<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- __COPYRIGHT__ This file is processed by the bin/SConsDoc.py module. See its __doc__ string for a discussion of the format. --> <!DOCTYPE sconsdoc [ <!ENTITY % scons SYSTEM '../../../../doc/scons.mod'> %scons; <!ENTITY % builders-mod SYSTEM '../../../../doc/generated/builders.mod'> %builders-mod; <!ENTITY % functions-mod SYSTEM '../../../../doc/generated/functions.mod'> %functions-mod; <!ENTITY % tools-mod SYSTEM '../../../../doc/generated/tools.mod'> %tools-mod; <!ENTITY % variables-mod SYSTEM '../../../../doc/generated/variables.mod'> %variables-mod; ]> <sconsdoc xmlns="http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0 http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0/scons.xsd"> <tool name="javac"> <summary> <para> Sets construction variables for the &javac; compiler. </para> </summary> <sets> <item>JAVAC</item> <item>JAVACFLAGS</item> <item>JAVACCOM</item> <item>JAVACLASSSUFFIX</item> <item>JAVASUFFIX</item> <item>JAVABOOTCLASSPATH</item> <item>JAVACLASSPATH</item> <item>JAVASOURCEPATH</item> </sets> <uses> <item>JAVACCOMSTR</item> </uses> </tool> <builder name="Java"> <summary> <para> Builds one or more Java class files. The sources may be any combination of explicit <filename>.java</filename> files, or directory trees which will be scanned for <filename>.java</filename> files. </para> <para> SCons will parse each source <filename>.java</filename> file to find the classes (including inner classes) defined within that file, and from that figure out the target <filename>.class</filename> files that will be created. The class files will be placed underneath the specified target directory. </para> <para> SCons will also search each Java file for the Java package name, which it assumes can be found on a line beginning with the string <literal>package</literal> in the first column; the resulting <filename>.class</filename> files will be placed in a directory reflecting the specified package name. For example, the file <filename>Foo.java</filename> defining a single public <classname>Foo</classname> class and containing a package name of <classname>sub.dir</classname> will generate a corresponding <filename>sub/dir/Foo.class</filename> class file. </para> <para> Examples: </para> <example_commands> env.Java(target = 'classes', source = 'src') env.Java(target = 'classes', source = ['src1', 'src2']) env.Java(target = 'classes', source = ['File1.java', 'File2.java']) </example_commands> <para> Java source files can use the native encoding for the underlying OS. Since SCons compiles in simple ASCII mode by default, the compiler will generate warnings about unmappable characters, which may lead to errors as the file is processed further. In this case, the user must specify the <literal>LANG</literal> environment variable to tell the compiler what encoding is used. For portibility, it's best if the encoding is hard-coded so that the compile will work if it is done on a system with a different encoding. </para> <example_commands> env = Environment() env['ENV']['LANG'] = 'en_GB.UTF-8' </example_commands> </summary> </builder> <cvar name="JAVABOOTCLASSPATH"> <summary> <para> Specifies the list of directories that will be added to the &javac; command line via the <option>-bootclasspath</option> option. The individual directory names will be separated by the operating system's path separate character (<filename>:</filename> on UNIX/Linux/POSIX, <filename>;</filename> on Windows). </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="JAVAC"> <summary> <para> The Java compiler. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="JAVACCOM"> <summary> <para> The command line used to compile a directory tree containing Java source files to corresponding Java class files. Any options specified in the &cv-link-JAVACFLAGS; construction variable are included on this command line. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="JAVACCOMSTR"> <summary> <para> The string displayed when compiling a directory tree of Java source files to corresponding Java class files. If this is not set, then &cv-link-JAVACCOM; (the command line) is displayed. </para> <example_commands> env = Environment(JAVACCOMSTR = "Compiling class files $TARGETS from $SOURCES") </example_commands> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="JAVACFLAGS"> <summary> <para> General options that are passed to the Java compiler. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="JAVACLASSDIR"> <summary> <para> The directory in which Java class files may be found. This is stripped from the beginning of any Java .class file names supplied to the <literal>JavaH</literal> builder. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="JAVACLASSPATH"> <summary> <para> Specifies the list of directories that will be searched for Java <filename>.class</filename> file. The directories in this list will be added to the &javac; and &javah; command lines via the <option>-classpath</option> option. The individual directory names will be separated by the operating system's path separate character (<filename>:</filename> on UNIX/Linux/POSIX, <filename>;</filename> on Windows). </para> <para> Note that this currently just adds the specified directory via the <option>-classpath</option> option. &SCons; does not currently search the &cv-JAVACLASSPATH; directories for dependency <filename>.class</filename> files. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="JAVACLASSSUFFIX"> <summary> <para> The suffix for Java class files; <filename>.class</filename> by default. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="JAVASOURCEPATH"> <summary> <para> Specifies the list of directories that will be searched for input <filename>.java</filename> file. The directories in this list will be added to the &javac; command line via the <option>-sourcepath</option> option. The individual directory names will be separated by the operating system's path separate character (<filename>:</filename> on UNIX/Linux/POSIX, <filename>;</filename> on Windows). </para> <para> Note that this currently just adds the specified directory via the <option>-sourcepath</option> option. &SCons; does not currently search the &cv-JAVASOURCEPATH; directories for dependency <filename>.java</filename> files. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="JAVASUFFIX"> <summary> <para> The suffix for Java files; <filename>.java</filename> by default. </para> </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="JAVAVERSION"> <summary> <para> Specifies the Java version being used by the &b-Java; builder. This is <emphasis>not</emphasis> currently used to select one version of the Java compiler vs. another. Instead, you should set this to specify the version of Java supported by your &javac; compiler. The default is <literal>1.4</literal>. </para> <para> This is sometimes necessary because Java 1.5 changed the file names that are created for nested anonymous inner classes, which can cause a mismatch with the files that &SCons; expects will be generated by the &javac; compiler. Setting &cv-JAVAVERSION; to <literal>1.5</literal> (or <literal>1.6</literal>, as appropriate) can make &SCons; realize that a Java 1.5 or 1.6 build is actually up to date. </para> </summary> </cvar> </sconsdoc>