XXX Builds a Microsoft Visual Studio project file, and by default builds a solution file as well. This builds a Visual Studio project file, based on the version of Visual Studio that is configured (either the latest installed version, or the version specified by &cv-MSVS_VERSION; in the Environment constructor). For Visual Studio 6, it will generate a .dsp file. For Visual Studio 7 (.NET), it will generate a .dsp file. By default, this also generates a solution file for the specified project, a .dsw file for Visual Studio 6 or a .sln file for Visual Studio 7 (.NET). This behavior may be disabled by specifying auto_build_solution=0 when you call &b-MSVSProject;, in which case you presumably want to build the solution file(s) by calling the &b-MSVSSolution; Builder (see below). It takes several lists of filenames to be placed into the project file. These are currently these are limited to srcs, incs, localincs, resources, and misc. These are pretty self-explanatory, but it should be noted that these lists are added to the &cv-SOURCES; construction variable as strings, NOT as SCons File Nodes. This is because they represent file names to be added to the project file, not the source files used to build the project file. In addition to the above lists of values (which are all optional, although not specifying any of them results in an empty project file), the following values may be specified: target: The name of the target .dsp or .vcproj file. The correct suffix for the version of Visual Studio must be used, but the &cv-MSVSPROJECTSUFFIX; construction variable will be defined to the correct value (see example below). variant: The name of this particular variant. For Visual Studio 7 projects, this can also be a list of variant names. These are typically things like "Debug" or "Release", but really can be anything you want. For Visual Studio 7 projects, they may also specify a target platform separated from the variant name by a | (vertical pipe) character: Debug|Xbox. The default target platform is Win32. Multiple calls to &b-MSVSProject; with different variants are allowed; all variants will be added to the project file with their appropriate build targets and sources. buildtarget: An optional string, node, or list of strings or nodes (one per build variant), to tell the Visual Studio debugger what output target to use in what build variant. The number of buildtarget entries must match the number of variant entries. Example usage: barsrcs = ['bar.cpp'], barincs = ['bar.h'], barlocalincs = ['StdAfx.h'] barresources = ['bar.rc','resource.h'] barmisc = ['bar_readme.txt'] dll = local.SharedLibrary(target = 'bar.dll', source = barsrcs) local.MSVSProject(target = 'Bar' + env['MSVSPROJECTSUFFIX'], srcs = barsrcs, incs = barincs, localincs = barlocalincs, resources = barresources, misc = barmisc, buildtarget = dll, variant = 'Release') Builds a Microsoft Visual Studio solution file. This builds a Visual Studio solution file, based on the version of Visual Studio that is configured (either the latest installed version, or the version specified by &cv-MSVS_VERSION; in the construction environment). For Visual Studio 6, it will generate a dsw file. For Visual Studio 7 (.NET), it will generate a sln file. The following values must be specified: target: The name of the target .dsw or .sln file. The correct suffix for the version of Visual Studio must be used, but the value &cv-MSVSSOLUTIONSUFFIX; will be defined to the correct value (see example below). variant: The name of this particular variant, or a list of variant names (the latter is only supported for MSVS 7 solutions). These are typically things like "Debug" or "Release", but really can be anything you want. For MSVS 7 they may also specify target platform, like this "Debug|Xbox". Default platform is Win32. projects: A list of project file names, or Project nodes returned by calls to the &b-MSVSProject; Builder, to be placed into the solution file. (NOTE: Currently only one project is supported per solution.) It should be noted that these file names are NOT added to the $SOURCES environment variable in form of files, but rather as strings. This is because they represent file names to be added to the solution file, not the source files used to build the solution file. Example Usage: local.MSVSSolution(target = 'Bar' + env['MSVSSOLUTIONSUFFIX'], projects = ['bar' + env['MSVSPROJECTSUFFIX']], variant = 'Release') When the Microsoft Visual Studio tools are initialized, they set up this dictionary with the following keys: VERSION the version of MSVS being used (can be set via MSVS_VERSION) VERSIONS the available versions of MSVS installed VCINSTALLDIR installed directory of Visual C++ VSINSTALLDIR installed directory of Visual Studio FRAMEWORKDIR installed directory of the .NET framework FRAMEWORKVERSIONS list of installed versions of the .NET framework, sorted latest to oldest. FRAMEWORKVERSION latest installed version of the .NET framework FRAMEWORKSDKDIR installed location of the .NET SDK. PLATFORMSDKDIR installed location of the Platform SDK. PLATFORMSDK_MODULES dictionary of installed Platform SDK modules, where the dictionary keys are keywords for the various modules, and the values are 2-tuples where the first is the release date, and the second is the version number. If a value isn't set, it wasn't available in the registry. Tells the MS Visual Studio tools to use minimal INCLUDE, LIB, and PATH settings, instead of the settings from the IDE. For Visual Studio, SCons will (by default) automatically determine where MSVS is installed, and use the LIB, INCLUDE, and PATH variables set by the IDE. You can override this behavior by setting these variables after Environment initialization, or by setting MSVS_IGNORE_IDE_PATHS = 1 in the Environment initialization. Specifying this will not leave these unset, but will set them to a minimal set of paths needed to run the tools successfully. For VS6, the mininimal set is: INCLUDE:'VSDir\VC98\ATL\include;VSDir\VC98\MFC\include;VSDir\VC98\include' LIB:'VSDir\VC98\MFC\lib;VSDir\VC98\lib' PATH:'VSDir\Common\MSDev98\bin;VSDir\VC98\bin' For VS7, it is: INCLUDE:'VSDir\Vc7\atlmfc\include;VSDir\Vc7\include' LIB:'VSDir\Vc7\atlmfc\lib;VSDir\Vc7\lib' PATH:'VSDir\Common7\Tools\bin;VSDir\Common7\Tools;VSDir\Vc7\bin' Where 'VSDir' is the installed location of Visual Studio. The string placed in a generated Microsoft Visual Studio solution file as the value of the SccProjectFilePathRelativizedFromConnection0 and SccProjectFilePathRelativizedFromConnection1 attributes of the GlobalSection(SourceCodeControl) section. There is no default value. The string placed in a generated Microsoft Visual Studio project file as the value of the ProjectGUID attribute. The string is also placed in the SolutionUniqueID attribute of the GlobalSection(SourceCodeControl) section of the Microsoft Visual Studio solution file. There is no default value. The path name placed in a generated Microsoft Visual Studio project file as the value of the SccAuxPath attribute if the MSVS_SCC_PROVIDER construction variable is also set. There is no default value. The path name placed in a generated Microsoft Visual Studio project file as the value of the SccLocalPath attribute if the MSVS_SCC_PROVIDER construction variable is also set. The path name is also placed in the SccLocalPath0 and SccLocalPath1 attributes of the GlobalSection(SourceCodeControl) section of the Microsoft Visual Studio solution file. There is no default value. The project name placed in a generated Microsoft Visual Studio project file as the value of the SccProjectName attribute. There is no default value. The string placed in a generated Microsoft Visual Studio project file as the value of the SccProvider attribute. The string is also placed in the SccProvider1 attribute of the GlobalSection(SourceCodeControl) section of the Microsoft Visual Studio solution file. There is no default value. Tells the MS Visual Studio tool(s) to use the MFC directories in its default paths for compiling and linking. Under MSVS version 6, setting MSVS_USE_MFC_DIRS to a non-zero value adds the ATL\include and MFC\include directories to the default INCLUDE external environment variable, and adds the MFC\lib directory to the default LIB external environment variable. Under MSVS version 7, setting MSVS_USE_MFC_DIRS to a non-zero value adds the atlmfc\include directory to the default INCLUDE external environment variable, and adds the atlmfc\lib directory to the default LIB external environment variable. The current default value is 1 which means these directories are added to the paths by default. This default value is likely to change in a future release, so users who want the ATL and MFC values included in their paths are encouraged to enable the MSVS_USE_MFC_DIRS value explicitly to avoid future incompatibility. This variable has no effect if the INCLUDE or LIB environment variables are set explictly. Sets the preferred version of MSVS to use. SCons will (by default) select the latest version of MSVS installed on your machine. So, if you have version 6 and version 7 (MSVS .NET) installed, it will prefer version 7. You can override this by specifying the MSVS_VERSION variable in the Environment initialization, setting it to the appropriate version ('6.0' or '7.0', for example). If the given version isn't installed, tool initialization will fail. The build command line placed in a generated Microsoft Visual Studio project file. The default is to have Visual Studio invoke SCons with any specified build targets. The clean command line placed in a generated Microsoft Visual Studio project file. The default is to have Visual Studio invoke SCons with the -c option to remove any specified targets. The encoding string placed in a generated Microsoft Visual Studio project file. The default is encoding Windows-1252. The action used to generate Microsoft Visual Studio project files. The suffix used for Microsoft Visual Studio project (DSP) files. The default value is .vcproj when using Visual Studio version 7.x (.NET), and .dsp when using earlier versions of Visual Studio. The rebuild command line placed in a generated Microsoft Visual Studio project file. The default is to have Visual Studio invoke SCons with any specified rebuild targets. The SCons used in generated Microsoft Visual Studio project files. The default is the version of SCons being used to generate the project file. The SCons flags used in generated Microsoft Visual Studio project files. The default SCons command used in generated Microsoft Visual Studio project files. The sconscript file (that is, &SConstruct; or &SConscript; file) that will be invoked by Visual Studio project files (through the &cv-MSVSSCONSCOM; variable). The default is the same sconscript file that contains the call to &b-MSVSProject; to build the project file. The action used to generate Microsoft Visual Studio solution files. The suffix used for Microsoft Visual Studio solution (DSW) files. The default value is .sln when using Visual Studio version 7.x (.NET), and .dsw when using earlier versions of Visual Studio. The (optional) path to the SCons library directory, initialized from the external environment. If set, this is used to construct a shorter and more efficient search path in the &cv-MSVSSCONS; command line executed from Microsoft Visual Studio project files.