"""SCons.Tool.Packaging.rpm The rpm packager. """ # # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" import os import SCons.Builder import SCons.Tool.rpmutils from SCons.Environment import OverrideEnvironment from SCons.Tool.packaging import stripinstallbuilder, src_targz from SCons.Errors import UserError def package(env, target, source, PACKAGEROOT, NAME, VERSION, PACKAGEVERSION, DESCRIPTION, SUMMARY, X_RPM_GROUP, LICENSE, **kw): # initialize the rpm tool SCons.Tool.Tool('rpm').generate(env) bld = env['BUILDERS']['Rpm'] # Generate a UserError whenever the target name has been set explicitly, # since rpm does not allow for controlling it. This is detected by # checking if the target has been set to the default by the Package() # Environment function. if str(target[0])!="%s-%s"%(NAME, VERSION): raise UserError( "Setting target is not supported for rpm." ) else: # Deduce the build architecture, but allow it to be overridden # by setting ARCHITECTURE in the construction env. buildarchitecture = SCons.Tool.rpmutils.defaultMachine() if 'ARCHITECTURE' in kw: buildarchitecture = kw['ARCHITECTURE'] fmt = '%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm' srcrpm = fmt % (NAME, VERSION, PACKAGEVERSION, 'src') binrpm = fmt % (NAME, VERSION, PACKAGEVERSION, buildarchitecture) target = [ srcrpm, binrpm ] # get the correct arguments into the kw hash loc=locals() del loc['kw'] kw.update(loc) del kw['source'], kw['target'], kw['env'] # if no "SOURCE_URL" tag is given add a default one. if 'SOURCE_URL' not in kw: kw['SOURCE_URL']=(str(target[0])+".tar.gz").replace('.rpm', '') # mangle the source and target list for the rpmbuild env = OverrideEnvironment(env, kw) target, source = stripinstallbuilder(target, source, env) target, source = addspecfile(target, source, env) target, source = collectintargz(target, source, env) # now call the rpm builder to actually build the packet. return bld(env, target, source, **kw) def collectintargz(target, source, env): """ Puts all source files into a tar.gz file. """ # the rpm tool depends on a source package, until this is changed # this hack needs to be here that tries to pack all sources in. sources = env.FindSourceFiles() # filter out the target we are building the source list for. sources = [s for s in sources if s not in target] # find the .spec file for rpm and add it since it is not necessarily found # by the FindSourceFiles function. sources.extend( [s for s in source if str(s).rfind('.spec')!=-1] ) # sort to keep sources from changing order across builds sources.sort() # as the source contains the url of the source package this rpm package # is built from, we extract the target name tarball = (str(target[0])+".tar.gz").replace('.rpm', '') try: tarball = env['SOURCE_URL'].split('/')[-1] except KeyError as e: raise SCons.Errors.UserError( "Missing PackageTag '%s' for RPM packager" % e.args[0] ) tarball = src_targz.package(env, source=sources, target=tarball, PACKAGEROOT=env['PACKAGEROOT'], ) return (target, tarball) def addspecfile(target, source, env): specfile = "%s-%s" % (env['NAME'], env['VERSION']) bld = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = build_specfile, suffix = '.spec', target_factory = SCons.Node.FS.File) source.extend(bld(env, specfile, source)) return (target,source) def build_specfile(target, source, env): """ Builds a RPM specfile from a dictionary with string metadata and by analyzing a tree of nodes. """ with open(target[0].get_abspath(), 'w') as ofp: try: ofp.write(build_specfile_header(env)) ofp.write(build_specfile_sections(env)) ofp.write(build_specfile_filesection(env, source)) # call a user specified function if 'CHANGE_SPECFILE' in env: env['CHANGE_SPECFILE'](target, source) except KeyError as e: raise SCons.Errors.UserError('"%s" package field for RPM is missing.' % e.args[0]) # # mandatory and optional package tag section # def build_specfile_sections(spec): """ Builds the sections of a rpm specfile. """ str = "" mandatory_sections = { 'DESCRIPTION' : '\n%%description\n%s\n\n', } str = str + SimpleTagCompiler(mandatory_sections).compile( spec ) optional_sections = { 'DESCRIPTION_' : '%%description -l %s\n%s\n\n', 'CHANGELOG' : '%%changelog\n%s\n\n', 'X_RPM_PREINSTALL' : '%%pre\n%s\n\n', 'X_RPM_POSTINSTALL' : '%%post\n%s\n\n', 'X_RPM_PREUNINSTALL' : '%%preun\n%s\n\n', 'X_RPM_POSTUNINSTALL' : '%%postun\n%s\n\n', 'X_RPM_VERIFY' : '%%verify\n%s\n\n', # These are for internal use but could possibly be overridden 'X_RPM_PREP' : '%%prep\n%s\n\n', 'X_RPM_BUILD' : '%%build\n%s\n\n', 'X_RPM_INSTALL' : '%%install\n%s\n\n', 'X_RPM_CLEAN' : '%%clean\n%s\n\n', } # Default prep, build, install and clean rules # TODO: optimize those build steps, to not compile the project a second time if 'X_RPM_PREP' not in spec: spec['X_RPM_PREP'] = '[ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"' + '\n%setup -q' if 'X_RPM_BUILD' not in spec: spec['X_RPM_BUILD'] = '[ ! -e "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && mkdir "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"' if 'X_RPM_INSTALL' not in spec: spec['X_RPM_INSTALL'] = 'scons --install-sandbox="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"' if 'X_RPM_CLEAN' not in spec: spec['X_RPM_CLEAN'] = '[ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"' str = str + SimpleTagCompiler(optional_sections, mandatory=0).compile( spec ) return str def build_specfile_header(spec): """ Builds all sections but the %file of a rpm specfile """ str = "" # first the mandatory sections mandatory_header_fields = { 'NAME' : '%%define name %s\nName: %%{name}\n', 'VERSION' : '%%define version %s\nVersion: %%{version}\n', 'PACKAGEVERSION' : '%%define release %s\nRelease: %%{release}\n', 'X_RPM_GROUP' : 'Group: %s\n', 'SUMMARY' : 'Summary: %s\n', 'LICENSE' : 'License: %s\n', } str = str + SimpleTagCompiler(mandatory_header_fields).compile( spec ) # now the optional tags optional_header_fields = { 'VENDOR' : 'Vendor: %s\n', 'X_RPM_URL' : 'Url: %s\n', 'SOURCE_URL' : 'Source: %s\n', 'SUMMARY_' : 'Summary(%s): %s\n', 'ARCHITECTURE' : 'BuildArch: %s\n', 'X_RPM_DISTRIBUTION' : 'Distribution: %s\n', 'X_RPM_ICON' : 'Icon: %s\n', 'X_RPM_PACKAGER' : 'Packager: %s\n', 'X_RPM_GROUP_' : 'Group(%s): %s\n', 'X_RPM_REQUIRES' : 'Requires: %s\n', 'X_RPM_PROVIDES' : 'Provides: %s\n', 'X_RPM_CONFLICTS' : 'Conflicts: %s\n', 'X_RPM_BUILDREQUIRES' : 'BuildRequires: %s\n', 'X_RPM_SERIAL' : 'Serial: %s\n', 'X_RPM_EPOCH' : 'Epoch: %s\n', 'X_RPM_AUTOREQPROV' : 'AutoReqProv: %s\n', 'X_RPM_EXCLUDEARCH' : 'ExcludeArch: %s\n', 'X_RPM_EXCLUSIVEARCH' : 'ExclusiveArch: %s\n', 'X_RPM_PREFIX' : 'Prefix: %s\n', # internal use 'X_RPM_BUILDROOT' : 'BuildRoot: %s\n', } # fill in default values: # Adding a BuildRequires renders the .rpm unbuildable under systems which # are not managed by rpm, since the database to resolve this dependency is # missing (take Gentoo as an example) #if 'X_RPM_BUILDREQUIRES' not in spec: # spec['X_RPM_BUILDREQUIRES'] = 'scons' if 'X_RPM_BUILDROOT' not in spec: spec['X_RPM_BUILDROOT'] = '%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}' str = str + SimpleTagCompiler(optional_header_fields, mandatory=0).compile( spec ) # Add any extra specfile definitions the user may have supplied. # These flags get no processing, they are just added. # github #3164: if we don't turn off debug package generation # the tests which build packages all fail. If there are no # extra flags, default to adding this one. If the user wants # to turn this back on, supply the flag set to None. if 'X_RPM_EXTRADEFS' not in spec: spec['X_RPM_EXTRADEFS'] = ['%global debug_package %{nil}'] for extra in spec['X_RPM_EXTRADEFS']: str += extra + '\n' return str # # mandatory and optional file tags # def build_specfile_filesection(spec, files): """ builds the %file section of the specfile """ str = '%files\n' if 'X_RPM_DEFATTR' not in spec: spec['X_RPM_DEFATTR'] = '(-,root,root)' str = str + '%%defattr %s\n' % spec['X_RPM_DEFATTR'] supported_tags = { 'PACKAGING_CONFIG' : '%%config %s', 'PACKAGING_CONFIG_NOREPLACE' : '%%config(noreplace) %s', 'PACKAGING_DOC' : '%%doc %s', 'PACKAGING_UNIX_ATTR' : '%%attr %s', 'PACKAGING_LANG_' : '%%lang(%s) %s', 'PACKAGING_X_RPM_VERIFY' : '%%verify %s', 'PACKAGING_X_RPM_DIR' : '%%dir %s', 'PACKAGING_X_RPM_DOCDIR' : '%%docdir %s', 'PACKAGING_X_RPM_GHOST' : '%%ghost %s', } for file in files: # build the tagset tags = {} for k in list(supported_tags.keys()): try: v = file.GetTag(k) if v: tags[k] = v except AttributeError: pass # compile the tagset str = str + SimpleTagCompiler(supported_tags, mandatory=0).compile( tags ) str = str + ' ' str = str + file.GetTag('PACKAGING_INSTALL_LOCATION') str = str + '\n\n' return str class SimpleTagCompiler(object): """ This class is a simple string substition utility: the replacement specfication is stored in the tagset dictionary, something like: { "abc" : "cdef %s ", "abc_" : "cdef %s %s" } the compile function gets a value dictionary, which may look like: { "abc" : "ghij", "abc_gh" : "ij" } The resulting string will be: "cdef ghij cdef gh ij" """ def __init__(self, tagset, mandatory=1): self.tagset = tagset self.mandatory = mandatory def compile(self, values): """ Compiles the tagset and returns a str containing the result """ def is_international(tag): return tag.endswith('_') def get_country_code(tag): return tag[-2:] def strip_country_code(tag): return tag[:-2] replacements = list(self.tagset.items()) str = "" domestic = [t for t in replacements if not is_international(t[0])] for key, replacement in domestic: try: str = str + replacement % values[key] except KeyError as e: if self.mandatory: raise e international = [t for t in replacements if is_international(t[0])] for key, replacement in international: try: x = [t for t in values.items() if strip_country_code(t[0]) == key] int_values_for_key = [(get_country_code(t[0]),t[1]) for t in x] for v in int_values_for_key: str = str + replacement % v except KeyError as e: if self.mandatory: raise e return str # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: