# Copyright (c) 2001 Steven Knight # __FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__ SCons - a software construction tool Release Notes This is an alpha release of SCons, a tool for building software (and other files). SCons is implemented in Python, and its "configuration files" are actually Python scripts, allowing you to use the full power of a real scripting language to solve build problems. You do not, however, need to know Python to use SCons effectively. So that everyone using SCons can help each other learn how to use it more effectively, please sign up for the scons-users mailing list at: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scons-users RELEASE 0.03 - Fri, 11 Jan 2002 01:09:30 -0600 This is the third alpha release of SCons. Please consult the CHANGES.txt file for a list of specific changes since last release. Owing to an extensive test suite, the SCons team believes that this release is of sufficient quality that you can use it for real work, despite the "alpha" label. Nevertheless, because this is an alpha release, heed the following disclaimers: - Do not be surprised if there are bugs. Please report any bugs or other problems that you find to our bug tracker at our SourceForge project page: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=30337&atid=398971 We have a reliable bug-fixing methodology already in place and expect to respond to problems relatively quickly. - It is possible that interfaces will change in future releases. We will strive to hold this to a minimum, but you may need to modify your SConscript files in the future if there is a compelling reason to change an interface. - Documentation is spottier than we'd like. You may need to dive into the source code to figure out how to do something. We will be addressing this in upcoming releases, but would be more than glad to have your assistance in correcting this problem... :-) In particular, the "SCons Design" documentation on the SCons web site is currently out of date, as we made significant changes to portions of the interface as we figured out what worked and what didn't during implementation.L - There may be performance issues. This release has many performance improvements. If you still find the performance unacceptable, we would very muchlike to hear from you and learn more about your configuration so we can optimize the right things. - Error messages don't always exist where they'd be helpful. Please let us know about any errors you ran into that would have benefitted from a (more) descriptive message. KNOWN PROBLEMS IN THIS RELEASE: - Support for parallel builds (-j) does not work on WIN32 systems prior to *official* Python release 2.2 (not 2.2 pre-releases). Prior to Python 2.2, there is a bug in Python's Win32 implementation such that when a thread spawns an external command, it blocks all threads from running. This breaks the SCons multithreading architecture used to support -j builds. We have included a patch file, os_spawnv_fix.diff, that you can use if you you want to fix your version of Python to support parallel builds in SCons. - Again, the "SCons Design" documentation on the SCons web site is currently out of date. Take what you read there with a grain of salt. - There is a hard-coding that prevents using file timestamps instead of MD5 signatures to determine if a file is up-to-date. (There also isn't yet a mechanism to configure that.) - No support yet for the following future features: - Repository search paths (-Y) - Configurable signature calculation - No support for caching built files. - No support yet for the following command-line options: -d -e -l --list-actions --list-derived --list-where -o -p -q -r -R --random -u -w --write-filenames -W --warn-undefined-variables Thank you for your interest, and please let us know how we can help improve SCons for your needs.