# # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Steven Knight # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" import os import string import sys import TestCmd import unittest from SCons.Environment import * import SCons.Warnings def diff_env(env1, env2): s1 = "env1 = {\n" s2 = "env2 = {\n" d = {} for k in env1._dict.keys() + env2._dict.keys(): d[k] = None keys = d.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: if env1.has_key(k): if env2.has_key(k): if env1[k] != env2[k]: s1 = s1 + " " + repr(k) + " : " + repr(env1[k]) + "\n" s2 = s2 + " " + repr(k) + " : " + repr(env2[k]) + "\n" else: s1 = s1 + " " + repr(k) + " : " + repr(env1[k]) + "\n" elif env2.has_key(k): s2 = s2 + " " + repr(k) + " : " + repr(env2[k]) + "\n" s1 = s1 + "}\n" s2 = s2 + "}\n" return s1 + s2 called_it = {} built_it = {} class Builder: """A dummy Builder class for testing purposes. "Building" a target is simply setting a value in the dictionary. """ def __init__(self, name = None): self.name = name def __call__(self, env, **kw): global called_it called_it.update(kw) def execute(self, target = None, **kw): global built_it built_it[target] = 1 scanned_it = {} class Scanner: """A dummy Scanner class for testing purposes. "Scanning" a target is simply setting a value in the dictionary. """ def __init__(self, name, skeys=[]): self.name = name self.skeys = skeys def scan(self, filename): scanned_it[filename] = 1 def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.__dict__, other.__dict__) class EnvironmentTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_Builder_calls(self): """Test Builder calls through different environments """ global called_it b1 = Builder() b2 = Builder() env = Environment() env.Replace(BUILDERS = { 'builder1' : b1, 'builder2' : b2 }) called_it = {} env.builder1(target = 'out1') assert called_it['target'] == 'out1', called_it assert not called_it.has_key('source') called_it = {} env.builder2(target = 'out2', xyzzy = 1) assert called_it['target'] == 'out2', called_it assert called_it['xyzzy'] == 1, called_it assert not called_it.has_key('source') called_it = {} env.builder1(foo = 'bar') assert called_it['foo'] == 'bar', called_it assert not called_it.has_key('target') assert not called_it.has_key('source') def test_Builder_execs(self): """Test Builder execution through different environments One environment is initialized with a single Builder object, one with a list of a single Builder object, and one with a list of two Builder objects. """ global built_it b1 = Builder() b2 = Builder() built_it = {} env3 = Environment() env3.Replace(BUILDERS = { 'builder1' : b1, 'builder2' : b2 }) env3.builder1.execute(target = 'out1') env3.builder2.execute(target = 'out2') env3.builder1.execute(target = 'out3') assert built_it['out1'] assert built_it['out2'] assert built_it['out3'] env4 = env3.Copy() assert env4.builder1.env is env4 assert env4.builder2.env is env4 # Now test BUILDERS as a dictionary. built_it = {} env5 = Environment(BUILDERS={ 'foo' : b1 }) env5['BUILDERS']['bar'] = b2 env5.foo.execute(target='out1') env5.bar.execute(target='out2') assert built_it['out1'] assert built_it['out2'] built_it = {} env6 = Environment() env6['BUILDERS'] = { 'foo' : b1, 'bar' : b2 } env6.foo.execute(target='out1') env6.bar.execute(target='out2') assert built_it['out1'] assert built_it['out2'] def test_Scanners(self): """Test Scanner execution through different environments One environment is initialized with a single Scanner object, one with a list of a single Scanner object, and one with a list of two Scanner objects. """ global scanned_it s1 = Scanner(name = 'scanner1', skeys = [".c", ".cc"]) s2 = Scanner(name = 'scanner2', skeys = [".m4"]) scanned_it = {} env1 = Environment(SCANNERS = s1) env1.scanner1.scan(filename = 'out1') assert scanned_it['out1'] scanned_it = {} env2 = Environment(SCANNERS = [s1]) env1.scanner1.scan(filename = 'out1') assert scanned_it['out1'] scanned_it = {} env3 = Environment() env3.Replace(SCANNERS = [s1, s2]) env3.scanner1.scan(filename = 'out1') env3.scanner2.scan(filename = 'out2') env3.scanner1.scan(filename = 'out3') assert scanned_it['out1'] assert scanned_it['out2'] assert scanned_it['out3'] s = env3.get_scanner(".c") assert s == s1, s s = env3.get_scanner(skey=".m4") assert s == s2, s s = env3.get_scanner(".cxx") assert s == None, s def test_Copy(self): """Test construction Environment copying Update the copy independently afterwards and check that the original remains intact (that is, no dangling references point to objects in the copied environment). Copy the original with some construction variable updates and check that the original remains intact and the copy has the updated values. """ env1 = Environment(XXX = 'x', YYY = 'y') env2 = env1.Copy() env1copy = env1.Copy() env2.Replace(YYY = 'yyy') assert env1 != env2 assert env1 == env1copy env3 = env1.Copy(XXX = 'x3', ZZZ = 'z3') assert env3.Dictionary('XXX') == 'x3' assert env3.Dictionary('YYY') == 'y' assert env3.Dictionary('ZZZ') == 'z3' assert env1 == env1copy # Ensure that lists and dictionaries are # deep copied, but not instances. class TestA: pass env1 = Environment(XXX=TestA(), YYY = [ 1, 2, 3 ], ZZZ = { 1:2, 3:4 }) env2=env1.Copy() env2.Dictionary('YYY').append(4) env2.Dictionary('ZZZ')[5] = 6 assert env1.Dictionary('XXX') is env2.Dictionary('XXX') assert 4 in env2.Dictionary('YYY') assert not 4 in env1.Dictionary('YYY') assert env2.Dictionary('ZZZ').has_key(5) assert not env1.Dictionary('ZZZ').has_key(5) def test_Dictionary(self): """Test retrieval of known construction variables Fetch them from the Dictionary and check for well-known defaults that get inserted. """ env = Environment(XXX = 'x', YYY = 'y', ZZZ = 'z') assert env.Dictionary('XXX') == 'x' assert env.Dictionary('YYY') == 'y' assert env.Dictionary('XXX', 'ZZZ') == ['x', 'z'] xxx, zzz = env.Dictionary('XXX', 'ZZZ') assert xxx == 'x' assert zzz == 'z' assert env.Dictionary().has_key('BUILDERS') assert env.Dictionary().has_key('CC') assert env.Dictionary().has_key('CCFLAGS') assert env.Dictionary().has_key('ENV') assert env['XXX'] == 'x' env['XXX'] = 'foo' assert env.Dictionary('XXX') == 'foo' del env['XXX'] assert not env.Dictionary().has_key('XXX') def test_ENV(self): """Test setting the external ENV in Environments """ env = Environment() assert env.Dictionary().has_key('ENV') env = Environment(ENV = { 'PATH' : '/foo:/bar' }) assert env.Dictionary('ENV')['PATH'] == '/foo:/bar' def test_Environment(self): """Test construction Environments creation Create two with identical arguments and check that they compare the same. """ env1 = Environment(XXX = 'x', YYY = 'y') env2 = Environment(XXX = 'x', YYY = 'y') assert env1 == env2, diff_env(env1, env2) def test_Install(self): """Test Install and InstallAs methods""" env=Environment() tgt = env.Install('export', [ 'build/foo1', 'build/foo2' ]) paths = map(str, tgt) paths.sort() expect = map(os.path.normpath, [ 'export/foo1', 'export/foo2' ]) assert paths == expect, paths for tnode in tgt: assert tnode.builder == InstallBuilder tgt = env.InstallAs(target=string.split('foo1 foo2'), source=string.split('bar1 bar2')) assert len(tgt) == 2, len(tgt) paths = map(lambda x: str(x.sources[0]), tgt) paths.sort() expect = map(os.path.normpath, [ 'bar1', 'bar2' ]) assert paths == expect, paths for tnode in tgt: assert tnode.builder == InstallBuilder def test_Replace(self): """Test replacing construction variables in an Environment After creation of the Environment, of course. """ env1 = Environment(AAA = 'a', BBB = 'b') env1.Replace(BBB = 'bbb', CCC = 'ccc') env2 = Environment(AAA = 'a', BBB = 'bbb', CCC = 'ccc') assert env1 == env2, diff_env(env1, env2) def test_Append(self): """Test appending to construction variables in an Environment """ import UserList UL = UserList.UserList env1 = Environment(AAA = 'a', BBB = 'b', CCC = 'c', DDD = 'd', EEE = ['e'], FFF = ['f'], GGG = ['g'], HHH = ['h'], III = UL(['i']), JJJ = UL(['j']), KKK = UL(['k']), LLL = UL(['l'])) env1.Append(BBB = 'B', CCC = ['C'], DDD = UL(['D']), FFF = 'F', GGG = ['G'], HHH = UL(['H']), JJJ = 'J', KKK = ['K'], LLL = UL(['L'])) env2 = Environment(AAA = 'a', BBB = 'bB', CCC = ['c', 'C'], DDD = UL(['d', 'D']), EEE = ['e'], FFF = ['f', 'F'], GGG = ['g', 'G'], HHH = UL(['h', 'H']), III = UL(['i']), JJJ = UL(['j', 'J']), KKK = UL(['k', 'K']), LLL = UL(['l', 'L'])) assert env1 == env2, diff_env(env1, env2) env3 = Environment(X = {'x' : 7}) try: env3.Append(X = {'x' : 8}) except TypeError: pass except: raise def test_Prepend(self): """Test prepending to construction variables in an Environment """ import UserList UL = UserList.UserList env1 = Environment(AAA = 'a', BBB = 'b', CCC = 'c', DDD = 'd', EEE = ['e'], FFF = ['f'], GGG = ['g'], HHH = ['h'], III = UL(['i']), JJJ = UL(['j']), KKK = UL(['k']), LLL = UL(['l'])) env1.Prepend(BBB = 'B', CCC = ['C'], DDD = UL(['D']), FFF = 'F', GGG = ['G'], HHH = UL(['H']), JJJ = 'J', KKK = ['K'], LLL = UL(['L'])) env2 = Environment(AAA = 'a', BBB = 'Bb', CCC = ['C', 'c'], DDD = UL(['D', 'd']), EEE = ['e'], FFF = ['F', 'f'], GGG = ['G', 'g'], HHH = UL(['H', 'h']), III = UL(['i']), JJJ = UL(['J', 'j']), KKK = UL(['K', 'k']), LLL = UL(['L', 'l'])) assert env1 == env2, diff_env(env1, env2) env3 = Environment(X = {'x' : 7}) try: env3.Prepend(X = {'x' : 8}) except TypeError: pass except: raise def test_Depends(self): """Test the explicit Depends method.""" env = Environment() t = env.Depends(target='EnvironmentTest.py', dependency='Environment.py') assert t.__class__.__name__ == 'File' assert t.path == 'EnvironmentTest.py' assert len(t.depends) == 1 d = t.depends[0] assert d.__class__.__name__ == 'File' assert d.path == 'Environment.py' def test_Ignore(self): """Test the explicit Ignore method.""" env = Environment() t = env.Ignore(target='targ.py', dependency='dep.py') assert t.__class__.__name__ == 'File' assert t.path == 'targ.py' assert len(t.ignore) == 1 i = t.ignore[0] assert i.__class__.__name__ == 'File' assert i.path == 'dep.py' def test_Precious(self): """Test the Precious() method.""" env = Environment() t = env.Precious('a', 'b', ['c', 'd']) assert t[0].__class__.__name__ == 'File' assert t[0].path == 'a' assert t[0].precious assert t[1].__class__.__name__ == 'File' assert t[1].path == 'b' assert t[1].precious assert t[2].__class__.__name__ == 'File' assert t[2].path == 'c' assert t[2].precious assert t[3].__class__.__name__ == 'File' assert t[3].path == 'd' assert t[3].precious def test_Command(self): """Test the Command() method.""" env = Environment() t = env.Command(target='foo.out', source=['foo1.in', 'foo2.in'], action='buildfoo $target $source') assert t.builder assert t.builder.action.__class__.__name__ == 'CommandAction' assert t.builder.action.cmd_list == ['buildfoo', '$target', '$source'] assert 'foo1.in' in map(lambda x: x.path, t.sources) assert 'foo2.in' in map(lambda x: x.path, t.sources) def testFunc(env, target, source): assert str(target[0]) == 'foo.out' assert 'foo1.in' in map(str, source) and 'foo2.in' in map(str, source), map(str, source) return 0 t = env.Command(target='foo.out', source=['foo1.in','foo2.in'], action=testFunc) assert t.builder assert t.builder.action.__class__.__name__ == 'FunctionAction' t.build() assert 'foo1.in' in map(lambda x: x.path, t.sources) assert 'foo2.in' in map(lambda x: x.path, t.sources) def test_SideEffect(self): """Test the SideEffect() method""" env = Environment() foo = env.Object('foo.obj', 'foo.cpp') bar = env.Object('bar.obj', 'bar.cpp') s = env.SideEffect('mylib.pdb', ['foo.obj', 'bar.obj']) assert s.side_effect assert foo.side_effects == [s] assert bar.side_effects == [s] assert s.depends_on([bar]) assert s.depends_on([foo]) def test_subst(self): """Test substituting construction variables within strings Check various combinations, including recursive expansion of variables into other variables. """ env = Environment(AAA = 'a', BBB = 'b') str = env.subst("$AAA ${AAA}A $BBBB $BBB") assert str == "a aA b", str env = Environment(AAA = '$BBB', BBB = 'b', BBBA = 'foo') str = env.subst("$AAA ${AAA}A ${AAA}B $BBB") assert str == "b foo b", str env = Environment(AAA = '$BBB', BBB = '$CCC', CCC = 'c') str = env.subst("$AAA ${AAA}A ${AAA}B $BBB") assert str == "c c", str env = Environment(AAA = '$BBB', BBB = '$CCC', CCC = [ 'a', 'b\nc' ]) lst = env.subst_list([ "$AAA", "B $CCC" ]) assert lst == [ [ "a", "b" ], [ "c", "B a", "b" ], [ "c" ] ], lst def test_autogenerate(dict): """Test autogenerating variables in a dictionary.""" env = Environment(LIBS = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ], LIBLINKPREFIX = 'foo', LIBLINKSUFFIX = 'bar') dict = env.autogenerate(dir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('/xx')) assert len(dict['_LIBFLAGS']) == 3, dict['_LIBFLAGS'] assert dict['_LIBFLAGS'][0] == 'foofoobar', \ dict['_LIBFLAGS'][0] assert dict['_LIBFLAGS'][1] == 'foobarbar', \ dict['_LIBFLAGS'][1] assert dict['_LIBFLAGS'][2] == 'foobazbar', \ dict['_LIBFLAGS'][2] blat = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('blat') env = Environment(CPPPATH = [ 'foo', '$FOO/bar', blat ], INCPREFIX = 'foo ', INCSUFFIX = 'bar', FOO = 'baz') dict = env.autogenerate(dir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('/xx')) assert len(dict['_CPPINCFLAGS']) == 8, dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][0] == '$(', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][0] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][1] == os.path.normpath('foo'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][1] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][2] == os.path.normpath('/xx/foobar'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][2] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][3] == os.path.normpath('foo'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][3] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][4] == os.path.normpath('/xx/baz/barbar'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][4] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][5] == os.path.normpath('foo'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][5] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][6] == os.path.normpath('blatbar'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][6] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][7] == '$)', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][7] env = Environment(F77PATH = [ 'foo', '$FOO/bar', blat ], INCPREFIX = 'foo ', INCSUFFIX = 'bar', FOO = 'baz') dict = env.autogenerate(dir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('/xx')) assert len(dict['_F77INCFLAGS']) == 8, dict['_F77INCFLAGS'] assert dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][0] == '$(', \ dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][0] assert dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][1] == os.path.normpath('foo'), \ dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][1] assert dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][2] == os.path.normpath('/xx/foobar'), \ dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][2] assert dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][3] == os.path.normpath('foo'), \ dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][3] assert dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][4] == os.path.normpath('/xx/baz/barbar'), \ dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][4] assert dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][5] == os.path.normpath('foo'), \ dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][5] assert dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][6] == os.path.normpath('blatbar'), \ dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][6] assert dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][7] == '$)', \ dict['_F77INCFLAGS'][7] env = Environment(CPPPATH = '', F77PATH = '', LIBPATH = '') dict = env.autogenerate(dir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('/yy')) assert len(dict['_CPPINCFLAGS']) == 0, dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'] assert len(dict['_F77INCFLAGS']) == 0, dict['_F77INCFLAGS'] assert len(dict['_LIBDIRFLAGS']) == 0, dict['_LIBDIRFLAGS'] SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Repository('/rep1') SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Repository('/rep2') env = Environment(CPPPATH = [ 'foo', '/a/b', '$FOO/bar', blat], INCPREFIX = '-I ', INCSUFFIX = 'XXX', FOO = 'baz') dict = env.autogenerate(dir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('/xx')) assert len(dict['_CPPINCFLAGS']) == 18, dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][0] == '$(', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][0] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][1] == '-I', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][1] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][2] == os.path.normpath('/xx/fooXXX'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][2] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][3] == '-I', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][3] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][4] == os.path.normpath('/rep1/fooXXX'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][4] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][5] == '-I', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][5] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][6] == os.path.normpath('/rep2/fooXXX'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][6] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][7] == '-I', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][7] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][8] == os.path.normpath('/a/bXXX'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][8] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][9] == '-I', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][9] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][10] == os.path.normpath('/xx/baz/barXXX'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][10] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][11] == '-I', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][11] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][12] == os.path.normpath('/rep1/baz/barXXX'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][12] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][13] == '-I', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][13] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][14] == os.path.normpath('/rep2/baz/barXXX'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][14] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][15] == '-I', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][15] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][16] == os.path.normpath('blatXXX'), \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][16] assert dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][17] == '$)', \ dict['_CPPINCFLAGS'][17] def test_Detect(self): """Test Detect()ing tools""" test = TestCmd.TestCmd(workdir = '') test.subdir('sub1', 'sub2') test.write(['sub1', 'xxx.exe'], "sub1/xxx.exe\n") test.write(['sub2', 'xxx.exe'], "sub2/xxx.exe\n") sub1 = test.workpath('sub1') sub2 = test.workpath('sub2') env = Environment(ENV = { 'PATH' : [sub1, sub2] }) x = env.Detect('xxx.exe') assert x is None, x sub2_xxx_exe = test.workpath('sub2', 'xxx.exe') os.chmod(sub2_xxx_exe, 0755) env = Environment(ENV = { 'PATH' : [sub1, sub2] }) x = env.Detect('xxx.exe') assert x == 'xxx.exe' sub1_xxx_exe = test.workpath('sub1', 'xxx.exe') os.chmod(sub1_xxx_exe, 0755) x = env.Detect('xxx.exe') assert x == 'xxx.exe' env = Environment(ENV = { 'PATH' : [] }) x = env.Detect('xxx.exe') assert x is None, x def test_platform(self): """Test specifying a platform callable when instantiating.""" def p(env): env['XYZZY'] = 777 env = Environment(platform = p) assert env['XYZZY'] == 777, env def test_tools(self): """Test specifying a tool callable when instantiating.""" def t1(env, platform): env['TOOL1'] = 111 def t2(env, platform): env['TOOL2'] = 222 env = Environment(tools = [t1, t2]) assert env['TOOL1'] == 111, env['TOOL1'] assert env['TOOL2'] == 222, env if __name__ == "__main__": suite = unittest.makeSuite(EnvironmentTestCase, 'test_') if not unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite).wasSuccessful(): sys.exit(1)