# # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" import os import os.path import sys import unittest import SCons.Scanner.Fortran import SCons.Node.FS import SCons.Warnings import TestCmd original = os.getcwd() test = TestCmd.TestCmd(workdir = '') os.chdir(test.workpath('')) # create some source files and headers: test.write('fff1.f',""" PROGRAM FOO INCLUDE 'f1.f' include 'f2.f' STOP END """) test.write('fff2.f',""" PROGRAM FOO INCLUDE 'f2.f' include 'd1/f2.f' INCLUDE 'd2/f2.f' STOP END """) test.write('fff3.f',""" PROGRAM FOO INCLUDE 'f3.f' ; INCLUDE\t'd1/f3.f' STOP END """) # for Emacs -> " test.subdir('d1', ['d1', 'd2']) headers = ['fi.f', 'never.f', 'd1/f1.f', 'd1/f2.f', 'd1/f3.f', 'd1/fi.f', 'd1/d2/f1.f', 'd1/d2/f2.f', 'd1/d2/f3.f', 'd1/d2/f4.f', 'd1/d2/fi.f'] for h in headers: test.write(h, "\n") test.subdir('include', 'subdir', ['subdir', 'include']) test.write('fff4.f',""" PROGRAM FOO INCLUDE 'f4.f' STOP END """) test.write('include/f4.f', "\n") test.write('subdir/include/f4.f', "\n") test.write('fff5.f',""" PROGRAM FOO INCLUDE 'f5.f' INCLUDE 'not_there.f' STOP END """) test.write('f5.f', "\n") test.subdir('repository', ['repository', 'include'], [ 'repository', 'src' ]) test.subdir('work', ['work', 'src']) test.write(['repository', 'include', 'iii.f'], "\n") test.write(['work', 'src', 'fff.f'], """ PROGRAM FOO INCLUDE 'iii.f' INCLUDE 'jjj.f' STOP END """) test.write([ 'work', 'src', 'aaa.f'], """ PROGRAM FOO INCLUDE 'bbb.f' STOP END """) test.write([ 'work', 'src', 'bbb.f'], "\n") test.write([ 'repository', 'src', 'ccc.f'], """ PROGRAM FOO INCLUDE 'ddd.f' STOP END """) test.write([ 'repository', 'src', 'ddd.f'], "\n") test.write('fff90a.f90',""" PROGRAM FOO ! Test comments - these includes should NOT be picked up C INCLUDE 'fi.f' # INCLUDE 'fi.f' ! INCLUDE 'fi.f' INCLUDE 'f1.f' ! in-line comments are valid syntax INCLUDE"fi.f" ! space is significant - this should be ignored INCLUDE ! Absoft compiler allows greater than/less than delimiters ! ! Allow kind type parameters INCLUDE kindType_"f3.f" INCLUDE kind_Type_"f4.f" ! ! Test multiple statements per line - use various spacings between semicolons incLUDE 'f5.f';include "f6.f" ; include ; include 'f8.f' ;include kindType_'f9.f' ! ! Test various USE statement syntaxes ! USE Mod01 use mod02 use use USE mOD03, ONLY : someVar USE MOD04 ,only:someVar USE Mod05 , ONLY: someVar ! in-line comment USE Mod06,ONLY :someVar,someOtherVar USE mod07;USE mod08; USE mod09 ;USE mod10 ; USE mod11 ! Test various semicolon placements use mod12 ;use mod13! Test comment at end of line ! USE modi ! USE modia ; use modib ! Scanner regexp will only ignore the first - this is a deficiency in the regexp ! USE modic ; ! use modid ! Scanner regexp should ignore both modules USE mod14 !; USE modi ! Only ignore the second USE mod15!;USE modi USE mod16 ! ; USE modi ! Test semicolon syntax - use various spacings USE :: mod17 USE::mod18 USE ::mod19 ; USE:: mod20 use, non_intrinsic :: mod21, ONLY : someVar ; use,intrinsic:: mod22 USE, NON_INTRINSIC::mod23 ; USE ,INTRINSIC ::mod24 USE mod25 ! Test USE statement at the beginning of line ; USE modi ! Scanner should ignore this since it isn't valid syntax USEmodi ! No space in between USE and module name - ignore it USE mod01 ! This one is a duplicate - there should only be one dependency to it. STOP END """) modules = ['mod01.mod', 'mod02.mod', 'mod03.mod', 'mod04.mod', 'mod05.mod', 'mod06.mod', 'mod07.mod', 'mod08.mod', 'mod09.mod', 'mod10.mod', 'mod11.mod', 'mod12.mod', 'mod13.mod', 'mod14.mod', 'mod15.mod', 'mod16.mod', 'mod17.mod', 'mod18.mod', 'mod19.mod', 'mod20.mod', 'mod21.mod', 'mod22.mod', 'mod23.mod', 'mod24.mod', 'mod25.mod'] for m in modules: test.write(m, "\n") test.subdir('modules') test.write(['modules', 'use.mod'], "\n") # define some helpers: class DummyEnvironment: def __init__(self, listCppPath): self.path = listCppPath def Dictionary(self, *args): if not args: return { 'FORTRANPATH': self.path, 'FORTRANMODSUFFIX' : ".mod" } elif len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'FORTRANPATH': return self.path else: raise KeyError, "Dummy environment only has FORTRANPATH attribute." def has_key(self, key): return self.Dictionary().has_key(key) def __getitem__(self,key): return self.Dictionary()[key] def __setitem__(self,key,value): self.Dictionary()[key] = value def __delitem__(self,key): del self.Dictionary()[key] def subst(self, arg): if arg[0] == '$': return self[arg[1:]] return arg def subst_path(self, path): if type(path) != type([]): path = [path] return map(self.subst, path) def get_calculator(self): return None def deps_match(self, deps, headers): scanned = map(os.path.normpath, map(str, deps)) expect = map(os.path.normpath, headers) self.failUnless(scanned == expect, "expect %s != scanned %s" % (expect, scanned)) def make_node(filename, fs=SCons.Node.FS.default_fs): return fs.File(test.workpath(filename)) # define some tests: class FortranScannerTestCase1(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): test.write('f1.f', "\n") test.write('f2.f', " INCLUDE 'fi.f'\n") env = DummyEnvironment([]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(original) deps = s(make_node('fff1.f', fs), env, path) headers = ['f1.f', 'f2.f'] deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, headers)) test.unlink('f1.f') test.unlink('f2.f') class FortranScannerTestCase2(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): test.write('f1.f', "\n") test.write('f2.f', " INCLUDE 'fi.f'\n") env = DummyEnvironment([test.workpath("d1")]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(original) deps = s(make_node('fff1.f', fs), env, path) headers = ['f1.f', 'f2.f'] deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, headers)) test.unlink('f1.f') test.unlink('f2.f') class FortranScannerTestCase3(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): env = DummyEnvironment([test.workpath("d1")]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(original) deps = s(make_node('fff1.f', fs), env, path) headers = ['d1/f1.f', 'd1/f2.f'] deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, headers)) class FortranScannerTestCase4(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): test.write(['d1', 'f2.f'], " INCLUDE 'fi.f'\n") env = DummyEnvironment([test.workpath("d1")]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(original) deps = s(make_node('fff1.f', fs), env, path) headers = ['d1/f1.f', 'd1/f2.f'] deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, headers)) test.write(['d1', 'f2.f'], "\n") class FortranScannerTestCase5(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): env = DummyEnvironment([test.workpath("d1")]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(original) deps = s(make_node('fff2.f', fs), env, path) headers = ['d1/f2.f', 'd1/d2/f2.f', 'd1/f2.f'] deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, headers)) class FortranScannerTestCase6(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): test.write('f2.f', "\n") env = DummyEnvironment([test.workpath("d1")]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(original) deps = s(make_node('fff2.f', fs), env, path) headers = ['d1/f2.f', 'd1/d2/f2.f', 'f2.f'] deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, headers)) test.unlink('f2.f') class FortranScannerTestCase7(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): env = DummyEnvironment([test.workpath("d1/d2"), test.workpath("d1")]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(original) deps = s(make_node('fff2.f', fs), env, path) headers = ['d1/f2.f', 'd1/d2/f2.f', 'd1/d2/f2.f'] deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, headers)) class FortranScannerTestCase8(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): test.write('f2.f', "\n") env = DummyEnvironment([test.workpath("d1/d2"), test.workpath("d1")]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(original) deps = s(make_node('fff2.f', fs), env, path) headers = ['d1/f2.f', 'd1/d2/f2.f', 'f2.f'] deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, headers)) test.unlink('f2.f') class FortranScannerTestCase9(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): test.write('f3.f', "\n") env = DummyEnvironment([]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) n = make_node('fff3.f') def my_rexists(s=n): s.rexists_called = 1 return s.old_rexists() setattr(n, 'old_rexists', n.rexists) setattr(n, 'rexists', my_rexists) deps = s(n, env, path) # Make sure rexists() got called on the file node being # scanned, essential for cooperation with BuildDir functionality. assert n.rexists_called headers = ['d1/f3.f', 'f3.f'] deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, headers)) test.unlink('f3.f') class FortranScannerTestCase10(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(test.workpath('')) env = DummyEnvironment(["include"]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan(fs = fs) path = s.path(env) deps1 = s(fs.File('fff4.f'), env, path) fs.chdir(fs.Dir('subdir')) dir = fs.getcwd() fs.chdir(fs.Dir('..')) path = s.path(env, dir) deps2 = s(fs.File('#fff4.f'), env, path) headers1 = ['include/f4.f'] headers2 = ['subdir/include/f4.f'] deps_match(self, deps1, headers1) deps_match(self, deps2, headers2) class FortranScannerTestCase11(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): SCons.Warnings.enableWarningClass(SCons.Warnings.DependencyWarning) class TestOut: def __call__(self, x): self.out = x to = TestOut() to.out = None SCons.Warnings._warningOut = to fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(test.workpath('')) env = DummyEnvironment([]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan(fs=fs) path = s.path(env) deps = s(fs.File('fff5.f'), env, path) # Did we catch the warning from not finding not_there.f? assert to.out deps_match(self, deps, [ 'f5.f' ]) class FortranScannerTestCase12(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(test.workpath('')) fs.chdir(fs.Dir('include')) env = DummyEnvironment([]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan(fs=fs) path = s.path(env) test.write('include/fff4.f', test.read('fff4.f')) deps = s(fs.File('#include/fff4.f'), env, path) fs.chdir(fs.Dir('..')) deps_match(self, deps, ['include/f4.f']) test.unlink('include/fff4.f') class FortranScannerTestCase13(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): os.chdir(test.workpath('work')) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(test.workpath('work')) fs.Repository(test.workpath('repository')) # Create a derived file in a directory that does not exist yet. # This was a bug at one time. f1=fs.File('include2/jjj.f') f1.builder=1 env = DummyEnvironment(['include','include2']) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan(fs=fs) path = s.path(env) deps = s(fs.File('src/fff.f'), env, path) deps_match(self, deps, [test.workpath('repository/include/iii.f'), 'include2/jjj.f']) os.chdir(test.workpath('')) class FortranScannerTestCase14(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): os.chdir(test.workpath('work')) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(test.workpath('work')) fs.BuildDir('build1', 'src', 1) fs.BuildDir('build2', 'src', 0) fs.Repository(test.workpath('repository')) env = DummyEnvironment([]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan(fs = fs) path = s.path(env) deps1 = s(fs.File('build1/aaa.f'), env, path) deps_match(self, deps1, [ 'build1/bbb.f' ]) deps2 = s(fs.File('build2/aaa.f'), env, path) deps_match(self, deps2, [ 'src/bbb.f' ]) deps3 = s(fs.File('build1/ccc.f'), env, path) deps_match(self, deps3, [ 'build1/ddd.f' ]) deps4 = s(fs.File('build2/ccc.f'), env, path) deps_match(self, deps4, [ test.workpath('repository/src/ddd.f') ]) os.chdir(test.workpath('')) class FortranScannerTestCase15(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): class SubstEnvironment(DummyEnvironment): def subst(self, arg, test=test): return test.workpath("d1") test.write(['d1', 'f2.f'], " INCLUDE 'fi.f'\n") env = SubstEnvironment(["junk"]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(original) deps = s(make_node('fff1.f', fs), env, path) headers = ['d1/f1.f', 'd1/f2.f'] deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, headers)) test.write(['d1', 'f2.f'], "\n") class FortranScannerTestCase16(unittest.TestCase): def runTest(self): test.write('f1.f', "\n") test.write('f2.f', "\n") test.write('f3.f', "\n") test.write('f4.f', "\n") test.write('f5.f', "\n") test.write('f6.f', "\n") test.write('f7.f', "\n") test.write('f8.f', "\n") test.write('f9.f', "\n") test.write('f10.f', "\n") env = DummyEnvironment([test.workpath('modules')]) s = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan() path = s.path(env) fs = SCons.Node.FS.FS(original) deps = s(make_node('fff90a.f90', fs), env, path) headers = ['f1.f', 'f2.f', 'f3.f', 'f4.f', 'f5.f', 'f6.f', 'f7.f', 'f8.f', 'f9.f'] modules = ['mod01.mod', 'mod02.mod', 'mod03.mod', 'mod04.mod', 'mod05.mod', 'mod06.mod', 'mod07.mod', 'mod08.mod', 'mod09.mod', 'mod10.mod', 'mod11.mod', 'mod12.mod', 'mod13.mod', 'mod14.mod', 'mod15.mod', 'mod16.mod', 'mod17.mod', 'mod18.mod', 'mod19.mod', 'mod20.mod', 'mod21.mod', 'mod22.mod', 'mod23.mod', 'mod24.mod', 'mod25.mod', 'modules/use.mod'] deps_expected = headers + modules deps_match(self, deps, map(test.workpath, deps_expected)) test.unlink('f1.f') test.unlink('f2.f') test.unlink('f3.f') test.unlink('f4.f') test.unlink('f5.f') test.unlink('f6.f') test.unlink('f7.f') test.unlink('f8.f') test.unlink('f9.f') test.unlink('f10.f') def suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase1()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase2()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase3()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase4()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase5()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase6()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase7()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase8()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase9()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase10()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase11()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase12()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase13()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase14()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase15()) suite.addTest(FortranScannerTestCase16()) return suite if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() result = runner.run(suite()) if not result.wasSuccessful(): sys.exit(1)