XXX Builds a Java archive (.jar) file from a source tree of .class files. If the &cv-JARCHDIR; value is set, the &jar; command will change to the specified directory using the option. If the contents any of the source files begin with the string Manifest-Version, the file is assumed to be a manifest and is passed to the &jar; command with the option set. env.Jar(target = 'foo.jar', source = 'classes') The Java archive tool. The directory to which the Java archive tool should change (using the option). The command line used to call the Java archive tool. The string displayed when the Java archive tool is called If this is not set, then &cv-JARCOM; (the command line) is displayed. env = Environment(JARCOMSTR = "JARchiving $SOURCES into $TARGET") General options passed to the Java archive tool. By default this is set to to create the necessary jar file. The suffix for Java archives: .jar by default.