<!-- __COPYRIGHT__ This file is processed by the bin/SConsDoc.py module. See its __doc__ string for a discussion of the format. --> <tool name="midl"> <summary> Sets construction variables for the Microsoft IDL compiler. </summary> <sets> MIDL MIDLFLAGS MIDLCOM </sets> <uses> MIDLCOMSTR </uses> </tool> <builder name="TypeLibrary"> <summary> Builds a Windows type library (<filename>.tlb</filename>) file from an input IDL file (<filename>.idl</filename>). In addition, it will build the associated inteface stub and proxy source files, naming them according to the base name of the <filename>.idl</filename> file. For example, <example> env.TypeLibrary(source="foo.idl") </example> Will create <filename>foo.tlb</filename>, <filename>foo.h</filename>, <filename>foo_i.c</filename>, <filename>foo_p.c</filename> and <filename>foo_data.c</filename> files. </summary> </builder> <cvar name="MIDL"> <summary> The Microsoft IDL compiler. </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="MIDLCOM"> <summary> The command line used to pass files to the Microsoft IDL compiler. </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="MIDLCOMSTR"> <summary> The string displayed when the Microsoft IDL copmiler is called. If this is not set, then &cv-link-MIDLCOM; (the command line) is displayed. </summary> </cvar> <cvar name="MIDLFLAGS"> <summary> General options passed to the Microsoft IDL compiler. </summary> </cvar>