#!/usr/bin/env python # # runtest.py - wrapper script for running SCons tests # # This script mainly exists to set PYTHONPATH to the right list of # directories to test the SCons modules. # # By default, it directly uses the modules in the local tree: # ./src/ (source files we ship) and ./etc/ (other modules we don't). # # HOWEVER, now that SCons has Repository support, we don't have # Aegis copy all of the files into the local tree. So if you're # using Aegis and want to run tests by hand using this script, you # must "aecp ." the entire source tree into your local directory # structure. When you're done with your change, you can then # "aecpu -unch ." to un-copy any files that you haven't changed. # # When any -p option is specified, this script assumes it's in a # directory in which a build has been performed, and sets PYTHONPATH # so that it *only* references the modules that have unpacked from # the specified built package, to test whether the packages are good. # # Options: # # -a Run all tests; does a virtual 'find' for # all SCons tests under the current directory. # # -d Debug. Runs the script under the Python # debugger (pdb.py) so you don't have to # muck with PYTHONPATH yourself. # # -h Print the help and exit. # # -o file Print test results to the specified file # in the format expected by aetest(5). This # is intended for use in the batch_test_command # field in the Aegis project config file. # # -P Python Use the specified Python interpreter. # # -p package Test against the specified package. # # -q Quiet. By default, runtest.py prints the # command line it will execute before # executing it. This suppresses that print. # # -X The scons "script" is an executable; don't # feed it to Python. # # -x scons The scons script to use for tests. # # (Note: There used to be a -v option that specified the SCons # version to be tested, when we were installing in a version-specific # library directory. If we ever resurrect that as the default, then # you can find the appropriate code in the 0.04 version of this script, # rather than reinventing that wheel.) # import getopt import glob import os import os.path import re import stat import string import sys all = 0 debug = '' tests = [] printcmd = 1 package = None scons = None scons_exec = None output = None testlistfile = None version = '' if os.name == 'java': python = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'jython') else: python = sys.executable cwd = os.getcwd() if sys.platform == 'win32' or os.name == 'java': lib_dir = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "Lib") else: # The hard-coded "python" here is the directory name, # not an executable, so it's all right. lib_dir = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "lib", "python" + sys.version[0:3]) helpstr = """\ Usage: runtest.py [OPTIONS] [TEST ...] Options: -a, --all Run all tests. -d, --debug Run test scripts under the Python debugger. -f FILE, --file FILE Run tests in specified FILE. -h, --help Print this message and exit. -o FILE, --output FILE Print test results to FILE (Aegis format). -P Python Use the specified Python interpreter. -p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE Test against the specified PACKAGE: deb Debian local-tar-gz .tar.gz standalone package local-zip .zip standalone package rpm Red Hat src-tar-gz .tar.gz source package src-zip .zip source package tar-gz .tar.gz distribution zip .zip distribution -q, --quiet Don't print the test being executed. -v version Specify the SCons version. -X Test script is executable, don't feed to Python. -x SCRIPT, --exec SCRIPT Test SCRIPT. """ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "adf:ho:P:p:qv:Xx:", ['all', 'debug', 'file=', 'help', 'output=', 'package=', 'python=', 'quiet', 'version=', 'exec=']) for o, a in opts: if o == '-a' or o == '--all': all = 1 elif o == '-d' or o == '--debug': debug = os.path.join(lib_dir, "pdb.py") elif o == '-f' or o == '--file': if not os.path.isabs(a): a = os.path.join(cwd, a) testlistfile = a elif o == '-h' or o == '--help': print helpstr sys.exit(0) elif o == '-o' or o == '--output': if not os.path.isabs(a): a = os.path.join(cwd, a) output = a elif o == '-P' or o == '--python': python = a elif o == '-p' or o == '--package': package = a elif o == '-q' or o == '--quiet': printcmd = 0 elif o == '-v' or o == '--version': version = a elif o == '-X': scons_exec = 1 elif o == '-x' or o == '--exec': scons = a def whereis(file): for dir in string.split(os.environ['PATH'], os.pathsep): f = os.path.join(dir, file) if os.path.isfile(f): try: st = os.stat(f) except OSError: continue if stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]) & 0111: return f return None aegis = whereis('aegis') sp = [] if aegis: paths = os.popen("aesub '$sp' 2>/dev/null", "r").read()[:-1] sp.extend(string.split(paths, os.pathsep)) spe = os.popen("aesub '$spe' 2>/dev/null", "r").read()[:-1] spe = string.split(spe, os.pathsep) else: spe = [] sp.append(cwd) class Test: def __init__(self, path, spe=None): self.path = path self.abspath = os.path.abspath(path) if spe: for dir in spe: f = os.path.join(dir, path) if os.path.isfile(f): self.abspath = f break self.status = None if args: if spe: for a in args: if os.path.isabs(a): for g in glob.glob(a): tests.append(Test(g)) else: for dir in spe: x = os.path.join(dir, a) globs = glob.glob(x) if globs: for g in globs: tests.append(Test(g)) break else: for a in args: for g in glob.glob(a): tests.append(Test(g)) elif all: tdict = {} def find_Test_py(arg, dirname, names, tdict=tdict): for n in filter(lambda n: n[-8:] == "Tests.py", names): t = os.path.join(dirname, n) if not tdict.has_key(t): tdict[t] = Test(t) os.path.walk('src', find_Test_py, 0) def find_py(arg, dirname, names, tdict=tdict): for n in filter(lambda n: n[-3:] == ".py", names): t = os.path.join(dirname, n) if not tdict.has_key(t): tdict[t] = Test(t) os.path.walk('test', find_py, 0) if aegis: cmd = "aegis -list -unf pf 2>/dev/null" for line in os.popen(cmd, "r").readlines(): a = string.split(line) if a[0] == "test" and not tdict.has_key(a[-1]): tdict[a[-1]] = Test(a[-1], spe) cmd = "aegis -list -unf cf 2>/dev/null" for line in os.popen(cmd, "r").readlines(): a = string.split(line) if a[0] == "test": if a[1] == "remove": del tdict[a[-1]] elif not tdict.has_key(a[-1]): tdict[a[-1]] = Test(a[-1], spe) keys = tdict.keys() keys.sort() tests = map(tdict.get, keys) elif testlistfile: tests = map(Test, map(lambda x: x[:-1], open(testlistfile, 'r').readlines())) else: sys.stderr.write("""\ runtest.py: No tests were specified on the command line. List one or more tests, or use the -a option to find and run all tests. """) if package: dir = { 'deb' : 'usr', 'local-tar-gz' : None, 'local-zip' : None, 'rpm' : 'usr', 'src-tar-gz' : '', 'src-zip' : '', 'tar-gz' : '', 'zip' : '', } # The hard-coded "python2.1" here is the library directory # name on Debian systems, not an executable, so it's all right. lib = { 'deb' : os.path.join('python2.1', 'site-packages') } if not dir.has_key(package): sys.stderr.write("Unknown package '%s'\n" % package) sys.exit(2) test_dir = os.path.join(cwd, 'build', 'test-%s' % package) if dir[package] is None: scons_script_dir = test_dir globs = glob.glob(os.path.join(test_dir, 'scons-local-*')) if not globs: sys.stderr.write("No `scons-local-*' dir in `%s'\n" % test_dir) sys.exit(2) scons_lib_dir = None pythonpath_dir = globs[len(globs)-1] elif sys.platform == 'win32': scons_script_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, dir[package], 'Scripts') scons_lib_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, dir[package]) pythonpath_dir = scons_lib_dir else: scons_script_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, dir[package], 'bin') l = lib.get(package, 'scons') scons_lib_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, dir[package], 'lib', l) pythonpath_dir = scons_lib_dir else: sd = None ld = None # XXX: Logic like the following will be necessary once # we fix runtest.py to run tests within an Aegis change # without symlinks back to the baseline(s). # #if spe: # if not scons: # for dir in spe: # d = os.path.join(dir, 'src', 'script') # f = os.path.join(d, 'scons.py') # if os.path.isfile(f): # sd = d # scons = f # spe = map(lambda x: os.path.join(x, 'src', 'engine'), spe) # ld = string.join(spe, os.pathsep) scons_script_dir = sd or os.path.join(cwd, 'src', 'script') scons_lib_dir = ld or os.path.join(cwd, 'src', 'engine') pythonpath_dir = scons_lib_dir if scons: # Let the version of SCons that the -x option pointed to find # its own modules. os.environ['SCONS'] = scons elif scons_lib_dir: # Because SCons is really aggressive about finding its modules, # it sometimes finds SCons modules elsewhere on the system. # This forces SCons to use the modules that are being tested. os.environ['SCONS_LIB_DIR'] = scons_lib_dir if scons_exec: os.environ['SCONS_EXEC'] = '1' os.environ['SCONS_SCRIPT_DIR'] = scons_script_dir os.environ['SCONS_CWD'] = cwd os.environ['SCONS_VERSION'] = version old_pythonpath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH') pythonpaths = [ pythonpath_dir ] for p in sp: pythonpaths.append(os.path.join(p, 'build', 'etc')) pythonpaths.append(os.path.join(p, 'etc')) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = string.join(pythonpaths, os.pathsep) if old_pythonpath: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] + \ os.pathsep + \ old_pythonpath os.chdir(scons_script_dir) class Unbuffered: def __init__(self, file): self.file = file def write(self, arg): self.file.write(arg) self.file.flush() def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.file, attr) sys.stdout = Unbuffered(sys.stdout) _ws = re.compile('\s') def escape(s): if _ws.search(s): s = '"' + s + '"' return s for t in tests: cmd = string.join(map(escape, [python, debug, t.abspath]), " ") if printcmd: sys.stdout.write(cmd + "\n") s = os.system(cmd) if s >= 256: s = s / 256 t.status = s if s < 0 or s > 2: sys.stdout.write("Unexpected exit status %d\n" % s) fail = filter(lambda t: t.status == 1, tests) no_result = filter(lambda t: t.status == 2, tests) if len(tests) != 1: if fail: if len(fail) == 1: sys.stdout.write("\nFailed the following test:\n") else: sys.stdout.write("\nFailed the following %d tests:\n" % len(fail)) paths = map(lambda x: x.path, fail) sys.stdout.write("\t" + string.join(paths, "\n\t") + "\n") if no_result: if len(no_result) == 1: sys.stdout.write("\nNO RESULT from the following test:\n") else: sys.stdout.write("\nNO RESULT from the following %d tests:\n" % len(no_result)) paths = map(lambda x: x.path, no_result) sys.stdout.write("\t" + string.join(paths, "\n\t") + "\n") if output: f = open(output, 'w') f.write("test_result = [\n") for t in tests: f.write(' { file_name = "%s";\n' % t.path) f.write(' exit_status = %d; },\n' % t.status) f.write("];\n") f.close() sys.exit(0) else: if len(fail): sys.exit(1) elif len(no_result): sys.exit(2) else: sys.exit(0)