# # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" import sys import unittest import SCons.Taskmaster import SCons.Errors built_text = None executed = None scan_called = 0 class Node: def __init__(self, name, kids = [], scans = []): self.name = name self.kids = kids self.scans = scans self.scanned = 0 self.scanner = None self.builder = Node.build self.bsig = None self.csig = None self.state = None self.prepared = None self.parents = [] self.side_effect = 0 self.side_effects = [] for kid in kids: kid.parents.append(self) def build(self): global built_text built_text = self.name + " built" def has_builder(self): return not self.builder is None def built(self): global built_text built_text = built_text + " really" def prepare(self): self.prepared = 1 def children(self): if not self.scanned: self.scan() self.scanned = 1 return self.kids def scan(self): global scan_called scan_called = scan_called + 1 self.kids = self.kids + self.scans for scan in self.scans: scan.parents.append(self) self.scans = [] def scanner_key(self): return self.name def get_parents(self): return self.parents def get_state(self): return self.state def set_state(self, state): self.state = state def set_bsig(self, bsig): self.bsig = bsig def set_csig(self, csig): self.csig = csig def store_csig(self): pass def store_bsig(self): pass def current(self, calc): return calc.current(self, calc.bsig(self)) def depends_on(self, nodes): for node in nodes: if node in self.kids: return 1 return 0 def __str__(self): return self.name class OtherError(Exception): pass class MyException(Exception): pass class TaskmasterTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_next_task(self): """Test fetching the next task """ global built_text n1 = Node("n1") tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n1, n1]) t = tm.next_task() t.prepare() t.execute() t = tm.next_task() assert t == None n1 = Node("n1") n2 = Node("n2") n3 = Node("n3", [n1, n2]) tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n3]) t = tm.next_task() t.prepare() t.execute() assert built_text == "n1 built", built_text t.executed() t = tm.next_task() t.prepare() t.execute() assert built_text == "n2 built", built_text t.executed() t = tm.next_task() t.prepare() t.execute() assert built_text == "n3 built", built_text t.executed() assert tm.next_task() == None built_text = "up to date: " top_node = n3 class MyCalc(SCons.Taskmaster.Calc): def current(self, node, sig): return 1 class MyTask(SCons.Taskmaster.Task): def execute(self): global built_text if self.targets[0].get_state() == SCons.Node.up_to_date: if self.top: built_text = self.targets[0].name + " up-to-date top" else: built_text = self.targets[0].name + " up-to-date" else: self.targets[0].build() n1.set_state(None) n2.set_state(None) n3.set_state(None) tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster(targets = [n3], tasker = MyTask, calc = MyCalc()) t = tm.next_task() t.prepare() t.execute() assert built_text == "n1 up-to-date", built_text t.executed() t = tm.next_task() t.prepare() t.execute() assert built_text == "n2 up-to-date", built_text t.executed() t = tm.next_task() t.prepare() t.execute() assert built_text == "n3 up-to-date top", built_text t.executed() assert tm.next_task() == None n1 = Node("n1") n2 = Node("n2") n3 = Node("n3", [n1, n2]) n4 = Node("n4") n5 = Node("n5", [n3, n4]) tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n5]) assert not tm.is_blocked() t1 = tm.next_task() assert t1.get_target() == n1 assert not tm.is_blocked() t2 = tm.next_task() assert t2.get_target() == n2 assert not tm.is_blocked() t4 = tm.next_task() assert t4.get_target() == n4 assert tm.is_blocked() t4.executed() assert tm.is_blocked() t1.executed() assert tm.is_blocked() t2.executed() assert not tm.is_blocked() t3 = tm.next_task() assert t3.get_target() == n3 assert tm.is_blocked() t3.executed() assert not tm.is_blocked() t5 = tm.next_task() assert t5.get_target() == n5, t5.get_target() assert not tm.is_blocked() assert tm.next_task() == None n4 = Node("n4") n4.set_state(SCons.Node.executed) tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n4]) assert tm.next_task() == None n1 = Node("n1") n2 = Node("n2", [n1]) tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n2,n2]) t = tm.next_task() assert tm.is_blocked() t.executed() assert not tm.is_blocked() t = tm.next_task() assert tm.next_task() == None n1 = Node("n1") n2 = Node("n2") n3 = Node("n3", [n1], [n2]) tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n3]) t = tm.next_task() target = t.get_target() assert target == n1, target t.executed() t = tm.next_task() target = t.get_target() assert target == n2, target t.executed() t = tm.next_task() target = t.get_target() assert target == n3, target t.executed() assert tm.next_task() == None n1 = Node("n1") n2 = Node("n2") n3 = Node("n3", [n1, n2]) n4 = Node("n4", [n3]) n5 = Node("n5", [n3]) global scan_called scan_called = 0 tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n4]) t = tm.next_task() assert t.get_target() == n1 t.executed() t = tm.next_task() assert t.get_target() == n2 t.executed() t = tm.next_task() assert t.get_target() == n3 t.executed() t = tm.next_task() assert t.get_target() == n4 t.executed() assert tm.next_task() == None assert scan_called == 4, scan_called tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n5]) t = tm.next_task() assert t.get_target() == n5, t.get_target() t.executed() assert tm.next_task() == None assert scan_called == 5, scan_called n1 = Node("n1") n2 = Node("n2") n3 = Node("n3") n4 = Node("n4", [n1,n2,n3]) n5 = Node("n5", [n4]) n3.side_effect = 1 n1.side_effects = n2.side_effects = n3.side_effects = [n4] tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n1,n2,n3,n4,n5]) t = tm.next_task() assert t.get_target() == n1 assert n4.state == SCons.Node.executing assert tm.is_blocked() t.executed() assert not tm.is_blocked() t = tm.next_task() assert t.get_target() == n2 assert tm.is_blocked() t.executed() t = tm.next_task() assert t.get_target() == n3 assert tm.is_blocked() t.executed() t = tm.next_task() assert t.get_target() == n4 assert tm.is_blocked() t.executed() t = tm.next_task() assert t.get_target() == n5 assert not tm.is_blocked() assert not tm.next_task() t.executed() def test_make_ready_exception(self): """Test handling exceptions from Task.make_ready() """ class MyTask(SCons.Taskmaster.Task): def make_ready(self): raise MyException, "from make_ready()" n1 = Node("n1") tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster(targets = [n1], tasker = MyTask) t = tm.next_task() assert n1.exc_type == MyException, n1.exc_type assert str(n1.exc_value) == "from make_ready()", n1.exc_value def test_children_errors(self): """Test errors when fetching the children of a node. """ class MyNode(Node): def children(self): raise SCons.Errors.StopError, "stop!" n1 = MyNode("n1") tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n1]) t = tm.next_task() assert n1.exc_type == SCons.Errors.StopError, "Did not record StopError on node" assert str(n1.exc_value) == "stop!", "Unexpected exc_value `%s'" % n1.exc_value def test_cycle_detection(self): """Test detecting dependency cycles """ n1 = Node("n1") n2 = Node("n2", [n1]) n3 = Node("n3", [n2]) n1.kids = [n3] n3.parents.append(n1) try: tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n3]) t = tm.next_task() except SCons.Errors.UserError, e: assert str(e) == "Dependency cycle: n3 -> n1 -> n2 -> n3", str(e) else: assert 0 def test_is_blocked(self): """Test whether a task is blocked Both default and overridden in a subclass. """ tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster() assert not tm.is_blocked() class MyTM(SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster): def is_blocked(self): return 1 tm = MyTM() assert tm.is_blocked() == 1 def test_stop(self): """Test the stop() method Both default and overridden in a subclass. """ global built_text n1 = Node("n1") n2 = Node("n2") n3 = Node("n3", [n1, n2]) tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n3]) t = tm.next_task() t.prepare() t.execute() assert built_text == "n1 built", built_text t.executed() assert built_text == "n1 built really", built_text tm.stop() assert tm.next_task() is None class MyTM(SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster): def stop(self): global built_text built_text = "MyTM.stop()" SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster.stop(self) n1 = Node("n1") n2 = Node("n2") n3 = Node("n3", [n1, n2]) built_text = None tm = MyTM([n3]) tm.next_task().execute() assert built_text == "n1 built" tm.stop() assert built_text == "MyTM.stop()" assert tm.next_task() is None def test_executed(self): """Test when a task has been executed """ pass def test_prepare(self): """Test preparation of multiple Nodes for a task """ n1 = Node("n1") n2 = Node("n2") tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n1, n2]) t = tm.next_task() # This next line is moderately bogus. We're just reaching # in and setting the targets for this task to an array. The # "right" way to do this would be to have the next_task() call # set it up by having something that approximates a real Builder # return this list--but that's more work than is probably # warranted right now. t.targets = [n1, n2] t.prepare() assert n1.prepared assert n2.prepared def test_execute(self): """Test executing a task """ global built_text n1 = Node("n1") tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n1]) t = tm.next_task() t.execute() assert built_text == "n1 built", built_text def raise_UserError(): raise SCons.Errors.UserError n2 = Node("n2") n2.build = raise_UserError tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n2]) t = tm.next_task() try: t.execute() except SCons.Errors.UserError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "did not catch expected UserError" def raise_BuildError(): raise SCons.Errors.BuildError n3 = Node("n3") n3.build = raise_BuildError tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n3]) t = tm.next_task() try: t.execute() except SCons.Errors.BuildError: pass else: raise TestFailed, "did not catch expected BuildError" # On a generic (non-BuildError) exception from a Builder, # the target should throw a BuildError exception with the # args set to the exception value, instance, and traceback. def raise_OtherError(): raise OtherError n4 = Node("n4") n4.build = raise_OtherError tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n4]) t = tm.next_task() try: t.execute() except SCons.Errors.BuildError, e: assert e.node == n4, e.node assert e.errstr == "Exception", e.errstr assert len(e.args) == 3, `e.args` assert e.args[0] == OtherError, e.args[0] assert isinstance(e.args[1], OtherError), type(e.args[1]) assert type(e.args[2]) == type(sys.exc_traceback), e.args[2] else: raise TestFailed, "did not catch expected BuildError" # If the Node has had an exception recorded (during # preparation), then execute() should raise that exception, # not build the Node. class MyException(Exception): pass built_text = None n5 = Node("n5") n5.exc_type = MyException n5.exc_value = "exception value" tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster([n5]) t = tm.next_task() exc_caught = None try: t.execute() except MyException, v: assert str(v) == "exception value", v exc_caught = 1 assert exc_caught, "did not catch expected MyException" assert built_text is None, built_text if __name__ == "__main__": suite = unittest.makeSuite(TaskmasterTestCase, 'test_') if not unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite).wasSuccessful(): sys.exit(1)