correctly.) tests.extend(find_Tests_py('src')) tests.extend(find_py('test')) if format == '--aegis' and aegis: cmd = "aegis -list -unf pf 2>/dev/null" for line in os.popen(cmd, "r").readlines(): a = line.split() if a[0] == "test" and a[-1] not in tests: tests.append(Test(a[-1], spe)) cmd = "aegis -list -unf cf 2>/dev/null" for line in os.popen(cmd, "r").readlines(): a = line.split() if a[0] == "test": if a[1] == "remove": tests.remove(a[-1]) elif a[-1] not in tests: tests.append(Test(a[-1], spe)) tests.sort() if qmtest: if baseline: aegis_result_stream = 'scons_tdb.AegisBaselineStream' qmr_file = 'baseline.qmr' else: aegis_result_stream = 'scons_tdb.AegisChangeStream' qmr_file = 'results.qmr' if print_times: aegis_result_stream = aegis_result_stream + "(print_time='1')" qmtest_args = [ qmtest, ] if format == '--aegis': dir = builddir if not os.path.isdir(dir): dir = cwd qmtest_args.extend(['-D', dir]) qmtest_args.extend([ 'run', '--output %s' % qmr_file, '--format none', '--result-stream="%s"' % aegis_result_stream, ]) if python: qmtest_args.append('--context python="%s"' % python) if outputfile: if format == '--xml': rsclass = 'scons_tdb.SConsXMLResultStream' else: rsclass = 'scons_tdb.AegisBatchStream' qof = "r'" + outputfile + "'" rs = '--result-stream="%s(filename=%s)"' % (rsclass, qof) qmtest_args.append(rs) if format == '--aegis': tests = [x.replace(cwd+os.sep, '') for x in tests] else: os.environ['SCONS'] = os.path.join(cwd, 'src', 'script', 'scons.py') cmd = ' '.join(qmtest_args + tests) if printcommand: sys.stdout.write(cmd + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() status = 0 if execute_tests: status = os.system(cmd) try: wexitstatus = os.WEXITSTATUS except AttributeError: pass else: status = wexitstatus(status) sys.exit(status) #try: # os.chdir(scons_script_dir) #except OSError: # pass tests = list(map(Test, tests)) class Unbuffered(object): def __init__(self, file): self.file = file self.softspace = 0 ## backward compatibility; not supported in Py3k def write(self, arg): self.file.write(arg) self.file.flush() def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.file, attr) sys.stdout = Unbuffered(sys.stdout) sys.stderr = Unbuffered(sys.stderr) if list_only: for t in tests: sys.stdout.write(t.path + "\n") sys.exit(0) # if not python: if os.name == 'java': python = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'jython') else: python = sys.executable os.environ["python_executable"] = python # time.clock() is the suggested interface for doing benchmarking timings, # but time.time() does a better job on Linux systems, so let that be # the non-Windows default. if sys.platform == 'win32': time_func = time.clock else: time_func = time.time if print_times: print_time_func = lambda fmt, time: sys.stdout.write(fmt % time) else: print_time_func = lambda fmt, time: None total_start_time = time_func() for t in tests: command_args = ['-tt'] if python3incompatibilities: command_args.append('-3') if debug: command_args.append(debug) command_args.append(t.path) t.command_args = [python] + command_args t.command_str = " ".join([escape(python)] + command_args) if printcommand: sys.stdout.write(t.command_str + "\n") test_start_time = time_func() if execute_tests: t.execute() t.test_time = time_func() - test_start_time print_time_func("Test execution time: %.1f seconds\n", t.test_time) if len(tests) > 0: tests[0].total_time = time_func() - total_start_time print_time_func("Total execution time for all tests: %.1f seconds\n", tests[0].total_time) passed = [t for t in tests if t.status == 0] fail = [t for t in tests if t.status == 1] no_result = [t for t in tests if t.status == 2] if len(tests) != 1 and execute_tests: if passed and print_passed_summary: if len(passed) == 1: sys.stdout.write("\nPassed the following test:\n") else: sys.stdout.write("\nPassed the following %d tests:\n" % len(passed)) paths = [x.path for x in passed] sys.stdout.write("\t" + "\n\t".join(paths) + "\n") if fail: if len(fail) == 1: sys.stdout.write("\nFailed the following test:\n") else: sys.stdout.write("\nFailed the following %d tests:\n" % len(fail)) paths = [x.path for x in fail] sys.stdout.write("\t" + "\n\t".join(paths) + "\n") if no_result: if len(no_result) == 1: sys.stdout.write("\nNO RESULT from the following test:\n") else: sys.stdout.write("\nNO RESULT from the following %d tests:\n" % len(no_result)) paths = [x.path for x in no_result] sys.stdout.write("\t" + "\n\t".join(paths) + "\n") if outputfile: if outputfile == '-': f = sys.stdout else: f = open(outputfile, 'w') tests[0].header(f) #f.write("test_result = [\n") for t in tests: t.write(f) tests[0].footer(f) #f.write("];\n") if outputfile != '-': f.close() if format == '--aegis': sys.exit(0) elif len(fail): sys.exit(1) elif len(no_result): sys.exit(2) else: sys.exit(0) # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: