# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
# the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

__revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__"

# Define a null function and a null class for use as builder actions.
# Where these are defined in the file seems to affect their byte-code
# contents, so try to minimize changes by defining them here, before we
# even import anything.
def GlobalFunc():

class GlobalActFunc:
    def __call__(self):

import os
import re
import StringIO
import string
import sys
import types
import unittest
import UserDict

import SCons.Action
import SCons.Environment
import SCons.Errors

import TestCmd

# Initial setup of the common environment for all tests,
# a temporary working directory containing a
# script for writing arguments to an output file.
# We don't do this as a setUp() method because it's
# unnecessary to create a separate directory and script
# for each test, they can just use the one.
test = TestCmd.TestCmd(workdir = '')

test.write('act.py', """import os, string, sys
f = open(sys.argv[1], 'w')
f.write("act.py: '" + string.join(sys.argv[2:], "' '") + "'\\n")
    if sys.argv[3]:
        f.write("act.py: '" + os.environ[sys.argv[3]] + "'\\n")
if os.environ.has_key( 'ACTPY_PIPE' ):
    if os.environ.has_key( 'PIPE_STDOUT_FILE' ):
         stdout_msg = open(os.environ['PIPE_STDOUT_FILE'], 'r').read()
         stdout_msg = "act.py: stdout: executed act.py %s\\n" % string.join(sys.argv[1:])
    sys.stdout.write( stdout_msg )
    if os.environ.has_key( 'PIPE_STDERR_FILE' ):
         stderr_msg = open(os.environ['PIPE_STDERR_FILE'], 'r').read()
         stderr_msg = "act.py: stderr: executed act.py %s\\n" % string.join(sys.argv[1:])
    sys.stderr.write( stderr_msg )

act_py = test.workpath('act.py')

outfile = test.workpath('outfile')
outfile2 = test.workpath('outfile2')
pipe_file = test.workpath('pipe.out')

scons_env = SCons.Environment.Environment()

# Capture all the stuff the Actions will print,
# so it doesn't clutter the output.
sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()

class CmdStringHolder:
    def __init__(self, cmd, literal=None):
        self.data = str(cmd)
        self.literal = literal

    def is_literal(self):
        return self.literal

    def escape(self, escape_func):
        """Escape the string with the supplied function.  The
        function is expected to take an arbitrary string, then
        return it with all special characters escaped and ready
        for passing to the command interpreter.

        After calling this function, the next call to str() will
        return the escaped string.

        if self.is_literal():
            return escape_func(self.data)
        elif ' ' in self.data or '\t' in self.data:
            return '"%s"' % self.data
            return self.data

class Environment:
    def __init__(self, **kw):
        self.d = {}
        self.d['SHELL'] = scons_env['SHELL']
        self.d['SPAWN'] = scons_env['SPAWN']
        self.d['PSPAWN'] = scons_env['PSPAWN']
        self.d['ESCAPE'] = scons_env['ESCAPE']
        for k, v in kw.items():
            self.d[k] = v
    # Just use the underlying scons_subst*() utility methods.
    def subst(self, strSubst, raw=0, target=[], source=[], dict=None):
        return SCons.Util.scons_subst(strSubst, self, raw, target, source, dict)
    subst_target_source = subst
    def subst_list(self, strSubst, raw=0, target=[], source=[], dict=None):
        return SCons.Util.scons_subst_list(strSubst, self, raw, target, source, dict)
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self.d[item]
    def __setitem__(self, item, value):
        self.d[item] = value
    def has_key(self, item):
        return self.d.has_key(item)
    def get(self, key, value=None):
        return self.d.get(key, value)
    def items(self):
        return self.d.items()
    def Dictionary(self):
        return self.d
    def Copy(self, **kw):
        res = Environment()
        res.d = SCons.Environment.our_deepcopy(self.d)
        for k, v in kw.items():
            res.d[k] = v
        return res
    def sig_dict(self):
        d = {}
        for k,v in self.items(): d[k] = v
        d['TARGETS'] = ['__t1__', '__t2__', '__t3__', '__t4__', '__t5__', '__t6__']
        d['TARGET'] = d['TARGETS'][0]
        d['SOURCES'] = ['__s1__', '__s2__', '__s3__', '__s4__', '__s5__', '__s6__']
        d['SOURCE'] = d['SOURCES'][0]
        return d

class DummyNode:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
    def __str__(self):
        return self.name
    def rfile(self):
        return self
    def get_subst_proxy(self):
        return self

if os.name == 'java':
    python = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'jython')
    python = sys.executable

class ActionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test the Action() factory function"""

    def test_FunctionAction(self):
        """Test the Action() factory's creation of FunctionAction objects
        def foo():
        def bar():
        a1 = SCons.Action.Action(foo)
        assert isinstance(a1, SCons.Action.FunctionAction), a1
        assert a1.execfunction == foo, a1.execfunction

        a11 = SCons.Action.Action(foo, strfunction=bar)
        assert isinstance(a11, SCons.Action.FunctionAction), a11
        assert a11.execfunction == foo, a11.execfunction
        assert a11.strfunction == bar, a11.strfunction

    def test_CommandAction(self):
        """Test the Action() factory's creation of CommandAction objects
        a1 = SCons.Action.Action("string")
        assert isinstance(a1, SCons.Action.CommandAction), a1
        assert a1.cmd_list == "string", a1.cmd_list

        if hasattr(types, 'UnicodeType'):
            exec "a2 = SCons.Action.Action(u'string')"
            exec "assert isinstance(a2, SCons.Action.CommandAction), a2"

        a3 = SCons.Action.Action(["a3"])
        assert isinstance(a3, SCons.Action.CommandAction), a3
        assert a3.cmd_list == "a3", a3.cmd_list

        a4 = SCons.Action.Action([[ "explicit", "command", "line" ]])
        assert isinstance(a4, SCons.Action.CommandAction), a4
        assert a4.cmd_list == [ "explicit", "command", "line" ], a4.cmd_list

        def foo():

        a5 = SCons.Action.Action("string", strfunction=foo)
        assert isinstance(a5, SCons.Action.CommandAction), a5
        assert a5.cmd_list == "string", a5.cmd_list
        assert a5.strfunction == foo, a5.strfunction

    def test_ListAction(self):
        """Test the Action() factory's creation of ListAction objects
        a1 = SCons.Action.Action(["x", "y", "z", [ "a", "b", "c"]])
        assert isinstance(a1, SCons.Action.ListAction), a1
        assert isinstance(a1.list[0], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a1.list[0]
        assert a1.list[0].cmd_list == "x", a1.list[0].cmd_list
        assert isinstance(a1.list[1], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a1.list[1]
        assert a1.list[1].cmd_list == "y", a1.list[1].cmd_list
        assert isinstance(a1.list[2], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a1.list[2]
        assert a1.list[2].cmd_list == "z", a1.list[2].cmd_list
        assert isinstance(a1.list[3], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a1.list[3]
        assert a1.list[3].cmd_list == [ "a", "b", "c" ], a1.list[3].cmd_list

        a2 = SCons.Action.Action("x\ny\nz")
        assert isinstance(a2, SCons.Action.ListAction), a2
        assert isinstance(a2.list[0], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a2.list[0]
        assert a2.list[0].cmd_list == "x", a2.list[0].cmd_list
        assert isinstance(a2.list[1], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a2.list[1]
        assert a2.list[1].cmd_list == "y", a2.list[1].cmd_list
        assert isinstance(a2.list[2], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a2.list[2]
        assert a2.list[2].cmd_list == "z", a2.list[2].cmd_list

        def foo():

        a3 = SCons.Action.Action(["x", foo, "z"])
        assert isinstance(a3, SCons.Action.ListAction), a3
        assert isinstance(a3.list[0], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a3.list[0]
        assert a3.list[0].cmd_list == "x", a3.list[0].cmd_list
        assert isinstance(a3.list[1], SCons.Action.FunctionAction), a3.list[1]
        assert a3.list[1].execfunction == foo, a3.list[1].execfunction
        assert isinstance(a3.list[2], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a3.list[2]
        assert a3.list[2].cmd_list == "z", a3.list[2].cmd_list

        a4 = SCons.Action.Action(["x", "y"], strfunction=foo)
        assert isinstance(a4, SCons.Action.ListAction), a4
        assert isinstance(a4.list[0], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a4.list[0]
        assert a4.list[0].cmd_list == "x", a4.list[0].cmd_list
        assert isinstance(a4.list[1], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a4.list[1]
        assert a4.list[1].cmd_list == "y", a4.list[1].cmd_list
        assert a4.strfunction == foo, a4.strfunction

        a5 = SCons.Action.Action("x\ny", strfunction=foo)
        assert isinstance(a5, SCons.Action.ListAction), a5
        assert isinstance(a5.list[0], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a5.list[0]
        assert a5.list[0].cmd_list == "x", a5.list[0].cmd_list
        assert isinstance(a5.list[1], SCons.Action.CommandAction), a5.list[1]
        assert a5.list[1].cmd_list == "y", a5.list[1].cmd_list
        assert a5.strfunction == foo, a5.strfunction

    def test_CommandGeneratorAction(self):
        """Test the Action() factory's creation of CommandGeneratorAction objects
        def foo():
        def bar():
        cg = SCons.Action.CommandGenerator(foo)

        a1 = SCons.Action.Action(cg)
        assert isinstance(a1, SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction), a1
        assert a1.generator is foo, a1.generator

        a2 = SCons.Action.Action(cg, strfunction=bar)
        assert isinstance(a2, SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction), a2
        assert a2.generator is foo, a2.generator
        assert a2.strfunction is bar, a2.strfunction

    def test_LazyCmdGeneratorAction(self):
        """Test the Action() factory's creation of lazy CommandGeneratorAction objects
        def foo():

        a1 = SCons.Action.Action("$FOO")
        assert isinstance(a1, SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction), a1
        assert isinstance(a1.generator, SCons.Action.LazyCmdGenerator), a1.generator

        a2 = SCons.Action.Action("$FOO", strfunction=foo)
        assert isinstance(a2, SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction), a2
        assert isinstance(a2.generator, SCons.Action.LazyCmdGenerator), a2.generator
        assert a2.strfunction is foo, a2.strfunction

    def test_no_action(self):
        """Test when the Action() factory can't create an action object
        a5 = SCons.Action.Action(1)
        assert a5 is None, a5

    def test_reentrance(self):
        """Test the Action() factory when the action is already an Action object
        a1 = SCons.Action.Action("foo")
        a2 = SCons.Action.Action(a1)
        assert a2 is a1, a2

class ActionBaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test__init__(self):
        """Test creation of ActionBase objects

        def func():

        a = SCons.Action.ActionBase()
        assert not hasattr(a, 'strfunction')

        assert SCons.Action.ActionBase(kwarg = 1)
        assert not hasattr(a, 'strfunction')
        assert not hasattr(a, 'kwarg')

        a = SCons.Action.ActionBase(func)
        assert a.strfunction is func, a.strfunction

        a = SCons.Action.ActionBase(strfunction=func)
        assert a.strfunction is func, a.strfunction

    def test___cmp__(self):
        """Test Action comparison
        a1 = SCons.Action.Action("x")
        a2 = SCons.Action.Action("x")
        assert a1 == a2
        a3 = SCons.Action.Action("y")
        assert a1 != a3
        assert a2 != a3

    def test_print_cmd_lines(self):
        """Test the print_cmd_lines() method
        save_stdout = sys.stdout

            def execfunc(target, source, env):
            a = SCons.Action.Action(execfunc)

            sio = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = sio
            a.print_cmd_line("foo bar", None, None, None)
            s = sio.getvalue()
            assert s == "foo bar\n", s

            sys.stdout = save_stdout

    def test___call__(self):
        """Test calling an Action
        save_stdout = sys.stdout

        save_print_actions = SCons.Action.print_actions
        save_print_actions_presub = SCons.Action.print_actions_presub
        save_execute_actions = SCons.Action.execute_actions
        #SCons.Action.print_actions = 0

            env = Environment()

            def execfunc(target, source, env):
                assert type(target) is type([]), type(target)
                assert type(source) is type([]), type(source)
                return 7
            a = SCons.Action.Action(execfunc)

            sio = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = sio
            result = a("out", "in", env)
            assert result == 7, result
            s = sio.getvalue()
            assert s == 'execfunc(["out"], ["in"])\n', s

            SCons.Action.execute_actions = 0

            sio = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = sio
            result = a("out", "in", env)
            assert result == 0, result
            s = sio.getvalue()
            assert s == 'execfunc(["out"], ["in"])\n', s

            SCons.Action.print_actions_presub = 1

            sio = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = sio
            result = a("out", "in", env)
            assert result == 0, result
            s = sio.getvalue()
            assert s == 'execfunc(["out"], ["in"])\n', s

            sio = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = sio
            result = a("out", "in", env, presub=1)
            assert result == 0, result
            s = sio.getvalue()
            assert s == 'Building out with action(s):\n  execfunc(env, target, source)\nexecfunc(["out"], ["in"])\n', s

            a2 = SCons.Action.Action(execfunc)

            sio = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = sio
            result = a2("out", "in", env)
            assert result == 0, result
            s = sio.getvalue()
            assert s == 'Building out with action(s):\n  execfunc(env, target, source)\nexecfunc(["out"], ["in"])\n', s

            sio = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = sio
            result = a2("out", "in", env, presub=0)
            assert result == 0, result
            s = sio.getvalue()
            assert s == 'execfunc(["out"], ["in"])\n', s

            sio = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = sio
            result = a("out", "in", env, presub=0, execute=1, show=0)
            assert result == 7, result
            s = sio.getvalue()
            assert s == '', s

            sys.stdout = save_stdout
            errfunc_result = []

            def errfunc(stat, result=errfunc_result):

            result = a("out", "in", env, errfunc=errfunc)
            assert result == 0, result
            assert errfunc_result == [], errfunc_result

            result = a("out", "in", env, execute=1, errfunc=errfunc)
            assert result == 7, result
            assert errfunc_result == [7], errfunc_result

            result = []
            def my_print_cmd_line(s, target, source, env, result=result):
            env['PRINT_CMD_LINE_FUNC'] = my_print_cmd_line
            a("output", "input", env)
            assert result == ['execfunc(["output"], ["input"])'], result

            sys.stdout = save_stdout
            SCons.Action.print_actions = save_print_actions
            SCons.Action.print_actions_presub = save_print_actions_presub
            SCons.Action.execute_actions = save_execute_actions

    def test_presub_lines(self):
        """Test the presub_lines() method
        env = Environment()
        a = SCons.Action.Action("x")
        s = a.presub_lines(env)
        assert s == ['x'], s

        a = SCons.Action.Action(["y", "z"])
        s = a.presub_lines(env)
        assert s == ['y', 'z'], s

        def func():
        a = SCons.Action.Action(func)
        s = a.presub_lines(env)
        assert s == ["func(env, target, source)"], s

        def gen(target, source, env, for_signature):
            return 'generat' + env.get('GEN', 'or')
        a = SCons.Action.Action(SCons.Action.CommandGenerator(gen))
        s = a.presub_lines(env)
        assert s == ["generator"], s
        s = a.presub_lines(Environment(GEN = 'ed'))
        assert s == ["generated"], s

        a = SCons.Action.Action("$ACT")
        s = a.presub_lines(env)
        assert s == [''], s
        s = a.presub_lines(Environment(ACT = 'expanded action'))
        assert s == ['expanded action'], s

    def test_get_actions(self):
        """Test the get_actions() method
        a = SCons.Action.Action("x")
        l = a.get_actions()
        assert l == [a], l

    def test_add(self):
        """Test adding Actions to stuff."""
        # Adding actions to other Actions or to stuff that can
        # be converted into an Action should produce a ListAction
        # containing all the Actions.
        def bar():
            return None
        baz = SCons.Action.CommandGenerator(bar)
        act1 = SCons.Action.Action('foo bar')
        act2 = SCons.Action.Action([ 'foo', bar ])

        sum = act1 + act2
        assert isinstance(sum, SCons.Action.ListAction), str(sum)
        assert len(sum.list) == 3, len(sum.list)
        assert map(lambda x: isinstance(x, SCons.Action.ActionBase),
                   sum.list) == [ 1, 1, 1 ]

        sum = act1 + act1
        assert isinstance(sum, SCons.Action.ListAction), str(sum)
        assert len(sum.list) == 2, len(sum.list)

        sum = act2 + act2
        assert isinstance(sum, SCons.Action.ListAction), str(sum)
        assert len(sum.list) == 4, len(sum.list)

        # Should also be able to add command generators to each other
        # or to actions
        sum = baz + baz
        assert isinstance(sum, SCons.Action.ListAction), str(sum)
        assert len(sum.list) == 2, len(sum.list)

        sum = baz + act1
        assert isinstance(sum, SCons.Action.ListAction), str(sum)
        assert len(sum.list) == 2, len(sum.list)

        sum = act2 + baz
        assert isinstance(sum, SCons.Action.ListAction), str(sum)
        assert len(sum.list) == 3, len(sum.list)

        # Also should be able to add Actions to anything that can
        # be converted into an action.
        sum = act1 + bar
        assert isinstance(sum, SCons.Action.ListAction), str(sum)
        assert len(sum.list) == 2, len(sum.list)
        assert isinstance(sum.list[1], SCons.Action.FunctionAction)

        sum = 'foo bar' + act2
        assert isinstance(sum, SCons.Action.ListAction), str(sum)
        assert len(sum.list) == 3, len(sum.list)
        assert isinstance(sum.list[0], SCons.Action.CommandAction)

        sum = [ 'foo', 'bar' ] + act1
        assert isinstance(sum, SCons.Action.ListAction), str(sum)
        assert len(sum.list) == 3, sum.list
        assert isinstance(sum.list[0], SCons.Action.CommandAction)
        assert isinstance(sum.list[1], SCons.Action.CommandAction)

        sum = act2 + [ baz, bar ]
        assert isinstance(sum, SCons.Action.ListAction), str(sum)
        assert len(sum.list) == 4, len(sum.list)
        assert isinstance(sum.list[2], SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction)
        assert isinstance(sum.list[3], SCons.Action.FunctionAction)

            sum = act2 + 1
        except TypeError:
            assert 0, "Should have thrown a TypeError adding to an int."

            sum = 1 + act2
        except TypeError:
            assert 0, "Should have thrown a TypeError adding to an int."

class CommandActionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test___init__(self):
        """Test creation of a command Action
        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["xyzzy"])
        assert a.cmd_list == [ "xyzzy" ], a.cmd_list

    def test___str__(self):
        """Test fetching the pre-substitution string for command Actions
        env = Environment()
        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction('xyzzy $TARGET $SOURCE')
        s = str(act)
        assert s == 'xyzzy $TARGET $SOURCE', s

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(['xyzzy',
                                          '$TARGET', '$SOURCE',
                                          '$TARGETS', '$SOURCES'])
        s = str(act)
        assert s == "['xyzzy', '$TARGET', '$SOURCE', '$TARGETS', '$SOURCES']", s

    def test_genstring(self):
        """Test the genstring() method for command Actions

        env = Environment()
        t1 = DummyNode('t1')
        t2 = DummyNode('t2')
        s1 = DummyNode('s1')
        s2 = DummyNode('s2')
        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction('xyzzy $TARGET $SOURCE')
        expect = 'xyzzy $TARGET $SOURCE'
        s = act.genstring([], [], env)
        assert s == expect, s
        s = act.genstring([t1], [s1], env)
        assert s == expect, s
        s = act.genstring([t1, t2], [s1, s2], env)
        assert s == expect, s

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction('xyzzy $TARGETS $SOURCES')
        expect = 'xyzzy $TARGETS $SOURCES'
        s = act.genstring([], [], env)
        assert s == expect, s
        s = act.genstring([t1], [s1], env)
        assert s == expect, s
        s = act.genstring([t1, t2], [s1, s2], env)
        assert s == expect, s

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(['xyzzy',
                                          '$TARGET', '$SOURCE',
                                          '$TARGETS', '$SOURCES'])
        expect = "['xyzzy', '$TARGET', '$SOURCE', '$TARGETS', '$SOURCES']"
        s = act.genstring([], [], env)
        assert s == expect, s
        s = act.genstring([t1], [s1], env)
        assert s == expect, s
        s = act.genstring([t1, t2], [s1, s2], env)
        assert s == expect, s

    def test_strfunction(self):
        """Test fetching the string representation of command Actions

        env = Environment()
        t1 = DummyNode('t1')
        t2 = DummyNode('t2')
        s1 = DummyNode('s1')
        s2 = DummyNode('s2')
        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction('xyzzy $TARGET $SOURCE')
        s = act.strfunction([], [], env)
        assert s == 'xyzzy', s
        s = act.strfunction([t1], [s1], env)
        assert s == 'xyzzy t1 s1', s
        s = act.strfunction([t1, t2], [s1, s2], env)
        assert s == 'xyzzy t1 s1', s

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction('xyzzy $TARGETS $SOURCES')
        s = act.strfunction([], [], env)
        assert s == 'xyzzy', s
        s = act.strfunction([t1], [s1], env)
        assert s == 'xyzzy t1 s1', s
        s = act.strfunction([t1, t2], [s1, s2], env)
        assert s == 'xyzzy t1 t2 s1 s2', s

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(['xyzzy',
                                          '$TARGET', '$SOURCE',
                                          '$TARGETS', '$SOURCES'])
        s = act.strfunction([], [], env)
        assert s == 'xyzzy', s
        s = act.strfunction([t1], [s1], env)
        assert s == 'xyzzy t1 s1 t1 s1', s
        s = act.strfunction([t1, t2], [s1, s2], env)
        assert s == 'xyzzy t1 s1 t1 t2 s1 s2', s

        def sf(target, source, env):
            return "sf was called"
        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction('foo', strfunction=sf)
        s = act.strfunction([], [], env)
        assert s == "sf was called", s

    def test_execute(self):
        """Test execution of command Actions

            env = self.env
        except AttributeError:
            env = Environment()

        cmd1 = r'%s %s %s xyzzy' % (python, act_py, outfile)

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(cmd1)
        r = act([], [], env.Copy())
        assert r == 0
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "act.py: 'xyzzy'\n", c

        cmd2 = r'%s %s %s $TARGET' % (python, act_py, outfile)

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(cmd2)
        r = act(DummyNode('foo'), [], env.Copy())
        assert r == 0
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "act.py: 'foo'\n", c

        cmd3 = r'%s %s %s ${TARGETS}' % (python, act_py, outfile)

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(cmd3)
        r = act(map(DummyNode, ['aaa', 'bbb']), [], env.Copy())
        assert r == 0
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "act.py: 'aaa' 'bbb'\n", c

        cmd4 = r'%s %s %s $SOURCES' % (python, act_py, outfile)

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(cmd4)
        r = act([], [DummyNode('one'), DummyNode('two')], env.Copy())
        assert r == 0
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "act.py: 'one' 'two'\n", c

        cmd4 = r'%s %s %s ${SOURCES[:2]}' % (python, act_py, outfile)

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(cmd4)
        sources = [DummyNode('three'), DummyNode('four'), DummyNode('five')]
        env2 = env.Copy()
        r = act([], source = sources, env = env2)
        assert r == 0
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "act.py: 'three' 'four'\n", c

        cmd5 = r'%s %s %s $TARGET XYZZY' % (python, act_py, outfile)

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(cmd5)
        env5 = Environment()
        if scons_env.has_key('ENV'):
            env5['ENV'] = scons_env['ENV']
            PATH = scons_env['ENV'].get('PATH', '')
            env5['ENV'] = {}
            PATH = ''

        env5['ENV']['XYZZY'] = 'xyzzy'
        r = act(target = DummyNode('out5'), source = [], env = env5)

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(cmd5)
        r = act(target = DummyNode('out5'),
                source = [],
                env = env.Copy(ENV = {'XYZZY' : 'xyzzy5',
                                      'PATH' : PATH}))
        assert r == 0
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "act.py: 'out5' 'XYZZY'\nact.py: 'xyzzy5'\n", c

        class Obj:
            def __init__(self, str):
                self._str = str
            def __str__(self):
                return self._str
            def rfile(self):
                return self
            def get_subst_proxy(self):
                return self

        cmd6 = r'%s %s %s ${TARGETS[1]} $TARGET ${SOURCES[:2]}' % (python, act_py, outfile)

        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(cmd6)
        r = act(target = [Obj('111'), Obj('222')],
                        source = [Obj('333'), Obj('444'), Obj('555')],
                        env = env.Copy())
        assert r == 0
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "act.py: '222' '111' '333' '444'\n", c

        if os.name == 'nt':
            # NT treats execs of directories and non-executable files
            # as "file not found" errors
            expect_nonexistent = 1
            expect_nonexecutable = 1
        elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
            expect_nonexistent = 127
            expect_nonexecutable = 127
            expect_nonexistent = 127
            expect_nonexecutable = 126

        # Test that a nonexistent command returns 127
        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(python + "_no_such_command_")
        r = act([], [], env.Copy(out = outfile))
        assert r == expect_nonexistent, "r == %d" % r

        # Test that trying to execute a directory returns 126
        dir, tail = os.path.split(python)
        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(dir)
        r = act([], [], env.Copy(out = outfile))
        assert r == expect_nonexecutable, "r == %d" % r

        # Test that trying to execute a non-executable file returns 126
        act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(outfile)
        r = act([], [], env.Copy(out = outfile))
        assert r == expect_nonexecutable, "r == %d" % r

    def _DO_NOT_EXECUTE_test_pipe_execute(self):
        """Test capturing piped output from an action

        We used to have PIPE_BUILD support built right into
        Action.execute() for the benefit of the SConf subsystem, but we've
        moved that logic back into SConf itself.  We'll leave this code
        here, just in case we ever want to resurrect this functionality
        in the future, but change the name of the test so it doesn't
        get executed as part of the normal test suite.
        pipe = open( pipe_file, "w" )
        self.env = Environment(ENV = {'ACTPY_PIPE' : '1'}, PIPE_BUILD = 1,
                               PSTDOUT = pipe, PSTDERR = pipe)
        # everything should also work when piping output
        pipe_out = test.read( pipe_file )

        act_out = "act.py: stdout: executed act.py"
        act_err = "act.py: stderr: executed act.py"

        # Since we are now using select(), stdout and stderr can be
        # intermixed, so count the lines separately.
        outlines = re.findall(act_out, pipe_out)
        errlines = re.findall(act_err, pipe_out)
        assert len(outlines) == 6, pipe_out + repr(outlines)
        assert len(errlines) == 6, pipe_out + repr(errlines)

        # test redirection operators
        def test_redirect(self, redir, stdout_msg, stderr_msg):
            cmd = r'%s %s %s xyzzy %s' % (python, act_py, outfile, redir)
            # Write the output and error messages to files because Win32
            # can't handle strings that are too big in its external
            # environment (os.spawnve() returns EINVAL, "Invalid
            # argument").
            stdout_file = test.workpath('stdout_msg')
            stderr_file = test.workpath('stderr_msg')
            open(stdout_file, 'w').write(stdout_msg)
            open(stderr_file, 'w').write(stderr_msg)
            pipe = open( pipe_file, "w" )
            act = SCons.Action.CommandAction(cmd)
            env = Environment( ENV = {'ACTPY_PIPE' : '1',
                                      'PIPE_STDOUT_FILE' : stdout_file,
                                      'PIPE_STDERR_FILE' : stderr_file},
                               PIPE_BUILD = 1,
                               PSTDOUT = pipe, PSTDERR = pipe )
            r = act([], [], env)
            assert r == 0
            return (test.read(outfile2, 'r'), test.read(pipe_file, 'r'))

        (redirected, pipe_out) = test_redirect(self,'> %s' % outfile2,
                                               act_out, act_err)
        assert redirected == act_out
        assert pipe_out == act_err

        (redirected, pipe_out) = test_redirect(self,'2> %s' % outfile2,
                                               act_out, act_err)
        assert redirected == act_err
        assert pipe_out == act_out

        (redirected, pipe_out) = test_redirect(self,'> %s 2>&1' % outfile2,
                                               act_out, act_err)
        assert (redirected == act_out + act_err or
                redirected == act_err + act_out)
        assert pipe_out == ""

        act_err = "Long Command Output\n"*3000
        # the size of the string should exceed the system's default block size
        act_out = ""
        (redirected, pipe_out) = test_redirect(self,'> %s' % outfile2,
                                               act_out, act_err)
        assert (redirected == act_out)
        assert (pipe_out == act_err)

    def test_set_handler(self):
        """Test setting the command handler...
        class Test:
            def __init__(self):
                self.executed = 0
        def func(sh, escape, cmd, args, env, test=t):
            test.executed = args
            test.shell = sh
            return 0
        def escape_func(cmd):
            return '**' + cmd + '**'

        class LiteralStr:
            def __init__(self, x):
                self.data = x
            def __str__(self):
                return self.data
            def escape(self, escape_func):
                return escape_func(self.data)
            def is_literal(self):
                return 1

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["xyzzy"])
        e = Environment(SPAWN = func)
        a([], [], e)
        assert t.executed == [ 'xyzzy' ], t.executed

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["xyzzy"])
        e = Environment(SPAWN = func, SHELL = 'fake shell')
        a([], [], e)
        assert t.executed == [ 'xyzzy' ], t.executed
        assert t.shell == 'fake shell', t.shell

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction([ LiteralStr("xyzzy") ])
        e = Environment(SPAWN = func, ESCAPE = escape_func)
        a([], [], e)
        assert t.executed == [ '**xyzzy**' ], t.executed

    def test_get_contents(self):
        """Test fetching the contents of a command Action
        def CmdGen(target, source, env, for_signature):
            assert for_signature
            return "%s %s" % \
                   (env["foo"], env["bar"])

        # The number 1 is there to make sure all args get converted to strings.
        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["|", "$(", "$foo", "|", "$bar",
                                        "$)", "|", "$baz", 1])
        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[],
                           env=Environment(foo = 'FFF', bar = 'BBB',
                                           baz = CmdGen))
        assert c == "| | FFF BBB 1", c

        # Make sure that CommandActions use an Environment's
        # subst_target_source() method for substitution.
        class SpecialEnvironment(Environment):
            def subst_target_source(self, strSubst, raw=0, target=[], source=[], dict=None):
                return 'subst_target_source: ' + strSubst

        c = a.get_contents(target=DummyNode('ttt'), source = DummyNode('sss'),
                           env=SpecialEnvironment(foo = 'GGG', bar = 'CCC',
                                                  baz = 'ZZZ'))
        assert c == 'subst_target_source: | $( $foo | $bar $) | $baz 1', c

        # We've discussed using the real target and source names in a
        # CommandAction's signature contents.  This would have have the
        # advantage of recompiling when a file's name changes (keeping
        # debug info current), but it would currently break repository
        # logic that will change the file name based on whether the
        # files come from a repository or locally.  If we ever move to
        # that scheme, then all of the '__t1__' and '__s6__' file names
        # in the asserts below would change to 't1' and 's6' and the
        # like.
        t = map(DummyNode, ['t1', 't2', 't3', 't4', 't5', 't6'])
        s = map(DummyNode, ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's4', 's5', 's6'])
        env = Environment()

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["$TARGET"])
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env)
        assert c == "t1", c
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env, dict={})
        assert c == "", c

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["$TARGETS"])
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env)
        assert c == "t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6", c
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env, dict={})
        assert c == "", c

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["${TARGETS[2]}"])
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env)
        assert c == "t3", c

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["${TARGETS[3:5]}"])
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env)
        assert c == "t4 t5", c

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["$SOURCE"])
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env)
        assert c == "s1", c
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env, dict={})
        assert c == "", c

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["$SOURCES"])
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env)
        assert c == "s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6", c
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env, dict={})
        assert c == "", c

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["${SOURCES[2]}"])
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env)
        assert c == "s3", c

        a = SCons.Action.CommandAction(["${SOURCES[3:5]}"])
        c = a.get_contents(target=t, source=s, env=env)
        assert c == "s4 s5", c

class CommandGeneratorActionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test___init__(self):
        """Test creation of a command generator Action
        def f(target, source, env):
        a = SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(f)
        assert a.generator == f

    def test___str__(self):
        """Test the pre-substitution strings for command generator Actions
        def f(target, source, env, for_signature, self=self):
            return "FOO"
        a = SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(f)
        s = str(a)
        assert s == 'FOO', s

    def test_genstring(self):
        """Test the command generator Action genstring() method
        def f(target, source, env, for_signature, self=self):
            dummy = env['dummy']
            self.dummy = dummy
            return "$FOO $TARGET $SOURCE $TARGETS $SOURCES"
        a = SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(f)
        self.dummy = 0
        s = a.genstring([], [], env=Environment(FOO='xyzzy', dummy=1))
        assert self.dummy == 1, self.dummy
        assert s == "$FOO $TARGET $SOURCE $TARGETS $SOURCES", s

    def test_strfunction(self):
        """Test the command generator Action string function
        def f(target, source, env, for_signature, self=self):
            dummy = env['dummy']
            self.dummy = dummy
            return "$FOO"
        a = SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(f)
        self.dummy = 0
        s = a.strfunction([], [], env=Environment(FOO='xyzzy', dummy=1))
        assert self.dummy == 1, self.dummy
        assert s == 'xyzzy', s

        def sf(target, source, env):
            return "sf was called"
        a = SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(f, strfunction=sf)
        s = a.strfunction([], [], env=Environment())
        assert s == "sf was called", s

        def f(target, source, env, for_signature, self=self):
            def null(target, source, env):
            return SCons.Action.Action(null, strfunction=None)
        a = SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(f)
        s = a.strfunction([], [], env=Environment())

    def test_execute(self):
        """Test executing a command generator Action

        def f(target, source, env, for_signature, self=self):
            dummy = env['dummy']
            self.dummy = dummy
            s = env.subst("$FOO")
            assert s == 'foo baz\nbar ack', s
            return "$FOO"
        def func_action(target, source, env, self=self):
            s = env.subst('$foo')
            assert s == 'bar', s
        def f2(target, source, env, for_signature, f=func_action):
            return f
        def ch(sh, escape, cmd, args, env, self=self):

        a = SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(f)
        self.dummy = 0
        self.cmd = []
        self.args = []
        a([], [], env=Environment(FOO = 'foo baz\nbar ack',
                                          dummy = 1,
                                          SPAWN = ch))
        assert self.dummy == 1, self.dummy
        assert self.cmd == ['foo', 'bar'], self.cmd
        assert self.args == [[ 'foo', 'baz' ], [ 'bar', 'ack' ]], self.args

        b = SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(f2)
        self.dummy = 0
        b(target=[], source=[], env=Environment(foo =  'bar',
                                                        dummy =  2 ))
        assert self.dummy==2, self.dummy
        del self.dummy

        class DummyFile:
            def __init__(self, t):
                self.t = t
            def rfile(self):
                self.t.rfile_called = 1
                return self
            def get_subst_proxy(self):
                return self
        def f3(target, source, env, for_signature):
            return ''
        c = SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(f3)
        c(target=[], source=DummyFile(self), env=Environment())
        assert self.rfile_called

    def test_get_contents(self):
        """Test fetching the contents of a command generator Action
        def f(target, source, env, for_signature):
            foo = env['foo']
            bar = env['bar']
            assert for_signature, for_signature
            return [["guux", foo, "$(", "$ignore", "$)", bar,
                     '${test("$( foo $bar $)")}' ]]

        def test(mystr):
            assert mystr == "$( foo $bar $)", mystr
            return "test"

        env = Environment(foo = 'FFF', bar =  'BBB',
                          ignore = 'foo', test=test)
        a = SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(f)
        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=env)
        assert c == "guux FFF BBB test", c
        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=env, dict={})
        assert c == "guux FFF BBB test", c

class FunctionActionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test___init__(self):
        """Test creation of a function Action
        def func1():
        def func2():
        def func3():
        def func4():

        a = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(func1)
        assert a.execfunction == func1, a.execfunction
        assert isinstance(a.strfunction, types.MethodType), type(a.strfunction)

        a = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(func2, strfunction=func3)
        assert a.execfunction == func2, a.execfunction
        assert a.strfunction == func3, a.strfunction

    def test___str__(self):
        """Test the __str__() method for function Actions
        def func1():
        a = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(func1)
        s = str(a)
        assert s == "func1(env, target, source)", s

        class class1:
            def __call__(self):
        a = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(class1())
        s = str(a)
        assert s == "class1(env, target, source)", s

    def test_execute(self):
        """Test executing a function Action
        self.inc = 0
        def f(target, source, env):
            s = env['s']
            s.inc = s.inc + 1
            s.target = target
            assert env.subst("$BAR") == 'foo bar', env.subst("$BAR")
            return 0
        a = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(f)
        a(target=1, source=2, env=Environment(BAR = 'foo bar',
                                                      s = self))
        assert self.inc == 1, self.inc
        assert self.source == [2], self.source
        assert self.target == [1], self.target

        global count
        count = 0
        def function1(target, source, env):
            global count
            count = count + 1
            for t in target:
                open(t, 'w').write("function1\n")
            return 1

        act = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(function1)
        r = None
            r = act(target = [outfile, outfile2], source=[], env=Environment())
        except SCons.Errors.BuildError:
        assert r == 1
        assert count == 1
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "function1\n", c
        c = test.read(outfile2, 'r')
        assert c == "function1\n", c

        class class1a:
            def __init__(self, target, source, env):
                open(env['out'], 'w').write("class1a\n")

        act = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(class1a)
        r = act([], [], Environment(out = outfile))
        assert r.__class__ == class1a
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "class1a\n", c

        class class1b:
            def __call__(self, target, source, env):
                open(env['out'], 'w').write("class1b\n")
                return 2

        act = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(class1b())
        r = act([], [], Environment(out = outfile))
        assert r == 2
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "class1b\n", c

        def build_it(target, source, env, self=self):
            self.build_it = 1
            return 0
        def string_it(target, source, env, self=self):
            self.string_it = 1
            return None
        act = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(build_it, strfunction=string_it)
        r = act([], [], Environment())
        assert r == 0, r
        assert self.build_it
        assert self.string_it

    def test_get_contents(self):
        """Test fetching the contents of a function Action

        a = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(GlobalFunc)

        matches = [

        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=Environment())
        assert c in matches, repr(c)
        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=Environment(), dict={})
        assert c in matches, repr(c)

        a = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(GlobalFunc, varlist=['XYZ'])

        matches_foo = map(lambda x: x + "foo", matches)

        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=Environment())
        assert c in matches, repr(c)
        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=Environment(XYZ = 'foo'))
        assert c in matches_foo, repr(c)

        class Foo:
            def get_contents(self, target, source, env, dict=None):
                return 'xyzzy'
        a = SCons.Action.FunctionAction(Foo())
        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=Environment())
        assert c == 'xyzzy', repr(c)

class ListActionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test___init__(self):
        """Test creation of a list of subsidiary Actions
        def func():
        a = SCons.Action.ListAction(["x", func, ["y", "z"]])
        assert isinstance(a.list[0], SCons.Action.CommandAction)
        assert isinstance(a.list[1], SCons.Action.FunctionAction)
        assert isinstance(a.list[2], SCons.Action.ListAction)
        assert a.list[2].list[0].cmd_list == 'y'

    def test_get_actions(self):
        """Test the get_actions() method for ListActions
        a = SCons.Action.ListAction(["x", "y"])
        l = a.get_actions()
        assert len(l) == 2, l
        assert isinstance(l[0], SCons.Action.CommandAction), l[0]
        g = l[0].get_actions()
        assert g == [l[0]], g
        assert isinstance(l[1], SCons.Action.CommandAction), l[1]
        g = l[1].get_actions()
        assert g == [l[1]], g

    def test___str__(self):
        """Test the __str__() method for a list of subsidiary Actions
        def f(target,source,env):
        def g(target,source,env):
        a = SCons.Action.ListAction([f, g, "XXX", f])
        s = str(a)
        assert s == "f(env, target, source)\ng(env, target, source)\nXXX\nf(env, target, source)", s

    def test_genstring(self):
        """Test the genstring() method for a list of subsidiary Actions
        def f(target,source,env):
        def g(target,source,env):
        a = SCons.Action.ListAction([f, g, "XXX", f])
        s = a.genstring([], [], Environment())
        assert s == "f(env, target, source)\ng(env, target, source)\nXXX\nf(env, target, source)", s

    def test_strfunction(self):
        """Test the string function for a list of subsidiary Actions
        def f(target,source,env):
        def g(target,source,env):
        a = SCons.Action.ListAction([f, g, "XXX", f])
        s = a.strfunction([], [], Environment())
        assert s == "f([], [])\ng([], [])\nXXX\nf([], [])", s

        def sf(target, source, env):
            return "sf was called"
        act = SCons.Action.ListAction([f, g, "XXX", f], strfunction=sf)
        s = act.strfunction([], [], Environment())
        assert s == "sf was called", s

    def test_execute(self):
        """Test executing a list of subsidiary Actions
        self.inc = 0
        def f(target,source,env):
            s = env['s']
            s.inc = s.inc + 1
        a = SCons.Action.ListAction([f, f, f])
        a([], [], Environment(s = self))
        assert self.inc == 3, self.inc

        cmd2 = r'%s %s %s syzygy' % (python, act_py, outfile)

        def function2(target, source, env):
            open(env['out'], 'a').write("function2\n")
            return 0

        class class2a:
            def __call__(self, target, source, env):
                open(env['out'], 'a').write("class2a\n")
                return 0

        class class2b:
            def __init__(self, target, source, env):
                open(env['out'], 'a').write("class2b\n")
        act = SCons.Action.ListAction([cmd2, function2, class2a(), class2b])
        r = act([], [], Environment(out = outfile))
        assert r.__class__ == class2b
        c = test.read(outfile, 'r')
        assert c == "act.py: 'syzygy'\nfunction2\nclass2a\nclass2b\n", c

    def test_get_contents(self):
        """Test fetching the contents of a list of subsidiary Actions
        def gen(target, source, env, for_signature):
            s = env['s']
            return "y"
        a = SCons.Action.ListAction(["x",
        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=Environment(s = self))
        assert self.foo==1, self.foo
        assert c == "xyz", c
        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=Environment(s = self), dict={})
        assert self.foo==1, self.foo
        assert c == "xyz", c

class LazyActionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test___init__(self):
        """Test creation of a lazy-evaluation Action
        # Environment variable references should create a special
        # type of CommandGeneratorAction that lazily evaluates the
        # variable.
        a9 = SCons.Action.Action('$FOO')
        assert isinstance(a9, SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction), a9
        assert a9.generator.var == 'FOO', a9.generator.var

        a10 = SCons.Action.Action('${FOO}')
        assert isinstance(a9, SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction), a10
        assert a10.generator.var == 'FOO', a10.generator.var

    def test_strfunction(self):
        """Test the lazy-evaluation Action string function
        def f(target, source, env):
        a = SCons.Action.Action('$BAR')
        s = a.strfunction([], [], env=Environment(BAR=f, s=self))
        assert s == "f([], [])", s

    def test_genstring(self):
        """Test the lazy-evaluation Action genstring() method
        def f(target, source, env):
        a = SCons.Action.Action('$BAR')
        s = a.genstring([], [], env=Environment(BAR=f, s=self))
        assert s == "f(env, target, source)", s

    def test_execute(self):
        """Test executing a lazy-evaluation Action
        def f(target, source, env):
            s = env['s']
            return 0
        a = SCons.Action.Action('$BAR')
        a([], [], env=Environment(BAR = f, s = self))
        assert self.test == 1, self.test

    def test_get_contents(self):
        """Test fetching the contents of a lazy-evaluation Action
        a = SCons.Action.Action("${FOO}")
        env = Environment(FOO = [["This", "is", "a", "test"]])
        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=env)
        assert c == "This is a test", c
        c = a.get_contents(target=[], source=[], env=env, dict={})
        assert c == "This is a test", c

class ActionCallerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test___init__(self):
        """Test creation of an ActionCaller"""
        ac = SCons.Action.ActionCaller(1, [2, 3], {'FOO' : 4, 'BAR' : 5})
        assert ac.parent == 1, ac.parent
        assert ac.args == [2, 3], ac.args
        assert ac.kw == {'FOO' : 4, 'BAR' : 5}, ac.kw

    def test_get_contents(self):
        """Test fetching the contents of an ActionCaller"""
        def strfunc():

        matches = [

        af = SCons.Action.ActionFactory(GlobalFunc, strfunc)
        ac = SCons.Action.ActionCaller(af, [], {})
        c = ac.get_contents([], [], Environment())
        assert c in matches, repr(c)

        matches = [

        af = SCons.Action.ActionFactory(GlobalActFunc(), strfunc)
        ac = SCons.Action.ActionCaller(af, [], {})
        c = ac.get_contents([], [], Environment())
        assert c in matches, repr(c)

        matches = [
            "<built-in function str>",
            "<type 'str'>",

        af = SCons.Action.ActionFactory(str, strfunc)
        ac = SCons.Action.ActionCaller(af, [], {})
        c = ac.get_contents([], [], Environment())
        assert c == "<built-in function str>" or \
               c == "<type 'str'>", repr(c)

    def test___call__(self):
        """Test calling an ActionCaller"""
        actfunc_args = []
        def actfunc(a1, a2, a3, args=actfunc_args):
            args.extend([a1, a2, a3])
        def strfunc(a1, a2, a3):

        af = SCons.Action.ActionFactory(actfunc, strfunc)
        ac = SCons.Action.ActionCaller(af, [1, '$FOO', 3], {})
        ac([], [], Environment(FOO = 2))
        assert actfunc_args == [1, '2', 3], actfunc_args

        del actfunc_args[:]
        ac = SCons.Action.ActionCaller(af, [], {'a3' : 6, 'a2' : '$BAR', 'a1' : 4})
        ac([], [], Environment(BAR = 5))
        assert actfunc_args == [4, '5', 6], actfunc_args

    def test_strfunction(self):
        """Test calling the ActionCaller strfunction() method"""
        strfunc_args = []
        def actfunc(a1, a2, a3):
        def strfunc(a1, a2, a3, args=strfunc_args):
            args.extend([a1, a2, a3])

        af = SCons.Action.ActionFactory(actfunc, strfunc)
        ac = SCons.Action.ActionCaller(af, [1, '$FOO', 3], {})
        ac.strfunction([], [], Environment(FOO = 2))
        assert strfunc_args == [1, '2', 3], strfunc_args

        del strfunc_args[:]
        ac = SCons.Action.ActionCaller(af, [], {'a3' : 6, 'a2' : '$BAR', 'a1' : 4})
        ac.strfunction([], [], Environment(BAR = 5))
        assert strfunc_args == [4, '5', 6], strfunc_args

class ActionFactoryTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test___init__(self):
        """Test creation of an ActionFactory"""
        def actfunc():
        def strfunc():
        ac = SCons.Action.ActionFactory(actfunc, strfunc)
        assert ac.actfunc is actfunc, ac.actfunc
        assert ac.strfunc is strfunc, ac.strfunc

    def test___call__(self):
        """Test calling whatever's returned from an ActionFactory"""
        actfunc_args = []
        strfunc_args = []
        def actfunc(a1, a2, a3, args=actfunc_args):
            args.extend([a1, a2, a3])
        def strfunc(a1, a2, a3, args=strfunc_args):
            args.extend([a1, a2, a3])
        af = SCons.Action.ActionFactory(actfunc, strfunc)
        af(3, 6, 9)([], [], Environment())
        assert actfunc_args == [3, 6, 9], actfunc_args
        assert strfunc_args == [3, 6, 9], strfunc_args

class ActionCompareTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_1_solo_name(self):
        """Test Lazy Cmd Generator Action get_name alone.

        Basically ensures we can locate the builder, comparing it to
        itself along the way."""
        bar = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = {})
        env = Environment( BUILDERS = {'BAR' : bar} )
        name = bar.get_name(env)
        assert name == 'BAR', name

    def test_2_multi_name(self):
        """Test LazyCmdGenerator Action get_name multi builders.

        Ensure that we can compare builders (and thereby actions) to
        each other safely."""
        foo = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = '$FOO', suffix = '.foo')
        bar = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = {})
        assert foo != bar
        assert foo.action != bar.action
        env = Environment( BUILDERS = {'FOO' : foo,
                                       'BAR' : bar} )
        name = foo.get_name(env)
        assert name == 'FOO', name
        name = bar.get_name(env)
        assert name == 'BAR', name

    def test_3_dict_names(self):
        """Test Action/Suffix dicts with get_name.

        Verifies that Action/Suffix dictionaries work correctly,
        especially two builders that can generate the same suffix,
        where one of the builders has a suffix dictionary with a None
        foo = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = '$FOO', suffix = '.foo')
        bar = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = {}, suffix={None:'.bar'})
        bar.add_action('.cow', "$MOO")
        dog = SCons.Builder.Builder(suffix = '.bar')
        env = Environment( BUILDERS = {'FOO' : foo,
                                       'BAR' : bar,
                                       'DOG' : dog} )
        assert foo.get_name(env) == 'FOO'
        assert bar.get_name(env) == 'BAR'
        assert dog.get_name(env) == 'DOG'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    tclasses = [ ActionTestCase,
                 ActionCompareTestCase ]
    for tclass in tclasses:
        names = unittest.getTestCaseNames(tclass, 'test_')
        suite.addTests(map(tclass, names))
    if not unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite).wasSuccessful():