"""SCons.Defaults Builders and other things for the local site. Here's where we'll duplicate the functionality of autoconf until we move it into the installation procedure or use something like qmconf. The code that reads the registry to find MSVC components was borrowed from distutils.msvccompiler. """ # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Steven Knight # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" import os import stat import string import sys import os.path import SCons.Action import SCons.Builder import SCons.Errors import SCons.Node.Alias import SCons.Node.FS import SCons.Platform import SCons.Scanner.C import SCons.Scanner.Prog import SCons.Util class SharedCmdGenerator: """A callable class that acts as a command generator. It is designed to hold on to 2 actions, and return one if the shared=1 keyword arg is supplied to the Builder method, and the other if not. Also, all target nodes will have the shared attribute set to match the vaue of the shared keyword argument, zero by default.""" def __init__(self, static, shared): self.action_static = static self.action_shared = shared def __call__(self, target, source, env, shared=0, **kw): for src in source: try: if (src.attributes.shared and not shared) or \ (shared and not src.attributes.shared): raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Source file: %s must be built with shared=%s in order to be compatible with target: %s" % (src, str(shared), target[0])) except AttributeError: pass for t in target: t.attributes.shared = shared if shared: return self.action_shared else: return self.action_static def yaccEmitter(target, source, env, **kw): # Yacc can be configured to emit a .h file as well # as a .c file, if -d is specified on the command line. if len(source) and \ os.path.splitext(SCons.Util.to_String(source[0]))[1] in \ [ '.y', '.yy'] and \ '-d' in string.split(env.subst("$YACCFLAGS")): target.append(os.path.splitext(SCons.Util.to_String(target[0]))[0] + \ '.h') return (target, source) CFile = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = { '.l' : '$LEXCOM', '.y' : '$YACCCOM', }, emitter = yaccEmitter, suffix = '$CFILESUFFIX') CXXFile = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = { '.ll' : '$LEXCOM', '.yy' : '$YACCCOM', }, emitter = yaccEmitter, suffix = '$CXXFILESUFFIX') CAction = SCons.Action.Action("$CCCOM") ShCAction = SCons.Action.Action("$SHCCCOM") CXXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$CXXCOM") ShCXXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$SHCXXCOM") F77Action = SCons.Action.Action("$F77COM") ShF77Action = SCons.Action.Action("$SHF77COM") F77PPAction = SCons.Action.Action("$F77PPCOM") ShF77PPAction = SCons.Action.Action("$SHF77PPCOM") if os.path.normcase('.c') == os.path.normcase('.C'): # We're on a case-insensitive system, so .[CF] (upper case) # files should be treated like .[cf] (lower case) files. C_static = CAction C_shared = ShCAction F_static = F77Action F_shared = ShF77Action else: # We're on a case-sensitive system, so .C (upper case) files # are C++, and .F (upper case) files get run through the C # preprocessor. C_static = CXXAction C_shared = ShCXXAction F_static = F77PPAction F_shared = ShF77PPAction shared_obj = SCons.Builder.DictCmdGenerator({ ".C" : C_shared, ".cc" : ShCXXAction, ".cpp" : ShCXXAction, ".cxx" : ShCXXAction, ".c++" : ShCXXAction, ".C++" : ShCXXAction, ".c" : ShCAction, ".f" : ShF77Action, ".for" : ShF77Action, ".FOR" : ShF77Action, ".F" : F_shared, ".fpp" : ShF77PPAction, ".FPP" : ShF77PPAction }) static_obj = SCons.Builder.DictCmdGenerator({ ".C" : C_static, ".cc" : CXXAction, ".cpp" : CXXAction, ".cxx" : CXXAction, ".c++" : CXXAction, ".C++" : CXXAction, ".c" : CAction, ".f" : F77Action, ".for" : F77Action, ".F" : F_static, ".FOR" : F77Action, ".fpp" : F77PPAction, ".FPP" : F77PPAction }) Object = SCons.Builder.Builder(generator = \ SharedCmdGenerator(static=SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(static_obj), shared=SCons.Action.CommandGeneratorAction(shared_obj)), prefix = '$OBJPREFIX', suffix = '$OBJSUFFIX', src_suffix = static_obj.src_suffixes(), src_builder = [CFile, CXXFile]) def win32TempFileMunge(env, cmd_list, for_signature): """Given a list of command line arguments, see if it is too long to pass to the win32 command line interpreter. If so, create a temp file, then pass "@tempfile" as the sole argument to the supplied command (which is the first element of cmd_list). Otherwise, just return [cmd_list].""" cmd = env.subst_list(cmd_list)[0] if for_signature or \ (reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), cmd, 0) + len(cmd)) <= 2048: return [cmd_list] else: import tempfile # We do a normpath because mktemp() has what appears to be # a bug in Win32 that will use a forward slash as a path # delimiter. Win32's link mistakes that for a command line # switch and barfs. tmp = os.path.normpath(tempfile.mktemp()) args = map(SCons.Util.quote_spaces, cmd[1:]) open(tmp, 'w').write(string.join(args, " ") + "\n") return [ [cmd[0], '@' + tmp], ['del', tmp] ] def win32LinkGenerator(env, target, source, for_signature, **kw): args = [ '$LINK', '$LINKFLAGS', '/OUT:%s' % target[0], '$(', '$_LIBDIRFLAGS', '$)', '$_LIBFLAGS' ] args.extend(map(SCons.Util.to_String, source)) return win32TempFileMunge(env, args, for_signature) Program = SCons.Builder.Builder(action='$LINKCOM', prefix='$PROGPREFIX', suffix='$PROGSUFFIX', src_suffix='$OBJSUFFIX', src_builder=Object, scanner = SCons.Scanner.Prog.ProgScan()) class LibAffixGenerator: def __init__(self, static, shared): self.static_affix = static self.shared_affix = shared def __call__(self, shared=0, **kw): if shared: return self.shared_affix return self.static_affix def win32LibGenerator(target, source, env, for_signature, shared=1, no_import_lib=0): listCmd = [ "$SHLINK", "$SHLINKFLAGS" ] for tgt in target: ext = os.path.splitext(str(tgt))[1] if ext == env.subst("$LIBSUFFIX"): # Put it on the command line as an import library. if no_import_lib: raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "%s: You cannot specify a .lib file as a target of a shared library build if no_import_library is nonzero." % tgt listCmd.append("${WIN32IMPLIBPREFIX}%s" % tgt) else: listCmd.append("${WIN32DLLPREFIX}%s" % tgt) listCmd.extend([ '$_LIBDIRFLAGS', '$_LIBFLAGS' ]) for src in source: ext = os.path.splitext(str(src))[1] if ext == env.subst("$WIN32DEFSUFFIX"): # Treat this source as a .def file. listCmd.append("${WIN32DEFPREFIX}%s" % src) else: # Just treat it as a generic source file. listCmd.append(str(src)) return win32TempFileMunge(env, listCmd, for_signature) def win32LibEmitter(target, source, env, shared=0, no_import_lib=0): if shared: dll = None for tgt in target: ext = os.path.splitext(str(tgt))[1] if ext == env.subst("$SHLIBSUFFIX"): dll = tgt break if not dll: raise SCons.Errors.UserError("A shared library should have exactly one target with the suffix: %s" % env.subst("$SHLIBSUFFIX")) if env.has_key("WIN32_INSERT_DEF") and \ env["WIN32_INSERT_DEF"] and \ not '.def' in map(lambda x: os.path.split(str(x))[1], source): # append a def file to the list of sources source.append("%s%s" % (os.path.splitext(str(dll))[0], env.subst("$WIN32DEFSUFFIX"))) if not no_import_lib and \ not env.subst("$LIBSUFFIX") in \ map(lambda x: os.path.split(str(x))[1], target): # Append an import library to the list of targets. target.append("%s%s%s" % (env.subst("$LIBPREFIX"), os.path.splitext(str(dll))[0], env.subst("$LIBSUFFIX"))) return (target, source) Library = SCons.Builder.Builder(generator = \ SharedCmdGenerator(shared="$SHLINKCOM", static="$ARCOM"), emitter="$LIBEMITTER", prefix = \ LibAffixGenerator(static='$LIBPREFIX', shared='$SHLIBPREFIX'), suffix = \ LibAffixGenerator(static='$LIBSUFFIX', shared='$SHLIBSUFFIX'), src_suffix = '$OBJSUFFIX', src_builder = Object) LaTeXAction = SCons.Action.Action('$LATEXCOM') DVI = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = { '.tex' : '$TEXCOM', '.ltx' : LaTeXAction, '.latex' : LaTeXAction, }, # The suffix is not configurable via a # construction variable like $DVISUFFIX # because the output file name is # hard-coded within TeX. suffix = '.dvi') PDFLaTeXAction = SCons.Action.Action('$PDFLATEXCOM') PDF = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = { '.dvi' : '$PDFCOM', '.tex' : '$PDFTEXCOM', '.ltx' : PDFLaTeXAction, '.latex' : PDFLaTeXAction, }, prefix = '$PDFPREFIX', suffix = '$PDFSUFFIX') PostScript = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = '$PSCOM', prefix = '$PSPREFIX', suffix = '$PSSUFFIX', src_suffix = '.dvi', src_builder = DVI) CScan = SCons.Scanner.C.CScan() def alias_builder(env, target, source): pass Alias = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = alias_builder, target_factory = SCons.Node.Alias.default_ans.Alias, source_factory = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Entry, multi = 1) def get_devstudio_versions (): """ Get list of devstudio versions from the Windows registry. Return a list of strings containing version numbers; an exception will be raised if we were unable to access the registry (eg. couldn't import a registry-access module) or the appropriate registry keys weren't found. """ if not SCons.Util.can_read_reg: raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "No Windows registry module was found" K = 'Software\\Microsoft\\Devstudio' L = [] for base in (SCons.Util.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SCons.Util.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SCons.Util.HKEY_USERS): try: k = SCons.Util.RegOpenKeyEx(base,K) i = 0 while 1: try: p = SCons.Util.RegEnumKey(k,i) if p[0] in '123456789' and p not in L: L.append(p) except SCons.Util.RegError: break i = i + 1 except SCons.Util.RegError: pass if not L: raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "DevStudio was not found." L.sort() L.reverse() return L def get_msvc_path (path, version, platform='x86'): """ Get a list of devstudio directories (include, lib or path). Return a string delimited by ';'. An exception will be raised if unable to access the registry or appropriate registry keys not found. """ if not SCons.Util.can_read_reg: raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "No Windows registry module was found" if path=='lib': path= 'Library' path = string.upper(path + ' Dirs') K = ('Software\\Microsoft\\Devstudio\\%s\\' + 'Build System\\Components\\Platforms\\Win32 (%s)\\Directories') % \ (version,platform) for base in (SCons.Util.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SCons.Util.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SCons.Util.HKEY_USERS): try: k = SCons.Util.RegOpenKeyEx(base,K) i = 0 while 1: try: (p,v,t) = SCons.Util.RegEnumValue(k,i) if string.upper(p) == path: return v i = i + 1 except SCons.Util.RegError: break except SCons.Util.RegError: pass # if we got here, then we didn't find the registry entries: raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "%s was not found in the registry."%path def get_msdev_dir(version): """Returns the root directory of the MSDev installation from the registry if it can be found, otherwise we guess.""" if SCons.Util.can_read_reg: K = ('Software\\Microsoft\\Devstudio\\%s\\' + 'Products\\Microsoft Visual C++') % \ version for base in (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SCons.Util.HKEY_CURRENT_USER): try: k = SCons.Util.RegOpenKeyEx(base,K) val, tok = SCons.Util.RegQueryValueEx(k, 'ProductDir') return os.path.split(val)[0] except SCons.Util.RegError: pass def make_win32_env_from_paths(include, lib, path): """ Build a dictionary of construction variables for a win32 platform. include - include path lib - library path path - executable path """ return { 'CC' : 'cl', 'CCFLAGS' : '/nologo', 'CCCOM' : '$CC $CCFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET', 'SHCC' : '$CC', 'SHCCFLAGS' : '$CCFLAGS', 'SHCCCOM' : '$SHCC $SHCCFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET', 'CFILESUFFIX' : '.c', 'CXX' : '$CC', 'CXXFLAGS' : '$CCFLAGS', 'CXXCOM' : '$CXX $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET', 'SHCXX' : '$CXX', 'SHCXXFLAGS' : '$CXXFLAGS', 'SHCXXCOM' : '$SHCXX $SHCXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET', 'CXXFILESUFFIX' : '.cc', 'F77' : 'g77', 'F77FLAGS' : '', 'F77COM' : '$F77 $F77FLAGS $_INCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET', 'F77PPCOM' : '$F77 $F77FLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET', 'SHF77' : '$F77', 'SHF77FLAGS' : '$F77FLAGS', 'SHF77COM' : '$SHF77 $SHF77FLAGS $_INCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET', 'SHF77PPCOM' : '$SHF77 $SHF77FLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET', 'LINK' : 'link', 'LINKFLAGS' : '/nologo', 'LINKCOM' : SCons.Action.CommandGenerator(win32LinkGenerator), 'SHLINK' : '$LINK', 'SHLINKFLAGS': '$LINKFLAGS /dll', 'SHLINKCOM' : SCons.Action.CommandGenerator(win32LibGenerator), 'AR' : 'lib', 'ARFLAGS' : '/nologo', 'ARCOM' : '$AR $ARFLAGS /OUT:$TARGET $SOURCES', 'LEX' : 'lex', 'LEXFLAGS' : '', 'LEXCOM' : '$LEX $LEXFLAGS -t $SOURCES > $TARGET', 'YACC' : 'yacc', 'YACCFLAGS' : '', 'YACCCOM' : '$YACC $YACCFLAGS -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'TEX' : 'tex', 'TEXFLAGS' : '', 'TEXCOM' : '$TEX $TEXFLAGS $SOURCES', 'LATEX' : 'latex', 'LATEXFLAGS' : '', 'LATEXCOM' : '$LATEX $LATEXFLAGS $SOURCES', 'DVIPDF' : 'dvipdf', 'DVIPDFFLAGS' : '', 'PDFCOM' : '$DVIPDF $DVIPDFFLAGS $SOURCES $TARGET', 'PDFPREFIX' : '', 'PDFSUFFIX' : '.pdf', 'PDFTEX' : 'pdftex', 'PDFTEXFLAGS' : '', 'PDFTEXCOM' : '$PDFTEX $PDFTEXFLAGS $SOURCES $TARGET', 'PDFLATEX' : 'pdflatex', 'PDFLATEXFLAGS' : '', 'PDFLATEXCOM' : '$PDFLATEX $PDFLATEXFLAGS $SOURCES $TARGET', 'DVIPS' : 'dvips', 'DVIPSFLAGS' : '', 'PSCOM' : '$DVIPS $DVIPSFLAGS -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'PSPREFIX' : '', 'PSSUFFIX' : '.ps', 'BUILDERS' : { 'Alias' : Alias, 'CFile' : CFile, 'CXXFile' : CXXFile, 'DVI' : DVI, 'Library' : Library, 'Object' : Object, 'PDF' : PDF, 'PostScript' : PostScript, 'Program' : Program }, 'SCANNERS' : [CScan], 'LIBDIRPREFIX' : '/LIBPATH:', 'LIBDIRSUFFIX' : '', 'LIBLINKPREFIX' : '', 'LIBLINKSUFFIX' : '$LIBSUFFIX', 'LIBEMITTER' : win32LibEmitter, 'INCPREFIX' : '/I', 'INCSUFFIX' : '', 'WIN32DEFPREFIX' : '/def:', 'WIN32DEFSUFFIX' : '.def', 'WIN32DLLPREFIX' : '/out:', 'WIN32IMPLIBPREFIX' : '/implib:', 'WIN32_INSERT_DEF' : 0, 'ENV' : { 'INCLUDE' : include, 'LIB' : lib, 'PATH' : path, }, } def make_win32_env(version): """ Build a dictionary of construction variables for a win32 platform. ver - the version string of DevStudio to use (e.g. "6.0") """ return make_win32_env_from_paths(get_msvc_path("include", version), get_msvc_path("lib", version), get_msvc_path("path", version) + ";" + os.environ['PATH']) if os.name == 'posix': arcom = '$AR $ARFLAGS $TARGET $SOURCES' ranlib = 'ranlib' if SCons.Util.WhereIs(ranlib): arcom = arcom + '\n$RANLIB $RANLIBFLAGS $TARGET' ConstructionEnvironment = { 'CC' : 'cc', 'CCFLAGS' : '', 'CCCOM' : '$CC $CCFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'SHCC' : '$CC', 'SHCCFLAGS' : '$CCFLAGS -fPIC', 'SHCCCOM' : '$SHCC $SHCCFLAGS $_INCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'CFILESUFFIX' : '.c', 'CXX' : 'c++', 'CXXFLAGS' : '$CCFLAGS', 'CXXCOM' : '$CXX $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'CXXFILESUFFIX' : '.cc', 'SHCXX' : '$CXX', 'SHCXXFLAGS' : '$CXXFLAGS -fPIC', 'SHCXXCOM' : '$SHCXX $SHCXXFLAGS $_INCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'F77' : 'g77', 'F77FLAGS' : '', 'F77COM' : '$F77 $F77FLAGS $_INCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'F77PPCOM' : '$F77 $F77FLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'SHF77FLAGS' : '$F77FLAGS -fPIC', 'SHF77COM' : '$F77 $SHF77FLAGS $_INCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'SHF77PPCOM' : '$F77 $SHF77FLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'SHF77' : '$F77', 'SHF77FLAGS' : '$F77FLAGS -fPIC', 'SHF77COM' : '$SHF77 $SHF77FLAGS $_INCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'SHF77PPCOM' : '$SHF77 $SHF77FLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_INCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'LINK' : '$CXX', 'LINKFLAGS' : '', 'LINKCOM' : '$LINK $LINKFLAGS -o $TARGET $SOURCES $_LIBDIRFLAGS $_LIBFLAGS', 'SHLINK' : '$LINK', 'SHLINKFLAGS': '$LINKFLAGS -shared', 'SHLINKCOM' : '$SHLINK $SHLINKFLAGS -o $TARGET $SOURCES $_LIBDIRFLAGS $_LIBFLAGS', 'AR' : 'ar', 'ARFLAGS' : 'r', 'RANLIB' : ranlib, 'RANLIBFLAGS' : '', 'ARCOM' : arcom, 'LEX' : 'lex', 'LEXFLAGS' : '', 'LEXCOM' : '$LEX $LEXFLAGS -t $SOURCES > $TARGET', 'YACC' : 'yacc', 'YACCFLAGS' : '', 'YACCCOM' : '$YACC $YACCFLAGS -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'TEX' : 'tex', 'TEXFLAGS' : '', 'TEXCOM' : '$TEX $TEXFLAGS $SOURCES', 'LATEX' : 'latex', 'LATEXFLAGS' : '', 'LATEXCOM' : '$LATEX $LATEXFLAGS $SOURCES', 'DVIPDF' : 'dvipdf', 'PDFCOM' : '$DVIPDF $DVIPDFFLAGS $SOURCES $TARGET', 'PDFPREFIX' : '', 'PDFSUFFIX' : '.pdf', 'PDFTEX' : 'pdftex', 'PDFTEXFLAGS' : '', 'PDFTEXCOM' : '$PDFTEX $PDFTEXFLAGS $SOURCES $TARGET', 'PDFLATEX' : 'pdflatex', 'PDFLATEXFLAGS' : '', 'PDFLATEXCOM' : '$PDFLATEX $PDFLATEXFLAGS $SOURCES $TARGET', 'DVIPS' : 'dvips', 'PSCOM' : '$DVIPS $DVIPSFLAGS -o $TARGET $SOURCES', 'PSPREFIX' : '', 'PSSUFFIX' : '.ps', 'BUILDERS' : { 'Alias' : Alias, 'CFile' : CFile, 'CXXFile' : CXXFile, 'DVI' : DVI, 'Library' : Library, 'Object' : Object, 'PDF' : PDF, 'PostScript' : PostScript, 'Program' : Program }, 'SCANNERS' : [CScan], 'LIBDIRPREFIX' : '-L', 'LIBDIRSUFFIX' : '', 'LIBLINKPREFIX' : '-l', 'LIBLINKSUFFIX' : '', 'INCPREFIX' : '-I', 'INCSUFFIX' : '', } elif os.name == 'nt': versions = None try: versions = get_devstudio_versions() ConstructionEnvironment = make_win32_env(versions[0]) #use highest version except (SCons.Util.RegError, SCons.Errors.InternalError): # Could not get the configured directories from the registry. # However, the configured directories only appear if the user # changes them from the default. Therefore, we'll see if # we can get the path to the MSDev base installation from # the registry and deduce the default directories. MVSdir = None if versions: MVSdir = get_msdev_dir(versions[0]) if MVSdir: MVSVCdir = r'%s\VC98' % MVSdir MVSCommondir = r'%s\Common' % MVSdir try: extra_path = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] except KeyError: extra_path = '' ConstructionEnvironment = make_win32_env_from_paths( r'%s\atl\include;%s\mfc\include;%s\include' % (MVSVCdir, MVSVCdir, MVSVCdir), r'%s\mfc\lib;%s\lib' % (MVSVCdir, MVSVCdir), (r'%s\MSDev98\Bin;%s\Bin' % (MVSCommondir, MVSVCdir)) + extra_path) else: # The DevStudio environment variables don't exist, # so just use the variables from the source environment. MVSdir = r'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio' MVSVCdir = r'%s\VC98' % MVSdir MVSCommondir = r'%s\Common' % MVSdir try: include_path = os.environ['INCLUDE'] except KeyError: include_path = '' try: lib_path = os.environ['LIB'] except KeyError: lib_path = '' try: exe_path = os.environ['PATH'] except KeyError: exe_path = '' ConstructionEnvironment = make_win32_env_from_paths( include_path, lib_path, exe_path)