# # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" import sys import unittest import UserDict import SCons.Sig import SCons.Scanner class DummyEnvironment(UserDict.UserDict): def __init__(self, dict=None, **kw): UserDict.UserDict.__init__(self, dict) self.data.update(kw) def subst(self, strSubst): if strSubst[0] == '$': return self.data[strSubst[1:]] return strSubst def subst_list(self, strSubst): if strSubst[0] == '$': return [self.data[strSubst[1:]]] return [[strSubst]] def subst_path(self, path, target=None, source=None): if type(path) != type([]): path = [path] return map(self.subst, path) def get_calculator(self): return SCons.Sig.default_calc class DummyNode: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def rexists(self): return 1 def __str__(self): return self.name class FindPathDirsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_FindPathDirs(self): """Test the FindPathDirs callable class""" class FS: def Rsearchall(self, nodes, must_exist=0, clazz=None, cwd=dir): return ['xxx'] + nodes env = DummyEnvironment(LIBPATH = [ 'foo' ]) fpd = SCons.Scanner.FindPathDirs('LIBPATH', FS()) result = fpd(env, dir) assert str(result) == "('xxx', 'foo')", result class ScannerTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_creation(self): """Test creation of Scanner objects through the Scanner() function""" def func(self): pass s = SCons.Scanner.Scanner(func) assert isinstance(s, SCons.Scanner.Base), s s = SCons.Scanner.Scanner({}) assert isinstance(s, SCons.Scanner.Selector), s s = SCons.Scanner.Scanner(func, name='fooscan') assert str(s) == 'fooscan', str(s) s = SCons.Scanner.Scanner({}, name='barscan') assert str(s) == 'barscan', str(s) s = SCons.Scanner.Scanner(func, name='fooscan', argument=9) assert str(s) == 'fooscan', str(s) assert s.argument == 9, s.argument s = SCons.Scanner.Scanner({}, name='fooscan', argument=888) assert str(s) == 'fooscan', str(s) assert s.argument == 888, s.argument class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def func(self, filename, env, target, *args): self.filename = filename self.env = env self.target = target if len(args) > 0: self.arg = args[0] return self.deps def test(self, scanner, env, filename, deps, *args): self.deps = deps path = scanner.path(env) scanned = scanner(filename, env, path) scanned_strs = map(lambda x: str(x), scanned) self.failUnless(self.filename == filename, "the filename was passed incorrectly") self.failUnless(self.env == env, "the environment was passed incorrectly") self.failUnless(scanned_strs == deps, "the dependencies were returned incorrectly") for d in scanned: self.failUnless(type(d) != type(""), "got a string in the dependencies") if len(args) > 0: self.failUnless(self.arg == args[0], "the argument was passed incorrectly") else: self.failIf(hasattr(self, "arg"), "an argument was given when it shouldn't have been") def test_path(self): """Test the Scanner.Base path() method""" def pf(env, cwd, target, source, argument=None): return "pf: %s %s %s %s %s" % \ (env.VARIABLE, cwd, target[0], source[0], argument) env = DummyEnvironment() env.VARIABLE = 'v1' target = DummyNode('target') source = DummyNode('source') s = SCons.Scanner.Base(self.func, path_function=pf) p = s.path(env, 'here', [target], [source]) assert p == "pf: v1 here target source None", p s = SCons.Scanner.Base(self.func, path_function=pf, argument="xyz") p = s.path(env, 'here', [target], [source]) assert p == "pf: v1 here target source xyz", p def test_positional(self): """Test the Scanner.Base class using positional arguments""" s = SCons.Scanner.Base(self.func, "Pos") env = DummyEnvironment() env.VARIABLE = "var1" self.test(s, env, DummyNode('f1.cpp'), ['f1.h', 'f1.hpp']) env = DummyEnvironment() env.VARIABLE = "i1" self.test(s, env, DummyNode('i1.cpp'), ['i1.h', 'i1.hpp']) def test_keywords(self): """Test the Scanner.Base class using keyword arguments""" s = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func, name = "Key") env = DummyEnvironment() env.VARIABLE = "var2" self.test(s, env, DummyNode('f2.cpp'), ['f2.h', 'f2.hpp']) env = DummyEnvironment() env.VARIABLE = "i2" self.test(s, env, DummyNode('i2.cpp'), ['i2.h', 'i2.hpp']) def test_pos_opt(self): """Test the Scanner.Base class using both position and optional arguments""" arg = "this is the argument" s = SCons.Scanner.Base(self.func, "PosArg", arg) env = DummyEnvironment() env.VARIABLE = "var3" self.test(s, env, DummyNode('f3.cpp'), ['f3.h', 'f3.hpp'], arg) env = DummyEnvironment() env.VARIABLE = "i3" self.test(s, env, DummyNode('i3.cpp'), ['i3.h', 'i3.hpp'], arg) def test_key_opt(self): """Test the Scanner.Base class using both keyword and optional arguments""" arg = "this is another argument" s = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func, name = "KeyArg", argument = arg) env = DummyEnvironment() env.VARIABLE = "var4" self.test(s, env, DummyNode('f4.cpp'), ['f4.h', 'f4.hpp'], arg) env = DummyEnvironment() env.VARIABLE = "i4" self.test(s, env, DummyNode('i4.cpp'), ['i4.h', 'i4.hpp'], arg) def test___cmp__(self): """Test the Scanner.Base class __cmp__() method""" s = SCons.Scanner.Base(self.func, "Cmp") assert cmp(s, None) def test_hash(self): """Test the Scanner.Base class __hash__() method""" s = SCons.Scanner.Base(self.func, "Hash") dict = {} dict[s] = 777 self.failUnless(hash(dict.keys()[0]) == id(s), "did not hash Scanner base class as expected") def test_scan_check(self): """Test the Scanner.Base class scan_check() method""" def my_scan(filename, env, target, *args): return [] def check(node, env, s=self): s.checked[str(node)] = 1 return 1 env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Base(my_scan, "Check", scan_check = check) self.checked = {} path = s.path(env) scanned = s(DummyNode('x'), env, path) self.failUnless(self.checked['x'] == 1, "did not call check function") def test_recursive(self): """Test the Scanner.Base class recursive flag""" nodes = [1, 2, 3, 4] s = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func) n = s.recurse_nodes(nodes) self.failUnless(n == [], "default behavior returned nodes: %s" % n) s = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func, recursive = None) n = s.recurse_nodes(nodes) self.failUnless(n == [], "recursive = None returned nodes: %s" % n) s = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func, recursive = 1) n = s.recurse_nodes(nodes) self.failUnless(n == n, "recursive = 1 didn't return all nodes: %s" % n) def odd_only(nodes): return filter(lambda n: n % 2, nodes) s = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func, recursive = odd_only) n = s.recurse_nodes(nodes) self.failUnless(n == [1, 3], "recursive = 1 didn't return all nodes: %s" % n) def test_get_skeys(self): """Test the Scanner.Base get_skeys() method""" s = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func) sk = s.get_skeys() self.failUnless(sk == [], "did not initialize to expected []") s = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func, skeys = ['.1', '.2']) sk = s.get_skeys() self.failUnless(sk == ['.1', '.2'], "sk was %s, not ['.1', '.2']") s = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func, skeys = '$LIST') env = DummyEnvironment(LIST = ['.3', '.4']) sk = s.get_skeys(env) self.failUnless(sk == ['.3', '.4'], "sk was %s, not ['.3', '.4']") def test_select(self): """Test the Scanner.Base select() method""" scanner = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func) s = scanner.select('.x') assert s is scanner, s def test___str__(self): """Test the Scanner.Base __str__() method""" scanner = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func) s = str(scanner) assert s == 'NONE', s scanner = SCons.Scanner.Base(function = self.func, name = 'xyzzy') s = str(scanner) assert s == 'xyzzy', s class SelectorTestCase(unittest.TestCase): class skey_node: def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def scanner_key(self): return self.key def rexists(self): return 1 def test___init__(self): """Test creation of Scanner.Selector object""" s = SCons.Scanner.Selector({}) assert isinstance(s, SCons.Scanner.Selector), s assert s.dict == {}, s.dict def test___call__(self): """Test calling Scanner.Selector objects""" called = [] def s1func(node, env, path, called=called): called.append('s1func') called.append(node) return [] def s2func(node, env, path, called=called): called.append('s2func') called.append(node) return [] s1 = SCons.Scanner.Base(s1func) s2 = SCons.Scanner.Base(s2func) selector = SCons.Scanner.Selector({'.x' : s1, '.y' : s2}) nx = self.skey_node('.x') selector(nx, None, []) assert called == ['s1func', nx], called del called[:] ny = self.skey_node('.y') selector(ny, None, []) assert called == ['s2func', ny], called def test_select(self): """Test the Scanner.Selector select() method""" selector = SCons.Scanner.Selector({'.x' : 1, '.y' : 2}) s = selector.select(self.skey_node('.x')) assert s == 1, s s = selector.select(self.skey_node('.y')) assert s == 2, s s = selector.select(self.skey_node('.z')) assert s is None, s def test_add_scanner(self): """Test the Scanner.Selector add_scanner() method""" selector = SCons.Scanner.Selector({'.x' : 1, '.y' : 2}) s = selector.select(self.skey_node('.z')) assert s is None, s selector.add_scanner('.z', 3) s = selector.select(self.skey_node('.z')) assert s == 3, s class CurrentTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): """Test the Scanner.Current class""" class MyNode: def __init__(self): self.called_has_builder = None self.called_current = None self.func_called = None def rexists(self): return 1 class HasNoBuilder(MyNode): def has_builder(self): self.called_has_builder = 1 return None class IsNotCurrent(MyNode): def has_builder(self): self.called_has_builder = 1 return 1 def current(self, sig): self.called_current = 1 return None class IsCurrent(MyNode): def has_builder(self): self.called_has_builder = 1 return 1 def current(self, sig): self.called_current = 1 return 1 def func(node, env, path): node.func_called = 1 return [] env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Current(func) path = s.path(env) hnb = HasNoBuilder() s(hnb, env, path) self.failUnless(hnb.called_has_builder, "did not call has_builder()") self.failUnless(not hnb.called_current, "did call current()") self.failUnless(hnb.func_called, "did not call func()") inc = IsNotCurrent() s(inc, env, path) self.failUnless(inc.called_has_builder, "did not call has_builder()") self.failUnless(inc.called_current, "did not call current()") self.failUnless(not inc.func_called, "did call func()") ic = IsCurrent() s(ic, env, path) self.failUnless(ic.called_has_builder, "did not call has_builder()") self.failUnless(ic.called_current, "did not call current()") self.failUnless(ic.func_called, "did not call func()") class ClassicTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_find_include(self): """Test the Scanner.Classic find_include() method""" env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.Classic("t", ['.suf'], 'MYPATH', '^my_inc (\S+)') def _find_file(filename, paths): return paths[0]+'/'+filename save = SCons.Node.FS.find_file SCons.Node.FS.find_file = _find_file try: n, i = s.find_include('aaa', 'foo', ('path',)) assert n == 'foo/aaa', n assert i == 'aaa', i finally: SCons.Node.FS.find_file = save def test_name(self): """Test setting the Scanner.Classic name""" s = SCons.Scanner.Classic("my_name", ['.s'], 'MYPATH', '^my_inc (\S+)') assert s.name == "my_name", s.name def test_scan(self): """Test the Scanner.Classic scan() method""" class MyNode: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self._rfile = self self.includes = None def rfile(self): return self._rfile def exists(self): return self._exists def get_contents(self): return self._contents def get_dir(self): return self._dir class MyScanner(SCons.Scanner.Classic): def find_include(self, include, source_dir, path): return include, include env = DummyEnvironment() s = MyScanner("t", ['.suf'], 'MYPATH', '^my_inc (\S+)') # This set of tests is intended to test the scanning operation # of the Classic scanner. # Note that caching has been added for not just the includes # but the entire scan call. The caching is based on the # arguments, so we will fiddle with the path parameter to # defeat this caching for the purposes of these tests. # If the node doesn't exist, scanning turns up nothing. n1 = MyNode("n1") n1._exists = None ret = s.function(n1, env) assert ret == [], ret # Verify that it finds includes from the contents. n = MyNode("n") n._exists = 1 n._dir = MyNode("n._dir") n._contents = 'my_inc abc\n' ret = s.function(n, env, ('foo',)) assert ret == ['abc'], ret # Verify that it uses the cached include info. n._contents = 'my_inc def\n' ret = s.function(n, env, ('foo2',)) assert ret == ['abc'], ret # Verify that if we wipe the cache, it uses the new contents. n.includes = None ret = s.function(n, env, ('foo3',)) assert ret == ['def'], ret # Verify that overall scan results are cached even if individual # results are de-cached ret = s.function(n, env, ('foo2',)) assert ret == ['abc'], 'caching inactive; got: %s'%ret # Verify that it sorts what it finds. n.includes = ['xyz', 'uvw'] ret = s.function(n, env, ('foo4',)) assert ret == ['uvw', 'xyz'], ret # Verify that we use the rfile() node. nr = MyNode("nr") nr._exists = 1 nr._dir = MyNode("nr._dir") nr.includes = ['jkl', 'mno'] n._rfile = nr ret = s.function(n, env, ('foo5',)) assert ret == ['jkl', 'mno'], ret class ClassicCPPTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_find_include(self): """Test the Scanner.ClassicCPP find_include() method""" env = DummyEnvironment() s = SCons.Scanner.ClassicCPP("Test", [], None, "") def _find_file(filename, paths): if callable(paths): paths = paths() return paths[0]+'/'+filename save = SCons.Node.FS.find_file SCons.Node.FS.find_file = _find_file try: n, i = s.find_include(('"', 'aaa'), 'foo', ('path',)) assert n == 'foo/aaa', n assert i == 'aaa', i n, i = s.find_include(('<', 'bbb'), 'foo', ('path',)) assert n == 'path/bbb', n assert i == 'bbb', i finally: SCons.Node.FS.find_file = save def suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() tclasses = [ FindPathDirsTestCase, ScannerTestCase, BaseTestCase, SelectorTestCase, CurrentTestCase, ClassicTestCase, ClassicCPPTestCase, ] for tclass in tclasses: names = unittest.getTestCaseNames(tclass, 'test_') suite.addTests(map(tclass, names)) return suite if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() result = runner.run(suite()) if not result.wasSuccessful(): sys.exit(1)