<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- __COPYRIGHT__ This file is processed by the bin/SConsDoc.py module. See its __doc__ string for a discussion of the format. --> <!DOCTYPE sconsdoc [ <!ENTITY % scons SYSTEM '../../../../doc/scons.mod'> %scons; <!ENTITY % builders-mod SYSTEM '../../../../doc/generated/builders.mod'> %builders-mod; <!ENTITY % functions-mod SYSTEM '../../../../doc/generated/functions.mod'> %functions-mod; <!ENTITY % tools-mod SYSTEM '../../../../doc/generated/tools.mod'> %tools-mod; <!ENTITY % variables-mod SYSTEM '../../../../doc/generated/variables.mod'> %variables-mod; ]> <sconsdoc xmlns="http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0 http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0/scons.xsd"> <tool name="applelink"> <summary> <para> Sets construction variables for the Apple linker (similar to the GNU linker). </para> </summary> <sets> <item>FRAMEWORKPATHPREFIX</item> <item>_FRAMEWORKPATH</item> <item>_FRAMEWORKS</item> <item>LINKCOM</item> <item>SHLINKFLAGS</item> <item>SHLINKCOM</item> <item>LDMODULEPREFIX</item> <item>LDMODULESUFFIX</item> <item>LDMODULEFLAGS</item> <item>LDMODULECOM</item> </sets> <uses> <item>FRAMEWORKSFLAGS</item> </uses> </tool> <cvar name="FRAMEWORKSFLAGS">"> <summary> <para> On Mac OS X with gcc, general user-supplied frameworks options to be added at the end of a command line building a loadable module. (This has been largely superseded by the &cv-link-FRAMEWORKPATH;, &cv-link-FRAMEWORKPATHPREFIX;, &cv-link-FRAMEWORKPREFIX; and &cv-link-FRAMEWORKS; variables described above.) </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="FRAMEWORKS"> <summary> <para> On Mac OS X with gcc, a list of the framework names to be linked into a program or shared library or bundle. The default value is the empty list. For example: </para> <example_commands> env.AppendUnique(FRAMEWORKS=Split('System Cocoa SystemConfiguration')) </example_commands> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="FRAMEWORKPREFIX"> <summary> <para> On Mac OS X with gcc, the prefix to be used for linking in frameworks (see &cv-link-FRAMEWORKS;). The default value is <option>-framework</option>. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="_FRAMEWORKS"> <summary> <para> On Mac OS X with gcc, an automatically-generated construction variable containing the linker command-line options for linking with FRAMEWORKS. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="FRAMEWORKPATH"> <summary> <para> On Mac OS X with gcc, a list containing the paths to search for frameworks. Used by the compiler to find framework-style includes like #include <Fmwk/Header.h>. Used by the linker to find user-specified frameworks when linking (see &cv-link-FRAMEWORKS;). For example: </para> <example_commands> env.AppendUnique(FRAMEWORKPATH='#myframeworkdir') </example_commands> <para> will add </para> <example_commands> ... -Fmyframeworkdir </example_commands> <para> to the compiler and linker command lines. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="FRAMEWORKPATHPREFIX"> <summary> <para> On Mac OS X with gcc, the prefix to be used for the FRAMEWORKPATH entries. (see &cv-link-FRAMEWORKPATH;). The default value is <option>-F</option>. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="_FRAMEWORKPATH"> <summary> <para> On Mac OS X with gcc, an automatically-generated construction variable containing the linker command-line options corresponding to &cv-link-FRAMEWORKPATH;. </para> </summary> </cvar> </sconsdoc>